Essay Kubrin A.I. Topic: "Is unhappy love? Buninsky concept of love image

Essay Kubrin A.I. Topic: "Is unhappy love? Buninsky concept of love image
... I love - I will love to love.
Drain the passion of my
Ruthless souls
Brutal hearts! ..
N. M. Karamzin.
What appreciates in the modern world a person? Money, power ... These low-lying goals pursue society. Giving the word "love", only animal instincts imply, physical need. People became robots, and the slightest manifestation of feelings and emotions seems funny and naive. The spiritual values \u200b\u200bof the society die ... But there are still people who have not lost their ability to high feelings. And the glory of those who love or ever loved, because love is a feeling that raises the tops of life, elevates to heaven ...
Which of the heroes of the story A. I. Kurin "Pomegranate bracelet" believes in real love? Anna Nikolaevna? No, hardly. She married a very rich man, gave birth to two children ... But she can't tolerate her husband, it contemptuously ridiculed and sincerely glad when someone distracts Gusilava Ivanovich from her. Anna does not like her husband, it simply suits her own position: a beautiful, rich ... Yes, and can smell without any particular consequences.
Or, for example, Brother Anna Nikolaevna, Nikolai. He almost married one rich and beautiful lady. But "the lady's husband did not want to give her a divorce." Most likely, Nikolai Nikolayevich did not believe in this feeling, because otherwise he would not have broken a family. Nikolai Nikolayevich is cold and his attitude to yolk, how he draws him, proves that Bulash-Tugomian is not able to understand a high feeling.
Unlike Nicholas, Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein, the husband of faith Nikolaevna, understands and even takes the love of telegraphist to his wife. If I first, Vasily Lvovich deducts the manifestation of any feelings, then after meeting with G. S. J., after Shein realized that yolks really truly, disinterestedly, selflessly loved faith Nikolaevna, he begins to believe that sincere feeling There is: "... Is it to blame for love, and how can I manage such a feeling like love ..."
General Yakov Mikhailovich Anosov was once married. But he himself recognizes that this marriage was not built on real love. "... People in our time have learned to love," he says faith Nikolaevna. "I don't see real love." Yes, I didn't see my time! " Another story from the life of the general he says is about Bulgarian. As soon as they met, the passion broke out instantly, and, as the general himself says, he "fell in love immediately - flamingly and irrevocably." And when he had to leave those places, they swore each other in the "eternal mutual love." Was there love? No, and the anosos of this does not deny. He says: "Love should be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world. No life facilities, calculations and compromises should not touch it." And, perhaps, if Anosov truly loved Bulgarian, he would have done everything to just stay next to her.
Alosov told a couple of stories about the feeling, more like devotion, than on real love. And these are only two cases of "real love" who recognized Aloshov in all their long-life.
He believes that every woman dreams of "one, unforgettable, on all the finished, modest and selfless" love. And women are not at all to blame for the fact that "the love of people accepted such vulgar forms and descended simply to some everyday amenities, to small entertainment."
General Anosov believes that women (probably, as stronger and romantic creatures) are capable of, unlike men, "to strong desires, heroic performances, to tenderness and adorations before love."
Apparently, the princess of Vera Nikolaevna was mistaken about the fact that there is a real feeling. She is sure that he loves Vasily as before, but her "the former passionate love for her husband has long passed into a feeling of strong, faithful, true friendship." This is incorporated, a good feeling, but this is not true love.
The only hero of the story that is experiencing sincere feeling - yolks. His beloved is high, with a gentle, but cold and proud face, beautiful faith of Nikolaevna. He loves the princess disinterested, clean, possibly slave love. This love is real. She is eternal: "I know," says the yolks, "that unable to break her never ..." Love his hopeless. "I am not interested in anything in life: neither politics, nor science, nor philosophy, no concern for the future happiness of people - for me, all life is evolved only in you," writes yolks of faith Nikolaevna. For Zhestkova there is no one more beautiful neck.
Maybe the life path of faith crossed the love of women. Losing yolkoshkova, the princess realized that "the love that every woman dreams of her, she went past it."
Quite often surrounding do not accept and even condemn those who believe in love. "Fools," they say, "why love, suffer, worry, if you can live calmly and carelessly." They believe that one who sincerely loves himself sacrifice. Perhaps these people are right. But they will never experience those happy minutes of love, as they are cold and insensitive ...

The story "Pomegranate bracelet", written in 1910, occupies a significant place in the works of the writer and in Russian literature. The story of the love of a small official to married Princess Powesta named one "of the most well-teaching and vibrant stories about love." Real, eternal, which is a rare gift Love is the topic of the work of Kupper.

In order to familiarize themselves with the plot and heroes of the story, we suggest read the summary of the "pomegranate bracelet" on the chapters. He will give the opportunity to comprehend the work, comprehend the charm and ease of the writer's language and penetrate the idea.

main characters

Vera Shein - Princess, wife of the leader of the nobility of Shein. He married love, with time, love turned into friendship and respect. Began to receive letters from a loving Yolkolkov official before marriage.

Yolkov - Officer. Unrespectable for many years in love with faith.

Vasily Shein - Prince, the provincial leader of the nobility. Loves his wife.

Other characters

Yakov Mikhailovich Anosov - General, friend of the late prince Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovsky, Father of Faith, Anna and Nicholas.

Anna Freesse - Sister of Faith and Nicholas.

Nikolai Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovsky - Assistant Prosecutor, Brother of Vera and Anna.

Female Reuters - Girlfriend Princess faith, a famous pianist.

Chapter 1

In mid-August, bad weather came on the Black Sea coast. Most of the inhabitants of coastal resorts began to hastily move into the city, leaving their cottages. Princess Vera Shein was forced to stay at the cottage, because in her city house there was a repair.

