Patterns on the windows paint the New Year. How to paint snowflakes on glass with toothpaste

Patterns on the windows paint the New Year.  How to paint snowflakes on glass with toothpaste
Patterns on the windows paint the New Year. How to paint snowflakes on glass with toothpaste

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There is nothing more interesting than trying on the role of Frost and an easy way to turn even the most severe design into a Christmas fairy tale! We arm ourselves with scissors, paper and a knife-cutter, download stencils of decorations on the windows for the New Year from us and enjoy the reaction of unsuspecting household members! Today the editors of the site have prepared a lot of interesting stencils for you and will tell you how to use them.

We selflessly decorate windows for the New Year using intricate or simple stencils

Magical window decoration for the New Year using stencils and drawings

To start decorating the window, you need to decide whether it will be a surprise for the rest of the family, or they will take part in this. If you want to surprise your loved ones, then it is better to do cutting in splendid isolation. Well, perhaps, let the cat and the dog be silent witnesses. And if you want collective labor, then the kids will not be of much use, except to hold the stencil while you climb into the chair.

Windows are decorated in several ways:

  • download a ready-made stencil on the Internet or take and transfer the picture to paper;
  • draw what you want by hand;
  • draw with a stencil on the windows with paint or toothpaste.

The choice of topics is great, for 2019 a lot of different stencils are already offered:

  • snowflakes are beautiful in themselves, but if you create a composition from them, it will be especially wonderful;
  • images of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are an integral part of the New Year, so they can take a worthy place on the window;
  • the next year of the Pig can be displayed on the window in the form of a symbol - the silhouette of an animal;
  • Christmas toys and bells;
  • tree or spruce forest;
  • various animals, including horses and deer, which are a symbol of the holiday;
  • angels will appreciate those who anxiously await Christmas and believe in miracles;
  • snowmen will immediately bring with them a winter mood;
  • houses and snow towns.

In the photo in the article, you will see multi-original and simple stencils.

Cutting out beautiful figures using a paper stencil of figures on the windows for the New Year

The first way to decorate windows is to cut out figures from a New Year stencil, which is easy to download and print. There are many for windows different options, shapes of different complexity and pattern.

Decals are another way to decorate windows for the New Year

You can also do this: in any children's coloring there are interesting figures. If you take tracing paper and transfer the shape you like to paper, then there will be an excellent basis for a stencil. To finish the template, you need to think about where to make additional cuts.

Drawings on the windows for the New Year: an interesting application of artistic abilities of any level

Drawings on New Year's windows are created thanks to stencils and coloring compositions. As a paint, you can use gouache, or simply dilute the toothpaste with a little water, and, using an unnecessary toothbrush, spray the resulting composition onto the template. In this case, a slightly different reverse stencil is needed. How do I get it? Easily! A regular template for windows is cut out of paper, but the rest is usually thrown away: this is not worth doing, since this is a ready-made template for painting!

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Tips for decorating windows with templates

To prepare a window for the New Year, a special master class is not required. It’s really easy and enjoyable work. What is suitable for creating templates: any paper, including whatman paper, foil. As a cutting tool, there is nothing better than a dedicated cutter.

In the absence of a cutter, an ordinary clerical knife is used. The template itself is cut out with comfortable sharp scissors.To create a stencil, a black or blue felt-tip pen is useful (well, you can take any bright color, if only you like it), a soap solution.

How to cut a stencil without harming your health and your desk

New Year's stencils for cutting on the windows are placed on a large wooden board, otherwise you will have to buy new table- the cutter can seriously damage the surface.

Try to rotate the cutter on the paper: you need to understand how to hold the pen so that it is convenient to cut, it is not difficult. In the absence of a knife and cutter, small nail scissors are best.

Handle cutting objects with care and cut away from you.

How can you glue the stencil on the glass

Double-sided tape will do a disservice in this matter: yes, it will firmly glue the vytynanka (this is what it is customary to call carved paper stencils), and so tightly that then you will have to study the article on how to remove the tape from the glass. Instead, there is a gentle way: soapy water.

