The English playwright is one of the predecessors of Shakespeare. Shakespeare's predecessors

The English playwright is one of the predecessors of Shakespeare. Shakespeare's predecessors

In his novel "Eugene Onegin" A.S. Pushkin recreated all ideas about the ideal Russian girl, creating the image of Tatiana, who was his favorite heroine. He conveys the idea that a Russian girl should be sincere, with a rich spiritual world, selfless.

For the first time, a reader meets Tatiana at her parents' estate. Since childhood, she was distinguished by her calmness and thoughtfulness. In this way, the girl was not like other children, and even with her sister they were completely different in character, children's pranks did not attract her, she preferred to be alone with herself. It is not for nothing that Pushkin compares Tatyana with a forest deer, which is wary of everything and prefers to hide. She loved books, because from childhood the nanny read her fairy tales and legends, and since her parents' estate was far from the bustle of the city, Tatyana was very fond of nature.

Tatyana is noticeable not for her external beauty, but for the fact that she is very natural, thoughtful and dreamy. It is difficult for her to find a person who understands her inner world.

Having matured, Tatyana is very much waiting for great love, therefore, having met Onegin, she immediately falls in love with him. He attracts her with his mystery. Love absorbs Tatiana, she cannot find a place for herself, therefore, she decides to tell Eugene about her feelings. Pushkin sheds tears with Tatyana, because he knows that this story will end sadly.

Naive Tatiana sincerely hopes that her feelings are mutual, but Onegin rejects her feelings. Tatyana's letter touched him very much, but it did not awaken great feelings in him. He says that even if he falls in love with Tatiana, he will stop loving her, because he will quickly get used to the fact that she is nearby. And Tatiana continues to love him.

Later Tatiana gets married and becomes famous in the world. She ceased to be a naive girl, she grew spiritually, but she did not lose the main thing. Although Tatyana's appearance has changed, inside she remains just as natural and simple. When she meets Onegin again, she does not betray her feelings in any way. With him, she behaves with restraint and sternness, although she still loves him very much. She cries when she reads his letter, because happiness is so close, but now she has a husband to whom she will be faithful.

Essay about Tatyana Larina with quotes

"I am writing to you, what more ..." - every student probably knows these lines. But only a young girl will sigh languidly, remembering the heroine of her beloved novel. Tatiana Larina is the embodiment of simplicity and modesty.

How inconspicuous, but with taste, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin compares two sisters: Tatiana and Olga.

Olga is open, flirtatious, graceful and beautiful. It is worth noting that it is with this sister that the author begins his story. And only then, as if, about the way, he says: "her sister was called Tatiana." Here, the creator, finally, draws attention to a young person who was not distinguished by beauty and freshness of eyes.

It is interesting that Pushkin does not write a word about the appearance of Tatyana herself. The reader does not know how she is built, what her eye color is. The reader only draws in his imagination a girl completely opposite to the beauty Olga. But this is no worse, because at the very beginning of the novel, Olga does not give the impression of a well-mannered girl.

“She seemed like a stranger in her own family” - probably, it is after this phrase that the reader has a great disposition for a girl who did not know happiness in her own family.

As you can see, another attack appears on the girl's path. Eugene Onegin. The first naive real feelings make the girl, without hesitation, write a letter to her chosen one. Oh, how wrong it was for a girl at the time. And yet, the letter enchants the reader with touching speeches, mute prayer, love that is read between the lines.

"I am writing to you ..." - the first line of the letter describes her seemingly humiliating situation as accurately as possible. It is not for nothing that when reading it is worth putting a logical emphasis on the first word. It was she who dared to do this. Probably Tatyana thought that this would quickly win over Eugene to her. How she miscalculated. Rejected by her sweetheart, she was soon forced to marry someone else.

It is impossible to separate Tatyana and Eugene in this work, since only after a lapse of time he, perhaps, realized all the irony of the situation that happened so long ago. And how dear Tatiana change the years. In public, she carries herself gracefully and proudly. In her eyes she reads the femininity that has come to her over the years. In it there is still no coquetry, no pretense, no desire to please. However, Eugene no longer needs this. But throwing himself at Tatiana's feet, the hero hears the well-known phrase: “I love you. (Why dissemble?) But I am given to another; I will be faithful to him forever. "

This is how the love story ended, which forever changed the Russian classics.