Together with the first days of September, it was warm, it became sunny and clear, and Vera was very pleased with the wonderful days of early autumn.

Chapter 2.

On the day of her name, on September 17, Vera Nikolaevna expected guests. Husband from morning left for business and was supposed to bring guests to dinner.

Faith rejoiced that the name day came to the country season and you can not arrange a lush intake. The family of the neck was on the verge of ruin, and the position of the prince obliges to a lot, so the spouses had to live by means. Vera Nikolaevna, whose love for her husband has long been reborn in the "feeling of strong, faithful, true friendship," as he could, supported him, saved, in many ways denied himself.

Help faith in the housework and take guests came her sister Anna Nikolaevna Frone. Not similar nor appearance, nor characters, sisters were very attached to each other from orphanage.

Chapter 3.

Anna has not seen the sea for a long time, and the sisters briefly sat on the bench over the cliff, "the sheer wall of falling deep into the sea" - admire the charming landscape.

Remembering the prepared gift, Anna handed the sister notebook in ancient binding.

Chapter 4.

By evening, the guests began to go. Among them was General Anosov, a friend of Prince Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovsky, the late father Anna and Faith. He was very attached to the sisters, they, in turn, adored him and called the grandfather.

Chapter 5.

Having gathered in the house of the neck entertained at the table owner, Prince Vasily Lvovich. He had a special gift of the narrator: at the heart of the humorous narratives always lay an event that happened to someone from acquaintances. But in his stories, he "thickened paints", so quaintly joined the truth and fiction and spoke with such a serious and business view that all the listeners laughed without stopping. This time the story concerned the failed marriage of his brother, Nikolai Nikolayevich.

Getting out due to the table, faith involuntarily recalculated the guests - they turned out to be thirteen. And, since the princess was superstitious, she became restless.

After lunch, everything, except faith, sat down to play poker. She was going to go to the terrace when the maid called her. On the table in the office, where both women went, the servants laid out a small package tied up, and explained that he brought a messenger with a request to transfer to Vera Nikolaevna.

Faith discovered a golden bracelet in the package and a note. At first she began to consider the decoration. In the center of the base gold bracelet, several magnificent pomegranates were distinguished, each of which was the size of the pea. Considering the stones, the birthday girl turned the bracelet, and the stones flared up as "adorable dense-red live lights." With alarm, faith realized that these lights are like blood.

He congratulated the faith with the day of Angel, asked not to keep him evil for the fact that several years ago dared to write her letters and expect a response. He asked to take a bracelet whose stones belong to his great-grandmother. From her silver bracelet, he, exactly repeating the location, moved the stones on the golden and paid the attention of the faith to the fact that no one else wore the bracelet. He wrote: "However, I believe that there is no treasure to decorate you in all of the world," and recognized that everything that left in it is "only awe, eternal worship and slave dedication", the every minute wishes of happiness faith and joy if she is happy.

Faith pondered whether it is worth showing a gift to her husband.

Chapter 6.

The evening flowed smoothly and lively: they played cards, talked, listened to the singing of one of the invited. Prince Shein demonstrated a home album to several guests with his own drawings. This album was a complement to the humorous stories of Vasily Lvovich. The album considering laughed so loudly and infectiously that guests gradually moved to them.

The last story in the drawings was called "Princess Vera and in Love Telegraph", and the text of the story itself, according to Prince, still "manufactured." Faith asked her husband: "It's better not necessary," but he didn't hear or heard, he didn't pay attention to her request and began his funny story about how Princess Vera received passionate messages from the telegraphist in love.

Chapter 7.

After tea, several guests left, the remaining placed on the terrace. General Anosov told stories from his army life, Anna and Vera listened to him with pleasure, as in childhood.

Before going to accompany the old general, faith suggested her husband to read the letter she received.

Chapter 8.

On the way to the crew, the expectation of General, Anosov talked to faith and Anna that he had not met in his life of real love. According to his representation, "love must be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world. "

The general asked the faith that in history, told by her husband, is true. And she gladly shared with him: "Some madman" pursued her with his love and sent letters before marriage. Princess told about the parcel with a letter. In thought, the general noticed that it was quite possible, the life of faith crossed the "one, all-friendly, on all ready, modest and selfless" love that any woman dreams about.

Chapter 9.

After watching the guests and returning to the house, Shein was involved in the conversation of Brother Nikolai and Vasily Lvovich. The brother believed that the "nonsense" of the fan should be immediately stopped - the story with the bracelet and letters could spoil the reputation of the family.

After discussion, how to do, it was decided that the next day Vasily Lvovich with Nikolai will find a secret adim of faith and, demanding her to leave her alone, returned the bracelet.

Chapter 10

Shein and Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovsky, husband and brother of faith, put a visit to her fan. They were an official of yolks, a man of thirty-thirty five years old.

Nikolai immediately explained to him the reason for the arrival - he pulled his gift for the patience of loved ones. Yolks immediately agreed with the fact that the princess is to blame.

Turning to the prince, yolks spoke about the fact that he loves his wife and feels that he would never be able to break her away, and everything that remains to him - the death he will accept "in some way." Before talking further, yolks asked permission to remove for a few minutes to call faith.

During the absence of an official in response to the reproaches of Nicholas, the prince of "Raskin" and regrets the fan of his wife, Vasily Lvovich explained Shurina, which feels. "This person is not able to deceive and lie knowingly. Is he to blame for love and can you manage such a feeling as love, "a feeling that still has not yet found an interpreter." The prince is not just a pity that man was, he realized that he had witnessed the "some huge tragedy of the soul."

Returning, yolks asked for permission to write the last letter of faith and promised that the visitors would not hear more about him and would not see him. At the request of the faith of Nikolaevna, he "as soon as possible" stops "this story".

