Russian theater firstborn: History of the Alexandrinsky Theater. Theatrical buildings - architectural monuments Alexandrinsky Theater Creating History

Russian theater firstborn: History of the Alexandrinsky Theater. Theatrical buildings - architectural monuments Alexandrinsky Theater Creating History
Russian theater firstborn: History of the Alexandrinsky Theater. Theatrical buildings - architectural monuments Alexandrinsky Theater Creating History

Vladimir Yaranians

Alexandrinskaya Square
And theater street

T. Eatral, or Alexandrinskaya, Square (now pl. Ostrovsky), Theater Street (now st. Zodki Rossi) and pl. Chernysheva (now pl. Lomonosov) - the system of ensembles in the center of St. Petersburg, created by architect K.I. Rossi in 1828-1834. On the Spassky Island, on the site of extensive sites between Fontanka, Nevsky Prospect and Sadovaya Street.

Opened to Nevsky Prospekt, theatrical (Alexandrinsk) Square with constructed by Russia, Alexandrinsky Theater and the new corps of the Imperial Public Library is located on the territory, which was included in the estate of Anichkova Palace. (The palace was called from the neighboring bridge through the Fontanka, and the bridge - from the name of the head of the bridge at the beginning of the XVIII century. Of the military team.) In 1793, the estate with Anichkov Palace was acquired by the treasury made by the property of the sovereign, to accommodate the Cabinet of its Imperial Majesty . In 1795-1801. Architect Cabinet E.T. Sokolov built in Anichkova estate at the corner of the Nevsky and a garden building for the II Imperial Library established by Ekaterino.

V. Gardeners. Alexandrinsky Theater and Public Library.1835

In 1799, the Directorate of Imperial Theaters was transferred to the Anichkova estate, and the Italian Pavilion existed in the garden was rebuilt into the theater. Since 1803, the theater building is the main platform of the imperial Russian acting troupe (from now on - a small theater). From 1809, Anichkova Manor, presented by the sister of Emperor Alexander I Great Prince Ekaterina Pavlovna on the occasion of marriage with Prince Oldenburg, became its residence.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an architecture of the area between Anichkov Palace and the Public Library belongs to J.F. Tom de Tonon, who in 1811 developed a project of the theater in the form of a Greek temple in the depths of the area separated from the Nevsky fence with the gate. Another, rounded, area framed by colonnada, was planned towards the garden. Highest approved project prevented the war with Napoleon.

After four years of widowhood, the Grand Duchess Ekaterina Pavlovna married the second time - for the heir to Württemberg's throne of the Koronprint Wilhelm and left Russia. In 1817, Emperor Alexander I presented Anichkov Palace to his brother to the Great Prince Nikolai Pavlovich (the future emperor Nicholas I), for which architects K.I. Rossi and A.A. Melas rewound the estate.

At its border with a plot of a small theater, about the axes of the side rizalitis of the palace, Rossi built two garden pavilions, decorated with images of warriors in Russian armor with laurel wreaths - for the collection of weapons (own Arsenal Nikolai Pavlovich) and for flowers (probably for his spouse ). Between the pavilions was installed a metal fence. Performing these works, Rossi has already assumed the creation of an area with the theater. The final project of the ensemble of two squares was formed by 1828.

The monumental building of the theater was erected as a composite and semantic center created for him the square, subordinating the imperial anichkov the palace on the same square. The building assigned in the depths of the area is designed for a circular review, all its facades are parade. The first floor appears as a powerful base treated with a rust - a symbol of masonry. Recycling traditional for the architecture of classicism The type of Greek temple, Rossi, put on the main facade of the theater facing Nevsky Prospect, is not a portico, but a spectacular hexagonal Corinthian loggia at the level of the 2nd and 3rd floors. Over her stepped attack, on the plane of which the figures of the glory, crowded Russian state eagle, are placed (now replaced by LIRA). Completes the composition of the quadriga Apollo (sculptor S.S. Pimenov), meaning the triumph of the arts.

The huge height of the auditorium and the stage box required an additional floor raised above the main volume of the building. It is decorated with frequent small windows with a semi-collar completion. On the lateral facades, the entrances are far from the walls serve as a basement for powerful octagolon Corinthian porticors. The rear facade of the theater is decorated by Corinth pilasters. The sculptural decor of the facade, standing out on the background of the walls, ends the appointment of the theater building as the temple of the arts. This is a statue of Muses in niches on the side risals of the main and rear facades and a slimming building a wide bas-relief frieze, visually continuing the line of capitals - with images of theatrical masks and garlands.

