Message about one music theater of the world. The most famous theaters of the world

Message about one music theater of the world. The most famous theaters of the world
Message about one music theater of the world. The most famous theaters of the world

Among the lovers of music are the fans of ancient, but very interestingly of its manifestation - operas. But even if you are indifferent to opera music, you will most likely admire the beauty of her abode - the Opera House. This top 10 of the most beautiful opera theaters of the world will talk about the delightful buildings and will "hold" you for luxurious halls.

10 Theater Royal, Covent Garden

Royal Theater in Covent Garden Located in London, in United Kingdom. This theater occurs with opera and ballet performances. He is the home scene of the royal opera and the royal ballet. The modern building of the theater is the third building that was built on the place. It was built in 1858, after which he was reconstructed at the end of the twentieth century. The hall can accommodate 2268 spectators.


Sydney Opera House Located in Sydney, in Australia. This theater was erected in the architectural style of expressionism. The roof of the building is the shell, similar to the sail. Thanks to him, this Opera House looks special. It is one of the most famous sights of Sydney, and in general Australia, perhaps. The construction of the Sydney Opera House began in 1959, and ended - in 1973.

8 Opera Royal De Versailles

Royal Opera Versailles He is an opera and dramatic theater located in the palace and park ensemble of the Versailles Palace, in the city of Versala, in France. Of particular interest is that the building of the theater was erected completely from the tree, and then covered with painting resembling marble. Construction ended in 1770. In the hall can accommodate from 712 to 1200 viewers. This Theater deserved admiration for its size: he is the largest palace theater in the world.

7 Gran Teatro Del Liceo

Large Opera House "Liseo" Located in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bin Spain. It was opened in 1847. The audience has an area of \u200b\u200b360 square meters and is able to provide places of 2292 viewers. Thanks to this, this theater is one of the largest opera theaters in Europe.

6 Teatro di San Carlo

Opera theatre San Carlo Located in Naples, in Italy. This Opera House is the oldest in Europe. His discovery was held on November 4, 1737. The theater can accommodate 3300 people. The majestic theater interior in combination with acoustic perfection allows the viewer to feel visual and auditory admiration during the opera.

5 Cosal Theater

This Opera House is located in Prague, in the Czech Republic. Was erected in the style of classicism in 1783. Ordered the construction of the theater Count Franz Anton (Frantishek Antonin) Nostic Rinek. Now the characteristic part of the theater repertoire makes up the works of Mozart.

4 Markgrafliches Opernhaus.

Marcgrafs Theater Located in Bayreuth, in Germany. Theater was built in mid XVIII century as a court opera house. The building has a Baroque style and is considered an excellent style representative called "Baireit Rococo".

3 Opera House in Harbin

This Theater is located in the city of Harbin, China. This building has a very unusual, even bizarre form. Inside the unusual interior is hidden, which creates the impression that this theater is from sleep or from the world of fantasies. The large hall is designed for 1600 spectators, and small - at 400 spectators.

2 State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia

This Opera and Ballet Theater is also called a big theater. He is in Moscow, in Russia. The building of the Bolshoi Theater opened for theater lovers in 1856. In this theater, three visual halls: the main scene ( Historical scene), New scene (small scene) and Beethovenskaya hall. 1740 people can accommodate in the auditorium of the main scene. Auditorium New scene May take 928 people. The Beethoven Hall is designed for 320 people.

1 Opera Garnier

This theater is also called: Grand Opera or Opera De Paris. Opera Garnier (Paris Opera, Grand Opera)How easy to guess, is in Paris, in France. This is the thirteenth Opera Paris, which appeared after the official recognition of this type of musical dramatic art. Louis Xiv. In 1669. Outside, the building attracts the attention of passersby with its rich beauty. In a huge audience hall, which combines red and gold color, hanging chandelier weighing 8 tons. This Opera House is enveloped by atmospheric of mystery, because in it "lives" the legend of the Ghost Opera (this theater inspired Gaston Lero to create the famous novel).

