Cultural stereotypes. Stereotype as a cultural phenomenon

Cultural stereotypes. Stereotype as a cultural phenomenon

Stereotypes are forms that determine the behavior of not only individuals, but also groups, cultures, ethnic groups, societies. It is clear that they should be taken with regard to some restrictions. Specialists in ethnic psychology, studying ethnocultural stereotypes, note that the nation on high level Economic Development, emphasize such qualities as mind, businesslikeness, enterprise, and nation with a more retarded economy - kindness, cordiality, hospitality. A confirmation of said S. G. Ter-Minasova, according to the results of which, in American society, professionalism, hard work, responsibility, etc. are more appreciated in American society, while in Russian - hospitality, sociability, justice.

According to research in the field of ethnocentrism, it can be concluded that most individuals consider what is happening in their culture natural and correct, and what is happening in other cultures unnatural and wrong. This applies to behavior, customs, norms and values.

As a rule, on the one hand, ethnic stereotypes are a serious barrier in intercultural communication. On the other hand, with all its schematizm and generalization, stereotypical ideas about other peoples and cultures are prepared for a collision with someone else's culture, weaken the blow, reduce cultural shock.

Stereotypes allow a person to draw up an idea of \u200b\u200bthe world as a whole, go beyond the scope of its narrow social, geographical and political world. The reason for the formation of stereotypes, as a rule, is the ignorance of national-cultural specificity determining the behavior of representatives of one or another commonality, a limited horizon, etc. Stereotypes entail certain expectations regarding the models of the behavior of representatives of other cultures. However, it should be noted that partly the formation of stereotypes is reinforced by real facts. Nevertheless, stereotypes are usually not identical to a national nature, nor the presentation of the people about themselves.

It is clear that stereotypes are reflected in the language. Constantly repeating phrases over time acquire a certain language stability and switch to the cliché level.

The functions of stereotypes can be the following character (E. N. Belaya):

  • 1) Transmission function of relatively reliable information. If you get into alien culture, people are inclined to streamline and generalize what they see, creating a primary cultural model;
  • 2) The orienting stereotype function directly follows from the previous function. Her role is to create a simplified matrix of the surrounding world, a certain "guidebook";
  • 3) The function of influence on the creation of reality - with the help of stereotypes, a clear differentiation of its and someone's cultural models occurs. The stereotype helps the preservation of primary cultural identity.

By type of stereotypes you can differentiate on autostroids(sustainable opinions that have developed about themselves, their own culture under the influence of various sources of information) and heterosterotypes - External stereotypes that are developing from representatives of one culture about another.

As an example, several common sociocultural stereotypes can be brought.

The German stereotype: bureaucratic, excessively diligent in work, excessively punctual. Rationalism put in chapter angle.

The stereotype of the French: arrogant, hot, emotional. As a rule, there are very careful both in the official and in informal relationships. Painly relate to courtesy. Economy and overwhelming.

The stereotype of the British: very conservative, are quite closed and arrogant with respect to representatives of other cultures.

The stereotype of the Norwegians: silent, incredulous, completely irritable, closed.

Stereotype of Finns: They say a little, eat little, do not like feasts. In the etiquette of donations, expensive gifts are not accepted.

We are important only Delhi pursued by enterprises, but on the mutual dependence of business and society. "

Until now, the deep understanding of this relationship is often lacking both Russian entrepreneurs and society as a whole, as a result of which all parties suffer.

Thus, the German model and obtained by studying the experience in the field of business communications can help fulfill vital in Russia important role - distribute and strengthen the correct ideas about the business in society, that is, first of all, the possibility of implementing its own potential through labor

wearing, not a means of light profit. In addition, society must be educated in citizens an understanding that the occupation own business - The process is long-term and difficult, and to this you need to be prepared. It is also not a way to occupy yourself with something owner of the enterprise, but a responsible process that has a huge impact on society. It is also absolutely obvious that with



will face incomparably more rigid competition and will be forced to use

all the possibilities of working with society provided by communication technologies, which demonstrates German experience.

Bibliographic list

1. Baikov S. V. Communication technologies of business: tools and sociocultural aspect: dis. ... Cand. philol. science M., 2007.

2. Water carrier E. How people live on white light. St. Petersburg, 1904, p. 40-45.

Received 10.06.08.

Stereotypes of national culture in intercultural communication

A. A. Panagin

Each people, each nation has its own ideas about the environment, there are certain stereotypes - as relative to themselves, behavior and tradition

In the encyclopedic dictionary, the social stereotype is defined as a "schematic, standardized image or an idea of social phenomenon or object, usually emotional

in the range of its cultural spaces are painted and possessing large

and relatively representatives of another language and cultural space. Fe-

estimacy ... expresses the usual attitude of a person to any phenomenon that has established under the influence of social conditions and pre-svering experience ... ".

