Life and fate and Solzhenitsyn. Alexander Solzhenitsyn: Wheel of Fate

Life and fate and Solzhenitsyn. Alexander Solzhenitsyn: Wheel of Fate
Life and fate and Solzhenitsyn. Alexander Solzhenitsyn: Wheel of Fate

A. I. Solzhenitsyn is a whole epoch and in the literature, and in public life. An outstanding Russian writer, the laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation. Alexander Solzhenitsyn is one of the few writers who came out of terrible tests by the winner. He proved his life and literary fate the truth of the proverb "One word of truth the whole world will respond."

We bring to your attention the materials of the thematic classes "A. I. Solzhenitsyn - Life and Fate, "dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn.

Embodiment [PDF] [DOCX]

Presentation [PDF] [PPTX]

Purpose: The formation of value reference points of students on the example of A. I. Solzhenitsyn.


  • systematization of knowledge of students about the life and work of A. I. Solzhenitsyn;
  • development of work skills with literary sources;
  • the introduction of educational to spiritual and moral values.

The task. Consider the slide and determine what a famous personality today will be speaking in a class hour.

The subject of classes.

The task. Look video And answer the questions presented on the slide.


What historical epochs coincided with the creativity of A. I. Solzhenitsyn?

What stages of the life of Alexander Isaevich can be allocated on the basis of this video phrase?

Teacher: Not only his autobiography, but also his works and quotes can tell about the writer.

The teacher offers students to make a value portrait of a writer.

The task. Familiarize yourself with the quotes of A. I. Solzhenitsyn, presented on the slides, and determine what values \u200b\u200bwere important to him.

Teacher: Solzhenitsyn left his readers of novels and stories, journalistic articles and artistic studies, as well as lyrical works, which he himself called "crumbling".

The task. Try to determine what it is for the Grochotka genre, pose to this word associative words synonyms.

Teacher: Speaking of crumbling, A. I. Solzhenitsyn wrote: "In small uniform you can put a lot."

Question: Do you agree with this?

The task: Listen to one of the lyrical miniatures of the author and answer questions.


What does A. I. Solzhenitsyn write about?

Why is the work called "Breath"?

The teacher suggests listening to another lyrical miniature A. I. Solzhenitsyn and answer questions.


What kind of biographical fact from the life of the writer tells the lyrical miniature "in the homeland of Yesenin"?

Suppose why the writer decided to visit the village of Konstantinovo.

Teacher: Lyrical miniature "Bonus and Ants" is one of the shortest on the volume of the works of the author, but the meaning that the author invests in it is much more than the volume.


What is this work?

Who do ants remind you?

How does a writer characterizes this work, what value is the most important for him?

Teacher: The main topics in the work of the writer there were always the fate and history of Russia, state policy, the problem of man and power.

The task. Listen to the poem Alexander Solzhenitsyn "When I am sorely leaf" and answer questions.


What, according to the content of the poem, is the most valid Alexander Solzhenitsyn?

How did the literary work affect the fate of the writer?

As all Soviet spells and formulas, moved above, drastically disappeared! [cm. The article Grossman "For the Right Business" - Analysis of A. Solzhenitsyn] - and no one says that this is from the author's insight in 50 years? And what Grossman really did not know and did not feel until 1953 - 1956, he managed to put on the 2nd Tom in recent years and now, with passion, it all loomed to the romance fabric.

Vasily Grossman in Schwerine (Germany), 1945

Now we learn that not only in Hitler's Germany, but also with us: mutual suspicion of people to each other; It is worth talking to the glass of tea - now and suspicion. Yes, it turns out: Soviet people live in terrifying housing flap (the driver opens this to a safe shuttle), and in the prescription department of militia - neglets and tyranny. And what kind of disrespectfulness of the shrines: "In the felling combat leaf" a fighter can easily wrap a piece of sausages. But the conscientious director of Stalgresa stood in the death of the entire siege of Stalingrad, he left for the Volga on the day of the successful breakthrough - and all the merits of him under the tail, and broke his career. (And first, the crystal positive secretary of the regional committee Priesakh is now stepping from the victim.) It turns out: and Soviet generals may be at all and are not brilliant with achievements, even in Stalingrad (III, Ch. 7), - And I would write such Stalin! Yes, even dares the case commander to talk with his commissioner about the landings 1937! (I - 51). In general, now he dresses the author to raise his eyes to an untouchable nomenclature - and it can be seen, I thought a lot about her and the shower strongly boiled. With a large irony, it shows the washer of one of the Ukrainian committees of the party evacuated in Ufa (I - 52, however, as it were, as it were, the cakes them for low rustic origin and caring love for their own children). But what are the wives of responsible workers: in the comforts evacuated by the Volga steamer, they are indignantly protesting against landing on the deck of that steamhouse also and the Military Council, traveling to battle. And young officers at home are heard of the frank memories of residents "on solid collectivization". And in the village: "How much do you work, still the bread will take off." And evacuated, with hunger, the collective farm steal. Yes, so before the stool itself got a "questionnaire questionnaire" - and how rightly he reflects on it about her stickiness and cogging. But the commissar of the hospital "Joumat" that he "did not fought enough with the unbelief in the victory among the part of the wounded, with enemy rods among the backward part of the wounded, hostile to the collective farm building," Oh, where was it before? Oh, how much truth is standing behind it! And the funeral itself is hospital - cruelly indifferent. But if the coffins buried the elder - then what did he come from? - Not mentioned.

Grossman himself - does he remember what he was in the 1st volume? Now? "Now he takes to reproach Twardovsky:" How to explain that the poet, a peasant from birth, writes with a sincere feeling of the poem, who infects the bloody course of the suffering of the peasantry "?