If you visit some of these opera theaters, these beautiful and majestic buildings impregnated with music will long leave a vivid impression in your memory.

Opera theaters are the temples of the art of Mozart, Verdi, Tchaikovsky, and at the same time the braids of talented architects and designers of their generation. There are quite rich in the beauty of theaters with chic halls, unthinkable decorations and truly impressive exterior. So, we went to search for the most beautiful opera theaters of the world and revealed 15 best.

Grand Opera, Paris, France

Also known as "Opera Garnier" Theater in Paris is one of the most famous and meaningful theaters Operas and ballet of the world. The structure was erected for more than 15 years, and led the project by anyone who was not known at that time, the thirty-five-year-old Charles Garnier. The building is impressive from the first minutes with his luxurious lobby with a multicolor marble staircase and wondrous ladder. The theater lobby with an adorable mosaic and the golden background is striking with wealth, and the main hall with a giant chandelier of crystal and the painted ceiling accommodates 1900 people. In the basement of the theater there is a water reservoir, whose account has walked a lot of legends - it was mentioned in Gaston's novel Lero "Ghost Opera".

Sydney Opera House, Sydney, Australia

The theater building has become a real symbol of the city and the country. Established in 1973, the Opera House is an object World Heritage UNESCO. The recognizable building with a sail-shaped roof was built 14 for long yearsAnd at his opening was present Queen of England Elizabeth II.

La Scala Opera House, Milan, Italy

The famous 230-year-old Theater once covered more than a thousand lamps, so there were hundreds of buckets filled with water everywhere - in case of fire. Theater acquired its name thanks to the Church of Santa Maria della Rock, on the site of which the building was built. La Rock is closely connected with creativity the greatest composers Italy - Bellini, Verdi, Pucchini, whose creations were delivered here for the first time.

Copenhagen Opera House, Copenhagen, Denmark

The construction of the Copenhagen Opera is considered one of the most expensive in the world, and the building was amazingly beautiful. It would still, because we are talking about the first National Opera House of Denmark! This construction, opened in 2005, is very different from the three above, as it is built in the style of neoputurism.

Big Theater, Moscow, Russia

One of the largest in Russia and one of the most significant opera and ballet theaters in the world was built in 1776 by decree Catherine II. All History theater culture capital Cities long years It was connected exclusively with this theater, but today the theater adore and read your viewer.

Royal Opera House, London, United Kingdom

This theater is often called "Covent Garden" by the name of the area in which the theater building is located. Georg Friedrich Handel, German and English composer of the mid-18th century, wrote several operas specifically for this opera theater.

Metropolitan Opera, New York, USA

The theater, which is abbreviated called MAT, is famous for chic frescoes Mark Stegal, a magnificent curtain, decorated with silk sewing and glitter, and an impressive visual hall for 3,900 seats. We are talking About the new building of the Opera, which was built in 1966.

Colon Opera House, Buenos Aires, Argentina

In colon one of the best acoustics in the world. Theater that we see today was erected in 1908. His room accommodates 2,500 people, as well as there are places about 1000 spectators who wished to listen to the opera standing.

Mariinsky Theater, St. Petersburg, Russia

The name of the theater founded in 1783 was changed five times. The interiors of the theater are impressive: an old curtain, exactly repeating the drawing of the parade mantle of the Empress Alexandra, a luxurious gold stucco, a huge bronze chandelier weighing 2.5 tons.

Opera House San Carlo, Naples, Italy

Founded by the decree of King Charles VII Theater is the oldest continuously working opera house in Europe.

Royal Opera Versailles, Versailles, France

This is the main opera and drama Theater Versailles Palace. Theater, fully built of wood and painted in this way, as if it was built from marble slabs, was opened in 1770.