For a long time, there is a controversy about determining the concept of "ste-exist different points of view of relating", attempts are made to identify ways of

nomen and the concept of "stereotype" attracts the attention of researchers (I. S. Kon, V. V. Krasnyh, W. Lippman, I. Yu. Markovina, A. V. Pavlovskaya, Yu. A. Sorokin, N. V. Ufimsev and Dr.).

this problem. We will consider the phenomenon of stereotype as a concept that includes the submission of one nation on the culture of another nation as a whole.

the mission and distribution of national stereotypes in society, the issue of their influence on the relationship between the peoples is discussed.

mi. There is no consensus among research

lei and relative to the legality of using the word "stereotype". The concept of stereotype in modern humanitarian science is interdisciplinary. Initially obtained development on the soil of sociology and social psychology Since the 1920s, the concept of stereotype in the future was the subject of analysis from the point of view of the theory of communication, ethnology, the history of literature and culture, language philosophy. National stereotypes are studied in different sciences - sociology, psychology, political science, philology, history, and every science in its own way interprets this phenomenon.

The term "stereotype" [from Greek. Stereos solid, Typos imprint] introduced into the scientific circulation by the American sociologist W. Lippmann. This term He received universal recognition due to his work "Public Opinion" (1922), in which stereotypes were determined as "images in our consciousness" (The Pictures in Our Heads). All further definitions of stereotype as a linguistic, philosophical, social and psychological (ethnographic, cultural and behavioral) phenomenon are somehow based on the definition of Lippmann, in one way or another emphasizing various aspects of this phenomenon - its static, approval, hy-inthrogiedness (tendency) . Working out the concept of stereotype from the point of view of social psychology, W. Lippmann celebrated an important feature This concept is a focus on a certain ideal image of the world, which is formed in the minds of representatives of one or another community, and the ability to respond to public expectations.

Stereotypes allow a person to draw up an idea of \u200b\u200bthe world as a whole, go beyond the narrow social, geographical and political environment. Lippmann wrote that stereotypes are so insistently transmitted from generation to generation that often

accepted as a given, reality, biological fact. If the person's personal experience is a stereotype, most often happens one of two: the person is inflexible, not interested for some reasons in changing his views, or simply does not notice this contradiction, or considers it an exception! confirming the rule, and usually just forgets about it. The person is susceptible, inquisitive in a collision of a stereotype with reality changes the perception of the surrounding world.

Lippmann not only introduced into the scientific circulation the term "stereotype", gave him a definition, but also stressed the importance of this phenomenon. Is- \\ the investigator came to the conclusion that the stereotype system "... perhaps is a rod in our personal tradition, she protects our place in society ... And also retains time in our busy life and helps

we escape from confused attempts |

see the world is stable and covered by its entirely. " With such an understanding of the ste- | Rogue is allocated two important features :! First, it is determined by culture, and in- | second, is a means of saving employment | effort and, respectively, linguistic | funds.

If Lippmann laid theoretical

basics of studying stereotypes, then Americans- |

kie scientists K. Brelie and D. Katz in 1933 times - | We worked the technique that received later! Wide distribution and for many years | who has become decisive for researchers | National stereotypes. Brelie and Katz op- | Redieved ethnic stereotype as "sturs | Introduction, little consistent with | those realities that it seeks to pre- | set, and the properties arising from the inherent person first determine the phenomenon and then

already to blame him. " I.

Second world War Gave a new push | to the study of ethnic stereotypes. She clearly showed what big role Play | Traditional sustainable views on- | Childbirth about each other, as it is important to study the ways of formation (and, consequently, the impacts) of such ideas.

Most of the work devoted to the problems of studying ethnic stereotypes, published in the period under review, \\ based on the materials of sociological op- |

dew. Thus, on the initiative of UNESCO, a large-scale study was conducted in order to identify how representatives of one country perceive the peoples of other countries, as well as what factors determine their perception. Psychologist O. Klenberg, intended

different planes of the language - formal (phraseology, language clichés, the formality, principles of combination within the language structures, etc.) of the semantic (semantic connotations of language units associated with the main / primary value). For

lying the results of this study, linguistic studies of stereotype especially determined the concept of "ethnic stereotype" aspects aspects as

as a picture in the minds of people regarding their own or other national groups. He believed that such images or submission are usually widely distributed in

society; As a rule, they are extremely primitive and unresponsible to objective reality.

In Russia, the problems of studying stereotypes did not pay such attention as in the West. At the same time, a number of interesting and original concepts were developed in our country. The concept of N. A. Yerofeev, which is based on the historical material, is also an interesting and scientifically based. The author, although he refuses the term "stereotype", pays considerable attention to the problems of perception by nations each other. After all, "ethnic ideas," he believes, it's like the result of the assimilated information, the result of its processing and the generalized conclusion from it, they often affect the relationship between nations, ethnic groups and states. "

In ethnolingvistism, the term "stereotype" refers to the meaningful side of the language and culture, i.e. it is understood as mental (thought) stereotype, which correlates from the picture of the world. Language picture

the world and language stereotype correlate as part and the whole, while the language stereotype is understood as a judgment or several judgments belonging to a particular object of an off-language world.

