Extracurricular work on biology at the present stage. Types of extracurricular activities in biology

Extracurricular work on biology at the present stage. Types of extracurricular activities in biology

Extracurricular work on biology

Consider the unfortunate that day or that hour in which you did not care anything new and did not add anything to your education. "
Ya. A. Komensky

The important task of the school is to bring up students with the conscious attitude towards work, develop the necessary practical skills and skills, the desire for independent mastering knowledge, interest in research activities, etc.

School biological disciplines are of great importance in the formation of a comprehensively developed personality. Lessons of biology, laboratory classes, practical work allow students of deep and durable knowledge about living nature, as well as form their scientific and materialistic views on nature. In the process of teaching biology, schoolchildren are raised by patriotic feelings, aesthetic tastes, the love of nature develops, the desire for its protection.

In the development of interest of students to biology, a significant place is given to extracurricular activities, which holds every teacher of biology. The peculiarity of extracurricular work is that it is based on the interests and inclinations of students. Along with this, extracurricular activities on biology give an unlimited opportunity to develop the creative activity of schoolchildren.

The development of interest is a complex process that includes intellectual, emotional and volitional elements in a certain combination and relationship. It is known that the interests of students are very diverse. They depend on the individual characteristics of the personality, as well as from the influence of external factors (schools, families, comrades, radio, television, etc.). How to awaken in the younger generation interest in living, to care about its conservation and increase? How to instill from early childhood careful attitude towards nature, to her huge and very vaporous vegetable and animal world?

This is more facilitated by non-traditional forms of training (various holidays, thematic evenings, role-playing games, quizzes, etc.), allowing to increase self-education skills, practical skills of students, expand their horizons.

The content of extracurricular work is not limited to the framework of the curriculum, and significantly go beyond its limits and is mainly determined by schoolchildren of those interests that in turn are influenced by the interests of the biology teacher. Very often, for example, teachers interested in flower growers are fond of schoolchildren with work on the study of diversity and growing ornamental plants, and teachers interested in bird biology, almost all extracurricular work subordinate ornithological themes. Extracurricular work is being implemented in its various forms.

Extrumbering work, like extracurricular, students perform outside the lesson or outside the class and school, but necessarily on the tasks of the teacher when studying any section of the biology course. The content of extracurricular work is closely related to the software material. The results of the execution of extracurricular tasks are used in the lesson of biology and are evaluated by the teacher (it sets it in the classroom). An extracurricular work is referred to, for example: observations of seed germination assigned to students when studying the topic "Seed" (grade 6); Perform the task associated with observations of the development of any insect when studying the type of arthropod (grade 7). Extracurricular works are also provided by the Summer Tasks for Biology (6 and 7 classes), as well as all the homework tasks of a practical nature. It allows students to significantly expand, realize and deepen the knowledge gained in the lessons, turn them into persistent beliefs. This is primarily due to the fact that in the process of extracurricular work, not constrained by a certain framework of lessons, there are great opportunities for the use of observation and experiment - the main methods of biological science. Conducting experiments, observations of biological phenomena, schoolchildren acquire on the basis of direct perceptions specific ideas about the subjects and phenomena of the surrounding world. In extracurricular work, individualization of learning is easily carried out and a differentiated approach is being implemented.

Extracurricular work allows you to take into account the versatile interests of schoolchildren, to significantly deepen and expand them in the right direction.

In the process of extracurricular work, performing various experiments and conducting observations, engaged in protection of plants and animals, schoolchildren enter close contact with wildlife, which has a big impact on them.

The great importance of extracurricular work on biology is due to the fact that it distracts schoolchildren from a blank pastime. Interested by biology, students of their free time dedicate observations of interesting objects and phenomena, growing plants, care for sponsored animals, reading popular science literature.

Thus, extracurricular work on biology is of great importance both in the resolution of the educational tasks of the school course of biology, and in the resolution of many common-breeding tasks facing the general education school as a whole. Therefore, it should take a prominent place in the activities of each biology teacher.

The accumulated experience of extracurricular work in the secondary school shows that it should be an independent, mainly research nature of students under the guidance of the teacher: independent experiments and observations, work with reference books, determinants, magazines, popular science literature.

In the lessons of biology, I propose to students to observe in extracurricular time at one or another, bring additional information about an animal or plant and say where you can read more about them. At the same time, in the following lessons, I always find out which of the students spent the recommended observation, read the book, made a visual allowance, etc., cheer up and, involve to another job.

Circular work can combine, such as botany, zoologists, physiologists, genetics. Of great importance in the development of interest in extracurricular work on biology are exhibitions of the best work of students. Their organization is more expedient to coincide with any biological evening (or holiday), to the final session of the circle, by the beginning of the school year.

The exhibition may contain diaries of students' observations, photographs made in nature, collections and herbaria, grown plants, etc. The exhibition can be called, for example, the "summer work of students", "the gifts of the fall", etc. The exhibits selected for the exhibition are necessary Supply labels indicating the name of the work and its performer.

"Out-of-class classes are a form of various organization of voluntary work of students outside the lesson under the leadership of the teacher to initiate and manifest them of cognitive interests and creative amateur in the expansion and addition of the school program on biology." An extracurricular form of classes opens up ample opportunities for both the pedagogical creative initiative of the teacher and for the diverse cognitive idleness of students and, most importantly, raising them. In the process of extracurricular studies, students are developing creative abilities, initiative, observation and independence, acquire labor skills and skills, develop intellectual, mental abilities, develop perseverance and hard work, deepen knowledge of plants and animals, develop interest in environment, learn to apply the knowledge gained on Practice, they have a natural-scientific worldview. Also extracurricular forms of classes contribute to the development of initiative and collectivism.

In all types of extracurricular work, a single principle of raising learning is carried out, implemented in the system and development. All kinds of extracurricular activities are related to each other and complement each other. With extracurricular activities, direct and feedback is carried out with a lesson. Types of extracurricular work allow students from individual work to work in the team, and the latter acquires public focus, which is of great importance for education.

