The largest opera theaters of the world. The most famous opera theaters of the world

The largest opera theaters of the world. The most famous opera theaters of the world
The largest opera theaters of the world. The most famous opera theaters of the world

Opera theaters occupy a special place among all architectural structures. According to the current tradition, during the construction of opera theaters, architects tried not only to create the necessary acoustics, but also decorate the building as a fit. Rich stucco on the facade, antique statues and columns are as beautiful as the theater corridors, scene and lodges. The best world opera theaters are not only cultural, attractions, but also amazing architecture samples. Here are the top 10 from the best.

The Bolshoi Theater began its history in 1776, and in 1780 he drove into his first building, stood up 25 years old. A modern building with columns and bronze quadriga, Peter Klodt, was solemnly open at the beginning of 1825. The first performance is "Celebration of Mus." Since then, the theater has undergone several large-scale renovations. In 2005, the theater was closed for reconstruction and opened only after 6.5 years. Today it is one of the largest theaters of Russia and one of the most significant in the world!

The wonderful palace in the Neenessian style is among the most beautiful opera theaters of the world. It was created by the Hungarian architect Miklos Ibl, and the building is considered the crown of his work. The theater is standing statues of Ferinets Sheet and Ferenc Erkel, and the building itself is richly decorated inside and outside ornaments, paintings and sculptural elements.

In the theater world, his name is simply "Met", despite the fact that it is considered almost the most prestigious and influential opera theater in the world. At different times, the best world performers were shone at different times, including Plasido Domingo, Luciano Pavarotti, Maria Callas and even Fedor Shalyapin. The theater began with a small troupe gathered in 1880. The old building no longer exists, and the new appeared in 1966. It is famous for wonderful acoustics and a stunning huge curtain, manually embroidered with sparkles and real silk. Translations from this theater are conducted online via the Internet.

He was opened in 1908, and the first opera on the new stage was "Aida" Verdi. There are almost 2.5 thousand seats and a thousand standing places. Before the appearance of the Sydney Opera House, he was the most capacious, and Maestro Pavarotti himself appreciated the ideal acoustics of the hall. Several times the theater was rebuilt and updated. The last large-scale reconstruction ended in 2010.

The oldest European Opera House was opened in 1737. Theater in different years managed Joakkino Rossini and Gaetano Donizetti. The building was burning, subjected to bombardments during the war and survived several large-scale reconstructions. It was on this scene that the young cargo of the ridiculous to the public was played and had never looked at the stage in Naples. Many famous Italian opera singers began their career here, also this scene saw a lot of prime minister.

This Opera House was opened in 1869 by the production of Don Juan Mozart. The building of the Opera House of the Neenessance was created by the project of August Sicarda, the background of Sikardhouseburg and Eduard van der Nyulla. During the bombing of Vienna in World War II, the theater suffered a lot and worried about decline. Only in 1955 the building was renovated and at the same time a tradition was restored to conduct annual balls. Interestingly, the Austria is quite popular by the Metal-group Angizia, all the participants in which are the existing artists of the Vienna State Opera.

It is difficult to imagine the Opera House in the very heart of tropical jungle, especially if it is created according to the sample of the best European theaters - with stucco, Italian marble, lumpy velvet furniture. This is how the Amazonas Theater looks like. He was opened in 1896 and struggled contemporaries with an unprecedented scale. Only one dome of the building from the outside is covered with ceramic tiles for the color of the national flag, for which it took 36 thousand tiles. Anna Pavlova danced here and sang Enrico Caruso. In the period when Manaus lost huge revenues from the production of rubber, the city was experiencing decline and the theater was closed. Only 90 years later in 1990, the theater doors revealed again.

The ancient Greeks, playing by Mysteries in honor of God Dionysus, did not suspect that they became the priests of new art. The names of Euripid, Sophokla and Aristophan - fathers of the ancient Greek theater are known to any educated person today, and their individual plays are not going from theatrical stage even in the age of digital technologies. Speaking about theatrical stage, it should be noted that the amphithera antiquity that appears in the era of antiquity were thoroughly "forgotten" in the Middle Ages, when theatrical representations were arranged in churches or directly on market squares.

By the XVI century, the situation in Europe is changing: the first theaters are being built for the public entertainment. Today, the "temples of Melpomen" is in any country, and some of them acquired quite well-deserved world fame.

