Essay by picture A.G

Essay by picture A.G
Help urgently, please !!! essay. Let us turn to the reproduction of the painting of Alexey Kondratyevich

Savrasova "Graci flew" Plan: /. What topic is the picture written? //. Clott description A.K.Savrasova 1composition of the picture: a) what is shown in the foregoing; b) what is shown on the writer and the far plans of the picture. 2.Collard Pictures: a) Non-solder spring colors; b) wet transparent air; c) calm paint. ///. What did the artist tell the audience?

Help please! Based on the read text write

writing-reasoning, with 2 arguments confirming the answer to the question) to responding to the question: "Why began to doubt Vitka Somov in
His friends? "

(1) First in the courtyard fashion sneakers put on a cache
Shcheglov. (2) And not any, but tricolor, English. (3) he walked around the yard and
Popped everything that came down under my feet: matchboxes, pebbles, cups
From under ice cream.

(4) The eyes of the boys caught fire: Lucky Shcheglov! (5) Only Vitka Somov did not participate in
Discussion of Keshkin update. (6) sneakers, of course, were cool, but envy
Shcheglov Vitya did not want. (7) in his chest everything burned from the annoyance, which is lucky
Keshka. (8) burned so as if he swallowed steep boiling water. (9) would be lucky
Golevo - his father takes boys for fishing. (10) or Sana Borisov -
He lives without dad, with mom and grandmother. (11) But she was lucky, Zadira and Drachun.

(12) Kesheka was a thunderstorm of the courtyard and the misfortune of parents,
who got out of his strength. (13) He offended others is not just like this: all his
Trades were evil.

(14) And today Keshka in new sneakers, firms.
(15) No, does not want Vitya or envy the shcheglov, nor rejoice at him. (16) Other
Let them want.

(17) But himself came out as other guys
Separated from Keshkov and walked to the house. (18) They sat on the couch near
Stakenik and looked like a grandmother from a neighboring house feeds pigeons.
(19) The pupils she endowed the bread and always crumbled it on the well lid.
(20) Pigeons are accustomed to and in the morning there are already seeds onto a well-fidack, trusting
Looped under the legs of passersby.

(21) Pigeons picked up the last crumbs when Keshka
Schieglov, glooming with the old woman, sneakers sneakers fencing one of the birds and
Threw from asphalt on the lawn. (22) The pigeon scored wings, trying to rise, but
Immediately folded the fan of the tail and fell a side. (23) He spent the old woman with hatred
Shcheglova look.

- (24) You are what, Ledgorically! - Vitka rolled with
Cups and ran up to a baked bird. - (25) You interrupted him!

- (26) And what they are confused under their feet! (27) shooting
All of them are time.

- (28) What did she get to you? - Vitya with a dove in
Hand stood in front of the shoe. - (29) How to laugh now!

- (30) are you? - Rassed Keshka her mouth from amazement.

(31) Yes, Vitka himself understood: where he, with his
Range weight, cope with scooled. (32) That's if all together! .. (33) But with
No one climbed as a fight: everyone knew that he would take each other later

(34) Vitka stood before the guys with a dove in hand, and
He wanted to cry.

- (35) so that you ... - Vitya choke from anger in
Search for the worst words. - (36) so that you have broken your leg! (37) Vitka
It became easily easily. (38) But in the next moment he was already frightened. (39) "enemy to his
I would not wish, "Mom said when she had badly. (40) and Vitya
wished. (41) And what - the enemy? (42) And the rest of the guys? (43) It is clear that not
enemies. (44) Does your friends? (45) Won is sitting with a scooped side and even if.

(46) Vitya went with small chambers, waited for someone
Calculate either catch up and fascinates. (47) there was no one. (48) towards
Stool rose old woman and decisively
Pigeon took from the vitakin hands.

(49) And Keshka Schieglov in the same evening in the same place
broke the leg.

(On Tourusova

Thanks in advance)

An outstanding Russian painter Alexey Gavrilovich Venetsianov was born on February 7, 1780 in Moscow, in a merchant family. About the life of the artist little information. He began to engage in painting already in adulthood. He himself wrote about himself: "I am not a pupil of the Academy, I did not prepare myself to be an artist and became loving art."

In fact, all the pictures of Venetsian are great. He created many works on the theme of peasant life. In 1820, the artist left Moscow, began to live in a small estate of Safonkovo \u200b\u200bin the Tver province. Here he wrote

many amazing paintings.

In 1824, at the academic exhibition, Venetsianov presented its works created in the estate of Safonkovo. Among them was the picture "That and Batkin Lunch". The plot of the paintings was illuminated by the title for which the picture was shown at the exhibition: "The boy flashes that he dropped a burata with milk and shed."

The picture shows a fair-haired boy. He looks sad at the overturned dishes, where milk was. Nearby sits the faithful dog, who looks at the owner with sympathy. The dog seems to understand the mood of the boy, and wants to console him.

You can guess that the boy is from the poor

families. He does not see food plenty, so he is very sorry for the spilled milk. It is possible that he was a jar with milk and a piece of bread, who works in the field. This meager lunch is a piece of bread and a jar of milk. Father was destined for a whole day.

The boy does not know what to do. Of course, the father will very angry that the Son could not bring him dinner. Dumopy dooms overcome the baby.

The child in the picture cannot but cause sympathy and sympathy. The boy is dressed in a white shirt. It looks neat and well-groomed, despite the bare feet. At the sight of a child of six to seven years.