The new theater, called Alexandrinsky in honor of the reigning empress Alexandra Fedorovna, Nicholas I wives, was opened on August 31, 1832. Like all the buildings of the imperial theaters of both capitals, he was a scenic platform for different imperial troupes, subordinate to the unified Directorate of Imperial Theaters

The eastern border of Alexandrinskaya Square - in the direction of Anichkova Palace and Fontanka - was marked by the fence and pavilions of the Garden of Anichkova Palace. The Western border is set built simultaneously with the theater with a new corps of the public library. It is attached to the old corner of the library in the Nevsky Prospect, but in the composition of Rossi became the main building. The facade of the library corps built by the architect Rossi is harmonized with the facade of the library building of the architect Sokolov so much that both are perceived as a whole.

The decor of the facade of the library building allegorically comprehensies it as a temple of science. A grand ionic loggia of 18 columns stretched between the rizalits, between which the statues of the wise men and poets of antiquity are posted: Homer, Euripide, Hippocrates, Demosphen, Vergilius, Tacitus, Cicero, Herodotus, Euclidean, Plato. Above each statue is a multifigure bas-relief. The building is crowned with a stretched step attack with Figures of Glory and the Russian State Eagle (replaced by the Emblem "Book with a pen in a laurel wreath"), on Attics - a statue of Minerva with a small Sphinx on the helmet, an allegory of wisdom. The facades of the library building with white columns, statues and decorative details have retained their beloved color gris-perle.(pearl gray).

The axis of Alexandrinskaya Square on the other side of the Nevsky Prospekt continues with a small garden street leading to the Manezhnaya Square, and ends with a decorative portion built by Russia. The portico is a kind of reflection of the Alexandrin Square, connecting it with the system of the Manege and Mikhailovskaya Square.

Behind the theater - the same buildings of the Ministry of the Interior and the Directorate of Imperial Theaters with theatrical School. Their facades, decorated with Doric semi-columns, are kind of sorts of Alexandrinskaya Square. Doric order of ten ordinary semi-colonne on each building speaks of subordination. These buildings go to the theater street, consisting of only two unusually extended buildings, whose height is equal to the width of the street (22 meters), and the length is exactly ten times more. The lower floor of the buildings of theatrical street was originally arcade and correlated in width with the theater loggias. The two upper tiers of buildings, contrary to the canons of an ampyr, are decorated with dual columns (50 on each building).

At the other end of the Theater Street Rossie designed a round Chernyshev area in the eponymous bridge over the fountain, continuing the tradition of the premises space, scheduled by A. Kvasov. He built on it the buildings of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment with huge windows. Through the Chernyshevaya Square of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment, Chernyshev Street passes the Bunk Triple Arch of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment. Above the arch inside the building there was a ministerial church of St. Nicholas Wonderworker, marked on the facade of dual doric columns and crowned with a massive cross.

The facade of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the part of the Fontanka is underestimated by three-fourth columns and symmetric loggias. The same architectural solution and the narrow facade of the building from the side of the square. The bunk triple arch of the building of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment opens the prospect of the dual dormic columns of a large living room, visually as if crowned with a dome located in the distance of the Kazan Cathedral. Plot opposite the ministry between the building of theatrical school and Fontanka remained in private ownership, and the Grand Project K.I. Rossi was not final completed.

M. Mikeshin. Monument to Catherine II.1862–1873

In the center of the Alexandrinskaya Square Rossi arranged the second in the history of St. Petersburg Square. In 1862-1873 It was installed in it and serious monument to Catherine II according to the project of the artist M.O. Mikeshin. It applied the bell-shaped form of a monument, creating a general fusion of the composition and the image of "Orthodoxy, autocracy and nation". On the pedestrine from the gray polished granite, the Russian Empress with the attributes of the imperial power is surrounded by outstanding figures of its reign. At the bottom of the pedestal - the dedication inscription "Empress Catherine II in the reign of Emperor Alexander II" and the composition of the attributes in the center of which in the Lavrovsky Wreath is the allegory of the law (the book with the inscription "Law") as the main historical merit of both sovereigns.