Extracurricular classes conducted in the system of the entire teaching process are developing multilateral interests of students, independence in work, practical skills, their worldview and thinking. Forms of such classes are very diverse, but in the content and methods of implementation they are associated with the lesson; At the lesson, students arise interest, which finds its satisfaction in one form or another form of extracurricular activities and again receives development and consolidation in the lesson.

The interests of students are often extremely narrow, limited collecting, amateur attitudes for individual animals. The task of the teacher is to expand the interests of students, bring up an educated person who loving science who knows how to explore nature. When conducting experiments and long-term observations of nature phenomena, schoolchildren are formed by specific ideas about their material reality. The observation by themselves, for example, for the development of the plant or the development of butterflies (for example, cells of cabbage), leaves a very deep mark and strong emotional impressions in their consciousness.

MBOU "Basic Secondary School №15"

Extracurricular activities on biology

for students 7-8 classes

"Health is great!"

Biology teacher

Korotina Svetlana Nikolaevna

g. Stary Oskol

2013-2014 academic year

Purpose: Formation of the value attitude of students to their health. Tasks:- expand the representation of students about a healthy lifestyle; Promoting the formation of a positive attitude to health as the greatest value; - Modeling the life prospect from the standpoint of value attitude towards health.

Structure occupation

    Conversation "What is health? "
The theme of our class hour "Health is great." Since ancient times, people who wished each other's health at the meeting: "Hello", "Good Health!". And it is not by chance. After all, even in ancient Russia, they said: "Health is more expensive than wealth," "Health will not buy", "God gave health, and happiness - find." Indeed, health is necessary for everyone. And what's the point in the concept of "health" invest you? ( Judgments of students). Thanks for the interesting definitions, it felt that the health problem is in the field of your attention. Every adult man tells you that health is the greatest value, but for some reason, the modern youth among the main values \u200b\u200bcalls money, career, love, fame, and health puts on 7-8 place. It has long been established that for health it is necessary to follow from childhood. Let's spend a little testing of your health, you are offered a list of statements, each of which requires the answer "Yes" or "no". This information will be useful, first of all, you.

Test "Your Health".

1. I often have a bad appetite. 2. After a few hours of work, my head begins to hurt. 3. It often looks tired and depressed, sometimes irritated and sullen. 4. Periodically, I have serious illnesses when I have to stay at home for several days. 5. I almost do not engage in sports. 6. Recently, I slid somewhat in weight. 7. I often have a head. 8. Currently I smoke. 9. As a child, I suffered several serious diseases. 10. I am bad sleep and unpleasant feelings in the morning after awakening. For each answer "yes", put on my 1 point and calculate the amount.Results.1-2 points. Despite some signs of worsening health, you are in good shape. In no case do not leave efforts to preserve your well-being. 3-6 points. Your attitude to your health is difficult to call normal, it is already felt that you upset it quite thoroughly. 7-10 points. How did you manage to bring ourselves to such an extent? Surprisingly, you are still able to walk and work. You immediately need to change your habits, otherwise ... Drawing up the scheme« Healthy lifestyle" Now let's think about your lifestyle and make a "healthy lifestyle" scheme. So that wise life is to live, it's necessary to know quite a few. Why are the main rules of remember to begin with: you're better than hunger than what it fell, and it's better to be alone than with whom.
- What makes a healthy lifestyle? (Students express their opinion) 1. Healthy nutrition; 2. Day of the day; 3. Active activities and active rest; 4. No bad habits. So, what is healthy nutrition and what is they eating with? (Speeches of students ). The word is provided with a creative group of students. "Healthy food". 1. Proper nutrition - the basis of a healthy image . With healthy diet, the incidence is reduced, the psychological state is improved, the mood rises, and the most important thing is to increase efficiency and interest in learning activities.After a big change in the garbage bucket lies with empty bottles from under the lemonade, let's talk a little about what do we drink? The soda contains an acid that corps the dental enamel and contributes to the appearance of caries. For example, in apple juice, the acid contains many times more. The only difference is that it is natural, although he energizes the enamel of the teeth, but does not wash out calcium, as it does orthophosphoric acid (E338). Most often it is it used in the gas. Also soda contain carbon dioxidewhich excites gastric secretion, increases the acidity and contributes to the meteorism. Well, of course caffeine. If you abuse your drink, you can get caffeine addiction or intoxication. Her signs are anxiety, excitement, insomnia, gastric pains, cramps, tachycardia. In some doses, caffeine may be fatal. Perhaps the most insidious in carbonated water is tara. Aluminum banks help to spread dangerous infectious diseases. At the time of autopsy, the banks in contact with its contents are entering various types of staphylococci, as well as bacteria-detectors of salmonellosis and enterocolitis, the liquid is bottled along the lid and, together with all bacteria, it turns out inside us. To reduce harm from any soda, it is necessary to follow simple rules: 1. Drink it cold. The destruction of the enamel of the teeth depends on the temperature of the drink. In America, the sodes drink more than in Europe, but it is always served with ice, and the damage to the teeth from American children is less. 2. Drink through the tube to avoid contact with the can. 3. Limit one glass 1-2 times a week. 4. Discard the soda, if you suffer obesity, diabetes, gastritis, ulcer. Now let's talk about the misfortune of our class, it is everlable bags from chips and crackers and in fairly large quantities, so it is impossible not to focus on c.then we eat? The taste qualities of chips and crackers are achieved through the use of various flavors (the truth is the manufacturers for some reason they call them spices). There are also chips without tastes, i.e. With your natural taste, but according to statistics, most of our compatriots with you prefer, there are chips with additives: cheese, bacon, mushrooms, caviar. Is it worth saying today that in fact there is no caviar - her taste and smell gave chips with the help of flavors. Most of all hope that the taste and smell is obtained without the use of synthetic additives, if the chips smell onion or garlic. Although still the chances are small. Most often, the taste of the chips is artificial. Known codes of food additives, which can be given the following characteristics by exposure to the human body:
Prohibited - E103, E105, E111, E111, E111, E130, E152, E130, E152.
Dangerous - E102, E110, E120, E124, E1207.
Suspicious - E104, E150, E141, E150, E171, E173, E180, E241, E477.
Cracking - E131, E210-217, E240, E330.
Causes of intestinal disorder - E221-226.
Harmful to the skin - E230-232, E239.
Disruption of pressure - E250, E251.
The provoking appearance of the rash - E311, E312.
Raising cholesterol - E320, E321.
Causes of the stomach - E338-341, E407, E450, E461-466
We talked with you about the wrong nutrition, and now we call products that are useful to eat to stay healthy: fruits, vegetables, fish, legumes. Now I will call the useful quality of the product, and you guess what they belong.