The concept of stereotype turned out to be widely demanded in modern linguistics (works by E. Barthminsky, E. L. Berezovich, W. Kvasthoff, I. M. Kobozheva, L. P. Kratyn, I. Panasyuk, V. A. Plungyan, E. . Rakhilina, etc.). From the position of linguists, the stereotypes are considered to be established conventional semantic and / or formal structures that form the cultural and lingual image of the object; Thus, within the framework of the linguistic approach, the stereotype may relate to two different sciences, you can draw conclusions:

the stereotype and its linguistic sign, the stereotype and the meaning of the word (stereotype and cognitive semantics), the cognitive structure of the stereotype, the ways of conceptualization of the language reality. The stereotype is also understood as a subjectively deterministic representation of the subject, in which descriptive and evaluative signs coexist and which is the result of interpretation of reality within the framework of socially developed cognitive models.

The works list listed linguists notes that ethnocultural stereotypes perform the following functions:

The function of socio-ethnic integration. The stereotype, on the one hand, satisfies the mental need for the economy of cognitive efforts, on the other - the public need to maintain the internal spanning of the community and its opposition to other human communities;

The protective function of ethnic stereotypes is manifested in the fact that they contribute to the preservation of the traditional value system as in relation to its community (automobiles) and in relation to "strangers" (heterosterotypes);

Communicative function Ethnic stereotypes is used to carry out the exchange of information between representatives of the "own" community (as identifying "their" among "foreign" and "alien" among "their");

with the help of the cognitive function of ethnic stereotypes, an image is formed external world and its own microcosm;

The manipulating function of ethnic stereotypes is that under certain conditions, they can act as an instrument of mental impact on the masses in ideological and political purposes.

After analyzing the concept of "stereotype" in

Each person has an individual personal experience, a special form of perception of the surrounding world, on the basis of which the so-called "picture of the world" is created in his head, which includes an objective part and a subjective assessment of reality by an individual. Stereotype is part of this picture;

Most scientists involved in studying this problem note that the main feature of stereotypes is their determinism of the culture: the representations of a person about the world are formed under the influence of the cultural environment in which he lives;

Stereotypes shared by most people may vary depending on the historical, international, as well as the domestic political situation in a particular country;

Stereotype is not only a mental image, but also his verbal shell, i.e. stereotypes can exist in the language level - in the form of a norm.

Thus, the stereotype is a relatively stable, generalizing image or a number of characteristics (often false), which are characterized by representatives of their own cultural and linguistic space or representatives of other nations; The representation of a person about the world, forming under the influence of the cultural environment (in other words, this is a cultural and deterministic presentation), existing both in the form of a mental image and the form of a verbal shell; The process and the result of communication (behavior) according to certain semiotic models. The stereotype (as a generic concept) includes a standard that is a non-language reality, and the norm existing in the language level. As stereotypes, they can act as the characteristics of another people, and all that concerns the ideas of one nation about the culture of another nation as a whole: general concepts, speech communication, behavior, moral and ethereal norms, traditions, customs, etc.

Using the determination of stereotype in its wide understanding in the context of national culture, it is advisable to consider some common features The nature of a certain social group. In this case, they talk about the national character.

The concept of character in psychology is used to designate a set of sustainable individual personality traits that are manifested in its activities and communication. In the past, it was assumed that each people had their own special "spirit", and the problem of a national character resulted in the clarification of the features of this "spirit". The national character from this point of view is understood as a sustainable complex of specific values \u200b\u200bspecific for this culture, installations, behavioral norms. National specificity is detected in comparison of the norms and traditions of communication of various peoples.

People perceive ethnocultural stereotypes that are understood by many as a myth as samples that need to fit. Therefore, stereotypical ideas about the peculiarities of a national nature have a certain impact on people, stimulating them the formation of those character traits and those standards of speech behavior, which are reflected in pragmatic clichés, which are an important factor In interethnic relationships.

In the works of many researchers national character Appeals as a specific set of real features. Noting the national specifics of each people, it includes: self-awareness, habits, tastes, traditions associated with national feelings, national culture, life, national pride and national stereotypes in relation to other peoples. It turned out that most people have very sustainable stereotypes in relation to a certain national nature, that is, the conviction that representatives of some of nations demonstrate quite persistent ideas about the existence of other nations of specific features. It is important that often these stereotypes depend on how this nation "behaves" in this time period.

According to D. B. Parygin, "no doubt the fact of the existence of psychological characteristics of various social groups, layers and classes of society, as well as nations and peoples. " N. Jandildin proceeds from a similar view, which determines the national character as "

purchase of specific psychological traitswho have become in a greater or smaller step

neither inherent in the social and ethnic community in specific economic, cultural and natural conditions Her Development. "

S. M. Harutyunyan, who also recognizes the existence of a national nature, or "psychological warehouse of the nation", determines it as "a peculiar national flavor of feelings and emotions, the image of thoughts and actions, sustainable and national traits of habits and traditions under the influence of material life conditions , features historical Development This nation and manifest in the specifics of its national culture. "

It is quite common is the opinion on the national character, according to which this is not a set of specific, peculiar features for this people, but a kind of universal set universal traits. V. G. Kostomarov in plenary report at the opening of the "Russian Week in France" in March 1998

voring the same thing about national culture: "National culture is not a set of unique traits characteristic this nation, A specific set of universal features and ideas. " Yu. V. Bromley also spoke "Only about the relative specificity of the features of a national character, their nuances of their manifestation."

