Significant events on April 8. Holidays and events in April

Significant events on April 8. Holidays and events in April
Published on 04/08/18 00:20

Today, April 8, 2018, Gabriel Blagovest is also celebrated, the Day of the Air Defense Forces, the International Day of the Roma and other events.

What a holiday today: on April 8, 2018, the church holiday Easter of Christ is celebrated

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On April 8, 2018, the great Orthodox holiday is celebrated - Easter of Christ. On this day, Christians attend services where Easter cakes and colored eggs are illuminated. People try to free themselves from household chores and spend time with their loved ones.

How Bright Easter is celebrated, what are the traditions and customs on this holiday, read in more detail in the material.

Gabriel Blagovest

On April 8, the national holiday Gabriel Blagovest is also celebrated. Church on this day idhumkz recalls the Cathedral of the Archangel Gabriel. The people christened him the Evangelist for repeatedly appearing to people with good news.

Archangel Gabriel appeared to many people and brought them the good news. By his presence, he inspired the prophet Moses during the writing of Genesis. He opened the future of the Jewish people to the prophet Daniel. He appeared before Saint Anna and told that her future daughter would become the mother of the Human Savior. He was perseveringly close to Mary in her earthly life from the moment she entered the temple in Jerusalem. I told the priest Zechariah about the birth of John - the Baptist of the Lord. In a dream he came to Joseph and revealed the secret of the coming of the Messiah. He also warned about the treacherous plans of Herod and ordered to hide with his wife and son in Egypt.

According to signs, a white, clear sun at dawn means that there will be no more snow.

If the snow has not melted from the roofs, then it will lie for another month.

If there is a frost, then the spring will drag on and will be cold, and if the bird cherry has bloomed, then you can plant early potatoes.

Air Defense Forces Day in Russia and Belarus

Air Defense Day is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of April. In 2018, it falls on April 8th. The Day of the Air Defense Forces is fixed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2006 No. 549 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation." The document was signed by V. Putin ..

International day of the gypsies

International Roma Day is celebrated annually on 8 April. The event occurred on April 8, 1971. On this day, the First World Roma Congress was held in London, which brought together representatives from 30 states. The result of the congress was the recognition of the ethnos as a single non-territorial nation. The Roma flag and anthem were approved at the event.

Day of employees of military commissariats in Russia

Day of military commissariats is celebrated on April 8. This date is not a day off. In 2018, the holiday is celebrated at the official level for the 12th time. The event was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2006 No. 549 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation." The document was signed by V. Putin.

Fire escape birthday

On this day in 1766, the world's first product called "fire escape" was patented in America. Its technical characteristics corresponded to the safety standards of that time. Practical tests were successful. The fire escape has become one of the primary means of fire extinguishing.

Abraham, Alla, Anna, Vasily, Gabriel, Larissa, Stepan.

  • 1158 - Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky laid the foundation of the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir.
  • 1341 - Francesco Petrarca was crowned with a laurel wreath on the Capitoline Hill in Rome.
  • 1766 - The first fire escape is patented.
  • 1918 - The Russian historic Tricolor was replaced by a red flag.
  • 1920 - the highest award in the Red Army was established - the Honorary Revolutionary Weapon.
  • Tamerlane 1336 is a Central Asian statesman.
  • Nikolai Rezanov 1764 - Russian statesman and military leader.
  • Vladimir Raevsky 1795 - Russian poet.
  • Edmund Husserl 1859 - German philosopher.
  • Mary Pickford 1892 - American silent film star.
  • Sonya Henie 1912 - Norwegian figure skater.
  • Kofi Annan 1938 - Ghanaian diplomat.
  • Victor Zinchuk 1958 - Russian guitarist, composer.
  • Nikita Mikhailovsky 1964 - Soviet film and theater actor.
  • Anastasia Ermakova 1983 - Russian athlete.

