Belarusian culture. Folk culture Belarus

Belarusian culture. Folk culture Belarus
Belarusian culture. Folk culture Belarus
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  • Belarus - general information

    Republic of Belarus

    Republic of Belarus is a state in Eastern Europe. The population at the beginning of 2016 is 9,498,700 people, the territory is 207,600 km². It takes a ninety-third place in the number of population and eighty fourth through the territory in the world. The capital and the largest city of the state is Minsk. State languages \u200b\u200bare the Belarusian and Russian. Entitful state, presidential republic. On July 20, 1994, the presidential post was taken by Alexander Lukashenko, later defeated the elections 2001, 2006, 2010 and 2015. It takes effect on 6 regions, the city of Minsk has a special status of the city of republican subordination.

    Geographical position

    The territory of Belarus is 207,600 km² (86th place in the area among the countries of the world). Located in Eastern Europe. Belarus is the world's largest European state (from the entirely located in Europe), which has no way out to the sea. Belarus borders (starting from the north-east, clockwise) with Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia.


    The climate of Belarus is moderate and continental, transitional from the marine to the continental, formed under the influence of the air masses of the Atlantic. In winter, frequently thaws. The average summer temperature ranges from + 17 ° C in the north (July), to + 18-19 ° C in the south. The sediments fall uniformly, with an increase from the south to the north - from 500 mm in the south, up to 800 mm in the north-west. The maximum amount of precipitation usually falls in the autumn-winter period. In forest areas, the thickness of the snow cover can be 1-1.2 m.


    The forests occupy about 2/5 of the country. However, on the territory of Belarus, relatively few large forest arrays (2 largest - Belovezhskaya and Naliboka forest), but there are no flavored areas.


    The animal world combines representatives of the deciduous forests, taiga and forest-steppe. Among the representatives of the fauna most often found wild boar, hare, elk, beaver. The most popular and dangerous inhabitants of the forest are wolf, bear, fox and lynx.

    Stork, Drozd, Heron, Crow, Sparrow, Tit, Oriolga, Bullfinch - Birds, which reflect the flavor of Belarus.

    There are many species of fish in the country, as the country is rich in water resources: rivers, lakes and reservoirs. The most common of them are: pike, roach, bream, crucian, perch.

    Under the protection of the state there are: bison, swamp turtle, lynx, river beaquer and forest cunnica. Insections are common.

    Bees, wasps, ladybugs, butterflies and rainworms - insects that are most common in the country.


    Agriculture is a historically important branch of the local economy, giving more than 7% of national GDP, ensures employment more than 9% of the population. The main agricultural industry is agriculture and dairy animal husbandry. Basic food crops: potatoes (6.9 million tons), sugar bumps (4.8 million tons), wheat (2.5 million tons) in the past Traditional forestry for the Republic plays a minor role Foreign trade - exported forest products and services in 2013 by $ 144.8 million (0.39% of the country's exports).

    Transport, Infrastructure, Communication

    Railways and road transport are the main types of transportation in the country. The railway network is focused on the main highway passing through Orsha, Minsk and Brest, which connects Belarus with Moscow to the East and Warsaw in the West. Operational length paths - 5512 km. In total, in Belarus, more than 83,000 km of public roads and about 200,000 km of departmental (agricultural, industrial enterprises, forestry, etc.), including 10,000 km in cities and settlements. At the same time, the density of country roads with a solid coating is still quite low - 337 km per 1000 km² of territory. A thousand inhabitants in Belarus account for 261 cars. The Merchant Fleet transports 1500 km of shipping waterways (mainly in the Dnieper basin). Air transport is relevant relatively weak; The country's largest airport is located near Minsk. In total, seven international airports in the country.

    Belarus. White Rus is a gentle and poetic name, as it is impossible to suit this country. White means bright, clean, innocent. Belarus is not peculiar to the bright paints of the Mediterranean. It does not possess the exoticity of Africa or the subtle density of the East. Belarus is a modest country, you can even say, integrate beauty. This is one of the few plates left on our planet, where you can see a striking miracle - a miracle of untouched nature. Amazing thing: It seems that here, in the very center of Europe, the time suddenly slowed down his run - around the raging XXI century, civilization moves forward with seven-year steps, and in Belarus, nature remains natural, people - humane, and values \u200b\u200b- eternal!

    The Republic of Belarus as an independent sovereign state appeared on the geographical map recently - in 1991 and therefore for many is still a kind of terra incognita, although it is essentially in the center of the European continent. This is the edge of blue lakes and green forests, the sun openings and spacious fields, among which the quiet rivers carry their waters.


    The Republic of Belarus (Belarus) is located in the eastern part of Europe, in the Central European Temporary Taste: GMT + 2 hours. The territory of the state is 207.6 thousand square meters. km, it is compact. The greatest length from the west to the east is 650 km, from north to south - 560 km. In the West, the country borders with Poland, in the north-west - with Lithuania and Latvia, in the North-East and East - with Russia, in the south - with Ukraine. The territory of Belarus is located at the intersection of Trans-European Transport and Communication Corridors "West-East" and "North-South". Belarus consists of 6 regions, 118 districts, more than 100 cities, 111 urban-type settlements, over 24 thousand villages. The capital is the city of Minsk, which occupies an area of \u200b\u200babout 200 square meters. km, with population approaching 2 million people. Distance from Minsk to the capitals of neighboring states: Vilnius - 215 km, Riga - 470, Warsaw - 550, Kiev - 580, Moscow - 700, Berlin - 1060 km. State languages \u200b\u200b- Belarusian and Russian, the monetary unit is the Belarusian ruble.


    Located in the Central European Temporary Belt: GMT + 2 hours. There is no difference with the Kiev time. When in Belarus, noon, in Paris 11:00, in London 10:00, in New York, 5:00, in Los Angeles 2:00, in Moscow 13:00.


    A moderately continental climate of Belarus, which is influenced by the air masses of the Atlantic, characterize rainy non-fit summer, soft winter with frequent thaws, unstable weather in autumn and winter. The average temperature varies depending on the regions of Belarus. In July, the average temperature ranges from + 17 ° C in the north to + 18.5 ° C in the south. The average temperature in January ranges from -4.5 ° C in the southwest to -8 ° C in the northeast. For summer holidays, a favorable time period with the average daily temperature above 15 ° C increases in the direction from the northeast to the south-west - from 70-89 days in a viewer, up to 90-95 days in Central Belarus and 96-114 days in Polesie. The average daily water temperature in summer in all reservoirs exceeds 17 ° C, and in July - 19-22 ° C.


    State languages \u200b\u200b- Belarusian, Russian.


    Major religions: Orthodoxy, Catholicism.


    About 80% of the population - Belarusians, 13.2% Russians, 4.1% - Poles, 2.9% -Ukrain. Urban population 71.1%. 70% of believers - Orthodox Christians, about 20% - Catholics, the rest are uniats and Judaists.

    Emergency phones

    Salvation service - 101
    Ambulance - 103
    Police - 102.


    On the streets of the cities you can see the phones-machine with cabins of gray and blue colors. From the gray cabin, you can make a call within the country, and from the blue cabin - international. All telephones machines operate on the cards that can be purchased in the kiosks, in stores and in post offices. In order to call from Belarus to Russia, you must score 8 - 10 - 7 - the city code is the subscriber number. In order to call from Russia to Belarus, you must score 8 - 10 - 375 (Belarus code) - the city code is the number of the subscriber.

    Currency exchange

    Belarusian ruble (BYR or BR). In the circulation there are bills with a par value of 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10,000, 20,000, 50,000 and 100,000 rubles. Everywhere in the course of US dollars, euro and Russian rubles. Banks work from Monday to Friday from 9.00-9.30 to 17.00-17.30. You can exchange currency in banks and in exchange offices, and all exchange operations must be accompanied by a special form confirming the legality of the exchange (all exchange receipts must be maintained before departure from the country). Currency exchange on the street or privately changed confined with certain difficulties. Course Exchange: Belarusian ruble (BYR) / Ruble (RUB) 1 RUB \u003d 90.39 BYR.