Salad, dill, parsley.

Greens is a good infarction prevention, improves water balance, has a beneficial effect at Malokrovia, Avitaminosis.Celery.The ancient Greeks and the Romans did not work out without him on weekdays or on holidays. High food and healing advantages of this plant determine more than forty taste, vitamin and biologically active substances. Studies of American scientists have shown that the roots of this plant are the perfect means to reduce blood pressure.


The use of this vegetable is very useful for sight and for the prevention of cancer.


This vegetable improves cholesterol and is a strong anti-allergen.


And this vegetable improves the intestinal operation, reduces blood pressure. The presence of iodine in this root makes it valuable to prevent the disease of the thyroid gland and strengthening immunity. Provides organism by phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium and chlorine.


This vegetable is small-caloriene, but there is a lot of folic acid in it, which means that it accelerates the output of cholesterol, excess water and cooking salt, enhances insulin's ability to reduce the level of sugar and contributes to the process of formation of erythrocytes in the blood.


Possess a common action. Good for kidneys, cardiovascular system. Metabolism.


Increase the strength of capillary vessels, they have an anticerotic effect, contributes to the removal of water and cook salt from the body.

Cherry, Cherry

Locular fruits, useful at small-class.


Improves digestion in atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Black currant

Rich in vitamin S.

2. The word is provided with a creative group of students. " Daily regime" If you are striving to perform the routine - you will be better to learn, you will be better to rest. Sleep Very positive effect on the human body. A lot of controversy around at how much to sleep a man? It used to be argued that the child was 10-12 hours, a teenager - 9-10 hours, an adult - 8 hours. Now many come to the belief that it is all individually, some need more, some less. But the main thing - a person should not feel fatigue after sleep and be cheerful all day. I start the proverb, and you finish.


1. From a good sleep ... youtelling 2. Sleep - the best ... Medicine 3. Sleep up - ... Pretched 4. I slept - as if ... Born
Many of us do not know how to perform the routine of the day, do not shit time, in vain spend not only minutes, but also whole hours. 3. Creative group of students "Active activities and active rest." Alternation of labor and recreation is necessary. Statistics: a sedentary lifestyle is one of the leading 10th causes of death and disability around the world. The deficit of physical activity is the cause of 2 million deaths per year. Less than 30% of young people lead an active lifestyle, sufficient to keep their health in the future. Increases life expectancy. It has been established that persons engaged in sports 5 times a week live for 4 years longer than those who appeal to the sport episodically. Only walking, running, bike, skiing, skates, swimming are able to bring your life in motion, and where traffic is Health. four. Creative Group "Bad habits". What habits do we call harmful?


From the history

Tobacco smoking arose in ancient times. Looking around on the shores of America, Columbus and his companions saw the natives who kept the bunch of smoking herb in the mouth. In France, Tobacco got from Spain, he was brought by Ambassador Jean Niko as a gift from Queen Ekaterina Medici. From the Surname "Niko" the word "Nicotine" occurred. For example, smoking in many countries was punished, for example, in China, the student seen in smoking expects an expective punishment - training at the exercise bike. At the end of the XVI century, in England, they were executed in England for smoking, and the heads of executed with a tube in the mouth put on the square. In Turkey, smokers were planted on count. In the reign of Mikhail Romanov, the death penalty was relying for smoking. All who had tobacco found, "to torture and beat on the goat whip, until he finds where he got ...". ALCOHOLISM - a chronic disease due to systematic drinking alcohol. Manifested by physical and mental dependence on alcohol, mental and social degradation, pathology of internal organs, metabolism, central and peripheral nervous system. Often there are alcoholic psychosis.


According to the international adopted definition, drug addiction is a violation of the psyche, which consists in a strong desire to adopt a certain substance (or substance from a certain group) to the detriment of other activities and stubborn continuation of the use of the substance despite the detrimental consequences. Synonym for the term drug addiction is the concept of "dependence" . A drug group in the narrow sense of the word is the so-called opiates - substances that are produced from poppy: morphine, codeine, heroin. Speaking about drug addiction, we mean substances forming a mental dependence on their consumption. Thus, at present, the term "narcotic substance" (drug) is applied in relation to those poisons or substances that are able to cause a sleeping pills, analyzing or an exciting effect. According to the international adopted definition, drug addiction is a violation of the psyche, which consists in a strong desire to adopt a certain substance (or substance from a certain group) to the detriment of other activities and stubborn continuation of the use of the substance despite the detrimental consequences. The synonym for the term addiction is the concept of "dependence" .4 . Final word Guys, today we talked about the fact that health is the greatest value for a person. I feel:
    - Never sick; -eat right; - Breaky; - Eating good deeds.

Lecture extracurricular, extracurricular and out-of-school work on biology.

Today we need to deal with these three concepts. What they differ in which types of work are. Let's turn together with you together.