On April 8, Russia celebrates the Day of employees of military commissariats. All over the world, Roma celebrate their holiday - the Day of the Roma, and in Croatia on April 8, a holiday is celebrated - the Day of the Plitvice Lakes National Park.

Holidays April 8, 2019

Day of employees of military commissariats in Russia

What holiday is celebrated in Russia today? On April 8, the professional holiday of military commissariats is celebrated - the Day of employees of military commissariats. Defense of the Fatherland, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is the duty and duty of every citizen of the Russian Federation. On April 8, 1918, the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars established military enlistment offices - uyezd, volost, district and provincial and military commissariats.

Day of the gypsies

Every year on April 8, all over the world, Roma celebrate their holiday - Day of the Roma. Many representatives of this nation, probably do not know what holiday is today. It was established on April 8, 1971 in London at the first World Roma Congress, where the national Roma symbols were adopted: the flag and the anthem. This allowed modern Roma to recognize themselves in the world as a single free nation.
Presumably, the first mention of gypsies in the annals was in 1501, when the Lithuanian prince Alexander Kazimirovich gave the gypsy leader Vasily a security certificate. The Roma population today is around 8-10 million.

Plitvice Lakes National Park Day in Croatia

On April 8, Croatian citizens celebrate Plitvice Lakes National Park Day. The name “Plitvice Lakes” was first mentioned in the records of priest Dominik Vukasovich back in 1777.
In 1949, on April 8, Plitvice Lakes were given the status of a National Park as a result of the adoption by the Croatian Parliament of the law on the protection of Plitvice Lakes and the proclamation of this park as a Croatian National Treasure.

Unusual Holidays

On April 8, you can celebrate unusual days - the Day of Atonement for Sins and the Day of Dumping Winter Skin. Today we can celebrate the International Day of Tai Chi and Qigong.

Day of sins

The Day of Atonement for Sins is the day when all the sins that were committed by God's children during the year are passed onto Satan. This day is actually observed according to the sacred calendar every tenth day of the seventh month. On the day that the Israelites were believed to receive the remission of sins committed during the year.
Today, on the Day of Atonement for Sins, you too can receive the remission of sins that were committed during the past year if you observe the Day of Atonement for Sins. Without observing this day, it is impossible to receive the cleansing of sins.

Day of shedding winter skins

Today is Winter Skin Dump Day! Do you know how animals shed their winter skins? This is done gradually. We, too, should not get rid of winter clothes immediately, but carefully and in a gentle way, because the weather is so changeable in spring! But throwing off the winter skin, you must definitely strive for a new life, in a new spring !!!

International Tai Chi and Qigong Day

On the initiative of American Bill Douglas, an international holiday is celebrated annually on April 8 - the Day of Tai Chi Chuan and Qigong. On this day, according to the established tradition, people conduct mass demonstration classes of qigong and tai chi - the "initial stage" of wushu. This is a Chinese health-improving gymnastics that includes elements of qigong, which is based on working with one's own energy.

Church holiday according to the national calendar

Gabriel Blagovest

Archangel Gabriel is an angel who is worshiped in Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The name Gabriel means "The Most High is my strength." Gabriel, according to Christian tradition, reveals to people the secret knowledge of God.
It is believed that it was the Archangel Gabriel who brought the Virgin Mary his message that the Savior of the world would be born to her. Therefore, the Archangel Gabriel also had the nickname Evangelist or Gabriel - Blagovest.
In the southern regions of Russia and in Little Russia, there was a popular belief born on this day that it would turn out awkward. Our ancestors had such a saying: "What will be born on Gabriel is ugly and ugly."
On this church holiday, the peasant women finished the last yarn and after that day it was no longer possible to spin, because nothing would be of use.
In the spring, women on this day already had a lot of urgent matters both in the field and in the garden. Therefore, the peasant women had such a proverb: "In spring the day is long, but the thread is short," which meant that the spinner would not have time to strain everything before the beginning of the suffering.
On the church holiday on April 8 - Gabriel Blagovest, the peasants in the southern regions of Russia noticed - if the bird cherry turns green, then it is already necessary to plant potatoes.
Our ancestors observed the weather that day. It was believed - what the weather will be on April 8, so it will be on October 8.
Birthday April 8 at: Abraham, Alla, Anna, Vasily, Gabriel, Larisa, Stepan
They also celebrate April 8: Fire Escape Birthday, Winter Skin Dump Day, International Tai Chi and Qigong Day, Celebration of Courage