And the Russian theme itself is relatively with the 1st volume - in the 2nd it is even pushed. At the end of the book, it was consistently noted that "seasonal girls, workers in heavy shops" - both in dust, and in the mud "retain a strong stubborn beauty, with whom heavily life can not do anything." Also to the final refund from the front of Major Berezkin - well, and the Russian deployed landscape. Here, perhaps, all; The rest is a different sign. Envicient STRUM in the institute, hugging another of the same: "But the most important thing is that we are Russian people." The only very faithful replica on the governments of the Russians in its own country, that "in the name of the friendship of peoples, we always sacrifice Russian people," Grossman inserts a dear and rude party Bonsman to Hetmann - from the new (honored interne-free) generation of party nominations, who "loved their Russian Nutro and in Russian said wrong ", the strength of their" in tricks ". (As if at the international generation of host communists was less than oh!)

From some (late) moment Grossman - yes not one! - led the moral identity of the German national socialism and Soviet communism for himself. And honestly seeks to give a newfound conclusion as one of the highest in his book. But it is forced to disguise (however, for Soviet publicity, there is still extreme courage): to state this identity in the Lissurbannfürer of Lisa invented by the night conversation with the Arrestom Kominternsov Mostovsky: "We look into the mirror. Do not you recognize yourself, your will in us? " Here, you will "win, stay without you, one against someone else's peace", "Our victory is your victory." And forces Mostovsky to horrity: really in this "full snake poison" speech - is some truth? But no, of course (for the safety of the author himself?): "Owning lasted a few seconds," "thought turned into dust."

And at some point, Grossman and from himself directly calls the Berlin uprising 1953 and the Hungarian 1956, but not by themselves, but in a number with Warsaw ghetto and totto and only as a material for the theoretical conclusion about the desire of a person to freedom. And then this desire everything breaks through: here is the STRUM in 1942, though in a private conversation with a trusted academician Chepozhin, "but straightforwards Stalin (III - 25):" Here is the owner, everything was attached to his friendship with the Germans. " Yes Stector, it turns out, we could not assume that already for years with indignation follows the excessive Slavs to Stalin. So he understood everything for a long time? We were not previously reported. So politically blurred Darensky, publicly standing on the prisoner German, shouts to the Colonel in the soldiers: "Merzavets" (very implausible). Four little conscious intellectuals in the rear, in Kazan, in 1942 they are very discussing the reprisals of 1937, calling the famous swung names (I - 64). And more than once is generalized - about the whole of the rarely atmosphere 1937 (III - 5, II - 26). And even grandmother Shaposhnikov, politically completely neutral all the 1st volume, occupied only by work and family, now recalls the "tradition of the pesting family", and 1937, and collectivization, and even hunger 1921. Those the deceased and granddaughter, still a schoolgirl, Leads political conversations with his Lieutenant's worm and even kills the Magadan Songs song. Now we will meet and mention about hunger 1932 - 33.

But already - walking to the latter: in the midst of the Stalingrad battle, the unwinding of the political "case" on one of the highest heroes - Grekova (this is the Soviet reality, yes!) And even to the general conclusion of the author about the Stalingrad celebration as after it " The silent dispute between the victorious people and the victorious state continued "(III - 17). This is true, and in 1960 not everyone. It is a pity that it has been made without any connection with the general text, some kind of fluid deployment, and - alas, not developed in the book more in any way. And even at the very end of the book, excellent: "Stalin said:" Brothers and sisters ... "And when the Germans broke up - the Cottage Director, without a report not to enter, and brothers and sisters in the dugouts" (III - 60).

But in the 2nd Tome sometimes meet from the author, the "World Reaction" (II - 32), then quite cassenny: "The spirit of Soviet troops was extremely high" (III - 8); And read the rather solemn praise to Stalin that he was on July 3, 1941 "first understood the secret of the reincarnation of war" in our victory (III - 56). And in the elevated tone of admiration thinks Stalin (III - 42) after the Stalinist phone call, "such lines also do not write without copyrighted sympathy. And undoubtedly with the same complicity, the author shares the romantic admissance of Crimean with a ridiculous solemn meeting on November 6, 1942 in Stalingrad - "There was something reminding the revolutionary holidays of the old Russia." And the excited memories of Crimean about the death of Lenin also identify the author's complicity (II - 39). Grossman himself undoubtedly preserves faith in Lenin. And his direct sympathies for Bukharin is not trying to hide.

Such is the limit that Grossman can move.

And it was all written - in settlement (naive) to publish in the USSR. (It is not inclined and unconvincing: "The Great Stalin! Perhaps a man of iron will is the most insoletry from all. Slave of time and circumstances.") So if the "packers" are from the district briefset, and something right in the forehead of the communist power ? - Yes, God forbid. About General Vlasov - One contempt mention of the Novikov commander (but it is clear that it is - and the author, for who in the Moscow intelligentsia understood something about the Vlasov movement even by 1960?). And then it is still untouchage - once the most timeless guess: "For that Lenin was smart, and he did not understand," but it was said again by this desperate and doomed Greek (I - 61). Yes, even looming to the end of volume, as a monument, an unstable Menshevian (wreath of the author of his father's memory?) Drings, Eternal ZEK.

Yes, after 1955 - 56, he was already a lot of heard about the camps, it was the time of "returns" from Gulag, - and now the author of the epic, already although b from good faith, if not considerations of the composition, is trying to accurately cover and sinking peace. Now - the eyes of the passengers of a free train opens and Echelon with prisoners (II - 25) opens. Now - the author is drunk and step into the zone, describe it from the inside of the signs from the stories of the returned. In order to emerge a deaf breathing in the 1st Tome of Abarchuk, the first husband Lyudmila STRUM, however, Communcher-Orthodox, and the company to him is still a conscious communist inexorabies, and Abram Rubin, from the Institute of Red Professors (on a preferential appearance of the Feldscher post is incredibly prominent : "I am a lower caste, untouchable"), and a former Chekist Magazine, allegedly touched by late repentance about one ruined smoked, and other intellectuals - such and then returned to Moscow circles. The author tries to really portray the camp morning (I - 39, there are details faithful, there are incorrect). In several chapters, it conclusively illustrates the arrogance of the thoughts (only why the power of criminal over political Grossman calls "the innovation of National Socialism"? "There is no, from the Bolsheviks, since 1918, do not select!), And the Democratian scientist is implausably refuses to get up at Vertuhai around. These several contracts of the camp heads pass as in the gray fog: as if it seems, but is delrano. But for such an attempt, I will not reproach the author: after all, he, with no less courage, is taken to describe and the camp of the prisoners of war in Germany - and according to the requirements of the epic and for a more persistent goal: to compare the Nazism finally. It is true to another generalization: that the Soviet camp and Soviet will answer the "laws of symmetry". (Apparently, Grossman, as it were, in understanding the future of his book: He wrote it for Soviet publicity! "And at the same time I wanted to be to the end of the truthful.) Together with his character, Crimean enters Grossman and in Lubyanka, also collected by stories. . (Naturally here are some mistakes in the realities and in the atmosphere: then the trendy sits right across the table from the investigator and its papers; then, exhausted by insomnia, does not regret the night to an exciting conversation with the ceamar, and the warders, strange, do not interfere with it. ) Writes several times (erroneously for 1942): "MGB" instead of "NKVD"; And only 10 thousand victims is attributed to the terrifying 501th construction site ...

