Short message about Vivaldi. Antonio Vivaldi

Short message about Vivaldi. Antonio Vivaldi
Short message about Vivaldi. Antonio Vivaldi

Antonio Luciano Vivaldi - Italian composer, conductor, teacher, violinist virtuoso, author 500 concerts for solo instruments and orchestra, 90 operas, genius, whose works were committed to oblivion for 200 years.

Antonio was born on March 4, 1678 in Venice in the Tsier family and musician Giovanni Battista Vivaldi and his wife Camilla. Giovanni was coming from Brescia, and at 10 years old settled in Venice along with his mother. In those days, Torilly, Streigli, curl, and entertained clients, and also entertained them with musication.

Vivaldi-senior combined hairdressing art with a game on a violin. Giovanni became a violinist in the chapel of the Cathedral of St. Mark, also his name is in the list of the founders of the musical society and even on the title page of one opera dated 1689.

The director of the mentioned society was the composer and the author of the opera Giovanni Legna. Based on these facts, Vivaldi's biography of Vivaldi came to the conclusion that the composer was talent and the first steps on the musical field, the father was obliged to the Son's love for the violin and handed over his own skills, perfect hearing and skill of the game. There is also a version that young Antonio studied at Giovanni Legnitzi.

The birth circumstances of Vivaldi Jr. allowed to find out the exact date of his appearance to light. The fact is that the boy was born prematurely, in the seventh month. The midwife who took the birth, advised immediately baptize the child in case of a sudden death. After a couple of hours after the birth of the baby had already dubbed, as evidenced by the record in the church book.

Church of St. John in Bragor, where in 1678 An Nonio Vivaldi was baptized

According to the legend, the earthquake happened that day in Venice, and the child was born before the deadline. Camilla supposedly gave vow to give the son to the clergy, if he survives. Surprisingly, Antonio survived, although he was distinguished by weak health and a subtitle structure.

Because of Asthma, the boy was difficult to move, the brass instruments were also banned. But the violin's favorite from infancy was fully disposed of the future maestro, and from 10 years old Antonio replaced his father, playing in the chapel of St. Mark.

From the age of 13, Vivaldi Jr. performed the position of "goalkeeper" with the cathedral, opening the gate of the temple. Then a few more initiations of the young minister of the Church in higher positions took place. Mass Antonio served only once, he made a relaxing due to weak health, and the young man got the opportunity to devote himself to music.

In those days, Venetian priests combined writing concerts, spiritual music with serving God. It was considered as natural as the presence of musical instruments in each tall. In the XVII century, the Venice Republic was the most enlightened and cultural countries of the world, and in the field of opera, secular and spiritual music set the tone of the rest of Europe.


In 25 years, Vivaldi began to teach the art of a violin game in the Venetian conservatory Ospedale Della Pietà. Conservatory then called school-shelters during monasteries, where orphans and children were trained, whose parents were not able to provide them. These schools from the republic were financed.

Shelters for girls specialized in humanitarian sciences, special attention was paid to singing, music, the execution of spiritual melodies, psalms and chants. Boys from which they prepared merchants and artisans, taught accurate sciences.

Antonio Vivaldi became a master of violin for young pupils of the shelter, and then the teacher of Alta. His duties included a monthly writing of concerts, Cantat, vocal works for soloists and choir, as well as the creation of new orals and concerts to each church holiday. In addition, the teacher personally practiced with orphan music, the game on instruments and vocals, rehearsed and honed the skill of the girls.

Vivaldi worked in Pietà from 1703 to 1740, not counting the eight-year break from 1715 to 1723, and from 1713 he became director of the conservatory. All these years, the composer worked tirelessly, only for the shelter, more than 60 works were written, including cantata, concerts for solo, choral, orchestral performances.

In 1705 and 1709, Venetian publishers published two Opus Vivaldi by 12 Sonatas, in 1711 - 12 concerts called "Harmonic inspiration". In the same years, the young and talented composer first heard outside Italy. In 1706, Vivaldi performed in the French embassy, \u200b\u200band after three years he was listening to the Danish king Frederick IV, to whom Antonio subsequently devoted 12 Sonat.

In 1712, the musician met the German composer Gottfried Schedule, and five years later, Vivaldi moved to Mantui at the invitation of Prince Philip Hesse Darmstadt for three years.

Since 1713, the composer became interested in a new musical art for himself - a secular opera. The first written Vivaldi opera became "Otton on the villa". A talented young man was noticed by impresario and patrons, and soon Antonio received the owner of the San Angelo theater to a new opera.

According to the composer, in the period from 1713 to 1737, he wrote 94 operas, but only 50 partners came to this day with the authorship of the Great Vivaldi. The author of the opera waited for a storm success, but the secular glory of Vivaldi was short. The Venetian public sophisticated in music soon found new idols, and the Opera Antonio came out of fashion.

In 1721, Maine visited Milan, where he presented the Drama "Silvia", and the next year he returned with an oral on the biblical theme. From 1722 to 1725, Vivaldi lived in Rome, where he wrote new operas and performed before dad at a personal invitation. For a clergy musician, this event was a huge honor.

In 1723-1724, Vivaldi wrote famous concerts, erroneously referred to in the CIS "Seasons" (the correct name - "four years of the year"). Each of the violin concerts is dedicated spring, winter, fly and autumn. According to the majority of critics and researchers, these concerts are the top of the creativity of the maestro.

