A summary of the New Year tree. Drawing "Hello, holiday New Year! ideas to draw to the new year

A summary of the New Year tree. Drawing "Hello, holiday New Year! ideas to draw to the new year

Everyone knows that the best gift is a gift made by your own hands. Having spent quite a bit of time, you can create a beautiful exclusive picture or postcard of New Year's subjects, having drawn the ideas of our article.

It will be about how:

Landscape, perhaps the easiest option, if you decide to draw a beautiful winter drawing. Where to begin? Of course, from the choice of technology:

  1. Pencil or chalk. The most ideal option for the first attempt, because it will not require serious financial investments. In addition, the pencil can create New Year's drawings or postcards by 2018 simply on the landscape sheet.
  2. Graphics. At first glance, everything is simple. We need only a simple pencil. But, in practice, this technique may be much more complicated, since each touch is important.
  3. Watercolor. In every house where there are children there are inexpensive watercolor paints, which can be drawn great drawings of the winter theme for the new 2018 year.
  4. Acrylic. This is a serious option. Such paints can be drawn on canvas. They will dry quickly. But be careful, because acrylic can cause allergic reactions.
  5. Butter - Selection of professionals. Such a picture drawn on canvas will delight the eyes for many years.

We offer to see the Winter Landscape Master Class.

Buy canvas today in specialized stores.

What to draw? Most often, the drawings dedicated to the new year are winter nature, rustic houses, snow-covered crowns of trees, and in 2018 the landscape can be added by the image of the dog.

Draw new year characters

What a festive drawing or a postcard without Santa Claus and Snow Maiden! Do not worry, even if you do not know how to draw people beautifully. You are not difficult to portray cartoon characters. Here are some quick image schemes of the main characters. The advice of professionals will help create beautiful New Year's drawings in 2018.

We also offer to watch a video in which it is phased out how to draw Santa:

It is convenient that in the analysis, the pattern is depicted on a sheet into a cell. If you are just learning to draw, draw barely noticeably sheet - it will facilitate the task.

The smallest artist is a great pleasure takes painting New Year's pictures with Santa, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and other characters of New Year holidays.

You can simply save yourself on your computer, print and paint on your own.

Draw a dog - symbol of 2018

The constant element of the New Year's drawings in 2018 will be the symbol of the year - the dog. Although the east calendar by the patron saint of the year will be a red-dangling dog, for a postcard or pictures, you can choose a representative of any breed, pushing out of individual preferences.

Not so long ago appeared on the television screens of the cartoon about the life of pets added to the army of his favorite children's characters, a couple of pretty facests. Thinking out interesting New Year's drawings for the coming year of the dog, in 2018 you can use new heroes - Max, Mel, Hydge and Buddy.

Also, look at the video detailed analysis, how to draw Max:

We also offer to download any of the dogs you like and use when creating the New Year's Picture Council:

We also suggest to learn the ideas of the original New Year cards with the video, in which they tell in detail how to create a jet gift with your own hands.

Create a digital card on your computer

On the nose 2018, and this means that it is time to master not only pencils and paints. And both graphic editors. In practice, create a beautiful postcard or draw the author's New Year's drawings using a PC much easier than learning how to depict people and animals with a pencil.

To create electronic cards and drawings, in which, by the way, you can add photos or images of your favorite characters, you can use such programs as:

  • Paint - the simplest graphic editor in Windows;
  • Avatan - online version of the graphic environment that allows you to process photos, create collages and a variety of postcards;
  • Online Photoshop is a free online version of one of the most popular raster editors, for the use of which the program will not be installed.

Of course, you can install and complete Adobe Photoshop CS6, having received a lot of opportunities. But, be prepared for the development of the program will require some time.

We offer to start with a simple postcard with a photo, to create a cat which will be required only a few minutes:

Of course, in this program you can create a wide variety of New Year drawings, loading the background of the postcard and adding after various stickers (do not forget that 2018 is a year of dog), inscriptions and effects.

Try, and you will definitely get!

Subject : Good New Year spirit. 4B class.

A type : opening new knowledge

purpose: Formation of receiving the transfer of New Year's festive mood through the color combination

Planned result :

MetaPermet :

Regulatory Wood :

be able to plan and pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson, work on the plan proposed by the teacher; Destinating the correctly performed task from the wrong.

Cognitive Uud. :

General educational - conscious and arbitrary speech statement orally about the features of the celebration of the New Year holiday; drawing up a description of festive attributes; bringing poetic examples of the image of the New Year holidays; identifying with the help of comparison compared works, how the artist transmits in his work mood; logical - ability to formulate problems; Self solve problems of creative and search nature.

