What is forbidden for a student to do at school. What a teacher is entitled to at school

What is forbidden for a student to do at school.  What a teacher is entitled to at school
What is forbidden for a student to do at school. What a teacher is entitled to at school

School rules of conduct.

All classes at the school are conducted in accordance with the timetable approved by the school principal.

The duration of the lesson is 45 minutes.

The duration of the change is determined by order of the school principal.

Preparation for the lesson should be carried out only during recess.

If a student is late for a lesson, a corresponding entry is made in his diary.

Classroom Code of Conduct

  1. Coming to class, the student must have completed homework.
  2. The student at each lesson must have a formalized diary of the established form, which is presented to the teacher upon request.
  3. Before the start of classes and at recess, the student should prepare for the lesson by laying out on the desk all the books, notebooks, other necessary teaching materials and writing utensils.
  4. The student should not interfere with others in preparing for the lesson.
  5. To ask a question or speak, the student must raise his hand and ask the teacher for permission. It is unacceptable to interrupt the teacher or talk to another student during the lesson.
  6. The student must show independence of thought and action. Cheating and plagiarism are strictly prohibited.
  7. At the end of the lesson, the student should write homework in a diary and make other necessary entries.
  8. At the end of the lesson, the student should collect their belongings and tidy up the workplace.
  1. It is prohibited for students to leave the school territory during school hours, except for cases of exemption from classes for a good reason (in each such case, the basis for leaving the school is the order of the administrator on duty). After the end of classes, students leave the school only accompanied by their parents or persons authorized by them. Only students with written parental permission are allowed to leave school on their own.
  2. in case of missing classes, students must present supporting documents to the class teacher: a medical certificate or a parental statement.
  3. Student. who missed more than 3 lessons during the week and did not present supporting documents, can be admitted to classes only after a written explanation addressed to the director.
  4. A student who missed more than 3 days of the month without supporting documents may be admitted to classes only after a written explanation addressed to the school principal and a written statement from the parents.
  5. The student is responsible for studying all the missed material on his own within a week, unless otherwise agreed with the teacher.
  6. Skipping lessons does not relieve the student from taking credit for the missed lesson to the teacher and completing homework.
  7. Exemption from studies is possible for a certain period on the basis of an application from one of the student's parents, which is submitted in advance (not later than a week) to the name of the school principal. In this case, the missed classes must be compensated for either by the student's independent work or by his additional classes with teachers before or after the missed period. The student reports on the work for the missed time by completing the appropriate tests.
  8. For physical education, sports, students must have appropriate clothing, otherwise the student is not allowed to classes, and the lesson is considered missed without a good reason.
  9. persons in outer clothing are not allowed on the premises of the school.
  10. Stairways and walkways must be clear. Using the stairs. Students must keep to the right and walk calmly, do not run, push, or interfere with the movement of others.
  11. It is strictly forbidden to write on walls, desks, chairs, wardrobes, scratch and break school furniture, equipment and other property.
  12. It is forbidden to make inscriptions on books and manuals belonging to the school, to tear out pages from books. in case of damage or loss of a library book or manual, the student is obliged to replenish it (his) exactly the same (the same) or pay monetary compensation 5 times higher than the cost of the book or allowance.
  13. Students are not allowed to bring to school medical supplies, drugs, explosives, weapons (including gas, pneumatic and firing toy charges, water). gas cartridges and cans with paint, tobacco products, matches and lighters, drinks containing alcohol, stabbing, cutting and other items that can damage health and property.
  14. Smoking is prohibited on the school grounds (for smoking, parents are fined 100 rubles), and the use of alcoholic beverages. Rubbish should only be disposed of in trash cans. Running in the corridors is not allowed.
  15. It is forbidden to bring seeds to school. chewing gum during training sessions.
  16. Use of mobile phones. pagers, electronic games, etc. allowed only during recess.
  17. Profanity and assault are strictly prohibited.
  18. Every student, wherever he is. must demonstrate qualities that validate and underpin the school's high reputation. He shows respect towards other people, cares about his appearance, and behaves with dignity.

