The most famous stories of Bunin. All works of Bunin.

The most famous stories of Bunin. All works of Bunin.
The most famous stories of Bunin. All works of Bunin.
In Russian literature, the Great Writer and Poet of the XIX-XX century, Ivan Alekseevich Bunin, a special place is assigned. This author was the first one who received the Nobel Prize for decent merit in Russian literary creativity. His fans were not only the inhabitants of our country, but also readers from near and far abroad.

A skillful wizard writing his thought beautifully, correctly built his own beliefs and excellently passed the listener all the magnificence of Russian nature that enchants his extraordinary paints and landscapes. Bunin affected many topics in their creative masterpieces - love for the Motherland, the peasant life, the absurdity of revolutionary coups in Russia, the tragic finale of human being and passionate relations of lovers of hearts.

Each work of Ivan Alekseevich awakens certain feelings, the reader is inspired by the frankness of the author and is experiencing peacefully together with the main characters, as if he is in charge of fictional people. All fans of creativity of the Great Russian writer are in the works of Bunin something native and spiritual.

Ivan Bunin was an excellent writer and an extraordinary poet. The picturesque descriptions of natural phenomena, painful experiences for their native country, inspired slogans and longing about the beloved woman ... All these topics tell every new generation about the important, life, which cannot be ignored and difficult to forget. It is necessary to read the works of a talented Russian writer with special care, only in this way you can understand all the sincerity and truthfulness of human life.

Creativity Ivan Alekseevich Bunina

The unique writer left behind many literary works: melodic poems, intriguing stories, impressive novel and numerous prose. The author was often engaged in translation, therefore, the famous novels of foreign writers can also be found on his work, with the plot of which Russian readers were able to familiarize themselves due to the professionally performed work of Ivan Alekseevich.

The works of Bunin are interesting and informative for everyone. His stories are happy to read schoolchildren during the study of the creativity of the Great Russian author under the program. Among his fans many people of middle and mature age. These people who have lived a long life are inspired by the humanity and frankness of Ivan Alekseevich. The author was often fond of philosophy, loved to reflect on life and death, as if he tried to look at the face of being. He expressed his reflections in creativity.

The writers were worried about many problems of humanity. He acted with all the souls for his country, saw the faded consequences for the Motherland provoked by the revolutionary process. He was always oppressed by injustice towards poor peasants living in scanty villages and often experiencing the need for the most needed.

Stories Bunin

All his experiences Bunin openly described in stories. In creative works, he touched upon many topics, close enough for every citizen of our country. The most intriguing stories of the famous Russian writer, with a fascinating storyline, were published in a unique collection of "Dark Alleys".

"Dark alleys" were written away from their homeland, in French land, during the emigration of Ivan Alekseevich. The first book was published in 1943. It consists of three parts, almost all the stories from this magnificent collection are devoted to a love topic.

1 part:

✔ "Caucasus"
✔ "Ballad"
✔ "Step"
✔ "Musa"
✔ "Late Hour"

2 part:
✔ "Rusya"
✔ "Beauty"
✔ "Flashing"
✔ "Antigona"
✔ Smaragd
✔ "Guest"
✔ "Wolves"
✔ "Business Cards"
✔ Zoyka and Valeria
✔ Tanya
✔ "In Paris"
✔ "Galya Ganskaya"
✔ "Heinrich"
✔ "Natalie"

3 part:
✔ "In one familiar Street"
✔ "River Tavern"
✔ "Kuma"
✔ "Start"
✔ "Dubki"
✔ "Baryshnya Clara"
✔ "Madrid"
✔ "Second Coffee Plant"
✔ "Iron Wool"
✔ "Cold Autumn"
✔ "Steamer" Saratov ""
✔ "Raven"
✔ "Kamarg"
✔ "One hundred rupees"
✔ "Revenge"\u003e
✔ "Swing"
✔ "Clean Monday"
✔ "Chapel"
✔ "Spring, in Judea"
✔ "Overnight"

In addition to the stories from the collection "Dark Alleys", Ivan Alekseevich also wrote other well-known works, impressive with the original storyline, a vivid narrative and sharpness of thought.