The revolutionism of ingenious works is that the human ear cleans the reflection of processes and phenomena in music, characteristic of one or another season. So, in the song Violin, you can hear the noise of the storms and barking dogs, the mosquito squeak and drilling of streams, children's voices, trill the birds of recognizable breeds and even drop the skater on the ice.

Tours and wanders led Maestro to acquaintance with the Austrian Emperor Carl Vi. The king was a big fan of Wivaldi's creativity, and a friendly relationship began between them. Surprisingly, as the composer's popularity is reducing popularity in Motherland, in Venice, his glory grew in Europe, with the courtyards of the French and Austrian kings.

Under the end of life, luck left the brilliant composer, and he was forced to sell his sonatas for a penny, just not to be labeled in poverty. Disappointed in the Venetians who fought his creations, Antonio Vivaldi decided to move to Vienna, "under the ward" to the royal admirer of his talent, Karl Vi.

Unfortunately, soon after moving the composer in Vienna, the emperor died, then the war began, and they had forgotten about Maestro.

Personal life

As a clergy, Antonio Vivaldi gave a vow of celibacy, which respected throughout his life. Nevertheless, the unfriendlies managed to see the violation of decencies in his close relationship with one of the pupils of the Conservatory Pietà, Anna Zhiro and her sister Paula.

Vivaldi was a teacher and a mentor Anna, who, according to the memories of contemporaries, attracted the attention of the public not by force and the range of votes, but acting. For this girl, the composer wrote the best of the opera, composed Aria and spent time together in his homeland and in the road.

Anna's sister, Paolina, maestro's idle and became a voluntary nurse and nurse, helping to cope with congenital ailments and bodily weakness. Higher clergy for a long time looked through the fingers to the passion of maestro with secular music and operations, but forgive him a permanent stay near two young girls could not.

In 1738, Cardinal-archbishop Ferrara, where the next carnival was supposed to take place with unchanged operations, did not let Vivaldi and his companion in the city, and also commanded serve Mass due to the sin of the composer.


The brilliant composer died in poverty and loneliness on a foreign land, in Vienna. Antonio Vivaldi's life broke on July 28, 1741. His property was described and sold for debts, and the body is buried on the cemetery for urban poor. Only a month after the death of Antonio, his younger sisters received a sad news.

Sculptural composition in Vienna dedicated to Antonio Vivaldi

After death, the name of Vivaldi was undeservedly forgotten. Perhaps only sincerely and deeply loved the music of the Italian, remaining his only true admirer for a long time. Bach has decipher ten Vivaldi concerts for different tools and orchestra, and the legacy of the Venetian composer had a tangible effect on the work of the organist-virtuoso.

  • The great merit in the study and opening of Vivaldi's masterpieces for descendants belongs to the Italian musicologist Alberto Jentyli, who found 14 volume volumes of the composer at the beginning of the XX century.
  • Antonio Vivaldi is the first composer who created concerts for violin and orchestra, two, four violins and two mandolin.
  • The only color portrait of Vivaldi, who is familiar with all the photos in the textbooks, may well be an image of a completely different person (the initials are not specified in the picture, and the portrait itself does not look like other portraits of the composer).

  • Maestro had a nickname "Red Priest" due to the copper color of the hair, rare among the Venetians.
  • Vivaldi also became famous for the fact that he could write a trichat opera in five days and dozens of musical variations on one topic.
  • The notorious "Tango of Death", ascribed by Vivaldi, in fact, a composition called Palladio of the modern composer Karl Jenkins, and the "Elf Night (Song)" - Song of the Secret Garden group.
  • The composition "Summer thunderstorm (storm)" from the cycle "Seasons" performed is one of the most popular melodies in the world.



  • "Otton in the village", 1713;
  • "Roland, imaginary madness", 1714;
  • "Arsilde, Queen Ponta", 1716;
  • "Coronation Darius", 1717;
  • "Artan", 1718;
  • "Teuson", 1719
  • "Tit Manry", 1719;
  • "Farnace", 1727 and others.

Choral and vocal music:

  • Laudate Dominum Omnes Gentes;
  • Stabat Mater and others.
  • Psalms:
  • Beatus Vir;
  • Confitebor Tibi Domine;
  • Lauda Jerusalem and others.


  • "Ceremonial Judith", 1716;
  • "Worship of three magic infant Jesus", 1722;
  • "Big Cantata" Gloria and Himes ", 1721.
  • Cantata for voice accompaniment:
  • "Under the shadow of a wonderful beech";
  • "My opinion is directed to him";
  • "Amur, you won";
  • "You disappeared, golden days";
  • "So cry, sources of tears" and others.

Instrumental concerts and sonata, including:

  • "Storm at sea";
  • "Pleasure";
  • "Hunting";
  • "Seasons";
  • "Night";
  • "Shchegglenok";
  • "Prelude".

Antonio Vivaldi was born on March 4, 1678, in Venice. The first lessons of the game on the violin were given to him by the Father. Antonio was so capable of the student that already at 11 years old could replace his mentor in the chapel of St. Mark's Cathedral.

With an early youth, deciding to devote my life to music, Anthony simultaneously wanted to be a clergyman. He was ordained in 1704

Unfortunately, Vivaldi's health was so weak that he could not serve Mass completely. Therefore, he was given some relaxation. Soon, Vivaldi left his priest's responsibilities, but he did not remove himself.

