The main topics in the work of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin - Eternal Topics: Nature, Love, Death.

The main topics in the work of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin - Eternal Topics: Nature, Love, Death.

Probably, from all Russian poets, it is Bunin stands out by his love for nature and her detailed description and chanting in verse. The poet intertwines in verses of longing and joy, truth, life. Bunin slightly feels the world around us, and it is nature that the main theme of his creativity. It is Nature that affects his mood, so he tries to find all the details, write as much as possible, do not miss anything.

His early creativity Critics were described as "autumn sadness", and the author himself was "quiet, peaceful." However, it was possible to find a lot of examples when Bunin Bunning, showed contradictions. On the one hand, gentle love for nature, harmony and peace, and on the other - the ugliness and injustice of life. Here you can see social problems In his work. For example, in the story "On the farm", a man became a particle of nature, felt blood relations with her, and not with people and the village.

In the novel "The Life of ArChenyev", the Bunin-painter "draws" a picture of autumn wilting, reveals all the richness of color in front of the reader. He immediately finds the main color so that all the magnificent look opens: "Yellow space", "yellow wasps", "yellow coup grass." And it is in this work that nature shows the inner state of the hero, reflects its light sadness and fatigue.

In the story "Antonovsky apples" Bunin managed with the help of his love for the middle lane of Russia to turn this boring gray landscape into a curious spectacle. The images of the reader appear to appear before the reader: "Yellow, powered garden", "smell of apples, honey and freshness", "Satisfied Drozda on the Scarlet Breasts of Rowan in the Garden Depths", as well as much more. Love for the Motherland helped Bunin to create such a sensual landscape.

Buninskaya description of nature reveals his philosophy to us - the desire for universal harmony. Nature description functions are different - show the inner state of the hero, give to see the contrast between harmonious and ugly, fill the works by emotions. A bright and expressive description of nature in force cannot be compared with any of the poets.

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Ivan Alekseevich Bunin - a writer and poet, whose works chased simple life Russian village I. ordinary people, their integrity and simplicity indicate the greatest talent and ownership of the art of the word. The theme of nature is one of the main in the work of the Bunin.

Bunin was born in the impoverished noble family, he spent his childhood and his youth in the village in the Oryol province, where she loved nature, learned to appreciate her beauty. His hot desire was to become an artist, and he really became, but the artist of the Word, who creates an impeccable canvas.

The first poem that brought him fame and literary Prize, called "leaf fall". In it, he defied the image autumn forest. We seem to see the eyes of the poet of a multicolored "terme painted", we feel the smell ("Forest smells of oak and pine"), we feel silence, in which you can "hear the leishes of the Churchnier," we feel like in front of the frosts "Forest is in a snatch." Following the Pushkin, Bunin is enthusiastic in the fall, transmits her quiet nostalgia, which goes into anxiety and dying.

A lot of poems will write Bunin about nature. Love for the summer thunderstorm in the "Fields smells", delighted the weather change in "pigeons", the beautiful sketches of nature in the works of "in the open sea", "from the window", "River", "two rainbow", "sunset", "evening" . Every word in them speaks of love for nature, about how it is subtly interconnected with a man, how much perfection even in her very tiny creation.

Bunin-Prosais continued to create poetic, romantic, very clean worksMany of whom are similar to the poem in prose than on the stories. No wonder they say that he has no ordinary stories, but there is a story-impression, the story-mood. And they continue to the topic of nature.

Perhaps his most famous work in prose is "Antonovsky apples." Following the smell of ripe apples, the writer holds us along the ordinary Russian village, along the abandoned estate, on its own memories. And inextricably with each step - a description of nature. Bunin conveys a peacefulness in his words "August was with warm rains", "Wearing a lot of a lot of the field", "early, fresh, quiet morning", "smell of honey and autumn freshness". In general, there are a lot of odors: apples smell like, it smells like rain, smells a bonfire, smells of fallen foliage, smells of hay, and the house smells again with apples, old furniture, linden color.

Nature in the work of the Bunin alive, the author proacts it to his own sensations, to human life. If "dried the spring aroma", "the" young life of the mystery to the world came "(" three nights "), if he sees wildflowers, then they" say about the long days forgotten days "(" Field Flowers "), and bright light And the silk sand is associated with him with his childhood ("childhood").

Poetry and the prose of Bunin - tender, sad, whistling about the past. And he has the same nature, there are only delicate colors in it: pink morning, matte green bread, blue lowland ("Village"). And people at Bunin live according to the laws of nature, submitting to her cyclicity, her dying and revival and even her mood. Look at how the description of the nature of the "cold autumn bad weather", covered with rain of the road, with a description of the heroes "serious and temmer" man with a strict and tired view ("Dark alleys").

