Where to look for Ivi in \u200b\u200bpixelmon. How to control IVI to develop in Pokemon Go: Old Legend

Where to look for Ivi in \u200b\u200bpixelmon. How to control IVI to develop in Pokemon Go: Old Legend
Where to look for Ivi in \u200b\u200bpixelmon. How to control IVI to develop in Pokemon Go: Old Legend

The very first system of evolution, when improving Pokemon was possible with the help of special fragments and stones was changed to the Candy Evolution. This system implies the use of candy creatures for the evolution. This means that for the development of any type of Pokemon, it is necessary to collect a certain number of candies. Use candy for EEVEE evolution only those that were obtained for the capture of this Pokemon. Consequently, to evolve the creature, it is necessary to catch it several times.

As already known, in the virtual world of Pokemon Go there are about 151 species of creatures. For players, there will be a great success of the capture of a rare pokemon. Such creatures are not only found not often, but also have amazing abilities. But often found may have a unique gift.

Among the most popular Pokemon in the game Pokemon Go can allocate IVI (Eevee). It is very often found in the gameplay and does not stand out at first glance. Today we will tell about the evolution of this Pokemon.

Most REDDI users on a certain branch are combined and share information in order to find out the entire pattern of evolution. But at the moment, no success does this company brings. But the game independently solves the result of evolution in the presence of some conditions. That is why all players are no longer anything else to do, as hoping for good luck and pay a large amount of time to each creature.

In the process of the appearance of updates, the game most likely there will be an explanation that concerns directly Eevee. But so far it is possible only to observe the process of experiment on Reddit. We will definitely keep readers aware of all events.

So, this pokemon can turn into eight different species. But in the game at the moment there are only three of them. Consequently, after improving IVI, it may turn out: Flareon, Vaporeon or Jolteon.

No player at the moment found regularities in evolution and faster it happens by chance. Not more than a thousand players from all over the world can be found in the collection of a rather rare Pokemon - Vaporeon.

How to get the most rare Eevolution Eevee - Vaporeon?

Video clip: "How to get a rare evolution?"

Those who see it for the first time can say that he is a pretty cute fluffy beast, which does not differ from the like. But in fact it is far away. The creature has a unique structure of DNA. Thanks to this, Pokemon can easily evolve into eight different creatures. This is its distinctive ability from the rest.

In order to improve this Pokemon, you need to collect special resources. These are candy. For the evolution of IVI, 25 pieces will need. To collect such a quantity, you need to find and capture about five IVI. We should not forget that for the evolution of a certain pokemon, only those candies that were obtained for the capture of this species are used.

In this guide you will learn everything about controlled evolutionEevee Pokemon Go. in Vaporeon. , Jolteon and Flareon, as well as who is better and how to evolve Eevee. in Pokemon Go. .

Ivi is a small fluffy little animal, a mixture of protein, dogs and foxes. For the first time appeared in the 40th series of the series, together three with its forms and immediately fought in the heart to many fans, like the most cute from pocket animals, and even with many transformations. Fans continue to argue what evolutionEevee. stronger inPokemon Go which is better. But most of them agree that this is one of the best pokemon in the universe.

Transformation Eevee.

At the moment, there are 3 evolution variantEevee secret Which we will reveal a little later: Vazrange, Jolteon and Freasure. All of them represent different natural elements and have different kinds and abilities. Developers put another embarcule in the game, thanks to which we can choose how to transformEevee. . This is a reference to three brothers from the series, who had three different forms of IVI. Let's look at each of them individually.

Jolteon Pokemon Go.

Pokemon electric type, in battle his needles become solid as steel and help him in the fight against the enemy. An interesting option for those who collect bulk pokemonstrov. For this type we must renameEevee. In Sparky, then make a transformation and with a probability of 100%, you will receive Jolteon.

Rare Pokemon Vaporeon.

Water type of pocket monsters, which is capable of dissolving in water and becomes invisible to the enemy. How to nameEevee. to receiveVaporeon. ? Just rename IVI in Rainer and happen best, the strongest evolutionEevee. inVaporeon. . Why is the strongest? And because it entered the top ten of the strongest not legendary Pokemon, with which you can find in this one, and immediately in the third place.

Flareon Pokemon Go.

Fire view, in my opinion, the most dear of the three standard forms of IVI transformation. How to evolve it correctlyEevee. In Flareon? To do this, make renamationEevee. In Pyro. Further all over the old scheme.

As you already guessed, these names are associated with a cartoonerial, namely with three brothers Ivivods who lived near
The element stones deposit (thanks to them in the original there was an artificial transition between the forms of Pokemon) and transformed their IVIs in Yelemon, Vapraon, Flareon, and the name of them asparaki, Rainer and Pyro. There was another fourth younger brother who had ordinary IVI and did not want to evolve it.

Now you know difference in evolutionEevee. inPokemon Go. , as well as as and what evolution of PokemonEevee. choose. If you still do not believe, you can watch the video in which I transformed at once three IVI so and everything came out with a bang.

Have a good game!

In this guide you will learn everything about controlled evolutionEevee Pokemon Go. in Vaporeon. , Jolteon and Flareon, as well as who is better and how to evolve Eevee. in Pokemon Go. .

Ivi is a small fluffy little animal, a mixture of protein, dogs and foxes. For the first time appeared in the 40th series of the series, together three with its forms and immediately fought in the heart to many fans, like the most cute from pocket animals, and even with many transformations. Fans continue to argue what evolutionEevee. stronger inPokemon Go which is better. But most of them agree that this is one of the best pokemon in the universe.

Transformation Eevee.

