Features of the Negroid race. Why black blacks

Features of the Negroid race. Why black blacks
Features of the Negroid race. Why black blacks

For this weekend I visited Eilat (Israel). And the presence of there a large number of refugees from Sudan "picked up" for interesting thoughts. And actually why black blacks?! After all, everyone still has a school bench, it is known that black (on it and black) absorbs the entire visible spectrum of light. White, on the contrary, almost everything reflects and the more white it reflects. Those. If you look and think logically, a person living under constant and intensive solar radiation should be at least completely white, and even better mirror or generally transparent ... (even a thought has arisen about the perfect black and / or transparent, spherical humanoid.) But Nature took and made it black ...

Search for articles on the expanses of the tyrnet results did not bring. Only some fragmented phrases and racist shouts. Wikipedia for the search for "Negro" and "Negroid Race" surprised in a practically complete lack of information ... So I will try to combine everything together and issue an adequate article ...

Let's start from the very beginning ...

Determine the Nero-shaped race. Here the first surprise awaits us. To his surprise, I did not find the "definition" of the Negroid race, but only vague characteristics, based on which it is possible to conclude - a black man or just tires to burn love ..

So characteristic signs:
different growth, extended limbs (especially hands), dark skin (especially rich melanin), curly hair, poorly growing beard and mustache, wide flat nose, thick lips, big brown eyes, big ears, prenatamism.

On a clear, scientific definition is not drawn (by the way if anyone knows, I will be grateful for the information), but let us say that we have enough.

Rich melanin leatherThis is what interests us. What is melanin and why do we need it?

Melanin, and more or rather, melanin is a group of substances contained in the skin, hair, the retina of the eye, fabrics, wool. There is also a chemical definition of the entire group, but there is such a number of indices in carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, that my natural hatred of chemistry overpowered the desire will share information and I will not give examples of these horrific designs.

We are also just interested in the biological function of these melanins.
... Melanins are widespread in plant and animal fabrics, as well as the simplest. They determine the color of the skin and hair, such as horses, the color of bird feathers (together with interference color), fish scales, insect cuticles. Melanins absorb ultraviolet rays, and by this protect the tissue of deep layers of the skin from radiation damage. Another recently discovered function is the assimilation of ultraviolet radiation to ensure vital activity ...

As can be seen from the above, Melanin protects us from ultraviolet. Those. Nature "thought, thought" and said - it's warm enough to divert, sweat - the breeze blows - we are cool. But ultraviolet, the person apparently not really needed and they decided to defend himself.

Moreover, protection against ultraviolet is dynamic. The more ultraviolet on us dripping, the better we are protected. This defense is called - tan.

Tan - dark skin color under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The darkening arises due to the formation and accumulation in the lower layers of the epidermis of a specific pigment, melanin.

Well, here we actually got the answer. Negros, for a long time (in biological understanding), lived under intense ultraviolet radiation, and "tanned" permanently ...

Black negros are better protected from ultraviolet, and not from light in the visible spectrum and / or heat. That's the whole question ...

Now it remains to understand why they have palms and white soles .... o_o

It will be about the anthropological and other features of the Negroid race:

Keep in blackbody.
Russian folk proverb.


In numerous studies of human races, there were comparisons for the mass of the white and black brain, which showed that the Negro Brain is approximately 8-12 percent easier than the white brain.
Such studies were conducted by bin, pir, screw, Tilni, Gordon, Todd and other scientists. Compared to the white brain, in addition to the difference in weight, the brain Negro is less grows after puberty.
Although the Negro Brain and the nervous system ripen faster than the white brain, their development stops at an earlier age, which limits further mental development.
Supporting (outer) layer of the Negro Brain, compared with the white brain, approximately 15 percent thinner.
The frontal shares of the Negro Brain, which are responsible for abstract thinking, are smaller by weight, less complex and with a smaller number of furrows than the frontal shares of the white brain.
Negro brain on average by 9-20% less than that of white