Probably, several chapters about the German concentration camp should be perceived with the same amendments. That there was a communist underground - yes, this is confirmed by witnesses. Impossible in Soviet camps, such an organization was sometimes created and kept in German thanks to the general national spike against German guards, and the myopia of the last. However, Grossman exaggerates that the scope of the underground was through all the camps, almost to the whole Germany, which was carried from the plant in the living area, the details of the garnet and automata (this could still be), and "in blocks led the assembly" (this is already a fantasy). But what is undoubtedly: Yes, other Communists rubbed into confidence in German security, they organized their own in the assholes, "and could be dismissal, that is, anti-communists, send to the massacre or penalty camps (like Grossman and send to Buchend of the People's League Ershov).

Now - much more freer Grossman and in the military topic; Now read it and it was impossible to think in the 1st volume. As the commander of the Novikov Tank Corps Self (and risking with the whole career and orders) for 8 minutes it delays the attack appointed by the front commander - so that it would be better to suppress the enemy's fire facilities and there would be no big losses from ours. (And characterized: Novikova-brother introduced in the 1st volume solely to illustrate selfless socialist labor, now the author completely forgets, he has failed, in a serious book it is no longer needed.) Now to the previous legendar of Comandarm Chuikov - Yaraya envy is added. Its to other generals and dead drunkenness, before the failure of wormwood. And the commander of the company all vodka received on fighters, spends on their own names. And their own aviation bombers his. And send the infantry on unfigured machine guns. And no longer read those papusal phrases about the great folk unity. (No, something left.)

But the reality of the Stalingrad fighting is susceptible, observant Grossman even grasped enough from the correspondent position. Fights in the "House of Greek" are very honest, with all the combat reality, as well as the Greeks himself. The author clearly sees and knows the Stalingrad combat circumstances, faces, and the atmosphere of all headquarters is the more reliably. Finishing the overview of Military Stalingrad, Grossman writes: "His soul was freedom." Will the author really think so or inspires how to think? No, the soul of Stalingrad was: "For native land!"

As we can see from the novel, as we know from witnesses, and on other publications of the author - Grossman was sharper than the Jewish problem, the situation of the Jews in the USSR, and even more so there was burning pain, grumpy and horror from the destruction of Jews in the German side Front. But in the 1st volume, he chainlel before the Soviet censorship and internally did not yet dye away from Soviet thinking - and we saw, to what kind of fitted degree were suppressed in the 1st Tome of the Jewish topic, and in any case, no stroke -Lo Jewish constraint or displeasure in the USSR.

The transition to freedom of expression was gossman, as we saw, it is not easy, irrelevant, without equilibiously throughout the volume of the book. This is the Jewish problem. Here the Jews-employees of the Institute prevent back with others from evacuation to Moscow - the reaction of the shrum is quite in the Soviet tradition: "Thank God, we live in tsarist Russia." And here - not the naivety Strum, the author consistently conducts that before the war, neither the spirit nor the hearing of any unfriendly or special attitude towards Jews in the USSR was not. Strod himself "never thought" about his Jewishness, "Never before the war was not thinking about the fact that he was a Jew," never a mother told him about it - neither in childhood, nor in years of studenthood "; About this "It was forced to think fascism." And where is the "evil anti-Semitism", which was so vigorously suppressed in the USSR for the first 15 Soviet years? And the mother of Strum: "Forgotten during the years of Soviet power, that I am a Jewish," I never felt a Jewish. " Previable is lost from persistent repetition. And where did you come from? Germans came - a neighbor in the courtyard: "Thank God, Judam End"; And at the meeting of the citizens with the Germans "how many slanders to the Jews were" - where did it all if it broke through everything? And how was it kept in the country where everyone forgot about Jewry?

If in the 1st volume were almost not called Jewish surnames - in the 2nd we meet them more often. Here is a pile hairdresser rubber playing a violin in Stalingrad, in the Roditsevsky headquarters. There is also a combat captain Movshovich, the commander of the sapper battalion. VOILORACH DOCTOR MAZEL, TREAT CLASS Surgeon, selfless to such an extent that leads a difficult operation at the beginning of his own attack of angina. Unnamed by the name of a quiet child, the sorry son of the Jew-manufacturer, who died once in the past. Already remembered above several Jews in today's Soviet camp. (Abarchuk - a former big boss on holodomorny Kuzbass construction, but his communist past was filed softly, and today's enviable position of the instrumental storekeeper is not explained.) And if the semi-European origin of two grandchildren was vaguely in the family of Shaposhnikov in the 1st volume. - Seryozhi and Toli, then about the third granddaughter, in the 2nd volume - and without communication with action, and without necessity, it is emphasized: "Well, no drop of our Slavic blood in it in it. Top Jewish Maiden. " - To strengthen your goggle that the national sign has no real influence, Grossman doesn't puzzle repelly opposes one Jew to another by their positions. "Mr. Shapiro - a representative of the agency" United Press "- asked for conferences a tricky questions to the head of Sovinformbüro Solomon Abramovich Lozovsky." Between Abarchuchuk and rubbing - an intentionable irritation. The arrogant, cruel and mercenary commissioner of the airlock Berman does not protect, but even publicly branding is unfairly offended by the brave pilot of the king. And when the Strum starts to ride at His Institute - the Castle and Tolstozady Gurevich betray him, at the meeting hesitate his scientific progress and hints at the "National intolerance" of STRUM. This calculated adoption of the characters is already taking the character of racing by the author of his patient. Stranger young people saw Strum at the train station waiting for trains to Moscow - immediately: "Abram from evacuation returns", "in a hurry to Abram get a medal for the defense of Moscow."

