The problem of kindness: arguments from literature and reasoning about the light of our soul. The problem of good and evil - arguments and essay

The problem of kindness: arguments from literature and reasoning about the light of our soul. The problem of good and evil - arguments and essay

Problems and literary argument

The problem of parental love. (What can father or mother go for love for a child?)

The problem of the moral attitude of man to nature. The problem of the relationship of man and nature. What do we lose and what you get in dealing with nature? This question is trying to answer V.G. Rasputin by the work of "Farewell to Mattera". Man ruins nature, the island, from where "is and went maternal land" Nature forms the whole spiritual warehouse of man.

The problem of preserving the Russian language. The problem of careful attitude towards language. The problem of the ecology of the language. I.S. Turgenev urged carefully to refer to the language in the poem in the "Russian language" prose. Native language - This is a spirit support man.

The problem of human responsiveness, mutual assistance, selflessness. Hero A. Platonova, Yushka possesses spiritual generosity, a big heart, emitting good and love. Disinterestedly shares money with a completely alien girl, helps her get an education.

The problem of human responsibility for their actions. (Should a person be aware of the responsibility for his actions?) In the story V.G. Rasputin "Live and Remember" a deserter husband appears in the vicinity native village. He is cowardly and selfish. It is not responsible to relatives, thinks only about himself.

Problem historical memoryConservation spiritual Heritage. "Who has no memory, no life," says the Rasputa heroine Daria from the story "Farewell to Mattera." The island on which the old women lived, their children and grandchildren will be flooded. The cemetery is broken, burned. Why does a person think about the consequences of his actions? What memory of himself will leave?

The problem of the value of human labor ( human life) Platonov's hero of Maltsev can not live without his profession, driver of the locomotive. He is entirely devoted to work. During the thunderstorm, the blind, but the devotion of a friend, the love of the chosen profession make a miracle: he, hitting his favorite locomotive, again gains vision. Indeed, work is the basis of the moral content of human life.

The problem of the transforming force of good and love. The image of Margarita from the novel M. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita", Princess Marya Bolkonskaya from Roman L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". The image of Yeshua carries the idea of \u200b\u200bgenuine kindness and all apartments.

Problem true patriotism. What is true and false patriotism? Recall the tushina battery left by enemies, their heroism, resistance to the fight against the French. Natasha Rostov gives the submission to the wounded under Borodino.

The problem of selfless love for people. In the story of the old woman Izergil, M. Gorky approves moral principles: love for people, kindness, mercy, tolerance.

The problem of the place of the feat in life. Danko - Hero of the story "Staruha Izergil" M. Gorky - Makes a feat in the name of people. For their salvation, squeezes his heart from the chest and illuminates the path to freedom.

The problem of the relationship of children and adults. Is it possible to avoid the conflict of generations? This is one of the sharp problems of our century. In the story I. Bunin "Figures" tells about the uncle and boy quarrel, about their difficult relationships. In the novel, "Fathers and Children" shows a misunderstanding between the elders and younger generation. Evgeny Bazaarov of the Surgeons in relation to the old people, which brings them to grief.

The problem is the meaning of the life and purpose of man. "A person is created for happiness, like a bird for flight," says the hero of the story "Paradox" V. Korolenko. Crippled from birth found the meaning of life, his destination. And the heroes of Tolstoy Andrey Bolkonsky and Pierre Duhov are in search of the meaning of life and come to a high goal: serving people. The dispute about the appointment of a person leads the inhabitants of the night of the play of Gorky "at the bottom." "Human! It sounds proud! "Satin exclaims.

Problem true beauty man. Natasha Rostov and Marya Bolkonskaya -Live heroine L.N. Tolstoy - possess soulful beauty. Heroes live for loved ones, loved ones.

The problem of human spiritual degradation. A.P. Chekhov masterfully shows the process of destruction of the human person in the story "Ionch." Elders turns into ion, leading a duty, useless life. "Take care of a person in yourself," Czech reader calls.

The problem of human responsibility to other people. Mr. N, Hero of the story of Turgenev "Asya", can be called frivolous, irresponsible, because he did not want to take care of another person. The love of Asi his "confused". He was frightened by his feelings and broke with a loving girl with his girlfriend.

