Akathist Nicholas Wonderworker how to read. Modern wonders of St. Nicholas

Akathist Nicholas Wonderworker how to read. Modern wonders of St. Nicholas

Full collection and description: Prayer Nicholas Wonderworker in front of akathist for the spiritual life of a believer man.

Saint Nicholas Wonderworker is one of the most revered not only in Russia, but also in the countries of the Catholic Church. For Orthodox believers, one of the ways to turn to the saint is the reading of the canon or akathist. These types of solemn chants are distinguished by the structure of building text and writing history. Canons were created many centuries ago by people ranked church for the saints. Akathist can be written now the spiritual writer who is not always a servant of the Church.

Saint Nicholas Wonderwork

Saint Nicholas The Wonderworker was born in 270 in the city of Patara Province of Likia. From the young age, he was distinguished by piety and the desire to serve God. Being a priest, the saint was an example for his flock, preached, exhorted and sent Licks to the path of salvation. After several years of ministry in San Priest, Saint Nikolai was elected a bishop of Lycian world.

The mobility of St. Nicholas took place during the persecution of Christianity. When the bishop, together with other Christians, concluded in the dungeon, the saint did not only endure all the bodies and deprivation himself, but also supported the rest of the sharpened.

In the life of St. Nicholas, many wonders and acts of true mercy and love of the neighbor are attributed to the saint Nicholas. Saint Nicholas The Wonderworker is revered both in Western and Eastern Christianity. This saint is especially loved by believers, and many people treat prayer to him.

Canon Nicholas Wonderworker

Canons Nicholas Wonderworker is complex in the structure of the work of church hymnography, praising the saint. Their text consists of biblical chants to which additional poems - Irmahos and the Pathparies were later attached. The latter chase a festive event. Irmahos serve to interrelation of biblical songs and the tropar, conducting an analogy between the celebrated event and described in the Bible. The structure of the IMMOS is the basis for the entry and the rhythmic structure of the path. Length and number of stanf must match.

There are several canons to the saint:

  • "In the depths of the day sometimes ......" - the beginning of the IMMOS of the first canon.
  • The 2nd canon Nicholas the Wonderworker begins by IRMOS "Christ is evident - Slavit. "
  • "The song will be taken, people ... .." - Iros Canon from worship for the transfer of the relics of the saint.
  • "My mouth is open ... .." - the beginning of the fourth canon Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Canon 2 Nikolay the Wonderworker, as well as the 1st canon, is read during the service on the day of the stented 19 December in a new style. Other two canon are read in worship on the day of memory of the transfer of the relics of St. May 22.

Why read canon?

Canon Nicholas Wonderworker can read at home or hear them during worship in the temple. The Holy Fathers of the Church say that those who read the canons of the Mother of God, the Savior and Saints, the Lord escarangers. Canons Nicholas Wonderworker is also a prayer, who reads the person to appeals to the Saint through biblical events.

The canons are written many centuries ago by the people of high-industry and, as a rule, ranged afterwards to the face of saints. Having read the laudatory chants and prayers written by them, a person along with them takes the prayer to God.

Canon St. Nikolay the Wonderworker is read for healing from diseases, assistance in the need and material disadvantage. Also, the Holy is considered a defender of widows and orphans. He is praying for disintegration, sadness and despair. Since the saint himself was sharpened for a while, they are treated in captivity and in other severe life circumstances.

Where to find the canon and akathist Nikolai Wonderworker?

Almost any canons and acafers can be purchased in church shops. Canon Nicholas Wonderworker with strokes can be found on Orthodox sites on the Internet. It is better if the text of the explanation will be written in parallel with the canon, as not always the language of liturgical songs is understandable only to the beginning of his way to faith man.

Before reading, it is necessary to make sure that the canon or akathist are approved by the Sacred Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church. To do this, it is better to use texts from canoniki purchased in shops with temples or found on reliable Orthodox sites. The list of approved acafers is also published on the Internet.

In addition, you can always go up in the temple to the priest or deacon and clarify whether the akathist is the relevant established sacred synod.

How to read the canon

Canon Nicholas Wonderworker is not so difficult to read as Church Slavonic. Reading canon, it is necessary to think thoughtfully every word. Unlike akathist, Canon Reculting Nicholas The Wonderworker can read sitting. You can have a hooked chant chanting holy at any time. There are special presenter prayers that are read before the canon. If the biblical chants are holy after the daily prayer rule, then additional prayers are not required.

In the case when it is not possible to read the canon out loud, you can pronounce prayer and to ourselves. The main thing is that her words are said to be conscious, with a feeling of repentance and love for God, Holy. Canon read out loud is better calm and monotonous voice. Voice expressive attention is not necessary. Church and home prayers are not secular poetic works, so they are somewhat different. The most important thing when reading the sacred chants is the appeal of the soul to God, the spiritual world.

Before reading the canon, you can light the candle or lamp at the icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker. If there is no suitable image of the saint, then you can refer to the image of God's mother or Savior.

Akathist Nicholas Wonderwork

Akathist - a laudatory song to God, the Virgin or Saints. The first was written by the Blessed Virgin Mary in 626 in honor of the liberation of Constantinople from Persians.

Akathist consists of Ikos and Kondakov. A total of 24 storage song. Each Kondak ends with a call to the praise of God: "Alliluia!" And Ikos - a greeting chanting saint: "Rejoice!"

Akathist Nicholas Wonderworker was written after a while after his death. According to one of the versions, the laudatory anthem was written by Constantinople's ministers of the Church, on the other - by Russian Hieromonahs, who participated in the transfer of the world's reuse of the saint.

The Akathist's text can be purchased in the church shop, find on sites on the Internet, listen to audio points. In the first case, you can be confident in the quality and authenticity of the text. In addition, in the temples of consecrated in honor of St., once a week is read by the Akathist Saint Nicholas Railway. The forty-day reading of Akathist Nicholas the Wonderworker can be ordered in monasteries. At the same time, it is necessary to indicate the name of the person who will be about the health of the Akathist.

How to read akathist Nicholas Wonderworker

Before you commit the obligation to read the Akathist holy during a certain period, it is better to take a blessing from the confessor. The priest who makes the sacrament of confession, knowing spiritual forces, life circumstances and the inner state of the believer, bless or will give advice while postponing reading.

There are certain rules for reading akathist. Thirteenth Kondak - a prayer appeal to the saint - read three times. After the last Condak of Akathist, the first Ikos and Kondak are again read again. Then the prayer is read by Nikolai Wonderworker.

The number of days during which an Akathist is read is unlimited. Akathist can be read at any convenient time. It is better if the icon of the saint during this nearby will be located.

Often a laudatory anthem read for forty days. At the same time, if I had to skip the day, then the next one can continue.

Read the Akathist Nicholas The Wonderworker can and once, most importantly, feel the desire and desire to refer to the saint. Akathist equates to the hymn, so when it reads it is better to stand.

Why read akathist Nikolai Wonderworker?

Akathist, like Canon to St. Nicholas, the Wonderworker helps believers in a wide variety. Prayer appeal to the saint helps with any difficulties. You can find a lot of grateful reviews and real stories from people who tell about the resolution of difficult life circumstances after prayers to the Holy. Especially often they are treated with illness, financial and domestic difficulties, while traveling. Last lifetime, the bishop of Lycsky's world assisted many needy.

The Akathist text contains the saint's life. With many people, it is perceived much easier than Canon to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Do not refer to the reading of akathist as a magical rite and conspiracy. The desire of the rapid result will not bring benefit. The main sense when contacting the saint should be repentance and belief that the ward of God will hear the request and will help.

Prayers before reading akathist and canons

Before the akathist, you need to read the presenter prayers that will help prepare a person's consciousness to a laudatory song: to discard all the vigorous thoughts, focus on the text of the prayer. Typically, presenter prayers include: "Heavenly King", "Triced and Song", "Most Holy Trinity", "Our Father", "take away bowing." Also several times pronounced "Lord, Pomemui", and Psalms from Psaltiri are read. The same prayers are read and before the canon.

After reading akathist or canons, Nicholas the Wonderworker is pronounced prayers that are the same for all prayer rules.

Canons and Akathist in Church Slavonic

Prayer chants in church Slavonic language is much more difficult to find than in Russian.

In the temples, all the texts of worship is pronounced only at Church Slavonic. This language chooses the centuries-old experience of communicating a Russian man and God. In addition, reading at Church Slavonic helps to distract from everyday thoughts, create a special atmosphere and plunge into the world of prayer.

Akathist on Church Slavonic will be folded to perceive only the beginning to learn this language to the believer. In order for the text to be better perceived, you can read the translation and interpretation in Russian.

Canons, more complex in structure, it is better to read in Russian, so they will be easier for understanding.

What is better to read: akafist or canon holy?

Canon - more ancient genre of church chants than akathist. The text of the canons is written by the Holy Fathers, whose level of spiritual growth and awareness of the Divine Universe is much superior to the usual human understanding. Akathists, as a rule, were created in a later period of spiritual writers, not all of which were monks or servants of the Church. Therefore, choosing between the canon and the akathist, according to some priests, it is better to give preference to reading the first.

At the same time, the holy Akathist is read easier and perceived, since the structure of building text is much easier.

Canons Nicholas Wonderworker - less laudatory prayer than an akathist, but has a natural character. Despite this, you can ask for help and reading akathist.

Orthodox icons and prayers

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Akathist Nikolai Wonderworker read

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Nikolai's God's name was glorified by the miraculous list, which is endowed with an inexhaustible force. Saint during his lifetime always helped people cope with their troubles. Now it is simply impossible to list all the wonders, amazing healing or deliverance, which occurred thanks to the saint. If you read the Akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker daily, then many earthly problems can be solved, which cannot be solved by conventional earthly ways.

Akathist Nicholas Wonderworker - History

The value of prayer words to the holy and the very icon of St. Nicholas for a believer since ancient times was very large. After all, Nikolai has always been the first assistant of the mother of God and was constantly together with her and other saints in the earthly life when a man appealed in a tear prayer.

In Russia, immediately after the baptism of the country, the prince began and developed a strong twist of the Holy Russian people. In honor of the director of the Orthodox Church was a holiday.

Since then, probably, in every Christian house, the image of Nicholas is stored. After all, they are resorted to a wide variety. If you want to read akathist, it is better to do this in the temple before the miraculous list. Such lists are in every Russian church.

Akathist Nicholas Wonderworker - read 40 days in a row

But it is worth remembering that the reading of Akathist Nicholas the Ritae is not a magical ritual, but a prayer appeal to the Lord through the Holy. This is a pious occupation to be accompanied by true faith, humility and respect.

  • with severe soulful pains;
  • to search for new work;
  • for healing from diseases;
  • when solving apartment issues;
  • with a bad financial position;
  • with the loss of a loved one;
  • to gain a family or the second half.

Practice shows that the result from such a prayer appeal does not cause himself to wait. It is important, only to withstand the rule in 40 days and sincerely believe in divine power.