Communicative Woods :

be able to use the language of fine art, to convey its position before the interlocutor; make up your thought orally (at the level of one sentence or small text); listen and understand the statements of the interlocutors; Expressively read poems about New Year's holiday.

Personal :

develop a positive attitude to creative activity; Give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe reasons for success or failure of completed work: perceive and understand the proposals and assessments of the teacher and comrades

Subject :

To teach the work of "raw" with the artistic welcome, "smear on the wax figure".

Equipment : for teacher : projector, computer, presentation;for a student : Pencil, album, eraser

Stages of the lesson:


moment. Motivation for training activities

Create conditions for the occurrence of internal needs of inclusion in training activities ("I want")

New Year

Guess the riddles

Christmas tree with toys,

Clowns with clappers.

All the people are having fun!

What holiday?

Orientation to the position of a good student (L)

Definition of the topic and setting lesson goals

Creating an academic situation for independent statements by students of the problem of lesson, determining the topic and setting the goals of the lesson

Prepared a message on the topic "New Year"

What kind of homework did you perform for a lesson?

Checks for homework

Analysis of objects with the allocation of significant and irrelevant signs (P)

This is the topic of our lesson - "New Year"

Why did you prepare a message on the topic "New Year"?

Theme lesson ...

Comparison, seriation and classification of educational material on specified criteria (P)

Answers children

What do you think will be the objectives of the lesson.

On the desk



participate ...

Extract the necessary information from speech statement (P)

Answers children

Yes. weexpressed Hispoint of view , novelattitude To the picture.

Answers children

Yes. wecompared Combination of flowersin the pictures

Alternation of sharp colorspots, Mazkov .

Alternationsmooth and thin orrough and rippled lines .

Breakdown sky spaceuneven Locatedforms of clouds .

Yes. weparticipated In discussing expressive means of transferring a festive mood

Good New Year spirit

With color to transfer a festive mood

Before you exactly put the purpose of the lesson, open p. 90 of our tutorial.

Do you like the picture presented on the opening day?

I will answer questions about this promotion (p.89)

Answering questions weyou said Your point of view, your attitude to this work?

wecompared Combine colors in these pictures?

This is another oneexpressive - Color - with which the artist was able to passfestive mood On canvas.

What are the means of expressiveness you still know?

Speaking about the means of expressiveness, weparticipated In the discussion of expressive means of transferring a festive mood?

Let's adjust our lesson's topic. We will talk about the new year or give the New Year's mood with the help?

Sotheme lesson

The purpose of the lesson

Understanding and maintaining a learning task (P)

Setting educational goals in collaboration with the teacher (P)

Detection of the place and the cause of difficulties.

Transfer festive mood on paper


We do not know what the reception means.

Open page 92. Read our creative task. Can we fulfill it right away?

What we miss to start fulfilling?

Generalization and malfunction for a number or class of single objects based on the allocation of essential communication (P)

Building a project of exit from difficulty


1. To know with the receptions"Fresh", "smear for wax pattern"

2. Associate techniques with theme lesson: Is it possible to transfer the New Year's mood

3. Treat the algorithm for performing reception data

4. Decrease funds, resources and deadlines.

5. Determine the criteria for assessing the work

Children read and answer how to perform receptions "Fresh", "smear for wax pattern"

Answers children

Answers children

If the student is performedone taking completely and get to k.the fulfillment of the second , then put "5 »,

if performonly one reception , then put "4 »,

if ado not perform Before completionno reception , then put "3 »


On page 91, read how these artistic techniques are performed."Fresh", "smear for wax pattern" .


Tell the admission algorithm "Skiing smear"

Let's try to transfer the New Year's mood with the reception data. What we will create today in the lesson will serve as the basis for the next lesson.

What criteria will we evaluate our work?

Can I finish work at home?

Planning your actions in accordance with the task and conditions of its implementation (P)

Construction of the logical chain of reasoning (P)

Planning training cooperation (K)

Choosing the most effective ways to solve problems (P)

Implementation of the built project

Use the built method of action to solve the source problem.

Practical work.

Vollage self-regulation (P)

Independent creation of the product in accordance with the Action Algorithm (P)

Inclusion in knowledge and repetition

Secure practical actions: image of air movement on paper.

Man's mood can be shown by receptions"Ray", "smear on the wax figure."

Smear, line, stain

So let's remember how you can show a man's mood on paper?

What means?

