Socio-cultural environment, its levels, characteristics, potential.

Socio-cultural environment, its levels, characteristics, potential.
Socio-cultural environment, its levels, characteristics, potential.

CULTURAL LEVEL - the degree of development of the essential forces of the social. subject, achieved as a result of his cultural activities... This concept applies not only to the individual, but also to the group, class, society as a whole. U.k. social the subject reflects the degree of familiarization with global spiritual values, the degree of mastery of knowledge, abilities, skills, ideas accumulated by mankind over the entire period of its history. Factors of increasing U. to. are, education. The concept of U.K. firmly entered the categorical apparatus of sociological. science. Indicators of U. to. are: a set of indicators of the level of cultural and technical (see), characterizing the educational, qualification level of the population and the degree of application of scientific and technical. improvements, scientific. discoveries in all areas of human life; a set of indicators of the general cultural level characterizing the degree of active attitude to spiritual culture, potential "real cultural, orientational and actual material and time costs in the field of culture, motivation of cultural activity, selectivity in the sphere of equal culture, determined by the content, orientation of cultural activity, aesthetic tastes; moral development personality, etc. U. to. social the subject is a criterion of the results of his cultural activity, the interiorization of the norms and values ​​of culture. High U.K. members of the about-va - contributing to its effective development. Ultimately high U.c. profitable and economically. Many problems recent years- low production, environmentally friendly. disasters, catastrophic accidents - cannot be reduced to the miscalculations of individual performers. This is a question from U.K. about-va as a whole: culture of general, economic., political., legal, everyday, etc. Therefore, any "investment" in increasing the economic value of money should be considered justified. man, for this is an investment in the future. Lit .: Categories of philosophy and categories of culture. Kiev, 1983; Sokolov V.M. Sociology of moral development of personality. M., 1986; The culture of a person's life: problems of theory and methodology of socio-psychological research. Kiev, 1988. I.B. Orlova.

Russian Sociological Encyclopedia. - M .: NORMA-INFRA-M... G.V. Osipov. 1999.

See what "CULTURAL LEVEL" is in other dictionaries:

    level-, vnya, m. The stage of development achieved by a person in what l. area; the degree of quality of which l. * Ideological level. * Political level. * Cultural level... ◘ Continuous growth of the ideological level of party members and candidates. SPA, 23. ... ... Explanatory dictionary language of the Council of Deputies

    Culture shock - Culture shock emotional or physical discomfort, disorientation of the individual caused by falling into another cultural environment, collision with another culture, unfamiliar place. Getting used to a new environment can be exciting, ... ... Wikipedia

    CULTURAL- cultural, cultural, cultural; cultural, cultural, cultural. 1.only full forms. adj. to culture. cultural level. cultural skills. || in the field of culture, related to the field of culture. "Cultural rapprochement with France. ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    LEVEL- LEVEL, level, husband. 1. The horizontal plane, which is the boundary of the height of the location of something. The water level rises dramatically during flooding. Sea level (conditional reference point for determining heights on the earth's surface). ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    level- LEVEL, heed, husband. 1. The horizontal plane, the surface as a boundary, the height is measured from to the swarm. W. water in the river. 2. The degree of magnitude, development, significance of which n. Cultural y. U. life (the degree of satisfaction of the population with material and ... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    It consists of two components: 1) culturally technical. the potential of the population, characterized by the level of its education and qualifications; 2) the availability and degree of application of scientific technical. achievements, scientific. discoveries in societies. production, in all ... ... Russian Sociological Encyclopedia

    cultural- oh, oh; ren, rna, rno. 1.only full к Culture (2 3, 5 characters). K. population level. K th values. K th construction. K. layer of the earth (archaeological; formed from organic and building remains at the sites of human settlements). 2. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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A cultured person is a rather rare phenomenon today. And the thing is that the concept of "cultured person" includes many requirements, which, unfortunately, not all of us meet. Let's consider what kind of person can be called cultured.

Modern cultured man

First of all, someone who can be called a cultured person must have politeness and good manners. Etiquette, the foundations of behavior, is exactly what makes a person cultured. This is by no means innate instinctive knowledge. They are acquired with age, parents teach us this, Kindergarten, school. In fact, etiquette is not based on empty, nothing meaningful rules, but on the fundamental basis of life in society. The ability to behave well can be improved by every modern cultured person.

How to become a cultured person?