Marcgraf Opera House, Bayreuth, Germany

Richard Wagner admired the huge main scene of this Opera House - a few later under his leadership nearby the Bayreuth Festival Theater was erected. Bavarian Theater is a World Heritage Monument.

Palace theater Drotningholm, Stockholm, Sweden

Outdoor in 1766 Baroque style still keeps the Italian machines and mechanisms typical for that time, with the help of which the furniture moved along the scene, the water jets were frightened and the crash.

Cast Theater, Prague, Czech Republic

Most of all this theater is famous as a place where the premieres of the opera of Mozart "Don Juan" (in 1787) and "Mercy of Tita" took place (in 1791). And the modulations were personally personally, and this is the only theater preserved in the original form, where the Great Composer acted.

Hungarian State Opera House, Budapest, Hungary

Opera House, opened in 1875, occupies 3rd place in acoustics in Europe. In the building theater twice put his Opera Giacomo Puccini.

It's time for the holidays, and everyone is looking for a vacation in the soul. Relax not just a body, but the soul, to join the world culture and enjoy the best theatrical productions you can, visiting the most famous theaters World.

1. Dionysus Theater

The ancient ruins in Athens are the cradle of Western theater tradition. Most of From what we recognize today a real theater takes our origins in ancient Greek theater. Most architectural elementsUsed in modern theater buildings, there were precisely from this original building.

The scene on which the ancient Greek actors appeared, impressive until now. The grassy green meadow is preserved, where the actors rested when they had time before their scene.

Let this building more than once changed and rebuilt, but it saved the memory of many theatrical generations. Just think, in this theater, the tragedy of Euridip and Comedy Aristofan were put on!

It is difficult to imagine a place that would carry the same ancient history. The spirit captures from thought, how it was at the time when the emperors themselves were present on the ideas.

Now let the theater in a dilapidated state, his greatness and beauty still impressive every tourist who had the happiness to step on the ancient ruins. And the ability to freely wander and touch each part of the theater of Dionisa will accurately make an excursion unforgettable!

2 . Shakespearean Theater "Globus"

If Dionisa Theater is the same as Bethlehem for Christianity, then the Globus Shakespeare Theater, as if the Vatican for the actor. William Shakespeare, undoubtedly, is the greatest playwright in the world. And even if it did not really exist (and there are many such versions, there are more and more of such versions), its influence on the world's world is so extensive that not one list of famous theaters will not be mentioned without mentioning the Globus.

Unlike Dionysus, Shakespeare's "Globus" is not just a breath of history. Although the original building of the theater remains only excavated fragments, new Theater. Globus was built in London on the southern shore of the Thames. It is only 300 meters from the old building, and the most accurately copies its original appearance. Such maximum similarity does not prevent "Globus" to be equipped with all the rules modern Theater. Each connoisseur of the theater should at least once get into the Shakespeare "Globus".

Visiting this great theater, you can enjoy not only exactly recreated architecture of the 16th century, to participate in various events (writing your own sonnet, fighting on swords and much more), but also to see some of the best theatrical performances in the world.

3. Opera House in Sydney

The theater located on a remote mainland, absolutely not suitable recognized canons of the theaters of this kind, would have come hard. But the Sydney Opera House is something fundamentally different. His unique design And the location makes it one of the iconic images of Australia, on one row with Kangaroo and the Tasmanian Devil.

The incredible sensations can be experienced even just close to this majestic building. Surrounded by water, with the roof in the shape of sails, the Sydney Opera House is a living embodiment of human genius in architecture.

The largest body, the biggest curtain, the smallest idea pretended in life - all this you can see, deciding to go to the Sydney Opera House!

4. La Scala, Milan

Based on the former territory of the settlement of the Church of Santa Maria della Rock, La Rock - the most famous opera house in the world, the first paragraph of every excursion to Milan. Here were set famous operas All times, and here first sounded such names as Arturo Tuscanini, Ricardo Muti, Gawatsal Djandraa.