Treaty Iconnikov The author attaches such a move of feelings. "The persecution that the Bolsheviks spent after the revolution against the church were useful for the Christian idea" - and the number of then victims did not undermine his religious faith; He preached the gospel and during universal collectivization, watching massive sacrifices, but also "collectivization went in the name of good." But when he saw the "execution of twenty thousand Jews ... - On this day [he] realized that God could not allow this, and ... it became obvious that he was not."

Now, finally, Grossman can afford to open the content of the death letter of the Mother Strum, which is transmitted to his son in the 1st volume, but only vaguely mentioned that it brought bitterness: in 1952 the author did not decide to give it to the publication. Now it takes the greatest chapter (I - 18) and with a deep mental feeling transmits a memorandum in the Ukrainian city captured by the Germans, disappointment in neighbors, next to those who lived for years; household details of the seizure of local Jews in the injection of artificial temporary ghetto; Life there, a variety of types and psychology of captured Jews; And self-preparation to an inexorable death. The letter is written with miser drama, without tragic exclamations - and very expressive. Here are the Jews on the pavement, and there is a stubble crowd on the sidewalks; Those are dressed in summer, and the Jews who took things to the reserve, "in the coat, in the caps, women in warm scarves," "it seemed to me that for the Jews walking down the street, and the sun refused to shine, they go among December night disguments.

Grossman is taken to describe and destroy the mechanized, central, and tracing him from the plan; The author is intensely restrained, neither crotch, nor a jerk: Obersturmbannführer Lissa Delvito inspects the plant under construction, and it goes in technical terms, we are not prefeeding that the plant is appointed for the mass destruction of people. The author's voice breaks out only on the "surprise" Eichman and Lissa: they are offered in the future gas chamber (this is inserted artificially, in the stretch) - a table with wine and snacks, and the author comments on the "cute fiction." On the question of which the number of Jews are speaking, the figure is not named, the author is tactfully evaded, and only "Lissa, amazed, asked: - Millions?" - sense of artist's measure.

Together with Dr. Sofia Levinton, captured in German captured in the 1st volume, the author now pulls the reader into a thick stream of doomed to destroy the Jews. At first, this is a reflection in the brain of the distraught accountant Rosenberg mass burners of Jewish corpses. And another madness - a launched girl who had selected from the general grave. When describing the depth of suffering and incoherent hopes, and the naive recent domestic worries of doomed people - Grossman tries to be held within the limits of impassive naturalism. All these descriptions require the non-lawyage of the author's imagination - to imagine what no one has seen and did not experience from living, not from whom to collect reliable readings, but you need to imagine these details - a raced children's cube or a pupa butterfly in a match box. The author in a number of chapters tries to be as actually as possible, or even everyday life, avoiding the explosion of feelings and in itself, and in characters tightened by the forced mechanical movement. He represents us a combine of destruction - generalized, without calling him the name "Auschwitz". A splash of emotions allows himself only when responded to music, accompanying the column of doomed and amazing shocks from her in souls. It is very strong. And immediately close - about black and red rotten cuminated water, which removes destroyed in the world ocean. And here is the latest feelings of people (the old girl Levinton flashes the maternal feeling for someone else's baby, and to be with him next to him, she refuses to go to a saving challenge "Who is a surgeon here?"), Even and - spiritual lifting death. And further, then the author is gaining in every detail: a fraudulent "pre-banker", women haircuts for collecting their hair, whose witty on the verge of death, "The muscular strength of a smoothly bent concrete, which has drawn into the human stream", "Some semi-alone sliding ", All the dense, all compress in the chamber," all shorter of people's heads "," hypnotic concrete rhythm ", twisting the crowd - and gas death, a dormant eye and consciousness. (And on that - to break down. But the author, an atheist, gives the rewarding that death is "transition from the world of freedom to the kingdom of slavery" and "The Universe, which existed in man ceased to be", is perceived as an offensive breaking from mental height. reached by previous pages.)

Compared with this mighty self-skeletal scene of mass destruction - the individual chapter (II - 32) of the abstract reasoning about anti-Semitism is weakly in the novel: about its heterogeneous, about its content and the reduction of all the reasons for it - to the pruderiness of the enviousness. The argument is driving, not worked on the story and far from the exhaustion of the topic. Along with a number of faithful comments - the fabric of this chapter is very unequal.

And the plot Jewish problem in the novel is more built around the Strum Physics. In the 1st volume, the author did not give himself the courage to deploy an image, now he is solved on it - and the main line is closely intertwined with the Jewish background of the STRUM. Now, late, we learn about the one-sick "eternal complex of inferiority", which he is experiencing in the Soviet situation: "You enter the meeting room - the first row is free, but I do not decide to sit down, I go to Kamchatka." Here - and shakes the death letter for him.

About the very essence of the scientific opening of the STRUMA, according to the laws of the artistic text, of course, does not tell us, and should not. And the poetic chapter (I - 17) on physics is generally good. The moment of the grain of the new theory is very believable, the moment when the shrum was occupied by very other conversations and worries. This thought "It seemed that he did not give rise to, it rose simply, easy, like a white water flower from the calm darkness of the lake." In deliberate inaccurate expressions, the opening of the STRUM is raised as an epochal (this is well exposed: "collapsed, mass, time, doubles space, not having existence, and one magnetical meaning"), "The classical theory itself has become only a private case in the developed Strum Wide Decision ", Institution Employees directly put STRUM Following Bor and Plank. From Chepozhin, more practical, we learn that the theory of Strum is useful in the development of nuclear processes.