    For citizens of Russia, entry into Belarus is visa-free. It is enough to present a passport on the border.

    Customs regulations

    Citizens of Russia entering the Republic of Belarus temporarily or permanent residence, are not subjected to customs control. Those of them who pass to the transit through Belarus, when crossing its border, are obliged to make all the things transported to customs clearance. Without duties, you can import products for personal needs for up to $ 1000. If things are recognized as intended for commercial or production purposes, customs fees must be paid. Without custom duties, you can import up to 3 l alcoholic beverages and up to 600 pcs. cigarettes. Imported furniture is subject to a fee of a fee of 50% of its cost. When importing motor vehicles with a service life of more than 3 years, a tax of 0.3 ECU for 1 cube is charged. centimeter engine volume; For a car with a service life of up to 3 years old - 1 ECU.

    It is forbidden to import weapons (without the permission of the relevant organs of RB), potent drugs and poisoning substances, gold in ingots, objects of antiquity and art (without special permits). It is allowed to export without the presentation of permissive documents, not exceeding $ 500 in equivalent. When exporting amounts over $ 500, but not exceeding $ 10,000, a document on the origin of the currency should be provided, in the amount of more than $ 10,000, it is necessary to have a document of authorized banks of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation.

    Holidays and non-working days

    January 1 - New Year
    January 7 - Orthodox Christmas
    March 8 - International Women's Day
    March 15 - Constitution Day
    march-May - Easter
    May 1 - Labor Day
    May 9 - Victory Day
    May 14 - Radunitsa
    July 3 - Independence Day
    November 2 - Catholic Day of Memory (Ancestors Day) "Diada"
    November 7 - anniversary of the October Revolution
    December 25 - Catholic Christmas

    In January, the National Convention of Belarusian Composers (Minsk) and the International Festival of Classical Music "January Music Evenings" (Brest) under which many concerts are held. At the end of April, the whole country notes the Radunitsa - the Orthodox day of the commemoration of the ancestors, and the International Language Education Festival "Explains" is held in the capital. In June, the festival of poetry on Lake Svityaz and the National Festival "Belarus - My Song" is interesting.

    July is the most saturated period in the Belarusian calendar. July 3 celebrate Independence Day. July 4 - Day of the city of Minsk, accompanied by the folklore holiday "Belarusian Padvorki" and a military-air holiday in honor of Independence Day. In mid-July, the holiday of Ivan Kupala, the International Festival of Arts "Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk", and at the end of July - the Belarusian Rock Festival "Basovishche" (Grudge, Poland).

    The festival of medieval culture "Sword of Lutsk Castle" is held in early September in Lyubart Castle (Lutsk). In October, the International Theater Festival is held (Minsk), and in November - the holiday of the Belarusian Music Autumn (Minsk) is the Festival of Folk and Classical Music and Dance. At the end of December, the Winter Festival of Arts "Christmas Fun" opens in the capital, and on December 21 - famous strides (caalids).


    The National Airport Minsk is the main air port of the Republic of Belarus. According to specifications, it does not have equal in the republic. Belavia is a national carrier of the Republic of Belarus. You can get to the city in three ways: by bus that will cost you about 1 euro, for a taxi (about 20 euros) or on the schedule car. Buses depart every hour from 7 am to 10: 30 pm and arrive at the Minsk Central Bus Station, which is located next to the railway station building. Taxi is always at the exit from the airport. Car rental is in the arrival area. In Minsk there are several bus station. Most international transport is carried out from the Central Bus Station. The range of services offered by the central bus station is limited, which is explained by his neighborhood with the railway station. Railway communication exists between Minsk and almost all the largest capitals of Europe. Most Belarusian cities also have a railway message. The new building of the Central Railway Station of the city of Minsk offers the full range of services for passengers, most of the services are carried out around the clock and without days off.


    Classical phrase: Tips are not mandatory, but are welcome. Usually they make up 10% of the account sum. In some hotels in Minsk and other large cities, up to 5-15% of the cost of maintenance for maintenance is added to the score, while tips are usually brought into account with a separate string. If this is not done, it is recommended to give some amount (at your discretion) directly serving personnel. Swiss and porters usually expect tips in the amount of 1-2 USD, waiters willingly take "tea" 5-10% of the amount of the invoice.

    The shops

    Minsk residents practically do not use the word "shopping". For them, the purchase of new products is still a strictly planned shopping trip. Shopping in Minsk, like entertainment, can afford very few. The main centers where the Minsk residents go shopping are doused markets. The most popular among them: Dynamo, Zhdanovichi, Chervensky. For most Minsk population, this option for buying clothes and shoes is the most optimal. The range in the markets is quite monotonous and cheap. Clothes and shoes are usually Chinese or Russian production. Household appliances - famous global brands, among which Korean LG and Samsung prevail. Traditionally, purchases are also committed in the largest stores of the capital: Tsuma, GUM, department store Belarus and a shopping house on Nemig. Recently, large shopping pavilions in the center of Minsk were added to them: the Mirror Commercial Complex, Parking, the Underground Trading Hall "Kupalovsky". Most recently hypermarkets appeared in Minsk. It is assumed that they will make competing trade in markets. The organization of trade in Minsk hypermarkets is the same as in their Western counterparts.

    Sokond Hand (Second-hand) - this option is cheap and relatively high-quality shopping is becoming increasingly popular in Minsk. If you try, then in specialized stores you can find a branded product of good quality for an acceptable price. Many do not bother that the thing lives the second life.

    The most inaccessible and mysterious way of purchases for the inhabitants of Minsk is shopping in boutiques. In the capital of their order of twenty. It remains a secret, due to which they exist, as those who have money to buy expensive clothes of famous fashion designers, prefer to acquire a newer and fashionable abroad, in Moscow or in Europe.

    Shopping day in Minsk is Saturday. On this day, the main mass of Minsk residents prefers to commit serious acquisitions. Most residents of Minsk have 70% of the family budget goes to food, so the acquisition of a pair of a boot or sweater is considered to be a significant purchase.

    National cuisine

    The basis of modern Belarusian cuisine - the cuisine of the rural population of the eastern and Western regions, which included the most common and long-term dishes of the urban population, which were mainly influenced by Polish cuisine, but received Belarusian processing. The main feature of the Belarusian cuisine is an abundance of potato dishes. Moreover, potatoes are used mainly in the ground. Whole potatoes are used only in two kinds - boiled in the uniform (in Belarusian it is called Soloniki, as it is eaten, dustly sprinkled with salt) and stew. Cathedral dishes are called stew or lubricants.

    The mushrooms are only boiled and extinguished, and the dishes from fried mushrooms, Belarusian cuisine, does not know (just as she did not know the marinations and salting mushrooms before the beginning of the XX century.). As for dairy dishes, again, there is no purely dairy dishes in the Belarusian cuisine, but it is also a variety of milk derivatives (cottage cheese, sour cream, serum, oil) are used as mandatory additives - "Barrels", "Flood" and "Volga" - in many Dishes that include flour, potatoes, vegetables or mushrooms.

    Solk meat and poultry (geese) is also characteristic of the old Belarusian cuisine - the preparation of Solonin and the Forces and the use of off-products, especially the dishes from the stomach, udder in the strained form. The use and cooking of meat in the Belarusian cuisine also have a number of features. Eating pork bale, pork rod Belarusian cuisine with Ukrainian. However, Salo in Belarus is eaten almost exclusively in winter, weakly salted, be sure to make a skin layer. Eating it with potatoes, in principle, it plays as if the role of meat.

