Natalia Zhvanetskaya: "22 years work on duty at the desires of Zhvanetsky I am not in a burden. Mikhail Mikhailovich Zhvanetsky - biography, information, personal life Li Zhvanetsky

Natalia Zhvanetskaya:
Natalia Zhvanetskaya: "22 years work on duty at the desires of Zhvanetsky I am not in a burden. Mikhail Mikhailovich Zhvanetsky - biography, information, personal life Li Zhvanetsky

Mikhail Zhvanetsky was born on March 6, 1934. His parents were Jews, the Father became the therapist, the mother worked as a dentist. The years of war, the family spent in Asia, then they lived again in Odessa. In 1951, Mikhail went to the institute and began to engage in amateur. He organized the Parnas-2 Miniature Theater, which became famous in the city.

In 1954, Zhvanetsky met with Viktor Ilchenko, with whom he began to concert together. Later, Mikhail began to compose monologues, who performed independently. In 1956, Zhvanetsky graduated from the institute and settled the mechanic to the port. Then he moved to the plant, where he began to work as an engineer.

Career flourishing

In 1958, Zhvanetsky met with Roman Kartsev, and after 2 years later met Raykin. The famous artist decided to replenish the repertoire of the works of young satirist. In 1964, Rykin invited Zhvanetsky to move to Leningrad, in 1969 the public was presented with the Light Phuphor program on the basis of Mikhail's writings.

Often, the works of Zhvanetsky performed Jurassic. Satirik also collaborated with Kartsev, Ilchenko. Then Mikhail became an independent writer, he performed his own essays on stage.

In 1970, Zhvanetsky returned to his hometown. There they organized a miniature theater. The team was invited to tour, which were very successful. The head of the organization "UkrKoncert" even invited artists to Kiev, but they remained in Odessa.

In the seventies, Zhvanetsky was the artist of the conversational genre, worked in Philharmonic. In 1972, he was invited to become an assistant to Perezhisser in the theater of the miniature of Moscow. Then Zhvanetsky worked by the director in Rosoncert.

In the eighties he was an employee in the "Young Guard". Later, Zhvanetsky created a miniature in the capital. According to his works, there were many performances, several books of the writer came out. All his texts are characterized by a special style.

In 2012, the writer became a popular artist of the Russian Federation. Zhvanetsky is the co-host telecast "duty in the country", where political and everyday topics are covered.

Personal life

Zhvanetsky was married officially once. My wife Mikhail was the girl named Larisa. The marriage was concluded in 1954, in 1964 they divorced on the initiative of the spouse. Zhvanetsky was officially married. His chosen was also the hope of Guiduk, her daughter appeared in Lisa. Then the pair was separated.

Zhvanetsky lives a civil marriage with Natalia Surov. She is 32 years old younger husband. Mikhail and Natalia first met in 1991 in Odessa. Couple has a common son Dmitry. Zhvanetsky himself promotes patriarchal values.

His taking statements and aphorisms have long gone to the people. His view of life penetrates through the monologues, which he reads from the scene. His attitude to the latest events occurring in the country is interesting to millions of viewers.

Mikhail Zhvanetsky: biography

He is Odessa. Born on Moldova. His father still remembers as a good doctor. Mom is also a doctor, but the son did not go through their path. Maybe because a teacher of literature at school instilled love for Russian?

He is dedicated to one of Mikhail Mikhailovich's monologues. Boris Efimovich Drukker was terribly angry at all illiterately expressing his thoughts of people. But his students who graduated from serious technical institutions, after became journalists, poets and writers.

Zhvanetsky Mikhail studied at the institute prepare engineers for the Marine Fleet. At the end, it was not long worked in the port of the lockout. This gave the writer the richest material for future masterpieces.

At the same time, around 1958, he is engaged in an amateur theater, where they put two performances on his texts, meets R. Kartsev and V. Ilchenko. Later, the duet of these artists for many years will perform his miniatures, and the expressions "do you?", "Associate Professor Dumb" and other pearls will become Russian folk folklore.