April 8 in history

1947 - The largest sunspot recorded on record.
1966 - Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev was elected General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee.
1970 - Bombs dropped by Israeli planes on an Egyptian primary school kill 30 children.
1971 - The International Union of Gypsies is established.
1973 - Died Pablo Picasso (b. 1881), Spanish artist.
1984 - Died Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa (b. 1894), physicist, academician (1939), member of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences (since 1957), twice Hero of Socialist Labor, winner of the 1978 Nobel Prize in physics.
1986 - Gorbachev, during his trip to Togliatti, first used the word "perestroika".
2010 - Overthrow of Kyrgyz President Kurmanbek Bakiyev.
2010 - The Presidents of Russia and the United States signed a new treaty on strategic offensive arms reduction in Prague.
2013 - Died Margaret Thatcher (born 1925), Prime Minister of Great Britain in 1979-1990, Baroness since 1992.

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Holidays and events in April.

Today is April 8th. Holidays and Events:

April 8 - Day of employees of military commissariats
April 8 - International Day of the Roma
The events of April 8 in the world, in different years

On April 8, 1918, by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars, volost, county, provincial and district military commissariats were established.
This day is rightfully the birthday of military commissariats.
The main task of the military commissariats was to prepare the population for compulsory military service. Today, military commissariats have a number of different names: the envoys of the army, the main soldiers' reception room, etc.
It is with them that service in units of the armed forces begins.
Since 1993, the range of tasks performed by the employees of the military registration and enlistment office has significantly expanded. Now the military commissariat, in close cooperation with local authorities, along with the organization of conscription into the armed forces and registration of privates and reserve officers, as well as equipment located on the territory of the region, performs a number of social tasks.
In addition to keeping records of those liable for military service, the military registration and enlistment offices were supposed to conduct training sessions with them, keep records of technical means that could be used in wartime. In addition, the military registration and enlistment offices should work with veteran and patriotic organizations. Assistance to those transferred to the reserve is also included in the duties of military commissars.
In most countries of the world, military duty is implemented in most countries of the world. Citizens of these countries must undergo training in peacetime, and in wartime it means compulsory military service. Only a few countries can afford to be hired freely in the Armed Forces. By the way, military duty was introduced by Napoleon. Due to this, he created the strongest army that conquered all of Europe.

This holiday was established at the Congress of Roma from all over the world, which took place on April 8, 1971 and brought together representatives of 30 countries. Then the Roma recognized themselves as a single non-territorial nation and adopted such symbols of statehood as the flag and coat of arms.
In 60 countries of the world, millions of candles will be lit, which should symbolize the unity of the Gypsy people, and thousands of bright wreaths, according to tradition, will float along the Czech Vltava River, as a reminder of the difficult fate of the people, an eternal wanderer without a homeland.
It is curious that the word gypsies itself is a collective name that unites about 80 ethnic groups of similar origin. At the same time, there is no single self-name for this ethnic community. In Great Britain and Spain, gypsies are called Egyptians, in France - Bohemians, and in Germany, Italy and Russia - gypsies.
The first mention of the Gypsy people appeared in 1501, when the Gypsy leader Vasily received a certificate of protection from the Lithuanian prince Alexander Kazimirovich. To preserve the identity and culture of this nomadic people, the International Union of Roma was created in London in 1971, when it was decided to introduce this holiday.