K. Rossi, sculptor S. Pimenov. Pavilion Rossi.1817–1818

The Mikeshin project was carried out by architects D.I. Hyrmim and V.A. Scheter, sculptors M.A. Schizhov (statue of the Empress) and A.M. Poekushin (statues of statesmen). Despite the artistic discrepancy with the ampir ensemble of Russia created by Rossi, the monument to Empress is connected with it - developing the theme of the Catherine Golden Age, embodied by Russia in the system of orders and allegories marked with Apollo and Minerva. But, delivered through the central axes of the library and theater, this monument broke the visual relations of buildings as parts of the ensemble.

On the Chernyshevaya Square, the main gardener of St. Petersburg A. Visa arranged a small square, in 1892. In it, a bronze bust of MV Lomonosov (sculptor PP Pokarelo) was installed in it before the building of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.

A. Hemaman. Alexandrinsky Theater.Mid XIX century

Creating Alexandrinskaya Square, Rossi left areas on the sides of the theater free. In the 1870s, a quarter along the theater's side facade near the building of the Ministry of the Interior was built up. In 1874, a four-storey house of the Imperial Russian Music Society was built in the corner of the square in the modest forms of the lackless neorenissance. Nearby, opposite the lateral portico of the theater, an impregnated four-story building of the first city credit society in the Order Neeney Neeney, with a deep rustwater facade and Corinthian pilasters at the level of the 3-4th floors. The building undoubtedly violated the Orders Hierarchy of the Organization of the Organization of the Square, but the overall appearance of the facade is perceived as an accompaniment of Rossi buildings than as a contrast.

N. Basin. Profitable house.1870-E.

At the same time next to them, in line with the main facade of the theater, Architect N.P. Basin built its own proficient house - the architectural manifesto of the Russian style of Alexander II, which became famous. This is a new stage of searching for a national style in architecture - later called "cockty style". In the context of an emergency ensemble of Rossi, the house produces a staggering impression on the viewer.

Located on the corner of Tolmazov's corner of Tolmazova (now lane. Krylova), the five-storey house of Basina has two facades and thereby, unlike other buildings, has a volume, competing with the theater building. Her Erkers emphasize, including the corner crowned by turrets. The form of the architectural solution of the building is the form of non-thessance (which corresponds to the real origin of the Russian architecture of the Moscow kingdom from the Italian Renaissance). The rich plastic facades creates their diverse design: different configurations and sizes of the window, platbands, sandriks, columns, crown kokoshniki. All facades are generously ornaments with stucco patterns, reproducing decorative motifs of Russian wooden thread and embroidery. Decorating the facades of the house of Basina Relief roosters, transferred from the Russian towels, became a sign element of the style, giving him a name.

The architect period of historical styles did not lose the culture of the ensemble, but rethought the ensemble as the saturation of the urban environment by historical associations, a free combination of distinct buildings, a sign similar to a combination of high-rise buildings. The house of Basina on Alexandrinskaya Square developed a stylist clash, an already given by the monument of Catherine II in not so demonstrative, but also the "Russian" style. It is significant that the then the owner of Anichkova Palace Zesarevich Alexander Aleksandrovich is the future emperor Alexander III - it was during these years that the first of the Romanov let go beard, demonstrating the desire for national traditions.

E. Vortilov. Public library.1901

On the remaining undeveloped plot between the library and the home of Basin, Architect E.S.Vorotilov in 1896-1901. Eased a new library case. The facade of the building along the square continues the facade of Russia and is almost equal to him in length. Vorotilov repeated the vertical flooring of Russia and the overall compositional diagram of the extended central part with side risals, withstanding forms close to the general classical appearance of the complex. Following the spirit of the time, the corobiles did not fly the facades, but won their gray sandstone, to tone the color of the walls of the Corps Rossi, but without the color allocation of columns, platbands, etc. Almost the only decoration of the facade, not repeating the forms of the old building, are metal flagpoles in the style of treadmill.

For large sizes, the Corps of the Vortilov, otherwise having every reason to be a town-planning accent, is emphasized modestly inferior to the Corps of Russia, as if going into the shadow. The art decision of the Vortilov building for more than ten years ahead of his time, predatory the style of neoclassicism in St. Petersburg architecture.

On the other side of the theater lined with dark gray granite, the building of the Window-Rybinsk Railway, built at the beginning of the 20th century in the forms of the modernized neoclassic, repeats the motifs of the ampyr decor in the facade decor: lion masks, wreaths, garlands, abundance horns; Figures of the glory crowned the monogram railway.