What defines the concept cultured person? It is worth considering the defining features of a cultured person, and then you and I will learn what it means to be a cultured person. Let's list the main distinctive qualities of a cultured person, which should prevail in us.

It is difficult to enumerate all the qualities and characteristics of a cultured person. Everyone means by this characteristic something of their own. However, we tried to present to you the main features of a cultured person, which it is quite possible to develop and educate in yourself on your own. Strive for excellence and be cultured!

For a broader understanding of the essence of the rehabilitation process in relation to persons with disabilities a specific, meaningful interpretation of such a concept as "socio-cultural environment" is of fundamental importance.

In sociological analysis, the environment is considered primarily as a "social environment". In modern sociology, the social environment is considered as external conditions in a special system of connections between people, that is, when the system of connections in society characterizes the interaction between people, social groups, during which certain social relations arise. As a result of this interaction, changes and transformations of reality take place. Here it is possible to operate with the formula “person - surrounding conditions”, which will make it possible to see in the phenomenon an interaction that expresses the impact of one on the other and determines the perception of such an impact. The latter should manifest itself in social transformations, which are the manifestation of a person's individuality in his interaction with the environment.

The concept of "environment" entered the cultural sciences relatively recently. The theory of "environment" has been developed in domestic science. The culturological term "environment" means a stable set of material and personal elements with which a social subject (personality, group, class, society) interacts and which influence its activity on the creation and development of spiritual values ​​and goods, on its spiritual needs, interests and value orientations in the field of culture. This definition made it possible to introduce a clarifying concept of "sociocultural environment". Consequently, the sociocultural environment is understood as a certain "environment-personality" system, since there is an internal connection between conditions and activities, their interpenetration. Thus, the socio-cultural environment acts as a sphere for the implementation of social functions of culture, aimed at the spiritual formation and socialization of the individual, including the disabled. At the same time, socialization is understood as the process of uniting people, and the cultural orientation acts as the content of the unification.

The material side of the socio-cultural environment should be considered as a set of certain cultural values ​​in a given society and their use in the activities of a disabled person included in this environment. Consequently, this should also include the nature of the organization and the mechanism of functioning of spiritual values. Tolerance is also included in the list of universal human values ​​of the environment as a necessary component, as a principle of building relationships between members of society. And the level of performance depends on how the value model of the tolerant relationship between the subjects is formulated.

The personal side of the environment is the people surrounding the personality, influencing (positively or negatively) on its formation, the folding of spiritual needs, interests, tastes, value orientations. The categories "sociocultural environment" and "personality" are closely related to each other. A person does not exist without an environment, but the concept of a socio-cultural environment becomes meaningless if we do not correlate it with a person.

Personal sphere the sociocultural environment is differentiated depending on the following aspects: first, on the levels of environmental impact on the personality. In this aspect, a macroenvironment and a microenvironment are distinguished. The "macroenvironment" is understood as the society itself and social groups, information space. By "microenvironment" is meant the environment of the immediate environment. The "macro environment" consists of many "micro environments". Cultural interaction of the macro-environment and personality is carried out through interpersonal contacts and acquired individual experience. Namely, the originality different levels the socio-cultural environment is largely determined by the formation of general (typical) and special (individual) characteristics of a person with a disability.

The individual, group consciousness, views, perceptions, feelings, established traditions, the culture of verbal communication and mass media, constitute the spiritual atmosphere and reflect the essential characteristics of relations (a disabled person with the environment, environment toward a disabled person). How subject environment and the spiritual atmosphere represents the immediate environment of the individual, determining its value orientations and attitudes, norms and rules of its behavior in a particular household community.

The environment of the immediate environment is heterogeneous, it can include both positive and negative elements.

It is generally accepted that the cultural environment is created by professional cultural workers, artists, designers, and other representatives creative intelligentsia, specialized state and non-state organizations and services. They are designed to present a certain cultural space to a person that he is living in. At the same time, in the very concept of "Living cultural space"As if it contains a recognition of the need for an active, active principle. However, in practice, such “settling in”, as a rule, comes down to the development of ideas and projects proposed by someone from the outside and implemented.

The environment is essentially a testing ground, within the framework of which social and cultural rehabilitation methods and technologies, different in purpose and indications, are being worked out and mastered.

The information-cognitive, educational component characterizes the acquisition by persons with disabilities of knowledge and concepts about the real phenomena of the world around them, their awareness of the need for continuous communication with their immediate environment, the use of knowledge in practical activities in order to reorganize their lifestyle.