Negro skull, in addition to a smaller brain volume and thicker than in white, cranial bones, has an outstanding jaw; That is, a lower face is issued forward, like a face of the animal. As a result, the Negro jaw is much longer than that of white. The characteristic feature of the Negro jaw is the preserved residue of the "monkey protrusion" - bone cavity directly under the cutters. Monkeys protrusion is a distinctive feature of man-like monkeys and is absent in white.
Card seams, compared to white, simpler and used to be connected together.
The frontal part of the skull is less spacious. Skull himself, especially on sides, thicker.
Because of the thorough frontal part of the Negro is less sensitive to pain, because of which they were previously paid to participate in such sports as boxing.

Pigmentation and leather

Negro leather is thicker and probably superior to the skin of white in the ability to prevent penetration of microbes and protect against ultraviolet sun rays.
With its dark color, Negro is obliged to Pigment Melanin, which is present in all layers of the skin and is found even in muscles and the brain.
Negro leather has a thick outer layer that prevents the appearance of scratches and penetration of microbes.


Negro has a shorter torso, and the profile of the chest is more round than that of white. The pelvis is narrower and long and resembles monkeys.
The Negro is stronger in the pelvis and lower, while the chest is more developed in a white stronger.
Three bends of the spine near the negro are expressed to a lesser extent than that of white, which is more characteristic of the monkey.


Negro has a big and shorter neck - the same as human monkeys.


Compared to white, blacks have disproportionately long arms. This feature, together with much thicker cranial bones, gives a black athlete advantage over white in boxing.
Skeletal and muscular features of the Negro Foot provide them with significant achievements in running short distances and much more modest in running long.
Negro's hands and feet are longer than the Europeans. Like a monkey, shoulders are short, and the forearm is longer.
The fingers are proportionally narrower and long. Wrists and ankles are shorter and strong
Бедро негра более прямое, большая берцовая кость (голень) сильнее изогнута вперед, икра выше, но менее развита.
The heel is wide and protruding, the feet is long and wide, but a little curved, which is caused by a flat sole, the thumb is shorter than that of white.


Black hair, hard and have a "confusing" structure. They are smooth, elliptical and without the central channel inherent in the hair of Europeans.


The nose is thick, wide and flat, closely planted nostrils, like monkeys, exhibit a red mucous membrane.
Two nose bones sometimes connect, like man-like monkeys.


The eyes are convexed, with a black rainbow shell and large eye wpads. Eyes often have a solid yellowish shell, like a gorilla. The same brown eyes are prevented more from sunlight, than light: blue or gray-blue.


The mouth is wide, with very thick, big and protruding lips.


The ears are rounded, rather small and planted somewhat high, like monkeys.


The jaw is larger, strong and issued outside. Together with a low protruding forehead, it forms a front angle of 68-70 degrees, as opposed to the front corner of 80-82 degrees inherent in Europeans.


The teeth are larger and wide than the White race.


The shorter gentle length in blacks is perfectly consistent with the data of the European missionary ethnography and their national legends, confirming the duration of the evolutionary period in the development of this race associated with the cannibalism, because for the assimilation of human meat rich in proteins, you need a smaller length of the intestine than for Long digestion of plant food.

Atavistic (monkey) signs in morphology races.
Karl Stands (1858-1924)
1. Ear Macaki - Ear with a pointed upper edge.
2. Qatarrynia - low, monkey-shaped wide nose with large open nostrils.
3. Stenophthaphia is a slight development of the temporal area.
4. Inca bone of the skull bone, fragile with the occipital bone.
5. Torus Occpitalis is an extremely strong development of the transverse elevation on the occipital bone, to which the muscles of the nape is attached.
6. Significant bones of the forearm.
7. Clawed fingers.
8. Strongly developed abnormal arcs with deeply lying, widely placed internal angles.
9. Swimming metering between your fingers.
10. Four-paltse (monkey) bending fold on palm.
11. Mongolian spot on the sacr.