Student behavior is governed by these rules. a disciplinary offense is:

  1. Being late for class.
  2. missing classes for no good reason.
  3. foul language.
  4. assault.
  5. smoking
  6. the use of alcoholic beverages.
  7. insult by word or action of the people around.
  8. deliberate damage to school property.
  9. other violations of school rules.

Any person who believes that the behavior, words, or actions of a student or group of students insult his dignity, or who witnesses a disciplinary violation, must immediately inform the administrator on duty.

in case of violation of discipline, the following penalties may be applied to students:

1. warning.

2. writing a note in a diary.

3. the reprimand in the order for the school.

4. transfer to another class.

5. Suspension from classes or a ban on participation in extracurricular activities.

6. expulsion of a student from school.


If each student adheres to the school charter, there will always be a friendly and cozy atmosphere in the educational institution.

Before assigning a baby to the first grade, parents and teachers must explain to him not only the rules of behavior. The child must know their rights and responsibilities. You can read about this in our article.

Who is eligible for training

Education is carried out in the interests of the individual, society and the state. If education is paid, not every adult will be able to give his child not only secondary, but also primary education. Precisely because education is free, all children can easily study in a public institution.

What is Primary School? Children go to first grade to gain knowledge. Before teaching a child various sciences, teachers are obliged to explain to students all the rights, duties and rules of conduct in an educational institution. First, let's figure out who is eligible for secondary education. Only Russian citizens or not?

The Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 43 says: everyone has the right to education. Regardless of age, nation, religious upbringing or gender, any individual living in Russia is obliged to study and receive secondary education. If a person does not speak Russian, he will not be able to participate in the educational process.

According to Part 4. Art. 43, everyone is obliged to master the general school curriculum. After a child has completed secondary education, he has the right to enter a higher educational institution on a competitive basis in order to obtain a profession. Education is aimed at developing the personality of each person. Upon graduation, each student must have knowledge in a certain amount. Every child is obliged to pass exams before leaving school, which assess his knowledge. Only then a certificate is issued, which serves as the basis for admission to a university.

Important! Only a citizen of our country has the right to education in Russia.

What are the student's rights at school?

Not all children are willing to learn properly, and not because they are stupid. The fact is that students do not always observe a friendly and calm atmosphere at school. Because of this, the desire to learn and receive relevant knowledge very often disappears. It is necessary that children know the rights of the child at school and in the classroom.

And adults themselves do not always know the laws in order to talk about them with their children, and then teach them to defend their interests.

The student's rights at school:

  1. The child has the right to a full-fledged school curriculum.
  2. To respect his personality - the teacher should not be rude and rude to the child.
  3. The child has the right to a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere while studying.
  4. The student has the right to an objective assessment of his knowledge: the teacher should not underestimate or overestimate the child's scores.
  5. The student can express his opinion, and the teacher is obliged to listen to the student's thoughts and explain to him whether he is right or not.
  6. The child has the right to his own point of view and must be able to prove the truth if he is confident in his thoughts and judgments.
  7. On the inviolability of their personal belongings - the teacher or peers should not take items such as a phone, tablet, textbook, etc. without the student's permission.
  8. Rest - the teacher should not take part of the break, continuing his lesson.
  9. The student has the right to consult with a lawyer or psychologist.
  10. Every child has the right to freedom of movement around school during recess.
  11. Every student should know their rights.

For every student, primary education should begin with an examination of the rights and responsibilities of the child and the teacher.

Student rights in the lesson

Every child wants a friendly attitude towards himself not only from peers, but also from teachers. The teacher will not always tell the student what grade he gave for the answer or for the written test. It is not right. Every child has rights not only in school, but also in the classroom.

Very often teachers do not understand how uncomfortable children feel when they are deprived of the opportunity to know about their successes and failures.