1158 - Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky laid the foundation of the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir.
1185 - Emperor of Byzantium Isaac II Angel deposed by his own brother Alexei
1271 - Sultan of Mamelukes Baybars captures the fortress of Krak de Chevalier.
1480 - A crusade is declared by the Catholic Church to recapture Otranto (Southern Italy) from the Muslims.
1498 - The Florentine monk Savonarola is arrested and charged with heresy.
1513 - The navigator Juan Ponce de Leon declares Florida to be Spanish possession.
1525 - an agreement was signed in Krakow, according to which Prussia, being previously an orderly church state, turned into a duchy (became a secular - "secular" - state), subject to Poland.
1548 - Peru is declared a territory of Spain.
1605 - The Swedish king Karl XI ordered the founding of the city of Oulu (now one of the largest cities in Finland).
1766 - The first fire escape is patented in the USA.
1771 - Catherine II ordered urgent action to be taken to save Moscow from the bubonic plague.
1782 - Catherine II issues a decree on the creation of "public schools" in all cities of Russia - the first (after the one created a year earlier in St. Petersburg) public free schools.
1783 - The Manifesto of Catherine II on the annexation of Crimea to Russia was published, prepared by Potemkin, who received the title of His Serene Highness Prince of Tauride.
1830 - Mexico bans further American colonization of Texas.
1838 Isambard Brunel's Steamship Great Western begins its maiden voyage from Bristol to New York. The journey took 15 days.
1847 - The arrest in Kiev of the poet T. G. Shevchenko and the historian N. I. Kostomarov for belonging to the Cyril and Methodius Society.
1853 - The first officially registered chess club is opened.
1902 - Signing of the Russian-Chinese treaty on Manchuria, according to which Russia undertakes to gradually withdraw its troops from Manchuria.
1904 - Great Britain and France signed an agreement on Egypt, Morocco and other colonial possessions, which received the unofficial name "Hearty Concord" (Entente).
1911 - Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, studying the properties of mercury cooled to the temperature of liquid helium, discovered the phenomenon of superconductivity.
1918 - The Russian tricolor is replaced by a red flag.
1921 - The Labin Republic was suppressed by Italian troops.
1926 - The magazine "Soviet Photo" (now "Photography") was founded.
1928 - By the decision of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the church in the USSR was deprived of the status of a legal entity.
1935 - In the USSR, criminal liability was extended to children over 13 years old, who could now be sentenced to death.
1940 - The beginning of the NKVD action to eliminate Polish prisoners of war in the Katyn forest near Smolensk.
1944 - the beginning of the Crimean operation, during which the Crimea was liberated from the German-Romanian occupation.
1950 - An American plane was shot down over Latvia by Soviet air defenses. Moscow protested to the United States over the violation of Soviet airspace. On April 18, the United States announced that Soviet air defenses had shot down a private plane bound for Sweden.
1954 - The research station "North Pole-4" was organized under the leadership of E. I. Tolstikov, P. A. Gordienko and A. G. Dralkin.
1966 - Election of Leonid Brezhnev as General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee.
1967 - Greeks and Turks resume fighting near Limassol, Cyprus.
1971 - The first World Congress of Roma was held near London and adopted the Roma anthem and flag.
1974 - Water breakthrough into the tunnel under construction of the Leningrad metro on the stretch between the stations "Lesnaya" and "Ploshchad Muzhestva", which led to the flooding of the site and the suspension of excavation work.
1986 - The General Secretary of the CPSU Mikhail Gorbachev, during his visit to Togliatti, first used the word "perestroika".
2010 - overthrow of the President of Kyrgyzstan Kurmanbek Bakiyev, more than 70 dead.
2010 - the presidents of Russia and the United States signed a new treaty on strategic offensive arms reduction in Prague.


Claudio Merulo(Merlotti) is an Italian composer and organist.
Dates of life: 08 April 1533 - 04 May 1604.

Giuseppe Tartini- Italian composer, violinist and theorist.
Dates of life: 08 April 1692 - 26 February 1770.