Covent Garden, London. Covent Garden - the area of \u200b\u200bthe British capital, - who has given the name built here to theater. Its discovery took place in December 1732, and almost immediately the theater became one of the best in London. Two years later, besides dramatic performances, Ballet and Opera George Handel, who occupied the position of musical leader of the theater at the time, was put in Covent Gardena. Covent Garden was burned twice, in 1808 and 1856, the current building of the theater, built in 1858, was completely reconstructed in the 1990s. At his stage, many famous opera singers appear on his stage, and Covent Garden himself is known for the fact that, unlike many other theaters, here you can listen to the Opera in the original language.

La Scala, Milan. The fact that Italian La Rock is included in the list of the most famous theaters of the world, should not be surprising. Theaters on the Apennine Peninsula existed even during the Roman Empire, and modern opera art originates in Italy the Renaissance. The La Scala Theater opened in 1778 by the formulation of the Opera "Recognized Europe". Its author was Antonio Salieri - the famous hero of Pushkin's poem and at one time a rather popular composer. Since then, the opera of many Italian composers with world names, such as Pucchini, Bellini, Verdi and Rossini, took place in the La Scala Theater. In 2004, after a three-year reconstruction, the theater season opened on an updated stage, as many years ago, Opera Salieri "recognized Europe". By the way, it was the La Scala Theater that is the title of the most famous theater in the world according to the portal SAMOGO.NET.

Grand Opera, Paris. Without a doubt, this is the most famous theater of France, whose history begins in 1669, when the Camber Composer and the Poet of Perren with the consent of King Louis XIV founded the Opera House in Paris. For centuries, French Melpomen changed the name several times and location, until he was finally "settled" in the IX district of the capital in the building built on the project of the Architect Charles Garnier in 1875. On the scene, the Grand Opera at different times was made by the operas of the Italian, French and German composers, the premiere of the opera "Maur" of the Russian composer I. Stravinsky took place. Now the Theater Grand Opera is called the Palace of Garnier and remains one of the most visited theaters of the world.

Big Theater, Moscow. On March 26, 1776, Ekaterina Great complained to Prince P. Urusov, the privilege to contain performances and other fun in the next ten years. By tradition, this date is considered a "happy birthday" of the Bolshoi Theater. The composition of the first troupe was quite different - from the fortress actors to foreign celebrities. The building for the theater was built in 1780 on the banks of the Neglinki, his repertoire consisted mainly of ballets and comic operas of Italian and Russian authors. In 1825, theatrical troupe moved to a new building, whose acoustic properties were considered one of the best in the world. A lot of famous operas took place on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater, for example "Cherevichki" and "Mazepa" P. Tchaikovsky or "Aleko" and "Supil Knight" S. Rakhmaninov. A large theater has repeatedly accepted the troupes of his "colleagues" - the Milane Theater of La Scala and the Vienna Opera.

Vienna Opera, Austria. The fact that the Vienna Opera House is one of the best in the world, it is quite logical, because Austria is the birthplace of many well-known composers. The opening of the current building of the theater was held in May 1869 by Opera Mozart "Don Juan". Although at the beginning of the theater, built in the neo-source style, was subjected to merciless criticism, over time, the architectural embodiment of the Vienna opera received recognition, and so far this theater is considered one of the most beautiful in the world. The building, partly destroyed during World War II, was restored and solemnly open in 1955 by Opera Beethoven Fidelio. No theater of the world can be compared with the Vienna Opera in the number of performances: each year there is at least 60 operas, which lovers of theatrical art can enjoy 285 days a year. Another fact that mentions is mentioned is the holding of an annual "opera ball", which comes with a huge number of both participants and viewers.

Metropolitan Opera, New York. The youngest of the cornea of \u200b\u200btheatrical art. Its discovery took place in 1883 by Opera Sh. Guno "Faust". Surprisingly, from the day of its foundation, for more than a hundred years, the theater has existed exclusively for individuals and firms. The Lincoln Center in Manhattan Metropolitan-Opera moved in 1966 the theater building is definitely inferior to its European fellows on the luxury of the inner decoration, but confidently leads to the use of modern technologies. The performances in the metro-operator go daily for seven months, and in July, the troupe gives free ideas in urban parks, where a huge number of viewers are going. On the stage of the Metropolitan Opera at different times, the outstanding singers of their time were singing at different times: Fedor Shalyapin, Placido Domingo, Luciano Pavarotti, Galina Vishnevskaya, Elena Exodzova, Dmitry Hvorostovsky and many others.