In the theater A. Raykin

In 1960, A. Raykin toured in Odessa. Among theatrical youth, he allocated Zhvanetsky and his duet. Cardsets with Ilchenko became members of the Raikina troupe. After a while, Mikhail Zhvanetsky also joins them as an actor and the head of the literary part (1967-1969).

The Leningrad Astrada Theater and the miniature puts the program from his compositions, which immediately understands the quotes. It then appeared the famous monologue "in the Greek Hall".

In working with a mastitated satirist, the young author honors skills, sculpts the characters extremely accurately, adopters the intonation of Rykin. From the Rykin school, an artist of another generation comes out, by accepting the relay of satire and humor. Forever enters his texts Odessa accent.

According to the memoirs of Raykin, the willing from Zhvanetsky was Nikudny. The young writer had to be convinced, prohibit - and this is not his element. In fact, it is rather administrative work, not creative. So it lacked sometimes tact and patience.

Care was obvious. Wood heat. Zhvanetsky dedicated a monologue to the teacher, where he admitted to him in love.

In 1970, he starts an independent career, creating the Odessa theater miniature.

Who is the main duet

Mikhail Zhvanetsky, together with Kartsev and Ilchenko, create about 300 miniatures. The duet will be recognized by replicas, popularity is growing. Mikhail becomes an artist of the conversational genre - so then called the stedap. Magniflowy records disagree throughout the country, in Leningrad Raykin learns its developments in them.

A small theater begins to tour. The image of the "man with a portfolio", which pulls out the Kipa handwritten text from it and reads, turning to the audience. Later, he is taken into account in bronze, but for now - glory without money.

Since 1972, Zhvanetsky moves to the Moscow Theater Miniature (in the Hermitage Garden). It works there, then in Rosconcert, the director, later than the employee of the publisher, and, finally, the Music of his own Moscow theater miniature.

From the 1979th duet of Kartsev - Ilchenko, who also moved to Moscow, created as if "theater inside the theater." So it was already with a talented duet Mironova - Menacher. Apparently, the pop direction can no longer hold. The performances are set: "When we rested," Bravo, Satira! "," Bird Flight "according to Zhvanetsky scenarios.

A family

Zhvanetsky Mikhail Mikhailovich does not like to spread about his personal life. It happened that he was not lucky for a long time in family life. Did not develop with Larisa, the marriage with which could not stand the trial of the mother-in-law. A young wife asked Mikhail to give a divorce. Subsequently, she went to France with Mom.

After there were three attempts to live families with others. But when Maestro entered a solid age, he met his muse. With Natasha, he has already been twenty years old, the son of Mitya grew up. Learn to a psychologist. The gift of the storyteller moved from his father, and the tendency to help people - apparently, from his grandfather and grandmother.

At the opening of the Odessa club, he saw her, fell in love and did not let go. Caring knightly gallant. Friends froze: Does this walk have been extended? Natasha did not know for a long time about the past spouse. "He was always with me, he did not give rise to jealous," she explains and admits that if it were not for a big difference in age (32 years), nothing would have happened.

Natasha believes that living with a talent is a little more fun than with an ordinary person. When the energy is not available to anyone else. She considers it a constant drive. Quietly walks around the house until the husband is creating (he loves, like Pushkin, write in bed at the beginning of the day). Not distracted by his enthusiastic questions about the mind of the cat Maurice: "I'm frying me, then I will answer." And in the evening they go to the familiar restaurant, where the magnificent kitchen.

Mikhail loves a feast, there are often guests in the house. Then the muse becomes a shopping salon and a secular lioness. At official events, she is his beautiful lady. They have long made up a couple, and Mikhail Mikhailovich cozy with Natasha.

Duty officer

Mikhail Zhvanetsky for about 15 years on duty on the country. According to the transmission, he respect the people. His words are called "Fresh Air Sprump", and the author himself is a wise man. The transfer time flies quickly, one only annoying - it goes late.

One viewer was very touchingly: "Country without you is labeled." This is true. He, like the All-Russian Grandfather, refuses to keep extreme positions, reconciling, smoothing, appealing to humanity.