    Favoric culinary techniques of thermal treatment are baking, boiling, fat, quenching. The main thing in the traditional national Belarusian dishes is not a special composition of the products, and the processing process of these products, the use of some very simple, ordinary and more single product, such as oats, rye flour, potatoes, pretty complex, always long and often combined Cold and thermal processing.


    Belovezhskaya Pushcha - One of the most unique arrays is not only in Europe, but also the world. Forest forests reached our days in primeval form. The border between Belarus and Poland passes through Belovezhskaya Pushcha, which divides the forest on equal parts. The forest massif is distinguished by the forest mucia and the perimeter of the district line is about 400 km. Forest forests are represented by highly age-treewood (80-200 years old), in some places - 250 - 350 years. Separate trees have been preserved, which have age 600 - 800 years. Forestability of the forest - 88%. Forests are represented by pine, deciduous marsh, wide breeds. From 1993 Belovezhskaya Pushcha acquired the status of the National Park. National Park "Belovezhskaya Pushcha" It is one of the unique tourist facilities of the Republic of Belarus. This is the largest balance of flat relic primitive forest, which has previously grown throughout Europe. In 1992, the UNESCO decision, Belovezhskaya Pushcha, is included in the list of world heritage of mankind. In 1993, he was assigned the status of a biosphere reserve, and in 1997 he was awarded the Council of Europe Diploma.

    Nesvizhsky palace the unaid kings of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Radziwillov - The monument of architecture of the XVI-XVIII centuries is the original and only, fully preserved in Europe, an example of the Magnation residence. Throughout its history, the castle was completed and updated. As a result, the architectural complex has absorbed the features of the Renaissance, early and late Baroque, Rococo, Classicism, Neoeta and Modern.

    In Grodno, many exquisite churches and churches. Here is the oldest church Belarus - Caullen, built in the 12th century. Exquisite Farry (former Jesuit) Church of 1705 amazes the magnitude of the facade and the sculptural wealth of the interior. The tour will continue to inspect the numerous monasteries of the city (Brigitt, Bernardinsky), Church of the Nativity of the Virgin, a visit to the rich Grodno museums and a stationary zoo. Excursion also introduces the activities of the Grodno reformer Anthony Tsengauz.

    Mirsky Castle - Outstanding work of Belarusian architecture. In his architecture, there was a visible reflection of the era of feudalism: behind powerful towers capable of protecting the owner from the enemy, stood a rich palace - the residence of the magnate. Completed from the stone and brick, located away from the settlement, from three sides, surrounded by Rips and earth shafts with bastions, and with the fourth - covered with water, the castle with its monumentality and inaccessibility personified the power and unlimited power of feudal. Landmark of Castle - Towers. Their rich decor in the form of whitewashed niches and ornamental belts successfully contrasts with red brick walls and gives the castle greater artistic expressiveness.

    Slonim arose at Razhra and for a long time he played an important role in the history of Belarus. Zhirovich monasteryWhich more than 500, has the miraculous image of the Mother of God by the Mother of God, is distinguished by expressive architecture and is famous for its rich historical past. You will be in the temples, you will be able to bow the miraculous icon ... The guide from the spiritual seminary will tell you about the monastery, the seminary, spends the holy source. Not far from Zhirovich, there is a unique monument of Gothic architecture - church-fortress of the 16th century in Synkovichi.

    National Park "Braslav lakes" Belarus has long been called the lake edge: in the country there are 11 thousand lakes and more than 20 thousand rivers and streams! Lakes - the eyes of Belarus, which is therefore called Sinema. Precious of pearls in the natural crown of Belarus - the National Park "Braslavsky Lakes", which occupies an area of \u200b\u200b70,000 hectares. Local places are often compared with Switzerland or Finland, but they are absolutely distinctive. The edge charm gives constant change of landscapes - lakes, hills, forests and again numerous lakes.

    National Park "Narochansky" - The edge of the roads and any heart of every Belarusian, even if he was not born in these parts. It is called the edge of poets and warriors, romantics and pure soul of people. In love with this edge at first sight and - for life. Tens of thousands of tourists and excursors annually enjoy the surrounding landscapes, rest in health resorts and tents, use the gifts of nature, roam the environmental trails, breathe healing air ...

    National Park "Sandy". Polesie (South of Belarus) is an amazing land of lowland and plains, forests and swamps, penetrated by numerous rivers, rivers and streams, slowly carrying their waters in Pripyat and in the Dnipro, which flows into the Black Sea. In the middle of the river, the Pripyat is located Pripyatskaya Polesie. It is here, in the passing of Pripyat, svigi and harvest and is located the National Park "Pripyatsky".

    Berezinsky biosphere reserve It was founded on January 31, 1925. Located in the north of the republic in the Belarusian Ladyerier, in the territory of the three administrative districts of Löletsky, Dokshitsky Vitebsk region and the Borisov district of the Minsk region. Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve - the oldest in the system of protected natural territories of Europe, is located 120 km from Minsk.

    Rest in Belarus: hotelsBrest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno, Minsk, Mogilev regions; sanatorium Gomel and Mogilev regions.


    Minsk -the capital of the Republic of Belarus and the center of the same name and the area is located on the Minsk elevation on both shores of the Swisloch River. The area of \u200b\u200bMinsk is 256 sq. Km. The population is 1728.9 thousand people. Minsk is divided into 9 urban areas, includes 1 urban-type settlement. Minsk has the status of the capital of the state, its charter, coat of arms and anthem. Minsk is a city with a fairly ancient history. He is first mentioned in the annals in 1067. In 1974, Minsk was awarded the title of Hero City, to commemorate the merit of its inhabitants in the fight against fascism during World War II. At the moment, the executive committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Government and Parliament of the Republic of Belarus is located in Minsk. Minsk is known for its cultural component. There are 16 museums, including the National Art Museum, the Museum of History and Culture of Belarus, the Museum of History of the Great Patriotic War. 11 Theaters, including State Russian Drama and Belarusian Academic Theaters, National Opera and Ballet Theater. In addition, there are 20 cinemas in the city, 139 libraries.

    Legendary city BobruiskThe center of the Bobrussian district of the Mogilev region, with a population of more than 200 thousand inhabitants is among the ten largest cities in Belarus. In modern Bobruisk, the historical development of the second half of the XIX and the beginning of the twentieth centuries has been preserved. But the famous fortress remains the main attraction of the city. Today, this fortification is decided to give a second life, the construction of the modern ice palace of the international level has begun on the territory of the fortress, which will be organically entered in the landscape of the architectural monument.

    Gomel Located in the eastern part of the country 300 km from Minsk. This is the second largest city country and a large regional center. Gomel is included in the tourist route "Golden Ring Gomelshchina", which covers the most ancient cities of the region. At the end of the first millennium, the settlement arose in these places on the lands of the radios, however, Gomel was mentioned in the annals of 1142, as the ownership of the Chernihiv Prince. The unique cultural and historical monument of the XIX century -Dvetsevo-park ensemble, modern neighborhoods, the ancient river Gomeyuk, the will of the story, which became a swan pond in the old park, and luxurious coolant, carrying their full waters. Mighty Dnieper, the largest industrial enterprises and the green coolness of urban squares, a lace pedestrian bridge and the Golden Dome of the Petropavlovsky Cathedral, announced by the bell tongue ringing about the birth of a new day. All this is Gorodigomel, one of the most beautiful regional centers of Belarus. Among his architectural and historical attractions - the extensive palace-park ensemble of Rumyantsevy - Paskevichi in the style of classicism, Wooden Ilinskaya Church of the end of the XVIII century, an interesting city building of the XIH - the beginning of the twentieth centuries (educational institutions, banks, city council, residential buildings, etc. ). Guests of the city will have a special pleasure to take a walk through an old park with shady alleys, where age-old trees will tell them their secrets, inspection of the chapel and tomb and the "hunting house".