This opera house leads its brilliant story from the 18th century. Top Directors And composers, the best singers and actors, the great primadones went on the scene of this impressive building.

Luxury and wealth of La Scala leaves no viewer indifferent. Each Opera Lover dreams at least once to go to the opera in La Rock, enjoy wonderful music and soaring the atmosphere of great art.

5. Big Theater in Moscow

Well, if you do not want or you have the opportunity to go far beyond the aesthetic pleasure and bright impressionsIt is worth thinking about visiting the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow.

Other Such a magnificent and complete Magitia Construction, no doubt with a bright and controversial history find it difficult. Bolshoy Theater always attracted tourists from all over the world and had world recognition. A excellent repertoire, which has success in many countries, will not leave the displeased connoisseur of theatrical art.

The 12 most beautiful and majestic world opera theaters. Opera theaters have always been considered a symbol of wealth, enlightenment and greatness. The place where arts, luxury, power, intrigue and secrets lived, and that is why the rulers of all european states I tried to promote each other in the monumentality of the buildings and interior interior. IN this moment The significance of the opera performances did not have lost its popularity, but in most cases the theaters of the opera and ballet are more perceived as a kind of attraction than the leisure site. La Scala.
Milan, Italy

In the history of the opera, there is no other opera theater, just as revered, as often copied, as often mentioned as a reference for comparison as "La Scala". But "La Scala" is not only a beautiful place for opera performances, this is the most symbol of the opera - the Italian opera.

The theater building was built in 1776-1778 on the site of the Church of Santa Maria Della Rock, from where the theater got its name "La Scala" - Opera House in Milan. It is curious that during the excavation site for the construction of the theater, a large marble block was found, on which the Pill was depicted - the famous mum of ancient Rome. It was perceived as good sign.

The theater building built by architect J. Piermarini is considered one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. It is withstanding in a strict neoclassical style and is distinguished by impeccable acoustics. During World War II, the theater was destroyed and restored in the original form engineer L. Ski, which was reopened in 1946. The "rock" (as the Italians theater is called) opened in August 1778 by two operas, including specially written to this case by Opera A. Salieri "Recognized Europe". Opra de Monte Carlo
Monte Carlo, Monaco

Monte Carlo Opera House stands on the shores of the Mediterranean, it is connected to the casino lobby from red marble. The construction of a building took only six months, and as a result, it turned out an extremely whimsical facade in the style of the second empire with unusually richly richly decorated towers and sculptures, the authors of which were Gustav Dore and Sara Bernard. By the way, the author of the architectural project of the Opera House, Charles Garnier shortly before that completed the construction of the Grand Opera building in Paris.

Teatro di San Carlo
Naples, Italy

San Carlo (Teatro San Carlo - Opera House in Naples was opened in 1737. In 1816, he was again restored after the fire. The theater building developed by the architects Giovanni Antonio Medrano (Angelo Carasale) for the monarch from the Burbon Dynasty of Carlos III Neapolitan.

The largest dawn Theater survived in 1809-40, when his head was the famous Impresario Barbayia. The new theater admired not only thanks to the works of art, which were set in the theater, but also thanks to his architecture, gold decoration, and luxurious blue upholstery (blue and gold colors are the official colors of Burbones). On the stage of the theater, the world premieres of the series of Rossini Donizetti and Giuseppe Verdi were held. Mariinsky Theatre
Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Mariinsky Theater is a symbol of Russian culture. His troupe from 1783, when in St. Petersburg was opened big theaterAt the place of which the St. Petersburg Conservatory is now located. By order of Catherine, the Great at the site of this building was erected by a large (stone) theater, splendor and magnificity exceeding the largest theaters of Europe. It opened in 1783 by the submission of Phazielo's opera "on the moon."

