Who threw Alexey Vorobyov. Who broke the heart of Vorobyev, and his new candid confessions

Who threw Alexey Vorobyov. Who broke the heart of Vorobyev, and his new candid confessions

Photo: Dr.

Alexey Vorobyov again poured oils into the fire of Sunday, there was a story about his relationship with a former girl who supposedly betrayed him. Who is this girl and as her name is still a mystery, and many suggest that she existed only in the imagination of the singer - allegedly he invented and used this image to promote his future clip on the song "I just want to come" (filmed in the amateur style Video with sweetheart), in which this image embodied the actress of Brazilian origin Anna Flavia Gavlak.

However, now the fans have other questions. The fact is that in the accounts of both artists there were numerous photos, speaking that they are familiar and outside the set, and quite close. The girl is so as if hinting that between them more than friendship and partnership - she often publishes pictures on which Alexei kisses her and hugs. Is he twisted a new novel?

A Post Shared by Ana Flávia Gavlak (@anagavlak) on Feb 13, 2017 at 2:49 PM PST

Vorobyov answered this issue by post in Instagram. It turns out that, on the contrary: Anna is his former girl, more former than that he betrayed.

"We met in 2015, broke up with friends and did not communicate for almost two years," he says about Anna. "She was the girl about whom the first part of the song was written, because I finished it now, after parting with the one, whose name is called in the current situation as a man I have no right. Let it be in all this story as Volan de Mort in Harry Potter.

Also, Alexey said that "Ani now has no guy", so they are happy to communicate, calls out, exchange news and share the emotions "about everything."

"She, by the way, says to me all the time saying that I have the best fans in the world, the most kind and cute, and very grateful for your warm words and attention to it," he said.

Questions about why the clip looks so natural (it confused many of his fans), the singer said that he had relocated video and photo promotion from his phone.

Recall, now Alexey is located in Los Angeles. He received a role in the new American teleproject, for which she shouted all his work schedule for 2017, and in the next few months it will be busy on set.

Alexey Vorobyev, the latest news 04.06.2016: Life after the "bachelor", where and with whom the actor is now. The most romantic project in Russia came to the end - the "Bachelor" show with Alexey Vorobyev. On June 42016, the show fans were able to see his final series. It should be noted, the audience were in anticipation. Everyone was guessing, who would choose an outdoor hero and who will get the heart of Alexey? Two girls were in the final: Yana Anosov and Natalia Gorozhanov. Before the last series, actor fans even made rates, with whom their favorite will remain.

However, no one expected such a finals. The girls in the wedding dresses expected that now Alexei one of them confesses to love, but the ring did not receive any of them. Alexey took a rather strange and extraordinary solution. He decided to stay a bachelor. Despite the fact that the girls tried to conquer his heart, some even spent the night with him, Alexey did not choose anyone.

Alexey Vorobyev, the latest news 04.06.2016: Life after the "bachelor", where and with whom the actor is now. This, you need to say, disappointed the fans of the television show. No one expected such a final and because at the very beginning of the TV project, during an interview Alexey admitted that he had already fell in love with one of the participants of the show, chose a girl from the very first sight and gave her his heart. Who was that who the actor's heart still got?

In addition, April 1, Alexey Vorobiev himself made shocking recognition. He said that he marries, and his bride was pregnant. These words have further rooted interest in the show. Editions "Bachelor" were waiting with impatience. And here is the shocking finale, after which Alexey in social networks was called the "deceiver" and "lumbered".

But is it so deceived by Alexey and who? During the project, they began to say about the fact that Alexey meets with a girl from Tver, with one of the participants of the show - cute, beautiful fragile Alla Berger. On the "bachelor" it was hardly the most beautiful couple. Alla was the first to whom the actor spent the night. Their dates were full of passion and romance and it was clear that Alla was in love with his hero without memory. However, Alexey kicked Alla from the project, and they stopped talking about their love. However, it is rather strange that the girl's lover without a mind left the project without a single tear, simply and without regret.

I managed to achieve much. Today, he is a famous singer who represented Russia on the Eurovision Song Contest. Unfortunately, he could not boast of outstanding results there, but there was a colossal experience in his career.

Alexey is fond of not only music. He managed to successfully play in several films and play several roles in performances. He enjoyed participating in various television shows. The audience probably remembered his participation in the show "Ice Age" and "Bachelor".

