Evgeny Onegin after the death of Lensky. The cooking "Duel Lensky with Onegin

Evgeny Onegin after the death of Lensky. The cooking
Evgeny Onegin after the death of Lensky. The cooking "Duel Lensky with Onegin

Onegin and Lensky became buddies only because in their environment there were no more people of relevant age, education, provisions. "From doing nothing friends" met almost every day, spent time together. They needed in each other: Lensky Onegin was needed as a listener, the connoisseur of his poetry, as an interesting interlocutor, having his original point of view, as an image, mysterious and romantic, which he would certainly embody in his future poem if he had time ... For which Onegin was Lensky, more difficult to answer. Perhaps he was disappointed in life, it was interesting to observe how the enthusiastic and ardent poet would lose faith in his ideals, what this romantic will be, who constantly twisted in the clouds when the first blows of fate would meet. But time went and everything remained still: Lensky in love carried enthusiastic nonsense, and Onegin was angry and annoyed more and more. The reason for his bad mood was a recent explanation with Tatiana and even what Lensky, not feeling and not seeing anything, except for his happiness, does not even try to understand the nutrition of a friend and nadachfully persuades him to be in the infraces of Larina. The desire to touch themestore egoist becomes stronger, due to the feeling of the absurdity of the situation: he refused Tatiana and suddenly appeared to her named, as if she had dressed, as if he had an unfortunate girl to survive in vain hopes. Clearing for Olga - this and the desire to take revenge on Lensky, returning it from Heaven to Earth and the desire to leave forever from new explanations with Tatiana. Did Onegin assumed that Lensky would call him on a duel? Of course, yes. And as in a different way, he could do the bridegroom at the time when a friend compromised his bride Olga in the eyes of the whole family of Larina and invited guests. In many ways, the duel took place, the dependence of both buddies from the "Opinions of Light" was to blame. None of them wanted "feelings to discover, and not bristle, like a beast," simply fearing that these feelings will be regarded as cowardice. Perfectly able to shoot Onegin shot in an inexperienced Duelyant Lensky first. How many generations of readers break a spear in the disputes about why he did not shoot in the air - noble Lensky in this case, nothing would be done, how to do the same. Maybe this is a subconscious desire to survive to experience the real feeling? Or maybe a conscious desire to be in the eyes of the surrounding fatal "demonic" hero? I wanted a poet to punish my hero with eternal torments of a remorse of conscience or award the binding guilt by the acquaintance of the ability to suffer to love? Difficult to answer. The genius of the work is that it makes thinking, worry, look for everyone your answers to many controversial issues.

The role of A.S. Pushkin in Russian literature is paramount. Thanks to the activity of the poet, national literature was freed from imitativeness, acquired originality. The works of a completely different sense appeared, both in form and content.

Roman in verses "Eugene Onegin" is an exceptional work of Pushkin. Exceptional on its novelty, to display characters and morals, according to the description of the era, by the number of gentle elegions, in terms of poetic skills.

In the center of the story, two young people are Evgeny Onegin and Vladimir Lensky. Onegin is a young, metropolitan Dandy, on the right of birth and upbringing - an aristocrat. At the festival of life, he is one of the first: "Fun and luxury of the child", the genius "Science Passion gentle".

Onegin there, where the endless string of balls and holidays, theaters and restaurants, festivities and masquerades.

But, being a man of an ostripritical mind, Onegin quickly loses interest in secular life. Onegin is higher than the crowd. Mishur Light no longer imposes it.

The will of the destination is in the village, where he gets acquainted with Vladimir Lensky, a man with glances, to him, Onegin opposite.

Lensky belongs to the type of young people who enthusiastically and are referring to life. He is a romantic, free-dimensor, poet. Skepticism and boredom are not familiar to him.

It would seem that young people are completely different. According to its moral and psychological appearance, Onegin is an individualist and an egoist. Lensky is completely different. He is a junior manifold in love, perfect friendship. He lives, obeying is not a reason, but in the call of the heart. Rationalism is not his element.

But, despite the significant differences, these two heroes have a common one. They are both - without present, male business. Prospects to bring in the future the benefit of our debris. They are both products of their time and their society.

In the village, on free space, Onegin and Lensky became friends. And, despite the fact that "among them the disputes gave birth to everyone," the relationship between buddies was formed, and at first nothing foreshadowed trouble.

But, as it often happens in novels, life and death go there.

Duel, arising between Onegin and Lensky, is a central, turning point in the novel "Eugene Onegin". What events led to a duel?