The youth protests against this - she is in the forefront, she does not need those who smoothes the angles. Isn't it error? What do you say after fifty-sixty years, young Buntar? What do you say grandchildren who want to remake everything, disprove, cancel?

And it is necessary that everyone has long been known. About conscience. About tolerance. For forgiveness. No wonder the duty house holds his hand on the country's pulse.

Mikhail Zhvanetsky: Aphorisms

We repeat the words from the texts of the wizard, without thinking, from where they entered the folk piggy bank. In each miniature - several aphorisms. How many of them got over for many years! Here are just some:

  • "Careful guys!"
  • "While you doubt seven times, someone else will renounce."
  • "It is important not to move the street to that light."
  • "Only a bad person can offend offend."
  • "If I had five rubles yesterday!"
  • "Yes, I am Apollo!"
  • "Do you help or disturb?"
  • "All in the web, all in bulls."
  • "OK, Gregory."

But the love of the writer is manifested not only in this.


Mikhail Zhvanetsky - People's Artist of Ukraine and Russia. He was set a monument, his name was named Boulevard in Odessa, a small planet and ... Cognac. At the cognac factory in the hometown released two options: three-star and five-star. Now he has become even closer to the people.

Despite the fact that he stepped over the 80-year-old frontier, Mikhail Zhvanetsky full of creative forces, and he can listen at the concert. Do not deny yourself in this pleasure.

- We met in November 1990 at the opening of the World Odessa Club. One of the organizers of the event, my good acquaintance, asked to help - depart by tea-coffee. Mikhail Zhvanetsky was the president of this club. Of course, I knew him. I really liked his popular miniature about how to drive up on a tank to the market and ask the price: "Loka-Lope?!" From that evening, almost did not part. Smart men with a sense of humor have always made a strong impression on me. Everything else is appearance, age, the situation - there was no meaning. The first years of our dating, everything except Misha seemed fresh and stupid. (Laughs.) It has already learned later with greater tolerance to treat people and not compare them with Zhvanetsky.

- They themselves did not hesitate to talk to Mikhail Mikhailovich? After all, the conversation with a clever, ironic man is scary.

"Fortunately, never afraid and did not hesitate, although, a clear case, in 24, nothing particularly impressive to tell him, an adult man could not. I do not think that now I am shifted by intellect, but still for a long joint life with Misha, he learned a lot. Next to him, for example, it is impossible to look medium in the level of the film - after all, sometimes I want to bug into some disgusting comedy. He silently boils, begins to hide. (laughs.) Immediately becomes a shame, and I suggest: "And let's turn off? The film is terrible. "

- What is Zhvanetsky at home?

- The same cheerful and restless, how do you see it on the screen. He is interested in him, he constantly comes up with something, in everything deliberates: who came? when? from whom the letter? Where does the accounts? Why did he call? And this not? New bag? and whose production? And this wardrobe from what tree? I would not even have to ask so many questions. According to the degree of curiousness, it can be compared with a five-year-old child. It is Misha to sit in a new car, how the opening and closing of all panels begins, checking the devices, pressing levers. Our difference with him is 32 years old - not felt completely. He is movable to me. With parties, we leave the last when you begin to turn the chairs and a cleaner appears. Misha is still sparklingly joking in a narrow circle, and I have long been laughing up.

- Your main profession is a genius wife. Never wanted to at least temporarily work someone else?

- No, it is absolutely impossible. As long as the child has gone, I was tied to them both, now that Mitya entered the university, all the attention was switched to Misha: he needs my presence constantly. Sometimes reluctantly releases to his friends, but preferably in the afternoon, while he works alone in an urban apartment (at home, we live outside the city - it turns out: hanging out with a cat, with me, all the time trying to talk to us).

But this is a small sacrifice on my part. 22 years of continuous work as a duty officer at the desires of Zhvanetsky - I am not in a burden.

- Victoria Tokareva somehow told about his novel with George Dannelia and noticed that they could never be together, because only the "female notebook" can be seized with the Creator - the one that walks along the heels and all the thoughts of Genius writes ...