Option 3

A.S. Pushkin is an artist of female images in the literature of the 19th century. Portraits of contemporaries are found in almost every work of the writer. The search for the feminine ideal for Pushkin is one of the leading themes in his creations.

One of the most beautiful heroines of Pushkin is Tatiana Larina from the novel "Eugene Onegin". The true ideal of the girl was embodied in this image by the author. The beauty of the Russian soul, moral principles, the ability to love - all are intertwined with thin threads in the characteristics of the girl.

In the very outward description of Tatyana, the Russian nationality is felt. Despite her noble origins, the village way of life is close to her. No secular balls, the luxury of St. Petersburg can replace the silence of the wilderness, sunrise, harmony with nature. Larina herself is like a "fearful doe", she is silent, wild, sad.

Growing up on the estate, she absorbed the national character from childhood through fairy tales, folk songs, traditions and beliefs. The proof is the heroine's belief in dreams. Filipyevna for Tatyana, like a nanny Arina Radionovna for a poet, an inexhaustible source of folk wisdom. With her mother's milk, the heroine absorbed a sense of duty and decency, for her the concept of good and evil is clearly delineated.

Tatiana is far from stupid, the author endowed her with a bright personality. She is not like urban noble girls, there is no feigned coquetry, stupid cunning in her. Her love for Onegin is sincere and for life. She opens up to him in a purely feminine way through a letter. Only in it can she be open to talk about her feelings. The touchingness of the recognition once again emphasizes the sensitive nature of the heroine. Pushkin loves his heroine, with her he "sheds tears", knowing about the participation prepared for her.

Rejected by Eugene, Tatiana finds the strength to live on. The author shows us another Larina. The girl got married, her intellectual development and strict upbringing easily allowed her to become a real secular lady. Having met Eugene, Tatiana highly and arrogantly denies him love. The feeling for a long time is higher than the love that still remains in the soul. Pushkin shows the growing up of the heroine, but in her soul this is all the same pure and sincere girl. High society did not spoil her personality, she does not strive to seem better than she really is. Human values ​​still remain the highest law for the heroine.

Having now received a letter from Onegin with a declaration of love for her, she does not condemn him. Love did not pass in her heart and happiness is close, but there is a sense of honor and duty. For Larina, it is more important than her own happiness.

More than one generation of young girls has grown up on the image of Pushkin's Tatiana. Strong in spirit, faithful in heart - she has always served and serves as an example of the boundless purity of the fair sex of humanity.

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The image of Tatiana Larina in Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin"

Belinsky called Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" "the most sincere work" of Alexander Sergeevich. And the author himself considered this novel his best creation. Pushkin worked on it with great enthusiasm, giving all his soul to creativity, all of myself. And, undoubtedly, the images of the main characters of the novel are very close to the author. In each of them, he reflected some of his own inherent features. They became almost dear to Pushkin. The closest to the author is the image of Tatiana, who, in essence, is the ideal of a Russian woman for Pushkin. This is exactly how he imagined a true Russian woman: sincere, fiery, trusting and, at the same time, possessing spiritual nobility, a sense of duty and a strong character.
In the portrait of Tatyana, Pushkin gives not an external appearance, but rather an internal portrait of her: "... Dika, sad, silent ...". This is an atypical image that attracts not with its beauty, but with its inner world. Pushkin emphasizes the difference between Tatyana and Olga:

Not her sister's beauty,
Nor the freshness of her ruddy

She would not have attracted the eyes - he says about Tanya and then repeats more than once that Tatiana is ugly. But the image of this meek, pensive girl attracts the reader and the author himself with her charm and unusualness.
In the second chapter of the novel, we meet a girl whose favorite circle of life is nature, books, a village world with stories the nanny's tales, with her warmth and cordiality.

Thoughtfulness, her friend
From the most lullaby days
Rural leisure flow
Decorated her with dreams.