The hero of the picture understands the value of the products, so it is so worried because of the missing lunch. The true value of this work is that the artist not only masterfully transmits a separate moment of life, but also shows the inner world of the hero. We do not know anything about the boy, but we can guess that this is a very responsible and conscientious child. He accidentally shed milk, maybe it happened during the game. And maybe the jug turned out to be too heavy for a fragile boy. And he did not resist his nose in his hands.

The boy feels his guilt in front of his father. And his mood is transmitted to the audience. The picture cannot leave us indifferent. It allows you to look into the distant past, to realize how difficult was the life of ordinary people.

The picture is made in warm colors. The artist specially uses lighting lighting on the canvas. He managed to concentrate the attention of the audience on the main hero of this work.


- an essay by picture here and Batkin lunch

- Essay in the picture Over and Batkin Lunch

- Here and Batkin Lunch

- Description of the painting here and Batkin Lunch

- Those and Batkin Lunch Description

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An outstanding Russian painter Alexey Gavrilovich Venetsianov was born on February 7, 1780 in Moscow, in a merchant family. About the life of the artist little information. He began to engage in painting already in adulthood. He himself wrote about himself: "I am not a pupil of the Academy, I didn't prepare myself to be an artist and became loving art."

In fact, all the pictures of Venetsian are great. He created many works on the theme of peasant life. In 1820, the artist left Moscow, began to live in a small estate of Safonkovo \u200b\u200bin the Tver province. Here he wrote a lot of amazing paintings.

In 1824, at the academic exhibition, Venetsianov presented its works created in the estate of Safonkovo. Among them was the painting "That and Batkin Lunch". The plot of the paintings was illuminated by the title for which the picture was demonstrated at the exhibition: "The boy flashes that he dropped a burata with milk and shed."

The picture shows a fair-haired boy. He looks sad at the overturned dishes, where milk was. Nearby sits the faithful dog, who looks at the owner with sympathy. The dog seems to understand the mood of the boy, and wants to console him.

You can guess that a boy out of a poor family. He does not see food plenty, so he is very sorry for the spilled milk. It is possible that he was a jar with milk and a piece of bread, who works in the field. This meager lunch is a piece of bread and a jar of milk. Father was destined for a whole day.

The boy does not know what to do. Of course, the father will very angry that the Son could not bring him dinner. Dumopy dooms overcome the baby.

The child in the picture cannot but cause sympathy and sympathy. The boy is dressed in a white shirt. It looks neat and well-groomed, despite the bare feet. At the sight of a child of six to seven years.

The hero of the picture understands the value of the products, so it is so worried because of the missing lunch. The true value of this work is that the artist not only masterfully transmits a separate moment of life, but also shows the inner world of the hero. We do not know anything about the boy, but we can guess that this is a very responsible and conscientious child. He accidentally shed milk, maybe it happened during the game. And maybe the jug turned out to be too heavy for a fragile boy. And he did not resist his nose in his hands.

The boy feels his guilt in front of his father. And his mood is transmitted to the audience. The picture cannot leave us indifferent. It allows you to look into the distant past, to realize how difficult was the life of ordinary people.

The picture is made in warm colors. The artist specially uses lighting lighting on the canvas. He managed to concentrate the attention of the audience on the main hero of this work.

An outstanding Russian painter Alexey Gavrilovich Venetsianov was born on February 7, 1780 in Moscow, in a merchant family. About the life of the artist little information. He began to engage in painting already in adulthood. He himself wrote about himself: "I am not a pupil of the Academy, I didn't prepare myself to be an artist and became loving art."

In fact, all the pictures of Venetsian are great. He created many works on the theme of peasant life. In 1820, the artist left Moscow, began to live in a small estate of Safonkovo \u200b\u200bin the Tver province. Here he wrote a lot

Amazing paintings.

In 1824, at the academic exhibition, Venetsianov presented its works created in the estate of Safonkovo. Among them was the painting "That and Batkin Lunch". The plot of the paintings was illuminated by the title for which the picture was demonstrated at the exhibition: "The boy flashes that he dropped a burata with milk and shed."

The picture shows a blonde boy. He looks sad at the overturned dishes, where milk was. Nearby sits the faithful dog, who looks at the owner with sympathy. The dog seems to understand the mood of the boy, and wants to console him.

You can guess that a boy out of a poor family. He is not

She sees food plenty, so he is very sorry for bottled milk. Perhaps he carried a jug with milk and a piece of bread, who works in the field. This meager lunch is a piece of bread and a jar of milk. Father was destined for a whole day.

The boy does not know what to do. Of course, the father will very angry that the Son could not bring him dinner. Dumopy dooms overcome the baby.

The child in the picture cannot but cause sympathy and sympathy. The boy is dressed in a white shirt. It looks neat and well-groomed, despite the bare feet. The child is six to seven years old.

The hero of the picture understands the value of the products, so it is so worried because of the missing lunch. The true value of this work is that the artist not only masterfully conveys a separate moment of life, but also shows the inner world of the hero. We do not know anything about the boy, but we can guess that this is a very responsible and conscientious child. He accidentally shed milk, maybe it happened during the game. And maybe the jug was too heavy for a fragile boy. And he did not resist his nose in his hands.

The boy feels his guilt in front of his father. And his mood is transmitted to the audience. The picture cannot leave us indifferent. It allows you to look back in the distant past, to realize how difficult was the life of ordinary people.

The picture is made in warm colors. The artist specially uses lighting lighting on the canvas. He manages to concentrate the attention of the audience on the main hero of this work.

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