Asger Hameric- Danish composer and music teacher.
Dates of life: 08 April 1843 - 13 July 1923.

Bohuslav Grzhimali- Czech violinist and conductor.
Dates of life: 08 April 1848 - 11 October 1894.

Mikhail Kossak- Ukrainian composer and conductor.
Dates of life: 08 April 1874 - 15 June 1948.

Dimitrios Levidis- Greek composer.
Dates of life: April 08, 1885 (1886) - May 29, 1951.

Maria Maksakova- Russian opera singer (mezzo-soprano).
Dates of life: April 08, 1902 - August 11, 1974.

Raoul Jobin(Joseph Romeo Jobin) - Canadian opera singer (tenor).
Dates of life: April 08, 1906 - January 13, 1974.

Alexander Menaker- Russian actor, member of the duet "Mironova and Menaker", father and Kirill Laskari.
Dates of life: 08 April 1913 - 06 March 1982.

Carmen McRae Is an American jazz singer.
Dates of life: April 08, 1920 - November 10, 1994.

Jan Novak(Jan Novák) - Czech composer.
Dates of life: 08 April 1921 - 17 November 1984.

Franco Corelli(Dario Corelli) - Italian opera singer (tenor).
Dates of life: April 08, 1921 - October 29, 2003.

Jacques Brel- Belgian French-speaking poet, bard, actor and director.
Dates of life: 08 April 1929 - 09 October 1978.

Walter Berry- Austrian opera singer (bass-baritone).
Dates of life: 08 April 1929 - 27 October 2000.

Peggy Lennon(Peggy Lennon) - American singer, member of The Lennon Sisters.
Date of birth: 08 April 1941.

Roger Chapman- English rock vocalist, member of the Family and Streetwalkers bands.
Date of birth: 08 April 1942.

Steve Howe- British musician, guitarist of the prog rock band Yes.
Date of birth: 08 April 1947.

Larry David Norman- American musician who played in the genre of Christian rock.
Dates of life: April 08, 1947 - February 24, 2008.

Brenda Russell Is an American-Canadian singer, songwriter and musician.
Date of birth: 08 April 1949.

Mel Shaher Is an American musician known as the bassist for the rock band Grand Funk Railroad.
Date of birth: 08 April 1951.

Justin Sullivan- English musician, member of the New Model Army group.
Date of birth: 08 April 1956.

Victor Zinchuk- Russian rock musician, guitar virtuoso, composer and arranger.
Date of birth: 08 April 1958.

Izzy Stradlin(Jeffrey Dean Isbell) - American musician and songwriter, member of the group Guns N 'Roses.
Date of birth: 08 April 1962.

Julian Lennon(John Charles Julian Lennon) is a British rock musician and singer. First son and his wife Cynthia Powell.
Date of birth: 08 April 1963.

Biz Stamps(Marcel Theo Hall) is an American rapper, DJ and actor.
Date of birth: 08 April 1964.

Paul Gray Is an American musician. Known as the bassist for Slipknot.
Dates of life: April 08, 1972 - May 24, 2010.

Alexander Schigolev- Russian rock musician, drummer of the punk-rock groups "Northern Fleet" and "King and Jester".
Date of birth: 08 April 1973.

Chino XL(Derek Keith Barbosa) is an American rapper and actor.
Date of birth: 08 April 1974.

Anouk(Anuk Teuve) - Dutch singer, participant of the song contest.
Date of birth: 08 April 1975.

Alexi Laiho- Finnish guitar virtuoso, member of Children Of Bodom and Sinergy.
Date of birth: 08 April 1979.

Ezra Koenig- American singer, member of the Vampire Weekend group.
Date of birth: 08 April 1984.

Bridget Kelly- American singer-songwriter, backing vocalist Jay-Z.

Erica Sawadziri Is a Japanese actress, model and singer.
Date of birth: 08 April 1986.

Alex DeLeon- American singer, member of The Cab.
Date of birth: 08 April 1989.

