What does theater mean for a child? Theater and children: the magic power of art.

What does theater mean for a child? Theater and children: the magic power of art.


Software content:



OOD abstract

Educator: Petrova O.V.

Topic: "What is theater?"

Target: Give children an idea of ​​the theater. Continue to acquaint with the types of theater (dramatic, puppet, art)

Software content:

Tell about the history of the creation of the theater

To acquaint children with the structure of the theater, with the professions of people working in the theater

To develop the ability to distinguish the emotions of people by their external manifestations, to improve the ability to manage their emotions

Course of the lesson:

Educator: - Hello guys! Today, Dunno will come to visit us. He sent me a letter in which he asks us for help.

Heard crying, Dunno appears (she is upset, crying)

Educator : Hello, Dunno! What happened? Why are you crying?

Dunno: -Hello, I was in such a hurry to meet you today, I so want to learn a lot about the theater, if I don’t do this Znayka and my friends from the Sunny City don’t take me to the theater with them.

Educator: - The guys and I will try to help you. The guys know everything about the theater.

Educator: - Guys, let's go together with Dunno on a trip to Magic world theater. Who knows what theater is? Why do people go to it? (children's answers). That's right, the theater is a beautiful building where performances are shown, various performances are staged.

Here is a house, big, beautiful, elegant, old. This is the theater building. Look, in front of him is a colorful bright poster. What is it? ( playbill). On it with the help of drawings, photographs and different words contains information about upcoming performances.

Let's go into it and see how the theater works inside. Look, there is a small window in front of us. This is the "Theater box office", what is it intended for? (they sell tickets there) And who does it? (cashier)

Guys, what have we become, now that we bought the ticket? (by the audience). What rules should the audience follow in the theater? (do not make noise, do not litter, do not talk, etc.). Can someone remember the very first rule of the viewer? Where should viewers go first? (changing room, wardrobe). In a theater, a dressing room is called a wardrobe.

Taking off our outer clothing, we head to ... (children's answers). That's right, to the auditorium. Having taken our chair, we are looking at the most important place in the hall ... (stage), where soon they will play their roles ... (actors). In the meantime, the stage is still closed by the theatrical curtain.

A number of paintings are shown: auditorium, boxes, balconies, stage, curtain, wings, ramp, backdrop, orchestra pit, etc.

Educator: -Well done boys. Before continuing our journey, I suggest you rest a little, and you, Dunno, repeat after us.

A physical training session "We are going to the theater"

We walk merrily with you

We're going to the theater!

We are marching on the spot.

And we sing a song.

La la la la,

(4 claps)

We go to the theater.

(Steps in place)

La la la la,

(4 claps)

We sing a song.

(Steps in place)

Educator: -We introduced Dunno with the internal structure of the theater. But depending on what kind of performance is shown in the theater, it is called that. There are puppet theaters, there are opera and ballet theaters, there are drama theaters, there are theaters of facial expressions and gesture, there are children's theaters, shadow theaters and many others. Now look at the pictures and determine which, where is the theater?

Scenes of various theatrical performances... Children look through pictures, name where - what theater.

Dunno: Oh, how interesting, but how do the actors play the roles in such theaters?

Educator: -And we'll show you this now, right, guys? Imagine yourself as artists of different theaters and say hello to a friend if we are artists:

Opera Theater (children sing the word "Hello")

Theater of facial expressions and gesture (greet with gestures)

Dramatic artists playing the role of Fly-Tsokotukha and Mosquito

Puppet theater (take bi-ba-bo dolls, interact with them)

Finger theater (show how they play with the characters of the finger theater)

Dunno: Well, now I know everything about the theater and about the artists ...

Educator: -Wait, Dunno, take your time. Theater is a holiday. Most people go to the theater to relax, have fun, and watch a performance. But for some people, theater is work. Indeed, not only artists work in the theater, but also many other people, without whom not a single performance would have taken place! And the professions of these people are very interesting and varied. Tell me guys, if I want to play the role of Baba Yaga right now, can I go on stage? Why? (Answers of children)

Educator: - That's right, guys, because before going on stage I need to put on a suit and make the appropriate make-up, hairstyle. For this, the theater has dressers and seamstresses. The actors' hair is done by the hairdresser, and the make-up artist puts on makeup. And we also have to get into a fairy tale, decorations made by artists will help create the atmosphere of a fairy tale. They will also work on the production of a poster inviting us to the theater. And, of course, the theater needs musicians. The illuminators are working to ensure that everything that happens on the stage is clearly visible. And also in the theater there is a sound engineer, props, cashiers, ushers, cloakroom attendants.