We place the picture in the chosen place and grease the window with a fairly thick solution. If you overdo it with water, then paper with small details will get wet, and this will ruin the composition.

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We select suitable stencils for New Year's windows

The best festive winter stencils themselves will tell you how to decorate windows for the upcoming New Year. Window big size allows you to place a whole performance from the forest, houses, sleighs with Santa Claus and reindeer and with a clear month at the top.

Templates of different letters of the inscription "New Year" for cutting out of paper on the windows

New Year's decorations on paper windows can be in the form of lettering. The only drawback of the placement of letters is that from the street they will be displayed in a mirrored form. But if the windows of the fifth floor are decorated, then the minus becomes insignificant.

Cozy New Year stencils-pictures for windows in the form of houses and villages

It is not difficult to cut out a whole settlement or a separate house on the window for the New Year. Even the palace is within the power of those who crave a special royal appearance of the window opening.

Advice! Cutting drifts under the houses and sleeping them with shiny confetti will make it even more beautiful.

Paper stencils for decorating windows: and here she came to us dressed up for a holiday

The tree has always symbolized New Year's celebrations. And it will also look smart on the windows.

New Year's paper stencils for windows: Christmas decorations on glass

We offer beautiful templates christmas decorations on windows: interesting solution because the balls have different patterns and can be a great decoration.

Stencils for window decorations for the new year: snowflakes, month, stars

New Year's templates for cutting out on windows are also in the form of funny figures of the month, stars, snowflakes. Snowflakes are placed as they decrease towards the center of the window.

Vytynanki in the form of candles, angels and bells: the light and ringing of Christmas night

New Year will pass, Christmas will come. Usually in Russian families make one decor for both holidays. If the family is a believer, they want to decorate the room in a special way. For this purpose, you can cut beautiful angels.

For lovers new year theme suitable vytynanki in the form of candles and bells.

Paper templates for decorating windows in the form of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

Traditional Santa Claus and Snow Maiden do not always stand under the tree, guarding gifts: today they have the right to settle on the window either in the form of solid figures or as masks.

New Year's paper templates for the window: a snowman is visiting us

Among the templates and New Year's pictures on the windows, one cannot fail to mention the snowmen. Funny winter guests will add a twist to the baby window.

Vytynanka in the form of deer

Deer remain a favorite subject not only for children, but also for adults. As a child, everyone wanted to see Santa Claus flying in a sleigh pulled by reindeer.

Vytynanka in the form of a symbol of the coming year - a pig

The year of the Yellow Earth Pig is coming, so you should put a cute little pig in the form of a protruding one on your window.

Other animals as New Year stencils for windows

Even after placing the piglet on the window, you should not deny yourself the pleasure of sticking other beautiful animals there.

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Drawings on glass are fun, beautiful and festive. Having made such a New Year's decoration with children on all windows in your apartment, you will not only give yourself a festive mood, but also all those who, passing by your house, will glance at your windows. It is also beautiful and very affordable way so that and.

New Year's drawings on the windows: draw with toothpaste

Drawings on the windows made with ordinary toothpaste are the easiest and most budgetary way that kids will really like, and you won't worry about how to wash the windows, because the paste is well washed off with water. There are two ways to paint on glass with toothpaste.

To create on a window, you will need:

  • sponge for washing dishes;
  • Toothpaste white;
  • water;
  • a bowl;
  • Scotch;
  • stencils for New Year's drawings;
  • toothpicks.

Roll up a piece of sponge and fasten it with tape. Squeeze out the toothpaste into a bowl and dilute it a little with water. Dip the resulting "brush" in the paste and draw patterns on the glass with it. You can paint with or without stencils. After the paste dries a little, use a toothpick to paint the details. And with a thin brush, you can draw threads for toys.