At the moment, there are 3 evolution variantEevee secret Which we will reveal a little later: Vazrange, Jolteon and Freasure. All of them represent different natural elements and have different kinds and abilities. Developers put another embarcule in the game, thanks to which we can choose how to transformEevee. . This is a reference to three brothers from the series, who had three different forms of IVI. Let's look at each of them individually.

Jolteon Pokemon Go.

Pokemon electric type, in battle his needles become solid as steel and help him in the fight against the enemy. An interesting option for those who collect bulk pokemonstrov. For this type we must renameEevee. In Sparky, then make a transformation and with a probability of 100%, you will receive Jolteon.

Rare Pokemon Vaporeon.

Water type of pocket monsters, which is capable of dissolving in water and becomes invisible to the enemy. How to nameEevee. to receiveVaporeon. ? Just rename IVI in Rainer and happen best, the strongest evolutionEevee. inVaporeon. . Why is the strongest? And because it entered the top ten of the strongest not legendary Pokemon, with which you can find in this one, and immediately in the third place.

Flareon Pokemon Go.

Fire view, in my opinion, the most dear of the three standard forms of IVI transformation. How to evolve it correctlyEevee. In Flareon? To do this, make renamationEevee. In Pyro. Further all over the old scheme.

As you already guessed, these names are associated with a cartoonerial, namely with three brothers Ivivods who lived near
The element stones deposit (thanks to them in the original there was an artificial transition between the forms of Pokemon) and transformed their IVIs in Yelemon, Vapraon, Flareon, and the name of them asparaki, Rainer and Pyro. There was another fourth younger brother who had ordinary IVI and did not want to evolve it.

Now you know difference in evolutionEevee. inPokemon Go. , as well as as and what evolution of PokemonEevee. choose. If you still do not believe, you can watch the video in which I transformed at once three IVI so and everything came out with a bang.

Have a good game!

Ivi in \u200b\u200bPokemon GO is such an element of surprise. And the thing is that the IVI is not developed as as the rest, but Randomno. In one of the three Pokemon. And it is believed that the evolution of Ivi cannot manage the player. In the sense that he only looks at, who will work out from the next Ivi - Jolteon, Vaporon or Freason.

However, as it turned out, not everything is so mysterious. More precisely, it was mysterious. While the real Ashakals have not entered the game, who are familiar with those themselves, original pokemons, anime, and not virtual toy. Moreover, you are familiar not by the heal, but in fact personally, and with everyone.

And, it seems, the developers of the game were also waiting. With gifts, as it should be. And the whole mysterious story with the development of IVI in Pokemon Go finally received his quite beautiful explanation. Just only the real Pokemon fans could know that in the series "Four Brothers Evi" about the real anime coxy, the Evi T-shirts were brothers, Pyro and Sparks, who trained their Vaporon, Freareton and Jolteon. And T-shirts did not want to develop their Evi further. Therefore, Pokemon remained small and fluffy, but, nevertheless, then saved everyone in real battle.

Why are we telling it all, and what does modern IVI here?

And to the fact that if in Pokemon Go and to develop in the usual way, then it will really evolve rendero, and will turn into any of the three Pokemon mentioned.

But if Ivi is renamed before evolution, the result will be the same as necessary, and not how it turns out. We call him Sparky (Sparks), he evolves in Jolteon, Rainer (Rainer) - will turn into a vaporon, and if Pyro (Pyro) is in the flareon. Such an unusual focus, and one-dimensional - taught surprise for fans of an ancient, but very popular Cogd TV series.

Now that you know how to control Ivi to develop, it is necessary to be very determined from Pokemon, in which he evolves. There is an opinion that it is better to start with a vaporone, from all three options for "health" and CP initially more. Actually, precisely because it is so popular, and it is precisely because to find a wild vaporon is considered a noticeable luck. In the initial levels, at least.

Eevee (IVI) in Pokemon GO is a normal pokemon. It evolves in Vaporeon when using Water Stone. It has sequence number # 133.

He has an unusual genetic code. It can mutate due to the radiation of elemental stones.

Where to look for Eevee in Pokemon Go

If you do not know where to find and how to catch IVI in Pokemon, then here is the list of places where Eevee lives in the game Pokemon Go:

Everywhere (no dependence on the terrain and time of day)

A type




Characteristics Eevee.

Health (HP): 55
Attack: 55.
Protection: 50.
Specialist. Attack: 45.
Specialist. Protection: 65.
Speed: 55.

Height: 3 m
Weight: 65 kg
Gender: 87.5% ♂, 12.5% \u200b\u200b♀

Damage from attack

The effectiveness of each type against EEVEE. Here you can find out what damage will get IVI in Pokemon from one or another type of Pokemon.

Normal Normal \u003d normal efficiency "\u003e 1

Combat Normal \u003d super-efficient "\u003e 2

Flying Normal \u003d normal efficiency "\u003e 1

Poisonous Normal \u003d normal efficiency "\u003e 1

Earthman Normal \u003d normal efficiency "\u003e 1

Stone Normal \u003d normal efficiency "\u003e 1

Insect Normal \u003d normal efficiency "\u003e 1

Ghost Normal \u003d not efficient "\u003e 0

Steel Normal \u003d normal efficiency "\u003e 1

Fiery Normal \u003d normal efficiency "\u003e 1

Water Normal \u003d normal efficiency "\u003e 1

Herbal Normal \u003d normal efficiency "\u003e 1

Electric Normal \u003d normal efficiency "\u003e 1

Mental Normal \u003d normal efficiency "\u003e 1

Ice Normal \u003d normal efficiency "\u003e 1

Dragoni. Normal \u003d normal efficiency "\u003e 1