The reason for the duel was the incorrect behavior of Onegin as in relation to his friend Lensky and to the bride of Lensky, Olga. At one of the holidays, Onegin demonstratively flirts with Olga. And she, the lady near, brazen and frivolous, succumb to flirting. Lensky swears and requires the permission of a duel situation.

Why did Onegin begin to put on Olga's attention signs that he never liked? The fact is that he wanted to take revenge on the Lensky for bringing him to the holiday to Larina, on which Tatiana (in love with Onegin) showed itself not from the best side. Tatyana could not hide his hysteria-irregular mood, not a taking this situation. And the excitement, Nervous sentiments of Onegin organically endured.

"Trance-irritic phenomena,
Maiden frost, tears
For a long time I could not tolerate Eugene ... "

Onegin was angry and on Lensky, who gave him to Larina, and on Tatiana.

Lensky, seeing the inappropriate behavior of Onegin and the response signs of the attention of Olga, called Onegin on a duel.

The note of Onegin conveyed "Zaretsky, once Buyan, a Cameric Shaya Ataman."


Duel - an omission, an event is incredible in the artistic literature. Ordinal roots in Russian soil did not have a duel. For Russians, the decision of controversial issues through a duel is not characteristic. This "procedure" is borrowed by Russians in Western Europe. The word "duel" itself comes from the French word Duel.

Why did the disconnement come so quickly? Why could a controversial question be resolved only by the only way - a bloody duel? To understand this issue you need to know some biographical facts from the life of the heroes of the novel.

The formation of the personalities of Onegin and Lensky passed under the influence of Western ideologies.

When upbringing Onegin, held under the guidance of French teachers and governors, the emphasis was not on the scientific and labor principle, but to the desire to make from the ward of a secular person with the appropriate habits. Duel is an inevitable satellite of secular strife. And Onegin in the shower was always ready for a duel.

In addition, Onegin is a nobleman, and all misunderstandings in the noble environment at the time was made to find out for duels.

Lensky, in turn, educated abroad, in Germany, as well as Onegin, was cut off from native soil. He was influenced by the fashionable romantic direction in Europe. The misty ideas of representatives of the German romantic school were inspired by the disciples. The disciples lived under the influence of these ideas, that is, in the world of Gree and fantasies.

Ideals of eternal love, victory of good over evil, abandoned glove, pistols - all this "romance" was at Lensky in the blood. There was only true reality, the true state of things.

Lensky in a rustling of anger, guided by the rules of honor, decides to kill Onegin. And he dies, as he believes himself, for the honor of Olga. He embodies the idea of \u200b\u200bbecoming "Her Savior." At the same time, with Olga, he does not consider it necessary to speak. Pride does not allow.

Pride is a significant evil. It blocks the true qualities of a person, introduces it into a circle of ridiculous delusions. Olga was not going to change Lensky. Onegin had no species at Olga. And if Lensky humbled his pride, figured out all this, then there would be no duel. And I would not fold the Lensky's head ahead of time.

The terrible vital truth is that the fate of Pushkin, our beloved and so early in the poet, turned out to be similar to Lensky's fate. Pushkin was also killed on duels.

Between the duels Lensky - Onegin and Pushkin - Dantes is similar to. Both duels took place in the winter (in the snow). Pistol Onegin of the same brand (work of Lepage), which used Pushkin in his fatal day. Both duels passed a la barriere (shoot on the barrier).

Was there a duel cancellation possible? Why did Onegin accepted the challenge? After all, he perfectly understood that he would die or himself or his friend. Although in his abilities he was sure. At the same time, he understood that the cause of the duel was insignificant. In fact, he could explain with Lensky. But to enter into negotiations with eighteen-year-old boy - he is not like that! And what will say the light? And although the neighbors of the landowners he despises and nor sets anything, he cannot neglect public opinion. Slisses in someone's eyes a coward is not on it. Since it happened and a glove was brocked - he is obliged to take a challenge to a duel. This was the Code of Dwell Honor, which, in turn, was associated with the concept of "noble honor."

Were there any indirect ways at Onegin to prevent a duel? Were. And he used them. First, the duel of Odegin is late. Non-breaking on time could already lead to the abolition of the fight. Secondly, he brought as his Secundant - Lacey, the Frenchman Gilo servo. Choosing a servant, Onegin roughly violated the generally accepted, albeit not written, the Duel Code: Competition, as a matter of honor, could only occur between nobles. And the seconds, as the Witnesses of the fight - no exception, they should also belong to a high class. Onegin does not bring the face of noble origin, besides, Lackey was also a foreigner.