In 1902, on the opposite of the Alexandrinskaya Square, the side of the Nevsky Prospect appeared the building of the trading house Brothers Eliseev (Architect G.V. Baranovsky) - Bright manifest of Modern style. On his facades on consoles, the figures, which are the allegories of the industry (a master with a ship in their hands), trade (naked Mercury), science, art. In general, the sculptural decoration of the square was the embodiment of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe ideal reign - the "Golden Age".

The theater, located in the heart of St. Petersburg, the theater, where the "grief from the mind" of Griboedov and the "Thunderstorm" of Ostrovsky, theater, who called "Director Mecca" - director from Meyerhold to Tovstonogov, worked in it ..

The birth of the first Russian public theater

A decree on the creation of "Russian for the representations of tragedy and comedy theater" was signed by Empress Elizabeth Petrovna on August 30, 1756. The first public theater in Russia, he deserved the right to be called the father of the Russian theater. When "birth", Troupe headed Fyodor Volkov, and Alexander Sumarokov himself became the director of the theater! Already then it became clear that the theater would be famous and gather on his scene a whole pleiad of the stars of the theater world.

Alexandrinsky Theater was called "Director's Mecca"

From the pavilion to the palace

In the middle of the XVIII century, an Opera House was located in Anichkovoy Garden, intended for masquerades and performances. The first theater building on Ostrovsky Square appeared in 1801. On the site of the wooden pavilion, the architect Vincenzo Brenna erected the theater, in which the representation of the Italian troupe of the Antreplener of the Cossussy. After the infamous fire in the Bolshoi Theater in 1811, the architect de Tomon put forward a proposal to rebuild the building, but this was prevented by War with Napoleon.

Alexander Sumarokov was the first director of Alexandrin

Theater of Kazassi.

However, the theater simply needs a large room. Above the creation of the project, the famous architect Karl Rossi worked for 11 years. The final version was approved only in 1828, the next day created the commission "to build a stone theater and behind the two buildings" and immediately started building. In 1832, a new theater was opened on the site of the old "small", an excellent sample of an ampir style that reigned in those times in architecture. It was then that the theater was named Alexandrinsky in honor of the wife of Nicholas I Alexandra Fedorovna.

Alexandrinsky Theater is named after Nicholas I

Alexandrinsky Theater, 1830s

Under the Senyu Muz

The feature of the building is metal overlaps, on which they insisted in person. In Emperor Nicholas, I had doubts about the strength of such designs, but the architect managed to prove his right point. The facade of the theater is decorated with multicolon loggias, side facades - octagolon porticoes. Niches have plaster sculptures Muses Muses (patroness of the comedy), Melpomena (patroness tragedy), Klio (patronage of history) and Terraticra (patroner of dance). Where Music - there and Apollo, without it, did not cost this time. The facade of the building of the quadriga of God Apollo (work of Vasily Dhemut-Malinovsky), which is relatives Alexandrinsky with a large theater in Moscow.

Alexandrinsky Theater now

Glitter and luxury

The inner decoration of the theater is different from the fact that Rossi planned - the architect dreamed of more decorations. Nevertheless, the hall and so looked like a thread, gilding, painted, color upholstery chairs (initially blue, but because of the oil lamps, the room was burned, and the upholstery had to change the punch). Places for the audience were located in modern then the system of lies in many tiers with an amphitheater and a spacious parter. Total Theater could accommodate almost 1,700 people!

In terms of the idea of \u200b\u200bRussia in Alexandrin, there must be even more jewelry

Hall of the Alexandrinsky Theater

Textbook of Russian theater life

On the history of the Alexandrinsky Theater, you can write a textbook of Russian theater life. In this theater, premieres of almost all the famous dramatic works of Russian classics took place. This is "grief from the mind", and the "auditor", and the "thunderstorm" (everything was put 49 Pieces of Ostrovsky on the stage of Alexandrinsky), and even the infamous first statement of the "Seagulls" Chekhov. At the beginning of the XIX century on stage, the early comedies of Griboedov "Young spouses" and "feigned infidelity" were successful.