Akathist Nicholas Wonderwear to listen:

The text of the Akathist of God's Homes:

"Wi-up your world of outpouring, Bogomud, educate souls and televisions, Divnago Miotochka Libony, Nicolae, of course: Miracles Bo Yako watess, the grateful of God who are poured, the attacks that are true to God: Allilia."

"The mind is unreasonable by the Trinity of the Trinity, the Fathers were in Nikia with Holy Fathers of the Council of the Council of the Orthodox Faith: equal to the Father of the Son confined to Esi, and Sopriznolna, Aria, the sameness. Something for the sake of VERIA I learn how to chant you: Rejoice, great pious pillar; Rejoice, the right refuge of Grad. Rejoice, solid orthodoxy strengthening; Having rejoice, honestly, the trinity also wore and praise. Rejoice, the father is equitable to the son of the preached; Having rejoice, Aria is a halter from the Saints Cathedral. Rejoice, Father, Fents, Nice Krasoto; Rejoice, all the Bogomdri to do Dobryo. Rejoice, the fiery words emitting; Rejoice, the good old is your favor. Rejoice, Yako to you faith is approved; Rejoice, Yako to you, Yerez is populated. Rejoice, Nikolae, Great Wonderworker. "

"Sylow, given more than a tear, he disabled anyone from the face of Luhe Huths, the Bogonos Nicholas: the sharpening bors were the feeder, in the bunch of frozen, a fair ruler, an affecting healing, and all the assistants seemed to be an assistant, glaring God: Allilia."

"Having worked, Father Nicholas, with the heaven of the song you are coming to life, and not from the Earth: what kind of people do you want your shrines for preaching? But we, lovely you defeat, shine Ty Sita: Rejoice, the image of the lands and shepherds; Rejoice, holy cleaner of morals. Rejoice, virtues of the great contents; Rejoice, shrine clean and honest housing. Rejoice, the luminaire all over and past; Rejoice, the light is malicious and immaculate. Rejoice, worthy of angels interlocuting; Rejoice, kind people mentor. Rejoice, the rule of faith pious; Rejoice, the image of meekness spirituality. Rejoice, Yako to you get rid of bodily passions; Rejoice, Yako to the sweets of spiritual perform. Rejoice, Nikolae, Great Wonderworker. "

"The storm of bewilderment is embarrassed by the mind, which is worthily there are pets of wonders, Blessed Nicolae; Niktegro Bo may I proceedy, it would have had many languages \u200b\u200bin many languages \u200b\u200band glacocated; But we are developing God, in you glorifying, jerking chanting: Allilia. "

"Hearing, Bogomud. Nicolae, neighbor and distant Majras of your wonders, Yako through the air with light fertile crimes, the extension of the escaped in the troubles of prejection, soon from those eliminating all that such as such: rejoice, getting rid of sorrow; Rejoice, challenge grace. Rejoice, unhahered as a voyage; Rejoice, the desired good towers. Rejoice, a quick contestant in the troubles; Rejoice, terrible to the prisoner offended. Rejoice, miracles in the puchino, the deliberate God; Rejoice, the law of Christ was talked by God written. Rejoice, strong falling erection; Rejoice, the right to standing approval. Rejoice, Yako to you all flattery is exposed; Rejoice, Yako to you, every truth comes true. Rejoice, Nikolae, Great Wonderworker. "

"The Bodgety Star came to Esi, instructing the floating lute on the sea, guessing the upcoming soon sometimes, whether you would not have appeared to help, the miraculous Saint Nicholas; Already boobs, the ships of the nonsense forbing the ships forbing the ships, who had learned them, taught them to appeal to: Alilius.

"The videos of the schoblika, a marriage of a bad poverty for the sake of prepared, great to be a poor mercy, predicted by Nicholas, becoming the elder to the parents of their nodspeople, three Zlata gave themselves. For the sake of hears from all Sita: Rejoice, gravity is pretheying treasure; Rejoice, industrial about people in prihy. Rejoice, food and conquest to you feeding; Rejoice, the bread of the accurate accuracy. Rejoice, wealth, the poor in God living on the earth; Rejoice, the upwardness of the quickness. Rejoice, rapidly hear; Rejoice, who have a pleasant care. Having rejoice, Tryehv's immaculate little man; Rejoice, cleanliness a diligent keeper. Rejoice, unreliable hope; Rejoice, the whole world is pleasure. Rejoice, Nikolae, Great Wonderworker. "

"The world preaches the whole of you, Nicolae, Skorgo in the troubles of the intercession, Yako Molly, in a single hour on the ground, traveling and on the sea floating, predatory, the perpetrators, buy everyone from evil, blatant to God: Allilia."

"Animal's light disassembled, getting rid of warlods, unrighteous to the death of it, you, good Shepherd Nikolae, calling, would soon come in a dream of Tsarevi, frightened him, which were completely inflounted by the command. This is for the sake of the sake of them and we are grateful to cry: rejoice, hardly calling you helping; Rejoice, from the wrong kill is ridiculous. Rejoice, keeping slander from the flattery; Rejoice, unwrapped destroying the advice. Rejoice, confuse Luza Iko Pouchin; Rejoice, the challenge is nice to the truth. Rejoice, inconspicuous from UZ resolution; Rejoice, and dead revival. Rejoice, developer truth; Rejoice, the permanent of the wrongness. Rejoice, Yako to you unhappy with the rustle from the sword; Rejoice, Yako to you enjoy the light. Rejoice, Nikolae, Great Wonderworker. "

"Although the blasphemous heretical thrust of the Zamemradia, Miro Valitinna, the fragrant, mysterious appeared, Nicholas: People of Mirewicks dropped themselves and fulfilled the whole world with their gracious world. And from us, the umo is a member sinful sinful division of an outlines, and a more favorable God yelling: Allilia. "

"Novago Ma Noah, the Mentor of the ark of the Savior to understand, the Father Saint Nicholas, a storm of all those who accelerate the direction of his own, the silence of the Divine brings the blatant such: Rejoice, the Pacific Packed; Rejoice, immersing the famous storage. Rejoice, floating by the bayin good feed; Having rejoice, the sea outgrowing is distilled. Rejoice, walking in the whirlwind; Rejoice, seizing me in the mone. Rejoice, shine, sorrowful darkness accelerating; Rejoice, shone, the entire ends of the Earth is educating. Rejoice, from the abyss of sinful people delivering; Rejoice, in the abyss hellish Satan plunge. Rejoice, Yako to you dare the abyss of God's mercy call; Rejoice, Yako to you from the flood of anger delighted, the world with God is gaining. Rejoice, Nikolae, Great Wonderworker. "

"A strange miracle is running to you, Blessed Nicolae, the sacred church: in it bo and small prayer is bringing, grand ailments accept the healing, and there is no hope for the bose. Hope to we will put it, correctly: allilia."

"All of the Allian Assistant Assistant, Bogonos Nikolae, and I collected all the all-resorted to you, Yako freedom, the feeder and the doctor will quickly with all the earth, on the praise of everyone erecting screamed to you: Rejoice, every healing source; Rejoice, Luce is a terrible assistant. Rejoice, dawn, shining in the nosta sinful wandering; Having rejoice, Roso is not difficult in the heat of work. Rejoice, feeding the requirement requiring; Rejoice, prepare causing abundance. Rejoice, multiplinary pre-war Rejoice, the old seeds will update the power. Rejoice, many of the delusion of the truth to the truth; Rejoice, the Taine of God is a faithful servant. Rejoice, Jaco you enlighten the envy; Rejoice, Yako to you, unfortunately, I fix it. Rejoice, Nikolae, Great Wonderworker. "

"Once the sickness of the disease, the great of our intercession Nicholas, dissolving the fertile healer, the delaying souls of our souls, the hearts are having fun of everyone diligently towards helping your driving, God of blatants: allyluia."

"Vetia Peepurny's wicked visible to you, Bogomud Nicholas: Aria Bo Gully, divided by the Divine, and Savelia, Mixing the Holy Trinity, preplicated, and we also strengthened the Esi. This is for the sake of screenshots: rejoice, shield, protecting piety; Rejoice, sword, Singown Eggie. Rejoice, teacher of divine business; Rejoice, the desire of bad teachings. Rejoice, the rod, the approved God, we are asked for the sky; Having rejoice, the cover, the god of the building, right to be covered. Rejoice, Nevadrome manageable your literacy; Having rejoice, the lazy is the matured your morals. Rejoice, the Lights of the Commandments of God is restless; Rejoice, the ray of excuses of the Lord's superfold. Rejoice, I can teach your teaching the heretchy chapter; Rejoice, Yako to Vince is advised to glory. Rejoice, Nikolae, Great Wonderworker. "

"Save, although the soul, the flesh of your ovens conquered the survivors, our Nicholas, Molchanmi Bo before and Warring with thoughts, the act of God attached to the same, the same mind was tightened by the disagreement, I gave birth to God and Angels talked to God, always screaming: Allilia" .

"The walls of the praise, pre-plane, wonders and everything for the intercession of your residence; Toky and us, in the virtues of poor, from poverty, attack, ailments and the needs of various freedoms, the blatants with love with love: Rejoice, from the pussy of the ever-free; Rejoice, wealth is nonetable feeding. Rejoice, Brazno, who is unhelping, the accurate truth; Rejoice, Potey inexhaustible thirsty life. Rejoice, from the insurrection and brass observing; Rejoice, from Uz and the captivity free. Rejoice, the preschool in the troubles of the intercessory; Rejoice, presets in the defender. Having rejoice, many of the death of the wheezing; Rejoice, crumblingly inferiorly preserved. Rejoice, Yako to you by the mite of death of sinning avoid; Rejoice, Yako to you the life of the eternal you get acquainted. Rejoice, Nikolae, Great Wonderworker. "

"The singing of the Blesses of the Troinie is more than anyone, Nicolae, Mind, Word and Wheel: Many Bo-Trials Trials understood Esi, faith, hopefully and loved us in the Trinity of the One God of Heaven: Allilia."

"The Light Ray in the Marce of Life is a restless you see the god, the god is elected by the father of Nicolae: With the unreasonable Troic Lights, the faithful souls of enlightened, blatant, the faithful soul, rejoice, the illumination of Tris-Fernamago Light; Rejoice, Dennica of the Sunsible Sun. Having rejoice, the abstract, divine flame is arisen; Having rejoice, Yako fucked by the demon unwinding flame. Rejoice, bright lawwrld passion; Rejoice, reborn light Evangelskago shine. Rejoice, lightning, heresy fading; Rejoice, thunder, awesome seductive. Rejoice, TRUNNAGO Mind Header; Rejoice, mysterious to change the mind. Rejoice, Yako to you put the worship of the creature; Rejoice, Yako to you learn how to worship the Creator in Trinity. Rejoice, Nikolae, Great Wonderworker. "

"Grace, this TI from God, the knowledge-free, who rejoices your memory is celebrating on debt, the Pressenger Father Nicholas, and to the wonderful intercession to your breath; The most hundreds of your deeds, the Sand of Maskago and many StarRago proceedings are not able, in bewilderment to embrace former, shine to God: Alilia. "

"Through your wonders, I praise you, all-in-Nicolae: in you bo God, in the Trinity glorified, they decided to glorify. But in the threshold and threatened from the soul of Psalms and the songs bring, the miraculously holy, wonder than your wonderful wonderland, it should be so surprising, screamed to you: rejoice, the king of the reigning and gentlemen dominating the minister; Rejoice, servants of his heavenly humor. Rejoice, people are faithful; Rejoice, the genus of Christianskago elevation. Rejoice, the victory of the asogenic; Rejoice, the vengerically deliberate. Rejoice, all virtues of the grazor; Rejoice, all those who run to you strong took. Rejoice, at the Bose and the Virgin, all our hope; Rejoice, the televisions of our health and shower salvation. Rejoice, Yako you free from the eternal death free; Rejoice, Jaco to you endless lifestyle. Rejoice, Nikolae, Great Wonderworker. "

"About the Most Holy and Proveant Father Nicholas, the consolation of all the mournful, the present our acceptance and from Gehenna will get rid of us the Lord's mind with an obstacle petition, and you chase with you: Allilia."