Zaretsky, the Secundant of Lensky, in this case, should have made a claim and stop the duel. But the retired officer Zaretsky was too blooddered. It is despicable that he did not give him an honor, he just "lubricated". He did not cancel a duel.

As a result, Lensky killed. Onegin "Instant Cold is obliged" with repentance. His friend will never stand again. Zarezsky is driving home a terrible treasure. This is the result of a duel.


Roman "Evgeny Onegin" Contemporaries Pushkin not everyone understood and not everyone accepted. The only thing they were in solidarity: the novel did not leave anyone indifferent. Passed century. Epochs changed. But we still continue to argue, reread the novel, worry about the heroes. Pushkin's novel hurt for living.

We are a pity enthusiastic young man Lensky. Pushkin put a gun in the hands of Onegin to eliminate Lensky. Which, like Onegin, critics ranked to "excess people" in society, not to the wrestlers, to people who are not able to bring society to development.

In the first rows of the novel, the main character, Eugene Onegin, is characterized as a self-serving person, caring only about his comfort and well-being, because he is in a burden to care for the dying uncle, pretend to be careful and caring:

But, my God, what boredom

With sick sit and day and night,

Do not go away!

What a low cunning

Sexing to fun

He pillows to correct

Adopt the medicine

Suggest and thinking about yourself:

When damn take you!

Having arrived in the village and burying a relative, Onegin after some time gets acquainted with Lensky, a local young landowner who recently returned from Germany. They spend a lot of time together: they make riding walks, argue on various topics, - becoming "from doing nothing" friends, as the author writes. Does your friends?

Eugene, having ever avoided communicating with local landlords, became close to Lensky. The reason for the rapprochement is the same age of heroes, the fact that both of them "Lord of neighboring villages ... did not like the pions," perhaps even the fact that they were completely different people. Eugene has long been disappointed in secular friendship, does not love, but only plays feelings, tired of secular life, he did not find his beloved business. And Lensky enthusiastically perceives life, sincerely (since childhood) loves Olga, believes in real friendship, pohes poems. The author writes:

They agreed. Wave and stone,

Poems and prose, ice and flame

Not so different among themselves.

This dissimary brought the heroes, but she also led to the death of Vladimir Lensky. The usual misunderstanding, as well as an excessive self-love of Onegin, who, believing Lensky, who said that only close people will be in the name of Tatiana, on arrival discovered the entire "rustic light" and decided to take revenge on Lensky. And he will act in accordance with his character: It begins to put on Olga's attention signs, which is favorably, not noticing how the groom is visible, takes the courting of Eugene.

Not able to hide their feelings, Lensky causes a "friend" to the duel. Vladimir does not understand the changes in Onegin, and does not try to analyze his behavior and causes of the act. He does not defend his honor so much as Olga rescues from Eugene. "He thinks:" I will be the Savior. I will not tolerate, so that there is a flammable heart and sigh and praise a young heart sick ... ". He and does not come to mind that this is another game of Onegin, a method of vengeance for tested irritation at the sight of numerous guests. After all, Lensky is a romantic, for him the world is divided into black and white, and he perceives the courting of Onegin for his bride for a clean coin.

Onegin understands that he was wrong, even experiencing remorse: "And befolding: in the analysis of strict, at the secret court, having called himself, he accused himself in many ways ...". But the rules of the secular society are merciless, and Onegin, fearing to be accused of cowardice, accepts a challenge: "An old duelist intervened; He is angry, he is a gossip, he is a cleaner ... Of course, there should be a contempt for the price of his funny words, but a whisper, stupid stupid ... ".

The behavior of the heroes in front of the duel once again convinces the reader in their "difference": Lensky is experiencing, "Schiller opened", but can not not think about Olga and writes love poems. Onegin "slept at this time dead sleep" and hardly slept.

According to the rules of that time, Onegin could prevent a duel, apologizing to Lensky, explaining the reasons for his behavior; Or shoot into the air.

But he does not think about it. I believe that maybe he would consider it even humiliating for himself.

Lensky's death became a tragic chance also because Eugene shot several moments earlier:

Both Lensky, shit left eye, also began to heal - but just Onegin shot ... Eugene is amazed by the death of a friend: killed! .. Slim terrible exchanger in a fight, Onegin with Sodrogan, he is calling. Conscience removal make the hero leave the village, go travel.

As a friend of Lensky, Onegin could not stand the test by friendship, again putting only his own feelings and interests.