Show of pictures of theatrical professions, with an explanation.

Educator : -And now, guys, I suggest you play a game called"Wardrobe"

Game "Wardrobe" The teacher explains to the children the statement "The theater begins with a hanger", tells about such a place in the theater as a wardrobe and invites children to find the thing of each of the theater visitors, for example, to pick up a hat for each character: Little Red Riding Hood, Santa Claus, Puss in Boots, the postman Pechkin.

Educator: -And another game that will help us find out what you remember about the theater and the professions of the people who work here.

Word game "Add word"

Come to the theater rather

Here they are always waiting for you, young ... (viewer)

Craftsmanship plus work, plus mind-

Sewn stage ... (costume)

Ours is honorable and enviable ... (role)

A director cannot live without artists.

And the howl of the wind, and the cry of a child

Voiced by ... (sound engineer)

And the jester, and the king, and the grenadier

And all were played by one ... (actor).

From plaster - a watermelon, from cardboard - an ax,

On stage, folded the props ... (props)

Educator: -But main profession in the theater - a director. His task is to choose a play for staging, assign roles, teach actors to expressively read their role, conduct dialogues, and express their emotions.

Game "Emotions". Purpose: to clarify the knowledge of children about emotions, to explain the connection of emotion with the expression of a person's face (facial expressions), to repeat the names of parts of a person's face, to improve the skills of depicting activities, to develop imagination.

Game progress:

The educator explains that actors in the theater need to be able to portray different emotions. They do this with facial expressions (facial expressions). The teacher distributes face templates to the children and offers to portray any emotion (fear, joy, anger, and the like). Children can use mirrors while playing.

Dunno: -As I liked it, I learned so much about the theater, now Znayka and my friends from the Sunny City will definitely take me with them to the theater.

What is theater.

/ A story about the theater for children and their parents /

Musical director Sorokina Margarita Aleksandrovna kindergarten №1341

Nice thing, theater. Do you know what it is? What means theatrical art? Who are the actors? What kind of performances are there in the theater? What kind of decorations are there? Lighting? Transformations?

Now I will explain to you in order.

You buy a ticket and go to the theater to watch the performance. At the door auditorium you are met by an employee of the theater - usher. In his hands program of today's performance. A program is a piece of paper on which everything you want to know about the show before it starts is printed: what actors are playing, who wrote and what is the name of the play.

A performance means a spectacle presented by actors, or, as they are often called, artists.

You are invited to the lobby, where spectators take off their coats, hats, leave umbrellas for storage by the employees, who, after hanging your things, give out a number

Kapeldiner invites you into the hall, pointing to the nearest door

v auditorium... Offers binoculars to better see what interests you but is far away.

In the auditorium, the audience sits from all sides, except for one, where the gaze of all spectators is directed.

Below, in the middle, are rows of chairs and armchairs. These places are called parterre, which in French means - on earth.

On the sides below - lodges, which translates as "premises" In each such box, that is, a fenced area, four or six chairs are placed. The bottom row of boxes is called benoir,

It is usually at the same height as the stage. The lies that form over the benoir mezzanine... A number of places above them are named balcony, the places above the balcony are called gallery... Or in the old way - paradise, since there is nothing higher than these places in the theater, as higher than paradise in heaven.

There, where the eyes of the public are directed, hangs, cloth curtain.

Behind him hides scene, that is, the place where the play is presented.

Notice the light coming from the edge of the stage and illuminating the curtain. It houses a row of light bulbs called ramp... The play begins as soon as the curtain rises or opens. Because curtains come in two systems: lifting and sliding.

In ancient times, the Greeks were the first to discover ways to present well in the theater, as serious compositions - tragedies and funny, called comedies.

After the third call

the light in the auditorium has gone out and is visible only in front of the curtain and slightly in orchestra ( space in front of the stage ) in the middle of the orchestra appeared conductor, that is, the manager of the musicians. The conductor tapped with his stick: attention! Everything was quiet. He waved his wand and the music began. This overture, which in French means "discovery"

The curtain hesitated, soared, opening the stage for the audience!

You seemed to be transported to another world! And the play began!