Leisure and creative component associated with the organization of leisure to meet the spiritual and physical needs of persons with social disabilities, providing them with books, magazines, newspapers, special television and radio broadcasts, games; assistance in organizing recreational activities, physical education and sports, visiting theaters, exhibitions, various cultural, educational, sports and other events.

The cementing basis for the preservation and development of a viable socio-cultural environment is, as practice shows, the presence in the existing infrastructure of a city or region of traditional and modern non-traditional leisure centers that are quite popular among residents, in which the predominant factor is the leisure activity of the population, an independent cultural and creative beginning.

Creating new conditions for the functioning of the socio-cultural environment, these changes put forward new requirements both for the forms of organizing cultural and leisure activities, and for the goals and methods of their implementation.

Socio-cultural environment - a specific social space directly given to each person, through which he is actively involved in cultural connections society. This is the aggregate different conditions his life activity and social behavior, these are his casual contacts and deep interactions with other people, this is a concrete natural, material and objective environment, presented as a part of society open to interaction.

The importance of the socio-cultural environment in the process of dynamic development public relations is large enough, since it creates conditions for the formation of the intellectual potential of the nation and largely determines the spiritual life of society.

But on theoretical level the essence of the socio-cultural environment as social phenomenon not fully understood what is an obstacle to its formation as a sociological category and the creation additional opportunities for development different types and forms of socio-cultural activities within the boundaries of the socio-cultural environment.

The first attempts at theoretical analysis of the social environment can be attributed to the beginning of 1980, when in the works of M.V. Lashina and a number of other scientists investigated the essence of this category.

For a better understanding of the specifics of the category "Socio-cultural environment", which includes various phenomena of social and cultural life, domestic sociologists and culturologists propose to consider the initial concepts of "society" and "culture" as relatively autonomous realities, assigning to them the meaning that is traditional for them and reflects the productive and procedural aspects of these phenomena.

Society can be represented in the form of basic social subjects (social groups, organizations), which are universal, typical and stable public entities as well as social interactions, relationships.

Culture, as a result of human activity, is a set of traditions, norms, values, meanings, ideas, sign systems characteristic of a social community and performing the functions of social orientation, providing social belonging, individual self-determination of the individual.

"Social" and "cultural" are closely intertwined, as in any social phenomenon there is always a person as a carrier social roles and cultural values. It is the person who is the primary "atom" of social structures, relationships and cultural processes.

The essence of society is to make a person public, providing him with a set of necessary roles and technologies for their implementation. The essence of culture is to contribute to the formation of a spiritually integral personality, to overcome its social-role limitations in the process of value-oriented activity.

Analyzing the differences between cultural and social systems, one can view them not just as separate and interdependent, but also as interpenetrating systems. Certain aspects cultural sphere cannot be understood without regard to the facts of the social sphere, and vice versa, social sphere cannot be analyzed without its correlation to culture. In this sense, cultural and social system cannot be separated from each other, although they can be interpreted as analytically independent .

3. According to the degree of specialization, two levels of culture are distinguished - ordinary and specialized. Everyday culture is such a level of mastering knowledge, customs, norms, skills that a person needs in Everyday life... This process is called general socialization and inculturation. Ordinary culture is a culture that has not been institutionalized. A person masters it from the first years of life in a family, in communication with relatives and friends. He masters the knowledge, skills, stereotypes of behavior, which in the future serve as the basis for familiarizing with a specialized culture.

To master the skills of a specialized culture, communication with loved ones is not enough, professional training is necessary. The components of a specialized culture are science, art, philosophy, law, religion. Everyday culture has a common language, a specialized culture has professional languages. Everyday culture is the sphere of emotional attachment, feelings of mutual sympathy, a sense of duty towards children and the elderly. Specialized culture is a sphere of social division of labor, social statuses.

The specialized level is subdivided into cumulative (where professional socio-cultural experience is concentrated and accumulated, society values ​​accumulate) and translational. At the cumulative level, culture acts as an interconnection of various types professional activity and is represented by economic, political, legal, philosophical, religious, scientific and technical, artistic cultures... Each of these types of culture at the cumulative level corresponds to a culture at the ordinary level. They are closely interconnected and influence each other. Economic culture appropriate household management; political - mores and customs; legal - morality; philosophy - an ordinary worldview. At the translational level, the interaction between the cumulative and the ordinary levels is carried out, the exchange of cultural information takes place. The exchange is carried out through communication channels that broadcast: the sphere of education, where traditions, values ​​of each of the elements of culture are transmitted to subsequent generations; mass media, where the interaction between "high" values ​​and the values ​​of everyday life takes place; social institutions, cultural institutions, where knowledge about culture and cultural values become available to the general public (libraries, museums, theaters).