In 1802, the theater rebuilt the architect of Tom de Tomon, in 1836 he reconstructed Albert Kavos. The magnificent decorative decoration of the visual hall is mainly preserved to the present day. Dazzling white sculptures, soft gilding gilding, blue upholstery and drapery tone - such a festive colorsistic hall sound. A bright picturesque flaf is made by E. Frachioli according to the sketches of Professor K. Duzi. Hasive, three-tiered bronze chandelier with crystal suspension and candelabra are made on the donations of the merchant K. Plock, awarded the gold medal "In consideration to such a special artistic merit." Palais Garnier
Paris, France

For two hundred years of existence, Paris opera changed thirteen different halls. And none of them corresponded to the role that Opera played in the highest French light. In 1852, Napoleon III came to power. In the same year, he decided to start the cardinal renewal of the capital.

The works were assigned to a person, by no means Parisan in spirit, which only thought about the economic development of the city and did not experience any nostalgia in the old Paris. Competition for the creation of the opera theater collected 171 project. All Matters of Architecture, including Viol-le-Duke himself, presented their work. However, a little-known young man came out the winner, Charles Garnier, in whose asset there was only the Roman Grand Prix at 1848.

In the decoration of the interior of the Theater Garnier used many rococo style elements. Despite the entire Nausea and a variety of techniques, often not friends with each other, the building as a whole produces the impression of harmonious and monumental. Apparently, therefore in 1923 he was counted among the architectural monuments protected by the state. Bavarian State Opera.
Munich, Germany

Bavarian state opera Bayerische Staatsoper) is one of the leading opera scenes of Germany. Located in Munich (2,100 places). Founded in 1818. In 1963, he was opened after restoration by the play "Woman without shadow" R. Strauss. The prototype of this building was theater "Odeon" in Paris.

The building of the Bavarian Opera was built on the site of the former Franciscan monastery. In 1818, the theater opened the doors to visitors, but the last and a year later burned down her dwarf. Residents of the city believed that this one was punished over. But already in 1825, the Bavarian opera reopened, and the presentations in it go to this day. Mikhailovsky Theater.
Saint-Petersburg, Russia

The brilliant history of the Mikhailovsky Theater began with the choice of the architect of the building. The subtle connoisseur of art, Alexander Bullylov builds the building of the first city musical theater, entering it into the already established ensemble of the Art Square, and therefore the facades of the theater are carried out on the projects of Karl Rossi for the "rhyme" with the building of the Mikhailovsky Palace.

Bryullov created a magic box: that the theater is hidden behind the modest facade, it is possible to guess only on the roof, where a high box of scene is visible over the auditorium. The entire glitter of the Imperial Theater is concluded inside: silver and velvet, mirrors and crystal, painting and modeling.

The theater hosts ballet master classes of leading teachers in Europe and America. At the invitation of Faruha Ruzimatov, Natalia Makarova, Jennifer Gube, Zhilberas, Siril Atanasoff, Mikhail Messer worked with the ballet troupe of the Mikhailovsky Theater. Among other things, the Mikhailovsky Theater participates in the Festival "Art Square" and is one of the cultural sites of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. Teatro Amazonas.
Manus, Brazil

The Amazonian Opera House - the second largest theater in the Brazilian state of Amazonas, in the city of Manaus. Designed in 1881, opened in 1896, at the height of the so-called rubber fever in Brazil, becoming one of the characters luxurious and serene life Times Beautiful era Western civilization. Hit contemporaries with his pompous. After the end of rubber boom came to the launch, but in the early 1990s was renovated again. Capacity 701 people. There is a partner, a burner and an amphitheater.

Romanian athenaeum
Bucharest, Romania

Romanian Ateney is a concert hall, built in neoclassical style and opened in 1888. A small park is broken in front of the building with the statue of the Romanian poet Micah Eming. The inner dome of the building is painted by frescoes depicting key points of Romanian history. A declared symbol of Romanian culture, Ateney in 2007 was included in the European list cultural heritage.