Extracurricular work is a form of student organization to perform outside lesson required, related to the study of the course Practical works on the individual and group tasks of the teacher. Extracurricular work is obligatory for all students, she asks, and the main thing later checks the teacher. The organization of this kind of work is dictated by the need for long-term observations of nature objects. It happens that in order to see the results of the experiments, they need to lay out a few days before the lesson. The teacher provides a timely task of students. Examples of such experiments:


- germination of pea seeds - 2 days

- germination of wheat grain - 4-5 days

- germination of pumpkin seed - 5-6 days

- the formation of starch in a sheet in the process of photosynthesis - 2-3 days

- Water movement with mineral salts by stalk - 3 days

- Development of roots at the stem cutlets of the tradescania - 5-7 days

- Development of roots on a leaf of Begonias - 2 months

- Growing a seedlings of MCH from disputes - 15-20 days

- Tallon Taloma Lichen on Algae and Mushroom - 7 days

According to Zoology

- Various phases of development (metamorphosis of beetles - flour Khushchka)

- development of fruit flies drosophila

- reproduction of aquarium fish

- Pet Behavior (Cats, Dogs, Parrots)

- Behavior spiders

- Development of reflexes in birds (on the example of winter denunciations of Sinitz and Sparrow)

Such observations can be carried out in a lively corner, at home or in nature. Sometimes tasks must be transferred to the spring-summer period, then they must be accompanied by a clear instruction. Students must keep their records in the diary.

Extracurricular work is of great importance:

- develops independence

- instills interest in biological objects and phenomena of nature

- Schoolchildren seize research skills

- develops accuracy and hard work

The teacher has the ability to enrich the biology cabinet with various objects by giving students individual tasks for the summer. But summer tasks should not be only a collection of any biological material. Students must have a task and comprehend its execution. The teacher explains that it is necessary to strive for the quality of the assembled material, and not to its quantity. It is necessary to properly prepare (fix or sushield the object).

In a modern program, biology lessons are given only one hour per week, but there are schoolchildren who are fond of biology. And their interests are much wider than software. Support such interest, consolidate and develop it - the task of the teacher. As part of training sessions, it is difficult to do this, therefore extracurricular naturalistic and environmental work is carried out, which is voluntary.

Extracurricular activities There is a form of various organization of voluntary work of students outside the lesson under the guidance of the teacher to initiate and manifest them of cognitive interests and creative amateur in the expansion and addition of the school biology program.

What do you think there should be extracurricular biology classes?

The use of assignments related to the conduct of observations and experiments in extracurricular work contributes to the development of research skills. At the same time, it is necessary to orient children to a clear design of the stroke of observations and their results.

Properly organized extracurricular work does not overload schoolchildren. However, it is necessary to warn teacher from an error in organizing extracurricular activities like school lessons and other mandatory classes, from the transformation of extracurricular work in peculiar additional biology lessons. Extracurricular classes should cause naturalistic interest among schoolchildren, intensify their creative abilities and at the same time contribute to their rest. therefore extracurricular work should be diverse, versatile and not duplicate learning activities at school.

A significant place in extracurricular work is given to work: the manufacture of collections, herbarium, crafts from natural material, etc., which has a large educational value.She introduces schoolchildren to various mortgage work: the preparation of the soil for the formulation of experiments and observations of plants, the care of them, planting trees and shrubs. The harvesting feed for feeding birds, the care of the crown animals, which, in turn, brings them up with them a sense of responsibility for the entrusted matter, the ability to bring the work started to the end, promotes the development of a sense of collectivism.

The great importance of extracurricular work on biology is due to the fact that she distracts schoolchildren from a blank pastime. Interested by biology, students of their free time dedicate observations of interesting objects and phenomena, growing plants, care for sponsored animals, reading popular science literature.

Extracurricular classes can be classified according to various principles:

ü, taking into account the number of participants in extracurricular work, individual, group and massive (frontal) types of extracurricular activities are distinguished (Table 5);

ü on the implementation of classes in the temporary framework - episodic (evenings, hiking, competitions, conferences) and permanent (circles, electives, society);

Table 5. Extracurricular biology classes

Organization of classes

Types of classes

Group classes

Circle work.


Hiking in nature.



Watching movies.

Participation in the Olympics.

Excursions and trips to nature.

Scientific evenings, conferences.

Exhibitions of students.

School-wide campaigns: "Harvest Day", "Birds Day", "Week of Biology", "Ecology Week".

Publication of magazines, wall newspaper, albums

Individual sessions

Scientific research and experiments on the topic (for example, "phenological phenomena in bird life", "Studying the pollution of the territory adjacent to school").

Preparation for Olympiads.

Extracurricular reading.

Research work in nature, in the corner of wildlife

It is important to ensure a comprehensive combination of various forms in an appropriate sequence.

Individual form Extracurricular work takes place in all schools. Trying to satisfy the requests of individual schoolboy biology, the teacher invites them to read this or that popular science book, conduct observations in nature, make a visual allowance, choose the material for the stand. Sometimes, satisfying the curiosity of individual schoolchildren, the teacher does not set any purpose any goal, does not direct this extracurricular work in a certain direction and does not even believe that he spends it. This picture is often observed from teachers who do not have sufficient experience.

Experienced teachers find out the biological interests of schoolchildren, constantly hold them in the field of their vision, set themselves the task of developing their interests to biology, choose to implement this appropriate individual classes, gradually complicating and expanding their content. Some students create their home corners of wildlife. Such students teacher gives instructions to form a house experiments. Individual extracurricular activities essentially a voluntary variety of home and extracurricular work.

The most common types of individual extracurricular work include experiments and observations of plants and animals in nature, on an educational and experienced area, in the corner of wildlife, the manufacture of artificial nesting and monitoring their settlement, self-surveillance, manufacture of visual aids, preparation of reports, essays, much Other.

In conducting individual work it is very important to record the individual characteristics of students for deepening and developing their interests in the respective directions. Extracurricular classes can also contribute to the choice of the future profession, have a direct impact on the profile orientation of school training, the choice of specialty and post-school education.

Mass episodic classes Organized on the initiative of the biology teacher and are held with the active participation of the mug of young naturalists, school student asset, school administration, subject teachers. Massive events are approved by pedagogical schools of the school.

To the mass work is attracted a large number of students - Parallel classes, the whole school. It is characterized by socially useful orientation. Usually at school spend such types of mass work as school Biological Olympiad (School Biological Olympiads We are held annually in several rounds. A week before the designated period, the announcement of its holding, a list of recommended literature and writing requirements, which are present to the Olympics).)