Problem tragic love. Tragic history The love of poor Yellowkova told us A. Kuprin in the story " Garnet bracelet" Love to rich woman I became the highest value for him in life.

The problem of injustice social device societies. Hero story L.N. Tolstoy sees the father of his beloved Varnika leading the beating of a soldier. Why can one person humiliate another? Recall the opposing Gerasim, Talented Levshu, " little man»Buckworm.

The problem is the meaning of a person's life. (What is the meaning of man's life?) Evgeny Onegin, Pechorin is in finding the meaning of life. Ilya Oblomov, Hero of Roman Goncharov, failed to overcome himself, did not reveal his best qualities. The lack of a high goal in life leads to moral death.

The problem of upbringing (learning). What is the true goal of learning? In the autobiographical story "Horse with pink mane"V.P. Astafyev shows the formation of the personality of the main character under the influence of the kindness of grandparents. V.G. Rasputin in the story of "Lessons of French" showed the role of teacher, her spiritual generosity In the life of the boy.

  • Heartlessness manifests even in relation to very close people
  • Thirst for profit is often leading to the heartlessness and committing dishonest actions.
  • Peaceful people of man complicates his life in society
  • The reasons for the heartless attitude to those surrounding in the upbringing
  • The problem of heartlessness, spiritual worn can be peculiar not only to a separate person, but also society as a whole
  • Heavy life circumstances can make a person heartless
  • Often, spiritual worn is manifested in relation to moral, decent people
  • A person admits that he was heartless when it is no longer possible to fix anything
  • Mental worn does not make a person truly happy
  • The consequences of a heartless attitude towards people are often irreversible


A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky". Andrei Dubrovsky's conflict and Cyril Petrovich Troceryov ended tragic because of the workers and heartlessness from the last. The words spoken by Dubrovsky, although they were hurt for Trocery, but they definitely did not cost the swearing, the dishonest trial and the death of the hero. Kirill Petrovich did not regret a friend, although in the past they tied a lot of good. The landowner was headed by heartlessness, the desire to take revenge on, which led to the death of Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky. The consequences of what happened were terrible: officials burned down, people remained without their real Barin, Vladimir Dubrovsky became a robber. The manifestation of spiritual wornity of just one person made the accidents of many people.

A.S. Pushkin "Peak Lady". Actingly Hermann, the main character of the work, makes the desire to get rich. To carry out its goal, he seems to fan licable, although in fact it does not feel feelings. He gives a girlfriend false hopes. Penetrating the House of Council with the help of Lizaveta, Germans asks the old woman to discover the secret of three cards, and after her refusal pulls an uncharged pistol. Graphy, frightened very much, dies. The late old woman comes to him in a few days and opens the secret, provided that Germans will not put more than one card per day, in the future it will not be played at all and marries lysure. But the hero does not expect a happy future: his heartless acts serve as a reason for retaliation. After two winnings, Hermann loses, because of which it goes crazy.

M. Gorky "At the bottom." Vasilisa Kostyleva does not feel any feelings to her husband, except hate and the utter indifference. Wanting to get inheritance at least a small state, it is very easily solved to contend the Vaska ash's thief to kill her husband. It is difficult to imagine how heartless there should be a person to work out such a plan. The fact that Vasilisa is issued married not by love, does not justify her act. A person must remain a person in any situation.

I.A. Bunin "Mr. San Francisco." The theme of the death of human civilization is one of the main in this work. The manifestation of the spiritual degradation of people is among them in their spiritual worry, heartlessness, indifference in relation to each other. The sudden death of Mr. San Francisco is not a compassion, but disgust. During his life, he is loved because of the money, and after death, heartlessly remove into the worst number, so as not to spoil the reputation of the institution. A man who deceased in someone else's country cannot even make a normal coffin. People have lost the true spiritual values, which are replaced by the thirst for material benefits.