(This Kondak is read three times)

"Angel in the way, earthland nature, Javi, you are all creator, the creator; Favorvenny Bo kindness of the soul of Tweeza Pridhev, predicted by Nicolae, teach everyone to scream with Sita: Rejoice, purified by the womb; Rejoice, even to the end of consecrated. Rejoice, the birth of your parents is surprising; Rejoice, the power of spiritual abie in christmas is. Rejoice, the garden of the promise; Rejoice, the color of Divinestrigaging. Rejoice, Lozo virtuous grapes of Christ; Rejoice, Tree Wonderful Paradise Jesus. Rejoice, Krina Roskagago ceremony; Rejoice, Miro Christ of Fragrances. Rejoice, Yako to you will disappear sobs; Rejoice, Yako to you is brought to joy. Rejoice, Nikolae, Great Wonderworker. "

"The miraculous and fair plenty of Christ, the world, and the uniform mercy of Miro, and the inexhaustible wonders of the sea, I praise the Love Love, Saint Nicholas: You're cuddling to the Lord, from all sorts of trouble free, yes: Rejoice, Nicolae, Great Wonderful. "

Any Orthodox Christian, sincerely next to its religious beliefs, should understand under an integral part of his beliefs a special spiritual church creation - akathist. It is impossible to call the life of the truly righteous if a person does not make the sacraments of the laudatory chant dedicated to the saints. Each Orthodox prayer contains the texts of the acathists. Some of the strongest and deep acafiste prayers are the "miraculous" praise in honor of St. Nicholas.

Nikolai Wonderworker - the ward of God, or St. Nicholas

Nikolay Wonderwork born in a deeply believer familyTherefore, since childhood it was determined that his life would be devoted to faith and serving to God. Being in infancy, then then the little nicolae began to show his miraculous abilities - after his birth, the mother of the boy immediately cured from diseases, and with the accomplishment of the Taintswa Baptism, Nikolai independently stood on his feet of about three hours without someone else's help, as if giving honors of the Great Holy Trinity .

Young Nikolai with a burning soul served the church, reading hulling teachings, having glorified by their years of their spiritual success. The wise and deep councils of Nikola were made in comparison with the sayings of the elders, and caused respectful respect in the simple people.

Adult Nicholas, becoming a priest, continued to work for the good of the simple people. He, as if only for this wakeful - helped everyone in need, hiding her blessings to make a common conversation. He worked alms, without requiring nothing in return, he spent a long hours in the tireless prayers for other people's sins. In an effort to life, Nikolai made a lot of pilgrimage travel to the shrines, creating good things and giving believers their progressive visions than saved many lives preventing troubles.

Nikolai The Wonderworker lived a lot of righteous years, he was departed to God being a deep old man. In all corners of the Earth, the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, pious God's assistant, Soreman and prayer for all and every aspecting help.

Nikola Saint is known and under other names - Nicolas of Sprint, Winter, Wet and Autumn, related to certain seasons, in which holidays are held in honor of the Wonderworker Nicholas and are accomplished by the congestion with prayers.

Akafiste prayer to help everyone desperate

Nikolai The Wonderworker is considered one of the most revered aspirations of the Lord among Orthodox believers. They pray to him, asking for help and salvation. Akafiste prayerful song dedicated to Nikolai St., is able to "sat down" any feeling of the sincere joy of spirit, fill his inner world with meaning, which will help to avoid temptations in life path.

Acafist's reading Nikolai Wonderworker accepted continue for 40 daysBut in order to fulfill the sacrament of a prayer word with understanding, it is necessary to consciously refer to the text of the acaapistic song. The Akathist himself first thought not at all as a certain genre, but solely as a praising word in the name of God's mother.

Already later, as other laudatory chants addressed to other saints, Akathist rose to the church song genre. The reading of each individual acaapical word requires compliance with certain rules, including the pronunciation of related other prayers. But it was the 40 akathists dedicated to Nikolai the Wonderworker, only common prayers have in their escort.

How to commit reading in 40 days?

Akathist Nicholas Wonderworker, designed for 40 days of readings, does not imply the daily rituals to pronounce acaapistic prayer texts. The whole point of this sacrament is that for 40 days a single acath is read. But you need to rememberthat this procession must necessarily be accompanied by other prayers both before and after reading the Akapisal Word.

Prayers whose pronunciation is required before the accumulation of akathist:

  • "The prayers of the saints of our father, Lord, Jesus Christ ...";
  • "Glory to you, our God, thank you ...";
  • "The king of the Heavenly, Comforter, the soul of truth ...";
  • "Truce. With our own ... ".

Prayers pronounced after reading akathista:

  • The prayer of the Most Holy Mother of God "worthy is ...";
  • "Glory and now ...";
  • Pronouncing three times of the words "Lord Pommery";
  • Again, the prayers of the Holy Father, Lord, Jesus Christ ... ".

The reading of akathist for 40 days promises to give a real miracle with a prayer. Nikolai Saint hear Molba everyoneFor how in life, but even after death, the waters of God Nikolai continues to assist all those who need to calm people.

The rule associated with the readings of akafist for 40 days, its origins refers to the events described in the New Testament - It is so much long days of the Lord our Jesus Christ observed the post before making his preacher word, and as much time he continued to be among people After his holy resurrection.

The number 40 in Orthodox Christian exercises is a symbol of something "full-fledged", "reached perfection." No wonder this number so often you can meet in various Orthodox sources - the Great Flood was destined to continue for 40 days and nights, the same time was Moses on Sinai, while I studied the commandments of God, two Jewish kings - Solomon and David, headed the throne to be equal to 40 years.

Many people who have made the decision to make the sacrament of reading akafiste word are doubtful. It seems to them that withstanding 40 days of daily prayers is an unbearable task, because everyone is familiar with everyday life - care for domestic, burden of life management, heavy working conditions. But everyone who took On the path of compliance with 40 days of reading akathist, notes that the acquired support at the spiritual level, tangible after the first days of chanting, gives a fertile feeling and worth any effort and spent time.

How to configure yourself to read Akathist Nikolai Svyatwer?

Nikolai Wonderworker, even in life, was famous for his simple and open temper, providing assistance to everyone who came to him with sincere motives. Therefore, for the saint is not so importantWhere and under what conditions a person will ask him to advice and instructs - whether at home or at work, in the walls of the temple or on just street in minutes of the powerlessness of despair. However, before turning to Nikolay the Wonderworker, you should call with the honors to his memory, thereby configuring yourself to my sincere petition. If possible, it is better to visit the church and put a candle before the face of the icon of the Holy, and for women to do this is recommended on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, men - on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.

But without complying with these conditions, Nikola, the saint will surely hear the words of the aspecting, if they emanate the hearts of pure and open to taking miraculous assistance.

Folding his knees in front of the icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker, need to clean your mind From extra thoughts, feel harmony with your own spirit and body, then just ask, mentally or out loud, but a calm and quiet voice, for help, before repenting in the sacrifices.

It is necessary with clarity to formulate your request to the saint in the details. You can contact Nikolai the Wonderworker in this way, presented as if right here and now, a wonderful dialogue is happening. The prayer pronounced with a sincere feeling should have been eliminating all the aspirations of the resulting.
Only the one who manslessly believes in the sacrament of the accuracy of the Most High Miracle, can be convinced of his existence, you need to open your soul before finding the patronage of Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Millennium's experience - how does Nikolai Wonderworker help?

Each of the reading of the Akathist Nikola, Nikola, notes an amazing result, literally changing fate. As a result, getting rid of the failures pursued at every step, the fatal temptations found along the road life, the feeling of excellence protection against the evil eye, damage and other negative influences from others. Combated sincere equilibrium, people come to a clear clarity of their aspirations and goals, feel the reliability of their favorites.

In exceptional wonderful cases, some have discovered clairvandal abilities that feel deserve such God's Dara. Removing the pain of soulful or physical, gaining new quality for themselves - selflessness, mercy and compassion - all this confirms the millennial experience of the overtaking 40-day ritual of a acaphistant reading by Nikolai St., because a miracle can be worn if it sincerely believed.

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Orthodox prayer

The text of Akathist Nicholas Szactera consists of 12 Ikos and 13 Kondakov, the latter - read three times. Kondaki in the Akathist alternated with Ikos, reflect the information about the life of the saint. IKOS, in the slightness from the condaca, contains phrases, mandatory to repetition: "Rejoice, Nikolae, the Great, Wonderful!"

Akathist St. Nicholas

Kondak 1.

Defense us The wonderworker and the elected minister of Christ, all over the Mira exacerbating the multi-precision mercy of MVRO and wonders inexhaustible sea! I praise you with love, saint Nicholas; You, as having a keen on the Lord, from all sorts of trouble I was released, so I called you:

Ikos 1.

Angel image, earthly nature, "the creator of all creation revealed you, for the multiple beauty of the soul of your providheev, the Nikolai, he taught everyone to heal to you:

Rejoice, from the peeled chirle, purified; Rejoice, even to the end of consecrated.

Rejoice, the birth of your parents surprised; Rejoice, the power of spiritual immediately at Christmas.

Rejoice, the branch of the promise; Rejoice, the color of the Divine plant.

Rejoice, vine virtuous vineyard Christ; Rejoice, Tree Miraculous Paradise Jesus.

Rejoice, Lily of the Heavenly Growing; Rejoice, MVRO Christ is fragrant.

Rejoice, because there is a sobbing distilled off; Rejoice, because you are brought to you.

Rejoice, Nikolay, Great Wonderworker!

Kondak 2.

Seeing the outpouring of your MVRA, Bogomdriy, we educate mentally and bodily, proceeding in you, Nikolai, a wonderful livelony mversion: For wonderland, like waters, in God's grace pouring, you will see with faithwing to God: Alliluia.

Ikos 2.

Founding inaccessible knowledge doctrine About the Holy Trinity, you were in Nicaee with the Holy Fathers a champion of the confession of the Orthodox faith: for it was equal to the father of his son, it was as eternal and equal to the authorities, the aria of the insanely impulsory. Therefore, faithful learned to chant you:

Rejoice, great piety pillar; Rejoice, asylum city faithful.