Behind the scenes

Actors and employees in the theater have their own entrance from the street, leading directly to the stage. If we get there, then, most likely, we will meet director theater.

The director is for the actors, the same as the conductor for the musicians. But he not only manages the entire performance, but, one might say, creates it. He reads the play carefully, studies it and discusses it with the actors. Next checks if they are good at the play roles, that is, the words and those images that the actors should speak and portray on the stage. Then he draws up a production plan, deciding in what scenery, in what lighting, at what pace (i.e., how quickly), assigns roles and assigns rehearsals - approximate performance of the role. There are many rehearsals every day from 11:00 to 16:00. The artists also need to learn the words of the role, rehearse the game in front of the mirror.

But the work on the preparation of the play is going on not only on the stage, the work during rehearsals is in full swing in the neighboring rooms, and they are involved in: decorator with his assistants.

Hanging Scenery- curtains - called in the theater "backdrops", "arches", "cloths". But the decorations leaning against the wall - they are actually folding - are called "pavilions." The scenery is often called the backstage, which is why the theater began to say about those who are on the stage, but hidden by the scenery, that they are “behind the scenes”. The art of decorating is difficult, but above all you have to be talented artist.

Props- one more important profession in the theatre. From the first moment a prop workshop resembles a toy store or an arms warehouse, or even a junk shop. A prop - that is, making artificial things - props - he must be both a furniture maker and a sculptor, be able to sculpt from clay, be a blacksmith and carpenter, and a glass painter - and a specialist in props, that is, those things that are brought to the stage during performance. There are few good props in the world, and they are very dear in the theater.

Dresser with a whole staff of tailors. And the wardrobe! There is something to admire here. Various plays are presented on the stage: historical ones, where people of past centuries act; and fantastic, but simply fabulous for which the costumes need to be specially composed. For a costume, first of all, a sketch (sketch) is drawn, in which the style is composed - the cut, color and finish of the costume. The sketches are given to the tailors, and they sew on them exactly what is drawn. There are a lot of such costumes in the theater. They must be kept in big order.

Now let's take a look at the actor's restroom.

A table with a mirror on it, paint, powder, petroleum jelly. Some hair, wigs, a chair in front of the table, a hanger with a dress on the wall. That's all. The room is tiny, and things are great here. It is here that the actors are transformed into heroes of the play. But as? are there paints on the table here? These are the so-called make-up paints. With them, the actors paint their faces in order to become like those who need to be portrayed on stage by role. The art of giving your face a different look and expression through paints, glue, artificial hair is called makeup. And they help the actors in this theatrical make-up artists and hairdressers.

I have not listed all the professions that are in the theater.

When, finally, everything is ready for the performance, the director appoints “a dress rehearsal, which takes place in the scenery, costumes, make-up, just like real performance, only without the public. The first performance of the play is called premiere

(in French it means “first time”). And for it, as a rule, all tickets are sold out, since this is a novelty for theater lovers - theatergoers.

Well, this is the end of our journey to the theater. And what a great happiness it will be to join this art.

Go to the theater! Love the theater!

/ The material is based on the book for children "What is theater"

Valentina Streltsova
Summary of GCD "What is theater?"

Software content: To acquaint children with the concept « theatre» , varieties theaters(puppet, shadow, opera and ballet, dramatic) and the features of the place; continue to introduce the professions of people who work in theater... Encourage children to participate in dramatization and improve the artistic skills of children; develop partnerships in dramatization; encourage yourself to seek expressive means (gestures, movements, facial expressions) for creating artistic image, show initiative, imagination, fantasy. Continue to develop speech and replenish vocabulary on this topic theatre... Develop thinking, memory. Bring up aesthetic taste and a sense of beauty.

Material: Presentation "What such a theater, attributes to the tale "Turnip", equipment for showing the presentation, pictures with the rules of conduct in theater.

Vocabulary work

Enrichment of the vocabulary: cloakroom, cloakroom attendant, foyer, ticket collector, spotlights, orchestra pit, decorator, props.

Dictionary activation: director, actor, role, props, make-up artist, applause, costume designer, artist, cashier.

Course of the lesson


- Theater fairyland!

How many miracles she gives us

Celebration, smiles, songs and laughter play

All of us are expected in this country!

Who knows what such a theater? (Listens to children's answers)... Right, theatre- this is an amazing house where performances, fairy tales are shown, where they dance and sing, recite poetry;

Guys, were you in the present theater?