Building speech statements (P)

Children are recorded in diaries


Bring New Year's postcards with festive congratulations

Search and selection of necessary information (P)


To relate the goals of educational activities and its results, fix the degree of their compliance, outline the future goals of activity.

Get acquainted with receptions"Fresh", "smear for wax pattern"

The purpose of the lesson was achieved.

Recall the main objective of the lesson.

Was she achieved?

Adequate understanding of the causes of success / failure in training activities (L)

Children appreciate the work performed, say the results of the estimation.

Control and evaluation of the process and results (P)

Answers children

When painting paintings, what topics can you use this technique?

Repetition of methods and conditions of implementation of the learning task (P)

Abstract Node on Iso - activities in the middle group "Portrait for Christmas Portrait"

Agrafonova Tatyana Anatolyevna
Place of work: Educator MBDOU DS "Pearl", Volgodonsk
Work description: My abstract will undoubtedly be useful to educators of kindergartens, as well as educators additional formation when working with preschoolers.
Purpose: Child learning to image New Year's Christmas tree using unconventional drawing materials.
To acquaint children with new visual materials and technicians.
Learning to mix colors.
Learning to allocate when drawing familiar geometric forms in objects.
Activate the dictionary of the child with concepts: shade, mixing color, composition.
Develop imagination, shallow motorcy.
Educate accuracy when working with visual materials and tools.
Educating the ability to listen to, perform certain actions on verbal instructions in the teacher.
Materials: Artificial christmas tree with balls; Geometric shapes on magnets (triangles), different sizes, simple pencils, erase, foam sponzhik, napkins, jars of non-flames, gouache 6 colors, white thick paper sheets, better cardboard, plasticine 8 colors, cotton wool, PVA glue.
Preliminary work: Drawing, appliqué of the Christmas trees, learning a song about Christmas tree, reading poems, games with Christmas trees.

Node move:

Educator. Guys, an unusual guest will come to us today, and who is this try to guess.
Grow on it needles
Thick and stuck,
And smear bumps,
Sticky, fragrant.
She is under the New Year
You will come to visit!
Slender, fluffy
With golden lights.
Children. Christmas tree !!!
Educator. Sure! Well done!
Oh, guys look, why is our Christmas tree such an elegant?
Children. Responses of children.
Educator. And let's, make a gift to our guest, draw her portrait, and decorate, everyone, as he likes!
Children. Yes!
Educator.First prepare our fingers so that they are clever and fast.
Fingering gymnastics "Christmas tree"
The tree is quickly obtained,
If your fingers are connected.
Locks you raise
Fumbnings you intetrate.
Palms from ourselves, fingers are skipped with each other (palm at an angle to each other). Finger put forward. Lockers to the body are not pressed.
Educator. Guys, look carefully, what kind of figure you remind you of a Christmas tree?
Children. Triangle.
Educator. And if you look, you will see many triangles of different sizes. Tell me how they are located?
Children. Below are large, on top of small.
Educator. Right. And now we draw a pencil 3 triangle of the appropriate size. (Show using magnets on a board and a schematic image on a sheet of paper).

Educator. Guys, look, the Christmas tree was in the air. Is it possible?
Children. Not. The Christmas tree grows out of the ground.
Educator. Our Christmas tree is a New Year, and the holiday is winter, can we see the earth in winter?
Children. Not. Earth hides under the snow.
Educator. Look, what do you look like snow on the table?
Children. Wat looks like snow.
Educator. Now you can put a Christmas tree in a snowdrift. (Children stick with a PVA) oh, and now the whole sheet is white, around the Christmas tree, something is missing?
Children. The sky is missing.
Educator. And what color sky in winter?
Answers children (Blue, light gray, etc.)
Educator. Blue color can be obtained by mixing blue and white paint, and gray white and black. (Children mix color and toned a sponge leaf)
Educator. Oh, something our guest bored. Let's cheer it up!
Horror: "The track is fun ..." (while the gouache dries)
1. On the track fun
Our legs walked
And to the elegant Christmas tree
We came to visit.
Chorus: oh-oh oh, ah-ah
Big tree
Oh-oh oh, ah-ah
That's so beautiful.
2. Under the elegant Christmas tree
They want to dance.
Christmas tree waves,
Chur, keep up!
3. We will stand you all
Only not col.
Bright lights
The Christmas tree is lit.
Educator. What do you think Yehchka liked our song? Now you can finish your portraits. Pay attention to the Christmas tree - fluffy needles! And we can create volume with plasticine. I roll small balls between your fingers and "paint" the Christmas tree. What color plasticine do you need?
Children. Green Christmas tree. (Children attach plasticine inside the contour image)
Educator. And now decorate!
Christmas tree in the room stands
And, bright toys, says with us.
Remembers the Christmas tree with sadness Winter Forest,
Full ring songs, fairy tales and miracles.
Christmas tree New Year, do not be sad, you are in vain -
We are merry, faithful friends.
So sparkle the rainbow festive for us
Be happy, the Christmas tree, as we are now!
Well done boys! What do you think I liked the Christmas tree, portraits that we painted? Educator (referring to the Christmas tree): Christmas tree, do you like our gifts? See how I shone, it means you liked. Then come to us next year. And now the exhibition of our work.