Also, this diverse young man loves to play football and, even in childhood, dreamed of becoming a professional football player. And he is a fan of fast ride. Because of this, Alexey almost lost his life. The guy fell into a serious accident, and for some time he could only move on a wheelchair.

For more than 10 years, the artist is the Ambassador of the Good Will, UN. He was one of the first artists from Russia who was awarded this prestigious title.

Now Aleksey Vorobye is trying to combine music, shooting in cinema and charity. But his fans more interested in the question is not about his professional activity, but whether the heart of their pet is employed and whether he has a wife.

Alexey repeatedly told what a woman for him is ideal. It was for the search for an ideal girl, he decided to participate in the "Bachelor" show. Next to he would like to see a bright, beautiful and charismatic girl. In addition, it must be romantic. It is also important that the girl would have a sense of humor.

Alexey loves when girls wear dresses. If she prefers to this item of the wardrobe, then she significantly increases the chances of conquering a guy's heart. It is this particular feature of Alexey considers a symbol of femininity and refinement.

That Alexey would not forgive the woman so it is her sterrect. He will not be charged to manage them. In the girl he appreciate the mind and prudence. And also, like all men, Alexey loves to eat deliciously, and therefore the girl should be a good mistress so that the house is always order and comfort.

Alexey is distinguished by his lovingness. It is known about many singer's novels with colleagues in the workshop, actresses and athletes. But whether they did not correspond to the criteria of the perfect girl, or Alexey is not yet ready for serious relationship, but all these novels did not lead to the creation of a family.

Interesting notes:

The first romantic attitudes from the guy have arisen in their hometown. His beloved girl was the name of Julia. They together performed in the ensemble "Prosta". Their relationships stopped immediately, as Alexey moved to live in Moscow.

Here he began with an absolutely different life and other acquaintances appeared. The next loud rove in the singer was with the actress of the theater. The couple existed only a year, and then young people decided to part. Their relationship lasted only a year.

After these short relationships alexey broke out a novel with one actress Oksana Akinshina. Young people filmed together in the "suicides" movie. Immediately after the filming of filming, the press spoke about the novel of these two actors. They did not give comments about their relationships and tried not to advertise them. Also quietly and calmly these relationships were completed in about a year after their start.

Then there was a short novel with. Alexey said that it was she who understood him as it was impossible. It was Victoria that was close to the ideal of a woman who imagined the guy. But their relationships also lazy not long.

Alexey decided to stop relationships, since he believed that the girl deserves more, and this at that time he could not give her.

Next, Alexey had several short-term novels that did not bring the desired result. The guy's heart remained free. And in order to try to meet my only one, he agreed to participate in the project "Bachelor".

In the project "Bachelor" for the heart of Alexey Vorobyov, very different girls fought. They were different not only externally, but also in nature. The choice was huge, but the guy could not stop on one girl. As a result, there were no winner among the girls, the contenders on the heart of the artist.

After participating in the project, the guy continued to search for the only one with whom he would like to live life and have children. In his opinion, Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikova, a beginner singer approached this role. Parting with it literally lay down in the script of a classic joke, about how the husband returns before the business trip. The same happened with Alexei. He returned earlier from the tour and found his girlfriend in the arms of the man.

After this incident, Alexey did not cease to make novels with enviable regularity, but more and more often he began to reflect on family and children. Girls Alexei Vorobiev often appear in his intrinsagrama and the personal life of the singer is often discussed in the media. Perhaps he is already ready for a serious relationship and creating a family and when it happens, fans will definitely recognize.

Article title: "Alexey Vorobyov and his wife." But is there a popular artist? At the moment, Alexey is not bored by marriage. He still has a single, and married never been. Who can conquer the hero's heart of the 4th season of the Show "Bachelor"? Who occupies an important place in the personal life of Alexey Vorobyov?

Artist's biography

Alexey Vorobyov was born on January 19, 1988 in Tula. It is known that dad of the famous musician was the head of security at the enterprise. Alexei has an older brother, whose name is Sergey, as well as the younger sister - Galina.

In his youth, Alexey was interested in football, the artist even played for the Tula Youth Team. But graduating from school, the young man preferred to football creativity and music.