K.G. Powesty "Telegram". Full affairs and events Life is fascinating Nastya so much that she forgets about the only truly close person to her - the old mother Katerina Petrovna. The girl, receiving letters from her, is glad and the fact that the mother is alive, but do not think about. Even a telegram from Tikhon about the poor condition of Katerina Petrovna Nastya reads and perceives not immediately: at first she does not understand at all, about com this is speech. Later, the girl is aware of how heartless it was her attitude to native man. Nastya goes to Katerina Petrovna, but does not find her alive. She feels guilty of his mother, so much loved her.

A.I. Solzhenitsyn " Matrenin Poult”. Matrena - a man who rarely meet. Without thinking about himself, she never refused to help someone else's people, to everyone treated with kindness and sympathy. People did not answer her the same. After tragic death Matrena Faddey thought only about how to win the part of the hut. Almost all relatives came to cry over the coffin of a woman only for duty. They did not remember Matrene during his lifetime, but after her death began to claim inheritance. This situation shows how hard and indifferent were human souls.

FM Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment." The heartlessness of Rodion Skolnikova was expressed by his desire to test his terrible theory. By killing the old woman, he tried to find out to whom it belongs to: "quarrels trembling" or "right having". The hero failed to preserve the composure, to adopt a given as correct, and therefore, it is not characterized by absolute spiritual wornity. The spiritual resurrection of Rodion Skolnikov confirms that a person has a chance to fix.

Yu. Yakovlev "He killed my dog." The boy, showing compassion and mercy, leads to a homeless dog in the apartment. It does not like his father: a man demands to drive an animal back into the street. The hero can not do it, because "she was already expelled." Father, acting absolutely indifferent and indifferent, calls PSA to himself and shoot him in his ear. The child can not understand why an innocent animal was killed. Together with the dog, his father kills the child's faith in the justice of this world.

ON THE. Nekrasov "Reflections from the front entrance." The poem depicts the harsh reality of that time. The life of ordinary men and officials who conduct their lives only in pleasure is opposed. High-ranking people are heartless, because indifferent to problems ordinary people. And for simple man Decision by the official even the most insignificant question can be salvation.

V. Zhachuzel Zhechu. Lena Besseltseva voluntarily took responsibility for a very bad act, to which she had no relationship. Because of this, she was forced to endure humiliation and mockery from classmates. One of the most severe for the girl is a test of loneliness, because there is a bad outlook at any age, and in childhood, especially. The boy actually made this act, did not gain courage to admit. Two classmates who learned the truth were also decided not to interfere in the situation. Indifference and heartlessness surrounding forced a person to suffer.

All arguments for the final essay in the 11th grade

What is the role of good in a person's life?
Argument from Roman N.G. Chernyshevsky "What to do?".

Making a good deed to others, even infrainmenting their own rights and opportunities, a person becomes happy from the fact that happy people are happy. This theory of characters check their lives. When Lopukhov saw that Rosalskaya Veroh need to save from her own mother, who intends to marry her for a rich and immoral Storshnikov, he decides to marry her, although for this you have to leave school and look for work. The data of their scientific research he transmits a completely disinterestedly to his friend Kirsanov, facilitating him the path to getting a diploma. Faith Pavlovna starts workshops for poor girls, saving them from the panel and consumes, and the profit shares equally. In the event of a marriage gives a girlfriend a solid dowry. When Vera Pavlovna loved Kirsanov, she reports to her husband, trust him endlessly, and he insisters his own suicide, freeing the healer from marriage.
As a result, this universal dedication leads to universal happiness: Lopukhov, rich honest way Somewhere in America, there is love and mutual understanding with the girlfriend of faith Pavlovna Katya Polozova.

Cruelty in relation to nature.
Argument from Roman B.L. Vasilyev "Do not shoot in white swans"

One of the main characters Egor Polushkin is a person who has not been delayed for a long time at one job. The reason for this is the inability to work "without a heart." He loves the forest very much, cares for him. Therefore, he is prescribed to the forester, dismissed at the same time unclean on the hand of Byrianova. It was then that Egor manifests himself as a true wrestler for the protection of nature. He boldly comes into fighting poachers who set fire to the forest and killed swans. This person serves as an example of how it is necessary to relate to nature. Thanks to such people like Egor Polushkin, humanity has not yet destroyed everything that exists on this land. Against the cruelty of Byrunan should always be good in the face of non-indifferent "half-Russian".