    Rogachev - Therapeutic resort located in the north of the Gomel region. The city is located at the merger of the Dnieper rivers and friends. Refers to the number of the most ancient settlements in the territory of modern Belarus. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe Rogachevsky district is 2.1 thousand square meters. km. The population living in the area of \u200b\u200b65.8 thousand people, from them 35 thousand people live in Rogachev. For a long time, Rogachev and surroundings adjacent to it are considered to be a spa area. Many residents of the republic are well-known located 12 km east of the city of Sanatorium "Pridneprovsky". It is famous for its mineral springs, therapeutic drink, peat and sapropel mud. Sanatorium specializes in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and gynecological diseases.

    Vitebsk - The cultural capital of Belarus and one of the oldest Belarusian cities. The administrative center of the Vitebsk region is located in the north-east of Belarus 280 km from Minsk, 360 km from Vilnius, 550 km from Moscow and Kiev and 800 km from Warsaw. Vitebsk arose at the confluence of two rivers - Western Dvina, flowing into the Baltic Sea, and Votables, which gave the name of the city. The official date of the founding of the city is considered to be 974 years. According to the "Chronicles of the city of Vitebsk M. Panzirny and S. Averski", the city was laid by the Kiev Princess Olga and in the Old Russian Chronicles mentioned from 1021. The city was located at the crossroads of the ancient trading path "from Varyag to Greeks", which contributed to its establishment by the end of the XII in. Crafts and Trade Center. The main attraction of the city is the town hall (1597), the recovered Annunciation Church, in which Alexander Nevsky was married by legend, and the standards of weight measures and the length used during trade operations were kept. In addition, the restored Pokrovsky Cathedral is interesting (1760), as well as the Museum-Manor Ilya Repin "Lubility" and the House-Museum of Mark Stegal.

    Brestit is one of the important cultural and historical centers of Belarus. The main tourist object of Brest traditionally considered the memorial complex "Brest Fortress - Hero". Brest has been preserved a number of buildings, which are architectural monuments: Massive Nikolaev Cathedral (1856-1879), Railway Station (1886, heavily rebuilt), Nikolaev fraternal church (1904-1906), Cathedral of the Cathedoy Simon (1865-1868), Cross -genic Church ( 1856) and others.

    Extremely diverse and richly architectural heritage Mogilev. A special value is a complex of the operating Orthodox St. Nicholas Women's Monastery: Nikolskaya Church (1669-1672), Onufrievsky Temple (1798) and a church residential building (XVII-XVII centuries). In addition, it is worth looking at the Palace of George Konissky (1762-1785), Boris-Gleb Church (1869), and the building of the former district court, the medical council and the archive of the Mogilev province (1770s.), Where is one now From the oldest local lore museums of the country.

    The culture of any country can be viewed not only as an indicator of self-consciousness and spiritual development of people. It is also the strongest tool for ideological influence.

    The culture of Belarus has passed a complex and controversial path from its occurrence to the current development. It was a way from almost continuous illiteracy to great scientific discoveries and the creation of masterpieces of literature and world-class art.

    Epoch of the Middle Ages

    The culture of Belarus received a powerful incentive for its development after the appearance of Christianity in the country. It happened in the middle of the 9th century. The new religion in the root changed the worldview of the people. Christianity contributed to the emergence of statehood in the form of Tour and Polotsky Principalities.

    During this period, a large number of new crafts and arts appeared on the territory of the current Belarus. Started castles, cities, temples began to be built. Churches and monasteries became peculiar cultural centers at which the chronicles were conducted, schools were opened. The books were rewritten here.

    In the 11th century Sophia Cathedral erected in Polotsk. The initiator of his construction was Prince Vyslav Corrod. In its inner decoration, the cathedral was similar to those who was in Constantinople.

    The beginning of the 12th century marked by the construction of the Borisoglebsky monastery. This building was under Polotsk, in the Belchians. The monastery was the first of its kind throughout the territory, which was settled by Eastern Slavs. To decorate this temple, ceramic tile and frescoes were used for the first time.

    The culture of Belarus received an increasingly greater development. So, in 1161, the Transfiguration Cathedral was erected. For him, by order made by Efrosini Polotsk, an unsurpassed piece of applied art was made. Master Jeweler Lazar from Polotsk created a unique cross, covered with plates of gold and silver and decorated with images of saints in the form of a miniature multicolor enamel. Already in one Polotsk there are 10 temple structures raised in the 12th century.

    Literary heritage

    The history of the culture of Belarus knows many personalities playing a large role in the development of the spiritual life of the country. One of these outstanding figures is Cyril Tourvsky (born about 1130, but no later than 1182). It was a brilliant writer, a highly educated person and a famous religious figure. Three of his teachings were preserved to this day, thirty prayers, two canon and eight "words". For the outstanding possession of speaking art, contemporaries called him by Zlatoust.

    The National Culture of Belarus cannot be described without mentioning Efrosini Polotsk. This granddaughter of Prince Veslav Correce. She was engaged in rewriting books, and later, after taking the nun, created his own writings and chronicles. Next, she became Numenia in the Polotsky Monastery of St. Sav. On her initiative, a male monastery was built. Already being in old age, Efrosinia Polotskaya made a pilgrimage in Jerusalem. She died there.

    The invaluable contribution to the development of the culture of Belarus who lived in the 12th century. Clement Smolatych. This outstanding figure created a large number of literary and church works. Unfortunately, they are not survived until our time.

    Development of crafts

    Wide distribution in Belarus received decorative and applied art. It developed under the influence of Byzantine traditions. However, the country's artisans introduced local traits. In the 11-12th centuries. There were about sixty different types of crafts in Belarus. Among them are a jewelry, pottery, foundry, as well as artistic work on a tree.

    High mastery of artisans of those years confirm the finds of archaeologists. So, in Grodno and Volkovysk, scientists discovered figures from stone and bones, as well as stone icons, whose decoration is the finest thread.

    Formation of writing

    The first chronicles, whose language carried the characteristic features of Starobelorussky, began to be created from the first half of the 13th century. Among such monuments of writing can be called a contractual diploma of Smolensky Prince Mstislava and the diploma of Polotsk Prince Izyaslav. Starting from the 14th century. Starobelorussian has become state. It was carried out all the office and office work in the Grand Duch of Lithuanian. This language was held by the Sejors. It was written laws.

    Thus, we can say that the development of the culture of Belarus in the 9-15th centuries. It happened simultaneously with the formation of statehood. It was expressed in the spread of education, enlightenment and book. In the same period, the main features of the Starobalorus language occurred, and outstanding education figures appeared. Architecture received its development.

    We can safely say that the national culture of Belarus Middle Ages was the foundation for the further formation of the spirituality of the people.

    Development of the culture of Belarus in the 16-18th centuries.

    During this period, the ideas of European Renaissance, Enlightenment and Reformation were particularly strong in the world. They, as well as the socio-political and economic conditions of that period, imposed their imprint on the development of the culture of Belarus.

    In this era, literature and education, science and art continued on the territory of the country.

    Belarusian first nurse

    The invaluable contribution to the development of books, literature and the national language was made by Francis Skorgin. This humanist, the enlightener and the first-feeder lived in the first half of the 16th century. Thanks to this outstanding person, the Starobelorussian language has undergone reform and became richer.

    In 1517, Francis Skorgin published the book "Psalrty". Her text was written in Church Slavonic language, taking into account the Starobalorussian edition. From 1522 to 1525, the first primer issued such books as the "Apostle" and "Small Greeting Book". Thus, Skorgin can be considered a harbinger of education and rebirth in the Lithuanian principal.

    School education reform

    In the middle of the 18th century. In the Commonwealth, there were big changes in the economic sphere. This led to the need to reform school education.

    The first significant step was made in 1740. At this time, one of the active enlightenment figures Stanislav Kranary made a reorganization of training conducted in schools in the monastic ordinance of Piars. Thanks to this, a great man here began to take students from families of different classes. Surved schools even peasant children. Such training lasted six years and was completely free.