Start of a creative path

In 1709, Vivaldi presented the Monarch Denmark, Frederick IV. The composer dedicated to him 12 Sonatov written for violin.

In 1712, Vivaldi met with the German composer, G. Stotzl.

Composer activity

I started Vivaldi as an opera composer. In 1713 they created a 3-acting work "Otton on the villa". A year later, a new opera was created, "imaginary madman". It was founded on the poem of L. Ariosto, "frantic Roland".

At about this time, the talent of the composer was recognized as colleagues and musical critics, and opera fans. Vivaldi began to appear more and more students. Free from teaching time he devoted to the essay of new musical works. Also, the composer actively collaborated with the theater, from where a large number of orders came from regularly.

Over time, the name of the musician has become known outside Venice. In 1718, his opera "Scanderberg" was set in Florence.

In the same year, the composer accepted the invitation of Prince F. Hessen-Darmstadt and, having moved to Mantui, became a dropmeister at his yard.

There was a familiarity of the musician with A. Zhiro. She became a student of the Great Composer, and the latter played a significant role in its formation as a opera singer.

Studying the biography of A. Vivaldi, you should know the most important thing. In 1725, the cycle of its works was issued under the name "Cast of Harmony and Invention". He included the concerts of the "Seasons". The work of this period is filled with drama. Many works are solemnly dark notes.

The greatest contribution of Vivaldi introduced into the development of the orchestra-ensemble concert.

Disease and death

Like many composers, Vivaldi often needed money. In 1740, he arrived in Vienna for his operas. But in connection with the aggravated political crisis, the musician was forced to go to Saxony.

The composer suffered from childhood with bronchial asthma, and this forced relocation adversely affected his health.

A year later, he returned to Austria, but the audience soon forgot his recent favorite. In July 1741, the Grand Composer left his life. Buried him on a cemetery for beggars.

Other biography options

  • Vivaldi was born sevenway. According to some data, the newborn was so sick and painful that he was immediately baptized.
  • Vivaldi never married. But because of his warm relationships with A. Zhiro, who still remained Platonic, the composer was repeatedly criticized by a high-ranking clergy.

Antonio Vivaldi was born on March 4, 1678 in Venice, Italy. Italian composer and violinist leaving a decisive sign in the form of a concert and the style of late baroque tool music.

Vivaldi's chief teacher was probably his father Giovanni Battista, who in 1685 was Short Biography Vasily Ivanovich Bazhenovtroved for the priesthood. His distinguishing reddish hair later earned him the nickname Il Pretos Rosso ("Red Priest"). He made his first famous public speech, playing next to his father in Basilica as a "superstand" violinist in 1696. He became an excellent violinist, and in 1703 he was appointed Violin Master in Ospedale Della Pietà, a house for a twin. Petaine, specializing in musical training of his female wards, and those who are with musical ability have been attributed to their beautiful choru and the orchestra, whose multiple performances helped the search for the organization of donations and inheritance.

Shortly after his ordination as a priest Vivaldi refused to celebrate Mass due to a chronic illness, which was believed to be bronchial asthma. Despite this circumstance, he seriously belonged to his secular priest and even earned a reputation as a religious fanatics.

The earliest musical compositions of Vivaldi belong to its first years in Pietà. The printed collections of his trio-sonat and violin sonatas appeared accordingly in 1705 and 1709, and in 1711 its first and most influential set of concerts for violin and string orchestra (Opus 3, L "Estro Armonico) was published by the publishing company in Amsterdam Estein Roger . In the years before 1719, Roger published three more compilations of his concerts and one collection of Sonatat.

Vivaldi achieved great success with his sacred vocal music, for which he later received the Commission from other institutions. Another new area of \u200b\u200bits activity opened in 1713, when his first opera "Otona on the villa" was released in Vicenza. Returning to Venice, Vivaldi immediately plunged into opera activities in the role of the composer twin and impresario. From 1718 to 1720, he worked in Mantua as director of secular music for the governor of this city.

The 1720s were Vivaldi Career Zenit. Founded once again in Venice, but often traveling elsewhere, he filed instrumental music to patrons and customers throughout Europe. During this decade, he also received numerous commissions for the opera and resumed its activities as an impresario in Venice and other cities of Italy.

In the 1730s, Career Vivaldi gradually decreased. The French traveler Charles de Drowner reported in 1739 with regret that his music was no longer fashionable. The impresarotic raids of Vivaldi became increasingly marked by failure. In 1740, he went to Vienna, but he fell ill and did not live in order to visit his opera L "Oracolo in the Messiah in 1742. The simplicity of his funeral on July 28, 1741 indicates that he died in a significant poverty.

After the death of Vivaldi, his huge collection of musical manuscripts, consisting mainly of autograph-assessments of his own works, was associated with 27 large volumes. They were acquired first by the Venetian Bibliophile Jacopo Senceo, and then Count Jacomo Durazzo, the patron of Christoph Willibald Gluca. Opened in the 1920s, these manuscripts today constitute a part of the collections of Foa and Jordano National Library in Turin.

About Vivaldi

The genius of Italian music Antonio Luciano Vivaldi wrote a huge number of works. The author of about 90 opera works, more than 500 solo concerts accompanied by an orchestra.

A musician was born in the Tsier family in Venice on March 4, 1678. Father of the Future Composer Giovanni Musicianly Musicized on the Violin. Antonio has grown surrounded by violin music from 10 years replaced the father playing in the chapel of the St. Mark.