Student rights in the lesson:

  1. The child should know what mark was given to him for knowledge.
  2. The student has the right to know all his grades for the subject.
  3. The child can express his opinion on the topic of the lesson.
  4. The student has the right to go to the toilet during the lesson without asking permission, but informing the teacher.
  5. The student in the lesson can correct the teacher if he made a reservation.
  6. The student has the right to raise his hand and answer if it concerns the topic of the lesson.
  7. The student can leave the class at the end of the lesson (when the bell rings).

The rights of the student at school and in the lesson are not limited to this. The child also has the right to full-fledged service, which consists in the presence of a qualified health worker, security, etc. Read more ...

The student's rights to healthy and quality care

Every student has the right to a complete, high-quality and healthy education. How to do it? It all depends on the school administration and the state. A healthy school environment will be maintained if the following conditions are met:

1. The child has the right to receive quality and free medical care during the working day.

2. For the student, the administration must create cleanliness throughout the educational institution.

3. Each class should be well lit.

4. The noise level should not exceed the norm.

5. The temperature in the school should be comfortable for study.

6. Food must be healthy and of good quality. At least 20 minutes are allotted for her reception.

7. For hygiene, the toilet should have everything you need: soap, paper, towel.

Adults must protect the rights of the child at school. After all, the mental and physical education of the student depends only on them.

Child's rights in the classroom lesson

In each school, the class teacher conducts educational work with the children. This lesson is called class hour.

The student's rights in Russia in this lesson:

1. Children have the right to choose the topic of discussion. They must come to a common denominator. The student has the right to prepare an interesting presentation on the topic of the lesson or tell an entertaining story.

2. Each student can discuss a story or presentation in a relaxed atmosphere, express their thoughts. The teacher should not interrupt the child. If the student is wrong, the teacher is obliged to correct him and explain what is said wrong.

Student responsibilities at school

Each student not only has rights, but also certain responsibilities both in the classroom and at school. We will talk about this further.

Responsibilities of a student in an educational state institution:

  1. Every student must respect all school workers.
  2. Each student is obliged to greet the elders.
  3. The child must respect the work of adults. This applies not only to teachers, but also to the watchman, cleaner, etc.
  4. The student must adhere to the school regime.
  5. The student is obliged to study conscientiously, mastering knowledge and skills.
  6. If the child was absent from school, he must show the class teacher a medical certificate or a note from parents (guardians).
  7. Each student is obliged to comply with all requirements of the principal, teacher or other adults, as far as the Charter of the school is concerned.
  8. The student is obliged to adhere to all hygiene standards: to be clean, tidy and dressed according to the rules of the school.
  9. Every child must follow the safety rules.
  10. If a student finds a suspicious person or an abandoned bag on the school grounds, he must immediately notify the school administration.
  11. The child must maintain order, cleanliness both in the school building and on its territory.
  12. If a student urgently needs to leave lessons, he is obliged to bring a note from parents to the class teacher in advance.

Responsibilities of schoolchildren in the lesson

Each student needs to adhere to all the rules and regulations not only at school, but also in the classroom. Still, the teacher transfers knowledge, and in order to master it, you must adhere to some rules.

Each school has a charter on this subject for the student, which he can familiarize himself with in his free time.

Responsibilities of the student in the lesson:

  1. Each student is obliged to faithfully complete homework in each subject.
  2. The child is obliged to present the diary to the teacher upon request.
  3. The student should carefully listen to everything that the teacher says in the lesson.
  4. The student is obliged to bring all the necessary supplies to the class: a pen, a ruler, a pencil, books and notebooks.
  5. The child should not have unnecessary items and toys in the backpack.
  6. The student is obliged, as instructed by the teacher, to come up to the board or answer from the spot, without arguing.
  7. Each student is obliged to learn the completed topic and hand it over to the teacher when he asks for it.
  8. The student is obliged to come to the lesson on time, without delay.
  9. During classes, the student should be quiet. If he has a desire to answer in the lesson, he must raise his hand.
  10. The student is obliged to obey the teacher.

All rights and obligations of a student must not only be known to students and school staff, but also be unquestioningly performed.