Rejoice, solid Orthodoxy Strengthening; Rejoice, the Blessed Trinity is precious chariot and praise.

Rejoice, son God equal honor to father proclaimed; Rejoice, Aria, who fell in madness, from the sonma of the saints.

Rejoice, father, fathers glorious beauty; Rejoice, all the Bogomrome wise wellness.

Rejoice, the fiery words emitting; Rejoice, the flock of your perfectly instructing.

Rejoice, for to you faith is approved; Rejoice, because you have a tightener.

Rejoice, Nikolay, Great Wonderworker!

Kondak 3.

Silot, given to you over, all sorts of tears are you from the face of hard for those who are terrible, the godfather of Nikolai: For the sharpening came the feeder, in the marine bunch of floating skillful nutrition, sudden healing and in everything you are with an assistant for everyone you enter alleluia.

Ikos 3.

It would have been truly, the father of Nikolai, the song from heaven to die, and not from the Earth; For how do any of the people be able to proclaim your holiness about the greatness of holiness? But we love your loved ones, we call you like this:

Rejoice, the image of lambs and shepherds; Rejoice, holy cleansing of morals.

Rejoice, virtues of the great contents; Rejoice, shrine clean and precious housing.

Rejoice, the lamp is light and all beloved; Rejoice, the light is malicious and immaculate.

Rejoice, worthy angels interlocutor; Rejoice, kind people mentor.

Rejoice, the rule of faith with pious; Rejoice, the image of swords of spiritual.

Having rejoice, for we get out of bodily passions; Rejoice, for you we are fulfilling to you.

Rejoice, Nikolay, Great Wonderworker!

Kondak 4.

The storm of bewilderment confuses my mind: how do you adequately fight your wonders, Blessed Nikolai? For no one can calculate them, at least and many languages \u200b\u200bhave and broadcast imi I raised. But we are God, in the glorifying you, daring to sing: alleuta.

Ikos 4.

Heard, Bogomdriy Nikolai, Middle and Daligious about the greatness of wonders: Usually, for you the first to rush for help as in air on light wings of grace to located in the troubles, from them soon to eliminate all that appeal to you like this:

Rejoice, getting rid of sorrow; Rejoice, graceman.

Rejoice, unexpected evonance; Rejoice, welcome the favor of the assair.

Rejoice, the fast comforter in the misfortunes; Rejoice, terrible overtakers offenders.

Rejoice, miracles of the baudes, the god poured; Rejoice, cried the law of Christ, the God written.

Rejoice, strong falling recovery; Rejoice, the right to standing approval.

Rejoice, for you will refuse any lies; Rejoice, for to you all the truth comes true.

Rejoice, Nikolay, Great Wonderworker!

Kondak 5.

You came to God with a movable star, sending once on the sea floating poorly, who was defended by death, if you didn't appear to help you, the Holy Wonderworker Nikolai; After all, when the demons are no longer going to fly and drown the ships, you, forbidding them, drove them, the faithful taught to appeal to the saving God through you: Alliluya.

Ikos 5.

They saw the sortie, to marry a shameful due to poverty prepared, great yours to the poor mercy, the Father Nicholas, when you are an older, the parent of them, at night, the three nodes of the gold secretly filed, his daughters himself saved from falling sinful. Therefore you hear from everyone praise:

Rejoice, the greatest grace of the treasury; Rejoice, fishery about people with a compatibility.

Rejoice, food and fade to you resorting; Rejoice, the bread is inexhaustible with sharpening.

Rejoice, wealth, poorly living on earth by God given; Rejoice, the early elevation of poor.

Rejoice, rapidly hearing; Rejoice, about the grieving benevolent care.

Having rejoiced, the three maiden marriage combined; Rejoice, cleanliness a diligent keeper.

Rejoice, hopeless hope; Rejoice, all the Mira enjoyment.

Rejoice, Nikolay, Great Wonderworker!

Kondak 6.

Preaching the whole of the MIR about you, Nicholas, as Sorrow in troubles the intercession, for many times at the same time on the ground traveling and on the sea floating the first coming to the rescue, together from the evils you retain all that appeal to God: Aliluya.


I excused as Light of life, bringing to deliverance to the warlords who had the death wrong to accept, and You, a good shepherd Nikolai, called when you, soon appeared in a dream of the king, frightened him, they had commanded unharmedly. Because we, together with them, thankfully call you:

Rejoice, diligently calling you helping; Rejoice, from the unrighteous killing delivering.

Rejoice, maintaining a cunning slander; Rejoice, destroying unrighteous advice.

Rejoice, bursting lies like a web; Rejoice, tuting a nicely truth.

Rejoice, innocent from Uz Liberation; Rejoice, and the dead revival.

Rejoice, which is the truth; Rejoice, perplexing in a lie.

Rejoice, because you are uncomplicated from the sword; Rejoice, because thanks to you, they enjoyed the light.

Rejoice, Nikolay, Great Wonderworker!

Kondak 7.

Wanting to drive a blasphemous heretic Smraff, Mwer truly dislike, the mysterious you came, Nikolay: People Mir of Lycian Pass, and The whole of the MIR fulfilled his fertile MVRO. And from us the gummy sinful Schrarady Diegoni, so we wrote out well-known God: Aliluya.

Ikos 7.

New Noah, the feed ark of the saving, we see in you, the Holy Father Nicholas, a storm of all the people who dispersing the management of his own, the silence of the Divine Bringing Thick:

Rejoice, wearable storms are quiet; Rejoice, immersing reliable security.

Rejoice, floating among the bayin good feed; Rejoice, thrust sea stopping.

Rejoice, conductor covered with vortices; Rejoice, warming the suffering from frost.

Rejoice, radiance, the darkness of the sorrows accelerating; Rejoice, shone, all the ends of the Earth enlightened.

Rejoice, from the abyss of sinful people delivering; Rejoice, in the abyss hellish Satan imagining.

Having rejoice, for in you the abyss of God's challenge tenderly urge; Having rejoice, because you have gotten up from the flood of anger, we gain peace with God.

Rejoice, Nikolay, Great Wonderworker!

Kondak 8.

An extraordinary miracle is coming to you, Blessed Nikolay, sacred your church: For it is even a small prayer bringing, we get the great parables healing, if only after God hope for you, we will put our intercession of our intercession, with faith calling: Hallelujah.

Ikos 8.

All of all you are truly a assistant, the gloomy Nikolai, and gathered together everyone, to you resorting, like a liberator, feeder and a doctor, quickly with all the earth, all lifting on praise, yes They call you like this:

Rejoice, every healing source; Rejoice, severely terrible assistant.

Rejoice, dawn, shining in the night sinful wandering; Rejoice, Rosa from heaven. Empty by the heat of works by Tommy.

Rejoice, supplies in needhammer; Rejoice who prepares asking abundance.

Rejoice, multiple our pushing ahead; Rejoice, old seeds renewing.

Having rejoice, many of the true accusability confessed from the path; Rejoice, the Taine of God is a faithful minister.

Rejoice, because we will enlighten with you; Rejoice, because thanks to you, unfortunate lives correct.

Rejoice, Nikolay, Great Wonderworker!

Kondak 9.

Any facilitates of the disease, the great of our intercession of Nikolai, preparing the graceful medicines, the souls of our souls, and the funny hearts of all, hard to help your resorts, God-writing: Aliluya.

Ikos 9.

Viatius in vain curly wicked visible to you disgraced, the Bogomdrome Father Nicholas: for for the Aria-Luzzle, dividing the Divine, and Savellia, which makes a mixture in the Holy Trinity, you won the dispute, we also strengthened in Orthodoxy. Therefore, we call you like this:

Rejoice, shield protecting piety; Rejoice, sword, evacuative.

Rejoice, Teacher of Divine Ventes; Rejoice, the desire of bad teachings.

Rejoice, the staircase, the approved God, according to which we are asked to heaven; Rejoice, the shelter, created by God, under which many are hidden.

Rejoice, Nevadrome managed by your speeches; Rejoice, the lazy climbing your nravami.

Rejoice, the Lightness of the commandments of God is restless; Rejoice, the charters of the Lord's ray ray.

Rejoice, for your teachings are crushed by the heads of heretics; Rejoice, for you are faithful to the faithful fame.

Rejoice, Nikolay, Great Wonderworker!

Kondak 10.

Save evil soul, you have conquered your flesh truly, our Nicholas, for, before total B. silence and boring with thoughts to Acts God fishery, the Mind Promise acquired the mind and He was daring to God and Angels talked, always appealing: Hallelujah.

Ikos 10.

The wall you, predicted, praising your wonders and everyone to the intercession of your residence; Therefore, we, scarce virtue, from poverty, misfortunes, ailments and troubles of various exemptions, writing you with love like this:

Rejoice, from poverty eternal saving; Rejoice, wealth is nonetable feeding.

Rejoice, food is inexhaustible as truth; Rejoice, Potey inexhaustible thirsty life.

Rejoice, from rebellion and brave preserving; Rejoice, from Uz and captivity frees.

Having rejoice, the preponder in the troubles; Rejoice, the greatest defender in the attack.

Rejoice, many from the death of the escort; Rejoice, countlessly preserved.

Rejoice, because thanks to you, the sinful life of death avoid; Rejoice, for by yours petitions Eternal life is received.

Rejoice, Nikolay, Great Wonderworker!

Kondak 11.

The singing of the Blessed Trinity has more different brought you, the Nicholas, the mind, the word and the case; For with the greatest accuracy, the dogmas of the right faith spoke, faithfully, hopefully and love us in the Trinity of the One God chant: Alliluia.

Ikos 11.

The light ray ray of the restless in the darkness of life is visible we see you, the god chosen by the father of Nikolay: for you talk about the unreacted three-minded light and enlighten the souls of the faithful, writing like this:

Rejoice, illumination of trislar light; Rejoice, Morning Star of the Necessary Sun.

Rejoice, candle, divine flame lit; Rejoice, for you fled the demonskie flame of dishes.

Rejoice, clear lawwriting sermon; Rejoice, beautiful light of gospel shine.

Rejoice, lightning, heresy fading; Rejoice, thunder, seductors awesome.

Rejoice, teacher of true knowledge; Rejoice, the smellaneur of the mysterious mind.

Rejoice, for to you Poprano worship of creatures; Rejoice, for we have learned from you to worship the Creator in Trinity.

Rejoice, Nikolay, Great Wonderworker!

Kondak 12.

The grace given to you from God, knowing, with joyful of your memory, we celebrate, as I must, the Pressenger Father Nikolai, and to the wonderful intercession of your all soul resorting; The most of your deeds, as the sand of the sea and many stars, we cannot count, and, in bewilderment, they look at God: Aliluya.

Ikos 12.

Heping your wonders, we praise you, all-in-Nikolai: For God in you, glorified in the Trinity, was greatly glorified; But if in a variety of psalms composed from the soul and the songs, we bring to you, the miracle, the saint, do nothing, equal to the gift of wonderland. I am wondering, we call you like this:

Rejoice, the king of the reigning and gentlemen of the dominant minister; Rejoice, servants of his heavenly coat.