- Everything else in our family. Misha is a very responsible person, everything writes himself. He has little accounts - in half the sliced \u200b\u200bschool notebooks in a cell - a hundred pieces! Or maybe more ... He does not part with them, the thought came - recorded.

- True, what and with your famous portfolio, the writer does not part all life?

- Yes, this old, cooked, shaded, holding a briefcase on paper clips, seems to belong to Mishina Dad. The husband is so accustomed to him that it even seems to me, he considers him a talisman. Takes on all speeches. The paper is put in the portfolio, the portfolio is in a large bag. It protects him as a musician Stradivari violin.

- I noticed that all the texts of Zhvanetsky are written in the old manner - by hand.

- It's right. Computer husband does not recognize. And almost never texts corrects, does not rewrite. He has such a manner - the phrases shrink only slightly. And then reads them, then no - depending on the reaction of the hall.

- First listener of the new text - are you?

- No, there is no one particular "verifier" Misha. All summer we live in Odessa, where he writes texts for their concerts. When everything is ready, collects friends, a man 30-40, in a restaurant, equipped on the barge, and reads his new miniatures - so to speak, rolls the program.

- Natasha, and where is your favorite place Mikhail Mikhailovich in your home?

- In the bedroom on the bed. He loves to lie with a book or watch the news on TV. The second entertainment is to talk to the cat, our huge, Tolstim Maurice. They adore each other, Michal Mikhalych considers it an ideal interlocutor. That is silent when the husband tells him something. But basically I hear: "Handsome man, handsome man ..." (with laughter)

- Household questions Husband solves easily?

- life is completely on me. It happens that Misha interferes in the process and rushes to buy a refrigerator, a TV or something more useful. I'm trying to say that I can cope with myself, because he will certainly acquire the first, but the most expensive, beautiful and bunch of useless missiles. However, he does not hear me and does everything in his own way.

- But the woman is hard to bear it!

- He is not always at home. (Laughs.) Trips, concerts, TV programs, work on books - all this takes it much more than life questions. He leaves for a couple of days, and we are sinking in a quiet state. With dad, it is impossible: when he is at home, then all brakes.

- And on tour you do not accompany her husband?

- Extremely rare, we are practically not parting. Also almost do not go to the concerts: Misha does not like when we and son in the hall. He often tells about our family: Borsch got wrong, offended, burst out, the cat locked, the child punished is all about me. I normally perceive such "revelations", but for some reason it is uncomfortable in my presence.

- Of course! In his "monologue of his wife", the spouse is not very gentle: "Go crazder, creature, smesh, tie, just try not to look!"

"Not knowing how the Mischin works are created, many think that he simply tells the truth about the family - it sounds so reliably. The husband's cousin perceives everything very close to the heart. It is worth listening to Zhvanetsky, she immediately calls him: "Misha, how could you write about my wife?!" Of course, much in his monologues came from life. I learn myself, and our son, and acquaintances ... The Misha heard from us is modifies - and a new miniature is obtained.

He loves to listen, but the banal stories do not interest him, they do not care with him. (Laughs.) One of my Odessa girlfriend adores Michal Mikhalycha and, when we are visiting, seeks to talk to him. And somehow it shares with me: "When I told him how to beat the oil, he listened very carefully. And began to say smart things - turned off. " Well, it's from her intelligent point of view. (Laughs.) Misha is interesting only that information from which you can learn something.

- Returning to the "monologue of his wife" ... and what really a writer Zhvanetsky should be stimulated and force to work?

- Like any person, Handra sometimes visits him. And then sounds: "nothing happens! All, leaving retired! " I answer: "Will not come! You have a young wife and child. " Of course, it sounds frivolous, but, on the other hand, we are responsible for those who have tamed. In addition, Misha constantly helps someone to financially - friends, relatives, even, sometimes, very unfamiliar people. Someone burned down the house, someone had a breadwinner - her husband responds to other people's troubles.

- Mikhail Mikhailovich with such love and with knowledge of the case tells about women that they involuntarily begin to envy you - probably, it is very easy to negotiate with him, he also understands the female psychology!