What performance did you watch?

Why do you think people go to theatre? (children's answers).

Adults and children go to theatre to watch a performance, a fairy tale, listen to music, learn new things, and relax. That's right, kids, every visit to theater is a holiday.

Theatre- stage art - was born in ancient times.

Word THEATRE came to us from Greek and means "A place for spectacles, a spectacle"... But theatre Is not only an art form, but also a building where we come to the performances.

Want to know more about theater? (children's answers)

Let's go to theatre... I will be a tour guide.

I invite you on a tour


Theaters there are different genre: theaters, in which the artists do not speak, but sing, and their singing, stage action and the actions are consistent with the music written specifically for this play - this is opera.

Theaters in which the artists do not talk, but dance, and all feelings are expressed dance moves, is ballet.

The capital of our republic also has theaters, take a look.

Dramatic theaters in which the actors talk, act, move as it happens in real life.

And this is Russian dramatic theater named after Bestuzhev and theater Buryat drama in Ulan-Ude.

There is theaters where artists are animals - animal theater.

The oldest exists in Moscow - it is theater B... L. Durova. "Grandpa Durov's Corner" act animals: hippo, elephant, raven, pelican, raccoon and many others.

There are puppet theaters where the audience does not look at live artists, but at the puppets controlled by the artists.

Watch this puppet theatre"Ulger".

Where does it begin theatre?

Here is a house, big, beautiful, elegant, old. This is the building theater.

Colorful bright poster - playbill, which contains information about upcoming performances in theater(the author of the play, the director, the actors who play the main roles, the name, date and time of the play).

Where can you buy a ticket to the show?

« box office» .

Come to the window

Give him the money.

And the window in response

Gives you a ticket.

Theater box office - location where tickets for performances are sold theater... And who sells tickets to box office ? Children are a cashier.

Performance in the theater goes usually long, over an hour. Spectators will find it uncomfortable to sit in outerwear. How to be? Where should viewers go first? (Answers of children).

V theater the dressing room is called the wardrobe, and the profession of the person who accepts the outerwear of the spectators is the cloakroom attendant. The cloakroom attendant gives you a number, you tidy yourself up and move on.

Vocabulary work wardrobe, cloakroom attendant

The foyer is a room intended for the audience to relax during the intermission or for the audience to stay in anticipation of the performance. Vocabulary work

Here we are, let's get some rest



Pinocchio stretched

Once - bent, two - bent,

Spread his arms to the sides

Apparently the key was not found.

To get the key for him,

We need to stand on our toes.

Stay stronger than Pinocchio,

Here it is - the golden key! (movement along the text).

Upon entering theatre the ticket collector checks the tickets of the spectators. Dictionary work.

So, you and I are spectators. The show is about to start and it's time for us to head to the auditorium. But what is it? Which of you is the most attentive and heard unusual sound? This theatrical bell... In total theater before the start of the performance, three rings are given. The third bell signals that the show is about to begin. After the third ring, the lights go out in the hall. It is indecent to enter the auditorium after the third ring.

Take a closer look, do you like it? What makes an auditorium beautiful? (Walls, lamps, in the center of the ceiling - a huge chandelier)... Do you have chandeliers at home? Are they the same as this one? (Answers of children)... This chandelier is very large, since the auditorium itself is huge. When the performance begins, this chandelier will go out, darkness will set in the auditorium, and the stage will be illuminated by special spotlights - spotlights. Vocabulary work

Soffits are special lamps in the auditorium that illuminate the stage from the front and from above. With the help of spotlights, illuminators can depict sunrise or sunset, flashes of lightning, starry sky and much more on stage.

If you are sitting far from the stage, you will need Opera glasses, which you can bring with you or purchase in the wardrobe.

Let's take a look at our auditorium. The most important place in the auditorium is the stage on which the performance is played. The scene itself is not yet visible. It is still closed by the curtain. Theater curtain- cloth covering the stage from the audience. Curtains are sewn from dense dyed fabric, gathered in folds and decorated with emblems theater or a wide fringe sewn to the bottom of the curtain. The performance will begin as soon as the curtain rises or opens, as they can be sliding or rising.

Many performances in theaters accompanied by music. Where do you think the musicians are sitting, really on stage? (Answers of children).

Orchestra pit - a special room for orchestra in theater located in front of the stage. Dictionary work.

