Decoration in the theater. Stage design choreographic production

Decoration in the theater. Stage design choreographic production
Decoration in the theater. Stage design choreographic production

The scenery differ in the nature of expressiveness. Each such type of decorations is based on one or more types of constructive qualities.

Narrative scenerypictures the real space of the place where the action takes place. The main expressive quality is accurate. The narrative scenery was most common in the realistic theater. In this type of scenery, artists of Shishkov, Bocharov, Simov and many others worked. The architecture of the narrative scenery is performed through the pavilion and layouts. Landscapes are depicted using soft scenery. In narrative scenery, the exact work of theatrical light plays a large role, which imitates the real states of weather, time of day and season. This type of decorations received the highest heyday in the work of young Stanislavsky during his cooperation with the artist Simomov. This type of scenery included a very careful attitude towards national traditions in architecture, suit, to ethnography.

Metaphoric sceneryit is the generalized image of the entire performance as a whole. Decoration itself is a symbol of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe performance. The metaphorical scenery began to be used since the 10th anniversary of the XX century. One of the first productions in metaphorical decorations was the play "Victory over the Sun" in the design of K. Malevich. One of the pictures of this performance was the famous "Black Square" symbolizing the victory of evil in the world. It was a very bold and unexpected use of the pavilion, which was still applied only for narrative purposes. Most often, the metaphorical scenery is performed using the installation. However, the design in cloths and scenery can be used. Metaphorical scenery use in their work all modern artists following the great masters of the 20th century: the brothers in spring, exter, Dmitriev, Schifrin, Akimov, Knoblock and many others.

Scenic scenery -it is a decorative solution where the dominant is color, flavoring the artistic image of the performance. Thin working color helps to create lyrical power, deep psychological spectacle language, cause a bright number of emotions of the auditorium. The picturesque scenery came to the Russian scene together with the appearance in the produce theatrical work of bright Russian stained artists: V. Vasnetsova, M. Vrubel, V. Polenova, V. Serov, K. Korovina, A. Benua, L. Bapti and many others. Picturesque scenery can be performed in almost any type of design scenery. The color solution is performed through the theater painting and through a thin color selection of fabrics, textures, painted surfaces of butaforia and props and suits. Picturesque decoration especially brightly decorates musical performances, in which the color is organically merged with sound vocabulary. The special page in the history of picturesque scenery introduced Antpurriz Dyagilev. The magical painting of our artists together with the richest national music and innovation shook Europe.

Architectural and spatial sceneryit is designed to create a large-scale, epichny, carrying global ideas on stage. The scale can be 2 types: scaligence directed vertically in up, and scale directed horizontally into width.

Scenographic image with directed up verticals creates conditions for lifting spirit, pathos, solemnity and greatness of ideas. An example may be the famous statement of Gamletta Stanislavsky and Kraga, where the image of the play was built using high vertical moving shirms. These verticals visually did the scene higher and betrayed the image significance and sublime pathos. The architectural and spatial decoration, directed horizontally, visually expands the space of the scene and transfers the feeling of freedom, will, the infinity of the space. Man is experiencing a sense of flight, expanser. The well-known statement of the "optimistic tragedy" of Vishnevsky (artist V. Zhardin) can be a good example of a large-scale decoration. On stage was an installation that resembles a deck of a ship, with dominant horizontal lines that have moved well to the idea of \u200b\u200bfreedom of this performance. Architectural and spatial scenery can be performed in any type of design scenery. Many of them are complemented by a horizon with painting, panorama, or video projection on its plane.

Dynamic sceneryit is an image that is built with the help of moving elements of the scene. Such scenery is well creating an image of a rapidly changing time. The movement of decorations on the scene determines the rhythm of the performance, transmits the feverish change of human experiences, the mental state of people who have not adapted to the novelty of life and its rapid tempo. Movement can be in a variety of directions: parallel ramp, in a circle, up, down. The scenery can be different on constructive qualities, soft and hard. An example may be the famous play "Mandate" Erdman, where moving walls in combination with moving sidewalks on stage, created a sense of character from under the feet of the life. The XXI century brought to life a powerful acceleration. Therefore, it is no coincidence that dynamic scenery is still used more often.