- We must give her husband due: he always clearly explains his behavior and its position. This is an indispensable quality in family life. Misha does not allow me to fight in hysterics and tormented doubts how to behave correctly, what to ask him, and what's not worth it. Says direct text: "Now I am in a bad mood. It does not apply to you. " Or: "The child annoys me now." At the dawn, you could return home in the morning. I, like any wife, did not like it. But he said: "Do not do that I walk home with horror. A man should come back joyful, then it will happen more often. " Well, ... I took himself in my hands, stopped nervous, and he began to linger somewhere less often.

Scandaling and shame a man is the way to nowhere. Previously, when we swear, I turned around, chlo the door and went on the night. And when he returned, heard: "You should not do that. How can you leave, throwing me without food, in a dirty apartment and with a checkered shirt? " I argued: "You offended me! Do you think I had to get out, cook lunch, wash, stroke a shirt, wash the floors and then leave? " - "Yes," my husband answered in full.

Misha is a very clever man. I began to do the way he considered it right. We guessed - I take a rag, my floors, I cook a compote, stroke shirt. While finished - I forgot about the offense. (Laughs.) In general, it is better to go anywhere from her husbands. It is necessary to understand that they may not go to your searches. In addition, it is stupid to run out of the house in some slippers. Leaving go! Take money, passport, child, cat, suitcase. While you gather, you think a hundred times.

With my husband, we rarely swear, sometimes I am completely realized: "Ah, you do not like my borscht?!" He gladly picks up a firewall: "Yes, completely terrible!"

Misha is my teacher. Thanks to his upbringing, I became an ideal wife. I stopped asking who called where he went and when he returns. But now for some reason the husband is again dissatisfied: "Why don't you ask who call me and when will I?!"

- Another women are scary to love to dig in the past of their husbands and find out who they loved to them ...

- In my youth, I also climbed the Rogon. I wanted to hear: "No woman loved, you are the first love." Let it be a deliberate lie, but I would believe with joy. However, Misha can not tolerate lie, so evasively answered all the questions.

I have a plump character. I think that it is the willingness to leave for any minute in the end we connected us. We both did not believe in our Union for a long time, it was believed that everything was temporarily - well, a year, well, two ... When I periodically left, Misha friends went to my searches, led back ... This independence was probably melted its alertness.

- What does it mean "sought Mischina friends", and Mikhail Mikhailovich himself did not consider it necessary to do it?

"He had an interesting position:" If my woman, she will not leave. " So very many men think ... That is, it is pleased, how much you want, if you stand - yours. It will not stand - it means not your person.

But Mishino is the environment, all his friends, from the very first of our meeting the warmth to me were. I think they just tired an endless series of his girls. Still, no matter how cool, a 50-year-old man changing young girlfriends looks an idiot. I assume that our relationships approved and his friends's wife, they already did not like the young girlfriend Zhvanetsky. In short, literally everyone wanted us to be together. Therefore, we helped me in every way. The first to whom the Zhvanetsky showed me was shirvindt. Alexander Anatolyevich immediately said: "You will be a fool, if you do not marry."

- Adult men are terribly afraid that their own ones, bring up a young predator around the finger ...

- Funny! When we began to live together, Misha had a studio apartment in Moscow, the old "Mercedes" and the cottage in Odessa. Everything else was purchased already with me. It seems he left a lot to women from which left.

- Natasha, I wonder, and what Mikhail Mikhailovich thinks about the eternal female conviction: a man always must guess that in his beloved on his mind?

- And it seemed to me that he should guess my desires. I could even afford to make a hysterical about this. For example, we go to visit, I have nothing to wear. Misha asks: "Why didn't you say in advance?" - "What don't you see you?" And - in tears! - "No, I do not see. I like how you are dressed. If you need, say. "

- You have a generous husband, will not refuse?