To vital to the greatness of discovery, Grossman, with the faithful artistic tact, begins to dig in the personal flaws of the STRUM, some of the colleagues physicists considers it unkind, mocking, arrogant. Grossman reduces it and externally: "scratched and protruded the lip", "schizophrenically crumbling", "screaming gait," "Svarukha", loves to tease homemade, close, rude and unfair to steps; And once, "in rabies, she broke on his shirt and, having confused in the pants, rushed to his wife on one leg, raising his fist, ready to hit." But he has "hard, brave straight" and "inspiration." Sometimes the author notes the proudness of the STRUM, often - his irritability, and rather small, so on his wife. "The painful irritation embraced a shrum", "a volatile, from the depths of the soul going irritation." (Through Strum, the author is discharged from those stresses that he himself experienced in constraints of many years.) "STRUMA Agenished conversations on everyday themes, and at night, when he could not fall asleep, thought about attaching to the Moscow distributor." Going out of the evacuation to his spacious, well-maintained Moscow apartment, with negligence notes that the driver, who concluded their baggage, "apparently seriously held a housing issue." And having received the desired privileged "food package", tormented that the employee of a smaller caliber was given not less: "It is amazingly able to insult people."

What are his political views? (A cousin was serving a camp and sent it in the link.) "Before the war, Stector did not have particularly sharp doubts about the war" (according to the 1st one, I remember that - and during the war they did not arise). For example, he then believed wild accusations against the famous Professor of Plentnev - Oh, from "Prayer Relationship to the Russian Print Word," this is about "truth" ... and even in 1937. .. (elsewhere: "I remembered 1937 When almost daily named after the names of the arrested at night were called ..-. ") In one place, we read that the shredder even" ohl about the sufferings of the delegated during the collectivization period ", which is not completely unpredictable. That's what the Dostoevsky "Mostly" writer's diary "did not need to write" - in this, his opinion is believed. By the end of the evacuation, in the circle of institute employees, Strum suddenly breaks out that in science it is not authorities - "Head of the Department of Science of the Central Committee" Zhdanov "And even ...". Then "I was waiting that he would utter the name of Stalin," but he is prudent only "waved his hand." Yes, however, already home: "All my conversations ... dulle in your pocket."

Not all this in Grossman is linked (maybe he did not have time to finalize the book to the last stroke) - and more importantly, he is leading his hero to a gravit and decisive test. And here it was approached - in 1943, instead of the expected 1948 - 49, an anachronism, but this is permitted for the author, for he camouflagely transfers here the same serious test of 1953. Of course, in 1943, the physical discovery, which alone nuclear use, could only expect honors and success, and not a persecution that arose in colleagues without the order from above, and even found in the opening of the "spirit of Judaism", - but it is necessary to refer to the author: reproduce the situation 40s. (In a series of unthinkable in chronology, Grossman's runs already calls and shooting the anti-fascist Jewish Committee, and "Doctors Case", 1952.)

And - fell. "The chill of fear touched the Strum, the fact that he always secretly lived in the heart, fear of the wrath of state." Immediately strikes and on its secondary Jewish employees. At first, I still do not appreciate the depth of danger, the STRUM is taken to express the director of the institute of audacity - although in front of another academician, Shishakov, "Pyramidal Buffalo", Robet, "as a place of the Jew in front of the cavalry colonel." The blow accounted for the higher, which comprehends instead of the expected Stalinist premium. STRUM It turns out to be very responsive to the broken race and, not least, for all household consequences it is the deprivation of cottages, a closed distributor and possible apartments. Even even earlier, the colleagues tell him, the stool on the inertia of the Soviet citizen himself guesses: "Write a repentant letter, because everyone writes in such situations." Further his feelings and acts alternate with great psychological loyalty, and are described. He tries to dispel in a conversation with Chepzhin (the old woman-serving Chepjezin designed to the shredder in the shoulder: rushing on the execution?). And Cheepyzhin, instead of cakes, immediately starts up in the presentation of confused, atheistic delusional, mixed scientific and social hypothesis: how humanity will surpass God with free evolution. (Cheepyzhin was artificially invented and shoved in the 1st volume, the same ones and in this invented stage.) But regardless of the void of the hypothesis of the hypothesis - psychologically very true the behavior of the STRUM, who came out for spiritual reinforcement. He will decide this tyagomotin, sadly thinks about himself: "I'm not to philosophy, because I can plant me," still continues to think: so to go if he repel or not? And the conclusion is loud: "The science should be engaged in our time, the people of the Great Soul, the prophets, saints", "where I take faith, strength, durability," he spent quickly, and in his voice he was heard by Jewish accent. " Sorry. It goes, and on the stairs "tears flowed on his cheeks." And soon go to the decisive scientific council. Reads and re-reads your possible repentant statement. He starts the party to chess - and immediately leaves her, very alone, and the neighboring replica. Here's already "thieves, looking around, with a miserable place of the towns, touched tie", in a hurry to have time to repent - and finds the strength to push this step, takes off the tie, and the jacket, "he will not go.

And then it oppresses fears - and ignorance, who spoke against him, and what they said, and what will they do now? Now, in an ossification, he does not go out of the house for several days, - he stopped calling on the phone, he was betrayed, and those on whose support he hoped, - and domestic constraints are already soupe: already "was afraid of the manager and the girls from the card bureau" , take a surplus of living space, a corresponding salary member, to sell things? And even, in the last despair, "he often thought about what would go to the draft board, refuses to armor's armor and ascend to the Red Army to the front" ... And then the sister's arrest, former husband of his wife, is not threatened by the fact that Struma arrest? As any prosperous person: she also did not shine him very much, he feels like the last edge of existence.