The rules of student conduct in the lesson

Each student is obliged to adhere to a certain behavior both in the classroom and during recess.

Rules of conduct in the classroom:

  1. Each child should come to class 15 minutes before the call in order to have time to change clothes and get ready for the lesson.
  2. The student should not be indoors in outer clothing or a hat.
  3. The student must be in the class at the moment when the bell rang.
  4. The child should not enter classes with or after the teacher.
  5. At the time the teacher came in, the children should get up in order to greet him.
  6. The child is obliged to be quiet during the lesson and not to distract other children.
  7. During the lesson, the student should not chew gum or eat food.
  8. During classes, it is prohibited to use mobile communications.

Student behavior rules during recess

The child is obliged to behave properly, not only in class, but also during recess. This means that there are certain rules spelled out in the school charter. Let's take a look at what order the student should adhere to in school.

Student behavior during recess:

  1. At the time when the bell rang from the lesson, the child is obliged to tidy up his workplace and prepare for the next lesson.
  2. At recess, the student should walk calmly around the school, and not run.
  3. The student is obliged to communicate in a friendly manner with peers (not to fight or quarrel).
  4. Greet all school employees.
  5. If a child enters the room, and there is a teacher behind, the student must let the older one pass.

What is prohibited for a student at school?

There are some things that a student is strictly forbidden to do:

  1. A child is not allowed to jump on the steps and ride on the railing.
  2. Do not carry life-threatening items to school.
  3. It is forbidden to play cards on school grounds.
  4. You cannot smoke or drink alcohol.
  5. Do not open doors abruptly, as you can hit someone.
  6. It is forbidden to be rude and rude to elders.
  7. A schoolchild should not use foul language not only in front of adults, but also in front of other students.
  8. It is forbidden to take other people's things, especially to spoil them. If the child nevertheless damaged someone else's property, the parents are obliged to reimburse it in full.
  9. It is forbidden for a student to come to class without completed homework.

Student problems at school

The child has some problems with peers and teachers. Why is this happening? Problems for children in school are due to behavior. He cannot sit quietly on a chair, turns around, interferes with a neighbor on a desk, a teacher and all children. The teacher, accordingly, gets angry with him, and the educational process is disrupted.

There are also slow children who do not have time to assimilate educational material on a par with their peers.

Here are just two examples of what problems schoolchildren may have with their studies.

Therefore, children should know the responsibilities and rights of the student at school even in primary school.

What are the consequences of non-compliance with the school charter

If the child is not explained the rights and responsibilities of the student, he can easily become a violator. What can happen if you do not follow the established norms? First, the student is reprimanded by the teacher. If the student does not obey and continues to damage property, fight, etc., then parents are called to the school, who are invited with their child to the principal. It all depends on the specific behavior. If a student endlessly beats children, steals, causes moral pain, then he can be expelled from school.

To prevent this from happening, the administration, the class teacher, or other adults can arrange classroom lessons to familiarize children with the norms of behavior. The rights and obligations of the student are the law for both teachers and students. And it must be adhered to in a government institution.


In order for a child to have a positive reputation at school, he must be taught from the first grade how to behave at school. Each student should know what are not only the responsibilities, but also the rights of the child in school. Teachers are often unfair to students. Children do not always know what mark the teacher gave them for knowledge. Also, teachers very often underestimate or overestimate points. In this case, the parents are obliged to go to school and protect the rights of their child in a disputable situation. The student's rights at school must be strictly respected by educators. This is extremely important in the development of the younger generation. Today the topic "Protecting the rights of a schoolchild" is relevant. Not only parents can help them, but also social services. Children have the right to call and report their concerns to the helplines of these organizations.

School is a public place. Here, both adults and children must comply with the mandatory rules of conduct and internal regulations. You have known many of them literally from the very first day at school. But there are issues that are still the subject of heated debate and disagreement. This is, for example, a question about school uniforms.

If it is customary at your school to wear a school uniform, you will have no problems throughout the school year, except for one - to keep your clothes neat.