From 25 years old, Vivaldi began to engage in teaching activities in school - shelter during the monastery. Its responsibilities included training girls shelter music. Training activities assumed writing works for students. During this period of life, more than 60 works in varying moods are written by composer: concerts, oratoria, vocal music.

In 1705, the first 12 Sonatov Antonio, called Opus, were published 1. In 1706, the first public speech of the composer at the Palace of the France ambassador. When speaking in 1709, Vivaldi in the conservatory, Vivaldi, was presented to the king of Denmark Frederica IV, subsequently, the composers were devoted to 12 Sonatas for the violin.

Since 1713, Vivaldi has discovered a new path in creativity - the creation of opera works. According to the composer himself, they were written more than 90 works in this genre, but it came to this day about 50. Initially, the opera had success in a secular society, but he was steady. In 1721, Antonio visits Milan, where he represents the public a musical drama "Silvia", after which the composer returns to writing works on biblical topics for the church.

The next three years of the composition of the composer can be called the Roman period of life. Moving to the capital Italy became very symbolic for Vivaldi. He wrote Opera, spoke to Pope Roman. During this period, its famous concerts from the cycle "Four Time of Years" were written. The uniqueness of the work was to supply sound when thin lines of music reflected plot themes of the work (drop on ice, the voice of children, barking dogs, the murmur of the stream).

As Glory is gone in their homeland, the popularity of the composer has grown in Europe. The Austrian emperor Karl VI, with whom Vivaldi had a personal acquaintance, highly appreciated his creations. At the invitation of the emperor, the musician moves to a permanent place of residence in Vienna. The patronage of the emperor lasted not long, his end and war in Austria led to the oblivion of Antonio.

The composer died in 1741 in poverty and loneliness. Back in his youth, giving lunch of celibacy, Vivaldi did not have a family, not children. Buried him at the Vienna Cemetery of the poor. The world for 200 years forgot about the work of the Great Genius. Only I.S. Bahkh sincerely admired the music of the Italian. The revival named after Vivaldi occurred in the middle of the XX century. Now the works of Antonio sound in many concerts of classical music.

Russian writer, publicist and philosopher - Alexander Ivanovich Herzen was born on March 22, 1812, an illegitimate child of one famous Moscow landowner. In order not to spoil the reputation of the family, he was given a fictional surname.

  • Kuzma minin

    Kuzma Minin is a Russian national hero, a very brave person who, despite the danger of death, and injuries, under the Nachis of the enemy began to confront him, and besides, confronting quite successfully

  • Antonio Lucio Vivaldi (Ial. Antonio Lucio Vivaldi.; March 4, 1678, Venice - July 28, 1741, Vienna) - Italian composer, violinist-virtuoso, teacher, conductor, Catholic priest. Vivaldi is considered one of the largest representatives of the Italian violin art of the XVIII century, during life received widespread recognition throughout Europe. The master of the ensemble-orchestral concert - Concanto Grosso, the author of the ninety opera. Vivaldi Basically known for its instrumental concerts, especially for the violin. His most famous work is a cycle of four violin concerts "Seasons".


    Birth and childhood

    Antonio Vivaldi Born on March 4, 1678 in Venice, which was at that time the capital of the Venetian Republic. Until the middle of the 20th century, biography researchers Vivaldi Various dates of the birth of the composer were assumed, there were allegations that he was born in 1675, other dates were also given. The records of the church arrival of St. John in Bragore (suburb of Venice) were discovered in January 1963 in Bragore (Venice's suburban) allowed the date of birth of the composer. According to these records, Antonio Vivaldi Born on March 4, 1678 and on the same day was baptized in this cathedral. Baptism was urgently produced by midwife, since the boy was born sickly and was under the threat of death.

    Distant ancestors Antonio We were respected people in Brescia, where in 1655 the Father of the composer, Giovanni Battista (1655-1736) was born (1655-1736). During ten years, Giovanni moved with his mother to Venice, where he studied the hairdressing craft. At that time in Italian marks to occupy the free time of customers, as a rule, held various musical instruments. Giovanni from time to time musicated on the violin and subsequently devoted himself to music.

    In 1677, Giovanni marries Camilla Kalikkio (1655-1728) and a year later, their son is born - Antonio. According to church records, Antonio There were three sisters - Margarita Gabriela, Churchilia Maria and Zarette Anna, and two brothers - Bonaventura Thomaso and Francesco Gaetano, who continued the case of the Father and were subsequently with mercenaries.

    In 1685, the name Giovanni Battists was listed on the list of creators of the Music Community "Sovvegno Dei Musicisti De Santa Secilia", the director of which was the famous composer, author of the operas of Giovanni Legniti. Subsequently, Giovanni became the main violinist in the chapel of the Cathedral of St. Mark. It is noteworthy that in those years its full name was faced as Giovanni Battista Rossi. For unusual for Venetians, the red hair color, which Antonio He inherited from his father, he was subsequently called the "Ginger Priest" (Ial. Il Prette Rosso). There is little information about the youthful years of the composer and his musical education. Most likely, it is the father who became the first musical mentor AntonioHaving taught his violin game.