Light scenerybuilt on light effects. In the theatrical performances, the stage light always works, but in this case the light bears the most important handling load, it is he who carries the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe performance. The light scenery transfers the light lyrics well, a varied mystical meaning, poetic ease. As an example, you can recall the well-known performance in the design of J. Freedom "Cherry Garden", where the light curtain, an unexpectedly emerging and disappearing, absorbing characters in front of the viewer, created a special lyrical system in the play, where destiny peaks his court. The light scenery can be perfectly organized in a soft tulle, translucent silk, since these materials are well absorbed into the light and become its source in the imagination of the viewer. It can also use hard scenery made of transparent plastics, glass, mirrors, and metal reflective lights. Modern theater is increasingly paying mystics, there is an active search for all new light effects and capabilities, the spectrum of lighting theatrical equipment is actively enriched.

Questions for self-test:

1. Name the types of decorations that differ in constructive qualities.

2. What is the content of the scene decoration techniques?

3. What types of decorations are distinguished by their expressive qualities?

Many of us very often hear the word "Decor."In everyday life. At first glance, this word is clear and implies the decoration of any object or subject. But is it really? Let's try to figure together how it happens and what is interesting he brings to our daily life.

Interior decor is the latter and, you can say, the most pleasant elements of home improvement. The very first and main thing in the creation of the decor is to compile a design project. The project should be created according to the preferences and worldview of the owner of the house or can be created with the help of any souvenirs, things from traveling or any beautiful and cozy artificial objects, with the help of original and dishes and so on - this can be anything, on Your discretion. But the very first point of creation of decor is a design project that should be carefully thought out.

Then it will be necessary to go to the selection of suitable furniture. Setting the furniture already in the selected room style, the designer will definitely help correctly pick up lamps or other decor items that will look stylish together with furniture. More may be needed additional sculptures or artificial things for the decor. Many options will be considered until the ideal decor items are found.

Decor stages

one). Style.

It is the main step in creating the decor. When choosing a style, it is necessary to think about everything well that the decor elements perfectly fit into the interior and there were no shortcomings. What is the style of you closer?

2). Color.

Considering the question of what decor is, special attention should be paid to the color scheme. The colors of things that will be used as decor are very important, so they must be selected on the basis of the preferences of the owner of the apartment, the area in which the apartment is located or the house, and the main thing.

3). Furniture.

Deciding the problem associated with the choice of factory producing furniture under the selected style, you can start selecting the most suitable lighting devices, lamps, chandeliers.

Most of the stages have already been completed, which means that you can move to the selection of textiles: carpets, curtains, pillows on the armchairs, sofas, covered and so on.

In the interior, carpets are very important. Fortunately, in the modern world there is a rather large selection of carpets, so choose the most suitable will be easy: in shape they are square, oval, round. Textiles is very important because thanks to him is a comfort and good mood.

four). Accessories.

Compositions from various plants and colors are the best decorations of the interior. If there is an opportunity, then conventional living plants can be beautifully decorated with walls. If not, they can be replaced with artificial colors. You can also create an excellent interior decor with various statuettes, paintings and other items that will demonstrate your favorite owners.

- Interesting solution for any room

What is a wonderful solution to decorate dull and gray walls, adding diversity in the design of the room. It is very simple to do it yourself. To do this, you can use even conventional stickers.

First you need to understand why it was necessary and what kind of decorations are there. We collect all this in pieces and create a specific ideological base - it will be the first step in decorating the walls.

Why did you need to decorate the walls?

First, this is art. Not even having experience in drawing, you can finely correct the situation with dim walls. Each person is a creative person.

Secondly, decorating the walls, we thus correct significant or minor flaws.

Thirdly, the decor of the walls creates a comfort and a harmonious atmosphere around, and also emphasizes the individual style of the owner.

Varieties of decor

one). Mirrors.

2). Pictures.


four). Various posters, photos.

6). Metal.

Do yourself or buy in the store?

Do or buy is a personal initiative of each. Although, for example, if the thing can be created with your own hands, it will not be necessary to buy it, and vice versa. But it is better, of course, try to show your talent in the decoration of the walls.

we have already learned. Now is the time to talk about the stencils and their main features.

What is the feature of stencils

Stencils for the decor are perfect for decorating the room, to give it style, creativity. They are the most affordable and most popular way of decorating walls.

Properly selected stencil will give the room not only style, but also a pleasant mood.

What types of stencils are:

one). Volumented, which are used to decorate walls.

2). Multicolor.

3). Reverse - perfectly suitable for wall decor in the bedroom.

four). Monophonic.

Decor do it yourself. Photo of window decoration

Pretty simple occupation. We usually need only scissors yes paper. Snowflakes can add ribbons, toys or candles - and the New Year's mood is provided.

For example, using satin ribbons, or boobs can be created a special color gamut.