Before the performance can be seen by the audience, people prepare it for a long time. different professions... Let's list them, try not to forget anyone! (Theatrical professions )

The scenery for the performance is made in the painting and decoration workshop according to the sketches of the decorators. Dictionary work.

Props are fake, specially made items of sculpture, furniture, tableware used in theatrical performances instead of real things. Worker theater who makes props is called a props. Dictionary work.

The sound for the performance - the phonogram - is prepared by the sound engineer. During the performance, he can turn on any phonogram: the sound of rain or the sound of waves, the hum of a crowd or the whistle of the wind. Dictionary work.

Actors for a play may need a variety of costumes: old and modern, fabulous and ordinary. The profession of a person who sews and makes costumes is called "dresser". Dictionary work.

Before the performance, the make-up artist applies makeup to the actors. An experienced make-up artist can change the face of an actor beyond recognition. Dictionary work.

An actor is a person who plays a role in a play.

He runs the show

He knows all the scenes by heart.

He teaches how to play a role.

What should I call him, friends? This is the Director

He chooses which play to stage, assigns roles, organizes and conducts rehearsals, and everything that happens on the stage is the director. Dictionary work.

The break between performances is called intermission. During the intermission, usually all spectators go to the foyer. theater... At this time, you can go to the buffet, tidy up in the toilet room, and also get acquainted with various photographs of the artists theater, which are hung on the walls of the foyer.

Now the play has come to an end. Did you like it? How can we express it without words? Thank the actors for their great acting? That's right, with applause! Dictionary work.

Applause is a form of expressing gratitude to artists. If you liked the acting - applaud! You can also give them flowers.

Now our tour has come to an end, did you like it?

Word play: "Name the professions in theater»

Let's see how you remember the professions of people in theater, let's play the game "Name the professions"

Who is performing in front of the audience? (actors)

Who directs the production of the play? (director)

Who lights the scene? (light operator)

Who cooks, sews costumes? (dresser)

Who is painting the scenery? (artist)

Who is applying makeup? (make-up artists)

Who sells the tickets? (cashier)

Who accepts clothes for storage? (cloakroom attendant)

Who works in the buffet? (barmaid)

Who prepares the stage set? (decorator)

Well done all the professions are well remembered.

Dramatization of a fairy tale "Turnip"

Guys, do you want to play theatre?

Then I will be the director, and you will be the artists and the audience. These chips in a magic box will help us sort out our roles. Take the chips. For those who are red, you will be artists, for those who are blue, you will be spectators. The artists put on costumes, masks, and take the necessary props.

Guys, artists, have you guessed what kind of fairy tale you are going to show? (Turnip)

Spectators go into the hall. Appeal to "Viewers"

you want to be good viewers? Then let's get acquainted with the rules of conduct in theater. (Models - pictures)

What does this picture mean?

1. The main rule is to observe silence during the performance.

- What does this picture say?

2. An important rule- arrive on time.

3. It is very important, children, not to talk during the performance.

Kohl the performance is over -

Audible "Bravo!", compliments;

To all the actors, in gratitude,

We give (applause)

Well done! Show how you will clap

Fairy tale show "Turnip"

Educator: everyone coped with their role wonderfully, acted like real actors.

Lesson summary

Educator: What new have you learned? What struck you the most? What do you remember? What new words did you meet, etc.

Educator: if you enjoyed our trip, show thumb lifting it up. If you don't like it, put it down.

I'm glad you all liked it, thanks for your participation.

Yulia Shabalina
The project "Where does the theater begin?" (senior preschool age)


"WITH where does the theater begin

For senior preschool age


Theatre- one of the most mysterious and beautiful forms of art, and in the life of a child - preschooler, theatre how a talented teacher helps a child understand the world around him.

Introducing the child to the theater begins v early childhood through listening to fairy tales, manipulating toys, playing familiar plots, playing games "House", "Daughters - mothers"... Joining the role, the child expresses his attitude to various situations, shows emotions.

Unfortunately, the introduction of children to theatrical art happens, as a rule, only (within educational program) in the walls kindergarten... Parents do not devote enough time not only to organizing joint trips to theatre, but they do not even give an elementary concept of theatrical activities... In this connection, the knowledge of children about theater poor and shallow.