Kim Jonghyun- South Korean singer-songwriter, main vocalist of SHINee's boy band.
Dates of life: 08 April 1990 - 18 December 2017.

Gabor Alfred Fehervari(Gabor Alfred Fehervari), known by his stage name Freddie, - Hungarian singer, representative of the competition.
Date of birth: 08 April 1990.

Minami Takahashi Is a Japanese singer and actress, member of the Japanese idol group AKB48.
Date of birth: 08 April 1991.


Jean Louis Adam- French pianist, composer and music teacher. Father of Adolf Adam.
Dates of life: 03 December 1758 - 08 April 1848.

Domenico Gaetano Maria Donizetti- Italian composer.
Dates of life: November 29, 1797 - April 08, 1848.

Charles Auguste de Beriot- Belgian violinist, composer and music teacher.
Dates of life: February 20, 1802 - April 08, 1870.

Nikolay Zaremba- Russian music teacher.
Dates of life: June 12, 1821 - April 08, 1879.

Charles Tomlinson Griffs Is an American composer.
Dates of life: September 17, 1884 - April 08, 1920.

Marian Anderson- American opera singer (contralto).
Dates of life: February 27, 1897 - April 08, 1993.

Quddus Kujamyarov- Soviet and Kazakh Uyghur composer and teacher, founder of Uyghur professional music.
Dates of life: May 21, 1918 - April 08, 1994.

Teddy Scholten- Dutch singer , winner.
Dates of life: May 11, 1926 - April 08, 2010.

Sara Montiel- Spanish actress and singer.
Dates of life: March 10, 1928 - April 08, 2013.

Thomas Dougal "There" Paton(Thomas Dougal "Tam" Paton) is the manager of the Scottish group Bay City Rollers.
Dates of life: 05 August 1938 - 08 April 2009.

Malcolm McLaren(Malcolm Robert Andrew McLaren) - British musician and producer. Best known as the manager of the Sex Pistols.
Dates of life: January 22, 1946 - April 08, 2010.

Laura Niro Is an American pianist, singer, composer and songwriter.
Dates of life: October 18, 1947 - April 08, 1997.

Dead(Per Yngve Olin) is the lead singer of the Norwegian black metal band Mayhem.
Dates of life: January 16, 1969 - April 08, 1991.


1967 - the 12th song contest was held in Vienna Eurovision.

1977 - a double album recorded at the Star club was released in West Germany.

1993 - the third album "I tell you you" was released in 44 countries.

2012 - the 3rd International Festival "Faces of Contemporary Pianism" began, presenting the leading performers of piano music to St. Petersburg.

more about these musicians and events - .

In 1632, Count Retz, Archbishop of Paris, sold the Castle of Versailles for 66 thousand livres to Louis XIII.

Having bought a neighboring plot, the king ordered to break down the old castle, and in its place to build a new one - but not for a residence, but for recreation. Over time, the dull, swampy place turned into a beautiful corner where the king loved to arrange hunting.

His son, Louis XIV, was also an avid hunter, but he associated much more ambitious plans with this place. Dissatisfied with his other palaces (among which were both the Louvre and the Tuileries), the "Sun King" in 1660 decided to rebuild Versailles into a luxurious palace and park ensemble and in February 1672 with the entire courtyard moved to the castle, which was not even fully completed. ...

The toy called Versailles ended up costing the French treasury 7 billion francs, not counting the cost of paintings, sculptures and other decorations - the amount at that time was simply fantastic.

In 1722, by order of Peter I, regular weather observations began in St. Petersburg. The notes were kept by Vice Admiral Cornelius Cruis.

At first, the entries were rather stingy with interesting information and looked something like this: "April, 22, Sunday. In the morning the wind is north-west; the water is the same as mentioned above. Cloudy and cold ... at noon the wind is small north-west and rain afternoon. Quiet and red day until evening. "

Later, the observations took on a more scientific character. In 1724, the first meteorological station in Russia was established, and from December of the following year, observations with the help of a barometer and a thermometer began to be carried out at the Academy of Sciences.