Story "Dark Alleys", summary

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin wrote his most beloved story in 1938. The plot is based on the topic of love, and the main literary direction is made in the style of neorealism. For the first time, the work was published in the publication "New Earth" (New York) in 1943.

The main character of the story "Dark Alleys" is a sixty-year-old man, Nikolai Alekseevich. He was a military man, had a wife and son, and in the past, he had a favorite woman named Hope, but for certain circumstances, their relations did not work out.

The former beloved, the woman is 48 years old, was the hostess of the inn. Nadezhda sincerely loved Nikolai Alekseevich, and even the fact of betrayal from his part (after all, he was the initiator of the gap), did not affect her feelings. All his life, she remained a devoted to his beloved person, so I did not get married.

In the work there is also a character of Klim, who serves as Kucher Nikolai Alekseevich.

The main storyline of the story is built in a random meeting of two former lovers. Their sudden conversation, after the thirty-year-old separation, awakens frankness. The hero is recognized as the hope that all these years was deeply unhappy and regrets the act of his deed. Only now he admitted to her, and he himself, that he lost at that moment the most expensive thing that could be in his life. Matching all the events of the past and present, Nikolai Alekseevich wonders about how his fate could have begun if he had not refused his beloved woman and built a married life with her.

In this story, the author reflects on the most serious problem of mankind - love, open and passionate, zealous and tragic, joyful and painful ... Is the time sustained by real feelings? Can I erase real feelings from memory and hearts of a loved one? Or the flying years leave only a trace of pleasant memories that often warm the human soul into unhappy times? All these questions, the reader can get an answer if the romantic and somewhat tragic work of I.A. Bunina - "Dark Alleys".

Story "Clean Monday", summary

In 1944, Bunin wrote another interesting story, which also entered the collection "Dark Alleys" - "Clean Monday". This product also refers to neorealism and has a love plot. It is clearly visible to antithesis, an artistic technique, aimed at a detailed opposition of the images of the main characters, their household life, spirituality and other important aspects.

The main hero of the story is boldly beautiful and young young man from the Penza province. He is in love with a beautiful girl. The work is based on the mental story of this person.

His beloved, a beautiful dim a girl with dark hair and black eyes, lives on a detachable apartment in Moscow. In the final part of the story, she goes to the monastery. It is about this, damn a beautiful and charming heroine, the young man tells his love story.

Their romantic relations were in a big city. The young man gave his beloved with gifts and flowers, they spent a lot of time together, went to concerts, restaurants and to theater.

Young people were a wonderful pair, they looked at each other. He is a beautiful and cheerful guy, outwardly similar on Italian macho. She is silent, but quite intelligent beauty, the appearance of which was comparable to the features of Persian and Indian girls.

The young man was inspired by her beauty and graziness, but he was always oppressed by her indifference towards him. It seemed that only love and respect for his native father live in her heart, and a cute chosen one was like an app to the daily life of the main heroine.

Once, the young man made an offer to his beloved, but received a refusal in response. Despite this, he was waiting and believed that her indifference would sooner or later disappear, and instead of this ridiculous feeling, in the heart of the elect, real love would wake up.

Their relationship continued, and soon, during a visit to the Novodevichy Monastery, what happened in forgiveness Sunday, the girl opens his lover his mystery. She is sincerely fascinated by the life of the monastery, often visits religious institutions and even dreams of getting out of everyday life in this world. The guy is confused, he did not expect such confessions from his bride.

At the end of the story, the young man describes her sudden departure to the city of Tver. She told the young man in her decision in an early morning, it was their last meeting outside the monastery. The guy long timened about the beloved, led a disturbing lifestyle, often visited the Kabaki. This separation seemed to cross all his life. She went to the monastery, and return her to his arms, no longer appeared.

Years later, in a clean Monday, he will visit the Arkhangelsk Cathedral, where among the marching nuns of the godfather, will notice the charming dark eyes their beloved ...