    From ten years Antonio He began to play a violin, in 1689-1692 replaced the father in the chapel of the Cathedral of St. Mark because of its frequent ignites from Venice. According to some sources, Antonio has studied the theory of music and compositions in Giovanni Legnitzi, but considering that legiti died in 1690, many researchers the fact of mentoring legples over young Antonio It is questioned. Virtuoso violin and echoes in early works Antonio The musical style of the famous Roman violinist Arkandell Corelli has caused assumptions that, perhaps, Antonio has studied the violin game of this wizard. However, today there are no obvious evidence confirming this, and the temporary chronology of the dates of the church service Antonio It does not coincide with the date of the intended study in 1703 in Rome.


    Father's service in the church cathedral and contacts with the clergy influenced the choice of a further career of young Antonio. He decided to become a clergyman, and this is quite explained, since in Italy, those times were the usual way to combine the spiritual and musical quarry. Vivaldi Ordered to San Priest. The next day served the first independent Mass in the Church of San Giovanni In Oleo. On September 1, 1703, a teacher in the Class of Violin (Maestro Di Violino) was enrolled in the Conservatory of the Church Shelter "Feet", which was famous as one of the best music schools for girls. Later became the conductor of the Orchestra and the leader of concerts (Maestro de Concerti), in charge Vivaldi There was an essay of music for numerous secular and spiritual concerts of this conservatory. He combined the musician's profession with the spiritual San of Abbot Minorit, but then he was revealed from San of the clergy for "unauthorized" behavior during the church service - Antonio explained his rejection by the fact that due to the mutual attacks of asthma, it was forced to often interrupt the conduct of the service, but many rumors were born around this reduction and the Oryolov - Grigory Orlov, for example, wrote about this Vivaldi Allowed himself in the middle of the service suddenly escape into the sacristy, to immediately record the new Fugue's melody who came to his head.

    In 1703, Vivaldi received an order from the Countess of Lucretia Trevizan to serve 90 overhet-owned coming in the Church of St. John. August 17, 1704 received an additional reward for teaching the game on Viola d'Amore. After serving half of the worldwide compere, Vivaldi refused for health from the order of the Lucrection of Trevizan. In 1705, the publishing house Giuseppe Sala in Venice published his 12 sonat, marked with opus 1. In subsequent years, Vivaldi has repeatedly appealed to the Sonata genre for one and several tools. Second Opus Vivaldipublished in Venice Boroli publishing house in 1709, included 12 sonatas for violin accompanied by the accompaniment of Chamblock (Italian title of Clausing). In 1706, the first public speech of Vivaldi in the Palace of the French Embassy took place. Virtuoso violinist, father and son names Vivaldi, Mentioned in the publication of the "Guide to Venice", prepared by Italian Cartographer Vincenzo Koronelley. In this period Vivaldi Moves from Brigor's Square to a new, more spacious house in the neighboring parish of Sanzolo. In 1711, 12 concerts "L'Estro Armonico" were published ("Harmonic inspiration"). In the same year, he received a solid annual salary and became the chief head of the concerts of pupils, from 1713 by the director of the Women's Conservatory "Feet" ("Ospedale della Pietà"). These years young Vivaldi Strongly working, combining teaching and composer activities. His name becomes famous in his native Venice, and considering that Venice at that time was visited by a large number of travelers, Vivaldi's popularity extends beyond Venice. So, in 1709 during the submission of the oratorio in "Feet" Vivaldi The Danish king Frederick IV, who later devoted 12 violin sonatas subsequently. In 1712, during his stay in Venice, there was a meeting of the German composer, Kapelmeister from Bresca Gottfried Stölzel (Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel) Antonio. Thus, Stoletzel was the first German musician personally in contact with Vivaldi.

    Start of composer activity. Venice (1713-1718)

    In 1713. Vivaldi Posted by his first work, the trichat opera "Ottone in Villa" ("Otton at Villa"), the premiere of which occurred on May 17 of the same year on the stage of the Venetian Teatro Delle Grazie. This opera is a characteristic sample of the opera-series with its stretchability of actions and a confusing scene intrigue. Written on Libretto Domenico Lalli, with whom Vivaldi Subsequently, repeatedly collaborated, she recreates one of the episodes of Roman history. In accordance with custom, singers-castrates performed as solts who performed and men's and women's parties. Their execution combined the power and glitter of men's voices with ease and mobility of female. Apparently, the statement had a significant success, since the attention of Venetian impresario attracted. Soon Vivaldi Got an order (scrittura) to a new opera from Modotto, the owner of the San Angelo Theater, with whom he supported the contact until his latest Opera "Feraspeke" (1739). A year later, in 1714, he wrote his second opera "Orlando Finto Pazzo" ("Roland, imaginary madman"), written in Libretto Grazio Bracchi, representing the free processing of the well-known poem "Furass Roland" of the Italian poet Ludochiko Ariosto. Soon the composer wrote two orators to Latin texts, "Moses, the God of Pharaohs" in 1714 and the "Judith triumphant" in 1716. The score of his first oratorious "Moses, the God of Pharaohs" was subsequently lost. In the Roman Conservatory of the Holy Session, only the text of the oratory was preserved, with an indication of the names of the performers, from which it is clear that all parties, including male characters, were performed by girls - pupils. Oratorion "Judith Celebrating", which is distinguished by the freshness of melodic inspiration and the subtlety of the orchestral flavor, belonged to the best creatures Vivaldi. With widespread recognition of the talent of the composer and the teacher, the number of students increased VivaldiHowever, nor new students nor the abundance of composer work in the conservatory "Feet" could not distract Vivaldi From intensive work in the theater. In 1715, he received an order from the San Angelo Theater - 12 of the main Aria in the opera "Nerone Fatto Cesare" ("Nero, who became Caesar"). In 1716, Vivaldi on the order of the San Angelo Theater wrote another opera "L'Incoronazione Di Dario" ("Coronation Darius"). In the same year, they were written by Opera "La Costanza Trionfante Degl'amori E de Gl'odii" ("Constancy, triumphant over love and hatred") for the second largest San Moral Theater, with whom the composer was also closely connected in Subsequent years. The premieres of these operas took place on the carnival of 1716. That Vivaldi It becomes famous not only in Venice, but also beyond its borders, and the fact that in 1718 his Opera "ScanderBeg" ("Skanderbeg") is put on the stage of the Florentine Theater.