I'll say right away !!! This is not a disastrous post, these are simply the facts identified during the study of the races (not by me)!
From the posting post: I myself have a black brother Negro !! 1 (aunt had a fun life) and it turns out that it is knocked out of the study that is shown below. He digested all his life and is now the head of the IT department of the company, but they will not trample against the facts, as they say, annek in the dogonka:
An interesting fact is seen at the Olympics that white is usually leading in shooting, and black in run!
And below the sheet sheet)

Roger Ruts
Fact N1: White race crossed the sea, conquered the rivers and mountains, dried the desert, and colonized the most fruitless ice expanses. White invented printing, electricity, flight, telescope, space travel, firearms, transistor, radio, television, telephone, photo, cinema, electric battery, car, steam engine, railroad, microscope, computer and millions of other technological miracles. They opened countless medical improvements, incredible applied programs, scientific progress.

Fact N2: For 6000 years studied history, African ebony did not invent anything. Nor writing, nor the treatment of fabric, no calendar, no plow, nor gaskets, no railways, no ships, nor the calculation system, nor even the wheels. (Note: This refers to purebred blacks.)


Fact N3: I.Q American blacks - from 15 to 20 points, on average, below such indicators of white Americans

Fact N5: Taking into account that the average I.Q. Equal to 85, only 16% of black rises higher than 100, while half of the white population copes with this task.

Fact N6: Each tenth black has I.Q. Indicator from 50 to 70, equating to their backward schoolchildren ..
Fact N 7: According to the study of the American government, future professional or administrative employees upon admission to universities should show Rating I.Q. 70 or higher. From the past quotas, 58% are white, and only 12% - negros

Fact N8: Differences between Negro and White Children increase with age, the difference in efficiency is the greatest in colleges and secondary schools of the United States.

Fact N10: In 1915, Dr. G.V. EFFUSON took 1000 schoolchildren in Virginia, divided them into 5 racial categories, and checked their mental ability. Average. Purebred blacks showed 69.2% of white indicators. Negros for three quarters - 73.0%. Negro-semi-seen - 81.2%. Negros per quarter - 91.8%. All these blacks lived as the thoroughbred blacks under consideration. Their habitat and "advantages" or inconvenience were exactly the same.

Fact N11: The results of an experienced test conducted in the US Army among over 386,000 illiterate soldiers during World War I have shown that the Negro Conscripts were "below whites on all types of tests used in the army.

Fact N12: Classes conducted with identical twins, prepared separately in radically different media ensure the final evidence that the complete effect of heredity exceeds the effect of the medium in relation to approximately 3 to 1.

Fact N13: Even when black and white have the same background modes, in relation to the income of the family and the number of children in the family, blacks still have medium I.Q. By 12 - 15 points lower than compared white. This includes cases when black children were accepted by white parents. They are i.q. It can be improved by the medium, but they are still closer to biological parents than to the reception.

Fact N14: The ideologists of the notorious "equality" often depreciate the test results on I.Q. With justification that they are artificially compact. Nevertheless, no one, no united Negro Foundation, nor any other Piereling Organization has not been able to develop an intelligence test, which shows the same black and white.

Fact N 15: American Indians who often live in a far worse than American black throughout life, however constantly overtake them on I.Q. tests.

Fact N16: The result of interracial marriages tends to have below I.Q. than a white parent.

Negro Brain

Fact N17: Numerous studies among human races were made to compare the brain of white and blacks with results that showed that the brain Negro is 8-12 percent easier. Such studies were conducted by Binin, Pirly, Screw, Tarnings, Gordon, Todd and other scientists.

Fact N18: In addition to the difference in weight, the Negro brain grows less after puberty than white. Although the Negro brain and the nervous system ripen faster than the white brain, the development stops at an earlier age, which limits further intellectual Promotion.
Fact N19: The thickness of the supraranular level (outer layer) of the Negro Brain is approximately 15 percent a thinner on average than white.

Fact N20: frontal petals of the Negro brain responsible for abstract, conceptual thinking are smaller relative to the body weight and less complex than those of white brain.