In addition, parents do not understand that through theatrical activities , you can solve educational problems related:

WITH arts education and raising a child;

Formation of aesthetic taste;

Moral education;

Development communicative qualities personality. ;

The upbringing of will, the development of memory, imagination, initiative, fantasy, speech.

Talking to children about theater watching them in free play activities, I understand that children need additional knowledge and skills to organize joint games, communication, role-playing behavior and accessible form such training, in my opinion, is theatrical activities.

During the implementation of this the project is being implemented

Target: Enriching the play experience of children through participation in theater arts.


form an idea of ​​what is theatre, to acquaint with the types theater, rules of conduct in theater.

To generate interest in new people professions: actor, screenwriter, costume designer, set designer, stage director, make-up artist, director, etc.

Develop the ability to take on a role, to act in accordance with it.

Improve the performing skills of children, the expressiveness of movements, acting

expand and activate the vocabulary of children, the ability to maintain a role-based dialogue, expressiveness and emotionality of speech, communication skills.

View the project: informative

Participants the project: children, parents, educator

Duration the project: 3 weeks

Stages: 1 - introductory, 2 - productive, 3 - final

Resource provision: illustrations of buildings theaters; video footage theatrical productions different directions; musical sketches characterizing expressive images; encyclopedic information about the creation theaters; photographs of actors; finger theatre.

Expected Result: Enrichment of play experience, communication skills of children. Development of premises creativity children.

Product project activities : staging theater"Teremok"

Interacting with family: Team work for the manufacture of costume attributes; replenishment of attributes, decorations for staged performances, joint visit to the puppet show city ​​theater.

Educational areas: communicative, cognitive,

Project progress

Stage 1: Introductory (1 Week)

The first day “We came to theatre»

Work with children. Chatting with children about theater... Examination of illustrations, slides about theaters(musical, puppet, dramatic, theater of animals, etc..)

Target: Clarify children's knowledge about theater, how a separate kind art; Introduce the views theaters; foster an emotionally positive attitude towards theater.

Working with parents. Running an errand - sewing "Fingers", selection of elements for decoration "Fingers"

Second day "Have a nice acquaintance"

1. Getting to know theater professions(artist, make-up artist, hairdresser, musician, decorator, costume designer, artist, via d / i "Guess who, I am".

Target: to form children's ideas about theater professions; increase interest in theater arts; Expand words knowledge.

Day three « Theater starts with a coat rack»

1. Examination of illustrations, photographs theaters in different cities, countries.

Target: Introduce children to the device theater building , pay attention to the originality of architecture and a beautiful facade, interior decoration, rules of conduct in theater.

Day four « Theaters in our city» .

1. Talking to children about theaters of our city.

Target: Clarify children's knowledge about theaters of our city, cultural life small towns. Introduce the concept "Tour theater»

Day five "Viewing a puppet show"

1. Viewing a puppet show «» professional artists.

Target: To draw the attention of children to the ability "Artists", transmit by voice, expressive movement characteristics heroes of the play. Encourage children to want to participate in staged performances. evoke an emotional response.

Stage 2. Productive (2 week)

The first day « Theatrical evening»

1. Viewing one actor theater"Teremok"

Target: To draw the attention of children to the actor's ability to transform when reading a fairy tale. "Play with your voice", expressive gaze, body movement. Arouse the desire to repeat the characteristic movements inherent in different animals. Evoke an emotional response.

Second day "Entering the image"

1. Playing speech dialogues based on familiar fairy tales

Target: Exercise children to transform into "Hero of fairy tales", the ability to conduct a speech dialogue in accordance with the content of the plot being played. Choose your role yourself.

Day three "Dolls - artists"

1. Playing a fairy tale «» with the help of bi-ba-bo dolls

Target: Exercise children in the ability to control b-b-b-bo dolls, accompanying the game with a speech dialogue. Develop skills to maintain role behavior in accordance with the role assumed. Call out for an emotional response, respect for "Artists".

Day four « Theater and music»

1. Viewing stories puppet shows... Video.

Target: draw children's attention to expressiveness theatrical performances with the presence of music. Exercise children to characterize the heroes, their character by listening to musical accompaniment.

Day five "Our hands are not for boredom"

1. Making a finger theater.

Target: Including parents in educational process... Development creativity, the ability to discuss and negotiate with their own children about the proposed job.

Stage 3. Final (3 week)

The first day. "We are artists"

1. Rehearsal of a fairy tale with ready-made dolls Finger theater»

Target: Exercise children in the ability to transform with the help of expressive means, through voice, intonation, music, attributes, decorations.