In the process of perception of stereotypes of culture of another people, a certain attitude has been formed. Most often they are perceived as something else. So the conflict of cultures arises - the result of the incomprehension of the adopted (and these are stereotypes) in its own and someone else's culture. The collision of stereotypes characteristic of different cultures (i.e. conflict cultures), can create difficulties in communication, to cause "cultural shock" and thus lead to a misunderstanding of the culture of another people.

There are roadstereedypes that reflect what people think of themselves, and heteroste-speech relating to another people, more critical compared to the roadstereothipas. For example, the fact that his people are considered to be a manifestation of the calculation, in another people - the manifestation of greed. As an illustration, we present the stereotypical views of the Russians against the Germans.

1. Love for beer. It is impossible to say that the beer is some kind of nationally specific little drink. Other nations drink beer too. But at the same time, everyone recognize that the beer to such an extent is the German invention that all Germany can safely say, flows by this foamy drink of amber, pale yellow, brown or dairy-brown color. "Passion for beer and skill excellent

make it

feature not

tsev, and they have differed from the most ancient times. " Already in the middle way, most of the research of beer was considered one of the main pi

lei adhere to the point of view that the national character is a set of character traits inherent in a nation. In our opinion, such an understanding of a national character is quite narrow. We agree with S. M. Harutyunyan, which determines the national character as a set of character traits, traditions, habits of one or another nation forming under the influence of the cultural and historical development of this country. Thus, it is possible to draw a parallel between two concepts - "National

nalny character "and" stereotype ": they are equivalent to each other, identical. Their difference consists only that the concept of "national character" is a generic, and "stereotype" - species, that is, part of the national

th character.

german products, they call the Flüssiges Brot beer, which is literally translated as "liquid bread".

2. The bureaucracy of the Germans, about which Russians are heard, by no means a myth. In order to spend in Germany at least a couple of days, a foreigner must fill out a mass of forms.

3. Relevance to the case. Deutsch Sein Heist, Eine Sache Um Ihrer Selbst Willen Treiben, which literally means "to be a German means to do this for the sake of himself." This winged phrase Ries to the composition of Richard Wagner "Deutsche Kunst Und Deutsche Politik" (1867), where he writes: "... Was Deutsch Sei: Nämlich, Die Sache, Die Man Treibt, Um Ihre Selbst Und Der Freude An Ihr Willen Treiben ... "(Germans are hardworking and ready to bring anything to

the end, often victorious.) We believe that this attitude to the case arose from the love of order.

4. The Germans are famous accuracy, love for order, cleanness, punctuality. All done in everyday lifemust be done as it should, superficial in business in Germany do not approve. The love of the Germans to the order was reflected in the proverbs:

ORDNUNG IST DAS HALBE LEBEN. (Order - soul of all things.)

ORDNUNG MUSS SEIN. (Must be order)

Heilige Ordnung, Segensreiche Himmelstochter. (Holy Order - Blessed Son of Heaven.)

5. Roughness / arrogance. Many Russians tend to think that the Germans are a rough nation, but in fact they are just straightforward. Any German almost always tells you what he really thinks. The Germans are considered arrogant, since their language sounds arrogant and because they think that everyone knows (even if it really is not the case).

6. In Germany, there are a lot of rules and prescriptions, and foreigners, especially Russian, they seem not particularly important. If you break the generally accepted rules, the German immediately becomes clear that you are a foreigner.

7. Lack of sense of humor. It cannot be said that the Germans have no sense of humor, it is just another than the Russians, and is manifested in different ways in various situations. For us, the German humor may seem serious due to the bureaucracy of the Germans, a large number of rules and regulations and included in the saying of the Germans to the order.

8. The Germans use a handshake gesture, wherever they are and with anyone they meet. A handshake is considered to be a tribute to courtesy. Only young people and close friends replace the handshake with any other gesture.

Willly Hellpach (1877-1955), German doctor and psychologist, Minister of Culture of Land Baden-Württemberg and subsequently the Prime Minister of this Earth, in 1954 issued a German character's book. In it, he analyzes the main features of German character. According to the author, despite

all Changes and Peripetics of Historical J

situations in the German character especially jointly

toychivi and unchanged found themselves the basis

properties: Schaffensdrag "Thirst for creative activity"; Gründlichkeit "Foundation Just"; ORDNUNGSLIEBE "Love for Order"; j EiGensinn, DickkopFigkeit "Preystravia", "stubborn-;

go "; Vertraumtheit "Dreamy" and J

Manierverachtung "Neggrerying good [manners".