- Never. It just seemed to me that he himself had to buy something I want. But on your own initiative, the husband never gives me anything - why should he break his head over what I want? Somehow in Israel in the showcase of the jewelry store, I saw an incredibly beautiful and terribly expensive pearl bracelet. The saleswoman, the statute woman of the sixty years, who did not speak Russian poorly, asked: "Do you like it?" - "Yes ... But it is so expensive." - "But this is a brand known for the whole world! Where is your husband? Show me it. " I pointed to Misha, walking non-report. She confidently says: "Call! He will buy. " It was worth only to cry out that the bracelet likes, the husband was paying at the same moment.

Misha taught me to speak openly about his desires and feelings. This is the wise tactic for family life. Do not want a dialogue? Then go offended at least a year, no one will never understand what's the matter.

Over the years I have never been bored next to him, we did not annoy each other. Of all the close friends, only I had a strong marriage. Although, as I said, we could not even assume that our story for a long time. When both it became clear that time is going, and feelings do not fuss, Misha spoke about the child.

"Why in this case honestly not to say about my desire to become mom?"

- This is perhaps the only case when a woman should wait for a male solution. Dishonestly become pregnant and put a husband before the fact. While he himself did not want a child, I did not start about this conversation. I think Misha understood: the time will come, I will want to give birth, and he will have to choose - to stay with me and become a father or leave. The son appeared because her husband wanted me to stay nearby.

- And what of Mikhail Mikhailovich came out father?

"While Mitya was small, he did not amused him completely and did not particularly occupy himself." Summary pictures, as dad beside the son, I do not remember. Mitya often remained with nanny, and we left for tour. Regarding recently, four years ago, Mishe finally became interested to communicate with our Son. When they are together, I try to leave, do not interfere. It seems to me that they are proud of each other.

- In Wikipedia it is written that Zhvanetsky, in addition to Mitya, four more children ...

- No one really knows how much, but it does not matter. I know for sure that there is a son who lives in America. So he was born with Mishin's consent. And the rest they simply presented. Somehow told Mity about his American brother. He was very surprised and reckled for this news very seriously, wanted to meet him. Of course it will have to do. It turns out: we, adults, do not even assume, how important our children are important, from our point of view, formalities. For example, when Mitya found out that I was not painted with his father, was also shocked.

- Why didn't you register relationships?

- I naturally wanted to sign. To a greater degree for the peace of mind of my parents. They did not understand how to live and do not work, besides with a man much older, and even unprincipled ... although they love Misha. So, a couple of years I asked me to take me to the registry office, but Misha did not express great joy and desire. He said that as soon as they were collected, the problems will begin, what is afraid to join ... True, it is either male tricks who know. Well, I spit on all these formalities, stopped thinking about them. And suddenly one day, two years ago, he asked why I did not want to sign. I drank devils in my head, the desire to say: yes! I do not want! But he took himself in hand. (Laughs.) Scheduled in Odessa, modestly, without witnesses, guests and a feast.

- Something changed in relationships?

- Misha believes that I now otherwise lead myself. Boldly and uncompromising. (Laughs.) And the fact that I just became older, he forgets. I am 46 years old, but for him I, apparently, remain still young.

- His words: "loyalty, loyalty is a tight tie tie. Loyalty is a light sign of lack of mind. " I wonder how to live with such a man who really thinks so? Or he writes one, and thinks another?

- It is likely that we are talking about the all-consuming loyalty of women when they look into the mouth and catch every sigh of men. From such devotion, they are strongly and quickly tired. Do not betray her husband, to be a true friend, but to remain independent - that's what I wish our women.

- And the last question: what to do women, if they are faithful, and their husbands are not?

- Misha says that: of course, the spouse can be mated, but you have to decide what to do about it. If you do not imagine life without your man, then why do you need to know a lot? I, for example, I do not ask about very many things - why get upset? (Laughs.)