Rejoice, faithful people help; Rejoice, the genus of the Christian elevation.

Rejoice, the victory has coated; Rejoice, the vengeress is famous.

Rejoice, the mirror of all virtues; Rejoice, all resorting to you strong wall.

Rejoice, after God and the Virgin Mary all our hope; Rejoice, our health and shower salvation.

Rejoice, for yours petitions We are freed from eternal death; Rejoice, because thanks to you, we encourage infinite life.

Rejoice, Nikolay, Great Wonderworker!

Kondak 13.

About the Most Holy and Stone Father Nikolay, consolation of all grieving! We accept our current offering and about delivering us from the geentials of the Lord's mind with a beigent petition, in order to you with you challenged: Alliluia. ( Three times)

Then 1? Th Ikos and Kondak 1?

Prayers to St. Nicholas

From the book when children are sick. Tips of the priest doctor Author Grachev Priest Alexy

Nicholas Wonderworker will help you from the book Author Guryanova Lily

Akathist Saint and the Wonderworker Nikolay, Archbishop World of Lycian Kondak 1 ended the miraculous and pretty plenty of Christ, the world from all over the Miracles of Miro and the inexhaustible wonders of the sea, I praise the Love Love, St. Nicholas; You, I have a banging

From the book of the path of blissful. Ksenia Petersburg. Matronushka-sandals. Maria Gatchinskaya. Lyubushka Susaninskaya Author Pechersk Anna Ivanovna

Akathist to St. Nicholas, Archbishop World of Lycian, the wonderworker Kondak 1, the miraculous and a fairable wake of Christ, the world from all over the Miracle Miriness and inexhaustible wonders of the sea, I praise the Love Love, Saint Nicholas; You, I have a banging

From the book Russian Orthodox prayer author

Canon to St. Nicholas Canon to the Saint and the Wonderworker Nicholasoppariarpraville Faith and the way meekness, the abstinence of the teacher twisted you of your immutable truth. Therefore, you purchased humility - high, poverty - wealth. Father Priest Nicholas, Moli

From the book, the main prayers for heavenly patrons. How and in what cases to pray Author Glagoleva Olga

Akathist to St. Nicholas Kondak 1Soy Wonderworker and chosen minister of Christ, the world excessive Miro Miro and inexhaustible wonders of the sea! I praise you with love, saint Nicholas; You, having a boldness to the Lord, from all my troubles is free, yes

From the book of prayer about the well-being of the family Author

Saint Nicholas Wonderworker 6 (19) December, all-in-law of Nicholas, wisely, and everywhere in the rabid, quickly assistant! Pomping, sinful and dull, in the present Sea of \u200b\u200bLife, the mind of the Lord God to lease all my sins, Elico

From the book of prayer Nikolay the Wonderworker Author Lagutina Tatyana Vladimirovna

Saint Nicholas the Prayer's Rook of the Prayer Oh, kind of our shepherd and the Bogomdrine Mentor, St. Nicholas, St. Nicholas! We hear us sinful, praying for you and calling your emergence of yours; Listen to us weak, deadly fortunate, all slands deprived and

From the book of the far parish (collection) Author Konyaev Nikolai Mikhailovich

Akathist Saint and the Wonderworker Nikolay, Archbishop World of Lycian Kondak 1 ended the miraculous and pretty plenty of Christ, the world from all over the Miracles of Miro and the inexhaustible wonders of the sea, I praise the Love Love, St. Nicholas; You, I have a banging

From the book of 50 main prayers for money and material well-being Author Berestova Natalia

Akathist to St. Nicholas Nikolai Khlebni how to enter the temple - on the right, on the wall, the image of Nicholas the Wonderworker. The face is almost not distinguished - paint baked brown-brown darkness! "But the eyes, kind and alive, look right on you ... and I immediately pulled to this image."

From the book of 100 prayers for fast help. With interpretations and explanations Author Volkova Irina Olegovna

Akathist to St. Nicholas (the story of the priest) - it was a long time ago ... - the priest Father Nikolai began his story. - I then only filed documents to the spiritual seminary. Summer was ... The heat ... That Thursday we agreed with my wife, that she will invite his girlfriend to visit.

From the book the miraculous power of the parent prayer Author Mikhalitsyn Pavel Evgenievich

The prayer to St. Nicholas the Romance Day of Memorial Day 6/19, 9/22 Maynikolay, called the Wonderwick, Archbishop Mir Lycian, lived in the III century. Studying the Sacred Scripture and conduct an awning life Saint began from early childhood. After the death of parents

From the book This assistance in a difficult hour [Nikolai Wonderworker, Matrona, Seraphim Sarovsky] Author Mikhalitsyn Pavel Evgenievich

St. Nicholas Mirliki, the wonderworker of the prayer, all-walled and all-way bishop, the great miracle, the Saint of Christ, the Father Nicholas, the Human of God, and the faithful slave, her husband's desires, a vessel. Family, strong pillar church, lamp

From the book of the author

Akathist Holy and the Wonderworker Nikolai Kondak 1 submitted by the Wonderaker and the fairiest wake of Christ, the world from all over the Miracles of Miro and the inexhaustible wonders of the sea, I praise the Love Love, Saint Nicholas: You, Yako, have a keenness to the Lord, from all sorts of trouble

From the book of the author

Troparians and prayers to St. Nicholas Tropar, Glas 4 Rule of Faith and the Image of Meekness, Abstaining the Teacher Javi Told the Father, Like the True: This is for the sake of the sake of the Highness High, Poverty, Rich, Father Sacred by Nicholas, the pray of Christ of God to escape souls

From the book of the author

"We all prayed to St. Nicholas Wonderworker" I had two stories related to St. Nicholas. The first one and my husband were late for the train. We drove from Dzerzhinsky to Moscow to Belarus. Released in an hour and a half. With the normal course of events would

From the book of the author

Akathist Holy and the Wonderworker Nikolai Kondak 1 submitted by the miracle and the fairness of Christ, the world from all over the Miracles of Miro and inexhaustible wonders of the sea, I praise the Love Love, Saint Nicholas; You, Yako, have a boldness to the Lord, from all sorts of mis

Dear brothers and sisters! Join the daily reading of Akathist to St. Nicholas without binding by time. During March, April, May, June months.
Those who want to join reading Write names in the comments.
Understand the prayer work together with all participants in prayer.
I ask for all participants, if possible, be celebrated in the comments after reading. Before reading akathist, please check if your names are made. If there are no names, write me to messages.
Presenter prayers read before akathist:
God, gracious Budy to me sinner (bow).

God, cleanse the sinners and nice me (bow).

Created by me, Lord, survive me (bow).

Without the number of sinners, Lord, forgive me (bow).

My master, the Most Holy Mother of God, save me sinning (bow).

The guardian of my holy angel, from all evil, save me (bow).

Holy Father, Nicolae, the moths of God about me (bow).

The prayers of the saints of our father, Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have mercy. Amen.

Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Seeless, Pomping us (three times, with a congestion and waist bonds).

Most Holy Trinity, nice us. Lord, to clean our sins. Vladyko, forgive our lawlessness. Holy, visit and healed our essentials, the name of yours for the sake of.

Lord, hindle (three times).
Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and are confused and forever. Amen.

Our father, izh, at Heaven. Yes, it will hire your name. Yes, your kingdom will come. Yes, there will be the will of yours, Yako in the sky and on the earth. Bread our urgent gone to us. And we leave our debts, I can also leave our debtor to our, and do not enter us in temptation, but save us from Lucavago.
Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have mercy with us. Amen.

Lord, hindle (12 times).
Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and are confused and forever. Amen.
Purchase, bow the prince of our God (bow).
Purchase, we will bow and fit Christ the prince to our God (bow).
Purchase, bow and fall to Christ myself, Tsarevi and our God (bow).

Psalm 50.
Miscellaneous, God, in the greatness of your grace, and the many generaries of your cleanse of my lawlessness. The Napa is my ohm from my lawlessness, and from my sin to clean me. Yako lawlessness my Az I know and sin my prettier is there. You have a single sorry, and shook before you coordinates, IKO and justified your wonderch and wonder, suffering are fraud. Beha Bo, in lawlessness they are conceived, and my mother is mine in Gresh. Behold, the truth was loved by ESI, the unlucky and secret wisdom of Tweese Yavili. Okropychi, Issop, and clean, ohmmachy, and smelling the snow. Hearing to my Dacy joy and cheerleh, the bones of the humble will rejoice. Take your face from my sin, and my whole cleaning is clear. The heart is purely creating in me, God, and the Spirit of Rights upgrade in my womb. Do not reject me from your face, and the Spirit of your saint is not from me. The joy of the joy of your salvation, and the Spirit of the Lord approve of me. We will teach the scientific way, and your dishusting will turn to you. Get rid of my blood, God, God's save my truth will rejoice in your truth. Lord, the mouth of my openings, and my mouth will praise your praise. I would like the victims, I would have raised the victims, gave birth, disconnects do not favor. The sacrifice of God is crushed, the heart is crushing and humbly God will not humiliate. Declauses, Lord, in favor of your Zion, and the Walls of Jerusalemsk will create. Then they favorably sacrifice the truth, the peraction and the discovered, then your Tales will be laid on Olody.

Symbol of faith
I believe in the One God's Father, the Almighty, the Creator of the Sky and the Earth, visible to all and invisible. And in the one-piece of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only beefish, and from the Father Born himself before all century; Light from the light, the god is true of God is true, born, is irrelevant, the father is unique, right away. For the sake of the sake of the person and our sake of salvation of Szedsago from heaven and embodied from the Spirit of Holy and Mary of the Virgin and in the smallest. Crucifago the same as Pilate, and the suffering, and buried. And resistant on the third day by Scripture. And ashadowed to heaven, and Sedying the Odessa Father. And Paki Supilo with Glevai Sudiuti Alive and Dead, the Eagle Centers will not end. And in the Spirit of Saints, the Lord, the life-giving, izh from the father outgoing, and with the father and son of Spoklans and Saglivim, the Glagolashago prophets. In one, the Holy, Cathedral and Apostolic Church. Confessing a single baptism in leaving sins. The resurrection of the dead, and the life of the future century. Amen.
Akathist to St. Nicholas,
Archbishop of the Mirlijan Wonderworker.

You see your world outpouring, Bogomud, educate souls and teals, Divnago Miotochnya Libony, Nicolae, of course: Miracles Boy Yako waters, the grateful of God who are poured, the attacks true to God: Aliluia.

The mind is unreasonable by the Trinity of the Holy Trinity, there was an ESI in Nikei with Holy Fathers to the Council of the Council of the Orthodox Faith: equal to Bo Father's son confidently confidently, Aria, Skirosnagno obsolen Esi. Something for the sake of VERIA I learn how to chant you: Rejoice, great pious pillar; Rejoice, the right refuge of Grad. Rejoice, solid Orthodoxy strengthened; ; Having rejoice, honestly, the trinity also wore and praise. Rejoice, the father is equitable to the son of the preached; Having rejoice, Aria is a halter from the Saints Cathedral. Rejoice, Father, Fents, Nice Krasoto; Rejoice, all the Bogomdri to do Dobryo. Rejoice, the fiery words emitting; Rejoice, the good old is your favor. Rejoice, Yako to you faith is approved; Rejoice, Yako to you, Yerez is populated. Rejoice, Nikolae, the great miracle.