In the evening, the prince handed the wife details of the visit to yolk. She was not surprised to hear, but was slightly excited: the princess felt that "this man would kill himself."

Chapter 11.

The next morning of the newspapers, faith found out that due to the spread of state money, the official of the yolks committed suicide. All day, Shein thought about the "unknown man", whom she did not have to see, not understanding why the tragic junction of his life premeditated. She remembered And Alosov's words about real love, perhaps who met on her way.

The postman brought the farewell letter of Zheltkova. He admitted that love for faith regards as a vast happiness that his whole life was imprisoned only in Princess. I asked to forgive for the fact that "the uncomfortable wedge crashed into a life" faith, thanked just that she lives in the world, and forgiven forever. "I checked myself - this is not a disease, not a manic idea is the love that God was pleased for something to reward me. Leaving, I am delighted with saying: "Yes, your name will hurt," he wrote.

After reading the message, faith told her husband that I would like to go to look at a person who loved her. Prince supported this decision.

Chapter 12.

Faith found an apartment that he filmed yolks. She came to meet the owner of the apartment, and they talked. At the request of Prinjein, a woman told about the last days of Zhalatkov, then Faith went into the room where he lay. The expression of the face of the deceased was so peaceful, as if this man "before parting with life, he learned some deep and sweet secret, which resolved his whole human life."

On a farewell, the hostess of the apartment told the faith that in the event that a woman would come to say goodbye to him, yolks asked for her that the best work of Beethoven was his name - "L. Van Beethoven. Son. № 2, OP. 2. Largo APPASSIONATO. "

Vera cried, explaining his tears with a painful "impression of death."

Chapter 13.

Vera Nikolaevna returned to the house late in the evening. At home, it was only waiting for a feminine Reuters, and the princess rushed to her friend with a request to play anything. Not doubting that the pianist will perform "the very place from the second sonata, which he asked this deadly with a funny surnney of yolks," the princess from the first chords learned the music. The soul of faith seemed to be divided into two parts: at the same time I thought about the repeated once in a thousand years of love, which passed by, and why it should listen to it.

"In the mind of her words were made. They so coincided in her thoughts with the music that these were as if the journalists, who ended in the words: "Yes, your name will be hid." These words were about great love. Faith cried about the feeling past, and the music looked around and reassured her at the same time. When the sounds of Sonatas subsided, the princess calmed down.

To the question of feminine, why she cries, Vera Nikolaevna replied only to her understandable phrase: "He forgave me now. All right" .


Talking the story sincere and clean, but unrequited love of the hero to a married woman, Kuprin pushes the reader to think about what place is the feeling in the life of a person, what gives the right, as the inner world of one who has a gift to love.

Acquaintance with the work of Kupper can be started with a brief retrade "Pomegranate bracelet". And then, already knowing the storyline, having an idea of \u200b\u200bheroes, gladly immersed in the rest of the narrative of the writer about the amazing world of real love.

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Topic: "Is unhappy love?"


Create conditions for penetration into the artistic world of the Word Master, comprehending the secrets of his skills to conclude about the originality of his work

Continue working on the skills of meaningful reading of the text, on the formation of skills and skills analysis of images; improve the skill to define the theme and the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe story; Create conditions for the development of the ability to express and argue your own point of view.

Bring up a sense of responsibility for your fate and the fate of people related to you

    Talk about the great and eternal spiritual value of a person - love; Show how writers depict the impact of love per person; Analysis of love stories based on the role of details in the work

Love is the most inexplicable sense of a person, this is what every time you need to open again. The relevance of the topic "Is there an unhappy love? (according to the works of I.A. Bunin and A.I. Kurin) "is explained by the fact that love does not grow up, and today we can observe love and what kind of bunin and Kuprin saw it. During the preparation for our lesson, you were investigated by the features of works by I. Bunin and A. Kuprin on love, the similarities and differences between these works were analyzed.

Many volumes of poetry and prose are devoted to love, but she is still not understood. Poets, writers and philosophers Thousands of years without tired of saying: true love more than we can understand; Love is kinship between our being and stars burning in the sky.


Love, love - mysterious word,
Who could fully understand?
Always in all old you or new
Spirit's tomorrow you are grace?
Irrevocable loss
Or enrichment without end?
Hot day, what no sunset
Ile night, devastating hearts?
Or maybe you are just a reminder
What is it inevitably waiting for us?
With nature, with infamous merge
And eternalglobal cycle?

Some of the philosophers once mentioned that the experience of love is the most amazing human experience. Love is trying to understand, systematize, drive into the framework to answer an eternal question - why people love. After all, a long time ago it became clear to people: love brings not only light, but also darkness, she not only raises, but also the oppression of man.


Love not only elevates.
Love sometimes destroys us.
Breaks fate and hearts ...
In his desires, beautiful
It happens so dangerous
As an explosion, like nine grams of lead.
It breaks suddenly.
And you can no longer tomorrow
Do not see a cute face.
Love not only elevates.
Love peaks and everything decides.
And we go to this captivity.
And do not dream of freedom.
While dawn in the soul rises,
The soul does not want to change.

Here we will talk about such a different love today, and we will also try to answer the problematic question that sounds in the subject of our lesson "Is unhappy love? (according to the works of I.A. Bunin and A.I. Kurin). "

The extraordinary strength and sincerity of the feeling is characteristic of the heroes of their works. Kubrin sally believed in love. In his work, he resurrects high construction of feelings that have created inspired hymns of love. Bunin also always managed about the stories about the high feeling, I think, because they walked out of the depths of the heart. Love captures all human thoughts, all his strength. But something always goes wrong, and lovers are forced to part. Reading the works of these writers, it can be assumed that love is something that causes people some suffering and misfortune. Indeed, the final of the "pomegranate bracelet" of Alexander Kurin is tragic: the protagonist ends with suicide. Yes, and in the "Dark Alley" of Ivan Bunin there is no happy end. All "lovers" writers live in anticipation of love, looking for her and most often, deeded, dying. But still we will try to figure it out if the love of the main characters in the works of Bunin and Kuprin is unhappy.