    In general, the period from 1713 to 1718 is considered by many researchers in the most productive stage in the work of the composer: during these five years he wrote a total of eight operas.

    Life in Mantua (1719-1722)

    About the period of life of the composer from 1719 to 1722, little is known. Judging by the composer's letter from 1737 and his annotations to operations, it becomes clear that Vivaldi He conducted these years in the city of Mantua and partially in Germany. On the title page Libretto to the opera "La Verita in Cimento", he calls himself Maestro Di Capella di Camera Il Principe Filippo Langravio d'Assia Darmstadt from which it follows that since 1720, presumably 1723, Vivaldi He served in Marcgraf Philippe Hesse Darmstadt, who led the troops of the Austrian Emperor Charles VI at the time in Mantua and Naples. In mantua Vivaldi I got acquainted with the Opera singer Anna Giraud, the daughter of the French hairdresser. This acquaintance had a great influence on the subsequent fate. Vivaldi. In their messages to the playwright Carlo Goldoni Vivaldi Represents him Anna Giro as his "diligent student." According to researchers, it is Vivaldi Belongs a big merit in the formation of Anna Zhiro as a opera singer. This is quite likely, since Italian opera composers usually knew the secrets of vocal technology. Contemporaries responded about Anna as a skillful and spiritualized singer with a pleasant, albeit modest vote. Carlo Goldoni wrote that "she was ugly, but very elegant, had a thin waist, beautiful eyes, beautiful hair, an adorable mouth. She had a small voice, but undoubted acting dating. " Permanent companion Vivaldi Anna Zhiro's sister, Paolina, who became a kind of medical sister of the composer and took care of the health of the composer, paining bronchial asthma. After a three-year service in Mantua Vivaldi, together with Anna and Paul returned to Venice, where Anna is sharp into the language of Venetians called the "girlfriend of the Red Priest." In Venice, both of them constantly lived in the house Vivaldi And accompanied him in numerous travels connected at that time with dangers and deprivations. These are too close for the spiritual person relationship with sisters, pressurized repeatedly caused complaints from the clergy. This contributed to the emergence of a huge number of folk rumors and speculation around person Vivaldi. So, one of the rumors Vivaldi Was eunuch. Violation of the norms of the priest's behavior led to heavy for Vivaldi The consequences and exacerbation of his relationship with the church to know the papal region. It is known that in 1738 the Cardinal-Archbishop of the city of Ferrara forbade Vivaldi To enter the city and serve Mass due to the sin of the composer. Despite all this, he always defended the honor and human dignity of his life companion and human dignity of his life, consistently opposing them with deep respect.

    Roman period (1723-1724)

    After a three-year service in Mantua, Vivaldi returned to Venice. In 1723, his first trip to Rome and the production of the new Opera "Ercole Sul Termodonte" ("Hercules on Thermodont") took place. This opera made a greater impression on the Romans. Famous flutist, composer and musical theorist Johann Yohim Kwantz, who arrived in Rome six months after the premiere of the Opera, noticed that "the public" Lombard style "liked so Vivaldithat since then did not want to listen to other music. " In February 1724 Vivaldi Rome again visited Rome to participate in the premiere of "Giustino" ("Justino"). Third Opera, "La Virtù Trionfante Dell'amore, E Dell'odio, Overo Il Tirane" ("Virtue, triumphant over love and hatred"), written in 1724 and presented in the same year on Roman carnival, completed the triumphal success of works Composer in Rome, the presentation in which was considered a serious test for any composer. In the same arrival, his audience was held at Pope Benedict XIII, which the composer fulfilled excerpts from his two works. Although many researchers believe that Vivaldi He was adopted by Pope Benedict XIII, according to the German researcher, Karl Heller (Karl Heller), it could be an audience at his predecessor, Innokentia XIII. If you assume that Vivaldi Benedict XIII was adopted, then this means that he stayed in Rome longer than during his first visit, since Benedict XIII was elected dad only on May 29, 1724. In 1725, a cycle of 12 IL Cimento Dell'Armonia E Dell'Invenzione ("The Art of Harmony and Invention" or "Argument of Harmony with the Invention") was published in Amsterdam ("The Art of Harmony and Invention"), written by it in about 1720. The world famous, in Russia inaccurately called "seasons", the four first concert of this cycle already then made an indelible impression on the listeners with their inhound passion and innovation. The correct name is "four time of the year" (Le Quattro Stagione), which directly sends to the multi-valued cycle symbolism. Worked at the time in the French Embassy in Venice Jean-Jacques Russo highly appreciated music Vivaldi And loved to fulfill something from this cycle on his beloved flute. Vivaldi concerts are also widely known - "La Notte" (night), "Il Cardellino" (scale), for the flute with the orchestra, a concert for two mandolin RV532, which are characterized by artistic pictorial and harmonious generosity, characteristic of his works, as well as spiritual writings: " Gloria, "Magnificat", "Stabat Mater", "Dixit Dominus".