This story is striking the reader of the depth of revealed theme, forcing each of us to think about the meaning of human and spiritual life. The main character made his choice by giving clean and light love in return for religious beliefs. The intriguing storyline will have to do with each reader who respes the sincere feelings of love and the free choice of man.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin; Russia, Voronezh; 10.10.1870 - 08.11.1953

Ivan Bunin - a writer, a popular poet and a prose, publicist and translator who became the first Russian Nobel laureate. From under his pen there was a large number of poems, the ages and stories in which he described the beauty of his native land. Based on many Bunin, the books were put on the plays and artistic films were removed. And the writer himself constantly occupies high places among.

Biography Ivan Bunin

Ivan Bunin appeared in the fall of 1870 in the city of Voronezh, where his family moved due to the fact that high-quality education was needed to get high-quality education. His father was a helenty nobleman, whose origin began with the fifteenth century. The story of Bunin as a future writer began with the fact that a little boy since childhood was given a love for literature. After many years, he will remember how in his family it was customary to read in the evenings. Also early, the future writer began to study foreign languages \u200b\u200band visual arts.

When the future writer turned fourteen years old, the Biography of Bunin acquired a sharp turn - by the decision of the Father, he entered the Yelets men's gymnasium. Throughout the training, Ivan often changed the place of residence, ranging from the room in the house of the local tradesman, ending with the sculptor's comor. As for the process of study, then, as the brother of the writer told, if listening to Bunin, then he best coped with humanitarian sciences, unlike mathematics, the exam was afraid of the most. Five years later, in 1886, the future writer graduated from his studies in Yelets Gymnasium. This happened because during the holidays he moved to his parents, after which he had already decided not to return back to the educational institution. For non-appearance after the holidays, the leadership of the gymnasium decided to eliminate the rioon. Then he began to study at home, giving all his strength to humanitarian sciences. At the early age of the author, you can find poems of the Bunin about nature, and at the age of fifteen years the young man created his first novel called "Hobbies." However, the creativity of Bunin then did not receive a proper response, which was why he was denied publication. In 1887, the poet was dying, which was the idol of a young author - Semen Naddon. Bunin decides to write a poem in his honor, and it immediately appears on the periodic publication page.

Thanks to the brother, which was engaged in learning Ivan, he could calmly pass the exams and get his certificate. In 1889, Bunin goes to work in the publishing house of the famous magazine "Orlovsky Vestnik." There are stories, critical notes and poems of Bunin not only published, but also get a lot of enthusiastic reviews. But after three years, together with her brother, Julia, Ivan decides to move to Poltava, where the librarian begins to work. In 1894, a beginner writer arrives for a while in Moscow, where he gets to. At the same time, several stories and poems of Bunin come out, which describe the beauty of nature and sadness from the fact that the noble epoch will end soon.

At the age of twenty-seven years, Ivan Alekseevich publishes a book called "on the edge of the world." Prior to that, he earned a living mainly by translations of popular foreign authors. This work of the Bunin has gained great popularity, and already in 1898 he gives a collection of his poems. However, traditionalism, which seeps in the works of the writer, was already slightly outdated for that era. Then the symbolists who criticized the poetic poems of Bunin came to replace. The same, denying all revolutionary ideas, one after another releases the story, which in a sharp manner describes Russian people ("Village", "Sukhodol", etc.). Thanks to these works, he becomes popular among readers. Over the next few years, new Bunin stories come out, while the writer himself travels a lot. This is due to the revolution in our country. So in 1917 he lives in Moscow, after a year - in Odessa, and after two moves to Paris, where he experiences serious financial difficulties. For the creation of the traditional image of a Russian man and Russian nature in 1933, Ivan Bunin, whose stories have long become popular already outside of his homeland, receives the Nobel Prize in the field of literature. Half the amount that was awarded with the award, he distributed to the needy who asked his help. Thus, after three years after the presentation of the reward about Bunin, we can read that he began to live quite poorly, trying to earn with the help of his stories. All this time, he actively continues to engage in writing activities, in parallel trying to monitor what is happening in his homeland during World War II.