Various artistic and decorative design is able to give the scene a completely different appearance. But it should always be targeted "help the creation of the appropriate mood and to maximize what will happen on the scene. The modern style of the thematic design is characterized by the clarity of the elected artistic theme and conciseness of the solution. It does not tolerate pomp, cumbersome and varnish. What is restrained and larger in the main color stains, the design, the stronger its impact on the viewer. To find the right solution, it is necessary to make a sketch in color, on a scale of at least 1:20. When drafting a sketch of festive design scenes should be guided mainly by the same principles as in the preparation of the scene to the spectral. It is necessary to take into account the size of the scene, the auditorium, the technical capabilities of the scene, the location of the Kulis and Padug, the ability to illuminate the design elements. The design of the scene can only be reduced to the decoration of the back; Then the whole composition will be plane. It can conceive and using the entire scene space, for all its depth. Various artistic and decorative design is able to give the scene a completely different appearance. But it should always be targeted - to help create an appropriate mood and maximize what will happen on the scene.

Scenography is the art of creating a visual image of a performance by means of decorations, costumes, light, produced technology. All of these visual means are components of theatrical representation, contribute to the disclosure of its content, they inform him a certain emotional sound.

Decoration decoration

Decoration art is one of the most important means of expressiveness of theatrical art, this is the art of creating a visual image of a performance through decorations and costumes, lighting and produced technology. All of these visual means of exposure are organic components of theatrical presentation, contribute to the disclosure of its content, reports a certain emotional sound. The development of scenery art is closely related to the development of the theater and drama.

In the ancient folk rites and games, elements of scenery art (costumes, masks, decorative curtains) were present. In the ancient Greek theater already in 5 c. BC E., In addition to the building of Sna, who served as an architectural background for the game of actors, there were volumetric scenery, and then the picturesque were also introduced. The principles of Greek scenery art were assimilated by the theater of ancient Rome, where the curtain was first applied.

Decoration (from lat. Decoro - decorate) - decor the scene, recreating the material environment in which the actor acts. Decoration "is an artistic image of the action site and at the same time a platform representing rich opportunities for the scenic action on it." The scenery is created using a variety of expressive agents used in the modern theater, painting, graphics, architecture, art planning, special texture of scenery, lighting, stage equipment, projection, cinema, etc. Basic scenery systems:

1) Moving Mobile,

2) snap-and-arched lifting

3) Pavilion,

4) Volumenny

5) projection.

The new conquest was the simultaneous, that is, combined, scenery. The principle of this, borrowed from medieval, was re-filled with a modern theater. It consists in combining on stage at the same time all points of action. With him, a large facilitance of solutions and a new type of figurative convention has come. The more he was introduced, the striking artists from the formal alignment to the uniqueness of the entire spectacle. The simultaneous scenery in its literal sense was made by the creation for the dancer - plastic medium, for the viewer - shaped.

Type of occupation: lecture-practical occupation, using illustrations.


To introduce students with the types of scenery and give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe application of the surveyed skills in practice.


Teach the rules for designing the scenic space;

We master the basics of making scenery in the context of the presentation, familiarize with the adoption techniques (texture, material, manufacturing methods, etc.).

Lecture Plan:

1. Decoration concept, its purpose.

2. Decoration concept. Recaling techniques.

3. Types and types of scenery.

4. Appointment of decorations in artistic action.

Organizing time:

Mark of missing students

Checking the readiness of the audience to perform a practical task - the ability to fix the patterns, schemes and plans shown by the teacher.

Check of knowledge:

After issuing the theoretical material on this topic - a written survey in the form of test.

The final test on the topic is the delivery of practical work - plans and layout of the scene.

Plan of practical training:

1. Measure the stage platform and fix the scene dimensions,

2. Come up with and draw a sketch of scenery to one of the episodes of the work of K.I. Chukovsky "cockroach" according to the size of the size.

3. Make a layout to the invented scenery.

Control and reporting form:

1. Delivery of theoretical material through written test work in the form of an essay,

2. Practical material delivery - layout, sketches, design markup plan,

3. Protection of its plan.

Basic theses

Decoration- This is a picturesque or architectural image of the place and environment of theatrical action installed on the scene.

Decorate- give something beautiful view of external decorations.

Main types of decorations - soft scenery;

- hard scenery;

Soft scenery -Kulisa, hollows, backs, horizons, rugs.

Curtains are the main intermission (sliding, lifting-lower), figured, spectacular, curtain.

Hard scenery - folding machines, team-collapsible, rundocks, stairs, railing, beams, straight line, circular (axial), Teaari, Shirma, columns, etc.

Banner scenery- For example: you can depict the palace of any style, the sea, sky, space, portraits, etc. Banner scenery:

On luphert

With pockets

On metal structures LED scenery -the scenery in which the light is charged, light effects.