Reading the novel, you can see that in those stanzas where Tatyana is talking, there is always a description of nature. It is not without reason that Pushkin many times conveys Tanya's state of mind through images of nature, he thereby emphasizes the deep connection that exists between the village girl and nature. For example, after Onegin's harsh preaching, "sweet Tanya's youth fades away: this is how the storm dresses the shadow of a barely born day." Tanya's farewell to her native places, native fields, meadows is accompanied by a tragic description of autumn:

Nature is tremulous, pale,
How the victim is magnificently removed ...

Tanya's entire inner world is in tune with nature, with all its changes. Such closeness is one of the signs of a deep connection with the people, which Pushkin greatly appreciated and respected. The song of the Girls, consoling Tanya, affection for "Fillipyevna the gray-haired", fortune-telling - all this again tells us about Tanya's living connection with the folk element.

Tatyana (with a Russian soul,
Without knowing why)
With her cold beauty
She loved the Russian winter.

Loneliness, alienation from others, gullibility and naivety allow the "gentle dreamer" to confuse Onegin with the hero of the novel, to appropriate for herself "someone else's delight", "someone else's sadness."
But, seeing soon that the hero of her dreams is not at all what she imagined him to be, she tries to understand Onegin. The girl writes to Onegin an ardent, passionate letter and receives a harsh sermon in return. But this coldness of Eugene does not kill Tanya's love, the "strict conversation" in the garden only revealed to Tanya Onegin's hard-heartedness, his ability to ruthlessly respond to sincere feelings. Probably, already here begins the birth of "that indifferent princess", which Onegin was amazed and wounded in the eighth chapter.
But, meanwhile, even Lensky's death did not destroy the deep feeling that Tatyana felt for Onegin:

And alone cruel
Stronger her passion burns,
And about Onegin distant
Her heart speaks louder.

Onegin left, and, it seems, irrevocably. But Tatiana, before visiting his house, continues to refuse everyone who woo her. Only after visiting the "young cell", seeing how and what Yevgeny lived, she agrees to go to the "bride market" in Moscow, because she begins to suspect something terrible for herself and for her love:

What is he? Is it an imitation?
An insignificant ghost, or else -
Muscovite in Harold's Cloak?
Interpretation of someone else's quirks,
Words of fashionable lexicon?
Isn't he a parody?

Although the inner world of Eugene is not limited to the books that he read > Tanya does not understand this and, making erroneous conclusions, is disappointed in love and in her hero. Now she faces a boring road to Moscow and a noisy bustle of the capital.
In the "district young lady" Tatiana "everything is outside, everything is free." In the eighth chapter, we meet an indifferent princess, "the legislator of the hall." The former Tanya, in which everything was quiet, everything is simple, has now become a model of “impeccable taste”, a “faithful ingot” of nobility and sophistication.
But it cannot be said that now she is really an "indifferent princess", incapable of experiencing sincere feelings, and that not a trace remains of the former naive and timid Tanya. There are feelings, but now they are well and firmly hidden. And that "careless beauty" of Tatiana is a mask that she wears with art and naturalness. The light made its own adjustments, but only external ones, Tatyana's soul remained the same. That trusting "girl" who loves the "Russian winter", hills, forests, the village still lives in it, ready to give "all this shine, and noise, and fumes for the shelf of books, for the wild garden ...". Now the impetuosity and recklessness of feelings has been replaced in her by self-control, which helps Tanya to withstand the moment when the embarrassed, “awkward” Yevgeny is left alone with her.
But all the same, Tatyana's main merit is the spiritual nobility of her truly Russian character. Tatiana has a high sense of duty and dignity, namelyso she found the strength to suppress her feelings and say to Onegin:

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Every great artist strives to capture in his works that ideal of the heroine, in which the qualities of their people and time are better expressed. The image of Tatiana Larina in the novel "Eugene Onegin" became the Pushkin ideal