But many schools do not require uniforms to be worn, and some teens think they can dress however they like. Most often it turns out like this: some schoolchildren are dressed casually, almost at home, while others, trying to stand out, look like they came to an evening disco.

Both options are of course unacceptable. Business dress must be observed.

For classes at school, you can use several matching items of clothing that easily replace each other: a skirt or sundress, trousers or jeans, and to them - various blouses, shirts, vests, sweaters and jumpers.

Boys and young men who prefer to go to school in a suit always look beautiful. True, in such clothes you cannot run during recess and play ball after school - it is more suitable for holidays. How you create your business image will largely determine not only your attitude to study seriously, but even your success, and the attitude of teachers and classmates towards you.

It should also be remembered about the obligatory, and quite fair, requirement of the school to come to classes in replacement shoes.

Surely, you do not walk around your apartment in street shoes, and everyone who comes to your house leaves them near the front doors and puts on house slippers.

Hundreds of people manage to visit school in a day, and if they did not wear replaceable shoes, the classrooms and corridors could suffocate from dirt and dust. Of course, walking around school in soft indoor slippers is not worth it - they are in no way combined with the business style of clothing. Here, clean low-heeled shoes, which were not worn on the street, will be appropriate.

Now let's list the basic rules of conduct in various areas of the school.

Dressing room rules

Come to school 10-15 minutes before the start of classes.

Wear changeable shoes at school.

In the dressing room, each class has its own hanger - always leave your belongings in a specific place. Your outer clothing should always have loops sewn on, for which it is hung on hooks in the locker room. There should be a roomy cloth bag for changing shoes.

Be attentive to all things in the school wardrobe: pick up your fallen coat, take the things you found to the teacher on duty.

Do not leave your travel card, mobile phone, money in the locker room.

Don't play games in the locker room.

Classroom Code of Conduct

You come to the lesson in order to gain knowledge. Under the guidance of a teacher, you master the educational material, gain practical skills, learn to think and reason, develop your speech and thinking abilities. The process of studying each new topic is designed for a certain number of hours. During this time, you will have to work hard to master the curriculum. Therefore, it is very important not to skip lessons so that gaps do not appear in your knowledge.

You cannot be late for a lesson without a good reason.

Everything you need for the lesson: notebooks, textbook, pencils, ruler - prepare in advance.

Be quiet in class, be diligent. Listen carefully to the teacher's explanations. Do not talk to neighbors and do not be distracted by extraneous activities.

If you want to answer a teacher's question or ask your own question, do not shout from your seat, but raise your hand.

If your classmate answers, you cannot interrupt his answer, prompt him. Raise your hand - the teacher will definitely notice your activity.

When called to answer you, speak loudly and clearly, express your thoughts in full sentences.

In notebooks, write legibly and accurately. Carelessness and illegibility of handwriting should not be allowed - this is an expression of elementary disrespect for the one who will check your notebooks.

Do not chew gum during the lesson.

Cheating is considered ugly and unworthy.

When you hear the bell announcing the end of the lesson, do not jump out of your seat, trying to quickly run out of the class. Wait for the teacher to finish the lesson and write down your homework in your diary so that you don't bother your classmates with phone calls in the evening.

Rules of conduct in the corridor and on stairs

At school, you spend about half a day with other students every day. Many people make great efforts and efforts every day to make all students here light, warm, cozy and comfortable. Of course, this work must be appreciated and respected.

Always try to keep your home school clean and tidy, even if you have not been assigned on duty.

Don't run in the hallway or stairs. Too lively games and running around often lead to various troubles and even serious injuries.

When meeting adults at school, be sure to say hello first, even if they are unfamiliar to you.

Always give way to elders and let them pass at the door.

Be attentive to junior students. Be sure to help your baby if he needs it. Never offend the little and the weak and do not let other guys do it.

Always remember that you are not alone. Try to behave so as not to disturb anyone.

At school, do not shout, do not use harsh words, do not fight.