After training at the Accordion Class Music College, a talented musician decided to enter the music school to the vocal department. In 2005, won by the IV of Russia in the nomination "People's singing", and having received a gold medal for solo singing, Alexei decides to go to the capital.

In Moscow, the young executor participates in the Teleconcourt "Secret Success", where it takes 3 place. In the same year, the talented singer begins training in the State Music School of Pop-Jazz Art and signs an agreement with Universal Music Russia. A year later, in 2006, in parallel with the development of a musical career, it begins to be filmed in the film. Thus, the young musician declares itself in the capital, and becomes a sought-after singer and actor.

Alexey Vorobyov and Eurovision

To get to the musical competition in the young singer did not work the first time. It so happened that in Eurovision in 2008 represented Russia - Dima Bilan, the next year at the final stage, Alexey independently removed his candidacy, explaining such an act that he was busy in another project.

And only from the third time, in 2011, the talented performer managed to get to the contest of European scale. On Eurovision, he made a GET YOU composition. However, Alexey failed to go even in the top ten finalists. Such a low indicator is largely related to the pre-consistent interview that the contestant gave. Sparrowev negatively expressed his sex minority representatives and some of his rivals.

After that, Europe loyal in this matter, began negatively to relate to the contestant from Russia. As a result, Alexey took the 16th place by giving way only Philip Kirkorov, who took the 17th position on Eurovision.

Musician on the Show "Bachelor"

Last year, a talented musician became the main hero of the Khostyak TV show on the TNT channel. Lesha will like and earn his sympathy wanted differently both outwardly and in the temperament of the girl. But even in the finals of the project, a young handsome man and the conqueror of female hearts did not stop her choice on any excellent female representative, braver participating in the television show.

However, in addition to the above data, the talent fans are interested in the identity of Alexei Vorobyov and his wife (future). Is there a young artist's companion of life?

Alexey Vorobyov and his wife

Many young girls wonder about the personal life of the musician. The heart of the hero of the 4th season of the Show "Bachelor" was not able to conquer any fair sex. Alexey is still in search of the only one. And frankly, the popular singer with the role of a bachelor's role, and he, at least in the near future, is not going to part.

Personal life Alexei Sparrowovadostroy is bright and diverse. Behind the young performer has long established the status of the heart. And it is not surprising, because by 29 years old, a talented musician managed to spin not one rapid novel. The first lover musician was a young girl named Julia Vasiliadi, with whom Alexey Pelu in the ensemble "Prosta". However, I had to disperse in love, as Vorobyov decided to go to the capital in search of glory.

After some time, the conqueror of women - Alexey Vorobyov, began to care for the leading actress of the "Tabakcoque" theater - Anna Chipovskaya. A young girl did not resist the charismatic heart and amenable to Clearing Vorobyov. But their relationship lasted not long. Roman actress and young handsome ended a year later.

After Anna, Alexey Vorobyov took care of the famous actress Oksana Akinshina. He began to speak about the star couple after joint filming in the Chief Film. But as with other girls, the relations of Vorobyev and Akinshina did not last more than a year.

Envious bachelor was not alone alone. Soon the news appeared in the press that the charming heart occurs with the graduate of the Star Factory - Victoria Daineko.

In addition to relationships with the conqueror of women's hearts - Alexey Vorobyov met with

Alexey was born in a large family in Tula. His dad was the head of protection at one of the enterprises, and Mom dedicated the life of home and children. Three children were brought up in an atmosphere of love: parents listened to the desires of children, helped, supported, encouraged any creative undertaking.

Little Alyosha first became fascinated by sports. He had abilities to football, and for some time he played in the junior team of his city. Once the future singer will even call the best scorer, and his team will go to another level in a football hierarchy.

Another passion of Vorobyov was music.Most little parents gave it to a music school in the accordion class. The singer was lucky with the teacher, Alexei more than once said warm words to the music teacher, and at the show "Bachelor" even acquainted with her finalists of the TV show, as with his close man with an authoritative opinion.

The musical career in the young boy was more than successful: in 12 years he participated in his first competition, soaked in the energy of rivalry and realized that she could not live without victories. In the following years, he has repeatedly won Russian and international musical contests and as an accordionist, and as a singer.

The titled teenager quickly reviewed the head of the famous Tula folk ensemble "Uslad". At 16, Alexey became his soloist and continued to conquer the festivals already as part of this talented team.