At a specialized level, an elite (high) culture is created. A high culture is created by the privileged part of society - the elite. The privilege of this part of society is that it is most capable of spiritual creative activity, and usually has vocational training. High culture difficult for an unprepared person to understand. It is decades ahead of the level of perception of an average educated person. The circle of its consumers is a highly educated part of society. Elite culture artistic means seeks to respond to critical issues being, on topical problems of society. It is characterized by the depth of the social problems, great social significance, high professionalism and skill, originality.

Popular culture emerged in the twentieth century. It is characterized by four main features: the industrial - commercial type of production of cultural goods, their distribution by means of mass communication, an orientation towards spectacles and entertainment, and mass consumption. The origins of this culture are associated with the commercialization of all social relations, the involvement of the cultural sphere in commodity-money relations, industrial-flow production of cultural goods, the formation of the middle class, and the development of the media. The market is developing on the basis of the law of "supply and demand" - this predetermined the reorientation of cultural activities to meet the demands and needs of the average person, the average person, the person-the masses. Any social group and the people as a whole can be subdivided into the elite and the mass. The bulk of the population lives in accordance with everyday ideas, everyday worldview, established stereotypes, obeying their feelings and desires. Man of the "mass" of the modern industrial society focuses on earthly life, material well-being, spectacle and entertainment. The mass is the embodiment of herd, uniformity, stereotyped, it is passive, uncritical. The desire to live like everyone else leads to the fact that a person loses his individuality. A paradoxical situation arises: mass culture focuses on the average person, on his needs, interests, and on the other, it forms a cultural environment that forms the person-masses himself, his needs, interests, tastes. The changes that have taken place in the mechanisms of replication and dissemination of cultural benefits, the emergence of electronic technology, the Internet, have led to the fact that people on almost the entire planet receive the same information and share the same values. Through fashion and advertising, people are imposed the same needs, lifestyle, forms of leisure time, the idea of ​​“ beautiful life», Which is associated with consumerism, the accumulation of material wealth, the receipt of pleasure.

Popular culture mythologizes human consciousness, mystifies real processes. There is a rejection of the rational principle in the mind. One of the goals of mass culture is to stimulate consumer consciousness in people. A person who is easily manipulated is formed, the emotions and instincts of the subconscious sphere of the human psyche are exploited. Authors, striving to attract the attention of the public, make money, become popular, are ready to create works of any kind. The cult of strength, power, violence, sex are the idols and values ​​of popular culture. Everything that can stun a person, hold his attention, awaken base feelings, is put into play by these authors.

The assessment of mass culture is controversial. Some believe that mass culture has a destructive effect on society, on the younger generation, threatens to average people, forms a person with primitive tastes and spiritual needs, does not contribute to the introduction of the highest values ​​of world culture. Its goal is to stimulate a consumer's attitude to life, to lead one into the world of illusions, to evoke the acuteness and novelty of experiences. It turns people into passive and curious observers who are easily manipulated. Popular culture is a kind of drug in the realm of the spirit and has the same devastating consequences for individuals and society.

Others are not so categorical and believe that mass culture is a natural phenomenon. public life that she, in a rapidly developing world, in which a lot of problems fall on a person, performs a psychotherapeutic function: relieves stress, restores peace of mind, gives a person the opportunity to rest, relax, leave at least for a while from everyday life into the world of dreams and other realities. In addition, popular culture exists along with other types of cultures and no one forbids a person to join other values.

Tasks. Tests.

  • 1. Values ​​are:
    • a) objects and phenomena surrounding a person;
    • b) images of objects in the mind of a person;
    • c) characteristics of subject-object relations;
    • d) the meaning of something for a person.
  • 2. Popular culture characterize the signs:
    • a) industrial - commercial type of production

cultural goods;

  • b) high skill and professionalism;
  • c) the depth of the social problems involved;
  • d) orientation towards rest and entertainment.
  • 3. Which of the following can be attributed to
  • a) requirements to act in a certain way;
  • b) patterns of behavior;
  • c) prohibitions;
  • d) habits;
  • e) ideals;
  • f) laws.
  • 4. Specialized culture is divided into levels:
    • a) ordinary;
    • b) cumulative;
    • c) broadcast;
    • d) professional.
  • 5. The semantic function characterizes culture as:
    • a) sign-symbolic system;
    • b) the regulatory system;
    • c) institutional system;
    • d) meaningful.