For the first time, the reader meets Tatyana in the second chapter, the heroine appears to us as a girl from a provincial Russian family, a simple district young lady. Her late father, a brigadier general, was "a good fellow, belated in the past century," and her patriarchal family kept "the habits of sweet antiquity", celebrating traditional Russian holidays: Shrovetide, Trinity Day. The life of the young heroine passes slowly, she reads the romantic works of Richardson and Russo, wonders about her betrothed, believes in omens, Epiphany fears, interprets prophetic dreams according to an old book by Martyn Zadeki and loves to talk with a peasant nanny. However, from the very beginning, the author singles out Tatyana from an ordinary provincial family: She is in her own family
Seemed like a stranger girl
The girl does not engage in traditional girlish activities - she does not embroider, does not play with dolls,
she is not attracted to playing with her peers in burners and outdoor games, it is boring for her, but she loves to listen to the terrible stories of nanny Filipyevna. Often Tatyana spends the whole day sitting silently by the window, she is thoughtful and prefers loneliness: She loved on the balcony
Warn the dawn to rise

In order to enhance the impression, the author gives a contrasting image of Tatyana's younger sister, Olga:
Eyes like the sky are blue
Smile, linen curls,
Movement, voice, light camp,
Everything in Olga ...
Olga is undoubtedly predestined: modest, obedient, always cheerful, "like a kiss of love is sweet."
Tatiana, on the other hand, was not distinguished either by the beauty of her sister, or by ruddy freshness, and could not attract attention.
However, the younger sister is internally colorless, which is noted by Eugene Onegin himself:
I would choose another one
When I was like you, a poet.
Olga has no life in her features
The inner emptiness is opposed to the wealth of Tatiana's inner world, her spiritual beauty,
kindness, moral strength and faith.

Tatiana's main occupation is reading:
She liked novels early;
They replaced everything for her
Books have a strong influence on her behavior, Tatiana herself presents herself as the heroine of a romantic story, and most of her actions are a copy of the relationships that appeared in front of her in the pages of French literature.
However, there is nothing superficial, insincere in the sweet heroine of the novel, there is no flirtatious posture and a set of banal phrases of a socialite for marriage. Pushkin constantly emphasizes that Tatiana "loves without art", "loves not jokingly." With what amazing frankness and courage this modest county lady writes to her beloved, the hero of her dreams, Eugene Onegin! In the 19th century, young ladies were not accepted to be the first to admit their
feelings. Tatyana understands that she is overstepping moral prohibitions, everything that she was taught:
Now, I know, in your will
Punish me with contempt ...
Her pride suffers, her notions of what is right and what is wrong. In a letter written in French
the romance and decisiveness so characteristic of her are manifested. She does not want to suffer in silence, but is ready to act and change the situation that did not suit her. At the same time, she believes in Onegin's nobility: "You will not leave me."
The well-known critic Belinsky wrote in his article: "Tatiana suddenly decides to write to Onegin: a naive and noble impulse; but its source is not in consciousness, but in unconsciousness: the poor girl did not know what she was doing."
"Everything in Tatiana's letter is true, but everything is simple. The combination of simplicity with truth constitutes the highest beauty of both feelings, deeds, and expressions ..." would not have resorted to the help of the impressions left in her memory by novels that she had read indiscriminately and uselessly.
Be that as it may, the verses at the end of the letter are beautiful: they are imbued with pure feeling, and are a combination of sincerity and simplicity:
... my destiny
From now on I hand over to you.
I shed tears in front of you,
I beg your protection ...
Despite all the honesty and boldness of the message, Onegin refuses Tatiana:
Your perfection is in vain:
I am not at all worthy of them.
All the hopes of the poor girl collapse, but Evgeny's edifying, moralizing rebuke could not kill Tatyana's love for him, the shattered hope did not extinguish the flame that was devouring her in her:
he began to burn the more stubborn and tense, the more muffled and desperate. Unhappiness gave new energy to passion.
And even after Tatyana's visit to Onegin's village house and reading his favorite books, where “Onegin's soul involuntarily expressed itself”,
when the girl realized who fate sent her, the heroine continues to love this person.