Love is something that every time you need to open anew. When the question is, there is love, it is impossible to give a single answer that would be suitable for all times and all people. And no matter how much poets, philosophers, psychologists, lovers did not give beautiful and full answers - generations, going after them, will search and find new ones.

Working with a dictionary: - What is love? (opinions of students) Student responses, which, in their opinion, means love. Questions about love

What is love in the opinion of schoolchildren

The topic is actual Also because love is a high, clean, wonderful feeling that people have sneeze from ancient times. Love, as you know, does not grow old, and today we can observe love and what kind of bunin and Kubin seen it.

Does a person know how to love?

Features of the works I. A. Bunin about love

All love is great happiness
even if it is not divided.

Buninsky concept of love image

"Having loved, we die ..." *, - I think that these words K. Balmont, as it is impossible to reveal the attitude of I. Bunin to love. At Bunin, its own, a special approach to the "traditional" topic. Many writers of the 19th century tried to answer questions: a destructive or saving love? Is it possible to carry it throughout life? And how does this topic reveal in the works of the Bunin? He simply does not exist for the love of "Saving" - in any story he will not give his heroes the opportunity to "go warm and comfortable", mix love and life. What is it connected with? Obviously, with the worldview of the Bunin. How does the writer perceive the Writer and man in it?

What is love? What is love? What love writes I.A. Bunin in his stories? Can an unrequited love bring happiness?


There was a wonderful spring!
They sat on the shore -
The river was quiet, clear,
The sun rose, birds sang;
Stretched for the river Dol,
Calmly, magnificent green;
Near Rosehip Scarlet Color,
There was dark lip alley.

There was a wonderful spring!
They sat on the shore -
In the color of the years she was she,
His mustache barely worn.
Oh, if anyone saw them
Then, in the morning of their meeting,
And face b I watched them
Or they would have heard their speech -
How would it be a tongue
Language in the original!
He is right for himself, on this moment,
Bloomed at the bottom of the soul sad! ..
I met them later in the world:
She was the wife of another
He was married and about
There was no word in mom;
On the faces was visible to peace
Their life flowed light and smoothly
They meet between themselves,
Could laugh coolly ...
And there, on the banks of the river,
Where there was a scarlet scammer
Some ordinary fishermen
Walked to the boat dilapidated
And sang songs - and dark
It remains, for people closed,
What was speaking there
And how much was forgetting.

What are these names of the stories from the collection "Dark Alleys"?

Relying on these names, answer the question what love is?

Which of these stories can be translated as "art love", or

"Love Textbook"? What an understanding of love is embodied in creativity I.A. Bunin?

Prove on the example of one of the stories

Love is the greatest happiness given to man, but the eternal rock is always hanging over it.

Love is always connected with tragedy, happy finals

this love does not happen ...

Loneliness becomes inevitable man's death

i could not see a close soul in another ...

Love is a great value, she is always clean and chaste.

Love is the highest gift of fate, and the more beautiful this gift,

that he is in a moment.

Love is something elusive and natural,

blinding man acting on him like a sunnd

Presentation of shades of love

According to Bunin: "All love is great happiness, even if it is not divided" *. (Recording to the notebook) Thirty-eight numerals "Dark Alley" pass over readers amazing female types.

Heroes of Bunin on Love

Here is hope from the story "Dark Alleys". She joined the love of Barina through his whole life, once seducing her. Lovers did not see each other and accidentally met at the inn, where Nadezhda is the mistress, and Nikolai Alekseevich is a random pass. He is not able to rise to her high feelings, to understand why Nadezhda was not married "With such a beauty that ... had."

How can your whole life love one person alone?

Meanwhile, for the hope of Nikolyka, for the whole life, he was ideal, the only and unique: "How much time went through everything was going on. I knew that you had no older for a long time that I didn't have anything like that for you, but ... it's too late to root, but the truth, very heartlessly you threw me "*. It he once read poems

"About all sorts of" Dark Alleys "" ...

Nikolay Alekseevich - nobleman. Negligently refers to the lowest class.
Military who made a good career.

Nikolai Alekseevich and Nadezhda loved each other in his youth.
Nikolai Alekseevich "Very heartless" threw hope, she even wanted to impose "hands."

Changes the horses, Nikolai Alekseevich leaves, and hope remains at the end of the yard forever. For one - a random passion for youth, for the other - love for life. Yes, perhaps hope is not happy now, after many years, but how much it was that feeling, how much joy and happiness it brought that it was impossible to forget about him. Hope continues to love, but can not forgive betrayal.
In the heart of the heroine there is no forgiveness for the evil and misfortune, which she survived so many years ago.

Nikolai Alekseevich about love: "Everything passes. Everything is forgotten "

Hope: "Everything passes, but not everything is forgotten." "Some time it took place,

all alive ... "

I.e love For the main character - happiness .

At the same time, it becomes causes to partition of heroes:

The reason for the separation of heroes is public opinion: the highest light would never have accepted the former serf peasant in his circle.

Is there such an opinion now?

Nikolay Alekseevich is a weak man. Prejudice were able to defeat her love. Considers relationship with hope "The story of the vulgar, ordinary",but at the same time he understands what exactly hope "Gave him the best moments of life,"having lost her, he lost the most expensive thing that had in life.

Love in the works of Bunin is dramatic, even tragic, it is something elusive and natural, blinding man acting on him as a sunnd.
Love is a great abyss, mysterious and inexplicable, strong and painful.

Love in his works is a passion, exciting all human thoughts, all his being, spiritual and physical.