    Deeper education reform was carried out in the 1770s. She was suggested by the famous cultural worker I. Jrovich. Under his leadership, the first ministry of national education was created. It was called the State Educational Commission. This institution was engaged in organizing inspections of secular teachers and discovered 20 sub-and district schools throughout Belarus. In 1617, Radzivilles in Slutsk were opened first on all Eastern Slavic lands of a lyceum.

    Development of science

    The expansion of the activities of the education system contributed to an increase in the number of skillful masters. In those days, a large number of various mechanisms and appliances were created. One of the most prominent representatives of the science of the 17th century. Is Kazimir Semenovich. He became a developer and creator of a multistage rocket model. In addition, Semenovich invented many devices in the field of artillery and protocate technology, including the Delta stabilizer.

    Albert Koyavich is a famous figure of historical science. Among his work, the first printed study of the Grand Duchy of the Lithuanian "Study of Lithuania" occupies a special place.

    Development of art

    The systematic renewal of the culture of Belarus has become the basis for the emergence of new types of professional and amateur dramaturgy. The first school theater appeared in the country, became a circle created in 1585 at the Polotsky Jesuit Collegium. In 1788, the first building was built in the same city for performing performances. In the 18th century Twenty-two school and twenty-six musical and dramatic theaters operated on the territory of Belarus. From the middle of the 18th century. The country was created and began to actively develop a professional ballet.

    The successful activity of theaters was accompanied by a significant lift of musical art. In the 18th century Fortress orchestras were widespread in Belarus, as well as chapels, which by the end of the eighteenth century there were about 30.

    The center of musical art was considered the city of Nesvizh. It is here from the 15th century. Worked a music school. In it, fortress boys were taught to play horn, flute and violin.

    Many cultural figures of Belarus of the period made a great contribution to the musical art of other states. For example, thanks to the work of the teacher and the composer I. Kozlovsky, a new stage of the Doglinkovsky period was opened. Moscow held successful concerts of the Belarusian singer Ivan Kolend.

    Development of the country's culture in the 19-20th centuries.

    This period is characterized by many historical events. This is the Patriotic War of 1812, the First World War, numerous uprisings that occurred in 1794, 1830 and 1863, revolution 1905 and 1917, the pollone's policy, and then Russification. Nevertheless, despite all global changes in the public life of the people, the culture of Belarus has steadily continued its development.

    Formation of art

    The events of the political and social life of the country were reflected in the works of oral folk art. Belarusian literature continued to develop. In its formation, invaluable contribution was made by Ya. Borschevsky, A. Ripinsky, J. Chechot and many others. Among the outstanding monuments of literature created in the first half of the 19th century, the anonymous poems "Taras on Parnassa" and "Eniida Savyvice" stand out.

    The first classic of the literature of Belarus is the vocacon Dunin-Martinkevich. His best work, created in the early 60s, is the Pin gentry.

    Belarusian literature occupied the leading place in the country's culture and at the beginning of the 20th century. It was the time when Talent was manifested by Z. Biaduli, Ya. Kolas, M. Goretsky, Ya. Kolas, E. Pashkevich (aunts) and others.

    In the first half of the 19th century. In the culture of Belarus, theaters occupied a significant place. Moreover, not only professional, but also amateur art has evolved. Theater life has received its new development at the beginning of the 20th century. The Belarusian viewer was given the opportunity to get acquainted with theatrical productions of fraternal Slavic states.

    In the first half of the 19th century. Began to collect, and after publishing Belarusian folk songs. Attempts by their concert and composite treatments.

    The rise of culture was observed in the field of architectural solutions. The centers of Belarusian cities were built up with houses of public and special purpose. Among such structures of that time, the Cathedral of Peter and Paul, as well as the Palace of Manor Rumyantsevy-Passevichi in Gomel, can be distinguished.

    The development of painting was a significant impact of the Vilensk Specialized School. It worked in the department of fine art. In just a quarter of a century, more than 250 engravers, artists and sculptors were prepared.

    A significant page in the history of the country's culture is engaged in seal. Before the revolution of 1905, fifteen government newspapers were published in the Western provinces. After 1910, the first publishers appeared, such as "our Hut", "Our Niva" and others.

    Since the 1920s, large national-cultural construction began in the country. After the end of the Civil War in Belarus, theaters, higher educational institutions and many publishers resumed their work. Russian, Belarusian and Polish languages \u200b\u200bwere declared state.

    The formation of Soviet culture was accompanied by the elimination of the lightness and illiteracy of the population. For this, numerous schools opened. Mass illiteracy was able to defeat already by 1939. In 1923, mandatory schooling was introduced in the country.

    Accelerated industrialization required highly qualified frames. That is why it was decided to open a number of higher educational institutions. By 1941 they had already numbered 25.

    The first years after the October Revolution were especially fruitful for Belarusian literature. In 1923, the light saw the Epochal Poem Ya. Kolas "New Zyml", and in 1925 - "Syon-music". In the post-war period, the literature of the country continued to evolve. New talents appeared on her sky, such as I. Melgezh, Ya. Bryl, V. Bykov, I. Shamyakin, R. Borodulin, V. Kohkhevich. An important place in their work occupied the topic of war.

    In the Soviet period, theatrical-musical art continued its development, and the cinema masses widely stepped.

    Modern culture

    In recent years, all major components of national identity are developing dynamically and receive support from the state. On the Day of Culture of Belarus, which comes from the second Sunday of October, there are many musical and cinematic festivals, exhibitions and other events. However, it can be said that the activity of the country's cultural life does not fade throughout the year.

    The Ministry of Culture of Belarus in its system has more than 7 thousand different organizations. These are theaters and museums, club organizations and cinemas, libraries and circus. There are three specialized institutions of higher education in the country, among whom are the Institute of Culture of Belarus. The state supports the work of children's arts schools, concert organizations and middle-level educational institutions.

    In recent years, a number of important laws have been adopted. They are designed to regulate the relationship between the state and culture. One of them is the "Culture Code". Belarus also systematized the norms that regulate the activities of this area of \u200b\u200bsociety.

    Each year in the country is about 60 republican, regional and international festivals. The largest of them is the "Slavic Bazaar" in Vitebsk.

    The Day of Culture of Belarus can be considered on December 17. This date is celebrated by the Day of the Belarusian Cinema. This direction of art not only continues the tradition of preceding generations, but also is constantly looking for new ways of development. Many joint projects were carried out in the country. Thus, the "Belarusian film" film studio filmed their films Alexander Sokurov, Nikita Mikhalkov and many other well-known directors.

    The culture of Belarus has ancient roots that go back to the times of the settlement of the Slavic tribes. The unique identity of the Belarusian culture was formed over the centuries. Belarusian music, painting and national costume absorbed not only the traditions and beliefs of the Slavs, but also many peoples with whom Belarusians were adjusted, among them the Balt tribes were greatly influenced.

    Already in the Epoch of the Middle Ages, it was a great influence on the culture of Belarus, and then the Great Principality of Lithuanian, and then the Polish-Lithuanian state, the Commonwealth.

    Under the influence of speech, the combined Belarusian culture has been enriched with new features in painting, music, architecture. During this period, Catholicism also received influence on the Belarusian people during this period among the population of Belarus.

    In 1517, an important event occurred for the culture of Belarus, the first Belarusian book was published. I published her Francis Skorgin in Prague. It was a psalter published in Church Slavonic.

    In the XIX century, the transition of Belarusian lands to the Russian Empire caused the growth of national self-consciousness, which led to the emergence of modern Belarusian culture.

    Belarusian national suit

    The Belarusian national costume is one of the bright symbols of the People of Belarus. The Belarusian folk costume has many common features with Russian and Ukrainian costumes. Also a great influence on folk suit Lithuanian and Polish traditions. Bright and distinctive national costumes of Belarusians have become an integral symbol of various holidays.