Second day "Poster drawing"

Target: To foster in children the desire for joint, collective, productive activity. Develop the ability to negotiate, coming to a common opinion, to listen without interrupting your interlocutors. Work amicably, independently distributing assignments.

Day three "We invite you to visit"

1. Showing finger theater"Teremok" for the children of their group.

Target: train children in the ability to enter the image of the hero of a fairy tale, listen and hear others "Artists", do not interrupt. Establish the rules of conduct when watching the performance, clap your hands before and after the performance, thank the artists. Evoke an emotional response, a desire to try yourself in the role of an artist.

Day four, fifth "Tour theater»

Target: To instill in the child a sense of self-confidence, theatrical abilities, artistry. Encourage the desire to participate in other sports theater.

Day six "We're going to theatre»

Target: consolidation of the acquired knowledge about theater... Involving parents in the educational process of introducing children to theater arts... The rapprochement of the children's team.


During implementation the project, work was carried out to enrich the knowledge of children, about theater and performing arts... What is relevant for small towns.

For three weeks, the children got acquainted with the species theaters, took an active part in the creation of attributes, learned, through the acquisition of new knowledge, the ability to interact with each other, to show emotions, to transform into the heroes of a fairy tale.

By implementing the given project, I came to the conclusion that the enrichment of the play experience of children, through theater arts, selected correctly. Children are not only interested in this type of activity, but also attract parents to implement their ideas.

The project, it is possible to realize endlessly, only by changing the direction theater... Its structure is universal for anyone preschool age. The project parents can use and arrange home theater.

Synopsis of a conversation with older preschool children "Theatrical alphabet"

Target : to expand children's ideas about the world of theater, about theatrical professions, stimulate their interest in theatrical art, enrich the vocabulary of children with theatrical terms.

Equipment : illustrations of the theater premises, theatrical poster, theater tickets, theater programs, slides with views of various theaters, photographs of actors, fragments of various performances, didactic game"Theatrical professions", dummies of vegetables and fruits, artificial flowers, attributes for the game "Hairdresser".

Educator: Do you know what theater is, what “theatrical art” means, what professions work in the theater? (children's answers).

Theater - the art of stage - was born in ancient times. The word THEATER comes to us from the Greek language and means "a place for spectacles, a spectacle." But theater is not only an art form, but also a building where we come to performances.

Want to go on a theater tour? (Illustrations of different theater buildings are exhibited).

Here is a house, big, beautiful, elegant, old. This is the theater building. Look, in front of him is a colorful bright poster - playbill, which, with the help of drawings, photographs and various words, contains information about upcoming performances in the theater (the author of the performance, the director, the actors who play the main roles, the name, date and time of the performance). Let's go to this beautiful house... Where did we end up with you? Look, we see a small window that says "Box office".

Come to the window

Give him the money.

And the window in response

Gives you a ticket.

Theatrical box office is a place where tickets for theater performances are sold. They contain the name of the theater, the name of the performance, its author, the date and beginning of the performance, as well as the place and row in the auditorium. Sells tickets at the box office cashier. At the entrance to the theater, the audience checks tickets usher... A performance in a theater usually lasts a long time, more than an hour. Spectators will find it uncomfortable to sit in outerwear. How to be? Where should viewers go first? (Answers of children). In the theater, the dressing room is called wardrobe, and the profession of a person who accepts the outerwear of spectators is cloakroom attendant... The cloakroom attendant gives you a number, you tidy yourself up and move on.

Are you curious to know what today's performance will be about, what actors will play in it? Then you and I just need to purchase from a theater employee, weaner, theatrical program See, it says characters(heroes) of the play, as well as the names and surnames of the actors who play the roles of these heroes. Also, the program may contain short description the action of the performance.

So, you and I are spectators. The show is about to start and it's time for us to head to the auditorium. But what is it? Which of you is the most attentive and heard an unusual sound? This theatrical bell. In total, the theater rings three bells before the start of the performance. The third bell signals that the show is about to begin. After the third ring, the lights go out in the hall. It is indecent to enter the auditorium after the third ring. Until the third call comes, let's take a closer look. auditorium. This is the largest theater building. Take a closer look, do you like it? What makes an auditorium beautiful? (Walls, lamps, in the center of the ceiling - a huge chandelier). Do you have chandeliers at home? Are they the same as this one? (Answers of children). This chandelier is very large, since the auditorium itself is huge. When the performance begins, this chandelier will go out, darkness will come in the auditorium, and special spotlights will illuminate the stage - spotlights. Soffits are special lamps in the auditorium that illuminate the stage from the front and from above. With the help of spotlights, illuminators can depict sunrise or sunset, flashes of lightning, starry sky and much more on stage.