Bunin - this is a poet, chanting nature, the continuer of the traditions of Pushkin and Tyutchev, a romantic, who will always be sad about his homeland, and which even in separation will write only about the native expanses, forests, fields, colors. All his creativity is the expression of his quiet love for native nature and ordinary person.

The writing

I. A. Bunin with extraordinary skill describes in his works full of harmony World of nature. His favorite heroes are endowed with a gift to sensitively surrounding the world, the beauty of his native land, which allows them to feel life in its entirety. After all, the ability of a person to see around himself a wonderful makes peace and feeling of unity with nature in his soul, helps to better understand yourself and other people. We see that not many of the heroes of the Bunin works are given by the harmony of the world around. Most often that simple peoplealready wisely life experience. After all, only with age, the world opens to a person in its entirety and diversity. And then not everyone can comprehend it.

Old Bucket Aquarka from the story "Lyudaya Grass" belongs to the number of those heroes of the Bunin, which reached spiritual harmony. This is not a young man for a long time, a lot of people who who won in his century, does not feel horrid from the consciousness of the approaching death. He is waiting for her badly and humbly, because he perceives it as eternal peace, getting rid of fumes. Memory constantly returns Averkia to the "Far Twilight on the River", when he met "with that young, cute, who was indifferent-fuzzled at him now with older eyes." This man carried his love throughout his life. Thinking about it, Averki recalls and "soft dusk in the meadow", and a small creek pose from dawn, against the background of which the girl is visible.

We see how nature participates in the life of this Hero of Bunin. Twilight on the river is replaced now when Averky is close to death, autumn fading: "Dying, dried and dried herbs. Empty and bare has become aimed. It became visible through the slopes of the mill in a snapless field. The rain was sometimes replaced by the snow, the wind buzzed in the holes of Riga evil and cold. " The offensive of winter caused a tide of life into a hero of "lean herb", the feeling of the joy of being. "Oh, in winter it was a long friend, always rejoicing the winter feeling! First snow, first blizzard! Fields were headed, they stopped in her - go for half a year in the hut! In white snowfights, in a blizzard - wilderness, game, and in the hut - comfort, peace. Purely will receive bumpy earthen floors, scout, wash the table, warm the oven fresh straw - good! " Just a few sentences Bunin created a magnificent live picture Winter.

Like his favorite heroes, the writer believes that in the world of nature, the eternal and beautiful, which is not subject to man with his earthly passions is concluded. Laws of Life human society, on the contrary, lead to cataclysms, shocks. This world is unstable, he is deprived of harmony. This is seen on the example of the life of the peasantry on the eve of the first Russian revolution in the story of the Bunin "Village". In this work, the author, along with moral and aesthetic problems, affects the problems of social, caused by the reality of the beginning of the XX century.

The events of the first Russian revolution, reflected in the village in the village of Mugitski, burning landlord estates, rampant poor, bring a breakdown in the usual rhythm of the life of the village. In the story a lot acting persons. Her heroes are trying to understand the surrounding, find a point for themselves. So, Tikhon Krasov found it in the money, deciding that they give confidence in the future. He devotes his whole life to the accumulation of wealth, even marries because of the benefit. But Tikhon never finds happiness, especially since he has no heirs who he could transfer his wealth. His brother Kuzma, self-taught poet, also trying to find the truth, deeply experiencing troubles of his village. Kuzma Krasov can not calmly look at the poverty, backwardness and hill the hill, their inability is wisdom to organize their lives. And the events of the revolution are even more exacerbating the social problems of the village, destroy normal human relations, put the insoluble problems before heroes.

Brothers Krasov - uncommon personlooking for its place in life and ways to improve its improvement not only for yourself, but also for the entire Russian peasantry. They both come to criticism of the negative sides of the peasant life. Tikhon is striking that in a fertile black earth edge there may be hunger, ruin and poverty. "Master would be here, the owner!" - He thinks. Kuzma also considers the cause of such a position of the peasants their deepest ignorance, the accuracy, what he blames not only the peasants themselves, but also government "empty", which "flooded, scored the people."