Biology weeks, (Biology Week at school It is a comprehensive event that combines a variety of forms of extracurricular work: evenings, conferences, tasks contests, newspapers, abstracts. Conducting a week of biology in school allows you to show how the school and extracurricular work on the subject is set at school. This is a show of achievements on the subject, as well as the propaganda of biological knowledge.)

Week of Health, Holiday "Birds Day", "Earth Day", campaigns for planting trees and shrubs, seed collection and other feed for winter feeding birds; Manufacturing and hanging bird nestings.

Episodic events may also be group. To implement such a work, the teacher selects a group of students interested in biology, entrusts them to choose a certain material, release themed wallpaper, prepare and conduct reports, feature rooms for the holiday. Usually after the completion of any mass event, the operation of the episodic group is terminated. To carry out another mass event, the teacher attracts students of the former episodic group or creates a new one.

Episodic group extracurricular work is organized and in connection with the desire of the teacher deeper to study the wildlife of their edge, for example, to carry out an inventory of wood and shrub vegetation, to find out the species composition of birds inhabiting places near the reservoirs; To study the daily activity of animals of certain species, "biological watches" of plants. The need to organize such an episodic group work usually occurs in the absence of a young naturalist mug in school.

One of the important group forms of extracurricular learning are biological circles.

Biological circle - This is an organizational center of extracurricular activities.

Principles of the organization of the Yunnat circles

Take into the circles of all wishes, including weakly speaking and not disciplined. The latter often begin to be interested in biology and behave significantly better than in the lessons. Therefore, work in the circle should be considered as a means of upbringing.

The number of students in the circle should not exceed 15 people. If you want more, then 2 groups are organized.

Working a mug should be carried out on student governance. Therefore, it is necessary to elect the asset advice for self-government: older, 3-4 link-helpers Old buildings, editorial board for the release of newspaper, bulletins, ads on the start of the mug, etc.

The leaders of the circles should be subject teachers, and in junior and middle classes there may be young students-10-11 classes.

Drawing up a plan of work a mug, taking into account localism, ecology, nature-powered and especially embelling activities.

The number of classes is a mug - from 2 to 4 per month.

Summing up the work of the mug after studying the topic, or for a quarter, half a year, year. The most effective and visual reporting and summing up in the form of scientific evenings, conferences, role-playing games, exhibitions, competitions, competitions, writing and protecting abstracts, reports, naturalistic campaigns, etc. So when summarizing, group Yunnat work goes into a massive and In socially useful work.

Planning work mug.

When drawing up a plan, it should be processed from the protection, enrichment and study of the native nature and conducting research in the form of experimentation with plants. In this regard, it is advisable to schedule such topics:

Nature protection of the native land:

a) identification of objects of nature to be protected (century-old oaks, rare plants, animals, reserved parks, etc.);

b) Protection of birds, fish, animals (manufacture of feeders and feeding birds, animals in winter - in the winter dies 7-8 sinicles out of 10);

c) the work of "green" and "blue" patrols.

Enrich the nature of the native land:

a) the resettlement of petals on new habitats (but not ants, bedbugs and the colorado beetles!);

b) the cultivation of low-prolonged plants on their groceries and a school educational and experimental plot (Cabbage varieties, Japanese Redon Daikon, etc.);

c) Gardening of the native land (bookmark of gardens, squares, parks, flower beds at the school, in the village).

Studying the nature of the native land:

a) excursions, tourist hiking, traveling through the native land (all circles at all times of the year, especially in the summer vacation time);

b) the collection of literary information about the nature of the native land and the study of them;

c) the creation of school local lore museums;

d) research activities in the form of experiments on a surrender-based training and experimental area, on individual gardens, gardening and garden sites.

The work plan of the circles is compiled for half a year or year.

Requirements for the work of mugs of Yunnov.

For UNNAT work to be pedagogically efficient, the teacher must remember the requirements that need to be submitted to it:

a) The work began should always be brought to the end, analyzed and summed up.

b) Yunnists should always and target interest in this work.

c) The leaders of the Junnat Circles always and in everything should be a positive example for Yunnists.

Many themes of Yunnat activity are very useful to end in social and useful work (a week of forest and garden, birds of birds, for the development of public and labor skills, it is advisable to carry out mutual visits to the mugs of Yunnats of different schools, to conduct conversations, showing the work of the mug, share experiences, conduct joint Yunnat evenings, Exhibitions, expeditions, hiking, etc. Interesting and valuable results give correspondence with circles of other areas, country areas and exchange of stepsters with seeds and cuttings, especially new, valuable, rare, exotic plants for this locality.

Biological circles in content can be divided into groups:

1. Entertaining. Their main task is to attract students to the study of biology, grafting interest in the subject. They form only superficial interest in biology, without deepening the study of any questions.

2. Circles, the content of which corresponds to the program of the main course. The task of these circles is to improve the knowledge and skills of students obtained in the lesson.

3. Mugs. In which practical tasks associated with the formation of skills, skills and knowledge on certain issues (flower products, phenologists, aquarists) are put in advance.

4. Mugs dedicated to special issues of biology studied in the lessons (ornithologists, entomologists). These circles contribute to an in-depth study of some narrow section of biology.

In recent years, increasing trends in the development of circle work environmental and local history work; Rose the level of their scientific relationship.

Special view of extracurricular work are optional. Small groups of students 15 - 17 people work on programs or on copyright programs of the teacher. The goal of optional classes is to give students a deeper knowledge on certain topics of biological science, significantly exceeding the scope of the school program.

Optional classes, the second type of group classes, are also built on a voluntary basis. They differ from the Yunnat circles in that it is necessary to conduct them with small groups (no more than 10-15 people) students on special more complicated, in-depth and advanced programs of the Ministry of Education or programs drawn up by the head (teacher or specialist) of the elective.