Premieres of almost all Russian classics took place in Alexandrinka

Accent during performances was put on plastic actors, their external equipment, combination of singing and movement. This is what led to the difference of St. Petersburg and Moscow theater schools. Famous actors played on the stage: Davydov, Varlamov, Dalsky, Streptova, then Commissarzhevskaya itself! They worked under the guidance of the most talented directors of their time, for example, Vsevolod Meyerhold, Igor Terentyev, Nikolai Akimov, Grigoria Kozintsyva, Georgy Tovstonogov. Outstanding artists of Benoit, Korovin, Golovin, Altman and Composers of Glazunov, Shostakovich, also collaborated with the theater.

What's in a name?

Since 1920, the theater was named "State Drama Theater", and then, in 1937, by the century from the day of the death of Pushkin, the theater received the name of the sun of Russian poetry. That is why the Alexandrinsky Theater is often called Pushkinsky. The official name returned only in the 1990s. During the Great Patriotic War, the theater worked in Novosibirsk, and returned to Leningrad only in 1944.

The troupe of the Alexandrinsky Theater in Petrozavodsk

In 2006, the celebration of the reconstructed Alexandrinsky Theater took place on the days of the celebration of the 250th anniversary. And from 2010 to 2013, work was conducted on the creation of a second scene of the theater, which was opened by the play-laboratory based on "Crime and Punishment" of Dostoevsky. Today the theater is headed by the director Valery Fokin.

Building Alexandrinsky Theatercreated K.i. Rossi, - one of the most characteristic and prominent monuments of architecture russian classicism. In the ensemble of Ostrovsky Square it plays a dominant role.

As a result of redevelopment of the estate of Anichkova Palace in 1818, an extensive urban area arose between the Public Library and Garden of Anichkova. For more than 10 years, from 1816 to 1827, Rossi developed a number of projects for the reconstruction and development of this area, which provided for the construction on it urban Theater. The final version of the project was approved on April 5, 1828. The construction of the theater began in the same year. On August 31, 1832 his grand opening took place.

Theater faces in the direction of the area (theater) deep multicolon loggia, the space of which is part of the current area of \u200b\u200bOstrovsky. At the same time, the side facades are underlined octagolonny Portica), through the galleries of which allow you to go down the building and enter the theater (now the street of the architect Russia) the street, whose perspective is closed on the entire width of the rear, almost flat, but richly decorated facade) theater. The main decorative decoration of the building of the theater is an expressive sculptural frieze) with antique theatrical masks and garlands of laurel branches in the level of Corinthian capitals), the statues of the music in the niches on the end facades and the magnificent quadriga Apolloon On the Attics) of the main facade (sculptors IN AND. Demoust-Malinovsky, S.S. Pimenov, A.Priskovorni, I. Leppe).

Alexandrinsky Theater was built on the most perfect for his time multi-tier system of lies With an amphitheater) and a spacious parter) (capacity - over a thousand people. Theater interiors mainly retained the original decoration. Pyatnaya visual hall at 1700 seats is distinguished by successful proportions and excellent acoustics. The decoration is solemn and smart. The initial blue upholstery was replaced in 1849. Punchovaya. Gilded thread of the central ("tsarist") lodge and scene lies have been made in the drawings of Rossi, the ornament on the barriers of the tiers - later (2nd half of the XIX century). The decoration of the visual hall was complemented by a wonderful promising picturesque flanfer (Hood. A.K. Vigi.), later replaced.

K.i Rossi in the Commonwealth with the Engineer M.E. Clark For the first time in the history of construction equipment created original systems metal structures. The roof is resting on 27 iron with cast-iron details of arched farms with a span of 29.8 m. Internal longitudinal walls are supports for 18 lower arcuate farms carrying an attic overlap and suspended ceiling) over the visual hall. Barunts are supported by cast-iron brackets. Overlapping over the scene is a system of triangular farms with a span of 10.76 m, based on cast iron consoles and soils. K.i Rossi, contrary to oblique official circles, was quite sure about the strength of the metal structure proposed by it, and therefore wrote in one of the reports: "... in the case when some kind of nonsense occurred from the metal roofing device, then as an example For others, let the same hour hang me on one of the theater rafters. "

The building of the Alexandrin theater created K.i Ross.Is one of the best in the beauty of the interiors and the majestity of the appearance.

History of Alexandrinsky Theater

In 1801, a wooden theater was built in the Gardens of Colonel Anichkina for performances by the Italian opera pipe. Due to the growing popularity of this type of art, the building soon ceased to satisfy the requirements of the public, because it was decided to build a new one. The implementation of the idea was placed several military conflicts, including war with Napoleon. In 1818, the gardens were significantly narrowed, as a result of which an extensive area was formed under the construction of a new theater.