Take good care of your school property.

School cafeteria rules

During the school day, each class has its own break, during which students visit the school cafeteria. This is necessary to maintain order. Visit the cafeteria according to the school schedule.

Don't run into the dining room, pushing everyone around with your elbows. Don't rush to the buffet out of line, pushing the little ones away.

Do not sit sideways at the table or cross your legs.

Remember the rules of behavior at the table - here, too, you must follow them.

Don't talk at the table.

Do not say bad things about the dish that was served to you.

the brackets and use the correct form.

1. My friend was sure that Ferdinand Magellan (discovered, had discovered) Australia. But I told him he (is, was) wrong. 2. Our history teacher explained to us that the Revolutionary War in America (took, had taken) place in the 18th centry. 3. Betty knew that she (did, had done) everything she could to win the competition. 4. We asked Professor Smith when he (came, had come) to Moscow how many places of interest he already (saw, had seen). 5. Little JOHN delieved that Canada (is, was) in the South of the American Continent. 6. We all wanted to know where in New York the Statue of Liberty (is, was) situated. 7. The children asked what cities in the USA we (saw, had seen). 8. Father told me that I (made, had made) a mistake in my school test. 9. We all knew that Germany (declared, had declared) war on several European countries in 1941. 10. He said he always (supported, had supported) me. 11.Not all the pupils kneww that the US President (is, was) the Commander in Chief of the countrys armed forces.

Translate into English please: Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich - was born in the family of a doctor who served at the Mariana Hospital in Moscow.

there were 7 children. After graduating from an engineering school in Petersburg in 1841, he entered the military service. His first major work "Poor People". He was arrested and brought to trial for his involvement in a criminal community. He was sentenced to death, but at the last minute, when he was already on the scaffold, he was announced of royal favor. The death penalty was replaced by hard labor. In 1854, Gu Dostoevsky, who fell ill with epilepsy in hard labor, was consigned to a soldier. In 1859, the tsarist government allowed him to return to St. Petersburg. On February 15, 1867, he married Anna Snitkina. He had a son in Zineva, but he died when he was 3 months old. In 1869, daughter Lyubov was born in Dresden. Dostoevsky's most famous novels are Crime and Punishment, The Idiot and the novel Demons. On January 26, 1881, the writer died of epilepsy. Glory came to him only after death.

I like to read books. Books take a lot of time, but it doesn "t frighten me. Me since the childhood taught cares and to love books. Recently I read books

such as Eragon, Harry Potter and others. Books it is my friends they teach me to assiduity, patience and I become cleverer. Since then when I began to read books my lexicon increased twice. My most favorite book is Eragon in it is reported about that as the boy of years 12 came to be in the old, rotten village. Then it made friends with a dragon and he to it helped to get out from there. Book of very big more than 500 pages. I very much love books and I think I will always love. Help check the essay

Modern etiquette is a whole set of rules of behavior and good manners, which teaches how to meet, greet, how to behave in public places, how to visit, how to properly set the table and behave during meals, and so on. The rules of etiquette at school begin to be instilled from childhood.

General for students

1. You need to come to school in advance, about 15 minutes before lessons.

2. The appearance should be appropriate for the educational institution, the clothes should be clean and tidy.

3. The student must always have removable shoes with them, which, like outerwear, must be removed in the school wardrobe.

4. Before the start of the lesson, the student should prepare everything necessary for the upcoming lesson, check the presence of a diary, pen, notebook, textbook, and so on.

5. It is strictly forbidden to bring any type of weapon, alcohol, cigarettes, narcotic and poisonous substances and the like into the school territory.

6. It is impossible to leave the educational institution without demand during lessons and breaks. Missing classes for valid reasons must be confirmed by a doctor's certificate (in case of illness), or an explanatory note from the parents.

7. The rules of student conduct at school are based on the principles of respect for older children and caring attitude towards younger students.