Sylow, given by Tri, a tear of all disguised from the face of LUTE HUMAN, Bogonos Nicholas: the sharpening of the Boy was the feeder, in the Luchin of the Mursthery, a fair ruler, an affecting healing, and everyone, an assistant seemed to be an assistant, glaring God: Aliluia.

Having worked with the survival, Nicholas, from Heaven a song to you to be everybody, and not from the Earth: why bo Whing from a person will your shrine of the greatness of preaching? But we, lovely you defeat, shine Ty Sita: Rejoice, the image of the lands and shepherds; Rejoice, holy cleaner of morals. Rejoice, virtues of the great contents; Rejoice, shrine clean and honest housing. Rejoice, luminaire and all; favorite; Rejoice, the light is malicious and immaculate. Rejoice, worthy of angels interlocuting; Rejoice, kind people mentor. Rejoice, the rule of faith pious; Rejoice, the image of meekness spirituality. Rejoice, Yako to you get rid of bodily passions; Rejoice, Yako to the sweets of spiritual perform. Rejoice, Nikolae, the great miracle.

The storm of bewilderment is embarrassed by the mind, which is worthy of your petition wonders, Blessed Nicolae; Niktegro Bo may I proceedy, it would have had many languages \u200b\u200bin many languages \u200b\u200band glacocated; But we are diily God, in you glorifying, daring to chant: Alliluia.

Hearing, Bogomud Nicholas, neighbor and distant greatness of your wonders, Yako on the air with lightweight fertile crimes, echo esi in the troubles of prejection, soon from those than saving everyone who blather to you: Rejoice, getting rid of sorrow; Rejoice, challenge grace. Rejoice, unhahered as a voyage; Rejoice, the desired good towers. Rejoice, a quick contestant in the troubles; Rejoice, terrible to the prisoner offended. Rejoice, miracles in the puchino, the deliberate God; Rejoice, the law of Christ was talked, the gloomy. Rejoice, strong falling erection; Rejoice, the right to standing approval. Rejoice, Yako to you all flattery is exposed; Rejoice, Yako to you, every truth comes true. Rejoice, Nikolae, the great miracle.

The Bodgety Star appeared to appear on the sea by floating lute, right away, soon sometimes death would not have appeared to help themselves to help, the miraculous Saint Nicholas; Already boobs, the ships of the nonsense forbing the ships, who had learned, who had learned, taught them who had learned to give him anything that had taught them to appeal to: Aliluia.

The videos of the Schroeksians, a marriage of a bad poverty for the sake of predicted, the great one to the poor mercy, the Father Nicholas, becomes the elder to the parent of their nodspeople, three Zlata gave themselves, Samago with a dosphere delivering from the fall of sinchwall. For the sake of hears from all se: Rejoice, gravity is pretheying treasure; Rejoice, industrial about people in prihy. Rejoice, food and conquest to you feeding; Rejoice, the bread of the accurate accuracy. Rejoice, wealth, the poor in God living on the earth; Rejoice, the upwardness of the quickness. Rejoice, rapidly hear; Rejoice, who have a pleasant care. Having rejoice, Tryehv's immaculate little man; Rejoice, cleanliness a diligent keeper. Rejoice, unreliable hope; Rejoice, the whole world is pleasure. Rejoice, Nikolae, the great miracle.

The world preaches all of you, Nicholas, Skorgo in the troubles of the intercession, Yako Multiprigs in a single hour along the ground by traveling and floating, pre-valid, perpetrators, buy everyone from evil, shining to God: Aliluia.

Essed the light of the animal, the deliverance to the warlords, the unrighteous death of reality, you, you, good pastry, Nicolae, calling, would soon be in a dream of Tsarevi, frightened him, which were completely inflounted by the command. So for the sake of the sake of them and we are grateful to cry: rejoice, diligently calling the help; Gayai; Rejoice, from the wrong kill is ridiculous. Rejoice, keeping slander from the flattery; Rejoice, unwrapped destroying the advice. Rejoice, confuse Luza Iko Pouchin; Rejoice, the challenge is nice to the truth. Rejoice, inconspicuous from UZ resolution; Rejoice, and dead revival. Rejoice, developer truth; Rejoice, the permanent of the wrongness. Rejoice, Yako you have unhappy with the sword; Rejoice, Yako to you enjoy the light. Rejoice, Nikolae, the great miracle.

Although the blasphemous heretical thrusting of the Zlosmradia, the Miro valid incense, the mysterious appeared to Esi, Nicolae; Mirlyskaya people dropped away and fulfilled the whole world with their gracious world. And from us, the umo is a member sinful zelosmradia of the discharge, and a more favorable God scream: Alliluia.

Novago Ma Noah, the mentor of the ark of the savory of reason, the Father Saint Nicholas, a storm of all people who accelerately the direction of his direction, the silence of the divine brings the blatant such: Rejoice, the Pacific Pacific Associated; Rejoice, immersing the famous storage. Rejoice, floating by the bayin good feed; Having rejoice, the sea outgrowing is distilled. Rejoice, walking in the whirlwind; Rejoice, seizing me in the mone. Rejoice, shine, sorrowful darkness accelerating; Rejoice, shone, the entire ends of the Earth is educating. Rejoice, from the abyss of sinful people delivering; Rejoice, in the abyss hellish Satan plunge. Rejoice, Yako to you dare the abyss of God's mercy call; Rejoice, Yako to you from the flood of anger delighted, the world with God is gaining. Rejoice, Nikolae, the great miracle.

A strange miracle is running to you, Blessed Nicolae, the sacred church: in it bo and small prayer is bringing, grand inconsisses accept a healing, it will be laid on the bose at the bose. I will put it, rightfully: alliluia.

All of all the assistant assistant, the Bogonos Nicolae, and I collected all the all-resorted to you, Yako freedom, the feeder and the doctor quickly with all the earth, on the praise of all the scene to you: Rejoice, all sorts of healing sources; Rejoice, Luce is a terrible assistant. Rejoice, dawn, shining in the nosta sinful wandering; Having rejoice, Roso is not difficult in the heat of work. Rejoice, feeding the requirement requiring; Rejoice, prepare causing abundance. Rejoice, multiplinary pre-war Rejoice, the old seeds will update the power. Rejoice, many of the delusion of the truth to the truth; Rejoice, the Taine of God is a faithful servant. Rejoice, Jaco you enlighten the envy; Rejoice, Yako to you, unfortunately, I fix it. Rejoice, Nikolae, the great miracle.

Being the sickness of the disease, the Great Our Intercessory Nikolay, dissolving the fertile healer, the delaying souls of our souls, the hearts are fun to all diligently towards the help of your driving, God of blatants: Aliluia.

VEUTIA SUMUMUDNESS WHAT ARE VIEW TO BEY ARE ADVIDE, Bogomud Nicholas: Aria Bo Gulbar, divided by the Divine, and Savellia, Mixing the Holy Trinity, preplicated, and we also strengthened the ESI in Orthodoxy. This is for the sake of screenshots: rejoice, shield, protecting piety; Rejoice, the sword, attend Eggs. Rejoice, teacher of divine business; Rejoice, the desire of bad teachings. Rejoice, the rod, the approved God, we are asked for the sky; Having rejoice, the cover, the god of the building, right to be covered. Rejoice, Nevadrome manageable your literacy; Having rejoice, the lazy is the matured your morals. Rejoice, the Lights of the Commandments of God is restless; Rejoice, the ray of excuses of the Lord's superfold. Rejoice, I can teach your teaching the heretchy chapter; Rejoice, Yako to Vince is advised to glory. Rejoice, Nikolae, the great miracle.

Save, though the soul, the flesh of your ovens conquered the survivors, our Nicholas: Molchanmi Boy before and wrestled with thoughts, the act of God attached to Esi, the annoying mind was committed to the mind, I wondered with God and Angels talked, always screaming: Alliluia.

The walls of the praise, pre-plane, wonders and everyone to the intercession of your residence; Tokool and us, in the virtues of the taste; gih, from poverty, attack, ailments and the needs of various freedom, blatant with love: rejoice, from the poverty of the ever-free; Rejoice, wealth is nonetable feeding. Rejoice, Brazno, who is unhelping, the accurate truth; Rejoice, Potey inexhaustible thirsty life. Rejoice, from the insurrection and brass observing; Rejoice, from Uz and the captivity free. Rejoice, the preschool in the troubles of the intercessory; Rejoice, presets in the defender. Having rejoice, many of the death of the wheezing; Rejoice, crumblingly inferiorly preserved. Rejoice, Yako to you by the mite of death of sinning avoid; Rejoice, Yako to you the life of the eternal you get acquainted. Rejoice, Nikolae, the great miracle.

The singing of the Blessed Trinity of Page Others brought ESI, predicted by Nicolae, the mind, in a word and work: Many Bo Trial of Orthodox commands understood Esi, faith, hope and love and love of us in the Trinity of the Single God God: Aliluia.

The light beam in the gloom of life is a restless see, the election of the father Nicolae, the election of Father Nicholas: With the Angels' Nicholas, the Sveta of the Uncooked Troic Light, the faithful soul of educating, of the blatants: Rejoice, the illumination of Tris-Fernamago Light; Rejoice, Dennica of the Sunsible Sun. Having rejoice, the abstract, divine flame is arisen; Having rejoice, Yako fucked by the demon unwinding flame. Rejoice, bright lawwrld passion; Rejoice, reborn light Evangelskago shine. Rejoice, lightning, heresy fading; Rejoice, thunder, awesome seductive. Rejoice, TRUNNAGO Mind Header; Rejoice, mysterious to change the mind. Rejoice, Yako to you put the worship of the creature; Rejoice, Yako to you learn how to worship the Creator in Trinity. Rejoice, Nikolae, the great miracle.

Grace, given from God, knowledge of your memory, who rejoices your memory is celebrating on debt, the Pressenger Father Nicholas, and to the wonderful for; To your stupuses are accepted; The most woens of your acts, the Sand of Maskago and the many StarRago proceedings are not able to arouse former, shine to God: Aliluia.

Surprisingly your miracles, I praise you, all-in-Nicolae: in you bo God, in the Trinity glorified, they warmly glorified. But in the threshold and threatened from the soul of Psalms and the songs bring, the miraculously holy, wonder than your wonderful wonderland, it should be so surprising, screamed to you: rejoice, the king of the reigning and gentlemen dominating the minister; Rejoice, servants of his heavenly humor. Rejoice, people are faithful; Rejoice, the genus of Christianskago elevation. Rejoice, the victory of the asogenic; Rejoice, Venechnously deliberate. Rejoice, all virtues of the grazor; Rejoice, all those who run to you strong took. Rejoice, at the Bose and the Virgin, all our hope; Rejoice, the televisions of our health and shower salvation. Rejoice, Yako you free from the eternal death free; Rejoice, Jaco to you endless lifestyle. Rejoice, Nikolae, the great miracle.