In the 40s, the health of the writer has deteriorated much. Doctors have found a serious lung disease, and Bunin went to the resort in South France. However, he could not achieve a positive result. Since it was difficult to live in a poverty in such a state, the writer turned to his friend who lived in America. He was able to achieve the consent of the local philanthropy on the payment of pensions Ivan Alekseevich. In the autumn of 1953, the writer became much worse, and he could no longer move normally. In early November, Ivan Bunin died from a heart stop due to severe lung disease. The grave of the writer, like many other emigrants from Russia, is located on the small French cemetery of Saint-Geneviev de Boua.

Books Ivan Bunin on the site top books

Years of life: From 10.10.1980 to 08.11.1953

Russian poet, prose, translator. From 1920 he lived in emigration. Nobel Prize Laureate. For I. Bunin, it is characterized by following the traditions of Russian classical literature and the deep rejection of the October Revolution.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was born in the time. The shredded landowners of the riunins, belonged to a knowledgeable robe. In 1874, the Bunins decided to move from the city to the village on the farmers farm, in the Yelets Country Gipping, in the last estate of the family. Memories of childhood - years with seven, as Bunin wrote, - they are connected with the field, with the men of men and their inhabitants. At the eleventh year, he entered the Yeletic Gymnasium. In the gymnasium, he began writing poems, imitating Lermontov ,. In the gymnasium, Bunin was held for 4 years, further education received at home under the leadership of Brother Yuri. From the autumn of 1889, his work began in the editorial office of the newspaper "Orlovsky Vestnik", the father in 1890 was finally broken down (he fell weakness to cards and spirits), sold the estate in lakes. In the editorial office, Bunin met his first civil wife (the girls' parents were against marriage) - V. V. Pashchenko. At the end of August 1892, Bunin and Pashchenko moved to Poltava, where Bunin worked the Librarian of the Zemstvo Government, and then - statisticians in the provincial counteratus. The bunin began to appear in the "thick" journals - "Bulletin of the Evpopa", "Mp God", " Russian wealth "- and attracted criticism. In 1893-1894, Bunin, being a passionate fan of L. Tolstoy, visited the colonies of Tolstov, met with Lvom Nikolayevich himself. From further follows on the path of "support", Bunin refused, but the artistic power of a thick-prose was forever remained for the riunin unconditional guideline, as well as the creativity of A.P.hehhov. In 1895, the civic wife of Bunin is married to his friend. Bunin left the service in Poltava and left for St. Petersburg, and then to Moscow. There he enters literary circles, meets almost with all the well-known writers and poets. In 1897, the book "On the Edge of Light", which brought the writer in fame in the literary environment. In 1998, Bunin married A. N. Tsakney, but the marriage was unhappy and short, they diverged in 1900. Their Son Kolya Died on January 16, 1905. In 1899, Bunin visited Yalta, met with Chekhov, met bitter. Later, Gorky invited Bunin to cooperate with the publishing house "Knowledge" and, despite the ideological dissimilarity of writers, this cooperation continued until 1917. In early 1901, a collection of poems "leaf fall", which caused numerous positive criticization reviews. "Listopad" and the translation of "songs about Guyavate" Longfello was noted by the Pushkin Prize of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Since 1902, the collection of writings of Bunin in the publishing house of Gorky "Knowledge" began to go. At this time, the writer traveled a lot. In 1906, Bunin met V. N. Mupomitsevaya, which became his civil, and then a legitimate wife (in 1922). In 1909, Bunin is elected by an honorary member of the Academy of Sciences. The village of Village, printed in 1910, caused great disputes and was the beginning of the great popularity of Bunin. For the "villages", the first major thing, followed by other stories and stories, published in the collections: "Sukhodol", "John Rydlets", "Bowl of Life", "Mr. from San Francisco". The revolution I. Bunin treated sharply negatively and , Having live in Moscow in Moscow 1917-1918, Bunin and Vepa Nikolaevna left first in Kiev, then in Odessa. After long-lasting walnings in 1920, the writer and his wife sailed to Constantinople, then to Paris. In France, Bunin and lived until death. In the 20s, the 1930s, the books "Rosa Jericho", "Mitin Love", collections of the stories "Sunny blow" and "God's Tree". And in 1930, an autobiographical novel "Life Arsenyev" was published. In the emigrant period, Bunin is actively involved in the life of Russian Paris: Heads from the 1920 Union of Russian writers and journalists, acts with the appeals and appeals, leads in the newspaper "Revival" in 1925-1927 The political and literary rubric, creates a similarity of the Literary Academy in Grass. At this time, a rather strange story began in the life of Bunin. In 1927, Bunin met the Russian poetess of Kuznetsova. Bunin was fascinated by a young woman, she, in turn, was delighted with him, their novel was widely publicized. However, Ivan Alekseevich managed to convince his wife that his relationship with Galina is purely Platonic. It is not known what motifs were engaged in the wife of the writer, but Kuznetsova was invited to settle at the Bunins and become a "family member." Almost fifteen years old Delilant Kuznetsov overall shelter with Bunin, playing the role of a receptional daughter. In 1942, Kuznetsova left Bunin, carried away by the Opera singer Margo Stepun, than brought the writer a deep spiritual wound. In 1933, the Nobel Prize was awarded, as he believed, primarily for the "Life of Arsenyev". When Bunin arrived in Stockholm to receive the Nobel Prize, he was already recognized in Sweden in the face. Russian emigration has been rejoiced, and in the USSR, it was officially announced that the award of the Bunin award is "the incident of imperialism." From 1934 to 1936, the collections of the writings of Bunin was published in Germany. In October 1939, Bunin settled in the town of GPass, lived here the whole war here. Here he wrote the book "Dark Alleys". With the Germans, Bunin did not print anything ("Dark Alleys" went to the USA), although he lived in a large lady and hunger. The fascist regime was treated with hatred, rejoiced victories of Soviet and allied troops. The book "Dark Alleys" caused an ambiguous reaction. The writer, who considered the book of the top of his creativity, was accused of almost in pornography. After war, Bunin expresses the desire to return to the USSR, which removes many Russian emigrants from himself. However, after the famous decision on the magazines "Star" and "Leningrad" (1946), M. Zoshchenko, M. Zoshchenko, Bunin declined to return to his homeland forever. The next years the bunin sick a lot, and yet wrote a book of memories and worked on the book "About Chekhov ", Which he finished on time. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin died on the night of November 8, 1953 on his wife's hands in a terrible poverty.