A. V. Pavlovskaya distinguishes two categories!

stereotypes: Surface and deep. Surface Stereotypes - J

these are the ideas about a particular people, \\

which are due to historical, international

native, internal political situation or j other time factors. These stereo | Types change depending on the situation in the world and society. Their duration would be

the goods depends on the overall stability of the one!

society. This is usually images-representing; related to specific historically- i

mi realities. Surface stereotypes I.

represent undoubted interest before I

total for historians, as well as anyone who is internet

enviving socio-political processes, j

what is happening in society. I.

Unlike superficial, deep |

stereotypes are unchanged. They do not change in I

time flow. Deep stereotypes

further amazing stability, and names - i

but they are the greatest interest! To study features nationally!

th character: the stereotypes themselves give matter- j

al to explore the people who are i

the object of stereotyping, but evaluating characteristics | The features of the group in which j are distributed.

Based on the formation of ethnic co- |

knowledge and culture as regulators J

human maintenance act as congenital, j

so acquired in the process of socialism - I

factors - Cultural stereotypes, which

rye digested from the moment J

man begins to identify himself with |

a specific ethnic group, a certain cult- |

roy and to realize yourself with their element. Owl

the curriculum of mental stereotypes of the ethnos is- J

it is known to each his representative. Stereo I.

types are used by native speakers in the standard

dart situations of communication. And the dominion is!

the stereotype can be practically!

anyone, and not only the logically the main behavior of a person in any society typical

The stability of the culture, its viability is due to how developed the structures that determine its unity, integrity. The integrity of the culture implies the development of stereotypes of culture - stereotypes of behavior, perception, understanding, communication, i.e. stereotypes of the general picture of the world. V.A. Maslova emphasizes that the frequency of occurrence of certain objects, phenomena in the lives in the lives of people is an important role in the formation of stereotypes, often expressed in longer human contacts with these objects compared to others, which leads to the stereotypification of such objects.

Note that the behavior of each person individually and diverse, but, despite

it is, that is, it is subordinate to the standards developed in this society.

So, stereotypes exist in any society, but it is especially important to emphasize that a set of stereotypes for each of them is purely specific. At the regulation of human behavior within the native cultural and linguistic space, cultural stereotypes have great influence, which are beginning to be assumed from the moment when a person begins to realize itself with a part of a certain ethnos, part of a certain culture. Thus, two forms of behavior can be distinguished in one or another sociocultural space: free, variable behavior (individual for each person) and the regulated behavior submitted to the existing stereoty

] To this, it is safe to argue that paming behavior.

Bibliographic list

1. Harutyunyan S. M. Nation and its mental warehouse. Krasnodar, 1966.

2. Bromley Yu. V. Ethnos and ethnography. M., 1975.

3. Vodovozova E. N. How people live on white light. Germans. St. Petersburg., 1904.

4. Jandildin N. Nature national Psychology. Alma-Ata, 1971.

5. Erofeev N. A. Tuman Albion. M., 1982.

6. Maslova V. A. Lingvoculturology. M., 2001.

7. New illustrated encyclopedic dictionary / ed. count : V. and .. Borodulin [and others] M.: Big Russian encyclopedia, 2000.

8. Pavlovskaya A.V. Ethnic stereotypes in the light of intercultural communication / / Vestn. MSU. Ser. 19. Linguistics and intercultural communication. 1998. No. 1.

9. Parygin D. B. Public mood. M., 1966.

10. Katz D., BRALY K. Racial Stereotypes in One Hundred College Students // Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology. 1933. Vol. 28.

Stereotypes as a cultural phenomenon

The human consciousness is endowed with a property of reflecting the surrounding human objective reality, and this reflection is a subjective image of an objective world, that is,. certain model, picture of the world. When objectification of the consciousness of reality, stereotyping mechanisms are included. The result of the reflection in the consciousness of the individual fragment of the picture of the world is a stereotype, a fixed mental "picture" [Red 2002: 177-178]. Thus, a stereotype with a meaningful "point of view is a certain steady fragment of the picture of the world stored in consciousness.

The stereotype phenomenon itself is considered not only in the works of linguists, but also sociologists, ethnographers, cognitologists, psychologists, ethnopsycholingers (U. Lippman, I. S. Kon, Yu.D.Apressyan, V.A. Yuzhkov, Yu.E. Prokhorov, V. V. Krasnyh, V.A. Maslova).

Social stereotypes manifest themselves as stereotypes of thinking and behavior of the person. Ethnocultural stereotypes is a generalized idea of typical featurescharacterizing any people. German accuracy, Russian "Avos", Chinese ceremonies, African temperament, hot tempering of Italians, stubbornness of Finns, the slowness of Estonians, Polish halanery - stereotypical ideas about the whole people who apply to each of his representative.