About the Most Holy and Study Father Nicholas, the consolation of all the mournful, the present Our acceptance and from Gehenna would get rid of the Lord's misfortune to us, let you sing with you: Aliluia.

(This Kondak is read three times, then Ikos 1 and Kondak 1)

Angel way, earthland nature Natural Yavi to you all creator creator; Favorvenny Bo kindness of the soul of Tweeza Pridhev, predicted by Nicolae, teach everyone to scream with Sita: Rejoice, purified by the womb; Rejoice, even to the end of consecrated. Rejoice, the birth of your parents is surprising; Rejoice, the power of spiritual abie in christmas is. Rejoice, the garden of the promise; Rejoice, the color of Divinestrigaging. Rejoice, Lozo virtuous grapes of Christ; Rejoice, Tree Wonderful Paradise Jesus. Rejoice, Krina Roskagago ceremony; Rejoice, Miro Christ of Fragrances. Rejoice, Yako to you will disappear sobs; Rejoice, Yako to you is brought to joy. Rejoice, Nikolae, the great miracle.

Kondak 1.
The miraculous and pretty plenty of Christ, the world and inexhaustible wonders of the world and inexhaustible wonders of the sea, I praise the Love Love, St. Nicholas; You, Yako, have a keenness to the Lord, from all sorts of misfortune freedom, yes call: Rejoice, Nikolae, the great miracle.

Prayer to St. Nicholas Wonderworker.
About the great intercession, the bishop of God, Nicholas is predicted, and the sunflower charming wonders calling for the same hear of the early hear is, there is no pre-rash and saves, and get rid of, and from the troubles of all sophistication, from God given wonders and gifts to gratefulness! I hear the unworthy channel, with the faith of trying and prayer to you bring singing; You boat the default to Christ suggest. O norful in miracles, saint height! Yako, having a keenness, soon Vladyza will appear, and reverend his back of a prayer for him to him about the sinner, and from him the generosity of goodness, and they accept me in his intercession, and from all the troubles and evils, from the invasion of enemies visible and invisible freeing, and those of all the entrepreneurs and evils, and the struggling in my whole life reflecting; I am an inappreciation of my forgiveness of as soon as possible, and the kingdom of heaven is resolved by Justobi, and he pleases all the glory, honor and worship, with the original father, and with the Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and in the eyelids centuries. Amen.
Ending prayer after reading akathist
Prayer by agreement
Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, you told the most tired mouths: "Truly tell you that if two of you agree on earth to ask for anything, what I would ask, will be from the Father of My Heaven, for, where two or Three are collected in my name, there I am in the midst of them. " Impleutable words of yours, Lord, your mercy is obproved and people's humanity does not end. Some for the sake of Molim: Give me, and all those who bring the cathedral prayer with us, the names of their Lord know themselves, agreeing to ask you about any prosperous resolution of questions (in the field of finance, housing, employment) and about the health of your slaves:

Patriarch Kirill,
Elena, Catherine, Melania, Artemia
Love from the urge.
Andrei, Olga
Irina, Dimitri
Olga, Constantine, Nicky
Evgenia Lion Lyudmila Evgenia Otr.xenia Sergius Mary TB Maxima B. Allasia Valentina Anna and everyone's sorrope
Bol. Irina, Bol. Victoria, Bol. Vladislav with Chadami, Bol. Nicholas, Bol. Fotinia, Bol. Elena, Bol. Andrei
Stanislav, Lyudmila, Antonina, Valeria with Chadami, Helena
Vasily, Evgenia, Dionysius, Zechariah, Plato, Patapia, Nikita, Antonina, Galina, Tatiana, Elena, Catherine, Catherine, Niki
Natalia, Olga, Artemia

the requests of which you, Lord, know myself, fulfill our petition.
Help and sin (MU) and unworthy (MU) (R.B. Name) in a good resolution of the issue (we set out your request)
Hear us gracious Lord Prayers Svt. Nikolai Archbishop World of Lycian and Relief Everyone Musks for His ineverance, Generosity, Love and Grace in the glory of His Holy Name!
But Obache is not the same, we want, but you are. Maybe there will be your will of your will. Amen.
It is worthy, I can be very worn by the Virgin the Virgin, the courtesy and the presets and the mother of our God.
Honestly cherub and a sorry without comparing Seraphim, without the evillation of God, the words rising, sowing the Virgin, the Major.
Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and are confused and forever. Amen.
Lord, hindle (three times). Bless
The prayers of the saints of our father, Lord Jesus Christ, God, have mercy. Amen.

Wonderworker Defense Miracle / and Chosen Minister of Christ, / Wow, Corrosive / Miracle Miro / And Miracles The Insureed Sea! / I praise you with love, saint Nicholas; / You are, as having keen to the Lord, / from all sorts of misfortunes I was released, so I wrote to you:

Ikos 1.

Angel image, earthly nature, / - So you revealed you the creator, / For the multiple beauty of your soul providhev, premarked Nikolai, / taught him all like that of you:
Rejoice, from the peeled chirle, purified; / Rejoice, even to the end of consecrated.
Rejoice, the birth of your parents surprised; / Rejoice, the power of the spiritual immediately at Christmas.
Rejoice, the branch of the promise; / Rejoice, the color of the Divine plant.
Rejoice, vine virtuous vineyard Christ; / Rejoice, Tree Miraculous Paradise Jesus.
Rejoice, Lily of the Heavenly Growing; / Rejoice, Miro Christ of Fragrances.
Rejoice, because there is a sobbing distilled off; / Rejoice, because you are brought to you.

Rejoice, Nikolay, Great Wonderworker!

Kondak 2.

Seeing the outpouring of your world, the sound, / we educate mentally and bodily, / proceeding in you, Nikolai, / Wonderful lively peace: / for wonderland, like waters, in God's grace pouring, / see you with faithful to God: / Alliluia.

Ikos 2.

Capturing the inaccessible knowledge / doctrine of the Holy Trinity, / There were you in Nii with the Holy Fathers / Chassis the confession of the Orthodox faith: / for it was equal to the father of his son, / as eternal and equal to the authorities, / Aria, the insane obesity. / Therefore, the faithful learned to chant you:
Rejoice, great piety pillar; / Rejoice, asylum city faithful.
Rejoice, solid orthodoxy strengthening; / Rejoice, the premium trinity precious chariot and praise.
Rejoice, the Son of God is equal to the honor of the Father proclaimed; / Rejoice, Aria, who fell in madness, from the sonma of the saints.
Rejoice, father, fathers glorious beauty; / Rejoice, all the Bogomdry wise wellpie.
Rejoice, the fiery words emitting; / Rejoice, the flock of your perfectly sign.
Rejoice, for to you faith is approved; / Rejoice, because there is a heresy falls.
Rejoice, Nikolay, Great Wonderworker!

Kondak 3.

I will force, given over you, : / Alliluia.

Ikos 3.

It would have been a surry, Nikolai, / from the heavens of the song to you, and not from the Earth; / For how any of the people will be able to proclaim your holiness? / But we love your loved ones, / I cite like this:
Rejoice, the image of lambs and shepherds; / Rejoice, holy cleansing of morals.
Rejoice, virtues of the great contents; / Rejoice, shrine clean and precious housing.
Rejoice, the lamp is light and all beloved; / Rejoice, the light is malicious and immaculate.
Rejoice, worthy angels interlocutor; / Rejoice, kind people mentor.
Rejoice, the rule of faith with pious; / Rejoice, the image of swords of the spiritual.
Having rejoice, for we get out of bodily passions; / Rejoice, because we are fulfilling to you with the delights.
Rejoice, Nikolay, Great Wonderworker!

Kondak 4.

The storm of bewilderment confuses my mind: / How do you deserve your wonders, Blessed Nikolai? / For no one can calculate them, / at least many languages \u200b\u200bhave / and broadcast them. / But we god, drank in you glorifying, daring to chant: / Alliluia.

Ikos 4.

Heard the Bogomdrome Nikolai, / Middle and Daligious about the greatness of wonders: / Usually for you the first to rush to the rescue / as the air on the light wings of grace / to the troubles, / they will soon save / all entering you like this:
Rejoice, getting rid of sorrow; / Rejoice, graceman.
Rejoice, unexpected evonance; / Rejoice, desired benefits the assair.
Rejoice, the fast comforter in the misfortunes; / Rejoice, terrible overtakers offenders.
Rejoice, miracles of the baudes, the god poured; / Rejoice, cried the law of Christ, the God written.
Rejoice, strong falling recovery; / Rejoice, the right to standing approval.
Rejoice, for you will refuse any lies; / Rejoice, for you all the truth comes true.
Rejoice, Nikolay, Great Wonderworker!

Kondak 5.

You came with the god movable star, / directing once on the sea floating poorly, / which death had to be soon, / if you did not appear to help, / you, the Holy Wonderworker Nikolai; / After all, when the demons are no longer going to fly / and drown the ships, / you, forbidding them, drove them, / loyal taught to appeal to the saving God: / Alliluia.

Ikos 5.

Summerly sowing, for marriage shameful / because of poverty prepared, / great yours to beggar mercy, / Father Nicholas, / When you are an older, parent's parent, / At night, the three nodal of gold secretly filed, / his daughters himself eliminating the fall of sinful . / Therefore you hear from all such praise:
Rejoice, the greatest grace of the treasury; / Rejoice, fishery about people with a compatibility.
Rejoice, food and fade to you resorting; / Rejoice, the bread is inexhaustible with sharpening.
Rejoice, wealth, poorly living on earth by God given; / Rejoice, quickly elevation of poor.
Rejoice, rapidly hearing; / Rejoice, about grieving poor care.
Having rejoiced, the three Virgin defensive marriage combined; / Rejoice, purity a diligent keeper.
Rejoice, hopeless hope; / Rejoice, all the Mira enjoyment.
Rejoice, Nikolay, Great Wonderworker!

Kondak 6.

I preach the entire MIR / about you, Nicholas, To God: / Alliluia.


You have excused, like the light of life, / bringing the deliverance to the warlords, / who had to take the wrong to accept, / and you, the good shepherd of Nikolai, called, / when you, soon, who came in a dream of the king, frightened him, / they were unharmed to let go. / Therefore, we are together with them / thankfully call you:
Rejoice, diligently calling you helping; / Rejoice, from the unrighteous killing delivering.
Rejoice, maintaining a cunning slander; / Rejoice, destroying unrighteous tips.
Rejoice, bursting lies like a web; / Rejoice, tuting a nice truth.
Rejoice, innocent from Uz Liberation; / Rejoice, and the dead revival.
Rejoice, which is the truth; / Rejoice, thrilling in a lie.
Rejoice, because you are uncomplicated from the sword; / Rejoice, because thanks to you, they enjoyed light.
Rejoice, Nikolay, Great Wonderworker!

Kondak 7.