In 1764, a Russian statesman, Count Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov, was born. In 1803 he became the initiator and participant of the first Russian round-the-world expedition led by Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky.

Soon, another goal was added to the initial goal of the expedition: "the establishment of trade relations with South China, Japan and America." For this diplomatic mission, Nikolai Rezanov was appointed as an extraordinary representative. The dramatic love of the Californian beauty Conchitta for the Russian envoy Rezanov formed the basis of the rock opera "Juno" and "Avos" by Alexei Rybnikov and Andrei Voznesensky.

On this day, the Russian army conquered the Crimean Khanate, and now, by the manifesto of Empress Catherine II of April 8, 1783, Crimea was annexed to Russia.

Grigory Potemkin, who prepared this document, received the title of His Serene Highness Prince of Tauride.

As you know, in 1954 Nikita Khrushchev "presented" Crimea to Ukraine with a regal gesture. Then it seemed like an empty formality - after all, Ukraine, along with Crimea, remained part of the Soviet Union. Who could have foreseen that the USSR would disintegrate, and Ukraine, having gained independence, would declare that gifts would not be taken back.

On April 8, an outstanding representative of the Italian romantic opera school Gaetano Donizetti passed away.

The flourishing of bel canto art is associated with his work. Donizetti wrote for theaters in Italy, Paris, Vienna. His most famous operas are "Love Potion", "Lucia di Lammermoor", "Daughter of the Regiment", "Favorite", "Don Pasquale", and in all his life he wrote more than 70 operas, not counting works in other musical genres.

In 1931, a public viewing of the first "industrial" ballet "Bolt" took place on the stage of the Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theater. Tatiana Bruni and Georgy Korshikov made magnificent sketches of costumes and sets, and choreographer Fyodor Lopukhov, who was then in his prime, experimented. A lot of ideas that he came up with for "Bolt" later went into quotations and were of great importance in the development of choreography.

The premiere was the only show. Two weeks later, the newspapers reported that Bolt was removed from the repertoire by the decision of the theater management, and the composer and choreographer were preparing to radically rework the ballet.

No recordings of that performance have survived, only the music has remained. Music by Dmitry Shostakovich.

The return of the ballet to the stage took place thanks to the artistic director of the Bolshoi Ballet Company, choreographer Alexei Ratmansky. On February 23, 2006, the first spectators of Bolt on the New Stage of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater were servicemen invited to the dress rehearsal of the premiere performance.

In 1950, Vaslav Nijinsky passed away.

“God of dance”, “eighth wonder of the world”, “king of the air”, “genius actor” - his contemporaries called him. He was the leading dancer and choreographer in Diaghilev's Russian Seasons, and performed the main roles in Fokine's ballets. Interest in Nijinsky has not subsided to this day. They write books about him, make films, stage plays ...

On Saturday, April 8, 1972, at 18.15 Moscow time, the immortal comedy of Leonid Gaidai "The Diamond Arm" was shown on television. This was the third screening of this film on CT, and the saddest at that.

The fact is that the censors from television, armed with scissors, cut around the tape, throwing out a number of episodes from it. In particular, the scene of Gorbunkov's seduction by a blonde beauty in a hotel was cut short. It was difficult to understand what the censors were guided by, because from the moment the film was released on the screens of the country - and this happened in 1969 - almost everyone had time to watch it.

Meanwhile, on that Saturday evening, Yuri Nikulin, the leading actor in it, was also a spectator of the film. What he saw upset him extremely. And a month later, in an interview with Literaturnaya Gazeta, he said: “Recently the Diamond Arm went on television in some incomprehensible abbreviated version. The feeling is as if you were holding your favorite book in your hands, and someone took and tore the pages out of it. I understand that all this is a misunderstanding, an oversight. But for us, actors, such oversights spoil the blood "...