For the next way to paint on glass with toothpaste, you need slightly different materials:

  • Toothpaste;
  • water;
  • old toothbrush;
  • stencils.

This method is often used to decorate not only windows, but also mirrors in the house for the New Year. First, select the drawing stencils. It can even be ordinary paper-cut snowflakes. , you will find on the link. Moisten the cut stencil with water and glue it to the surface of a window or mirror. Remove excess moisture with a dry cloth.

In a container, dilute the toothpaste with water until smooth. Pour the mixture liberally onto the brush and bring it close to the stencil. Run your fingers over the bristles, thus sprinkling the paste onto the stencil of New Year's drawings until you completely fill the drawing.

Leave the drawing together with the stencil until almost completely dry. When winter drawing will be ready, the paper stencil will easily separate from the glass surface and the drawing itself will not be smeared.

What else to paint on windows: techniques of New Year's patterns on glass

For drawings on glass for the New Year, special washable paints for painting on glass, gouache with a brush, are also ideal. artificial snow in a can, regular soap, PVA glue and glitter.

Drawings on the windows for the New Year 2019: stencils and templates

To make the New Year's drawings on the windows neat, it is better to use stencils and templates. You just need to choose the plot you like, download the picture to your computer, print and cut along the contour and in the right designated places. And then everything, as described above in the master class, to draw with toothpaste on the windows.

How to paint windows for the New Year: 13 ideas for New Year's drawings on glass

We offer you several options for what you can paint on the windows in winter. Such pictures with New Year's drawings the windows can be viewed for hours and inspired by these wonderful ideas.

Decorated Christmas tree, hung around the house, " Frost patterns»Painted on the windows with my own hands- all this will create a feeling of miracle and the approaching New Year 2019.

Windows are the mirror of the soul of any home. It is through them that we look at the world, being within the walls of our home. Therefore, window decoration for the New Year 2019 is so important! Read how to do this below. In addition, there are useful tips, ideas, photos and videos.

Any decorating process inspires and gives extremely positive emotions and inspiration. And when it comes to winter holidays, then the positive effect increases a hundredfold. Without guile, we can say that we enjoy not only the immediate celebration, but also the preparation for the holiday.

In order to properly and beautifully decorate windows and windowsill for the New Year, you should pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • Close windows when decorating so that you are not blown out, and the draft does not provoke a cold before the holidays.
  • Before you start, clean this place thoroughly, wash the glass... Otherwise, even the most adorable design and decor will look dull.
  • To decorate the windows for the New Year outside can choose compositions of spruce branches, cones, bright ribbons, beads.

  • When making decorations for windows for the New Year from paper, handle scissors and sharp devices with care, supervise children if they are involved in the process.
  • If you have stained glass windows then on New Years it is better to decorate only the windowsill because they are colorful and smart anyway.
  • Attach decor neatly so as not to scratch or damage anything.
  • To decorate as beautifully and stylishly as possible, use several techniques at once.

  • Do not obstruct the glass too much so as not to obstruct the flow of light, because the room should not be too dark.
  • Since the New Year 2019 will be held under the auspices of the Yellow Earth Pig, it is advisable to decorate the whole house and windows in characteristic flowers symbol: yellow (any shades), orange, mustard, golden, terracotta, brown, beige, sand.

Window decoration ideas

Windows are a great field of activity when decorating your home for the New Year 2019. Firstly, you can use the glass, and secondly, the window sill. To do this, use various accessories, toys, decorative items.

Here's how to decorate windows for the New Year 2019:

  1. paper products;
  2. garlands;
  3. painted;
  4. vytynankami (cutouts).

You can implement such popular ideas for beautiful and stylish window decoration for the New Year 2019 alone or together with family members, friends, children... In the process, you may have new and unexpected ideas, design schemes. Be sure to use them, improvisation in such a creative business is always welcome!


Snowflakes are familiar to everyone from childhood, so to speak, the classic decoration of windows with paper (white or colored) for the New Year. This versatile piece of decor will look stylish on almost any surface of the house - from the wall to the refrigerator.