Let's take our seats in the auditorium. How to do it? (See what is indicated on the ticket). The place to sit is indicated in theater ticket. Parterre- first, bottom rows, amphitheater- top, back. If you are sitting far from the stage, you will need Opera glasses, which you can bring with you or purchase in the wardrobe.

Let's take a look at our auditorium. The most important place in the auditorium is scene, on which the play is played. The scene itself is not yet visible. It is still closed by the curtain. Theater curtain- a panel covering the stage from the audience. The curtains are sewn from dense dyed fabric, gathered in folds and decorated with theater emblems or wide fringes sewn to the bottom of the curtain. The performance will begin as soon as the curtain rises or opens, as they can be sliding or rising.

Many performances in theaters are accompanied by music. Where do you think the musicians are sitting, really on stage? ( Answers of children). Orchestra pit- a special room for the orchestra in the theater, located in front of the stage.

Before the audience can see the performance, people of different professions prepare it for a long time. Let's list them, try not to forget anyone! (Theater professions)

The scenery for the performance is made in the painting and decoration workshop according to sketches decorators.

Props are fake, specially made items of sculpture, furniture, tableware used in theater performances instead of real things. The theater worker making props is called a prop.

(The teacher shows the children, for example, fake things: dummies of vegetables and fruits, artificial flowers, etc.).

Sound for the show - phonogram - prepares sound engineer. During the performance, he can turn on any phonogram: the noise of rain or the roar of the waves, the rumble of a crowd or the whistle of the wind.

Actors for a play may need the most different costumes: old and modern, fabulous and ordinary. The profession of a person who sews and makes costumes is called " dresser".

Before the performance, the make-up artist imposes on the actors makeup. Experienced make-up artist can change the face of an actor beyond recognition.

Chooses which play to stage, assigns roles, organizes and conducts rehearsals and everything that happens on stage - director.

Actor- a person who plays a role in the performance.

A person who follows the course of the play, the play of the actors, and can, if necessary, suggest the words of the role to the actors - prompter.

The person who directs (conducts) an orchestra of musicians is called conductor.

The didactic game "Theatrical professions" is being held

Our performance is on stage for the first time today, so today - premiere of this performance. So, the first act (part) of the play has begun.

(Children are encouraged to view illustrations of any children's play or watch the video).

Are you not tired, do you like our performance? The actors play great! Do you think they need to rest, prepare for the continuation of the performance?

(Answers of children).

The break between the performances is called intermission. During the intermission, usually all spectators go out to the theater foyer. At this time, you can go to the buffet, tidy up in the dressing room, and also get acquainted with various photographs of the theater artists, which are hung on the walls of the foyer.

(Children look at photographs of artists Perm theaters and excerpts from the performances in which they played).

Now our performance has come to an end. Did you like it? How can we express it without words? Thank the actors for their great acting? Right, applause! Applause is a form of expressing gratitude to artists. If you liked the acting - applaud! You can also give them flowers.

Educator: Today we learned a lot of interesting things about the theater. But there is a special place in it, which is called a mysterious word. "Behind the scenes"- what is behind the scene. Today we were allowed to visit there with you. You can find a lot of interesting things here. The audience does not see this space. Actors and employees in the theater have their own entrance from the street, leading directly to the stage. Let's get acquainted with the premises of the "backstage kingdom".

(The teacher lists these premises and explains their purpose: a decorator and props workshop, a wardrobe room, a dressing room for actors).

Educator: let us go into one of these rooms. Look, table! Is he wearing a mirror, paints, powder, makeup, wigs? What is this room? (Answers of children)... That's right, this is the actors' dressing room. Let's now play with you as actors and make-up artists, make princesses out of girls, and grandfathers out of boys.

(Children distribute among themselves the roles of make-up artists and actors, and in front of everyone's eyes, reincarnations begin)

Then the children "go back" back to the kindergarten.


Educator: What new have you learned? What struck you the most? What do you remember? What new words did you meet, etc. .