In cognitive linguistics and ethnolingvistics, the term stereotype refers to the meaningful side of the language and culture, i.e. It is understood as a mental (thought) stereotype, which correlates from the "naive picture of the world." Such an understanding of stereotypes we meet in the works of E. Barthminsky and his school; The language picture of the world and the language stereotype corresponds to him as part and the whole, while the language stereotype is understood as a judgment or several judgments belonging to a particular object of an off-language world, subjectively deterministic representation of the subject, in which descriptive and evaluative features coexist and which is the result of interpretation of reality Within the framework of socially developed cognitive models. We consider the language stereotype not only a judgment or several judgments, but also any sustainable expression consisting of several words, for example, a sustainable comparison, cliché, etc.: the face of Caucasian nationality, gray as Lun, a new Russian. The use of such stereotypes facilitate and simplify communication, saving the power of communicants.

The stereotype is interpreted in modern social sciences as "a set of sustainable simplified generalizations on the group of individuals, allowing to distribute the members of the group to categories and perceive their template, according to these expectations." However, the stereotype applies not only to groups of subjects. He also expresses the usual attitude of a person to any phenomenon or event. Stereotypes are formed in the process of socializing the personality [Ryzhkov 1988: 11] and add up under the influence of social conditions and preceding experience.

In linguoculturology, the following types of stereotypes are distinguished: simple and portable. And in those and others there are roadstereedypes and heterosterotypes. (Think of examples).

Stereotypes are always national, and if analogues are found in other cultures, these are quasi-tracking, for, coinciding in general, they differ in nuances, details that are of fundamental importance. For example, the phenomena and the situation of the queue in different cultures Different, and therefore, the stereotypical behavior will be different: in Russia they ask "Who's Last?" or just stand in line in a number european countries Remove the convicts in a special machine and then follow the numbers that light over the window, for example, in the mail.

According to Harutyunyan, "a peculiar national flavor of feelings and emotions, the image of thoughts and actions, sustainable and national features of habits and traditions, which are influenced by the conditions of the material life, features of the historical development of this nation and manifest themselves in the specifics of its national culture." In other words, a set of character traits inherent in a nation.

Ethnic cultural stereotypes cannot be considered separately from the culture of communication, since inter-ethnic communication is not isolated area social Life, and a mechanism to ensure coordination, the functioning of all elements of human culture.

Inter-ethnic communication culture is a system of specific for this ethnos. Stereotyped forms, principles, methods of communicative activities. The system of ethnocultural stereotypes is specially adapted to perform socially significant functions in the life of the ethnos.

Ethnic stereotypes in situations of intercultural communication are "guides" of behavior. On the basis of the formed representations, we predict the behavior of representatives of another ethnos in advance, and not wanting, we establish a distance in the intercultural communication process.

The perception of another ethnic volume is the direct response to contact with an inhanitical environment. Usually, perception goes through the prism of its ethnic "I", that is, a certain traditional stereotype of thinking and behavior defined by ethnicity. Now, when ethnic differences are more and more dominated by the behavior of people, defining the nature of the perception of other ethnic groups, intercultural communication creates a lot of problems.

The basis of the formation of ethnic stereotypes serve cultural differences that are easily perceived with intercultural interaction. Forming in the zone of ethnocultural contacts on the basis of systems of ethnic ideas about imaginary and real features of their own and other ethnic groups, stereotypes are fixed on the subconscious level as not to doubt the imperative in relation to representatives of fire ethnic crops.

Cultures are partially similar, and partially differ in solving common problems. For each pair of compared crops, the coincidence is perceived as correct and usually not noticed. The area of \u200b\u200bdifferences causes surprise, irritation, rejection and perceived as a typical national trait - a stereotype of culture.

Russian stereotype: lazy, irresponsible, melancholic.

American stereotype: naive, aggressive, unprincipled, workaholics.

German stereotype: insensitive, bureaucratic, excessively diligent in work.

French stereotype: arrogant, hot, hierarchical, emotional.

The concept close to the concept of culture is the national mentality - the integrating characteristics of people living in a specific culture, which allows you to describe the imaginary vision of the world around them and explain the specifics of their response to it.

Topic 5. The concept of "cultural shock". Strategies for overcoming intercultural conflict

The cross-cultural shock phenomenon is widely known. With him, almost everyone who worked or lived abroad relatively long periods.

Cross-cultural shock is a condition of confusion and helplessness caused by the loss of ordinary value orientations and the inability to give answers to questions: where when and how to do it right?

Especially often, the collisions arising on the basis of cross-cultural errors are found during the first meetings and dating. It is in these situations that managers and managers, especially those who do not own foreign languages \u200b\u200band does not have much experience in contact with foreigners, should be extremely attentive and careful.

Six forms of manifestation of cultural shock:

    voltage due to efforts attached to achieve psychological adaptation;

    sense of loss due to the deprivation of friends, their position, profession, property;

    the feeling of loneliness (rejection) in a new culture that can turn into denial of this culture;

    violation of role-playing and sense of self-identification; Anxiety, turning into indignation and disgust after awareness of cultural differences;

    the feeling of inferiority due to the inability to cope with the situation.