What is dangerous active human intervention in the world of nature? What does a struggle with nature leading to?
Chingiz Aitmatov "Floch"
The author's focus is the problem of human intervention in the world of nature.
In order to fulfill the plan of measdachi, people decide to kill saigas, followed by the wolves of Akbar and Tashchinar at that moment. Helicopters begin to drive saigas towards UAZ hunters, children of wolves die during this. When tired wolves return to their native lair, they discover that people who collect saiga residues are near him.
Avedy calls on the participants of this disgusting act to immediately stop the slaughter, for which the hunters kill him.
Akbara and Tashchinar began new life And they gave birth to new, but those died in a fire that people arranged.
The last time they tried to continue the genus already in another area, but the person named Nazarbai stole and sold four wagins. The grief of the Mathers did not have a limit. Aitmatov does not accidentally describe the family of wolves by hanging them human devil. They also create families, love their children, rejoice and write. The man in the novel is presented less alive. Most people in the novel are shown as insensitive creatures devoid of moral principles.
Unceremoniously, absolutely without thinking about the world around, a person paves meters of new roads, he comes to a stranger house where robs and destroys natural inhabitants. This novel shows that such intervention can end tragic for both people and animals. At the end of the work, a wolf dies, and with her a little boywho suffered in the insane struggle of two full-fledged residents of this planet: a person and wolf.
The person is closely connected with the world of nature, it is important not to fight, but to be in the world

Kindness towards people, its role in human life. What does a good man do? How does a man learn kindness?

Argument from Roman J. Sabina "Boy in striped pajamas."
Comprehensiveness and kindness can be learn. The main character of the novel J. Sabina "Boy in striped pajamas" Bruno is bright exampleconfirming my position. His dad, a German military officer, hires for children a tutor, who should teach them to understand modern history, understand what is right and what is not. But Bruno is completely uninteresting that he tells the teacher, he loves adventures and does not understand at all than some people differ from others. In the search for friends, the boy goes to "explore" the territory close to the house and stumps the concentration camp, where he meets his peer, the Jewish boy of Shmuel. Bruno knows that he should not be friends with Shmuel, so the meetings thoroughly hides. He is wearing a prisoner, playing with him and talks through barbed wire. Neither propaganda nor father can make him hate prisoners of the camp. On the day of his departure, Bruno goes back to a new friend, he decides to help him find her father, puts on striped Rob and makes his ways to the camp. The finale of this story is sealing, children are sent to the gas chamber, and only on the remnants of clothes, Bruno's parents understand what happened. This story teaches that sympathy needs to educate. Perhaps you need to learn to look at the world as it does the main character, then people will not repeat monstrous mistakes.

Kindness and responsiveness as the human personality property. The argument from the novel Marcus Zusaka "Book Thief".

In the center of the story of the novel "Book Thief" Marcus Zusak Lizel - a nine-year-old girl, on the threshold of war that fell into the foster family. The girl's native father was associated with the Communists, so to save the daughter from the fascists, Mom gives her someone else's people to upbringing. Lizel begins a new life away from the family, she has a conflict with peers, she finds new friends, learns to read and write. Her life is filled with ordinary children's concerns, but war comes and together with her fear, pain and disappointment. She does not understand why some people kill others. Adoptive father Lizel teaches her good and compassion, despite the fact that it brings him only trouble. Together with her parents, she hides the Jew in the basement, cares for him, reads him books. To help people, she with a friend of Rudy, they scatter bread on the road, which should pass a column of prisoners. She is sure that the war is monstrous and incontended: people burn books, die in battles, arrests of disagree with official politics occur everywhere. Lizel does not understand why people refuse to live and rejoice. The story of the book is not accidental from the face of death, the eternal satellite of war and the enemy of life.

The problem of manifestation of humanity in the war, the manifestation of kindness, compassion, mercy to the enemy.