To make crafts you will need:

  1. Paper (colored or white).
  2. Scissors.
  3. Stationery knife.
  4. Glue.

For ideas and inspiration, you can see photos of options on how to decorate a window with snowflakes for the New Year:

Note! Crafts can be very diverse: flat or three-dimensional, colored or white, large or small.

Below you can watch a video, choose your favorite technique and create snowflakes to decorate windows for the New Year:


Decorating windows with chains of interconnected objects can diversify even the most boring interior. By the New Year around the perimeter hang out most advantageously as usual electric or homemade paper garland.

Or to implement an interesting idea - to make an original garland with your own hands from some other material. For example, it can be made from:

  • balls;

  • paper snowflakes, Santa Clauses, Christmas trees.

On this unusual ideas do not end! You can independently figure out how to decorate a window in an original way for the New Year with your own hands. For example, for such a product, it is suitable to use dried flowers, cones, spruce branches, party socks.

A few tips to listen to when decorating windows with garlands for the New Year:

  • Try placing the appliance around the perimeter, making something like an impromptu curtain. It looks really great.
  • Choose only reliable and quality products.
  • Avoid homemade electrical appliances altogether.
  • For elegance, try decorating the entire window, including the window sill.
  • Make sure that the device is securely fixed and does not fall suddenly, damaging other decorative elements.

Photo: options for decorating windows with garlands for the New Year

Original ideas:

Christmas balls

Perhaps, Christmas balls can be used to decorate almost all components of the home, but they are especially suitable for decorating windows.

Here are the options for decorating with balloons:

  • hang one ball in a chaotic manner;
  • connect them into a single structured garland;
  • decorate the windowsill, highlighting the overall composition.

You will definitely not have any problems with decorating windows with Christmas balls for the New Year, because there are many different balls in color, shape, design, pattern. Before the holiday, you can buy them in almost any more or less large store, not to mention specialized stores.

Photo beautiful decoration windows with balls for the New Year:

Glass painting

Remember how interesting it is to look at the pattern on glass that forms due to frost? This testifies to the fact that the patterns are ideal for decorating windows for the New Year. Most often for this apply toothpaste.If everything is done efficiently, it will turn out very cute and festive.

Photo: decorating windows for the New Year using painting

It will be picturesque to perform drawings for decorating windows for the New Year using brushes and special washable paints for glass... Use your talents, improvise and paint however you like! In addition to decorating windows for the New Year with paints, you can decorate glass prints the hands of all family members.

Photos of drawings:

To make an original window decoration for the New Year using toothpaste, you will need the following things:

  • the toothpaste itself;
  • water;
  • stencil;
  • sponge;
  • glass paints;
  • brush.

It's not a sin to remember the old grandfather's way: dilute a little toothpaste in water, and then use a stencil and a sponge to apply the pattern to the window... Such beauty will hold on for a long time, and it is washed off easily - with an ordinary damp cloth. You can add food paint to the mixture and create colored paintings.

As already written above, to create window decorations for the New Year using toothpaste, templates and stencils are needed. Choose one of your favorites, print it and start designing:

You have the opportunity to choose one image or several at once, or you can create an interesting and complex composition to decorate windows for the New Year 2019. In any case, it is important to apply drawings of Santa Claus, a Christmas tree, a snowman, a pig, snowflakes with a paste.

Video: how to decorate windows with toothpaste for the New Year.


Quilling- the most beautiful rolling technique of narrow paper strips and creating different compositions(for example, flowers, animals, and even portraits of people). So decorating windows for the New Year 2019 from paper using the quilling technique is a great idea!

Create beautiful snowflakes, festive Christmas trees and place them on the glass. And even after the celebration, there will remain the opportunity to carefully remove the crafts and place them in another place or leave them stored until the next winter holiday.

Here's what you need:

  1. paper strips (white, colored);
  2. scissors;
  3. wooden stick;
  4. glue;
  5. threads.