And then it is quite a Soviet turnover: the magic friendful call of Stalin to the shrum - and immediately everything fabulously changed, and the staff rushes to the shroud. So scientist - won and resist? The rare example of resistance in Soviet times?

It was not there, Grossman behaves unmistakably: And now the next, no less terrible temptation - from affectionate hugs. Although the STRUM is prohibitively and justifies himself that he is not the same as pardoned Lagniki, immediately all those who cried their former Supratov. But it is already afraid to quit the shadow of the groom sister, thickening about the arrested husband, and his wife is annoyed, but the favor of the bosses and "hitting some special lists" became very pleasant. "The most awesome was that" that from people, "even recently full of contempt and suspiciousness," he now "naturally perceived their friendships." Even with surprise he felt: "Administrators and party figures ... Suddenly, these people opened with a shuttle from another, human side." And with such a complacent state, this Novolaskaya bosses invites him to sign the vigorous owl patriotic letter in New York Times. And STRUM does not find strength and reference, how to refuse, - and signs firelessly. "Some kind of dark sicher feeling of humility", "powerlessness, magnification, obedient feeling of the launched and burning cattle, fear of new ruin of life."

Such a turn of the plot - Grossman execute himself for his submissive signature of January 1953 on the "case of doctors". (Even, for literality, that the "doctors' case remains," the long-destroyed professors of Plenev and Levina and Levina, anachronously lifters here.) It seems: now they will print the 2nd volume - and the repentance said publicly.

Yes, only instead - the gebys came and confiscated the manuscript ...

Great Russian writer Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn was born on December 11, 1918 in Kislovodsk. His father, Isaac Semenovich, took place from the peasants of the village of Sablin (now Stavropol Territory). Officer of the First World War, he died in six months before the appearance of a son from an accident on the hunt. Solzhenitsyn's mother, Taisiya Zakharovna, was a daughter of a major landowner with Kuban, Zakhar Shcherbak, who in his youth began to be a poor barbecue worked for one meal, and then rich in his own works.

The new Secretary of the Central Committee on the ideology of Demichev held a personal conversation with Solzhenitsyn, declining it to become a loyal Soviet writer. But KGB He opened by A. I. Sleaving, setting the listener from most of his friends. On the evening of September 11, 1965, on the materials of the auditions, a search was made in two familiar writers - V. Teusha and I. Zilberberg. Chekists captured Solzhenitsyn archive from them - all his already written works, except for the carefully hidden "Archipelago". From these materials, the Kremlin leaders finally cleared that they have long suspected: in their criticism of the Soviet system, the writer goes much further than it could be assumed from Ivan Denisovich "and" Matrius "- he denies communism entirely, and not separate" shortcomings "

Solzhenitsyn waited for arrest, but the authorities chose other tactics towards him. Fearing a turbulent public reaction in the USSR and in the West, they decided not to raise noise, and "suffer" the writer slowly and gradually: finally stop it the opportunity to be printed in the homeland and deploy a slander campaign. The hired lecturers began to talk on the partitions that Solzhenitsyn sat in the camp criminal the case, and in war was vlasove. Printed "New World" In January 1966, almost "neutral" story " Zakhar-Kalita"Became the last legal publication of Solzhenitsyn in the Soviet Union until 1988. The KGB made it possible to read the "anti-communist" works by A. I. the most prominent official writers, and they wrote "outraged" reviews on them to the Central Committee.

Winter 1965-1966 and 1966-1967 Solzhenitsyn worked in Estonia over the "archipelago". He continued to write and launched the story "Crack Corps" on the former Sake, who was deadly disease. The first part of the "Corps" was soon offered to the "New World". The Twardovsky first wanted to publish it, but then stated that it was risky with such a thing now. When the story was rejected by other magazines, A. I. gave it to Samizdat.

The public showed hot sympathy to Solzhenitsyn. In the fall of 1966, he was invited to speeches before the teams of the scientific and cultural institutions of Moscow. The authorities prohibited these meetings, but two of them still managed to hold - at the institutions of atomic energy and oriental studies. Hundreds of listeners gathered on both, who were welcomed by Alexander Isaevich the most "brave" passages from the "Corps" and "Circle". November 16, 1966 Moscow writers, contrary to the designs on top, staged a discussion of the "cancer corps" in the House of Writers. Most expressed full support to the author to the author.

In May 1967, the IV Congress of the Union of Soviet Writers took place. Solzhenitsyn turned to him with open letter, where indicated that throughout the Soviet era, literature was under the courtyard did not understand the administrators in her, and the best masters of the pen were subjected to severe persecons. The presidency of the congress silenced a letter, but about 100 writers demanded to discuss him in a special appeal - it was an event unheard of the USSR!

Many party bonsses demanded harsh repression against Solzhenitsyn, however, in the face of widespread letters of writing by the Soviet and foreign intelligentsia, the authorities were afraid to understand themselves. In June and September 1967, the Secretariat of the Writers' Union twice invited Alexander Isaevich to himself "on conversations". Solzhenitsyn urged decisively and publicly to dissociate the bourgeois press, which refused to support him. In return, they promised to give permission to publish a "cancer corps" and disprove the slander disseminated. However, none of these persons were executed. KGB, on the contrary, resorted to the new "cunning plan." In 1968, through his agents, Viktor Louis and the Slovak Pavel Persia Persiadly handed the "Corps" to publish in several Western publishers. Chekists hid their involvement in this action. After new editions in the West, they expected to strengthen the fierce campaign against the "Solzhenitsyn connections with hostile abroad" and inspire to all that he is printed there because of money. A. I. In response, said that none of the foreign publishers did not receive the right to publish a "cancer corps".

From the end of April to the beginning of June 1968 Solzhenitsyn with his wife and devotees, E. Voronoyanskaya and E. Chukovsky printed the final edition of the "Archipelag" at the cottage in Christmas. After a week, the film with the hands of the grandson Leonid Andreeva, Alexander, was transported to Paris. However, she fell into the hands of the unclean granddaughter Andreeva Olga Carlisle, who pulled with the translation of the book into English, wishing the truth and untrue to assign a copyright to her. In 1971, Solzhenitsyn had to hand over a new film "Gulag" to the West.