Social levels of culture

Lecture subject- the main social levels of culture

The purpose of the lecture- consider the social levels of culture and their main features


Identify the main social levels of culture

Find out the place of culture among other social phenomena

Show the features of the functioning and development of culture in a particular social environment

Uncover the influence of culture on everything social systems

Requirements for the level of mastering the content:

After listening to the lecture, students should:

Have an understanding of the different social levels of culture;

Be able to distinguish between phenomena according to a certain social level of culture

Be able to navigate in the modern socio-cultural situation.


1. Characteristics of the main social levels of culture (page 2)

2. Classics and modernity (page 3)

3. Elite and mass levels of culture (p. 4)

4. Official culture and subculture (p. 6)

Social levels of culture are determined by the place occupied by this or that individual, group, class, people in social relations, its position in social structure society and represent a social space. In the social space, there are both upward and downward social movements. Any level of culture is part of the social space. In cultural studies, the following social levels of culture are distinguished:

The highest level is classical.

The classical level is determined by being in the eternal present. Academician D.S. Likhachev defines this level as the Eternal text with the current content. As a property eternity- works are immortal, but as a property time- changeable and depend on the social life of the era. The eternal text comes from the author, the current content is an opportunity to interpretations... Interpretation is the disclosure of the meanings and meanings that are most important for our time. The eternal present of culture, has recognition in society and universal human values ​​such as life, death, love ...

The concept of classics and modernity

First of all - Elementary sign systems languages cultures: a certain set of international mathematical symbols, formulas, musical notation, poetic dimensions, architectural orders, etc.

The next layer of the eternal in culture is associated with the laws of science, images of art, universal human morality.

More high level eternal are cultural programs and paradigms that have determined the basis of the worldview. For example, such trends as classicism and romanticism in the culture of modern times.

Finally, the deepest layer of the eternal in culture is what is called cultural universe... These are entire epochs in the history of world culture in all their originality: the culture of Antiquity, Renaissance, Enlightenment, etc.

Opposed to the classic level Contemporary culture.

This level is determined by the Variability of the eternal - the possibility of interpretation eternal values according to time and place actual culture. The term actual culture is used to characterize the culture that functions in the present, in this moment... Includes cultural phenomena arising in different eras... The modern level of culture also consists of several layers: 1. A small layer of great cultural creations that retain their relevance regardless of the time of creation. 2. immortal, enduring values ​​of national cultures. They determine the specifics of culture, are its business card... 3. transitory values ​​of actual culture, retaining their relevance only at a specific time and for a specific people. As a rule, they reflect the specifics of “ today»Culture, emphasize important points momentary life of society. Having fulfilled their cultural mission, they disappear into oblivion. These values ​​are divided into two groups. Some of them belong to all national culture, while the other, incomparably large, is the property of one or another subcultures within the current national culture .

Each subculture represents a certain system of norms and values ​​that distinguishes a particular group from a wider community: Image- Costume elements, hairstyle, cosmetics, bijouterie; Demeanor- Peculiarities non-verbal communication(expression, facial expressions, pantomime, gait) Slang- Specific vocabulary and its use.

The following types of subculture are distinguished: Negative- Deviation from the norms of the current culture. Positive- modifications in accordance with age, professional, class and other characteristics of certain groups of people. Ethnic- “Small” ethnic groups within society

Elite culture - the upper layer that controls and develops culture. In the concept of J. Ortega y Gasset, the elite is opposed to the mass. The elite are people with moral and intellectual superiority; organized and strong-willed leaders; this is the creative minority of society. Elite culture is created by professional creators at the request of the privileged segment of society. It is a fundamentally closed society with spiritual aristocracy and value-semantic self-sufficiency. Differ political and cultural elite. The political elite is called upon to integrate society, and the cultural elite is called upon to accumulate spiritual and mental energy.

Main features elite culture

Ability to create cultural phenomena

Possession of knowledge and skill (talent)

Striving for self-improvement and improvement of the surrounding world.