How were those who considered: with the advent of cinema, and later television, the theater, as a separate type of art, will go into oblivion. The time has refuted such forecasts - the meaning of the word "shaggy" is well acquainted with many theaters of the world even in our day.

Among the lovers of music are the fans of ancient, but very interestingly of its manifestation - operas. But even if you are indifferent to opera music, you will most likely admire the beauty of her abode - the Opera House. This top 10 of the most beautiful opera theaters of the world will talk about the delightful buildings and will "hold" you for luxurious halls.

10 Theater Royal, Covent Garden

Royal Theater in Covent Garden Located in London, in United Kingdom. This theater occurs with opera and ballet performances. He is the home scene of the royal opera and the royal ballet. The modern building of the theater is the third building that was built on the place. It was built in 1858, after which he was reconstructed at the end of the twentieth century. The hall can accommodate 2268 spectators.


Sydney Opera House Located in Sydney, in Australia. This theater was erected in the architectural style of expressionism. The roof of the building is the shell, similar to the sail. Thanks to him, this Opera House looks special. It is one of the most famous sights of Sydney, and in general Australia, perhaps. The construction of the Sydney Opera House began in 1959, and ended - in 1973.

8 Opera Royal De Versailles

Royal Opera Versailles He is an opera and dramatic theater located in the palace and park ensemble of the Versailles Palace, in the city of Versala, in France. Of particular interest is that the building of the theater was erected completely from the tree, and then covered with painting resembling marble. Construction ended in 1770. In the hall can accommodate from 712 to 1200 viewers. This Theater deserved admiration for its size: he is the largest palace theater in the world.

7 Gran Teatro Del Liceo

Large Opera House "Liseo" Located in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bin Spain. It was opened in 1847. The audience has an area of \u200b\u200b360 square meters and is able to provide places of 2292 viewers. Thanks to this, this theater is one of the largest opera theaters in Europe.

6 Teatro di San Carlo

Opera House "San Carlo" Located in Naples, in Italy. This Opera House is the oldest in Europe. His discovery was held on November 4, 1737. The theater can accommodate 3300 people. The majestic theater interior in combination with acoustic perfection allows the viewer to feel visual and auditory admiration during the opera.

5 Cosal Theater.

This Opera House is located in Prague, in the Czech Republic. Was erected in the style of classicism in 1783. Ordered the construction of the theater Count Franz Anton (Frantishek Antonin) Nostic Rinek. Now the characteristic part of the theater repertoire makes up the works of Mozart.

4 Markgrafliches Opernhaus.

Marcgrafs Theater. Located in Bayreuth, in Germany. The theater was built in the middle of the XVIII century as the court opera house. The building has a Baroque style and is considered an excellent style representative called "Baireit Rococo".

3 Opera House in Harbin

This Theater is located in the city of Harbin, China. This building has a very unusual, even bizarre form. Inside the unusual interior is hidden, which creates the impression that this theater is from sleep or from the world of fantasies. The large hall is designed for 1600 spectators, and small - at 400 spectators.

2 State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia

This Opera and Ballet Theater is also called a big theater. He is in Moscow, in Russia. The building of the Bolshoi Theater opened for theater lovers in 1856. In this theater, three visual halls: the main scene (historical scene), a new scene (small scene) and the Beethoven Hall. 1740 people can accommodate in the auditorium of the main scene. The auditorium of the new scene can take 928 people. The Beethoven Hall is designed for 320 people.

1 Opera Garnier

This theater is also called: Grand Opera or Opera De Paris. Opera Garnier (Paris Opera, Grand Opera)How easy to guess, is in Paris, in France. This is the thirteenth Opera Paris, which appeared after the official recognition of this type of musical and dramatic art by Louis XIV in 1669. Outside, the building attracts the attention of passersby with its rich beauty. In a huge audience hall, which combines red and gold color, hanging chandelier weighing 8 tons. This Opera House is enveloped by atmospheric of mystery, because in it "lives" the legend of the Ghost Opera (this theater inspired Gaston Lero to create the famous novel).

If you visit some of these opera theaters, these beautiful and majestic buildings impregnated with music will long leave a vivid impression in your memory.

From the very beginning of human civilization, the theater served as the main source of entertainment. Nowadays, theatrical and opera performances did not lose their popularity and significance, and thousands of people around the world visit theaters daily and enjoy this beautiful view of art.

The building of any theater is a unique world with its history, traditions and secrets. Let's talk about those of them who are known to the whole world.

The La Rock Theater is rightfully the most famous world theater. And most of all is associated with the opera, although dramatic performances and ballet also occupy a significant place in the repertoire.