Metropolitan Opera House.
New York, USA

One of the largest theaters of the world - the Metropolitan Opera opened on October 22, 1883 by the Schell Opera Presentation of the Faust opera. In the first years, the theater preferred Wagner Operators, and the German Tarpery was led by conductor Leopold Damros. In the old building, the Metropolitan Opera was held the premieres of the works of Giacomo Pucchini: "Girl from the West" in December 1910 and, in December 1918, Triptych "Cloak", "Angelica's sister" and "Gianni Skisci". In October 1958, the premiere of the opera "Vanessa" Samuel Barbara, awarded Pulitzer Prize for Outstanding musical composition.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the Metropolitan Opera was considered to be along with the Vienna Opera House and the La Scala Theater in Milan leading opera scene World.

Abbreviated it is often called "Met". Theater is open seven months a year: from September to April. The performances go daily. From May to June the theater goes to tour. In addition, in July the theater gives free performances in the parks of New York, collecting great amount Spectators. OSLO OPERA HOUSE.
Oslo, Norway

The new opera house is the largest cultural institution in modern Norway. In addition, the opera building is the first example in world architectural practice, when visitors can vouch in intermission freely on the roof of the theater having a smooth gathering towards the sea. White, similar to Iceberg, the opera building rises straight from Oslo Fjord. The attached roof, trimmed with plates of white Karars marble, descends to water and can also be used as a platform for recreation.

The building was designed by the Norwegian architectural bureau Snoehetta, on the project of which the library in Alexandria was previously built. The main scene of the opera is designed for 1.365 viewers, two small scenes - at 640. The orchestral pit of the main scene is located below the water level. Drottningholm Palace Theatre.
Stockholm, Sweden

Kopoil Kapl XVI HYCTAV and EGO CEMNY live in Drotningholm Palace C 1981 RODA, ZAYAYA EGO NEWOPE POES. Etho Fedset NaChalii in 1662 MODY for KOPLEs Davagep X EleoNOPs PO PPOEMTY APXITEKTOPA Hydigameca Teccina Taken in Ceple "Bapokko", typical for all.

Faults PACPLES NA OTPOBE LOVEEN, NEADKO CEntpa of the city. The Palace is a court theater, one of the oldest existing theaters in the world. He was founded in 1766 the Queen of Walgar Falika, and built architect K.F. Delkranz. Ballet troupe Theater revives the production of the 18th century. The palace is surrounded by a luxurious park with a regular French part, decorated with arbors and labyrinths, and landscape English part with picturesque lawns and ponds. B 1991 MODY DPTNETINGXILM DICE FEDICS, CO COVIA PAINT, TEATPOM AND KITAKIA PAYNOEMA, was included in the help of UNESCO.

Big Theater in Moscow / Tych /

Mariinsky Theater (St. Petersburg) is one of the oldest and largest musical theaters of Russia.

La Rock Theater - Developed Opera House in Milan (Italy)

Roman Opera House

Opera House San Carlo, Naples, Italy

Sydney Opera House, built in 1973 on the project of the Danish architect Yorna Utzone in the style of expressionism, is considered one of the most famous and easily recognizable buildings of the world. Sydney opera is the most important attraction of the whole continent. The two largest cams from the shells form the ceilings of the two main halls: the concert and theater of the Opera. In other halls, the ceilings are formed using smaller arches. Sailing shells of roofs give the theater uniqueness. On June 28, 2007, the building of the Opera House in Sydney gained the status of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Sydney Opera House

Strasbourg Opera House

Colon - the largest opera and ballet theater (as well as the center classical music) in all south america. Bunos - Aires.Argentina

Vienna state opera was built in 1869. Unfortunately, in heavy years Occupation of Austria (1938-45) Theater experienced a serious decline of interest. In 1945, during the bombardment of the Austrian capital, the building of the theater was destroyed. It took about 10 years on his full recovery. In addition to the opera and ballet performances, theatrical masquerad's theatrical balls are held annually.