Mikhail Zhvanetsky

A family: wife - Natalia; Son - Dmitry (17 years old), student of the psychological faculty of Moscow State University

Education: He graduated from the Odessa Institute of Engineers of the Marine Fleet

Career: The student years participated in the amateur time, where he began to write miniatures, which often performed. From 1964 to the early 1970s, he worked at the Leningrad Theater Miniature with Arkady Raykin, Viktor Ilchenko and Roman Kartsev, for whom more than 300 miniatures and monologues wrote. Since 1988, the artistic director of the miniature created by him. From 2002 to the present, it is a permanent leading broadcast telecast "duty in the country" on the channel Russia. People's Artist of Russia

Zhvanetsky Mikhail Mikhailovich - People's Artist of Ukraine, People's Artist of Russia, humorist, author-performer of humorous monologues, a china-container, TV presenter, perhaps the most famous Odessa on the entire post-Soviet space, President of the World Club Odessans.

It is noteworthy that Zhvanetsky is the author of hundreds of miniatures and monologues for Roman Kartseva and Viktor Ilchenko, whose authorship are often assigned to performers. Recently, Satiri has tried the role of the lead and quite well in her fit.

Growth, weight, age. How many years Mikhail Zhvanetsky

Growth, weight, age. How old is Michael Zhvanetsky? - These questions are often asked fans of the famous Odessa. Today, find answers to them, much easier than in the Soviet years, which came the peak of the popularity of saticaries.

Opening almost any page on the Internet on the topic of creativity and the life of Zhvanetsky, you can find out that the growth of the humorist is 171 cm, and the weight is 75 kg. Age to learn even easier, the date of birth of the artist is indicated on the official page in Wikipedia.
Zhvanetsky was born on March 6, 1934, so today he is 84 years old. With it, he is still in good health, continues to write, act on television, give concerts to the world

Biography and personal life Mikhail Zhvanetsky

Mikhail Zhvanetsky's personal life - an example of how life can throw a person in a variety of directions, so - the mechanical engineer in the moment became the most recognizable satirist of the USSR, and later gears a quiet family hearth on glory and communication with women whose names will be carefully hide.

Contrary to the problem that Zhvanetsky was born and grew up in Odessa and the unlawful rank of "the most popular Odessa", a considerable part of the life of Zhvanetsky spent a hundred kilometers from "Pearls by the sea", in the central part of Ukraine, while Satir was born after all Odessa, but the war broke out in 1941 forced the Zhvanetsky family to emigrate. Returned to his historic homeland, satiri aged 10 years. In Odessa, he graduated from 118 school, then received a specialty mechanic engineer of the lifting equipment ports.

The received profession was pretty close to the young Mishe, but the social activity of Manila was much more, was a course activist, a compusor, participated in creative amateur time.

In 1964, at the invitation of Arkady Rykin, it becomes the head of the literary part of the Leningrad theater miniature. Later Rykin criticized Zhvanetsky, noting that satyrika lacks banal perpetuity to perform this work, the explosive and unpredictable nature of Zhvanetsky could significantly harm the activity of the theater, he argued the scenarios that were on the verge of censorship, he himself wrote quite causing monologues, but his ability to get out, Find words and transfer in the text a variety of spoken speech, smoothing all sharp corners brought him success.

In 1969, Rykin, together with Zhvanetsky, launches the transmission of the "traffic light", where the author's monologues are first sound in his performance. At the same time, he writes miniatures for Roman Kartseva and Viktor Ilchenko. Many monologues made by them became truly folk hits, while not everyone knew that the author of these miniatures and monologues is Zhvanetsky.

At the beginning of the 70s, Zhvanetsky comes awareness that he found himself behind the scenes, monologues that took care of the quotes did not bring him no fame or money to him. According to the memories of Raikina, Zhvanetsky literally shifted that his monologues are assigned to other people, hearing in public transport the next phrase of his own essay, he wanted to shout that there is urine that the author of these words before you, but modesty, or something else did not allow him To do. As a result, Zhvanetsky decided to part with the theater and start the solo career

He began his personal creative way from performances in the Odessa Philharmonic and the Moscow Theater "Hermitage". In essence, these institutions were "Alma Mater" Satirik. In them, he received the first life and creative lessons, acquired popularity that allowed him to become a director of Rosoncert's director

In the 80s, the growing popularity of Zhvanetsky pushes him to new steps in creativity, he creates a Moscow theater miniature, where today works as an artistic director

The coming 21st century of information technologies and television forces satirik to change their role somewhat somewhat. He comes out with his monologues to television, quite successfully tries himself as a TV presenter. The program "duty in the country" (Russia-1), which was leading Zhvanetsky, had good ratings.