Regarding the October Revolution, Bunin wrote the following: "The spectacle was solid horror for anyone who did not lose the image and similarity of God ..."

The Nobel Prize Writer, devoid of "practical smelting", ordered extremely irrational. Z. Shakhovskaya writes in his memoirs: "Returning to France, Ivan Alekseevich ... Not counting the money, I began to arrange a feast, distribute" benefits "to emigrants, sacrifice funds to support various societies. Finally, on the advice of the benevolent, he invested the remaining amount into some kind of "win-win case" and left with anything. "

The last entry in the diary I. Bunin dated May 2, 1953 says: "It is still strikingly before the tetanus! After some, very little time will not be - and things and fate all will be unknown to me!"

I. Bunin became the first emigrant writers who began to be printed in the USSR (already in the 50s). Although some of his works, such as the Diary "The Cast Day", came out only after restructuring.

Literary activity begins as a poet. In the articles written in the years of youth, imitates Pushkin, Lermontov.

In 1891, the first book of poems was published, in 1897 - the first collection "on the edge of the world", and in 1901 - the next collection of poems "List Falls".

Intimate and landscape lyrics constitute the basis of the Creativity of the Russian poet of the 90s - 1900s.

Landscape lyrics reflects the author's vital philosophy. It is Nature that serves as a source of creative ideas of the artist. Therefore, for the lyrics of this period, the motive of the strugnure of human being, in contrast to eternity and the inheruristic nature of nature.

The lyric work of this period include the poem "Forest Road".

The image of the Motherland is the key in the poetry of Bunin I.A. She is found in the incomplete paintings of nature, penetrated by a leaning sense of love. For example, the poem "Spring".

For the poet lyrics, it is characterized by restraint in the expression of feelings, a variety of described sentiment and almost complete lack of art trails.

The lyric range is quite wide, however, the fame of I.A. Bunin brought prose.

The main themes of the early stories of the writer became the image of the peasantry and the ruining nobility.