The problem of human relationships and communication of a person with its surrounding world is revealed and in the lead "Sukhodol". In the center of the narration in this work - the life of impoverished noble rhodation Khrushchev and their yard. The fate of Khrushchev is tragic. The young lady is crazy, Peter Petrovich dies under the horses' hooves, Peter Kirillovich's weakly grandfather dies from the hand of serf. Bunin shows in this story to what extent weird and abnormal can be human relationships. So talks about the relationship of the Lord and servants former fortress nanny of Khrushchev Natalia: "Above Barchuk and Grandfather Gerzak washed, and I need a lady. Barchuk - a, to tell the truth, and the grandfather themselves - in the gear of the souls did not care, and I am in it. " And why does such a bright feeling, like love, lead to "Sukhodol"? To dementia, shame and devastation. The absurdity of human relationship is opposed to the beauty of Suhodla, its wide steppe spaces with their smells, paints and sounds. The world It is beautiful in the stories of Natalia, in conspiracies and spells of oborudy, sorcerers, wanderers who wish native land. "There is no nature separate from us, each slightest movement of air is the movement of our own soul," wrote Bunin. In his works, imbued with deep love of Russia and her people, the writer managed to prove it. For the writer, the nature of Russia was the beneficial force that gives a person everything: joy, wisdom, beauty, the sensation of the integrity of the world:

* No, not landscape entails me,
* Do not paint, I strive to notice,
* And the fact that in these paints shines,
* Love and joy of being.

Nature! What a Cream word ... Everyone presents something to his when he hears this word: winter forest walk, noise falling autumn leaves, cheerful spring drops, thunderstorm summer at night. And why? Yes, because nature is an integral part human life, and only through nature and thanks to her, a person can comprehend harmony and beauty in its real manifestation. "And happiness, I can comprehend on Earth, and in heaven I see God," so defined M.Yu. Lermontov process of unity with nature.

Russian writers and poets often turn in their works to the pictures of nature. Landscape B. artwork Performs a different role, but most often it helps to understand the thoughts and sense of character. An image of nature allows the author to uncover rich inner life Heroes, deeply feeling the beauty and harmony of the surrounding world.

One of these writers was I.A. Bunin. "My life, he wrote, - a thrift and joyful communion of the eternal and temporary, ... Life of all the former and existing on this earth, so favorite me." In 1897, the first collection of the story of a writer was published, in which all works are peculiar lyrical miniatures. The masterpieces of Russian prose were such works as "Antonovsky apples", "late at night", "Pines". The writer is interested in the contradiction between the individual human existence with its tragic finals and the feeling of the completeness of life. In this regard, in the miniatures of the Bunin, the event is not put forward in the first place, but independent state Hero, his experiences, feelings. Special meaning acquire landscape details that contribute to change inner worldMake harmony, resolve life contradictions.

The story "Antonovsky apples" begins with a terrible fairy picture of autumn: "In the dark, in the depths of the garden - fabulous picture: accurately in the corner of hell, flames near the chaolate flame surrounded by darkness, and someone's black silhouettes, exactly carved from the black tree, move around the fire, including the gigantic shadows from the apple trees. " But this memory is only an impetus to other memories where not only autumn, and the world around is perceived by all organs human feelings: vision (turquoise sky, clear water, ash clouds, blue days), hearing (wind ripped and tremble trees, worried the garden), and most importantly - by touching, smelling, taste. One of the main imaging of leitmotifs in the work - the image of the smell - accompanies all the narration from beginning to the end, the smell antonovsky apple, cherry branches, rye fragrance of new straw. The smell of Antonovsky apples is becoming for the hero symbol happy lifeAnd the memories of this pore cleans his soul. "Enjoy the house and first of all you hear the smell of apples ... windows into the garden are raised, and from there it can be a bodra autumn cool." Fruit healthy life - Here is the highest earthly good. Such. aesthetic program The writer for whom "Autumn holiday is a holiday of all life."

In the story "Late at night", the lyric philosophical mood, painting all the work, creates an image of a sad autumn monthThanks to which the hero turns out "in the quiet and light kingdom of the night." The "pale shining month" makes the hero remember the best in itself, which was forgotten under the burden of small worries and personal offensive. "Is it really the same month that she looked at my children's room, who saw me then with young men?" He asks himself. And suddenly everything changes: "It was reassured me in the bright kingdom of the night ...", because nothing disappears without a trace, because you need to remember the happy moments of your life, you need to feel them in yourself, and then happiness will come back. "We are each other ... and only pale, a sad month has seen our happiness."

Images of nature in the stories of the Bunin play an important ideological and semantic role. They become part philosophical relations Heroes of works for life, in which nature contributes harmony and beauty. Nature and man, according to the author, can not exist without each other. The wealth of the colors of the seasons, eternally changing transitions from one state to another - all this makes the rioon feel eternity in the movement of nature and relate the spiritual life of his heroes with her philosophy:

This short life Eternal change

I will be tirelessly console, -

This early sun, smoke above the village,

In the village of Leaf Leaves Slow Padena

And you, familiar, old bench.

Only in harmony with nature can man can understand his inner essence and purpose, comprehend beauty through sounds, paints, odors around the world. Nature is the spiritual component of the inner world of man.