La Rock, photo Rudiger Wolk

It was built in 1778. Hall in the shape of a horseshoe has five tiers of lies. On the stage of La Scala, the works of the most famous composers Bellini, Rossini, Donizetti, Verdi sounded. The theater is famous for its impeccable acoustics.

Many people Australia is associated with the Opera House building in Sydney. It is easily recognizable and is among the main attractions of the country. This is perhaps one of the most significant theaters of modernity.

Sydney Opera House, Photo Shannon Hobbs

The discovery took place in 1973. During construction, the main emphasis was made on acoustics and visibility. That is why each spectator of the theater feels as if he acquired a ticket for the best place in the hall.

The theater building has become a house for a Sydney symphony orchestra, a Sydney theater company, Australian ballet and Australian opera. More than 1,500 submissions are held here annually.

3. Big Theater.

The Big Theater in Moscow is one of the leading theaters of Russia and the whole world. Together with the best symphony orchestra, he survived a fire, war and revolution.

Big Theater in Moscow, photo Jimmyweee

At the entrance of visitors meets the statue of Apollo in a chariot, anticipating the grandiose views passing in the theater. A ballet troupe of the theater has greater fame. Yuri Grigorovich put here the legendary Swan Lake and the Golden Age. The big was opened after a large-scale reconstruction in 2011.

4. Vienna State Opera

Built in 1869, the theater for a long time had a reputation for the center of musical life of Vienna and the whole of Austria.

Vienna State Opera, photo jp

During World War II, the building was subjected to bombardments and was practically destroyed. A miraculously preserved staircase and some more parts. Restored only in 1955. Today, it continues to be one of the main world operators. Traditional balls are held under the arch of the Vienna opera annually.

The Palace of Catalan Music is in. The building was officially open in 1908 and almost immediately became a symbol of the city. Gorgeous glass ceiling, rich paintings, stained glass and sculptures turned it into a real work of art. This is one of the few theaters included in the UNESCO cultural heritage list.

Palau de la Musica Catalana, photo Jiuguang Wang

The palace is one of the main theater and music sites of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhere many world celebrities are. There are also important international meetings and conferences, and excursions are organized for tourists.

Les Celestins Theater is the main center of Lyon city in France. This is an Opera House, which is suitable for ambitious representations and can accommodate more than 1000 people. The hall in the form of a horseshoe is divided into several levels, so even the viewers seated far from the scene are well seen and hear. The interior is performed in the royal style using red and gold tones. Outside the building is stricter, decorated with statues.

Les Celestins in Lyon, photo Mirej

For more than two centuries, on the stage Les Celestins, they put the best plays, operas, dramatic performances and concerts.

Covent Garden Theater is well known worldwide. His scene is held by the royal opera and royal ballet. In this majestic building, the stars of world classical music were played, starting from 1858.

Royal Opera House Convent Garden, photo

Previously, it was possible to get into the theater only before the start of the presentation in the presence of a ticket. Today you can explore it by committing a little excursion.

Another famous world scene is the Metropolitan Metropolitan Operator on Broadway in New York. This is the best theater. His leading roles were performed here celebrities such as Enrico Caruso and Placido Domingo.

The Metropolitan Opera House, BlehgoaWay

Annually "Met" gives more than two hundred ideas. From time to time their television and radio broadcasts are conducted.

9. Odeon Gerods Attica

If you want to visit the theater, which is as old as old as the most art, go to Odeon Heroda Attica. This is a classic ancient amphitheater, built in 161 N. e. Initially, it was the roof, but it was destroyed.

Odeon Heroda Attica in Athens, Photo Yucatan

The theater accommodates 5,000 people, and there are still performances, ballet and other events on his scene. Even Elton John gave his concert in Odeon.

10. Chicago theater

The Chicago Theater was built in 1921 in the so-called "golden age of entertainment" and became the first of its own luxury theater for moving cinema, musicals and various shows. Gradually, he became a business card of Chicago. Today the Chicago Theater is a mixture of different genres and styles, from performances and comedies, to dance shows and pop concerts.

The Chicago Theater, Photo Leandro Neumann Ciuffo

There are still a huge number of theaters in the world, each of which is worthy of attention. During his travels around the cities and countries, we definitely visit theaters, and it does not matter, they are famous for the whole world, or are known only in a small town. In any case, you will get a unique opportunity to touch the beautiful world of theatrical art.