    Belarusian music

    Belarusian music is a bright phenomenon in modern world culture. The Music of Belarus takes its origin since the times of Eastern Slavs, which emphasizes the community of many musical traditions among Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians.

    People's Belarusian music

    People's Belarusian music is a distinctive, bright and amazing phenomenon. The distinctive feature of folk music in Belarus is the charts - collage, passenger, harvest, wedding and many others.

    Also a big role in folk music of Belarusians played church music. Another bright aspect of national music has become folk dances and dances that can be seen on various holidays in all cities of Belarus.

    Modern Belarusian music

    Modern Belarusian music is represented by many different musical directions. The first ensemble, became popular in the Soviet Union, became "Pesnira" who performed modern processing of folk Belarusian songs. To this day, the speeches of "Pesnyar" continue to collect many fans on their concerts. Currently, Lyapis Trubetskoy, "Trinity", "without a ticket" and other performers acquired great fame.

    Every year in the cities of Belarus, there are many festivals, among which the "Slavic Bazaar" in Vitebsk acquired a special popularity.

    National Features of Belarus

    Belarusians are very hospitable and welcoming people. By the nature and estimate of life, they are very similar to their neighbors-Slavs: Russian and Ukrainians. Compared to other countries of Eastern Europe, the largest number of rites and traditions of paganism has been preserved in Belarus.

    National Features of Belarus largely determined due to the nature of the country. Majestic and unhurried, she and their people made like themselves. Belarusians do not like to "make sorrows from the hut" and arrange the pool scenes, respectfully belong to the elders, carefully listen to the interlocutor.

    There are no special preferences in the clothes - we are glad to wear both the casual clothes of European style and national costumes.

    Friendship, mutual assistance, respect, trust, community - these are the main national peculiarities of Belarus.

    You can read about the kitchen of Belarus and its culture in detail in the sections: Kitchen of Belarus and the culture of Belarus.

    "Misherette Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Belarus. Belarusian University of Physical Culture»

    Performed: Student 1 course 112 groups

    Faculty Sia

    Efimova Anastasia

    Minsk 2012.

    Traditions of Belarusian culture

    Traditions and rites of Belarus have a lot in common with those of their Slavic neighboring. Belarusians (Belarusians) belong to the Eastern European type of the Middle Eastern race, their ancestors were East Slavic tribes of Dregovich, Krivich, Radmich, partly Drevlyan, Northerne and Volyn. The ancestors of Belarusians have absorbed many features of the oldest population of this region - Letto-Lithuanian tribes of the Yatvägov, as well as some features of the Polish, Lithuanian, Ukrainian, Russian and Jewish culture, while maintaining, despite numerous devastating wars, more than once rolled through this land, His major national traits. The Belarusian ethnical itself is heterogeneous and includes several subethnic groups - "Pillies" live in Polesie, in the area of \u200b\u200bPinchuki, "Pinchuki", along the top flow of the Dnieper, you can observe the Verkhnepridniprovsky anthropological type, and in the south of the country, the Ukrainian influence is noticeable. Even in the language you can allocate two dialects - southwest and northeast. There were also many representatives of the Jewish, Tatar, Ukrainian, Polish, Russian and other cultures, each of which has complete freedom of self-expression.

    The country's culture is perhaps the most well-preserved among the Eastern European Slavs, a set of ancient pagan customs and traditions. Even, despite the centuries-old domination of Christianity, both the Orthodox and Catholic, in Belarus, the echoes of many ancient rituals have been preserved in Belarus, starting with Maslenitsa and Kupala, "lifting" and "Gukann Spring" (fracture of the winter by the summer), "Soroki" and "Grandparents", "Collad" and "Dogs" (feast of the end of the harvest), "Talaki" and "Syabryna" (custom community mutual assistance), and ending with a lot of rites associated with a wedding, birth or death. As with the neighbors, there were many rituals related to agriculture, with a forest harvesting and a bath, and all nature was revered as a single living being. All these rites fell into the later Christian rituals, forming a unique and colorful Belarusian culture. The song and oral folklore is extremely rich and diverse.

    The main local society has always been a family, usually small. The man occupied and occupies the most important place here - this is "Batzka" for children and "Uncle" for junior family members, the main miner and defender of the house. A woman is an equal owner and household work manager, mother and custodian of the hearth. This two-storey part of the family was reflected in everyday life - wooden and metal household items were considered "male", woven and woven - "female". And always and everywhere, preference was given to objects from natural materials. National clothing, shoes, musical instruments and even the type of housing is close to the samples of other Slavic cultures, but the Belarusian style is visible in everything, and to confuse local clothes and decorations, for example, with samples of the Ukrainian or Lithuanian dress are impossible - local masters are so distinct.

    The quiet and majestic nature of the country left the imprint on the appearance of the people. Belarusians for the most part very friendly and good-natured, centuries-old community imposed a print and on the nature of the relationship between people. Here, rarely see the noisy scenes in humans, high the mutual assistance between people and dominates the most respectful attitude towards the elders and to the interlocutor. Even in business etiquette, the traditions entered the traditions of confidence - here it is rarely endured in the markets, the arrangements will scrupulously comply and carefully protect the reputation (not only in business). A lot of cases, not only communities, is solved on the Council, even the holidays are most often conducted either by the whole family or the entire settlement.

    There are no strict norms in relation to the clothing - Belarusians are happy to wear both the usual casual clothes of European Fyson and national outfits. European style costumes have been adopted in business etiquet. A business visits must be agreed in advance and confirmed immediately before the meeting. Working day in most institutions continues from 09.00 to 18.00.

    Russian, English and German languages \u200b\u200bare widespread in business circles. In everyday life, the Belarusian language is used everywhere, which is again introduced as the state in 1990, however, Russian is also widespread, which led to the formation of a peculiar international slang, known as "Tryska". In any place, you can hear the beginning of the conversation in Belarusian, and the continuation is in Russian, or vice versa. Cyrillic is used as a written basis, but sometimes the Latin alphabet is used. Some Belarusian toponyms in the pronunciation of local residents sometimes sound quite unusual, for example, Chrodna (Grodno), Makhileu (Mogilev), Witsebsk (Vitebsk) and so on, so when communicating such moments should be borne.


    Whole Belarus

    The Belarusian people stand out by their original original culture, whose roots go to the distant pagan, pre-Christian era.

    The ancient culture of Belarus won a lot because when it was the process of settling with the Slavic peoples, they did not destroy everything that was created here by the aborigines, which historians consider the Balts and Finno-Ugron.

    At first, our distant ancestors, like all Eastern Slavic tribes, were pagans. This form of religious consciousness existed a very long time and left a deep mark in culture. Now there is no doubt that in the era of paganism we had writing, the appearance of which was previously mistaken only to the adoption of Christianity.

    Writing was distributed at the beginning among the prosperous, preferred segments of the population. Very early, along with dogmatic literature, a secular appeared. Christian monasteries served as writing and correspondence by books. This holy deal was a lot of years for his life, Efrosinia Polotsk gave. In addition to her, Kirill Torovsky, called Holy Oratoric skitting, fruitfully worked in the field of literary and cultural and educational activities.

    Favorable conditions for the development of culture arose with education in the XIII century. Grand Duchy of Lithuanian. In it, Starobelorussian has become state. It was legally enshrined in 1566, when the statute of the Grand Principality of Lithuanian was adopted in the second edition.