Fact N21: The name Homo Sapien was first used in the 18th century by Swedish Botany Karl Linneem. The word "SAPIEN" means "reasonable". The term was originally used in relation to white man, synonymous with the "European". As a result, much later, taxonomists and genetics believed that negros and other races should be classified as various varieties. In fact, Darwin stated in his book that human races are so different that they can be compared with the differences found in any animal.

Fact N22: In its giant work "The Origin of Ras", Professor Charton Kun, President of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists and Prime Minister of Genetics, gathered massive evidence from geography, anatomy, genetics, physiology, linguistics, archeology to test his theory "acutely races. In other words, Homo Erectus was a separate race even during the development of Homo Sapien.

Fact N23: According to Dr. Kuhn, while the Caucasian Digure (White Race) developed in Europe, the Negro Race stopped at the evolutionary level and today it is worth not less than 200,000 years behind the european for the development of the brain and skull.

Fact N24: Negro Skull, in addition to a smaller brain volume and thicker cranial bones than in white, is prenatical; That is, a lower face is issued forward, like a face of the animal. As a result, the Negro jaw is mostly longer than white.

Fact N25: Negra leather is thicker, which prevents the penetration of microbes and protects the sun from ultraviolet rays.

Fact N26: The dark color of the Negro leather is created by the melanin pigment, which is distributed in all levels of the skin and is found even in muscles and the brain.

Fact N27: The African Dentist may distinguish the tooth of the Negro from a white person at once.

Fact N28: Negros have hands, which are longer, relative to the height of the body, which are white. This feature, together with their much thicker cranial bones, gives a black athlete advantage over white in boxing. Skeletal and muscular features of the blacks gave them considerable success as runners.

Additional differences

Fact N29: Black hair, "obscure" in the texture, they are flat and eleppical without a central channel inherent in Europeans's hair. The nose is thick, wide and flat, closely planted nostrils that exhibit the red internal structure of the membrane, like a monkey. Negro's hands and feet are relatively longer than the Europeans. From the position of the observer, large orbits of black eyes are visible. The eyes are prone "chicken, blindness" similar to Gorilla. Negro has a shorter spine, the cross section of the breast is more circular than that of white. The pelvis is narrower and longer, similar to monkey. The mouth is wide with very thick, large and outstanding lips. The skin has a thick surface level, which resists scratches and prevents penetration of microbes. Negro has a big and shorter neck related such anthropoid. The cranial structure is more simply than in the white type. The ears are round, rather small, stand somewhat high. The jaw is greater and stronger. The chin is directed outside, which, along with a protruding forehead, gives the front angle 68 to 70 degrees as opposed to the front corner of 80 to 82 degrees for Europeans. The hands and fingers are proportionally narrower and longer. The wrist and ankles are shorter and more powerful. The skull is thicker especially on the sides. The brain is an average of 20% less than white. Teeth are larger and broader relative to the white race. Three curvatures of the spine are less declared in blacks than in white and thus more like a monkey. The heel is wide, the leg is long and wide, the thumb is shorter than that of white. Two bones corresponding to the nose are sometimes combined, like some monkeys.

Fact N30: \u200b\u200bStudying a group of blood, made during World War II suggest that American Negrogen genes were approximately 28% white. - Despite all ways to establish discrimination, social segregation, etc. Keep in mind that the test results of a true black African would show even great differences from white.


Fact N31: Blacks make killing thirteen times more often than whites; Violence and robbery tenfold. This information gives the FBI. Reports changed several months a year but give a fairly accurate picture over the past decade.

Fact N32: According to the US Department of Justice, 1 of 4 black men between the ages of 20 and 29 years is in prison or on a probationary period.

Fact N33: Amonging only 12% of the American population, blacks make, more than half, all violence and robberies, and 60% of all murders in America.

Fact N34: Approximately 50% of all black men were arrested and accused of a serious criminal offense during their lives.

Fact N35: Black man 56 times more permits the likelihood to attack a white man than the opposite.