In 2015, the monologue of Zhvanetsky "Girl and Grandfather", caused an extremely ambiguous reaction in expert circles, shaking his position in the ranking of popular artists, did not like the position of saticar with regard to modern television. However, its own position is what always distinguished Zhvanetsky from many artists. This was noted by the authorities of Ukraine, bringing Zhvanetsky into the white list of artists supporting the territorial integrity of Ukraine and opposing Russia's intervention in the internal affairs of Ukraine. At the same time, Satirik him never publicly did not speak out about this and generally tries to stay away from politics, ridicuing in his monologues only the vices of modern society, but not the state and power.

Not much knows about the personal life of the famous Odessa. His first wife was called Larisa. Their marriage remained unnoticed against the background of the growth of the popularity of the artist. The country has not noticed and divorce spouses. Later, according to some reports, the artist changed several civil wives, information about which is extremely small in the network. According to some data, it has five children, but it is reliably known only about three children - two sons and daughters

Family and children Mikhail Zhvanetsky

Mikhail Zhvanetsky was born in the family of physicians. During the war, professional doctors were in short supply, therefore, with the beginning of host, Mikhail's father is called on the front. Working the surgeon in the front-line hospital, he saved hundreds, if not thousands of lives, awarded the Order of the Red Star.

Mikhail Zhvanetsky family and children - the topic that was interested in many residents of the USSR, however, at that time, it was much more difficult to find out the data about the life of idols than, so now, Mikhail Mikhailovich's personal life remained in the shadow of his work. Married Satiri was once, then he was unofficially lived with his beloved, information about which in the network is extremely small. Choices, Venus, Natalia became the names of the writer at one time. Modern media possess reliable information only about the last beloved Satirik, Natalia Suvorova, it is much younger than satirika, by profession a hydrologist, but worked as a costume.

Sons Mikhail Zhvanetsky - Maxim Zhvanetsky, Dmitry Zhvanetsky

Mikhail Zhvanetsky's sons - Maxim Zhvanetsky, Dmitry Zhvanetsky - grew up non-public children.

Maxim is generally known in addition to the fact that he, together with his mother Venus, emigrated to America. According to unofficial data, Zhvanetsky helped in the upbringing of the Son financially, but there is no confirmation.

The son of Zhvanetsky Dmitry was born in the last informal marriage of the artist, a student, a future psychologist, lives in the parent apartment in the center of the capital, while Zhvanetsky himself and his wife Natalia chose to move to the Moscow region, sometimes spouses attend the Odessa House Satirik.
Dmitry took the dar of the narrator from the father, while it is much less impulsive and more thoughtful that according to the Star Father will help him become a good psychologist.

Mikhail Zhvanetsky quotes, aphorisms, monologues

Mikhail Zhvanetsky: quotes, aphorisms, monologues - what a satirist remembered by any generation of people, his sharp jokes, as always on the evil of the day, ridicule the flavors of society, sometimes with rather strange and vertical expressions that quickly went to the people and calmed themselves.

All of them are collected in the books of Mikhail Zhvanetsky, who can be purchased almost in any bookstore today. Among the most popular: "My Odessa" (1993); "My portfolio" (2004); "Odessa cottages" (2007); "Do not continue short" (2010).

Wikipedia Mikhail Zhvanetsky

Wikipedia Mikhail Zhvanetsky today is available absolutely to everyone. On the official page of Satirik on the network, published information about his personal life, creative path. In the data on the page from time to time adjustments are made.

This is partly due to the fact that in the Soviet era, which owns part of the life of Zhvanetsky, information about the artists did not spread quite quickly, many of the data remained lost, and Satirov himself does not particularly reveal about his youth, limited only by well-known information.

However, information in Wikipedia will be quite enough to trace the formation of the creative personality of Zhvanetsky and learn about the main milestones of the creative development of humorist.