The famous architect Karl Ivanovich Rossi eleven years has developed a project for the construction of the formed area. In April 1828, the final version was finally approved in which the new Stone Theater was also approved. The process was significantly delayed due to ambitious architect plans.

The innovative approach, which he planned to apply in the construction of the building, was dispersoned by officials. Rossi used the metallic overlap system developed jointly with the Clark engineer, which included the original steel structures of the roof, overlap and balconies. In one of the documents, the words of the architect were preserved that he agrees to be hung on rafters, if his original decision becomes the cause of misfortune. As a result, he managed to defend his innovation and four years after the start of construction, a new theater was built, struck by its sizes and splendor.

Architecture and decoration of the Alexandrinsky Theater

The main facade of the building from the Nevsky Prospekt goes to the Ostrovsky Square. The original decision for St. Petersburg is a loggia with six massive Corinthian columns - replaces the traditional portico in ancient Greek style. The wall of the lower floor, decorated with RUST, serves as a visual support for the colonnade, followed by a rhythmic line of arched windows. On both sides of the loggia, shallow niches are made with the statues of Melpomen and Terraticor. Completes the composition of the sculptural frieze, sliding the building. One of the characters of St. Petersburg - Quadriga Apollo was installed above the decorated sculptural images of the attic of the main facade.

Despite the solid age, a significant part of the interior decoration has been preserved. After replacing in 1849, the Blue Crimping and Update Mural of Plafons was practically not changed. The carving of the royal and neighbors to the scenes lies and the gilded panels on the barriers set later remain unchanged.

By decree of the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna in St. Petersburg, Russian for the presentation of tragedies and comedy theater, from which he leads the history of the troupe of the Alexandrinsky Theater. The director of the theater was appointed playwright Alexander Petrovich Sumarokov. Troupe headed the actor Fedor Grigorievich Volkov. The theater became the first public public theater in Russia and began its regular ideas in the former Golovkin House on Vasilyevsky Island. Subsequently, the building was rebuilt for the Academy of Arts.

1759 year

The highest order at the court office theater is defined in the department of the court office.

1763 year

After the death of F.G. Volkova Troupeppa heads the famous Russian actor Ivan Afanasyevich Dmitrevsky.

1766 year

The theater troupe has entered the structure of the Imperial Theater Directorate.

1783 year

Russian dramatic troupe begins his speeches in the building of a newly built large stone theater in St. Petersburg, subsequently rebuilt for the St. Petersburg Conservatory.

1831 year

The terror of the theater is first fully executed by the comedy A.C. Griboedov "Woe from Wit". The role of Chatsky played V.A. Karatygin.

31 Aug 1832

St. Petersburg Russian Dramatic Troupe begins his performances in a new building in the heart of St. Petersburg, created on the project of the Great Architect K.I. Rossi. In honor of the spouse of Emperor Nikolai First Alexandra Fedorovna, the building is called by Alexandrinsky Theater. The building of the Alexandrinsky Theater is a masterpiece of world theater architecture, the UNESCO is protected.


At the stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater, the premiere of the "Auditor" N.V. Gogol. An active part in the performance of the performance was accepted by the author himself. In the role of Klezlekova - N.O. Dur.


The building of the Alexandrinsky Theater is fixed behind the St. Petersburg Imperial Dramatic Pipe. At the same time, the troupe continues to perform on other theatrical sites of the capital, which are managed by the Directorate of Imperial Theaters.

1856 year

Setting on the scene of the comedy theater A.V. Sukhovo Koblin "Wedding of Krechinsky". In the title role - V.V. Samoilov.

1859 year

For the first time on the stage of the Alexandrin theater, Piese A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm".

1867 year

For the first time on the stage of the theater delivered a tragedy A.K. Tolstoy "Death of John Grozny". In the role of John Grozny - P.V. Vasilyev.


For the first time on the stage of the theater, tragedy A.S. Pushkin "Boris Godunov". In the role of Boris Godunova - L.L. Leonidov.

1879 year

For the first time on the scene of the theater set comedy I.S. Turgenev "Month in the village". The role of the windows performed M.G. Savina.

1889 year

For the first time on the stage of the Imperial Theater Pieza A.P. Chekhov "Ivanov". The title role was performed by V.N. Davydov

1895 year

For the first time on Alexandrinsk scene, Piez L.N. Tolstoy "power of darkness." The role of Akulins made MG. Savina


For the first time on the scene of the theater set comedy A.P. Chekhov "Seagull". In the role of Nina Zarechnaya spoke V.F. Commissioner. The formulation entered the history of the world theater as "the" Seagulls "failure."