The main features of love in the works of Bunin. (love, often mutual, outbreak of feelings, passion, physical proximity, then parting the heroes, either the death of one of them, not at the Bunin of the happy finals, love never ends with marriage, creating a family, child birth)

Features of works A. I. Kurin about love

is he to blame for love and can it be
manage such a feeling like love.

Tragedy of love in the works of Kurp


Love, love, - says a loyalty,
Union of the soul with soul native.
Their only combination
And the fatal foggy,
And the fatal duel.
And than one of them is more gentle
In the struggle of unequal two hearts,
The inevitable and or rather
Loving, suffering, passionately MLEMA,
It is empty finally


With no smaller base, you can also call the singer sublime love. Today, at the lesson, we will remember the story of the Kukrin "Olesya", we will pass on the forest wilderness of Polesia, where the heroine of the story lives, look into the clock of the poor official in the story "Pomegranate "To look at the amazing and strength of perfect love.

Let's look again in the wilderness wilderness and remember the highlights of the story.

First remember the story story. (Student's story) In the wilderness of the forest, the grandmother Manulyeh lived in Woodland with his granddaughter Olesya. Residents of the village considered the witch manulyu, and Olesy called the sorcerer. Olesi's mother burned, thinking that she was a sorceress, grandmother saved Oles and disappeared with her far into the forest. One day, Panych Ivan Timofeevich arrives at the Human Forests. An unexpected meeting of His and Oleces occurred in the forest. Ivan Timofeevich sincerely fell in love with romantic Olesy. The girl also answered reciprocity. Ivan Timofeevich heard that the locals were told about Oles and her grandmother. But he did not believe that Olesya Sordunya. At his request, Olesya goes to the church in the village, where residents of the village beat her. Ivan Timofeevich feels his guilt in this. Once he makes Oles offer to go with him to the city, i.e. marry him. The girl would have to choose between him and grandmother. Naturally, Olesya could not leave the old manulyhu one. She refuses to Panya, although he sincerely loves him, she realizes that it will be in the city of Alien, and here in the Half forests it is good and cozy. There is a parting of lovers.
Olesy was considered a sorcerer.

What does the word witch mean?

Working with a dictionary: the sorceress means not only the witch, but Kudesnitsa, Chambercker, a wizard.

The name Olya-messenger, poetic corresponds to this sense.
- What attracts the reader Olesya? (It is distinguished by the desire for good, purity, love as the main sense of human existence. Olesya is not afraid to live in harmony with his heart, so she is destined to see further, feel thinner than her cautious chosen one.
Olesya - Child of Nature, is inextricably linked with it. She firmly learned wisdom: that it is impossible to make an evil living being, whether it is a man, a beast, a bird.

About peasants who regularly visit the church, who consider themselves in respectable, but in the soul of which malice and hatred, Olesya says: "We and people do not need. People who bear anger and cruelty. "
For Oleces, kindness is the most important quality in man. (Deep meaning is filled with her phrase facing the young Barina: "Well, come in, perhaps, if you really are a kind person")

What attracts Olesya I.t.? (Barin is surprised by the grace, delicacy, the nobility of Olesya. "He was captivated by the flexible, moving mind of Olesya") Olesa charmed, the Barina Ivan Timofeevich was fascinated.

Is it sincerely loved Olesya I.Timofevich? (Olesy's feelings are always sincere, she does not know how to deceive any other nor themselves) Olesya plunged into the magic of love.

Is the Ivan Timofeevich Olesya sincerely love? (Love his sincere, looks like a fairy tale, she attracts attention to the fact that it is pure and selfless, but in I.T. Alive his egoism, which he acquired, living in the city, and Oles is alien)

Why, despite the sincerity of the feelings, everything ends with the parting of the heroes? (Despite mutual love, Olesya and her beloved stand on different sides. Ivan Timofeevich rose in civilization and suffers from the diseases of society. "Man is kind but weak," he is not capable of true love, understands the impossibility of joint happiness. Kurin claims that only In unity with nature, a person retains its naturalness, is able to achieve spiritual purity and nobility.)

What end the story?

(The story ends with a bright detail - I.T. Fits a thread of red beads. This is not so much the memory of the "gentle, generous love" of Olesya, how many symbol of her pure feeling, a symbol of its negative love. Each bead - like a light of this love.)

But not only a thread of coral becons remains after Olece, but also painful meditation, which previously there was no place in the life of a person with a "cold and lazy heart."

Conclusion: So, in the story "Olesya" we saw an example of almighty, sincere love, love clean and tender, and most importantly mutual love, but this love did not give the heroes of happiness, because These are people from different worlds, from different civilizations.
Coral beads are a symbol of the non-burning love of Oleas. In yet another product, the KUPER used the symbol - garnet - A symbol of eternal, sincere, almighty, unrequited and endless love of a small yellow-owned official to a secular lady.

"Yes, it will hire your name"

Scene story. 1 min

In the fall of 1910, working on the "pomegranate bracelet", Kubrin wrote from Odessa Batyushkov: "I do not know what will come out, but when ... I think I cry; Recently I tell one good actress - crying. I will say one thing that I have not written anything more chascred. "

Information about creating a story

The story was published in 1911. At the heart of his plot - the real event (the love of a telegraph official of yellow P. P. to his wife an important dignitary, a member of the State Council of Lyubimov).

In life, everything was different - the official accepted the bracelet and stopped writing letters; More about it is not known anything. In the family of the favorite, this case was perceived as strange and curly.

(Vocabulary work curious)

III work on the story.