Having spread these items on the table, do not rush to get started. It's not easy! A little preparation is needed: read the instructions again, watch the video, photos.

Instructions for creating quilling paper products with which you can decorate a window for the New Year:

  • Twist the strip as tightly as possible onto the stick in a spiral. You need a lot of these details.
  • Then remove the spiral and make it the diameter you need.
  • Then carefully fix the tip of the strip with glue.
  • When you have made all the necessary parts of the craft, you can fasten them together.

The video below shows and describes in detail how to make a snowflake. For convenience, turn it on by performing the sequential steps in sync.

Video: how to make paper window decorations for the New Year using the quilling technique.

Symbol of the year

It is difficult to imagine a full-fledged home decoration without the main symbol of the coming year. The symbol itself looks noble and interesting, but together with festive mood he is able to immerse oneself in a fairy tale.

You can original and beautifully decorate the window for the New Year with the help of the Yellow Earth Pig as follows:

  1. painting on glass (toothpaste, paints, for example, gouache);
  2. toys (Christmas tree, soft, wooden, knitted, etc.);
  3. animal posters;
  4. cut out silhouette from paper;
  5. garland in the form of animal silhouettes.

The easiest option is decorate with toys... Suitable for decorating a window sill for the New Year. Just place one or more toys or tie with strings and leave hanging. True, the latter option is more suitable for small wooden or Christmas tree decorations.

If you like to draw, then try to draw symbol poster and glue or stick to the glass. You yourself can choose the size of the poster, the pattern, the colors.

Window decoration with the Yellow Pig for the New Year you are quite capable of doing gouache, which is applied to the glass. Give preference to bright yellows and orange flowers to make the image positive and colorful.

WITH garland by the way, you can do whatever you want. Try to fix it in such a way that the lights form pig silhouette.


Vytynanka (or vitinanka) - paper cutting is a very interesting variety decorative arts, which is ideal for decorating windows for the New Year. There are many quirky image templates that everyone will find the most attractive for themselves.

To make such paper decor, you need the following things:

  • sheets А-4 (white or colored);
  • pencil;
  • stationery knife;
  • cutting mat or stand;
  • PVA glue;
  • template (templates and stencils are waiting for you below).

The following protrusions can be cut to decorate windows for the New Year: christmas ball, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, tree, snowflakes. These images are the most festive, therefore good mood you are guaranteed. And you can also make some kind of story decoration.

It will not be superfluous to attract children to make crafts. They will learn a new creative skill and you will have fun and rewarding time!

It is not forbidden to decorate absolutely any window in the house with vytynanki for the New Year, even at work, at school, etc.

The photos show that decorating the windows with tucked-out windows for the New Year really looks great and festive:

Stencils for creating protrusions for decorating windows for the New Year:

To perform such a decoration for windows for the New Year 2019, you you need to print the template you like(just save the picture above and print). You can also come up with your own idea and draw a stencil according to your own idea. But first you need to practice making sketches.

Video: making vytynanka.

How to decorate a windowsill

Decorating a window with your own hands for the New Year means decorating not only glass, but also a window sill. Indeed, in terms of decorating a room, it plays an important role.

There are a lot of options for decorating a window sill for the New Year, like the entire window! You can choose a simple and light decor or an openwork and bright one. Here you should be guided by your desires.

For a stylish decoration, use a window sill to place:

1) Various compositions cardboard, natural material in (cones, sticks, spruce branches, etc.) and candles... It turns out nice and sincere.

2) Paper compositions... In particular, you can make a winter city or forest with your own hands. The videos that you will find just below provide instructions on how to create a craft.

For such a window sill decoration for the New Year, you will need the following templates:

3) Beautiful toys of a festive theme(Christmas trees, Santa Claus, pigs).

4) Beautiful compositions... Try even arranging a whole exhibition of New Year's work, that is, place together various crafts that you made with your own hands.