Opera theaters are the temples of the art of Mozart, Verdi, Tchaikovsky, and at the same time the braids of talented architects and designers of their generation. There are quite rich in the beauty of theaters with chic halls, unthinkable decorations and truly impressive exterior. So, we went to search for the most beautiful opera theaters of the world and revealed 15 best.

Grand Opera, Paris, France

Also known as "Opera Garnier" Theater in Paris is one of the most famous and significant theaters of the opera and ballet of the world. The structure was erected for more than 15 years, and led the project by anyone who was not known at that time, the thirty-five-year-old Charles Garnier. The building is impressive from the first minutes with his luxurious lobby with a multicolor marble staircase and wondrous ladder. The theater lobby with an adorable mosaic and the golden background is striking with wealth, and the main hall with a giant chandelier of crystal and the painted ceiling accommodates 1900 people. In the basement of the theater there is a water reservoir, whose account has walked a lot of legends - it was mentioned in Gaston's novel Lero "Ghost Opera".

Sydney Opera House, Sydney, Australia

The theater building has become a real symbol of the city and the country. Ereated in 1973, the Opera House is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The recognizable building with a sailing roof was built on 14 long years, and at its opening the Queen of England Elizabeth II was present.

La Scala Opera House, Milan, Italy

The famous 230-year-old Theater once covered more than a thousand lamps, so there were hundreds of buckets filled with water everywhere - in case of fire. Theater acquired its name thanks to the Church of Santa Maria della Rock, on the site of which the building was built. La Rock is closely connected with the work of the greatest composers of Italy - Bellini, Verdi, Pucchini, whose creations were delivered here for the first time.

Copenhagen Opera House, Copenhagen, Denmark

The construction of the Copenhagen Opera is considered one of the most expensive in the world, and the building was amazingly beautiful. It would still, because we are talking about the first National Opera House of Denmark! This construction, opened in 2005, is very different from the three above, as it is built in the style of neoputurism.

Big Theater, Moscow, Russia

One of the largest in Russia and one of the most significant opera and ballet theaters in the world was built in 1776 by decree Catherine II. The whole history of the capital culture of the capital was connected exclusively with this theater for many years, but today the theater adore and read by your viewer.

Royal Opera House, London, United Kingdom

This theater is often called "Covent Garden" by the name of the area in which the theater building is located. Georg Friedrich Handel, German and English composer of the mid-18th century, wrote several operas specifically for this opera theater.

Metropolitan Opera, New York, USA

The theater, which is abbreviated called MAT, is famous for chic frescoes Mark Stegal, a magnificent curtain, decorated with silk sewing and glitter, and an impressive visual hall for 3,900 seats. We are talking about a new building of the Opera, which was built in 1966.

Colon Opera House, Buenos Aires, Argentina

In colon one of the best acoustics in the world. Theater that we see today was erected in 1908. His room accommodates 2,500 people, as well as there are places about 1000 spectators who wished to listen to the opera standing.

Mariinsky Theater, St. Petersburg, Russia

The name of the theater founded in 1783 was changed five times. The interiors of the theater are impressive: an old curtain, exactly repeating the drawing of the parade mantle of the Empress Alexandra, a luxurious gold stucco, a huge bronze chandelier weighing 2.5 tons.

Opera House San Carlo, Naples, Italy

Founded by the decree of King Charles VII Theater is the oldest continuously working opera house in Europe.

Royal Opera Versailles, Versailles, France

This is the main opera and dramatic theater of the Versailles Palace. Theater, fully built of wood and painted in this way, as if it was built from marble slabs, was opened in 1770.

Marcgraf Opera House, Bayreuth, Germany

Richard Wagner admired the huge main scene of this Opera House - a few later under his leadership nearby the Bayreuth Festival Theater was erected. Bavarian Theater is a World Heritage Monument.

Palace theater Drotningholm, Stockholm, Sweden

Outdoor in 1766 Baroque style still keeps the Italian machines and mechanisms typical for that time, with the help of which the furniture moved along the scene, the water jets were frightened and the crash.

Cast Theater, Prague, Czech Republic

Most of all this theater is famous as a place where the premieres of the opera of Mozart "Don Juan" (in 1787) and "Mercy of Tita" took place (in 1791). And the modulations were personally personally, and this is the only theater preserved in the original form, where the Great Composer acted.

Hungarian State Opera House, Budapest, Hungary

Opera House, opened in 1875, occupies 3rd place in acoustics in Europe. In the building theater twice put his Opera Giacomo Puccini.