The purpose of the optional training is to give students knowledge and practical skills on various sections of biological, agricultural, methodological, pedagogical science in the amount of significantly exceeding the school curriculum. It is also of great importance for the professional orientation of students, since only those who are going to work in agriculture or continue their education in special educational institutions (agricultural, pedagogical, biological, medical, etc.) for optional classes. In other words, it is most appropriate now optional profiles: biological, pedagogical, agronomical (fields, vegetables, gardeners, beekeepers, mechanisters, farmers, entrepreneurs, managers, livestock rods), medical, ecological.

Visiting classes for recorded students is mandatory. They are held according to a firm schedule and the work of the teacher manager of optional classes is paid. It is very advisable that the optional busy is carried out not only and is at all school teachers-subjects, but also invited scientists of universities and research institutes, experienced stations, highly professional practices by production specialists - agronomas, zootechnics, engineers, doctors, etc. The results of the work of the Optional may not be Only preparation of grassors, livestock breeders, mechanisters, drivers, film mechanics, photographers and other specialists, but also the manufacture of equipment for the Cabinet of biology, live corner, a school-based training and experienced area. In short, the forms of optional and UNNAT work are diverse, volume and meaningful with applied and pedagogical points of view, for there is not only the deepening and expansion of knowledge and the formation of skills, but also the education of labor, moral, aesthetic, as well as the upbringing of the sense of pride for themselves, its own School, etc. Optional classes impose an increased responsibility on the teacher, since it is especially interested in and gifted students crave to get new, relevant, original knowledge. It is bad and unacceptable so that the electives turn into additional extracurricular activities, for example, by solving problems, examples, exercises, preparation for testing, credit, exams. In contrast to conventional substantive-graded classes on optional, more active forms of training should prevail: lectures, seminars, business and role-playing games, independent laboratory and practical work with literature not only training, but also special additional, writing and protection of abstracts and finally , self-fulfilling practical and especially research experimental work. All this in the complex contributes to the development and formation of skills independently and creatively applied on the elective knowledge in practice, in life.

It is impossible to force students to visit those items that they did not choose themselves. But some teachers force students for visiting their electives. Often, such teachers do not set high marks (4 and 5) at a quarter of those students who do not go to them for elective classes. The basis - does not go to the elective, it means it is not interested in the subject, and therefore it does not deserve the troika. It is unacceptable, shortage.

The group of "assistants" is created to equip and maintain a biological office, a living corner, a school training and experienced area in the proper order. Undoubtedly, they must fulfill what they are set and organically related to the process of learning biology. In particular, they make textbooks, instruments, tools, inventory, tables. Prepare distribution material, cells for small animals (rabbits, birds, etc.), shelves for indoor plants - environmental day;

The effectiveness of any environmental action depends on the quality of its conduct on the ground using local lore material.

All of the above forms and types of extracurricular work on biology are related to each other and complement each other. In the emergence and development of the relationship between them there is a certain pedagogical pattern. Interest in working with alive organisms usually arises from schoolchildren when performing individual tasks. By doing well, those or other teacher's tasks are usually asked to give them additional empowerment. If there are several such schoolchildren in the class, the teacher unites them into temporary naturalistic groups, and later in the circles of young naturalists, working in which they are actively involved in the preparation and conduct of mass naturalistic events.

The use of the results of individual, episodic group and circular works (for example, demonstrations of manufactured benefits, reports on the observations carried out, reports prepared on the basis of extracurricular reading) contribute to the involvement of students who did not show the earlier interest in her extracurricular work. Often, some schoolchildren who have at first passive participation in the mass extracurricular work on the landscaping of the school area, the manufacture of bird houses, as listeners, subsequently become either youngsters, or are actively involved in individual or group episodic work carried out on the tasks of the teacher.

Studying school experience shows that extracurricular work on biology is carried out in all its forms. Almost every school has a naturalistic circle, various mass events are held, individual and group episodic classes are organized. However, often extracurricular work comes down only to the organization of exhibitions of summer work of students, the holding of the Olympiad, the Biology Week, the Day of Birds. The rest of the time is usually caring for houseplants, publishing bulletins based on the use of materials from research and popular periodicals, "watches of entertaining biology" are carried out. Meanwhile, the specificity of extracurricular work on biology - science studies living is related to such types of work, which include independent studies of schoolchildren, put them in the position of the discoverers, cause a true interest in knowledge of nature.

All types of extracurricular activities go beyond the scope of training work on biology. However, they are an integral part of the entire educational process, the most important means of upbringing and developing students of different classes. The organization of this work at school serves as one of their criteria for the creative work of the teacher, the indicator of his pedagogical skills and professional responsibility.


The school is worth an extremely important task - the education of the younger generation, which will be done in a wide variety of industries, science, cultures that are very rapidly developing in connection with scientific and technical progress. Special relevance acquires training to objects of the biological cycle today, when biological science entered into a period of rapid development and clearly outlined its rapprochement with other natural sciences - physics, chemistry, as well as with mathematics, when a close question arose about the vital necessity of natural wealth our homeland.

The wide familiarization of students with the main problems facing various branches of biology, the weapon of schoolchildren with elementary practical skills and skills of working with living objects, attracting the younger generation to practical socially useful work in nature and agriculture cannot be implemented only in biology lessons. In the process of teaching, schoolchildren are brought up by patriotic feelings, aesthetic tastes, the desire for the protection of nature, the increase in its wealth. Only a combination of urgent, extracurricular and extracurricular work in a single system opens ways to solve all three specified tasks.

Extracurricular work is closely related to the lessons. In the lessons, students get a task to carry out one or another experience or a certain observation in nature, on an educational and experimental site, etc. The results of their experiments or observations, students demonstrate or verbally report lessons. Thus, this type of work is organically included in the content of many lessons.

The main feature of extracurricular work is its obligation for all students. Separate students or groups receive certain tasks, which after their execution and bring to the attention of other students are estimated during the lessons with marks in the class journal.

In the secondary school for students of VIII - XI classes, optional courses are organized. The choice of one or another optional course is carried out on a voluntary basis. Optional classes are held on special programs and textbooks on a special schedule.