    One of the main characters of the novel in verse by A.S. Pushkin - Onegin. It is not by chance and the work is called his name. The image of Onegin is a complex and controversial, concluding positive signs of progressiveness and sharply negative features of clearly pronounced individualism ....

    What is interesting image of the heroine of the novel "Eugene Onegin". First of all, - with its deep national roots, its Russian basis, making it a perfect phenomenon in the Moscow and St. Petersburg society, attracting the brilliance of which leaves Tatiana ...

    The plan of the eighth chapter: Onegin appears in the St. Petersburg social society; The narrator tells where Onegin headed, killing Lensky to duel; Onegin in the secular round meets Tatiana, the characteristics of the St. Petersburg society; Onegin loved Tatiana; ...

    Pushkin worked on the novel "Eugene Onegin" for many years, it was his favorite work. Belinsky called him "encyclopedia of Russian life." Indeed, in this novel there is a picture of all the layers of Russian society: and the highest ...

In the first rows of the novel, the main character, Eugene Onegin, is characterized as a person a carriage, caring only about his comfort and benefit, because he is in a burden to care for the dying uncle, pretend to be careful and caring:

But, my God, what boredom With sick sit and day and night, Do not go away! What a low cunning Sexing to fun He pillows to correct Adopt the medicine Suggest and thinking about yourself: When damn take you!

Having arrived in the village and burying a relative, Onegin after some time gets acquainted with Lensky, a local young landowner who recently returned from Germany. They spend a lot of time together: they make riding walks, argue on various topics, - becoming "from doing nothing" friends, as the author writes. Does your friends?

Eugene, having ever avoided communicating with local landlords, got close to Lensky. The reason for the rapprochement is the same age of heroes, the fact that both of them "Lord of neighboring villages ... did not like the pions," perhaps even the fact that they were completely different people. Eugene has long been disappointed in secular friendship, does not love, but only plays feelings, tired of secular life, he did not find his beloved business. And Lensky enthusiastically perceivers life, sincerely (since childhood) he loves Olga, vessel in real friendship, composes poems. The author writes:

They agreed. Wave and stone, Poems and prose, ice and flame Not so different among themselves.

This dissimary brought together the heroes, but she also led to the death of Vladimir Lensky. The usual inevitance, as well as the excessive self-love of Onegin, who believes Lensky, who said that only close people will be in the name of Tatiana, on arrival found the whole "rustic light" and decided to sang Lensky. And he acts in appearance to his character: it begins to have any signs of attention to Olga, co-Torany favorably, not noticing, as it is visible, he takes the courtship of Eugene.

It does not know how to hide their feelings, Lensky dwells "friend" on a duel. Vladimir does not understand Perenna in Onegin, and does not try to analyze his behavior and causes of the act. He is not so much from-asking his honor as Olga rescues from Eugene. "He thinks:" I will be the Savior. I will not tolerate, so that there is a flammable heart and sigh and praise a young heart sick ... ". It never minds that this is the next game of Onegin, a method of vengeance for testan irritation at the sight of numerous states. After all, Lensky is a romantic, for him the world is divided into black and white, and he perceives the courting of Onegin for his bride for a clean coin.

Onegin understands that he was wrong, even experiencing conscience remorse: "And the file: in the analysis of strict, at a secret court, having called himself, he accused himself in a numerous ...". But the rules of the secular society are merciless, and Onegin, fearing to be accused of cowardice, with a certain challenge: "An old duelist intervened; He is angry, he is a gossip, he is a cleaner ... Of course, there must be a contemporary price of his funny words, but whisper, stupid fools ... ".

The behavior of the heroes in front of the duel once again convinces the reader in their "difference": Lensky is experiencing, "Schiller opened", but can not not think about Olga and writes love poems. Onegin "slept at this time dead sleep" and hardly slept.

According to the rules of that time, Onegin could prevent a duel, apologizing to Lensky, explaining the causes of his behavior; Or shoot into the air.

But he does not think about it. I believe that maybe he would consider it even humiliating for himself.

Lensky's death became a tragic chance also because Eugene shot several moments earlier:

Both Lensky, shit left eye, also began to heal - but just Onegin shot ... Eugene is amazed by the death of a friend: killed! .. Slim terrible exchanger in a fight, Onegin with Sodrogan, he is calling. A remarks of conscience make the hero leave de-jealous, go travel.

As a friend of Lensky, Onegin could not stand the test by friendship, again putting only his own feelings and interests.

In the Roman A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" one of the most sad scenes is a duel between Lensky and Onegin. But why did the author decide to bring them in a duel? What did young people moving? Can it be avoided this situation? Below will be the analysis of the episode of the Duel Lensky and Onegin.