The secret history of the Gulag Archipelago. Documentary

December 11, 1968 Alexander Isaevich turned fifty years. More than 500 congratulatory telegrams and 200 letters from all over the country came to Ryazan. In a response letter, the jubilee said true friends: "I promise ... never change the truth. My only dream is to be worthy of the hopes of reading Russia. "

N. Rutovskaya was not too pleased with the refusal of her husband from the full career caught by the authorities of the Soviet literary Matra. She was annoyed and the fact that for the sake of a conspiracy work on new books, he is no house for a long time, "does not live with his family." Solish and Solzhenitsyn's children did not have children. In August 1968, Alexander Isaevich met a new young assistant - Natalia Dmitrievna Svetlova. Very purposeful, energetic and hardworking, she helped to organize the largest and trouble-free storage of writer archives. Between her and Solzhenitsyny, a love relationship soon began.

Since the beginning of March 1969, A. I. began to write an epopeus about the revolution 1917 - "Red Wheel", which he considered the main book of his life. The likelihood grew like the KGB would try to kill him, and in September 1969 Solzhenitsyn invited to settle in his dacha in Elite Zhukovka, the famous musical couple - Mstislav Rostropovich and Galina Vishnevskaya. In November 1969, at the insistence of the authorities Solzhenitsyn was excluded from the Writers' Union. In response, he made an angry accusatory letter to the Secretariat of the joint venture. Many Soviet (Mozhaev, Baklanov, Trifonov, Ocudzhava, Voinovich, Tenrykov, Maximov, Copellev, L. Chukovskaya) and Western writers expressed their protest against exception.

In 1970, Solzhenitsyn was nominated abroad by a candidate for the Nobel Prize in literature as the "greatest writer of modernity, equal to Dostoevsky." The Kremlin put pressure on the Government of France and Sweden to prevent the award of the Solzhenitsyn award, but on October 8, 1970 he was declared her laureate. However, the Soviet Campaign of Threats was still unsuccessful. A. I. Initially, wanted to go for the award in Stockholm to "roll" there with a fiery speech against communism. But the frightened Swedes insisted: his visit must take the most quietly. They offered Solzhenitsyn, if possible, avoid communication with the press and conflict with three-minute gratitude during the Nobel banquet, under the knock of knives and forks. The trip to Stockholm lost social meaning, and the writer from her refused.

In the summer of 1970, it was found that Natalia Svetlova will have a child from A. I. Not wanting to part with the Nobel laureate's husband, the Racettovskaya on October 14 took a demonstrative attempt of suicide at the cottage of Rostropovich. She drove the pill tablets, but she was rejected. On the night of December 30, Natalia Dmitrievna gave birth to Son, Yermolaya Solzhenitsyn.

In winter, 1970-1971 Alexander Isaevich graduated from the first knot of the "Red Wheel" - the novel "August of the Fourteenth". He was transferred to Paris, to Nikita Struve, the head of the "Imk-Press" publishing house, and in June came out there in Russian. This book written with the Russian-Patriotic position caused not only a new Isticious Military Communist whistle, but also pushed out of Solzhenitsyn the Western part of the intelligentsia, including a number of his recent close assistants.

Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn was born on December 11, 1918 in the city of Kislovodsk in the family of the peasant and the Cossacks. Alexander's distinguished family in 1924 moved to Rostov-on-Don. Since 1926, the future writer has studied at a local school. At this time, he creates his first essays and poems.

In 1936, Solzhenitsyn entered the University of Rostov for the Physics and Mathematics, continuing to engage in literary activities. In 1941, the Writer graduated from Rostov University with honors. In 1939, Solzhenitsyn entered the correspondence department of the Faculty of Literature at the Moscow Institute of Philosophy, Literature and History, however, because of the beginning of the war, he could not finish it.

The Second World War

Despite the weak health, Solzhenitsyn sought to the front. Since 1941, the writer served in the 74th transport and gown battalion. In 1942, Alexander Isaevich was sent to the Kostroma military school, at the end of which he received the title of Lieutenant. Since 1943 Solzhenitsyn serves as a commander of a sound exploration battery. For military merits, Alexander Isaevich was awarded two honorary orders, he received the title of senior lieutenant, and then Captain. During this period, Solzhenitsyn did not stop writing, led the diary.

Conclusion and link

Alexander Isaevich critically referred to Stalin's politics, in his letters to a friend Vitkevich condemned the distorted interpretation of Leninism. In 1945, the writer was arrested and sentenced to 8 years of stay in the camps and the eternal reference (according to the 58th article). In the winter of 1952, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, whose biography and was so difficult, discovered cancer.

The conclusion years were reflected in the literary work of Solzhenitsyn: in the works "love the revolution", "in the first circle", "one day of Ivan Denisovich", "know the truth of tanks" and others.

Conflicts with authorities

Settling in Ryazan, the writer works as a teacher at a local school, continues to write. In 1965, the KGB seizes Solzhenitsyn's archive, he is forbidden to publish their works. In 1967, Alexander Isaevich writes an open letter to the congress of Soviet writers, after which the authorities begin to perceive him as a serious opponent.

In 1968, Solzhenitsyn finishes work on the work of the Gulag Archipelago abroad "in the first circle" and "cancer corps".

In 1969, Alexander Isaevich was excluded from the Union of Writers. After publication abroad in 1974, the first volume of the Gulag Archipelago, Solzhenitsyn was arrested and sent to Germany.

Life abroad. Last years

In 1975 - 1994, the Writer visited Germany, Switzerland, USA, Canada, France, the United Kingdom, Spain. In 1989, the GULAG Archipelago was first published in Russia in the magazine "New World", soon the story "Matrenin Dvor" is also published.

In 1994, Alexander Isaevich returns to Russia. The writer continues to actively engage in literary activities. In 2006 - 2007, the first books of the 30-Tomny Collection of Sozhenitsyn Works are published.