Here is such a love that General Anosov said to take possession of the soul of the poor Officer of Zhalatkov. He needed only she was alone - Vera Nikolaevna Shein. Now let's try to convey the story story. (tells a student)
Small official, lonely and timid dreamer, falls in love with a young secular lady. Eight years lasts unrequited love. The letters of the in love serve as the subject of ridicule of members of the family clan of the princes of Shiny and Bulat-Tuganovsky. Does not perceive them seriously and the princes faith of Nikolaevna, addressee of these love revelations. Submitted by an unknown love gift - garnet - causes a storm of brother's brother Prnyagini. He is ready to destroy the "plebay", daring to provide signs of attention to the hereditary nobility. Close people consider telegraphist abnormal. The love of a "little man" ends tragically, he dies, not withstanding the clashes with the world of cruelty and indifference, with the shame of outlooking people.

Slide presentation

Analytical conversation comparative nature. 1 min

How did the artistically transformed the carpet of the real story hearded by him? (Kubrin embodied in his creation the ideal of an excellent, almighty, but not mutual love, showed that the "little person" is capable of a big, comprehensive feeling. He finished the story of the Kurpric the death of the hero, which forced faith Nikolaevna to think about love, about the feeling, forced her to worry , sympathize that she did not make earlier)

What social barriers (and whether they?) Move the Hero's love in the sphere of inaccessible love? (Various social status - Princess - a small official (telegraphist); Vera Nikolaevna is married, so I can not answer yolk reciprocity, Vera Nikolaevna has grown and raised in a completely different world - a secular society, which sometimes deprives a person sincerity, the beauty of feelings and thoughts)

5) Dialogue on the story "Pomegranate " 1 min
The story "Pomegranate bracelet" is not just about love, but about such love that "will never pass and not forget", for which life sacrifice. No wonder K. Pouustovsky called the "pomegranate bracelet" "one of the most pruburate, volatile ... and the most sad" love stories.

Does not leave anyone indifferent the image of the main hero of the story of a small official Yoltkova. He committed suicide due to unrequited love. It may be stupid to end the life of suicide. It may more correctly take the motto: if you love, then you need to fight for love. And if there is no reciprocity, then it is necessary to drown in yourself. Can yolks weak man? And as for women? What woman does not dream of devotees, selfless love?

So how does it belong to yolk? Sympathize Regret? Admire or despise?
Selection of topic for discussion:

The first idea of \u200b\u200bthe second idea

Yolks are weak, a blessing man, so she committed suicide, could not survive the unrequited love of yolks - a great man, he had a talent to love, but by the will of fate did not find reciprocity. His feeling causes pride. He left his life in order not to interfere with his beloved woman, not to be an obstacle.
Weak or great yolks. What was the talent of the love of yellowkova?

Opinions of students.

But is Suicide - a way out?
Discussion of the problem of suicide in the modern world?
Life is one, you have to appreciate it, take it, what it is, to overcome difficulties, obstacles and continue to live. Suicide on the law of God - a grave sin, before the suicide was buried outside the cemetery, they did not eat them in the church.
We can relate to the hero of anything, and well, if there will be no such tragedy in the life of each of us, but it is important for us to determine the author's position, to identify the attitude of the author himself to your hero.

Name Day of Vera Nikolaevna 9 min
- What is the story (Nature Description) begins
- Read on the text Description of Nature
- What mood creates nature (sadness, sadness, waiting for something tragic)

It was she sent letters in love yolks.
September 17 - Name of Vera, Hope, Love. On this day, Vera celebrated the name day. Guests gathered in her house. How many? (13)

What does the Higher Society do? (Guests are harmlessly having fun: playing cards, listen to the singing of a secular chalop and Cutles Vashchka, sweep over the fudges of Prince Shein.) Illustration

How do Zholtkov's messages in the family of princes? (Laugh, mock, the messages of his reason for jokes)

What episode of the nameman made an unpleasant impression on you? (As Prince Shein demonstrated his handwritten album, where the love story of the princess of faith and a loved telegraphist is reproduced with the junction. In this writing story, the Telegraph in love with lovers in love, written contrary to all the rules of spelling, disguises the pipeline, penetrates the boudoir, leaves traces of soot. It falls into the crazy house, having lost a mind from love and before death sends two telegraph buttons and bottle from perfumes - filled with his tears)

What can be concluded about the Supreme Society? (The highest light is immoral, he is alien to the sublime love feelings of a small official, the people of the highest circle mock and mock the true feelings, contemptically relate to people of lower origin, are proud of their social status) - writing to the notebook.

What awaits from the name of Vera Nikolaevna and what happens on this day?
According to Kuprin, "Vera Nikolaevna Shein always expected the name of something happily wonderful"

What gifts got faith on this day name on September 17?
Princess gets dear, with love selected gifts:
From her husband - "Beautiful from pear-shaped pearls "
From the sister, the "small notebook in an amazing binding"
From the chest fan - a pomegranate bracelet. Write down in a notebook

How in the background of expensive gifts looked like a gift of yolkkova? What is its value?
Yellowkova gift - "Golden, low-standard, very thick, but douty and from the outside, covered with small old, poorly polished grenades", Looks like a tasteless trough. But its value and value in the other. Gusto - red grenades under electric light light up alive lights.

What compares the faith of thick-red grenades? (with blood) In the story "Olesya" remember - coral beads who gave Olesya Ivan Timofeevich for a farewell - a symbol of love.

Pomegranates are burning like a burning heart of Yolkova. After all, he presented the most expensive that he had - the family jewel

What does grenade mean for yolktykova itself? For him, not only a symbol of reverent, endless and hopeless love, it has a certain magical force, like any family jewel. This is written about this in the letter: "According to an old legend, preserved in our family, he has properties to inform the gift of foresight wearing women and distinguishes heavy thoughts from them." Write down the answer to the question

Why did Zolkov gave faith the most valuable thing?