    The proximity of the Great Principality of Lithuanian to the countries of Central and Western Europe is quite high for that time the level of spiritual development of its population favored that the progressive ideas of the Renaissance (Renaissance) and Reformation came to this region. At this time, the Belarusian people gave world civilization a lot of outstanding figures of science and culture, among which the championship belongs to the Belarusian and East Slavic primer, the enlightener and thinker Francis Skorne. Being in 1517-1519. In Prague, he translated and published 23 books of the Bible, in the text of which the words and turnover of the Starobalorus language were widely used. Until that time, the Bible saw the light only in German (1445) and Czech (1448) languages. The then Europe was well known to colleagues and followers of F. Scorina - Nikolai Gusovsky, the author of the Latin-speaking poem "Song about the Bison" (1523, Krakow), Symona weekly, which belongs to a lot of works written not only in Starobalorus, but in Polish and Latin.

    Allowing the free settlement of the Tatars and Jews on the territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, his authorities did not interfere with their cultural development, incl. erection of various types of architectural objects of cult and secular purpose. Constructed in the Smorgon district in the village of Davbuchishki Mosque (the first mention in the Lithuanian metric in 1558) refers to one of the most ancient in Europe.

    In the conditions of destructive wars, the Belarusian people managed to create dozens of first-class architectural structures, in which their own and borrowed styles were organically combined. The dominant artistic style in the architecture of Belarus was Baroque. In this style, such wonderful architectural facilities were built as Sapeng Palaces in Rujanov, Jftovichi - in Shchorsakh, Radmilles - in Nesvizh, Nikolaev Church and Catholic Church of Carmelites - In Mogilev, Farm Choes - in Nesvizh and Grodno, Cathedral of Peter and Paul - in Vitebsk . In the construction of a church of the Jesuit and the Collegum, the palace-castle complex participated in the invited to this goal at the end of the XVI century. Radilille Lostsky Famous Italian architect Jevanni Bernardoni.

    The conditions for the preservation and development of the Belarusian culture were not improved, when the territory of Belarus as a result of three sections of the Commonwealth (1772, 1793, 1795) was under the rule of the Russian Empire. From this time, it was very careful from this time, and later the Russification was also discouraged later. However, in such conditions, the Belarusian land gave the light of such outstanding people as Adam Mitskevich, Stanislav Manyushka, Michal Cleafas Aginsky, Ignatius Dameko, Mikhail Glinka, Joseph Gaskevich, Ivan Khsky.

    After the uprising of 1863-1864. In Poland, Belarus and Lithuania were prohibited from a typography in Belarusian (1867). However, many scientists, writers, including Wincency Dunin-Marcinkevich, Francisheak, made a significant contribution to the development of Belarusian folk culture.

    The revival of the National Traditions of Belarusian Culture was largely promoted by the activation of the Belarusian national movement at the beginning of the twentieth century. The talent of the future classics of modern Belarusian literature - Ya.Kupala, Y. Kolas, M. Bogdanovich. Popularization and propaganda of Belarusian culture contributed to the publication of the newspaper "Our Niva".

    Favorable conditions for the development of the National Belarusian Culture have developed in the 1920s, when Belarusianization policy was held in the republic. Began to work Belarusian-speaking schools, the Institute of Belarusian Culture. At its base in 1929, the Academy of Sciences of Belarus was established. However, since the beginning of the 1930s, this progressive process was interrupted, since in cultural life, a hard ideological control prevailed, many figures of Belarusian culture and science were repressed.

    Huge and largely irreplaceable losses caused the Belarusian culture of the War of Nazi Germany against the USSR 1941-1945. At the fronts, in the partisan detachments, the underground killed a significant part of the Belarusian writers and other cultural workers and science.

    In the postwar period, until the mid-1980s, Belarusian culture developed in the framework of the ideological assumption and harsh party control. Nevertheless, during this period a lot of talented writers appeared, like A. Aadamovich, V. Burn, R. Bourodulin, Buravkin, V. Nautinsky, V. Zyunok, I. Styrinov, and .Sammykin. In the visual arts worked by original masters: the artist M.Savitsky, sculptors Z.Azgur, S. Selikhanov. The network of cultural and educational institutions increased, artistic amateur activity developed.

    The policies of publicity contributed to the release of Belarusian culture from under ideological dictate, reviving the spiritual traditions of the Belarusian people. Began to change the best situation with the Belarusian language, including due to the law on languages \u200b\u200badopted in 1990 in the Belarusian SSR. The number of Belarusian-speaking theatrical teams has increased.

    The main directions of state policies in the field of culture and public life

    Our republic is inherent in non-aggressive nationalism, but state support with historically established bilingualism, revival of spirituality and the preservation of traditional religious denominations, art in all forms.

    The state holds a consistent policy on the preservation of the cultural heritage of Belarusians, the best features of the Belarusian nature: respect for people of other nationalities and denominations, tolerance, tolerance, humanism, peacefulness.

    The state and state budget are consistent guarantors of financial support for the development of art and culture. The principle of continuity in cultural policy is expressed in the preservation of infrastructure of government agencies of culture and art.

    The state rate is based on the faithfulness of the historical memory of the people - victory in the Great Patriotic War. The loyalty of memory was reflected in the decision of the country's leadership to introduce the course "Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people" in educational institutions.

    The country has a consistent course on the formation of the ideology of the Belarusian state, the crystallization of the Belarusian national idea. The most excited and concisely national idea is embodied in the slogan of the President of the Republic of Belarus: "For a strong and prosperous Belarus!".

    The historical path of the formation and development of the Belarusian culture

    The historical path of the formation and development of Belarusian culture is complex and controversial. There were periods of this take-off on this path, but it happened when its very existence was under a serious matter. Fortunately, in the most tragic for the Belarusian culture of times, she always had reliable defenders, and the spiritual decay process stopped, her rebirth began and climbing new heights that we were currently observing.

    For Belarus, the intensive process of interaction of cultures has always been characterized. And therefore, the formation and development of Belarusian culture cannot be understood from taking into account the impact on her progressive trends of Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Lithuanian cultures. Many Belarusian thinkers equally belong to the cultures of neighboring, fraternal peoples. This is S. Budnaya, M.Srytsky, K. Leschinsky, S.Poltsky, Kanissky, etc.

    Unfortunately, for a long period, the cultural relations of the Belarusian people with the advanced countries of Western and Central Europe (Italy, France, Czech Republic, etc.) were underestimated. The most significant they were in the era of the Renaissance, manifested quite brightly and in the era of the Enlightenment. This explains the fact that in Belarusian culture, starting from the 10th century, two directions were constantly competing - Western and East.

    In the 10th century, the Slavs take Christianity and together with him adopt a lot of characteristic features of the economic and spiritual life of the Byzantine and Roman Empires. At the same time, Western Slavs are taken for a sample Latin culture, and the eastern orientate on Byzantine canons. Belarus turns out to be between them, which largely affects its culture. "The problem of choosing between the West and East and sincere rejection by no one nor the main signs of the history of the Belarusian people are the main signs of the history of the Belarusian people. The example of F. Scorina, which is still unknown, who was, or the Catholic, or Orthodox, and possibly, and the other at the same time, captures this phenomenon of the Belarusian spirit and individuality in the soul of our first intellectual. This feature, the Belarusian intelligentsia retained to this time, which is known reasons. ".1

    The boundaries of two cultural types at different times have changed their outlines: in East Slavic culture, Western European features were assimilated, and vice versa. As a result, the culture of Belarusian lands was formed under the interaction of the diverse objective and subjective factors that had an ambiguous effect on the culture of the people living on the Belarusian lands. Nevertheless, without looking at all difficulties, the story suggests that in general there was a process of progressive development in all spheres of creative human activity.

    Over the long time, Belarus has passed the historical path from overwhelming illiteracy before the creation of literary and artistic works of world-class and scientific discoveries, from folk crafts and household culture to majestic temples, palaces, modern architectural ensembles. And at the beginning of the 3rd millennium, Belarus is a formed, holistic, peculiar sociocultural space, whose boundaries have acquired their certainty to a greater extent in the 20th century.