In his stories, such as the "New Road", "Pine", the author writes about the outgoing harmony of the patriarchal lifestyle, about gradually eliminating the estate.

The devastation and ruin of the noble nest causes sadness. The author's sadness in the story "Antonovskaya apples" (1900) is particularly pronounced.

The writer avoids sharp plot events. For early creativity, the riot is characterized by the smoothness of the narrative, sometimes even slowness. Texts are filled with complex associations and shaped connections. The artistic part is of particular importance, which can tell about the psychological condition of the character, beauty and complexity of being.

The revolution of 1905 left his imprint on the work of the writer and the poet. According to I.A. Bunina The Russian man was divided into two types - the smysrennik and the rebellion. On the confrontation of these types of people, he will write in his works "Village", "Sukhodol", "Lyudaya Grav".

1914 - 1916 is the time of final design of style and worldview in the work of the writer. During this period, a person is part of something eternal, which is included with a writer in space, but at the same time there are no domestic connections, so the person is forced to fight for happiness elusive and fragile.

Such dialectic is characteristic of the Bunin works of this period. A famous model reflecting these thoughts served as a story "Mr. San Francisco". The writer through the image of the main character showed the viciousness and sinfulness of modern civilization, lost spirituality.

The overseas prose of the writer is saturated with a feeling of sadness and longing in their homeland.

In Emigration I.A. Bunin is working on the collection "Dark Alleys", where the love of love as an embodiment of the unity of spiritual and physical began.

Bunin as a poet by the end of the days is engaged in poetry. He graduated from his creative path by writing shortly to death the last poem "Night".

White deer. Arrows in the green meadows, in those Logs of the Single Dae, in those whether the meadows are all the cheer and flowers, wearing the revenue of the bottom of the bottom is nyliz.

Palente night ... Tumanov Pelona. Palente night ... The fogs of the paddle in the hollows and meadows becomes white, the forest sound, lifeless moon and silver dew on the glass is colder.

In the country chair, at night, on the balcony .... In the country chair, at night, on the balcony ... Ocean is a cradle noise ... Be trusting, meek and calm, rest from the Dum.

In the forest, in the mountain, spring, alive and ringing. In the forest, in the mountain, spring, alive and ringing, over the spring, an ancient cabarpe with a lobcker blackened icon, and in the spring, a birch root.

Evening. We always remember about happiness only. And happiness everywhere. Maybe it is - this garden is autumn behind the barn and clean air, pouring into the window.

High full month costs. Highly full month stands in heaven over a foggy earth, a pale light of a meadow silver, heated with white haired.

Mr. San Francisco. Mr. San Francisco - His name in Naples, nobody remembered on Capri - I drove into the old light for half two years, with my wife and daughter, the only for fun.

Husky green spruce by the road. Thick green spruce by the road, deep fluffy snow. They walked the deer, mighty, tone-legged, throwing grievous horns to his back.

Rustic beggar. Aside from the road, under the oak, under the rays, sleeping in Zipunishk, a headed rude, old beggar, a gray-haired disabled person; He is out of the far road and arrive under the road to relax.

Childhood . The hotter the day, the sweet one in Bor to breathe dry resinous aroma, and I had fun to wander in the morning for these solar chambers!

Also cold and cheese. The cheese of the February air is also cold and cheese, but the sky looks over the garden with a clear look, and the youngsters of God's world.

It is still not soon, not soon. Still morning it is not soon, not soon, the night of quiet forests did not leave. Under canopies of a sleepy boron - predestrous warm meal.

For all of you, Lord, thank you! . For all of you, Lord, thank you! You, after the day anxiety and sadness, give me an evening dawn, the expanses of the fields and the meekness of Blue Dali.

Forgotten fountain. A packer from amber was crumbled, and an alley to the house was swaying from the edge. September Spring Safety will spread the wind in the garden empty.

Launch. I went home on the slope along the Oka, on the transfer, the shores of the wrong, admiring the steel of the curly river and the horizon is low and spacious.

Calm. Beyond the days of gray and dark nights, a bright farewell time has come. Quietly sleeping day over the quiet fields, and the decele of the evening meditation.