The date when the difficult fate of the Great Writer broke around on August 3, 2008. Solzhenitsyn died in his house in the Trinity-Lykovo from heart failure. Buried the writer in the necropolis of the Don Monastery.

Chronological table

Other biography options

  • Alexander Isaevich was married twice - on Natalia Rutovskaya and Natalia Svetlova. From the second marriage of the writer, three talented sons - Yermolai, Ignat and Stepan Solzhenitsyn.
  • In a brief biography of Solzhenitsyn, it is impossible not to mention that he was awarded more than twenty honorary awards, including the Nobel Prize for the work of the Gulag Archipelago.
  • Literary critics are often called Solzhenitsyn

"So that I went out on

will Roca

And life and sorrow and

death of the Prophet "

N. Ogarev

The name of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, for a long time, formerly banned, finally rightfully took its place in the history of Russian literature. Become a living memory of the nation ... Return to people collected in faceless masses, in the crowd, in social sets, the feeling of uniqueness, uniqueness of a single human face. Clear human vision from dust, from the Sora of all illusions, false ideas and to make genuinely inquiries, not prescribed by everyone's love to their homeland. How to do it? Only the Great Son of Russia thinks about it.

After the publication of the "Gulag archipelago" (and this happened only in 1989), no works remained in Russian, nor in world literature, which would have been a greater danger to the Soviet regime. This book revealed the entire essence of the totalitarian state. Pellena Lies and self-deception, still covered eyes with many of our fellow citizens, fell.

This book had a large emotional impact on me on the one hand, documentary evidence, on the other - the art of the word. In memory, the monstrous, fantastic image of the victims of the "Construction of Communism" in Russia during the years of Soviet-nothing is not surprising and not scary.

I admire the resistance and courage of this person. Solzhenitsyn's life was not easy. Alexander Isaevich was born in December 1918 by the city of Kislovodsk. His father took place from the peasants, the mother was a shepherd daughter who later became a wealthy farmer. Another Alexander was renounced at school from utopian seductions and realized himself as an involuntary witness and the likely chronicler of the critical events of the revolution, the felt in the history of the twentieth century. After Solzhenitsyn's secondary school, Solzhenitsyn ends in Rostov - on-Don Physics and Mathematics of the University and at the same time comes to correspondence department at the Moscow Institute of Philosophy and Literature. Not having time to finish the last two courses, goes to war. From 1942 to 1945 Solzhenitsyn commands the battery at the front, awarded orders and medals. In February of the 45th, he was arrested because of the criticism of Stalin and was convicted for eight years, of which almost a year was under investigation. Then to Kazakhstan "forever". However, since February 1957, rehabilitation followed. He worked as a school teacher in Ryazan. After the appearance in 1962, the works of "One day from Ivan Denisovich" Solzhenitsyn was adopted in the Union of Writers. For the next work, he is forced to give to "Samizdat" or print in abroad. In 1969 he was excluded from the Union of Writers. And in 1970 he was awarded the Nobel Prize. In connection with the yield in 1974, the first volume of the Gulag Archipelago Solzhenitsyn was expelled to the West. Until 1976, the writer lived in Zurich, then moved to Vermont, the nature of Russia resembling the middle band.

The first works published on the homeland, the story "one day Ivan Denisovich" (1962), the story "Matrenin Dvor" (1963), appeared on the outcome of the Khrushchev "thaw", on the eve of the period of stagnation. In the heritage of the great writer, they, like other small stories of the same 60s: "The case at the station of the Kochetovka" (1963), "Zakhar -Kalit" (1966), "Crochotel" (1966) remain the most indisputable, classics. On the one hand, the classics of the "camp" prose, and on the other - the prose "Rustic".

I personally very, very much like "crumbling". The philosophy of peace and man in such a small work. It's amazing.

Purely folk characters are shown by the author in the stories "Matrenin Dvor" and "One Day Ivan Denisovich" in the images of the old women of Matrena and the prisoner Shch 854 Shukhov. Understanding a folk nature in Solzhenitsyn is much wider than these two images and includes features not only a "simple person", and representatives of other sectors of society. But it was in these images that the true son of Russia showed what Russia keeps. Although Solzhenitsyn's heroes experienced a lot of deceptions, disappointments in life - and Matrena, and Ivan Denisovich retains amazing wholeness, strength and simplicity of character. With its existence, they seem to say that Russia is, there is hope for revival.

I especially would like to pay attention to the main character of the story "Matrenin Dvor". Solzhenitsyn introduced and lined up this image symbol. In the hassiness and meekness of Matroin, he sees the share of righteousness. This righteousness comes from the depths of her soul - she was "in Ladakh with his conscience." I admire the humanity, the high moralism of this woman-worker, on such land holds.

The world of stories, leads, Solzhenitsyn novels are huge and diverse. His creativity attracts truthfulness, pain for what is happening, turning. He warns us all the time: do not lose in history. The main topic of the works of Alexander Isaevich is the exposition of the totalitarian system, the proof of the impossibility of the existence of a person in it.

Our contemporary, a perturbator of peace of mind into a stagnant Lipherette the exile with unheard of world glory, one of the "bison" of Russian abroad, Solzhenitsyn connects in his personal appearance and creativity many disturbing problems. On the threshold, the twenty-first cention continued to work for the benefit of the Fatherland: wrote articles, I met people, he led the correspondence, performed on television. His rightfully can be called the Great Son of Russia.

After acquaintance with the life and creativity of A.I. Solzhenitsyn, I otherwise began to look at my life surrounding me. I think that dreams may not come true, happiness - do not take place, success - do not come, but the person already born must pass his way, whatever it is (successful - unsuccessful), while maintaining courage, and humanity , and nobility, do not kill it high, which is laid in it by nature itself.

The topic is completely disclosed. The composition of the composition is vismody. Entry and conclusion correspond to the theme of writings, logically related to the main part. Used different language funds. Skillfully expressed his point of view. The written writer managed to allocate and comprehend the main milestones of life, creativity and fate of A.I. Solzhenitsyn.