Show compassion to the enemy can only strong peoplewho know the price of human life. So, in the novel "" L.N. Tolstoy is an interesting episode describing the attitude of Russian soldiers to the French. In the Night Forest Rota, the soldiers warmed up by the fire. Suddenly, they heard a rustle and saw two French soldiers, despite war time Not be afraid to approach the enemy. They were very weak and barely kept on the legs. One of the soldiers, whose clothing gave the officer in it, fell to Earth without his strength. Soldiers are stuck with a sin and brought both cereals and vodka. It was an officer Rambal and his runner Morel. The officer is so frozen, that he could not even move, so Russian soldiers took him to his arms and attributed to the hut, which was held by the colonel. On the way he called them good friendsWhile his runner, already pretty Zahmelev, fed French songs, sitting between Russian soldiers. This story teaches us that even in difficult times you need to remain a person, do not finish weak, show compassion and mercy.

What is kindness? This is a manifestation of care towards a person. This help in need careful attitude To nature, love for our " little brothers" There are many examples of kindness in our world, because this quality has always been valued by Russian people. It can even be called the basis of our character. In the literature, we will find a lot of examples of good, responsive heroes.

Recall, for example, Sonya Marmaladov, the heroine of the work of F.M.Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". The girl's mother died, she brought up his father who did a lot for her. But there was a hard time when he lost his job and washed. On her shoulders fee not only about him, but also about the stepmother, about summary brothers and sisters. The girl from hopelessness went on the yellow ticket. " She was forced to trade themselves to save his family not just from hunger and poverty, but also from death.

Can we condemn her? And Sonya was helped by the main character of the novel, the main hero of the novel. He went for help after committing a terrible crime - the murder of the old woman and her sisters. Sonya condemned his act, because for her a man's murder is a great sin. But it was she who assisted him spiritual support. She forced him to confess the murder and went for him to Katvoa. Sonya was patiently waiting for him when he would understand the worship of his crime, and turned out to be near at the time of his insight. In the final, we see how they read the Bible together, and we understand that, although to the real resurrection, Raskolnikov is still far away, Sonya will be next to him.

It is in it. moral ideal The author, because it is a real example of kindness and generosity.

From the works of the 20th century I remember "Matrenin Dvor" A.I. Solzhenitsyn. Matrena, main character works, - unusually good person. She does not refuse to help anyone. If you need to help with the housework - go to Matrey. Drop potatoes - again to her. And she never asked for remuneration, helped just like the soul of the soul. All her house is an personification of character. It is surprisingly warm and cozy to all: and the fakes that the "driven crowd" cast loneliness of the hostess, and the elderly cat, from pity with Matrey, and mice, bragged under the wallpaper, and even cockroaches that "respected" of Matrery orders and did not cross The border between the room and the kitchen. Yes, and the narrator himself admits that in the morning it was pleased with the singeling voice of Matrena, who called him to breakfast. Of course, in the final, we are sorry Matrena: she died, perhaps, too because of her kindness: on railway moving She rushed to help the men who transported her anel reception daughter Kire. However, it is on such as she keeps the world. Not by chance, the author calls her "righteous."

Thus, kindness is the basis of the nature of the Russian man. This is what our society has surrendered in the most difficult times. And I want to in our difficult time People did not forget about kindness.

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It seems to me that people do not fully understand what kindness is. They gladly watch the rollers on the Internet about good deeds, put pluses under cute pictures, but it's all limited to this. Such a situation is crying. But it can be corrected.

What is kindness? I believe that this is a sacrifice. You do not just do something for the benefit of people, but put their interests in the first place.

It's complicated. It is necessary to leave your comfort zone, take care of someone as it would take care of yourself.

Kindness is the ability to see the need. No need to wait for someone asking for help. It is worth being vigilant all the time so as not to miss the needy person.

If you pass about 20 minutes on the street, you will definitely see homeless people. Today there are thousands of thousands. But they could have families, at home, work, learn, be happy. Something happened and everything broke out. We should not condemn them. We do not know what they survived. We were not in their place. Each of us can buy bread and sausages once a week and give homeless. For us, this is nonsense, and for him - it will be the ray of hope that he was noticed.

As for examples of kindness, Natasha Rostov admires me. She is amazing. The woman rose in love. She saved the best human qualities. It is it that can be put as an example to many.

Let's keep and develop kindness. Let's love and protect. Otherwise, what we differ from animals.

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