8. Students need to protect and preserve their school property, including furniture, books, and so on.

Student behavior during the lesson

Students directly in the lesson must also follow certain rules of polite behavior at school. As soon as the teacher enters the classroom, the students stand to greet the teacher or another adult who has looked into the classroom. During the lesson, you need to behave decently, not to make noise, not shout, not to engage in extraneous business, especially not to leave your workplace without permission and not to walk around the classroom. If it becomes necessary to leave the class, you must first ask the teacher for permission. The rules of behavior for children at school are the same for absolutely everyone. If you need to ask the teacher about something, you must first raise your hand, and not shout out from the place.

Such simple rules

The student should try to express his thoughts when answering clearly, clearly and understandably, using all the visual materials necessary for this. On a day when the schedule of classes includes such a subject as physical culture and health, you must have sportswear and shoes with you. You can go to the gym only with the permission of the teacher. Students who are exempted from physical education lessons for various reasons should still be in the gym. The bell at the end of the lesson is considered to ring for the teacher, and students leave the class after the teacher announces the end of the lesson.

School etiquette

School etiquette is obliged to have this applies to clothing, hairstyles, judicious use of cosmetics and accessories. School etiquette implies a friendly attitude of students towards each other. Polite students greet and greet all teachers, not just those they know personally. Each other should be called by name, do not use offensive nicknames.

The rules of student conduct in school also imply self-discipline. Littering on the territory of the educational institution (and not only) is prohibited, for this there are trash cans. You need to behave culturally not only in class, but also during breaks. It is forbidden to run, shout and push, you should behave carefully on the stairs. Children should also behave in a civilized manner in the dining room, eat only in the designated place, and after the meal, clean up the dishes.

Primary school etiquette

Etiquette lessons in elementary school are necessarily included in the plan for educational work with students. It is very important from childhood to instill in a child the basics of correct behavior in a given situation. Mutual respect should be an integral part of behavior. Starting from the first grade, children are taught to be grateful, introduced to the words "thank you" and "please." Etiquette presupposes a respectful attitude towards elders, the appeal to which must necessarily be "you".

There is also the so-called If a child calls his teacher or class teacher, the first thing to do is to say hello and give your name. In where there are usually a lot of people, it is worth talking on the phone without attracting much attention to yourself, and in places such as a museum, theater or cinema, it is generally better to turn off your mobile phone.

  • To feel comfortable in the classroom, it is imperative to complete a pre-assigned homework assignment.
  • It is better to have a school diary filled in two weeks in advance, it must be kept neatly and kept on the desk during lessons.
  • A bag or school backpack must be collected in advance, be sure to check for textbooks, notebooks, pens and pencils and other necessary items.
  • The mobile phone must be turned off or set to silent mode during exercise. You can also call or send SMS during recess.
  • You need to behave yourself not only in class, but also on the street, at home and in public places. These are not just rules of student behavior in school that must be observed, it must become an integral part of the personality of an educated modern person.
  • Leaving school without the knowledge and permission of a teacher or nurse is strictly prohibited.
  • You must always be neat, cleanliness should be maintained in everything, in your appearance, in the workplace.
  • It is the responsibility of the student to be on duty in the classroom on a first come, first served basis. This duty should be fulfilled in good faith.
  • At the time of recess, it is better to leave the class and give the teacher the opportunity to ventilate the room. By the way, this is a very good way to walk and warm up.

Etiquette lessons: at school and in life

School etiquette is not only a set of rules that must be followed within the school walls. First of all, this is the formation and development of cultural communication skills, these are lessons of courtesy, attentiveness and kindness. These qualities are simply necessary for the development of a full-fledged harmonious personality in the future.

School etiquette includes the correct treatment of different groups of people. Everyone knows that ladies should be allowed in first of all, and women in a position, as well as elderly and disabled people, should give up their place in public transport. Etiquette at school and outside of it should also be observed by adults, because it is them that children are primarily equal to.

In order for study to bring useful knowledge and the joy of communication, it is necessary to observe certain rules of etiquette at school, which will make it comfortable for all participants in the educational process to stay within the walls of the educational institution.