    In 1735, it was not a dropmaster again for a long time.

    last years of life

    Accurate departure date from Venice Unknown, but presumably in mid-May 1740, the musician finally leaves Venice and is sent to his patron, Emperor Carlo Vi. He arrived in Vienna in an unsuccessful time, a few months after his arrival, Karl VI died, and war began for Austrian legacy. Vienna was not to Vivaldi, and the composer went to the search for a new job in Dresden, Saxony, where most likely fell ill. He returned to Vienna by all the forgotten, sick and without livelihood of existence, where he died on July 28, 1741. A quarterly doctor recorded the death of "Reverend Don Antonio Vivaldi From internal inflammation. " He was buried on the cemetery for the poor for the modest feet of 19 Florins of 45 cruisers. A month later, the sisters of Margarita and Zarette got a tick notice Antonio. On August 26, the bailiff described his property in account of debt repayment.

    Vivaldi meaning in music history

    Vivaldi - The largest representative of the Italian violin art of the XVIII century, who approved a new dramatized, so-called "Lombard" manner of execution. Created a genre of a solo instrumental concert, influenced the development of virtuoso violin vehicles. The Master of the Ensemble-Orchestral Concert - Concerto Grosso (CONCERTO GROSSO). Vivaldi Installed for Concerto Grosso 3-private cyclic form, allocated a solo virtuoso batch.

    During his lifetime, he became known as a composer who was able to create a trochet opera in five days and compose many variations on one topic. He became famous for the whole of Europe as a violinist-virtuoso. All their operas Vivaldi Posted on the plots of the same playwright - Carlo Goldoni. Although the golden-owned golden after the death of the Red Priest spoke out about him in memoirs as a rather mediocre composer. Musical heritage Antonio Vivaldi It was little-known in the XVIII-XIX centuries, it was in oblivion for almost 200 years and only in the 20s of the 20th century, the Italian musicologist discovered the assemblies of the composer's manuscripts. For a long time O. Vivaldi I remembered only because I. S. Bach made a number of transcription of the writings of its predecessor, and only in the 20th century the publication of the full assembly of the instrumental opuses of Vivaldi was undertaken. Tool concerts Vivaldi He was staged on the way of forming classical symphony. Contemporaries often criticized him for excessive passion for the opera scene and the hasty and insecurity. It is curious that after the production of his opera "frantic Roland", friends called Vivaldi, not otherwise as a dryer (lat. Furious). The Opera Heritage of the composer has not yet become the property of the global opera scene. His authorship is attributed to about 94 operations, although only about 40 are defined from them. Only in the 1990s in San Francisco successfully put "frantic Roland".

    Creation Vivaldi It was a great influence not only on the modern Italian composers, but also on the musicians of other nationalities, primarily German. It is especially interesting to trace the influence of music. Vivaldi on I. S. Baha. In the first biography of Baha, published in 1802, its author, Johann Nicaus Forel, allocated the name of Vivaldi among the masters, who became the subject of study for the young Johanna Sebastian. Strengthening the instrumental and virtuoso nature of Bach's thecties in the Kothen period of his work (1717-1723) is directly related to the study of music Vivaldi. But its impact was manifested not only in the assimilation and processing of individual expressive techniques, it was significantly wider and deeper. Bach so organically perceived style Vivaldithat he became his own music language. The inner proximity with the music of Vivaldi is tangible in a wide variety of works of Baha, up to his famous "high" Mass C Minor. Music influence Vivaldi On the German composer, undoubtedly was huge. According to A. Casella, "Bach is his greatest admirer and probably the only one who at that time could understand all the greatness of the genius of this musician."

    Significant contribution to the study of creativity Vivaldi Mark Pincherle's French musicologist and German musician Walter Kolneder (Walter Kolneder).


    Antonio Vivaldi - a prolific composer. He is the author of 90 operas, including Roland Furioso (Orlando Furioso), "Nerone Fatto Cesare" (Nerone Fatto Cesare, 1715, ibid), "Coronation Daria" (L'Incoronazione Di Dario, 1716, ), "Deception, trionfante in amore, 1725, ibid)," Farnak "(1727, there, later also called" Farnak, Ponta rule ")," Kunegonda "(1727, ibid), "Olympiad" (1734, ibid.), Grizeld (1735, San Samuel Theater, Venice), "Aristide" (1735, ibid), "Tamerlan" (1735, Philharmonic Theater, Verona ), "Oracle in Messia" (1738, theater "Sant-Angelo", Venice), "Ferasp" (1739, Ibid); Oratoria - "Moses, God of Pharaoh" (Moyses Deus Pharaonis, 1714), "Ceremonial Judith" (Juditha Triumphans Devicta Holo-Fernis Barbarie, 1716), "Welcome Welcome" (L'Adorazione Delli Tre Re Magi, 1722) and others. ;
    • 44 concert for string orchestra and Basso Continuo;
    • 49 Conference Grossi;
    • 352 concerts for one tool accompanied by string orchestra and / or Basso Continuo (253 for violin, 26 for cello, 6 for Viol d'amur, 13 for transverse, 3 for longitudinal flute, 12 for oboe, 38 for Labota, 1 for mandolina );
    • 38 concerts for 2 tools accompanied by a string orchestra and / or Basso Continuo (25 for violin, 2 for cello, 3 for violin and cello, 2 for horn, 1 for mandolin);
    • 32 concerts for 3 or more tools accompanied by a string orchestra and / or Basso Continuo.
    • The author of over 100 Sonatas for various tools accompanied by Basso Continuo; secular cantat, serenade, symphony, stabat mater and other church works.
    One of the most famous works is the first 4 concerts from the 8th opus, a cycle of 12 violin concerts - "four time of the year" - an early sample of software symphonic music. Vivaldi made a significant contribution to the development of the instrumentation, he one of the first applied the gobys, horn, ladies and other tools as independent, and not duplicating.