Before proceeding to the discussion, amounted to the duel of Onegin and Lensky. It is necessary so that the scene's review is consistently, and the reader was able to understand why this episode was introduced into the novel.

Causes of the fight

Why did Lensky caused his friend to a duel? Readers remember that Vladimir was a man of a soft, romantic warehouse, unlike Evgenia - tired of the light, always a bored, cynical man. The cause of the duel is banal - jealousy. But who and why jealous?

Lensky brought Onegin on Larina. If Vladimir had his own interest (he came with the bridegroom of the birthday girl's sister, Olga), then Evgeny missed. To this, the attention of Tatiana in love with him is still added. All this causes only annoyance in a young man, and he chose Lensky's bad mood.

Onegin decides to take revenge on a friend for a spoiled evening and begins to care for his bride. Olga was a windy girl, so I gladly leaned the courtship of Eugene. Lensky does not understand what is happening, and, having decided to put this end, invites her to the dance. But Olga ignores his invitation and continues to walt down with Onegin. The humiliated Lensky leaves from the holiday and causes the only friend to the duel.

Quick description Duel between Onegin and Lensky

Eugene receives a challenge through the Zaretsky, familiar Lensky. Onegin understands that he was to blame that such a stupidity is not worth the best friends shooting because of her. He repents and realizes that the meetings could be avoided, but proud young people do not refuse the fatal meeting ...

When analyzing the episode of the Duel Lensky and Onegin, it is necessary to note the attempts of Eugene to provoke Vladimir's refusal from a duel: he is late for an hour, appoints his servant with his second. But Lensky prefers this not to notice and wait for a friend.

Zaretsky counts the required number of steps, young people are preparing to shoot. While Lensky is aiming, Onegin shoots first. Vladimir dies instantly, Eugene, shocked by this, leaving. Zaretsky, taking the body of Lensky, goes to Larina.

Could there be another outcome of the fight?

Analyzing the episode of the duel of Lensky and Onegin, it should be noted what kind of role in this story played. If you carefully read the novel, you can find lines that hint at what he bowed Lensky to bringing onegin to shoot.

Also in the forces of the Zaretsky was to prevent a fight. After all, Eugene realized his guilt and did not want to participate in this farce. And the Soon Levin was supposed to try to reconcile rivals by the rules, but this was not done. Zaretsky could cancel the duel already because Onegin was late for her, and his second was a servant, although according to the rules of duel, people could have only equal people. Zaretsky was the only duel manager, but he did nothing to prevent the fatal duel.

Duel outcome

What happened to Onegin after a duel? Nothing, he just left the village. In those days, the duels were prohibited, therefore it is obvious that the cause of the death of Lensky presented the police completely differently. Vladimir Lensky was put by a simple monument, his bride Olga soon forgot about him and married another.

How the protagonist is revealed in this scene

When schoolchildren write an essay on the analysis of the episode of the Duele of Onegin and Lensky, then much attention is paid to which Eugene is revealed. It seems that it does not depend on the opinion of society and is tired of the circle of the aristocrats, with whom it has been fighting and having fun. But not because he does not refuse a duel, which is actually afraid of what society will tell about him? Suddenly he will consider it a coward who did not define his honor?

An analysis of the episode of the Duel Lensky and Onegin represents a few other image before the reader's eyes: Eugene is a weakweight person who is not guided by his own judgments, but the opinion of light. In favor of his egoism, he decided to take revenge on Vladimir, without thinking that he was wound off his feelings. Yes, he tried to avoid the fight, but still did not apologize and explained nothing to a friend.

At the end of the analysis of the episode of the Duel Lensky and Onegin, it should be written about what value for the novel has a scene. It is in this fight and reveals the true nature of Eugene. Here is its spiritual weakness, duality of nature. Zaretsky can be compared with a secular society, the condemnation of which is so afraid of the hero.

Lensky's death suggests that people of a subtle mental organization cannot survive in falsehood they are too sublime, sensitive and sincere. It is worth noting that Evgeny Onegin is a collective character who has absorbed typical features of a secular society.

But as it is known to readers, the author did not regret Onegin, and in the literature he is considered a cynical hero with a stale heart. He rejected the love of Tatiana, destroyed a friend, played by human feelings. And when repented and realized that it was incorrect, it was too late. Onegin never found his happiness, his lot is loneliness among the people who are not interested in ...

It was a brief analysis of the episode of the Duele of Onegin and Lensky, in which the essence of this scene is disclosed in the work.