But now, after several years, we can see Tatiana in high society. Drawing the image of St. Petersburg Tatiana, the author writes:
She was leisurely
Not cold, not talkative,
Without an insolent gaze for all,
No claims to success.
Everything is quiet, it was just there
The married lady Tatiana grows up and changes dramatically:
Nobody could have made her beautiful
Name; but from head to toe
No one could find in her
That which is an autocratic fashion
In the high London circle
Called vulgar
Now she is an indifferent princess, an impregnable goddess of the luxurious royal Neva, but Tatyana is indifferent to social life,
she sees the falsity that reigns in the highest Petersburg society.

In the famous scene of Tatyana's decisive explanation with Onegin, we see how much this trusting girl "from the wilderness of the steppe villages" felt, changed her mind, suffered a lot, eventually becoming a wise woman in mind and heart. She retained the best of the timid and simple Tanya, remembers the past, about her country house, the old nanny, meeting with Onegin, her
"love of mad suffering", about such a possible and close happiness.
In this explanation, Tatyana's whole being was fully expressed. Tatyana's speech begins with a reproach in which a desire is expressed
revenge for offended pride:
Onegin, do you remember that hour
When in the garden, in the alley of us
Fate brought me together, and so humbly
I have listened to your lesson!
Today is my turn.
The main idea of ​​Tatyana's reproaches is the conviction that Onegin only did not love her then,
that this was not for him the charm of temptation; and now a thirst for glory brings her to her feet.
All this expresses fear for her virtue, and perhaps the most important thing in Tatiana's character and behavior is her understanding of duty, responsibility to people. These feelings take over love. She cannot be happy, bringing misfortune to another person, her husband, who is “mutilated in battles”, is proud of her, trusts her. She will never make a deal with her conscience.
Tatiana finds the strength to calmly and dignifiedly say to her beloved and loving person the famous words of recognition and farewell:
I love you, (why dissemble?),
But I am given to another;
I will be faithful to him forever.

Tatiana's fate is tragic. Life brought her many disappointments, she did not find in life what she was striving for, but she did not betray herself. This is a very solid, strong, strong-willed female character. The main qualities of Tatiana are spiritual nobility, sincerity and a sense of duty.
Tatiana is the ideal of a woman for the poet, and he does not hide it: "Forgive me: I love my dear Tatiana so much ..."
"Harmony of spirit" is the essence of her character and makes Pushkin's heroine a "sweet ideal", one of the attractive and vivid images of Russian and world literature.

A.S. Pushkin is a great poet and writer of the 19th century. He enriched Russian literature with many wonderful works. One of them is the novel "Eugene Onegin". A.S. Pushkin worked on the novel for many years, it was his favorite work. Belinsky called it "the encyclopedia of Russian life", as it reflected, as in a mirror, the whole life of the Russian nobility of that era. Despite the fact that the novel is called "Eugene Onegin", the system of characters is organized in it in such a way that the image of Tatiana Larina acquires no less, if not more importance. But Tatiana is not just the main heroine of the novel, she is also the favorite heroine of A.S. Pushkin, which the poet calls "a sweet ideal." A.S. Pushkin is madly in love with the heroine, and repeatedly admits this to her:

... I love my dear Tatiana so much!

Tatyana Larina is a young, fragile, contented, sweet young lady. Her image stands out very clearly against the background of other female images inherent in the literature of that time. From the very beginning, the author emphasizes the absence in Tatiana of those qualities that the heroines of classic Russian novels were endowed with: a poetic name, unusual beauty:

Not her sister's beauty,

Nor the freshness of her ruddy

She would not have attracted the eyes.

Ever since childhood, Tatyana had a lot of things that distinguished her from others. In the family, she grew up as a lonely girl:

Dick, sad, silent,

As a forest doe is fearful,

She is in her family

She seemed like a stranger to a girl.

Also, Tatiana did not like to play with children, was not interested in the news of the city and fashion. For the most part, she is immersed in herself, in her experiences:

But dolls even in these years

Tatyana did not take it in her hands;

About news of the city, about fashion

I didn't talk to her.

Tatiana is captivated by something completely different: thoughtfulness, dreaminess, poetry, sincerity. Since childhood, she read many novels. In them she saw another life, more interesting, more eventful. She believed that such a life, and such people are not invented, but actually exist:

She liked novels early

They replaced everything for her

She fell in love with deceptions

And Richardson and Russo.