This is a symbol of his hopeless, enthusiastic, disinterested love. For the faith of Nikolaevna, nothing sorry for him. He wanted to bring her joy

How was the belief of Yellowkova and her family? (Faith - alarmed, grunted, for her husband - this is a reason for ridicule, brother faith - an indifferent, manifests contempt for a man of the lower circle, Anosov - says that true love passed by faith)

It is Alosov who reflects on real love. Who is alosov?

This is a friend of the late Father of faith and Anna General Anosov, whom they called the grandfather. He impresses a person simple, but noble, and most importantly - wise. His Kuprin has endowed the Russian men: "A good-naturedly-fun look at life", "ineffective, naive faith."

How does Anosov applies to love? ("Love in people accepted such vulgar forms and condested to some everyday amenities, to small entertainment. Men's guilty, twenty years satisfied, with chicken bodies and hare souls, unable to strong desires, to heroic actions, to tenderness and adoration Before love ")

So begins in the story the topic of real love, love for which, according to Anosov, "Make a feat, give life, to go on torment - not at all work, but one joy."
Next topic for discussion:

The first idea of \u200b\u200bthe second idea

Love, like Yoltykova, happens once every thousand years. Strong, passionate, eternal love Zholkova - this is love at a distance, love - admiration and worship of his beloved.

But if he became her husband, then love would turn into life and soon became a habit.

Is there real love? What is it.
Lisviar the opinions of students.

Love is a noble feeling that elevates man makes his soul cleaner, better. Of course, we do not know what I would have happened to the love of Zheltkova, he lives daily near the faith of Nikolaevna, but in the story it was the talent, that is, the ability to love.

Yes, indeed, the true love of Nikolaevna passes by the faith, love that happens once every thousand years.

Tragic finale. 8 min
The disconnection came soon, namely, the tragic final (appeal to the lesson plan) - the death of Yolkova. He did not know that love would play a cruel joke with him, which would be cruel, but the feeling would not be ordained.

The tragedy happened, but before the last letter was written. Reading Letters. (Read) Cyril
Now I will show you in the gentle sounds of life, which is humbled and happily requested itself on torment, suffering and death. No complaint, nor reproach, nor the pain of proud I knew. I in front of you - one prayer: "Yes, your name will be hid."

Yes, I foresee suffering, blood and death. And I think that it is difficult to part the body with a soul, but, beautiful, praise you, passionate praise and quiet love. "Yes, your name will be hired."

I remember every move, smile, look, the sound of your gait. Sweet sadness, quiet, beautiful sadness of the swabs of my latest memories. But I will not cause you grief. I'm leaving alone, silently, so wondered God and fate. "Yes, your name will be hired."

In a suicide sad hour, I pray only for you. Life would be beautiful for me. Do not hopping, poor heart, not wop. In the soul, I urge death, but in the heart full praise you: "Yes, your name will be hid."

You, you and people who surround you all you do not know how you were beautiful. Beat the clock. Time. And, dying, I still sing in a sorrowful hour of parting with life - thank you.

Here it goes, everything is grappling death, and I say - thank you! ..

Calm down, dear, calm down, calm down. Do you remember me about me? Do you remember? You are my united and last love. Calm down, I'm with you. Think about me, and I will be with you, because we loved each other only one instant, but forever. Do you remember me about me? Do you remember? Do you remember? Here I feel your tears. Take it easy. I sleep so sweet, sweet, sweet.

- What impression from your last letter of Yellowkova?
For Zheltikova, love faith Nikolaevna even without reciprocity - great happiness. He is grateful to her that she was eight years old for him the only joy in life, the only consolation, a uniform thought.

When Vera learned about the death of Yoltkov, she was going to say goodbye to the dead, of course she feels his guilt. (illustration)

Third topic for discussion

The first idea of \u200b\u200bthe second idea
Yolki committed suicide, since he had no exit always there, and end the life of suicide - nonsense
Was it necessary to leave yolk?
Public opinions

Read the episode of farewell to faith with yellow. What does she have, peering into the face of who left life because of her?
(12 chapter)

She realized that yolks were a great man. J. That fell the talent of love.
- What mood will the story finals imbued?

The final of the story will penetrate the feeling of light sadness. He dies yolks, but awakens to the life of Vera Nikolaevna, she opened something inaccessible earlier. In the awakening of the soul of faith, music is of great importance.

Second Sonata Beethoven. Why did the yolks forced the beloved woman to listen to this is the immortal work?

After the death of Yoltekova, the pianist Zhenya Reuters plays for the faith of Nikolaevna the immortal Beethoven Sonatu, the one he wrote to her in the last letter. Apparently this music revealed the beauty of his love and helped her understand everything and feel farewell.

Music "Second Sonata" Beethoven. Under her sounds I read the place in the chapter, where the writer conveys the clashes in the consciousness of faith under the influence of the music of the words, which, as it were, come from yolkkova

Public opinions

So, unfortunate yolks are not a pity, and the depth of his feeling, the ability to self-sacrifice deserves not only sympathy, but also

What do you think is love?

Love elevates man, transforms his soul. Love blooms in the heart of Zhalatkov and gives him great happiness. He limited his life only with this feeling, refusing the rest. This ideal, pure love elevates a small man, makes it significant in his own and other people.

Word looks for love on chip? (sublime, beautiful, sometimes mutual, but often unrequited, tragic final)

Comparison of works I. A. Bunina and A. I. Kurin about love

Differences in approaches to the topic of love

Make a comparative table: "Love views on Cook and Bunin"
Love in the works of Kupper Love in the works of Bunin
The sublime, beautiful feeling, the existence of his beloved, admiration for his beloved, love not requiring awards, love - self-sacrifice, but everything ends with the parting or death of the hero. Elevated feeling, reciprocity, passion, physical proximity, parting of heroes, tragic final.

There is no love unfortunate
Maybe she is bitter, difficult,
Unrequited and reckless
Maybe deadly
But unhappy love does not happen
Even if she kills
One who does not go to
And happy love is not worth it.