Fact N36: Black Hooligan Groupings Choose white victims in more than 54.9% of cases, which is 30 more often than white choose blacks.

Fact N37: Annual Report from the Ministry of Justice shows that when white make violence, they do it with black in two cases from one hundred. Black, on the other hand, choose the victim of white more than one of two.

Fact N38: in New York, any white 300 times more suspended by the brigade of blacks than, black brigade white.

Fact N39: Many people argue that these data concern only violent crimes committed by the lubricated part of society. However, blacks make a disproportionately large number of violations and in the non-violent field. In 1990, Blacks were almost 3 times more often were arrested for fake, fraud and waste than white.

Fact N40: Many people believe that the crime is a product of poverty and lack of "advantages". However, DC, which enjoys the highest average annual salary and inferior only to the state of Alaska in personal income per capita, firsts in every category of crimes, including murder, robbery, robbery, and theft of vehicles. District Columbia also has the highest place for the sale of weapons in the country, the highest police costs per capita, the largest number of police officers and officials on a citizen and the highest rate of safety tax. With all this, about 80% of crimes were perfect black. West Virginia State in the United States, which has the lowest crime rate in the country, suffers from chronic poverty and has the highest unemployment in the United States. He, besides, has the smallest number of police per capita. Western Virginia state in the USA - over 96% of the white population.

Black family

Fact N41 46% of black citizens from 16 to 62 years refuse to work, preferring to live on benefits.

Fact N42: more than 66% of black children were born out of marriage. Per capita, their number ten times more than whites.

Fact N43: Black Four and a half times more than white have the opportunity to welfare.

Fact N44: more than 35% of all black people in the cities of the United States constantly take drugs or strong alcohol.


FACT N45: In January of L986, an article "Preferences of skin color, sexy dimorphism and a sexual choice: Case of Culture of the Culture of the Culture of the Gene was published in the magazine of ethnic and racial studies, Women have more complexes related to the color of the skin than men. After conducting standard ethnographic studies in 51 society on five continents, they recorded their preferences for human skin, finding that in 30 studied groups preferred brighter women and in 14 preferred brighter and women and men. Culture of India, China, Brazil, as well as the Arabs and Negros regard the most famous women as the most beautiful - perpetuating the aesthetic elephant of attractiveness: bedding, pinking, blueglaze, blonde - "Scandinavian ideal" of women's beauty - even if they do not directly possess genetic ability to Play such an organism. After some time, the study showed that the upper classes of all races became more lately than their lower tribesmen, because they were repeatedly mixed with women
The above-described ideal image.

Fact N46: Scientific research on what constitutes human beauty, in which 300 interviewed various racial types showed photos of different women with a request to determine the best type, showed that the Scandinavian type is recognized by all as the most attractive, even black. The respondents were instructed to appreciate the persons solely on his or her "personal standards of beauty and not consider popular norms." The results of the study - "age, gender, race and perception of facial beauty" are psychologically associated with development.

Fact N47: In experiments in which black children played with white and black dolls, it was found that most of them preferred to play with white dolls. It is truly all over the world. Even in such places as Tobago.

Why are men much more often than women, are interested in what is the average length of the member among representatives of different nationalities? Perhaps because in the depths of the soul they do not believe the assurances of most women about the fact that the size for them does not matter.

Many men try to use any opportunity to prove to themselves and their partner, that the size of his penis is not so small, and some even make a lot of effort in order to increase their degenerate organ. Let's learn the statistics of what is the average length of the member among male representatives in different countries?

By tradition, it is believed that the smallest dignity of Asians. Men of the Far East and Southeast Asia are usually always at the very end of such ratings. And this is not surprising, since the average length of a member of a man in China is about 11 cm, in Thailand and India - 10 cm, whereas in Korea - less than 10 cm.

"Golden middle" represents the male population The average length of the member at 14-16 centimeters (in the state of the erection)

it is considered a classic "average" size of residents of the United States, Canada, England, Germany and other countries of the European continent.