1902 year

The scene of the theater was made of the tragedy of EUROPID "IPPOLIT" in DS. Merezhkovsky. The production was carried out by director Yu.E. Ozarovsky, scenery created by L.S. Bakst.


On the Alexandrin scene Sun. E. Meyerhold was made of the comedy of Molher "Don Juan". Artist - A.Ya. Golovin. In the main role - Yu.M. Yuryev


For the first time on the scene of the theater Piez L.N. Andreeva "Professor Storitsyn". In the title role - R.B. Apollonian.

February 1917.

Premiere of the legendary performance sun. E. Meyerhold and A.Ya. Golovin on drama M.Yu. Lermontov "Masquerade". Music A.K. Glazunov. The performance becomes the last formulation of the imperial scene and one of the most harmonious performances in the history of the world scene. In the main role - Yu.M. Yuriev. The performance was located in the repertoire of the theater until July 1941.

After February 1917

The theater is part of the Directorate of State Theaters.

The end of October 1917 - March 1918

"So-shop" of the Bolshevik authorities, the theater stops representations and boycott new power.

March 1918.

"Autonomization" of former imperial theaters. The theater first begins to be called "Alexandrinsky" (with the prefix - "former") in relation to the Petrograd state dramatic troupe.

1919 year

The theater receives the status of "academic" and is referred to as the Petrograd State Academic Drama Theater (Former. Alexandrinsky)

1920 year

The theater is included in the Association of Academic Theaters.

The theater gets the name of the State Academic Drama Theater (Gosadram).

1922-1928 years

Theater leader is an outstanding Russian actor and theatrical figure Yuri Mikhailovich Yuriev

1928-1933 years

Theater is headed by prominent Soviet director Nikolai Vasilyevich Petrov.


"Fear" A. N. Athenogenova. Putting N.V. Petrova. In the role of Professor Borodina - I.N. Singers.

1932 year

The anniversary of the building of the Alexandrinsky Theater (then the Leningrad State Theater of Drama) is celebrated as a large anniversary of the country's socio-political and cultural life. At the same time, following the ideological line of the then power, seventy-six years are arbitrarily cut off from the creative history of the first state dramatic troupe of Russia.

1933-1936 years

The art leader is an outstanding actor, director and teacher Boris Mikhailovich Sushkevich.


"Boris Godunov" A.S. Pushkin. Staging B.M. Sushkevich. In the role of Boris Godunova - N.K. Simonov.

1936-1938 years

The art leader of the theater was the famous Soviet director Sergei Ernestovich Radlov.


"Forest" A.N. Ostrovsky. Stage V.P. Skin. In the role of unfortunately - Yu.M. Yuriev.

1937 year

A year century from the death of A.S. Pushkin Leningrad Gosadram assigned the name A.S. Pushkin.

1938-1966 years

The art leadership is an outstanding actor, director and teacher Leonid Sergeevich Vivien.

1940 year

"Noborian nest" I.S. Turgenev. Staging A.A. Muzil. In the role of Lavretsky - N.K. Simonov.

1941-1944 years

Theater in evacuation. Troupe works in Novosibirsk, on the stage of the "Red Torch" theater. On the stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater, the Leningrad Theater of the Musical Comedy is located at the blockade.

1950 year

"Live Corpse" L.N. Tolstoy. Stage V.P. Skin and A.N. Dawon. In the role of Fedi Protasova - N.K. Simonov.

1955 year

"Optimistic tragedy" Sun. Vishnevsky. Statement G.A. Tovstonogov. As a leader - Yu.V. Tollauyev, in the role of Commissioner - O.Ya. Lebzak

1956 year

"Player" F.M. Dostoevsky. Statution of L.S. Vivienne and A.N. Dawon. In the role of Alexei Ivanovich - V.I. Caps.


"Run" M.A. Bulgakov. Statution of L.S. Vivien. In the role of Khludova - N.K. Cherkasov.

1962 year

"Little tragedies" A.S. Pushkin. Statution of L.S. Vivien. In the role of Barona - N.K. Cherkasov, in the role of Salieri - N.K. Simonov.