Decoration "Black Square" - Design - black clothing scenes, the place and time of action is indicated by separate details: the lantern in the hand of the actor means the onset of twilight, a long staff - the road, the throne - the Royal Castle, etc.

Amusement decoration - The stage space contains objects that can actively influence the viewer without visible execution technology. The scenery can be self-destructive or self-refining, suddenly disappearing either emerging, self-deviating transforming, etc. Such were on the scenes and in the temples, grandiose structures, which in front of the viewer could suddenly open in the form of flower petals, opening large acting groups, or split into parts, as happened in shipwreck episodes.

Decoration - Still Life - The scenery is a beautiful packaging of any simple plot.

Decoration-portrait - A kind of design of the performance, for which the historical accuracy of scenery, costumes and butaforia is important.

Decoration poster - Registration-allegory, a heraldic signs, ornaments, emblems, allegories, items, symbols (crown, cross, banner, etc.) can be attributed to such expressive tools.

Decoration-machine - It is implemented through a set of objects - from props to a bulk design with stairs and various architectural elements, i.e. All that can help plastically express the essence of the phenomenon.

Appointment of decorations in thin. action.

The scenery helps:

Create an external look of the environment in which the characters of the work live and act.

Disclose an understanding of the content of the action - the essence of the era, historical events, characters, relationships,

Create an artistic image of a performance, setting, assuming a composite and visual scenic solution,

Express the psychological state of acting persons, dramatic conflict and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe performance.

1. Bazanov V.V. Technique of making decorations.

2. Litvinov G.V. Scenography. Artistic and decorative design. - Ch., 2010

3. Litvinov G.V. Scenography of theatrical ideas and holidays. - Ch., 2003

4. Ponov A.D. Design and technology of manufacturing theater decorations.

The word "scenery" is most often used to designate the theater accessories that have its assignment to produce the illusion of the place where the action is played on the scene. Therefore, theatrical scenery represent for the most part either landscapes or promising views of the streets, squares and inside of buildings. They are written with paints on canvas.

The main components of each theater decoration - curtain and scenes. The first hangs in the depths of the scene, extending all its width, and depicts everything that in the playful landscape or the future is on the far plan; The scenes are the essence of pieces of canvas, narrower in comparison with the curtain, stretched on a wooden binding and cut from one edge properly; They are placed on the scenes of the scene in two, three and several rows, one by another, and represent closer objects, for example. Trees, cliffs, houses, pilasters and other parts of the scene. The decoration addition is the subdugs - pieces of canvas, stretched at the top through the entire scene and depicting chunks of the sky, the upper branches of trees, ceiling vaults, etc., as well as speakers - various disadvantaged wooden frames and fixes placed on the scene and represent , eg, stones, bridges, sangs of cliffs, hanging galleries, stairs, etc.

The artist engaged in the performance of theatrical scenery and called the decorator must have beyond the preparation required for the painter in general, some special knowledge: he needs to be perfectly known the rules of the linear and air perspective, to learn a very wide reception of the letter, to be able to adapt their flavor to fiery lighting, In which scenic representations are usually occurring, and in general, it is possible to count on the fact that as a result of his labor, the pictorial situation of the played play was obtained, not only not harming her excessive simplicity or cordiality, but contributing to the strength of the impression on the viewer.

Introducing the sketch drawing of the decoration, the decorator makes a layout for it, that is, a miniature similarity of the scene with cardboard curtain, scenes and other accessories, in order to judge the effect of the future work in advance. Getting Started after the design of the scenery itself, it pulls the canvas of the curtains in a horizontal position on the floor of his workshop, translates the drawing of the sketch in an enlarged form by splitting it into the squares and, finally, is accepted for a letter to the paints. In the same way, he comes and in the performance of the Kulis and other parts of the scenery. The palette replaces him a box with banks of various collaborated paints; For the letter serve more or less large, made of brush brushes with long handles. During his work, it also interrupts it to climb to the gallery, arranged in a workshop at some height from the floor, and take a look from there on the written. He works usually not one, but with his students and assistants who charge preparations and secondary parts of the work.

decoration Performance Sketch Dramaturgium

Stage performances were furnished with decorations still in the ancient Greeks. As one of the oldest decorators, known in history, can be indicated on Agafarha, who lived at about 460--420. BC. In the newest times, decoration painting developed primarily in Italy, which delivered the best masters in this part and other countries.