    Vivaldi in art

    A few works of art are preserved, which depict Vivaldi. So, in 1723 and 1725, the portraits of the composer were written by the French artist Francois Morelon de la Cave, but the most famous color portrait is only an alleged portrait of Vivaldi, since there is no signature of his last name on it, and the assumption that the greatest composer is depicted on it, Made only because the portrait was found in Venice and depicts violinist (and Vivaldi was a violet-virtuoso). The external nursery of this portrait with the rest and the absence of the initials of the composer gives the grounds to doubt that the color portrait really depicts Vivaldi. One of the pictures is kept in the International Museum of Music (ITAL. MUSEO INTERNAZIONALE E BIBLIOTECA DELLA MUSICA) in Bologna. In 1723, the Italian artist Pierre Leone Getzi was drawn caricature on the composer - "Red Priest".


    • The names of Antonio Vivaldi are named:
    • crater on the planet Mercury.
    • italian Institute in Siena (headed by Francesco Malipierro).
    • vivaldi browser developed by former employees of Opera Software.


    Vivaldi is the largest representative of the Italian violin art of the XVIII century, who approved a new dramatized, so-called "Lombard" manner of execution. Created a genre of a solo instrumental concert, influenced the development of virtuoso violin vehicles. Master of the Ensemble Orchestral Concert - Concrato Grosso ( cONCERTO GROSSO.). Vivaldi installed for cONCERTO GROSSO. A 3-bed cyclic form, allocated a virtuoso batch of soloist.

    Musical fragments

    Musical Fragments in OGG Vorbis format
    • Spring. Part 1 Allegro (info)
    • Spring. Part 2 Largo (info)
    • Spring. Part 3 Allegro (info)
    • Summer. Part 1 Allegro Non Molto (info)
    • Summer. Part 2 Adagio (info)
    • Summer. Part 3 pretto (info)
    • Fall. Part 1 Allegro (info)
    • Fall. Part 2 Allegro Molo (info)
    • Fall. Part 3 Allegro (info)
    • Winter. Part 1 Allegro Non Molto (info)
    • Winter. Part 2 Largo (info)
    • Winter. Part 3 Allegro (info)


    • Bokkardi V. Vivaldi \u003d Vivaldia. - M.: Young Guard, 2007. - P. 272. - ISBN 978-5-235-03014-5


    • Wivaldi works on the Classical Connect website Free Library of Classical Music on Classical Connect
    • The project "Anima Veneziana". Vivaldi biography publication in Russian and works catalog
    • Antonio Vivaldi: Music notes on International Music Score Library Project

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

    Watch what is "Vivaldi" in other dictionaries:

      - (Antonio Vivaldi) Italian violinist and composer, genus. In the second half of the XVII century, he died in 1743, he was an abbot of the Canor Executive Director in Venice. B. was so devoted to music, the altar left the altar during worship ... Encyclopedia Brockhaus and Ephron

      Request "Vivaldi" is redirected here. Cm. Also other values. Antonio Vivaldi Full Name Antonio Lucio Vivaldi Date of Birth March 4, 1678 Birthplace Venice ... Wikipedia

      - (vivaldi) Antonio (4 III 1678 (?) Venice 28 VII 1741, Vienna) ITAL. Composer, violinist, conductor and teacher. He studied at his father Giovanni Battists V. Screpacha Chapels of the Cathedral of St. Mark in Venice and, apparently, J. Leggesti. Early ... ... Music encyclopedia

      Vivaldi - (Antonio V. (1678 1741) - Ital. Composer) Not on leaf fall asphalt will wait long. We are with you in Adagio Vivaldi will meet again. AHM963 (233.1) ... Own name in Russian poetry of the 20th century: Dictionary of personal names

      - (Vivaldi) Antonio (4.3.1678, Venice, buried 28.7.1741, Vienna), Italian composer, violinist, teacher. He studied at J. Lehnitzi (composition) and his father Giovanni Battists (violin). From 1714 he led the orchestra and choir of the conservatory ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

      - (Antonio Vivaldi) Italian violinist and composer; Rod. in Venice in the second half of the XVII century, died in 1743; He was the abbot and director of the Conservatory in Venice. V. was so devoted to music that once during the service left the altar with ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

      Vivaldi A. - Vivaldi (Vivaldi) Antonio (1678-1741), Ial. Composer, violinist virtuoso. Creator of genres of solo ins. Concert (228 - for violin) and, along with A. Korelli, - Concanto Grosso (total - 49). His cycle of the seasons (1725) ... ... Biographical Dictionary