Schoolchildren also outside the lesson conducts out-of-school work by the stations of young naturalists and inadmenters of agriculture, etc. For extracurricular institutions, special classes are published.

Extracurricular work is not mandatory for all students. It covers, mainly those schoolchildren who are expressing a special interest in this subject. Only into mass forms of extracurricular work are involved all students of the school. The content of extracurricular work is not limited to the framework of the curriculum, and therefore it comes out for its attacks and is determined mainly by the interests of students. In the process of extracurricular naturalistic work, students develop their creative abilities, initiative, observation and amateurness, acquire practical skills and skills, gain knowledge of plants and animals and, finally, they have the right scientific views on nature.

The purpose of this work is to determine the place of extracurricular work on biology in the educational process.

As the main tasks, the following can be distinguished:

explore the connection of extracurricular work on biology with an educational process and its role in the formation of a person;

determine its role in the formation of education;

form the main stages of the development of interest in the subject of biology;

1 meaning and place of extracurricular work in the educational process

The activities of students at school are not limited to the fulfillment of mandatory for all academic work. Requests for schoolchildren who are fond of biology is much wider. Support such interest, consolidate and develop it - the task of the teacher. However, in the framework of training sessions, it is difficult to do this, therefore extracurricular naturalistic and environmental work is carried out, which is voluntary. Its goal is to satisfy the demands of children who are especially interested in biology. N.M. Verzilin and V.M. Korsunskaya (1983) so define this form of biology training: "Extracurricular activities have a form of various organization of voluntary work of students outside the lesson under the guidance of a teacher for initiating and manifestation of their cognitive interests and creative amateur in the expansion and addition of the school curriculum on biology "

In the process of extracurricular studies, students are developing creative abilities, initiative, observation and independence, acquire labor skills and skills, develop intellectual, mental abilities, develop perseverance and hard work, deepen knowledge of plants and animals, develop interest in environment, learn to apply the knowledge gained on Practice, they have a natural-scientific worldview.

The interests of students are often limited to collecting, amateur attitude towards individual plants or any animal, the task of the teacher is to expand the horizons of students, to educate the educated person who loving nature, science, to form research skills.

Well organized extracurricular work has a large educational value, since in the process of extracurricular work, not constrained by a certain framework of lessons, there are opportunities for discussing individual discoveries in biology, for observations and formulations of various complexity and duration. When conducting experiments and long observations of the phenomena of nature (in different areas and in different seasons), schoolchildren have specific ideas about their material reality. The observation by the students themselves, for example, for the development of the plant (the emergence of seedy leaves in maple, the development of the plant during one growing period) or for the development of the butterfly (for example, cells of cabbage), leaves a very deep trace and strong emotional impressions in their consciousness.

The use of assignments related to the conduct of observations and experiments in extracurricular work contributes to the development of research skills. At the same time, it is necessary to orient children to a clear design of the stroke of observations and their results.

A question may occur whether extracurricular student studies are overloaded, downloaded enough already mandatory academic work at school and homework. Mass learning practice shows that extracurricular activities with the right organization, on the contrary, contributes to the best fulfillment of mandatory tasks. This is confirmed by the psychological characteristics of schoolchildren's development. Such a feature of the children was well expressed by K.D. Shushinsky: "The child demands an activity that is indispensable and tirelessly not to activities, but its monotony and homogeneity."

It is important to notice if the school does not organize the fascinating and diverse activities of students in their free hours, they will still be engaged in some "deeds", often to the detriment of their health and moral development. Therefore, it is necessary to attract schoolchildren to such activities that would be useful to them, would develop their positive qualities and creative abilities, at the same time he was a vacation. Extracurricular biology classes provide such an opportunity. At the same time, it is necessary to warn the teacher from errors in organizing extracurricular activities like classroom lessons and other mandatory classes, from the transformation of extracurricular work in peculiar additional biology lessons. Extracurricular classes should cause naturalistic interest among schoolchildren, intensify their creative abilities and at the same time contribute to their rest. Therefore, extracurricular work should be diverse, versatile and not duplicate learning activities at school.

A significant place in extracurricular work is given to work: the manufacture of collections, herbarium, crafts from natural material, charging aquariums, repair of equipment Corner of wildlife, work on an educational and experimental site, blanks for winter feeding birds, soils for the transplantation of indoor plants, plant care and plants and Animals a corner of wildlife, planting trees and shrubs at the school and in the city park, maintenance of the ecological trail, etc. Undoubtedly, such work requires students from the ability to bring the work started to the end, forms responsibility for the case entrusted to them. Of course, labor classes should be combined with the formulation of experiments, observations in nature, the development of naturalistic interests and deepening knowledge of biology.

Independent, mainly practical naturalistic work under the guidance of the teacher should be the basis of all extracurricular activities at school.

Of great importance in extracurricular work has the release of newspapers, holding the Olympiads, conferences and exhibitions, the fulfillment of socially useful work (cleaning the territory, maintaining order on an educational and experienced area), carrying out excursions in nature with students of junior classes, with preschoolers. All these types of extracurricular activities are closely related to each other and with the main form - lesson. They complement each other enrich the lesson, expand and deepen the program of the mandatory educational minimum on biology. Thus, extracurricular activities carry out direct and feedback with the main form of training - a lesson, as well as with all additional - excursions, extracurricular and homework.

Municipal State Uniform Institution

October Secondary School

Manturovsky Municipal District

Kostroma region

Municipal competition of methodological developments on the topic:

"Birds - our feathered friends"

Extracurricular activities on biology

"Familiar strangers"

biology and geography teacher

MKOU Oktyabrskaya Sosh



Extracurricular biology activity (Grade 7)

Subject : Familiar strangers

Purpose: summarize and deepen knowledge about the birds of the Kostroma region


Educational: summarize and systematize knowledge about birds of the native land

Developing: Develop the ability to analyze, compare, develop thinking, attention, memory, work out the skills of working with drawings.

Educational : to educate the careful attitude towards nature, to birds, love for the native edge, ecological culture.