Vienna state opera

Official name "Opera Garnier" or "Garnier Palace" (Palais Garnier), the former names "National Academy of Music and Dance", "Paris Opera", "Grand Opera". Grand Opera - State Opera House, the largest center of French Music and theater culture.

Odessa Opera House

One of the most prestigious in the world, the Metropolitan Opera Theater has existed since 1880, but Lincoln in Manhattan has received its current status in the center of executive arts in September 1966. This legendary complex includes: big auditorium, designed for 3900 audience, and three auxiliary sites. The most important decorative elements in the interior of the theater are the monumental frescoes of the famous Emigrant Artist, Mark Stegal.

Metropolitan Opera in New York

The main auditorium is the largest in the world, and despite its sizes, is known for excellent acoustics.

Dresden State Opera ( Dresdner Staatsoper. or Semperoper.). One of the oldest opera theaters of Germany

La Fenica (La Fenice)

National Center performing Arts (in Chinese National Big Theater), called "Egg", - Modern Opera House in Beijing, China. Considered one of modern Miracles Light, has the form of an ellipsoid, made of glass and titanium and completely surrounded by artificial lake. Built in 2007. National Center for Performing Arts in Beijing

Berlin State Opera (Him. Staatsoper Berlin.), also referred to as the German state opera (it. Deutsche Staatsoper.), or the state opera on Unter den Linden (Him. Staatsoper Unter Den Linden) - The oldest theatrical building in Berlin

Romanian Ateney (Bucharest)

Zurich Opera House

Hungarian State Opera House

Theater Massimo in Palermo

The ultra-modern building of the Opera House in the center of Oslo was built on the project of the world-famous Snohetta architectural bureau in 2007. The main task Architects were organically introducing a building in the city building, the Rocks of Oslo-Fjord and the coastal territory of the seaport, while tied the historic center of the city with modern quarters.

The main hall of the theater is designed for 1364 places and has the classical shape of the horseshoe, which allows to provide the highest acoustic characteristics. The main feature Theater has become a sloping roof, smoothly descending to the ground. She was very quickly chosen by local residents, especially cyclists and skateboarders.

Oslo Opera House - National Opera House Norway

Royal Swedish Opera, Stockholm

Opera House "Liseo", Barcelona

Palau de Musica Catalana, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain

Royal Theater Covent Garden, London

Czech National Theater. in Prague

Lviv Opera House

Monte Carlo Opera House

City Opera House ( Lyrical opera) (Civic Opera House / Lyric Opera) - Opera House in Chicago

War Memorial Opera House, San Francisco, California

Opera Bastille (Opera Bastii) - the largest opera house in France (Paris)

Curtain, Palais Garnier, Paris, France

Prague State Opera (Czech. Státní Opera Praha) - Opera House in Prague, one of the most important in the Czech Republic, in which ballets are also present in the repertoire. The repertoire of the theater focuses on foreign works (the Czech repertoire is traditionally placed in the National Theater).

Opera House Munich, Germany

Amazonian Theater or Amazonas (Teatro Amazonas) - Opera House, located in the center of the Brazilian city of Manaus (Manaus, Brazil)

Opera House (Markgräfliches Opernhaus), Germany

The Cast Theater is also described in that in him Amadeus Mozart conducted his premiere "Don Giovanni" in 1787. This event is immortalized by a memorial sign. On the occasion of the coronation of Leopold II, another premiere of Mozart La Clemenza di Tito was presented in this theater ("Tita Mercy", 1791 g) .Prag

Palace of Fine Arts, Mexico

The Luxury Palace of Fine Arts, erected in the Mexican capital in 1934, is a sample of mixing architectural styles Boz-AR and AR-Deco, as evidenced by the walls from Carrarsky marble and the incredible liness of the decor. A significant part of this magnificent building occupy concert halls Opera Theater. Also, the ensemble includes the architecture museum and national Museum Fine arts.