"Chichikov's adventures, or dead souls" by N.V. Gogol. Putting N.M. Shaiko. In the role of Chichikova - I.O. Gorbachev.


The artistic director of the theater is an outstanding artist and teacher I.O. Gorbachev.

1975 year

Elegy P. Pavlovsky. Establishment I.S. Olsvganger. In the role of Turgenev - B.A. Freundlich.


Ivanov A.P. Chekhov. Article A.O. Sagalchik. In the role of Ivanova - I.O. Gorbachev.


The 225th anniversary of the Russian-Alexandrinsky-Pushkin Theater is widely celebrated.

1991 year

The theater is returning the name Alexandrinsky. The official name of the theater: Russian State Academic Drama Theater. A.S. Pushkin (Alexandrinsky).

1994 year

"Monsieur George. Russian drama "according to M.Yu. Lermontov. Staging A.A. Pradina


"Talk about Tsar Peter and the killed Son His Aleksa" F. Gorenstein. Stage A.V. Galina


"P.S. Kapelmeister Johannes Craisler, his author and their beloved Yulia: Cadnesses on the themes of the works of E.-T.-A. Gofman and V.-A. Mozart. " Putting GM Kozlova. The performance was awarded the State Prize of Russia.


Theater concludes a creative agreement with the center of them. Sun. Meyerhold on the implementation of the joint creative program "New Life Tradition". The artistic director of the program is the outstanding Russian director, the head of the center of V.V. Fokin

October 5, 2002

V.V. Fokin carries out its first placement on the stage of the theater - the original version of the comedy N.V. Gogol "Auditor", which opens the creative program "New Tradition Life". In the role of Klezlekova - A.V. Derotchenko. The performance was awarded the State Prize of Russia.


2005 year

"Double" by F.M. Dostoevsky. Standulation of V.V. Fokina. In the role of Golyadkin Senior - V.V. Naditian.


The 250th anniversary of the Alexandrinsky Theater is celebrated as the anniversary of the First State Theater of Russia and the beginning of the state policy in the field of domestic scenic art. A large-scale reconstruction-restoration of the historic building of the theater is carried out. The historical exposition of the "Museum of Russian Drama" opens. For the first time, the International Theater Festival "Alexandrinsky" is held.

Within the framework of the creative program "New Life of the Tradition", the Greek Director Theodoros Torzopoulos puts the tragedy of Sofokla "Edip-King". The first international theater festival "Alexandrinsky" was opened by this performance.

"Live Corpse" L.N. Tolstoy. Standulation of V.V. Fokina. In the role of Fedi Protasova - S.I. Parshins.

2007 year

"Chaika" A.P. Chekhov. Staging K. Lumes (Poland). In the role of Nina Zarechny - Yu.G. Marchenko.

2007 year

"Ivan" on "Tale on how Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich" and other works N.V. Gogol. Staging A.A. Mighty. In the role of Ivan Ivanovich - N.S. Marton, as Ivan Nikiforovich - V.F. Smirnov.

2008 year

"Marriage" N.V. Gogol. Standulation of V.V. Fokina. In the role of Podskolovina - I.N. Wolves.

year 2009

"Ksenia. Love Story "V. Levanova. Standulation of V.V. Fokina. In the role of Ksenia - Ya.D. Lacob.

2010 year

"Hamlet" V. Shakespeare. Standulation of V.V. Fokina. In the role of Hamlet - D.O. Lysenkov.


"Your Gogol" by N.V. Gogol. Standulation of V.V. Fokina. In the role of Gogol - I.N. Wolves.

year 2012

"Liturgy Zero" by F.M. Dostoevsky. Standulation of V.V. Fokina. In the role of Alexei Ivanovich - A. Shagin.

May 15, 2013

A new scene of the Alexandrinsky Theater opens.

August 2014.

Alexandrinsky Theater received national heritage status

year 2014

Masquerade according to M.Yu. Lermontov and Sun. Meyerhold. Standulation of V.V. Fokina. In the role of Arbenina - P.M. Semak and D.O. Lysenkov.

August 2015.

The first tour of the Alexandrinsky Theater in China. Performance Valery Fokina Auditor for the same name Comedy N.V. Gogol is shown in Beijing on the stage of the Beijing People's Theater and in Shanghai on the stage of the Grand Shanghai Theater.

2016 year

"Today. 2016 "K.V. Fokina. Standulation of V.V. Fokina. (New scene). In the lead role - P.M. Semac.