Abstract lesson.

Teacher: Missikeken Natalya Alekseevna.

Theme lesson: "Christmas tree".

Goals and objectives:

    Introduce children with Christmas decorations (modern and old);

    secure the ability to draw a branch of the Christmas tree and decorate it;

    develop imagination;

    connecting drawings, get a big christmas tree, then draw it together and complement the decorations.

Demonstration material:

    Christmas toys (modern and old),

    Branches of an artificial Christmas tree

    Christmas decorations,

    Illustrations with Christmas christmas trees.

    Drawn christmas trees with tip on a sheet of A2 paper sheet light green colors.


    sheets of paper A4 format light green color;



Travel course:

The teacher makes him a mystery to children:

Here is a winter holiday,

We were waiting for it a year.

Fabulous, Merry

New Year holiday)

    "Do you like the New Year holiday?

    What do you most like most?

    What is the main decoration of the New Year holiday? (Christmas tree)

    What decorate the Christmas tree?

Today we have an exhibition of New Year's Christmas decorations and toys. These toys are decorated with Christmas trees in our days, and such toys produce christmas decoration factory. But these toys decorated the Christmas trees to our grandmothers, when they were small. These toys are made of cardboard, paper, wool, wire, fabric, wood. Here we see the fox on the sleds, the Skier bear, the crow, the hut on the bitter legs and much more. These toys are not so bright as modern, but very interesting in content. Did you like them?

Look at the branches of artificial trees! Are they on the branches of a real Christmas tree? The branches are long, short, they have small twigs. The branch is longer, the more small twigs on it. The shorter, the less. We will draw the branches of the Christmas tree and decorate their toys. "

Children sit down two at the desk, one draws a long branch, the other is short. One row draws a branch from left to right, the other - right to left. Drawn christmas tree branches. Children decorate toys.

Ready works Children with an educator lay out on a free table, picking up the branches so that the tree turned out. The middle can be glued with scotch.

"Guys, look! We laid out drawings, what did we do? What is missing from our Christmas tree? (Barrel) all draw the trunk together. What is not enough of our Christmas tree? " (Makushki)

The tutor applies a pre-drawn macushkin.

"Now that our Christmas tree becomes more elegant, draw, garlands, tinsel, beads. We got a big elegant Christmas tree. We will hang it in the corridor in front of the music hall for registration of kindergarten for the new year. All children of kindergarten and their parents will admire the Christmas tree. "

Anastasia Dubonosov

Purpose: Teach children draw a composition on a New Year's theme, develop aesthetic perception, emotional ratio to the image, transfer their mood using bright colors of paints, educate interest in the New Year holiday.

Equipment: B. A3, B. A4, Gouache, Brush, Napkin, Palette, Water Jar, Simple Pencil.

Methodology for holding:

The topic is designed for 2 classes. At the first lesson, the teacher proposes to remember which holiday is approaching. Conversation "What is a new year?". What associations arise when mentioning this holiday? (Christmas tree, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, gifts, salute). Reading a poem on a given topic. (You can offer children to tell poem). Work with illustrations. Conversation: What did the artist depicted? What colors did he use? And how can you portray the New Year? (verbal drawing).

Practical work: Selection of the plot, drawing by a simple pencil.

In the second lesson, the teacher suggests a gouache.

Outcome:exhibition of works, discussion.

But what happened to us!

Yerömenko Masha, 8 years old "Christmas tree".

Ilyina Dasha, 7 years old "New Year's toys".

Osipova Masha, 7 years old "Carnival".

Lukash Masha, 7 years old "Santa Claus and Christmas tree."

Belkov Vanya, 8 years old "That's new year!"

Muravleva Daria, 9 years old "on the tree".

Tchilina Marina, 8 years old "My lovers is a holiday."

Barmash Anya, 8 years old "New Year's twig."

Churilova Polina, 7 years old "cheerful snowman".