Everyone understood everything around what professional path would choose Sparrow after school graduation. Having received a certificate, he entered the music school named after Dragomyzhsky. Now the student is already, Vorobev never ceases to perform, he appears the first fans, and he gladly discovers the deposnel's deposits.


Hi, Kinder! (2008)

In the middle of the two thousandth singer understands that Tula becomes Mala. At first, he wins the Delphic Games, then the casting passes to participate in the Television Competition "Secret Success". He becomes one of the winners of the show and remains in the capital.

Vorobyov was so inspired by his success that she went to the estate-jazz school named after Gnesini and entered the first time. Another year of intense studies and work on their own voice and image, and one of the largest recording agencies concludes a contract with him.

During this period, Vorobyov becomes even more demanding. The young man devotes a professional development of a lion's time, and also then declares to all producers, which sings only live. Even at the national television concerts, Alexey does not use the phonogram.

High professionalism is assessed: the young man is called the official anthem of the Youth Eight J8 during the summit. Closes a serious international event, too, Sparrow.


Unknown lesson (2009)

Persistent and telegeny young people notice the televisers. At first he becomes the face of one of the TV channels, then he receives a major role in the series "Dream Alice". It was the acting who brought the singer to a new level, revealed his capabilities and made Alexei recognizable.

Understanding that he can develop in this direction, Alexey decides to do second education. Having received a diploma of "Gnesinka", he undergoes a qualifying in the Studio School of MCAT and begins to study at the acting faculty.

Today, the account of Alexei Vorobyov is already more than thirty kinorol. To many films where he starred, Sound tracks were written by Vorobyev. In addition, the celebrity tries himself as a producer and director.


Suicides (2011)

At the shooting sites, Alexey sometimes it is not easy, because he himself prefers to perform the tricks to which it is carefully prepared. During the filming, he happened and jump from the fourth floor, and burn. Not without injury, not all of them were provoked by a dangerous profession.

It is known that in 2013 in the US, Alexey got into an accident and turned out to be chained to a wheelchair. The young man partially did not act the left part of the body. Local doctors who had to put the Russian singer on his feet were surprised by his courage and love for life. He sincerely worked to recover as soon as possible, because soon it was necessary to fly home, on the shooting of the new Deffchonok season. Youth and thirst for life then won, he again entered the system.

The singer himself calls himself a "Fall Man" and now with humor talks about injuries and fractures that he had to receive from early childhood. One of these was a fracture of the hand on the show "Ice and the Flame", where Vorobyov fell in love with his partner on figure skating - Tatiana Navka.


Squad Kochubey (2009)

Vorobyov has long been famous for his lovingness. However, the actor and singer is convinced: love cannot be built. It is given over, and none of the earthly people can simply fall in love by order.

To such conclusions, he came after participating in the Show "Bachelor", where unsuccessfully tried to choose his love from several proposed women and build relations with her. In the final, then two girls remained, to which Vorobyov was not indifferent, - Yana and Natasha.

In front of the whole country, he was already ready to hand the ring of the second, but he honestly admitted that he did not like him. In the final of the show, the singer did not make his choice and could not hold back emotions about this.

However, before Alexey fell into such a confusion under Sofitats, he was attributed to the many novels with the most bright stars of the country.

Vorobyev himself loved to declare that since the time of Studio, Mkhat was twisted with Anna Chipovskaya, the girl of these words has never confirmed. He was fascinated by Tatiana Navrov, and about their allegedly mutual feelings during the shooting period did not say that the lazy. Although, perhaps, it was only a PR channel?

It is known that the singer lived a civil marriage with Oksana Akinshina, who gone from his Moscow apartment, when the actor was at Eurovision. They swore lovers by phone, and immediately after talking, the sparrows had already entertained with other girls, stating the press that he was now a free young man.

Then, according to rumors, Oksana and Alexey still happened to reunification, but they did not stay together for a long time. I barely finished the relationship with Akinshina in 2011, Vorob'ev already in 2012 happily smiled at common photos with Victoria Daineko.

Today, the actor makes no statements about his personal life. He continues to develop professionally. Now Vorobyev is the first Russian actor who was honored to become the Ambassador of the UN Good Will in Russia. Also Alexey his debut as a director. It seems that the professional life develops the public from the public much better than personal. Anyway - for now.

Three Musketeer (2013)