Relevance of the lesson:

The development of cognitive interest in its subject is one of the main tasks facing the biology teacher. This includes a huge number of diverse forms of activity in class and extracurricular activities. Gaming tasks always raise students. The event is aimed at creating skills and skills to apply knowledge when performing various tasks, analyze, compare, summarize data, logically and critically thought.

Methods and forms:

Student training is based on cooperation; The individual features of students are taken into account. During the event, it is envisaged to use innovative and traditional methods and forms: verbal (informing, discussion), information and communication (work with tasks, text, drawings) . Students work in groups, individually. An equal interaction of all participants is supposed.

The target audience: students Grade 7.

Means of education : computer, multimedia projector, screen, presentation, distribution material, barrels with numbers, birds, poems about nature, audio recording with bird voices.

Structure occupation

Today, guys, we spend extracurricular activities on the biology of "familiar strangers" to test your knowledge about the birds of the Kostroma region. (Slide 1)

Why is the occupation called "familiar strangers"?

Because we will meet with famous birds, but every bird always remains a mystery.

I would like to start a lesson with poems Nikolai Grishin.

1 student

Love the forest and take care

Their songs sound threads

Take the beginning from the forests.

2 student

About how the birds are similar

Interrupted forest dreams

On the ringing of birches, on the whisper ate

On the rustle of willow and pines.

3 student

That seems to be in love with the eyelids

Transparent - clean, like rivers,

And thin, like streams.

4 student

How would the world be uninteresting

When you did not sing the birds on the forests

After all, man without bird songs

Sing will not learn and himself.

5 student

And who to the forests is soulless with the family

One let the fragment tree,

He wounds his mother - nature

And hesitates himself.

The world of birds is very diverse. Total numbers about 9 thousand species of birds. Of these, 107 species of birds are under guard. What are the wonderful and unique, and the main defenseless creature - birds. There are birds very large, and there are tiny. There are birds that fly above the clouds, and there are birds that do not fly at all. Some birds live only in the forest, others in the water. Some birds feed on fish, others - insects. There are predatory birds that eat other birds and animals, and there are also "Vegetterians" who eat only vegetable food.

But all these birds are our faithful friends.

2 teams take part in our game.

Each team should come up with a name associated with the world of birds.

1 Competition "Determined" (Slide 2)

Before you birds

1. Owl 5. Falcon

2. Filin 6. Snegir

3. Berkut

4. Hawk

1 task. Here are only predatory birds? Is it so?

+ (No. Bullfigre is not a birds of prey)

2 task. Painting birds benefit, destroying a large number of rodents. Do all birds benefit? Reply explain the answer.

+ (No. Hawk destroys chickens, geese, ducks, hares)

3 task. Some predatory birds are tamed and used for hunting. What birds from the presented? And for hunting for whom?

+ (Berkukov - on Zaitsev, Sokolov - for ducks)

4 task. Which bird is singing?


2 Competition "Who more?" (Slide 3)

Write who is more, the names of birds inhabiting in Russia (Time 1.5 minutes)

3 Competition "Festive Dinner" (Slide 4)

Before you menu. Choose a festive dinner for birds: Dyatla, Tetherieva, Sokol, Owl, Tits, Eagle (each team is issued on the table.



Black bread

Harvest mouse



Pine seeds and fir

Small birds


Lingonberry and blueberries


(Write down your answer)

4 Competition "Encryption" (Slide 5)

What kind of birds are encrypted here


Rvakyak - Kryakva

Kachya - Chaika

Vertelate - Tether

Kaiso Saika

5 Competition "Guess" (Slide 6)

Before you birds







1 task . Does birds winter in our area?

+ (No. Stork, swallow, rag - do not winter)

2 task . Which of these birds is considered to be "Spring Bulletin"?


3 task. In the spring, all these birds build sockets. Is it so?

+ (No. Stork, cuckoo)

6 Competition "Veneer from a barrel" (Slide 7)

(Teams take turns out of the barrels from the number of questions)

1. Everyone knows that the birds are sitting on their chicks, and can birds to raise chicks?

Yes. Owls and other predatory birds are based on laying with 1 eggs

2. What birds are chicks in the ground?

At swallows, winterwinds, i.e. All birds nest in the holes

3. In a minute of strong shocks in a mountaineer (for example, if it falls into the claws of the hawk), feathers fall abundantly. What can be explained by such a feature?

Fitness of birds, because The predator remains only feathers.

4. The fact that Gus Rome was saved, all schoolchildren who have studied an ancient history know. When Galla tried to attack the Roman fortress at night, the gours raised a cry. The Romans woke up and reflected the attack of enemies. How to explain the behavior of geese?

Sleepy cries of geese warn their fellow on danger.

7 Competition "Beak" (Slide 8)

It is believed that in the form of beak can be determined than the bird is powered. Before you Types of Beak. Determine what food every beak is adapted.

8 contest "TRICKY QUESTION" (Slide 9)

1) Which bird has the greatest speed? (Step 144km / h)

2) What kind of bird throws his chicks in other people's nests? (cuckoo)

3) What bird does his chicks raise in winter? (crossbill)

4) In the title of which bird is 40 letters "A"? (magpie)

5) Black, prompt, screaming "Krak", all the worms of the enemy (rch)

6) During the day silent, I scream at night. (owl)

7) What is the body temperature of the bird (40, 42 degrees)

8) In the midst of the trees of the Blacksmiths Kuyut (Woodpecker)

9 Competition "MUSICAL" (Slide 10)

The jury summarizes the final results

(Rewarding teams with diplomas)

Today we remembered birds. I learned something new about our feathered friends. How much they mean for us, and small and large, but how many of them are already destroyed. All you know about the "Red Book". There are disappearing or disappeared species of plants and animals. The Red Book appeared in the Kostroma region. There are 56 species of birds. This ...... .. (Slide 11)

I hope that you will do everything from you depends that this book is not replenished.

Oh, how much life in bird acne,

In that negascique, the call of that

Love the forest and take care,

He will repay you kindness.