Sexual member, the average length of which is a little more than 18 cm, received the "palm of championship" and is the affiliation of Africans, or rather the inhabitants

Does the female orgasm affect the female orgasm?

Scottish scientists conducted their own research on how important for representatives of the beautiful sex of a man. More than 300 girls took part in the survey, of which 60% stated that the size does not have any meaning for them, 34% of respondents preferred more averages, and only 6% of respondents reported that they like the size less than the average. Does the concept, as the length of the Middle Member, is the cornerstone of the success of intimate relations between a woman and a man?

If we talk about the peculiarities of women's physiology, then men looked at their member should be aware that the vagina of any woman has a high ability to change its dimensions, tightly covering the male penis regardless of its size. Therefore, in a purely physiological sense, the statement that the size of male dignity for most women does not matter is true, is true truth.

According to the women themselves, in order to get an orgasm, the most important thing for them is the ability to relax as much as possible and trust in their partner, just so you can get a maximum of pleasure. Naturally, for complete relaxation, the emotional component of relations between partners is important primarily, and not at all the fact that a man in a man.

As women themselves are recognized, a man should be able to understand what a woman likes, and what is not. It is this ability for men to guess the slightest sweated desires of their partners who can bring any woman to the peak of excitement. Trusting a man, knowing that he is experiencing only the warmest feelings to her, the woman is able to liberate as much as possible and get an unforgettable pleasure, as well as to give it to his partner.

Hi, dear lovers of interesting facts. Today we will analyze in detail why the Negroes have a large critical organ. This question is often distinguished by all sorts of Internet resources dedicated to themes and medicine. Indeed, why are representatives of the Negroid race, can boast more impressive "merits" than their white fellow?

Where the legs are growing from

The theme of the penis causes a lot of disputes. The concerned community is divided into two parts. Some gentlemen argue that the stories about the inherent in the Africans "Giantism" - no more than myths. The question is painfully intriguing. So a lot of woven and fudge appears, one other is fantastic.

Amateurs films for adultsBy comparing the parameters of white and black actors, lean to the opposite opinion. Europeans them relatively modest sizes are not comfortable at all, but rather, on the contrary. Many Europeans literally devouted the fact that blacks are more than that of white. The same one who has been in Asian countries could contemplate local men "in all its glory," argues that it is absolutely nothing to be about to be sad.

The excitement around the size of the penis occurred not since the heyday of the porn industry, which granted the audience from different countries the opportunity to compare. It all started much earlier and otherwise.

White slavery

The jealous and envious comparison of the genital organs appeared in the era of colonization and the Christianization of Africa. Arriving to the new shores, White Hidalgo of the Old World was amazed by the opened picture. It turned out that the natives living in the thick of the natives possessed the penises of very solid sizes.

Historians studying the south of the United States to the Civil War, consider: physical data from black slaves - which were just exported from Africa - they inspired their masters genuine horror. This partially explains the cruelty of many slave owners. It is much easier to snack a slave giant than to constantly wait for the treason with him a native wife (which happened not so rarely).

White conquers of new mainlands fell into slavery of their own stereotypes and inexorable laws of nature. The hardy black man with great "dignity" is a strong rival in the struggle for attention not spoiled by the sexual diversity of the South. In Europe, Puritan morals reigned at that time, and the aristocratic girls were brought up very strictly.

With a ruler

To argue about the members of the African members or not, it is possible to infinity. Truths to cost to get acquainted with statistical data. Many researchers were engaged in the question of the size of the penises from representatives of different nations.

In 2005, a well-known male health institution (Tomsk) published the results of an unusual survey. It took part of about 6 thousand men of different nationality. The study was conducted in countries that used to be part of the USSR.

Doctors found out that the owners of the largest childbearing organs live in the south of the CIS, in Georgia. The average length of the member here is 17.6 cm. In second place - Russians and Ukrainians with an indicator of 16.2 cm. A little bit from them behind the Baltius (16 cm).