From the Italian decorators in the XVIII century, Giovanni Servanovoni, who worked for the royal opera in Paris was especially famous. Then the championship in the considered region passed to the French. Among them, he showed a wonderful gift of theater painter bokeh; Famous Watto and Bush were not bent to break away from the performance of their paintings in order to write for the scene. Then, between the French decorators, they used the loudness of Degotti, Sisry, students of the last Seshan, delenshen, Feshier and Cambon, Chaperon, Tierry, Ryuba and Cher. Outstanding decorators in Germany were Shinel, Karl Gropius, Italians Kvalo and I. Gofman. In Russia, the needs of the imperial theaters were satisfied at the beginning of the arrival decorators - Italians - Perezinotti, Kaprengy, Kakoni, Gonzaga, and then, in the reign of Nicholas I, German artists Andreas Roller, K. Wagner, etc.; Only in the second half of the XIX century, decorative painting joined Russia for the path of independence, thanks to such gratings, as M. I. Bocharov and M. A. Shishkov, and the institution at the Academy of Special Art Fiction for the study of this industry.

Theatrical and decorative art (it is often called scenography) - a type of visual creativity associated with the decoration of the theater performance, i.e., the creation on the theater scene of the living environment in which the heroes of the dramatic or musical and dramatic work are acting, as well as the appearance of themselves These heroes. The main elements of theatrical and ornamental art - scenery, lighting, butaforia and props, costumes and makeup actors are a single artistic integer, expressing the meaning and character of the stage action, subordinate to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe performance. Theatrical-decorative art is closely related to the development of the theater. Scenic representations without elements of artistic and visual design are an exception.

The basis of the performance of the performance is a scenery depicting the place and time of action. A specific form of scenery (composition, colorastic system of IT. D. is due not only to the content of action, but also by its external conditions (more or less quick changes in the place of action, the peculiarities of the perception of the scenery from the auditorium, combining it with certain lighting, etc.) Summary, embodied on the stage, is originally created by the artist in a sketch or layout. The path from the sketch to the layout and the design of the scene is associated with the search for the greatest expressiveness of the scenery and its artistic completeness. In the work of the best theater artists, the sketch has the importance of not only the work plan of the stage design, but and relatively independent artwork.

Theatrical scenery includes the framing of the scene, a special curtain (or curtains), a visual solution of the scene scene, the scene, the back plan, etc. Methods of the image of the living medium on the stage are diverse. In the traditions of Russian realistic art, scenic solutions are dominated. At the same time, the written plane elements are usually combined with (volumetric or semi-compounds) into a holistic image that creates the illusion of a single spatial environment. But the basis of the scenery can be both figurative-expressive designs, projections, drapery, screen, etc., as well as a combination of various ways of image. The development of the scene technique and the expansion of the image methods do not cancel, however, the values \u200b\u200bof painting as the basis of theatrical and decorative art as a whole. The choice of image method in each individual case is determined by a specific content, genre and the style of the work embodied on the scene.

Costumes of the acting persons created by the artist in unity with scenery characterize the social, national, individual features of the heroes of the performance. They correspond to the color with scenery ("fit" into the overall picture), and in a ballet performance, they also have a special "dance" specificity (must be comfortable and easy and to emphasize dance movements). Inspection of lighting, not only clear visibility is achieved (review, " Readability ") decorations, but also depicts different seasons and days, illusions of natural phenomena (snow, rain, etc.). The color effects of lighting are capable of creating a sense of a certain emotional atmosphere of stage action.

Theatrical-decorative art changes with the development of artistic culture as a whole. It depends on the dominant artistic style, on the type of drama, from the state of the visual art, as well as from the device of theatrical premises and scenes, from the lighting technology and many other specific historical conditions.

The high level of development has reached theatrical-decorative art in Russia at the turn of the XIX - XX centuries, when outstanding artists came to the theater. In the design of performances, they brought a large picturesque culture, sought artistic integrity of the scenic action, organic participation in it of visual arts, unity of scenery, lighting and costumes with drama and music. These were artists who first worked in the Mammoth Opera (V. M. Vasnetsov, V. D. Polenov, M. A. Vrubel, etc.), then at the Moscow Art Theater (V. A. Simov, etc.), in the imperial Music theaters (K. A. Korovin, A. Ya. Golovin), Dyagilevsky "Russian seasons" (A. N. Benua, L. S. Bakst, N. K. Roerich, etc.).

A powerful stimulus for the development of theatrical and ornamental art was given creative quest for advanced director (K. S. Stanislavsky, V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, V. E. Meyerhold, Balletmisters M. M. Fokin and A. A. Gorsky).


E. Zmuro. The layout of the scenery to the spectral of the central children's theater "Skates" on the play S. V. Mikhalkov. 1976.