The main cause of cultural shock is the difference in cultures. Symptoms of cultural shock can be very different: from exaggerated care for cleaning dishes, linen, water quality and food to psychosomatic disorders, general anxiety, insomnia, fear.

Cross-cultural shock, characterized by the state of indecision, helplessness, depression, dissatisfied with itself. Almost all, without exception, businessmen survived this condition. This is connected not only with moving to another country, but also with a change of activity, a change in the official position, transition from one company to another, etc.

Many researchers believe that the basis of cross-cultural shock is the violation of intercultural communications. Typically distinguished four classical phases of cross-cultural shock.

    Phase Euphoria, joyful revival. This phase is often referred to as the "honeymoon" cross-cultural shock. This period is characterized by a high degree of expectations, the desire to focus on positive values.

    The phase of the cultural shock itself, frustration and irritation. The symptoms of this phase include longing for home, a sense of concern, depression, fatigue, irritability, and even aggressiveness. Many this condition is accompanied by the development of a complex of inferiority, the reluctance to perceive a new culture, restricting communication only with its compatriots.

    Phase Third - phase of gradual fixture, recovery. During this period, there is a reflection of the new cultural environment, Returns the positive perception of the surrounding world, the feeling of hope for the best is growing.

    The fourth phase - the phase of complete device, reversible cultural shock. This phase is characterized by the awareness of the values \u200b\u200bof the new culture and at the same time critical understanding of the culture of its own country.

Reversive cultural shock - a set of sensations that the person is experiencing, who lived abroad for a long time, when returning home.

Success on the market depends largely on the cultural adaptability of the company, its employees, from their competence in the field of intercultural communications. Cultural incompetence, infurinal communication influence at risk, including monetary, success of the company. When committing a failed deal and here, perhaps, not the last role plays the inability to communicate with a foreign partner, ignorance of customs, history, culture of the country of partners can decrease the volume of sales and purchases, the attitude of buyers to the company will deteriorate. An important component of the efficiency of cross-cultural contacts is knowledge of foreign languages. The language plays an important role in collecting information and its assessment, the language gives access to an understanding of the culture of other people, they become more open. Cross-cultural studies show that without knowledge of a foreign language is extremely difficult, if it is generally possible to seriously study and understand the culture of another country. Entry into the global world, the successful management of international business requires the formation of cross-cultural literacy. Another barrier in intercultural communications can be stereotyping, simplified perception and standardization of reality phenomena. The manager who trusted the previous experience, the stereotype often makes mistakes. Communication abilities are difficult and most often lead to cross-cultural shock. Strictly speaking, stereotyping paralyzes creative thinking, destructively affects the ability to perceive the new.

In a cross-cultural environment, a system of values, norms and traditions of a particular country occupies an important place. A good attitude not only to the cultural heritage of the country, but the knowledge of religious, ethical norms of this country is necessary for the manager associated with international activities. Unfortunately, the most important cause of the violation of cross-cultural communication and the occurrence of cross-cultural shock is ethnocentrism, which is associated with a sense of excellence, which representatives of one culture are experiencing in relation to others. There is nothing more destructive for cooperation than a dismissive attitude towards a partner, the desire to impose his system of values \u200b\u200band views to him. The manifestation of ethnocentrism and egocentrism is always destructive for business and is usually accompanied by loss of competitiveness. It is impossible to achieve business success in modern conditions, without respecting the culture and traditions of other countries, as well as it is impossible to achieve career success in the company, the business culture of which the manager does not accept and condemns. In business, as in any type of activity, still relevant golden rule of morality: believing the other way you want to treat you.

The degree of severity of cultural shock and the duration of intercultural adaptation depend on very many factors: internal (individual) and external (group).

In the first group of factors, individual characteristics of a person are the most important: gender, age, character traits. Therefore, recently researchers believe that the education factor is more important for adaptation. The higher it is, the more successful adaptation is. Education, even without taking into account cultural content, expands the internal possibilities of a person. Than fasciner picture The world in humans, the easier and faster he perceives innovations.

In connection with these studies, scientists have made attempts to highlight a certain universal set of personal characteristics, which should have a person who is preparing to life in someone else's country with someone else's culture. The following personality features are usually called: professional competence, high self-esteem, sociability, extrovertness, openness for different views, interest in surrounding people, tendency to cooperate, tolerance for uncertainty, internal self-control, courage and perseverance, empathy. If the cultural distance is too large, the adaptation will not flow easier. The internal factors of adaptation and overcoming cultural shock also include the circumstances of the life experience of the person. Here is the most important - the motives for adaptation. The presence of knowledge of language, history and culture will certainly facilitate adaptation.

Foreign companies operating in Russia bring new ways to communicate new models of working processes, new requirements for professionalism of employees. Despite the fact that many employees of international companies have a good foreign language, the orientation in complex cultural space can be very difficult, which affects decision-making and simply on communicating between employees. The prerequisite for the successful interaction of personnel is the development of cross-cultural competencies.