On world scale, the study was conducted by different scientists. The data they received were collected and systematized by the judged Gundersen, a researcher of Syrian origin. The results of this work, the lady presented in the form of a unique map of the size of the penis sizes, which was posted on the Target Map platform.

Inappropriate statistics

The victory in this unlaspped international competition won exclusively gifted from the nature of the gentlemen of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The average length of the excited penis is equal to 17.9 cm. At the same time holders 20- tisantimeter The organ is quite often found.

Just 0.1-0.2 cm they are inferior to Gabonians and Guinean. In general, the largest childbearing bodies of Nature presented the dark-skinned men of Central America, Brazil and Africa (17.9-16.1 cm). In second place are Canadians, Argentines, Arabs, and, oddly enough, residents of cold Greenland (14.8 cm).

The average parameter of 13.4 cm is fixed in the USA, Russia and Australia. Not lucky Indians, the Chinese and Indonesian Aboriginal (10-11 cm). So rumors about the royal sizes of the cringers of black men are not at all fiction.

Why is the size of the penis from blacks more?

Scientists believe that the cause of the rapid growth of some parts of the body of Africans or african American lies in the aggregate of factors. The genetics, diet, cultural characteristics and - at least - climate affect it.

Calling with a map of Gundersen, it is not difficult to note that men with big penises live closer to the equator. Here and warmer, and temperament at the locals "forces". The heat contributes to the roar of blood in the veins and the growth of everything that can grow.

On the other hand, why Indians and Indonesians are also southerners - so modestly gifted? After all, they live in the same latitudes as "large-sized" Africans. The output suggests itself: the climate is not a decisive factor when it comes to the penis. Even in the custodized Ice of Greenland, the penises in guys are 3-4 cm longer than the residents of China, Thailand and India.

A lot of meat - a lot of sex

It is precisely such a relationship between the described male parameters and a diet. This explains the difference between men from Africa and the same India. Equatorial Millennium Tribes lived with hunting. Santom in the wilds of Africa will not meet.

The population here is descended on meat just killed game, which is always full of favorable climate. High-quality animal protein is excellent building material for organs and tissues. So why should men not be gifted in the physical sense?

In India and China, a completely different story. In this part of the globe, such world religions as Buddhism and Hinduism were born. While Africans hunted on Macak, wild pigs and their neighbors, Indians and Tibetans preached love to all inhabiting planets living beings.

Tibet is a cradle of humanism, the search for spiritual truth and, of course, vegetarianism. Vegetable food perfectly cleans the body, contributes to spiritual enlightenment and calm, but definitely does not give physical power.

On a vegetarian diet, the population of the listed countries has mastedly switched over a thousand years ago. During this time, not only men's penises decreased strongly in size, but the people themselves became short. No wonder the Chinese, the Japanese and their southern neighbors are considered the most miniature inhabitants of the planet.

Hi Darwin!

The decisive word in this matter still remains for genetics. If the father "King -Size", then the son will certainly won't blush for their "well done" in the bedroom. But why are royal sizes occur at the immigrants from Africa? Local cultural traditions played the role.

Not burdened by Puritan morality, dark-skinned ladies could always choose the strongest sexual partners. For this, they have all the trumps were on their hands: naked men's bodies before their eyes, a cult of fertility, free sexual relationships.

African aborigines Africa breastfall confess the cult of the body. They emphasize their advantages to tattoos, painting, decorations, scars. Only in the situation of such sexual relations could appear to appear under the name "Kotka" (special case for penis). A real symbol of male strength!

It is hardly in such conditions the guys with tiny members could convey their genes to descendants. Women simply not chose them. So it turned out that endless men with large childbearing organs were made from generation to generation in African forests. The law of natural selection.

I hope, now you understand about why the blacks have such a big roegeneric body, so we do not think that in this regard, someone needs to be complexed. The size of a special role does not play at least in most cases.

The editorial board of WebFacts does not use the word "Negro" as a racist statement. We bring our items if someone is offended by this word.