Wanting to move the blasphemous heretic SMRR, / Mwer the worker, the mysterious you came, Nikolai: / People MVR Lycian Paz, / And the whole of the MIR with his fertile Mvroma performed. / And from us the gummy sinful Schrarady Diegoni, / in order we appeal to God: / Alliluia.

Ikos 7.

New Noah, the Kormchev Saving Ark / we see in you, the Holy Father Nicholas, / Storm of all the people who dispersing the management of his own, / the silence of the Divine Bringing Thick:
Rejoice, wearable storms are quiet; / Rejoice, drowning reliable security.
Rejoice, floating among the bayin good feed; / Rejoice, the closure of the sea stopping.
Rejoice, conductor covered with vortices; / Rejoice, warming the suffering from frost.
Rejoice, radiance, the darkness of the sorrows accelerating; / Rejoice, shone, all the ends of the Earth enlightened.
Rejoice, from the abyss of sinful people delivering; / Rejoice, in the abyss hellish Satan imagining.
Having rejoice, for in you the abyss of God's challenge tenderly urge; / Rejoice, because you are getting riddled from the flood of anger, the world with God is gaining.
Rejoice, Nikolay, Great Wonderworker!

Kondak 8.

An extraordinary miracle is / resorting to you, Blessed Nikolay, / Sacred Your Church: / For, in it, even small prayer bringing, / we receive great healing ailments, / if only after God hope you will be laid on you, with faith calling: / Alliluia.

Ikos 8.

All of you are truly a truly assistant, / God-nikolai, / and gathered together, to you resorting, / like a liberator, feeder and a doctor quickly with all earthly, / all lifting on praise, yes they appear like this:
Rejoice, every healing source; / Rejoice, severely terrible assistant.
Rejoice, dawn, shining in the night sinful wandering; / Rejoice, Rosa from heaven. Sourling in the heat of works in Tom.
Rejoice, supplies in needhammer; / Rejoice who prepares causing abundance.
Rejoice, repeatedly our petitions are ahead; / Rejoice, old seeding power renewing.
Having rejoice, many of the true accusability confessed from the path; / Rejoice, the Taine of God is a faithful minister.
Rejoice, because we will enlighten with you; / Rejoice, because thanks to you, a fragile life I fix it.
Rejoice, Nikolay, Great Wonderworker!

Kondak 9.

Any facilitates of the disease, / Great our intercessor Nikolai, / Preparating Holy Medications, / Our Georgeless Souls, / and the funny hearts of everyone, / hard to help your resorts, / God-writing: / Alliluia.

Ikos 9.

Viatius in vain wondering wicked / see to you disgraced, / Bogomdry Father Nikolai: / For Aria-Luzzle, dividing the Divine, / And Savellia, which makes a mixture in the Holy Trinity, / You won the dispute, we have strengthened in Orthodoxy. / Therefore, we call you like this:
Rejoice, shield protecting piety; / Rejoice, sword, evilty.
Rejoice, Teacher of Divine Ventes; / Rejoice, the desire of bad teachings.
Rejoice, the staircase, the approved God, according to which we are welcome to heaven; / Rejoice, the shelter, created by God, under which many are hidden.
Rejoice, Nevadrome managed by your speeches; / Rejoice, lazy climbing your nravami.
Rejoice, the Lightness of the commandments of God is restless; / Rejoice, the charters of the Lord's ray ray.
Rejoice, for your teachings are crushed by the heads of heretics; / Rejoice, for you are faithful to fame.
Rejoice, Nikolay, Great Wonderworker!

Kondak 10.

Save wishing the soul, / you walked the flesh of our Spirit, / Father our Nicholas, / For, first of all, in silence and boring with thoughts / To Act, the birth probably acquired, / God, the mind acquired / and they dorned with God and Angels talked, / Always appealing: / Alliluia.

Ikos 10.

Wall you, preheated, / praising your wonders / and everyone to intercession of your residence; / Therefore, we, scarce virtue, / from poverty, misfortunes, ailments and troubles of various free, / writing you with love like this:
Rejoice, from poverty eternal saving; / Rejoice, wealth is nonetable feeding.
Rejoice, food is inexhaustible as truth; / Rejoice, pidets inexhaustible thirsty life.
Rejoice, from rebellion and brave preserving; / Rejoice, from bonds and captivity frees.
Having rejoice, the preponder in the troubles; / Rejoice, the greatest defender in the misfortune.
Rejoice, many from the death of the escort; / Rejoice, countless endlessly preserved.
Rejoice, because thanks to you, the sinful life of death avoid; / Rejoice, for according to your petitions, the eternal life is received.
Rejoice, Nikolay, Great Wonderworker!

Kondak 11.

Singing of the Blessed Trinity / Significant Brought you, Nikolai, / Mind, Word and Del; / For with the greatest accuracy, the dogmas of the right faith explained, / faith, hope and lovely by writing us / in the Trinity one God to chant: / Alliluia.

Ikos 11.

Light beam Rayless / In the darkness of life staying / We see you, the god chosen by Father Nikolai: / For with the most angelic lights / talk about the unprecedented three lights / and enlighten the souls of the faithful, / writing you like this:
Rejoice, illumination of trislar light; / Rejoice, Morning Star of the Necessary Sun.
Rejoice, candle, divine flame burned; / Rejoice, for you fled the demonic flame of dishonor.
Rejoice, clear lawwriting sermon; / Rejoice, beautiful light of the gospel shine.
Rejoice, lightning, heresy fading; / Rejoice, thunder, awesome seductors.
Rejoice, teacher of true knowledge; / Rejoice, the smellarger of the mysterious mind.
Rejoice, for to you Poprano worship of creatures; / Rejoice, for we have learned from you to worship the Creator in Trinity.
Rejoice, Nikolay, Great Wonderworker!

Kondak 12.

The grace given to you from God, knowing, / with joy of your memory, we celebrate, as if it should, / the Pressenger Father Nikolai, / and to the wonderful intercession of your whole soul resorting; / The most acts of your acts, / Like the sand of the sea and many stars, we cannot calculate, / and, in bewilderment, they look at God: / Alliluia.

Ikos 12.

Sick of your wonders, we praise you, all-out Nicholas: / For God in you, glorified in the Trinity, was greatly glorified; / But if in many of the souls / Psalms and songs, we bring to you, the wonderworker saint, / do not commit anything to the gift of your wonderland; / They are surprised, we call for you like this:
Rejoice, the king of the reigning and gentlemen of the dominant minister; / Rejoice, servants of his heavenly coat.
Rejoice, faithful people help; / Rejoice, the genus of the Christian elevation.
Rejoice, the victory is determined; / Rejoice, the famous vengeress.
Rejoice, the mirror of all virtues; / Rejoice, all resorting to you strong wall.
Rejoice, after God and the Virgin Mary all our hope; / Rejoice, our health and shower salvation.
Rejoice, for for your petitions, we frees from eternal death; / Rejoice, because thanks to you, we encourage infinite life.
Rejoice, Nikolay, Great Wonderworker!

Kondak 13.

About the Most Holy and Stone Father Nikolay, / Consolation of All Morning! / We accept our current offering / and about delivering us from the geentials of the Lord's skil / a beigent petition, / in order to you with you challenged: / Alliluia.

This Kondak is read three times, then IKOS 1st and Kondak 1st


Prayer first

Oh all-walled and all honorable bishops, great wonderworker, saint of Christ, Father Nikolai, man of God and the right slave, husband of desires, the selected vessel, a strong pillar of the church, the lamp of the LED, the star is illuminating and illuminating the entire universe! You are the righteous, as the palm tree, planted in the yards of the Lord of his; Those who lived in everything, you are fragrant of MVRA MIR fulfilled and the MWRO is exy than God's inexhaustive grace. Your procession, the Most Holy Father, the sea was sanctified when the many of your power marched to Grad Bariysky, so that the Lord's name was praised from East to West. Oh distitive and pre-wonderworker, fast assistant, hot intercession, shepherd request, saving verbal herd from all sorts of trouble! You glorify you and you are greatly as the hope of all Christians, a source of wonders, a defender of the faithful, wisdom of the teacher, the sharpening feeder, crying merry, naked robes, sick of a doctor, by sea of \u200b\u200bfloating feed, prisoners of the liberator, widows and orphans of the feeder and the intercessor, the guardian chamber, Babies of the meek teacher, old strengthening, postmen of the mentor, workers, restoring, poor and poor abundant wealth. Hear us, you are praying and resorting to your shelter, Javi is your idea about us to the Almighty and Ocportant Prayers All, useful to the salvation of our souls and bodies; Save the holy abode of this [or the temple of this], every city and the village, and all the country of Christian and people, in her living from every disaster with your help; For we know, we know how much the prayer of the righteous, contributing to good; You, the same, after the predicted Virgin Mary, we have a concern to the furnace of God, and to your, feedback, hot petition and intercession, humbly resorted; You will save us, like a cheerful and kind shepherd, from all enemies, mara, earthquake, hail, hunger, flooding, fire, sword, invasions of the invasion, and in all sorts of troubles and the sorces of our sorces, give us a hand of help, and take us away the doors of the Mercy of God; Because we are unworthy to look at the height of the heavens from the many untruling of ours, are connected by the Uza sins, and never have done the will of our creator and did not comply with his commands. Therefore, we bring our knees of the crushed and humble heart before the Creator, and your father's intercession is pleased with it: help us, the servant of God, and they will not die with our lawlessness, to save us from any evil and from every business of hostile, to act our mind and strengthened the heart Our right faith, in which in your face and petition, nor wounds, no threats, we will not, but here we will live peacefully live and will advise you to see the goods on the land of the living, the famous Father, and Son , and the Holy Spirit, one in the Trinity of the Slavic and Powered God, now and always, and forever and ever, Amen.

Prayer Second

About the Mustive Nikolay, the Pressenger of the Lord, the hot, our intercession, and everywhere in the sorrows a quick assistant! Help me, sinful and dull: in the current life of the mind of the Lord God to give me a vacation of all my sins, how much I sinned from my youth through my life, a word, a crumbiness and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul help me, the miserable, the mind of the Lord God, all the creation of the creator, save me from air solarms and eternal torment, so that I constantly glorified the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and your graciousness, now and always eyelids of centuries, amen.

Prayer Third

About the whole Father Nicholas, a shepherd and teacher of all, with the faith of resorting to your intercession and in the hot prayer you call you! Soon, hurry and save Christ's a herd from wolves, whipping him, and all the country of Christian fences and save the holy prayers from the worldly insurrection, earthquake, invasion of the interemphetics and civil war, from hunger, flooding, fire, sword and from sudden death. And how did you pardon three husbands, in the dungeon sitting, and got rid of them from the royal anger and from the truncation with a sword, so merry and me, the mind, the word and the case in the darkness of the sins of the sinks, and get rid of me from the wrath of God and eternal punishment, and your petition And by the help of his own mercy and the grateful of Christ, God quiet and sinless life will give me to live in a century, and save me from the fate of the left, and it will make it easy to be right with all the holy, Amen.

* Translation into Russian Ieromona Amvrosiy (Tymrot).