5) Beautiful Christmas trees... You can make them yourself from cardboard, fabric, you can buy toys in the store. And you can even put live tree in a pot!

Photos of a beautiful window sill decoration for the New Year:

A wonderful composition in the style of minimalism: live, green branches, leaves and beads.

Candles framed with cinnamon sticks and nutmegs will harmoniously blend into the overall festive composition. Just be careful not to leave burning candles unattended.

Craft from natural materials with bright accents(scarlet ribbon and red years) looks great!

Any unusual window decoration for the New Year is not prohibited. Take, for example, sticks, twigs, cones covered with silver, golden paint, sparkles, and arrange them in unusual vases, stands.

Video: how to decorate a windowsill for the New Year.

Idea for a kindergarten, school, workplace

Often not only home dwellings become festive art objects. And that is great! Decorating windows for the New Year in kindergarten, school, at work improves mood and motivates for new achievements. Let's figure out how best to decorate in such establishments.


Workplace implies officialdom and the absence of colorful details. This rule applies to almost the entire year. Except December! In the pre-holiday period, it is possible and even necessary to decorate the workplace.

Put a pig of yellow or earthy shades as a window decoration - she will look out the window and wait for the New Year 2019 with you and your colleagues.


Children will be delighted with decorating the windows in the kindergarten for the New Year. Parents of kindergarteners and the children themselves, together with the teacher, can prepare decorative elements.

For the New Year to decorate windows kindergarten I will like to paint on the glass bright and colorful drawings colored paints - Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Yellow Earth Pig, snowmen, snowflakes, a Christmas tree.

You can cut and stick standard snowflakes. Or you can hang bright paper flags of yellow, orange, white, red - they will become a wonderful decoration of windows in the garden for the New Year 2019 (after all, the year of the Yellow Pig!)


School is where we are long years we get the necessary and irreplaceable knowledge. But sometimes you want to step back from formalities and bring brightness to the gray school days. You can decorate school windows for the New Year in almost any office. The main thing is to support the initiative classroom teacher, and then the students will be able to diversify the interior in the classroom for the New Year in December with the help of various window decorations.

School windows are always large, so you can allow a variety of original decorations for the New Year - snowflakes, paint drawings.

DIY holiday decorating is pure pleasure. Be sure to try to decorate the windows and the whole house in general for the New Year with your own hands. You can bring to life even the most daring design decisions, the main thing is that they fit into the thematic channel. And remember that original decoration will help enhance the light, festive and kind atmosphere in the room.

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Home decoration is always a pleasure. Everyone's favorite winter holiday is approaching. On the eve of the New Year, mass preparations begin. Many housewives make crafts with children at home, also in educational institutions conduct special labor lessons. Teach children how to draw snowflakes on a toothpaste window or how to glue beautiful garland of such items.

Snowflakes on a toothpaste window are by far the most popular New Year's decorations. There is nothing easier than giving the windows a festive look this way. To recreate snow pattern first you need to choose beautiful drawing the element itself.

Almost every house today has plastic windows that prevent real frosts from depicting artful masterpieces of winter weather. In other words, on plastic windows you can no longer find those patterns that could be seen on the windows before. After all, painted masterpieces simply fascinated with their appearance quite recently, and now it is possible to embody the reverse painting only with the help of our own forces.

Of course, it may not be possible to draw this way, but decorating the windows is no worse for everyone on the shoulder. Moreover, even the smallest family members can cope with such a task. Ordinary toothpaste, which is always at hand, will help to decorate the house. Moreover, you can depict not only snowflakes, but any desired patterns and images. It is not uncommon to paint on glass fairytale characters or animals, for example, the symbol of the year, and so on.

What you need to work:

- deep water tank;
- Toothbrush;
- Toothpaste;
- water.