Already in the name of his heroine, Pushkin emphasizes Tatyana's closeness to the people, to Russian nature. Pushkin explains the unusualness of Tatyana, her spiritual wealth by the influence on her inner world of the folk environment, the beautiful and harmonious Russian nature:

Tatiana (Russian soul, without knowing why)

With her cold beauty

She loved the Russian winter.

Tatiana, a Russian soul, subtly feels the beauty of nature. Another image is guessed, everywhere and everywhere accompanying Tatyana and connecting her with nature - the moon:

She loved on the balcony

Warn the dawn to rise

When in a pale sky

The round dance of stars disappears ...

... with a foggy moon ...

Tatyana's soul is pure, as high as the moon. Tatiana's “wildness” and “sadness” do not repel us, but, on the contrary, make us think that she, like the lonely moon in the sky, is extraordinary in her spiritual beauty. Tatyana's portrait is inseparable from nature, from the general picture. In the novel, nature is revealed through Tatiana, and Tatiana through nature. For example, spring is the birth of Tatyana's love, and love is spring:

The time has come, she fell in love.

So fallen grain into the ground

Spring is revived by fire.

Tatiana shares with nature her experiences, sorrow, torment; only to her can she pour out her soul. Only in solitude with nature does she find consolation, and where else can she look for it, because in the family she grew up as a "stranger girl"; she herself writes in a letter to Onegin: "... no one understands me ...". Tatyana is the one for whom it is so natural to fall in love in the spring; bloom for happiness, as the first flowers bloom in spring, when nature awakens from sleep.

Before leaving for Moscow, Tatyana first of all says goodbye to her native land:

Sorry peaceful valleys

And you, the familiar mountain peaks,

And you familiar forests;

Forgive the fun nature ...

With this appeal, A.S. Pushkin clearly showed how difficult it is for Tatiana to part with her native land.

A.S. Pushkin also endowed Tatiana with a "fiery heart", a subtle soul. Tatiana, at thirteen years old, is firm and unshakable:

Tatiana loves not jokingly

And betrayed, of course

Love is like a sweet child.

V.G. Belinsky noted: “The whole inner world of Tatiana was in the thirst for love. nothing else told her soul; her mind was asleep "

Tatyana dreamed of a person who would bring content into her life. This is exactly what Eugene Onegin seemed to her. She invented Onegin, tailoring him to the model of the heroes of French novels. The heroine takes the first step: she writes a letter to Onegin, waits for an answer, but there is none.

Onegin did not answer her, but on the contrary read the admonition: “Learn to rule yourself! Not every one of you, as I understand! Inexperience leads to trouble! " Although it was always considered indecent for a girl to be the first to confess her love, the author likes Tatyana's directness:

Why is Tatiana guilty?

For the fact that in sweet simplicity

She knows no deception

And believes the chosen dream.

Once in Moscow society, where "it is no wonder to shine with education", Tatiana stands out for her spiritual qualities. Secular life has not touched her soul, no, it's the same old "dear Tatiana". She is tired of the lush life, she suffers:

She's stuffy here ... she's a dream

Strives for field life.

Here, in Moscow, Pushkin again compares Tatyana with the moon, which overshadows everything around with its light:

She sat at the table

With the brilliant Nina Voronskaya,

This one to Cleopatra of the Neva;

And surely you would agree,

That Nina's marble beauty

I could not overshadow my neighbor,

Though she was dazzling.

Tatiana, who still loves Eugene, answers him firmly:

But I'm given to another

And I will be faithful to him forever.

This confirms once again that Tatiana is noble, persistent, faithful.

The image of Tatiana was highly appreciated by the critic V.G. Belinsky: “Pushkin's great feat is that he was the first in his novel to poetically reproduce the Russian society of that time and, in the person of Onegin and Lensky, showed its main, that is, the male side; but the feat of our poet is almost higher in that he was the first to poetically reproduce, in the person of Tatiana, a Russian woman. " The critic emphasizes the integrity of the heroine's nature, her exclusivity in society. At the same time, Belinsky draws attention to the fact that the image of Tatiana is a “type of Russian woman”.