    Belarusian art and literature

    A distinctive feature of Belarusian professional art and literature is their close relationship with folk culture. Any culture originates in folk creativity, folklore. It is in folklore that there is a source of further flourishing of various types of art - music, dance, literature, etc. It saves deep layers of national history and culture. Belarusian folklore is one of the richest in the world (songs, magic spells, epics, fairy tales, legends, legends, etc.). For many customs and rituals, the merger of pagan and Christian elements is characterized (Kupalle, Great and others). Samples of traditional culture are preserved in Belarus to this day in the rural environment, where they "live" in an almost unchanged form. By many adverse factors on the path of the Belarusian ethnos, he was able to maintain his own language, the specifics of his culture largely due to folk traditions. The folk culture has not lost its defining function in the modern national cultural process, which includes, along with professional art, amateur creativity.

    Belarusian folklore highly appreciated in the world - Holland, France, Egypt, Czech Republic, Poland and other countries where many folklore groups visited .. In addition, Belarus enters the International Council of Folklore Folklore Festivals, under the auspices of which more than 50 festivals are held annually .

    The Belarusian authentic folklore in the context of European ethnocultural processes has a special historical and cultural significance, as to date, it remains systemic integrity and spontaneity of the manifestation of an oral culture. Therefore, the saving of traditions of folk culture, the creation of conditions for its self-development is an integral part of the state policy in the field of culture. For its implementation, there is a scientific base in Belarus, and practical experience.

    No less significant and interesting direction for the development of popular culture is decorative and applied art. It is embodied by the immense, forever live soul of the people, his rich life experience and aesthetic taste. Made by the laws of a beautiful product of the people's masters do not leave anyone indifferent, and contact with them causes a sense of pride for their people, who gave the world of wonderful masters, creating real works of art from a wide variety of materials - wood, clay, vines, straw, flax, etc.

    Curious phenomenon of Belarusian culture - straw products. There is no such thing anywhere in Europe, which, in particular, noted the participants of the 6th European Conference on Folk Creativity, which brought the success of Belarusian masters, which took place in 1977. The conference was organized by the International Organization for Folk Creativity, which includes Belarus, under the auspices of UNESCO.

    Straw products from straw - traditional Slavic art, whose roots come from the ancient, pagan cult of bread. Straw products were designed to save bread products. In everyday life of Slavs, baskets, baskets received the greatest distribution. Lookski different types of straw, vines, berers.

    The so-called straw spider is a symbol of welfare and wealth - a collage decoration of not only Belarusians, but also other nations of Europe. In addition to the straw weaving, I found the application in the applique technique that was used to decorate wooden chests, boxes, frames, wall carpets.

    One of the most common species of Belarusian folk art is weaving. A lot of long-standing folk rites and traditions are connected with it, very often mentioned in Belarusian poetic works and folk songs (for example, Slutsk belt.)

    The skill and artistic taste of weaves fully manifested themselves in the decoration of the towels, because the towel (towel) was perceived not just like a cut of a material for economic needs, it was an integral part of traditional rites. It was wrapped in a newborn, the bread-salt was brought on it, they were decorated with a red corner in the house, it was used in wedding rites, they laid out the treats, who had passed on the world of relatives. In popular life, thus, the tumors did not perform so much utilitarian, how many decorative and ritual functions, which naturally affected the peeled out of these products. As a rule, the tumors had a white field, on which, mostly at the edges, were placed woven or embroidered patterns of red, often with small splashes of black or yellow. The Belarusian Rushnik is the relationship between the past and the present, between the person and the highest spheres; This is the bonds with the unexpasual to the end of the symbolism.

    Weaving as folk fishing lives and develops today as decorative and applied art.

    At the end of 19-th, a traditional Belarusian costume is formed, the features of which were under the influence of natural and geographical conditions, main occupations of the population, historical traditions, etc. The folk removal was influenced by the influence of both otherwise components, the historical and cultural relations of Belarusians with their neighbors were reflected in it - Ukrainians, Russians. Poles, Lithuanians, Latvians.

    The Belarusian people's suit must necessarily decorated with embroidery, especially the festive outfits differed. Together with the aesthetic function, the embroidery played the role of a national symbol (for example, red roosters on a white field, cornflowers, specific, floral ornament, etc.).

    Folk costume - phenomenon not only material, but also spiritual culture. Clothing. According to the ancient beliefs, it was supposed to not only protect the person and in Stuzh, and in a heat, but also to protect him from the adverse effects of invisible evil forces. This believed was reflected in the integrity of the worldview, ideas about. That man, nature, cosmos are interconnected by the common laws of existence.

    From a long time, pottery refers to traditional folk crafts in Belarus. Pottery was engaged everywhere. Masters made clay utensils for economic use. Her willingly acquired in Vilna, Kiev, Warsaw, in Russian cities.

    With all the diversity, pottery of Belarusian masters retain general artistic features, which gives them a characteristic national flavor. The prevailing are simple expressive forms, based on the ball, cylinder, cone. Their artistic expression is emphasized with the help of a kind of plasticity, an emphasized expression of the material of the material. In accordance with various technologies, the manufacture of ceramic products is distinguished by the ceramics ripple, tidy and black-free. Some types of dishes glazed, which attached them even more elegant look. Complex forms and bright painting are not typical for the traditional Belarusian pottery.

    The variety and wealth of decorative and artistic techniques, the uniqueness of ceramics forms remains to this day in traditional ceramics production centers - Ivets, Cancer, Deep, Telechan. Almost anywhere in Europe today, enterprises left, where it would not dominate the so-called stamping (mass production of products). In Belarus, enterprises are preserved (for example, the Borisov Plant of Applied Arts), where ceramic products with original painting are manufactured manually. The unusually named plant received an offer to the Union of Artists of Russia and the European Union of Artists on the creation on its base of the International European Ceramics Center. This is evidence of the recognition of the creative achievements of the Belarusian craftsmen of pottery.

    Significant distribution in Belarus gets art carving. Belarusian folk thread has never been particularly expressive decorative (should not identify it with a professional volumetric thread of 17 - 18 centuries.). The people most appreciated practicality and functionality, the decor only complemented the convenient shape of the product.

    Not so wide as weaving, pottery, wood carving In Belarus, artistic processing of metal and folk art painting were distributed. Metal in rural life was available less. Than flax, clay, tree. It was used only for the most necessary products.

    Art painting is a fairly widespread phenomenon of artistic life in Belarus received a unique expression in the painted carpets of Alena Kish, who lived and worked in the pre-war years (before World War II) in Slutsk district. This artist, without having a special education, left real works of decorative art, which art historians refer to the genre of the primitivism. She, moving between the villages, moving from the house to the house, on household panels, painted in black, painted plots characteristic of painted wall carpets - a lake or river with lilies, boats, trees and bushes on the shore. Immediately images of birds and animals. Carpets Alena Kish - a rare sample of a sample of an appearance character with decorative performance.

    Thus, in Belarus, an independent folk culture developed since ancient times, the traditions of which deserve respect and careful attitudes towards them from the state and the people living in the Belarusian land. Today in the republic, with the support of the state, the Center for the Belarusian Folk Art "Scarbitsy" (Treasury) was created. The purpose of its creation is to increase the professional level of products of the art crafts of Belarus. Graduates of the Academy of Arts, the Belarusian State University of Culture - Masters on Ceramics, Textiles, Tree Threads, Metal Treatment, Artists and Art History, came to the center. .

    Currently, a state program for supporting folk art, decorative and applied art and art crafts for 2000-2005 has been developed and operates. One of the directions of this program is an interesting cultural project "Trakki Kirmash" - aimed at the development of folk applied arts, including children's creativity. Thanks to him, the work of original masters becomes famous not only in our republic, but also beyond. The program enters the Internet, its electronic-information support is being developed, a virtual store of folk crafts is created ., There is, the culture of Belarus in its development goes in line with those processes that are characteristic of world culture, nevertheless maintaining their originality and uniqueness.