7. Reflection

What did today's lesson give us? What conclusions will we do for ourselves? What did you think to understand, realize the lesson?

8. Final word of the teacher. 1 min

Kubrin and Bunin poeticized love, described examples of beauty and nobility in their works

1) At home you write a little reflection on how you understand these words.
Write an essay of the thumbnail to one of the following:

"Love, love is a mysterious word,

Who could fully understand him? ",

"Who among the heroes of the prose I.A. Bunina I remember most of all "

« All love - great happiness "

The outcome of the lesson. 1 min
So, our lesson approached the end. I thank you for work and want to celebrate your activity with estimates. (estimates). Today we have traveled to the magical country of love and learned for themselves that there is really talent to love, and it is not everyone, and the chosen, people subtly felt, ready for self-sacrifice in the name of love. We were convinced that the Kubrin and Bunin - Masters in the image of human feelings, they managed to deeply show human experiences, open the soul of a person of loving and suffering. We made sure that love is a beautiful, reflective feeling.

In the soul, there would be a day, and darkness came again,
Whether we expelled love on Earth.
Only that bliss knew who was a passion for the heart of the heart,
And who did not know love, he doesn't care
What I did not live ... (Moliere)

Frame from the film "Pomegranate Bracelet" (1964)

In August, rest at the suburban seaside resort was spoiled by bad weather. Empty giving sadly mocks in the rain. But in September the weather changed again, sunny days came. Princess Vera Nikolaevna Shein did not leave the cottages - they were repaired in her house - and now rejoices warm days.

The day of the name of Prnyagini is coming. She is glad that he fell to the country season - in the city it would have to give a parade dinner, and the necks "barely reduced ends with the ends."

Her younger sister Anna Nikolaevna Frone, wife of a very rich and very stupid man, and brother Nicholas come to faith to faith. In the late afternoon, Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein brings the rest of the guests.

Completeness with a small jewelry case addressed to the princess of faith Nikolaevna brought in the midst of unacceptable country entertainment. Inside the case, it turns out to be a gold, low-minded bracelet, covered with grenades that surround a small green pebble.

In addition to the pomegranate bracelet in the case a letter is found. An unknown donor congratulates faith with the Day of Angela and asks to take a bracelet that belonged to his Prelbabek. Green pebbles is a very rare green grenade, which informs the gift of providence and protecting men from violent death. The author of the letter resembles Princess, as seven years ago she wrote to her "stupid and wild letters." The letter ends with the words: "Your before death and after the death of the humble servant G. S. Zh."

Prince Vasily Lvovich demonstrates his humorous home album at this moment, open at the "story" "Princess Vera and Lovel Telegraph". "It is better not necessary," asks Faith. But the husband is still beginning to comment from the brilliant humor to his own drawings. Here the girl faith receives a letter with kissing dwarfs, signed by the telegraph P. P. J. Here's the young Vasya Shein Returns the faith Wedding Ring: "I don't dare to interfere with your happiness, and yet my debt warn you: Telegraphists are seductive, but insidious." But faith marries the beautiful Vasya Shein, but the telegraphist continues to persecute. Here he, changing the pipeline, penetrates the boudoir of Princess faith. Here, changing, goes on their kitchen to the dishwasher. Here, finally, he is in a crazy house.

After tea, guests are driven around. While whispering her husband, so that he watched the case with the bracelet and read the letter, Faith goes to accompany General Yakov Mikhailovich Anosov. The old general of whom Vera and her sister Anna is called the grandfather, asks the princess to clarify what the prince is true in the story.

G. S. Zh. Pursued her letters two years before marriage. Obviously, he constantly followed her, knew where she had been at the evenings, as we were dressed. He served not on the telegraph, but in the "some treason institution a small official." When Faith, also writing, asked not to disturb her with his persecution, he silent about love and limited himself to congratulations on holidays, like today, on her day. Filming up a cheerful story, the prince replaced the initials of an unknown rear to his.

The old man assumes that an unknown can be maniac.

Faith cares of his brother Nicholas very annoyed - he also read the letter and believes that his sister will get "in a funny position" if this ridiculous gift takes. Together with Vasily Lvovich, he is going to find a fan and return the bracelet.

The next day they learn the address of the city of S. J. It turns out to be a blue-eyed man "with a gentle girl's" years of thirty, thirty-five in the surname of yolks. Nikolay Returns him a bracelet. Yolkov does not deny anything and recognize the indecent behavior. Finding some understanding and even sympathy in Prince, he explains him that he loves his wife, and this feeling would kill anything. Nikolai is outraged, but Vasily Lvovich refers to him with pity.

Yolkniki confesses that she missed the government and is forced to flee from the city, so they will no longer hear about him. He asks Vasily Lvovich permission to write his wife last letter. Having heard a story about Yolklya, faith felt, "that this man will kill himself."

In the morning, faith will find out from the newspaper about the suicide of the official of the checks room G. S. Zhestkova, and in the evening the postman brings his letter.

Yolks writes that for him the whole life is only in it, in faith Nikolaevna. This is love, to whom God rewarded him for something. Leaving, he is delighted with: "Yes, your name will be sainted." If she remembers him, then let the re-major part of the Beethoven "Sonata No. 2" play, he thanks her from the depths of the soul for the fact that she was the only joy in life.

Faith rides to say goodbye to this man. The husband fully understands her gust and lets his wife.

The coffin with yellowing stands in the middle of his poor room. His lips are smiling blissfully and serenely, as if he learned a deep secret. Faith lifts his head, puts a large red rose under the neck and kisses him in the forehead. She understands that the love of which every woman dreams is pasted by her. In the evening, Vera asks a familiar pianist to play for her "Appassion" Beethoven, listening to music and crying. When the music ends, faith feels that she has forgiven her.