1. Cut out beautiful openwork silhouettes of snowflakes, then the drawing on the window will look much more attractive.
2. During work, small splashing droplets always remain around the element, which will give the pattern only originality, therefore, such decorations should not be placed very close to each other on the windows.
3. When working, try to shake off the brush as much as possible, otherwise you will get splashing of large drops, which in the end can ruin the whole drawing as a whole.
4. When an image is superimposed, it is not uncommon for unwanted places to get dirty, so during work they can be covered with a newspaper or other material.
5. Should not huge amount snowflakes fill the entire window space, because it will not look very original. It will be better if such a composition is placed in the corner of the window. Or make a drawing, shifting it slightly to the side, and let it contain several snowflakes, slightly overlapping each other.

Drawing a picture

The selected openwork snowflake is glued to the window, leveled well and pulled smoothly. Then a solution is prepared for applying the pattern. And you can paint anything on the window with toothpaste.

Spray method

To do this, pour lukewarm water into a deep container and add toothpaste there. After that, you need to dip a toothbrush into this composition, shake off excess water and using thumb run along the bristles while directing the brush to the snowflake glued to the window.

Small splashes will settle next to the snowflake stencil, but this is not scary, but on the contrary, it will turn out more beautifully. You just need to make sure that the spray does not fly in large drops, because then the drawing can be smeared.

As a result, after the final work, the stencil of the snowflakes is carefully removed, and it turns out beautiful pattern, which will resemble a kind of spraying. For those people who do not know this application option, it will immediately come to mind that there is ordinary toothpaste on the windows.

You can also decorate the windows for the New Year with colored snowflakes, which look just gorgeous. For this, many use colored toothpaste, but it is not always possible to find the right shade, so you have to resort to using watercolors.

The basis of the composition will be toothpaste, but paint must be added to it. the desired color with water. This is done in this way, the paste is squeezed into a suitable deep container of a small size. After that, using water and a brush, the watercolor paint of the desired color is wetted and mixed with the paste, and then the entire composition can be brought to the required consistency. After all, the paste from the brush should be sprayed, so the composition should not be of a thick consistency.

Coloring method

Many people know how to paint with toothpaste without a toothbrush. In this case, the drawings are no worse. To do this, you need to pick up watercolor paints, clear sheet paper, a pattern of openwork snowflakes, a marker preferably black, because then the contours of the application are clearly visible. It is better to pick up brushes one thick and the other thin and a container for water.

After all the auxiliary material is ready, you can start working. Take the selected template and apply it to the window. Trace all the outlines of the snowflake with a black marker. After that, the template is removed, and the drawn element remains. When painting, many "artists" smear the marker with paints, and some leave it for contrast, so here everyone decides for himself what he wants to see.

After a beautiful snowflake is applied to the window, they begin to decorate it, for example in blue tracing all the lines several times. This is done quickly, the paint also dries almost immediately.

Getting started, first squeeze a little toothpaste onto a sheet of clean paper (you should not take a lot, if you need more later, you can always add). Then a thick brush is dipped in water and thoroughly smeared in blue paint. After that, it is transferred to the squeezed out paste and mixed thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is achieved, achieving the desired color. After that, they draw precisely with the created composition as watercolor paint.

The result is a bright blue snowflake. Further, after the paint has dried, take a thin brush and draw a darker color around the edges to highlight the surface contours, so it turns out more beautiful. You can also resort to additional accessories. For example, apply not a dark tone around the edges, but apply glitter with a brush, but this is already a painstaking work for an amateur.

Undoubtedly, everything depends on the imagination of the person himself. Someone likes to create real New Year's masterpieces. Some without templates draw beautifully themselves, having really artistic skills... Those who find it difficult to draw on their own use templates and popular ideas. After all, snowflakes on the window are a delightful New Year's decoration that remains and will always remain in fashion.

More ideas for decorating windows are here. You can take and create a unique window design.

You can create a New Year's atmosphere with handmade paper cut products. They are called vytynanki, which means "clippings". Here you can find silhouettes of New Year's heroes: Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, snowmen, gnomes, various Christmas trees, balls and bells, snowflakes, snow-covered houses, figurines of deer and cute animals.