Ways to resolve the conflict of an individual with an alien environment:

    Ghettoation (from the word "ghetto"). This phenomenon takes place when immigrants arriving in someone else's country, due to certain internal or external causes, they are closed in their own circle, minimizing communication with the surrounding society and its culture. They often settle in the same area of \u200b\u200bthe city, where they speak native language, Keep consumption models that are accustomed to home. In many major and even medium-sized cities, you can see Chinese, Indian quarters. Brighton Beach in New York is a cultural enclave created in America immigrants from Soviet Unionwho are not able or not wanting to undergo socialization anew. In such cultural ghetto, restaurants offering national cuisine, souvenir shops of the respective country, etc. are concentrated. In these areas, the corresponding demand for the attributes of the culture of the country, from where residents of the district or their ancestors came from.

    Assimilation is a way to overcome cultural shock opposite to getotization. In this case, the individual seeks as quickly as possible to abandon its culture and assimilate the culture of the host country. Such people in America are much big Americans than those whose ancestors landed in a new light hundred years ago.

    An intermediate strategy that immigrants seek to learn a new culture, but at the same time enrich it the one that brought with them. So, Italian Spaghetti, Pizza became US national dishes, and Indian, Chinese cuisine - part of consumption in the UK, USA and many other countries.

    Partial assimilation is a refusal of its culture and the development of new only in separate areas. So, most often, immigrants are forced to adapt to the norms adopted in the given country. However, in the family, they often try to maintain their national culture, retain the commitment of national cuisine, the style of the decoration of apartments. Often preserves the commitment of its traditional religion.

    Colonization is imposing their immigrants cultural values, norms, language to local residents. In this case, the consumption style is introduced to a new soil and becomes dominant or in the country as a whole or in certain groups of the population. Classic example Cultural colonization was the creation of the Empires of Western European countries in Asia and Africa, accompanied by planting elements of European culture there.

However, sometimes the Americanization of life in Western Europe is called as an example of cultural colonization after the Second World War. With this approach, cultural shifts in the post-Soviet Russia can also be called cultural colonization.

Cognitive dissonance - (from the English. Words: Cognitive - "Cognitive" and Dissonance - "Lack of harmony") - the state of an individual characterized by a collision in his consciousness of contradictory knowledge, beliefs, behavioral plants relative to some object or phenomenon in which one of the existence of one element There is a denial of the other, and the associated discrepancy is a feeling of psychological discomfort. The dissonance may appear due to the differences in cultural custom.

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The study of cultural stereotypes, their stability, selection is related to the needs modern life, with awareness of the fact that, formed by different circumstances, including chances of limited knowledge, the image of the "other", "other culture" as a whole, often very far from reality, has the same historical and cultural significance, as the reality itself Artificially created view-representations begin to play an active role in the formation of the mentality of contemporaries and possibly subsequent generations. A person who perceives the world in accordance with the ideas, relations and values \u200b\u200bthat dominates in his native culture behaves in accordance with them. Therefore, the presentations of people about the world are always relative and diverse and depend on what culture a person was born and raised. To understand why a representative of another culture behaves this way in a certain sociocultural context, should first of all understand how he perceives this world, to see the situation with his eyes, imagine how his perception works. Meeting with representatives of other peoples and cultures, a person usually manifests the natural tendency to perceive their behavior from the standpoint of its culture, while without the ability to quickly and correctly assess the interlocutor to be difficult to navigate in another social and cultural environment. Most often lack of understanding of someone else's language, symbols of gestures, facial expansions and other elements of behavior leads to a distorted interpretation of the meaning of their actions, which gives rise to such negative feelings, as alertness, contempt, hostility. Stereotypes are the shape of the collective consciousness of stereotypes reflect the public experience of people, the general repeating in their daily practice. They are formed as a result joint activity People by emphasizing the consciousness of a person on certain properties, the qualities of the appearance of the surrounding world, which are well known, are visible or understood by a large number of people. In its content, stereotypes are the concentrated expression of these properties and qualities, the most schematically and clearly transmitting their essence. (For example, the Europeans who first entered into communication with the Japanese, shocked and soyane shocking what the Japanese with a fun smile talk about such sad things, As a disease or death of close relatives. This became the basis for the formation of a stereotype about the silent, the cynicism and the cruelty of the Japanese. However, in such cases, a smile should be understood in the sense that it does not have in european culture behavior, and in Japanese. There she actually symbolizes the desire of the Japanese not to disturb the surrounding their personal sorrows.) Exist different kinds Stereotypes. These include the following: racial and ethnic stereotypes: This additionally includes indigenous Americans, black stereotypes, Middle East and Muslim stereotypes, white American stereotypes, Irish stereotypes, Italian stereotypes, Polish stereotypes, Jewish stereotypes, Eastern and South Asia stereotypes and Hispanic Or laminarian stereotypes. Gender stereotypes: They include male, female and transsexual stereotypes .Sexually oriented stereotypes: These stereotypes include gays, lesbians and bisexuals. Socio-economic stereotypes: they are classified as homeless, working class and class of stereotypes top.