Today we offer you New Year's stencils various topics... Let's be inspired by the actions of the masters and finished works for decorating windows, Christmas trees, postcards, New Year's scene. These templates can be easily printed on a sheet of white paper, cut out and glued to the window with soapy water, or fixed in other corners of the New Year's interior.

Small protrusions can be used to decorate a window or create a composition on a windowsill or table, larger cutouts can be used to decorate walls in a room or on a stage.

These are the images you can get:

Stencils for vytynanka silhouette cutting of the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus:

Choose your favorite stencil with the image of Santa Claus and his granddaughter. As a tool, you can use thin scissors, stationery knives, you will definitely need a lining board so as not to scratch the table.

Vytynanka tree

You can cut the Christmas tree using a stencil like a silhouette, or you can make a symmetrical cut by folding a sheet of paper in half. We make a standing Christmas tree in one of the ways: we glue two symmetrical Christmas trees on an oval paper support, or fold each Christmas tree in half and glue it together.

Snowflakes and ballerinas

Snowflakes are very different. Especially if the master puts all his imagination. So, you can cut out a symmetrical snowflake by folding the paper several times. See what drawing was applied in the form of a stencil and what an unusual tip the snowflakes have.

Inside the snowflake there can be a completely independent composition. For example, a New Year's snowman or a snowy forest.

Snowflakes can take on the image of light snow ballerinas. To do this, we cut out the silhouette of a ballerina separately, put on an openwork snowflake on it and hang it by a thread. It turns out a very delicate airy decoration.

Christmas balls

Christmas decorations can be cut both according to a symmetrical pattern and according to an individual stencil. You can add these decorations to the composition on the window, dress it up on a herringbone, attach them with threads to a chandelier or curtain.


We make carved bells on a stencil. If you glue translucent paper, for example, tracing paper, on the inside of the cutout, then such a bell can be used with a backlight effect.

Deer, sleigh, wagon

Another fabulous New Year's hero is a deer. The delivery of the wizard Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden is associated with it. We offer stencils for cutting deer, carts and sleds.


Charming good-natured Snowmen should definitely decorate the New Year's house. Their figures can be simply cut out symmetrically, but you can make " family photo Snowmen "or a composition with a Christmas tree and children.

New Year Numbers

You can carve out beautiful numbers for the coming New Year using these templates:

Beasts, signs and symbols

You can make a custom Christmas decoration. To do this, we cut out from paper the silhouettes of our favorite pets, heroes of fairy tales and cartoons, birds and animals in a fabulous winter forest.

Cut out figures of the sun and moon according to stencils, complement your composition.

Snow-covered houses

It will be very comfortable if in new year picture there will be a snow-covered house on the window. It can be a small hut or a whole palace.


Who is the strongest waiting for the New Year and Santa Claus? Of course, children! Using silhouette paper cutting, we make figures of kids around the Christmas tree, with gifts, singing and dancing, in a word, we bring in the true atmosphere of the holiday!


We offer options for vytynanki - candles. They can be independent or combined with balls, bells, branches and bows.


For Christmas, you can cut out themed recesses, dedicated to events and the circumstances of this event. These can be silhouettes of Jerusalem, images of angels, shepherds and magi. And don't forget the Star of Bethlehem!

You can cut out the silhouette of the Star of Bethlehem separately:

Of course, the central place among the Christmas nativity scenes should be devoted to the Nativity scene - the cave in which the Savior was born. The Divine Infant Manger is comfortably surrounded by hay and pets.

Backlit composition

Openwork paper cuttings can decorate not only the window, but also create a three-dimensional panorama on the windowsill. It will be especially effective if you put a garland or a small light inside the box.

Take care of the design of New Year's decorations - vytynanka out of paper with the children. It is not only useful for developing imagination, training fine motor skills hands, but will also give you a lot of pleasure from joint creativity, and then - from contemplation of the resulting beauty!