Why and what to talk about? . ... why and what to talk about? All soul, with love, with dreams, all the heart try to reveal - and what?

The star trembles among the universe .... Star tremble among the universe ... whose hands are wonderful carry some moisture precious so crowded vessel? Star flaming, sterling sorrow, heavenly tears why, about the Lord, you will be sorted over the world.

Mirror. Dark winter day, calm and darkness are designed for the soul - and everything that has reflected what was in the mirror, fed, lost.

And then again in charge. And so again, in charge of dashing, deserted and driving, the birds of birds fly to the seas, the black chain of triangular.

Both flowers, and bumblebees, and grass, and ears. Both flowers, bumblebees, and grass, and ears, and azure, and a meal heat ... The term will come - the Lord of the Son of the Produal asks: "Was you happy in the life of the earth?

How lights like spring! . How lights like spring! Look in my eyes, as it happened. And tell me: why are you sad? Why did you like it? But you are silent, weak as a flower ... oh, silent! I do not need to recognize: I learned this caress of the train, - I am again alone!

When it comes to the dark city. When a deep dream goes into the dark night, when the blizzard, circling, turns on the bell tower of a chime, - how terribly the heart freezes!

Epiphany night. Dark yelnik snow, like fur, chose gray frosts, in the arts of it, right in diamonds, bent, bent, bearing, birch.

Lapties. The fifth day was impenetrable blizzard. In white, a pale dusk stood from snow and a cold farm house and was a big grief: a child was seriously sick.

Summer night . "Give me a star," the child is torn to sleepy, "Give, mommy ..." She, hugging him, sits with him on the balcony, on the steps leading to the garden.

Leaf fall. Forest, exactly by terring painted, lilac, gold, crimped, cheerful, a pazroom wall stands over a light meadow.

We met by chance, at the corner. . We met by chance, at the corner. I quickly walked - and suddenly, as the light of the zarnan, the evening cut the twilight through black radiant eyelashes.

On the window, silver from Inea. On the window, silver from Ineu, the night of chrysanthemums bloomed. In the upper windows - the sky is bright blue and a storage in the snow dust.

On the pond. Clear in the morning in a quiet pond, the swallows are spent around, falling to the water itself, slightly touch moisture with the wing.

The day will come - I will disappear. The day will come - I will disappear, and in this room it will be empty, the table, the bench da, an ancient and simple.

Not visible birds. Poor caustic. Not visible birds. Poorly falls the forest, empty and sick. Mushrooms have gone, but firmly smells in ravine dampness mushroom.

No sun, but bright ponds. There is no sun, but the bright ponds, stand with mirrors by litas, and the bowls of the immovable water would probably seem empty, but the gardens were reflected in them.

I meet the days of a joyful week. One I meet the days of the joyful week, - in the wilderness, in the north ... And there you have spring: melted in the field of snow, the forests were fun, the distance of the dassennyh meadows and is clear; There is a white birch green, clouds are clouded above and gentle,

Astra shoved in gardens. Asters in the gardens, a slim maple under the window turns yellow, and a cold fog on the fields all day still whites.

First matinee, silver frost. First matinee, silver frost! Silence and ringing cold at the dawn. Fresh glossy greens the track of the wheels on a silver spacious, in the yard.

Before the sunset came. Before the sunset, clocked the cloud over the forest - and suddenly the rainbow fell on the rise of the rink, and grunted everything around.

Wildflowers . In the brilliance of lights, behind the mirrored glasses, the dear flowers, gentle and sweets their thin smells, leaves and stems are full of beauty.

Last bumblebee. A black velvet bumblebee, a golden tear, coming up a buzzing singement string, why do you need to fly in housing a human and as if you tell me?

Ghosts. No, the dead did not die for us! There is an old Scottish dedication that the shadows of them, invisible to the eyes, at the fulfillment of us go on a date that the dusty harves, hanging on the walls, mysteriously concern their hands and awaken in the dormant strings

Early, slightly prominent dawn. Early, slightly prominent dawn, heart of sixteen. Garden is a dormant molding with a lypovy color of heat. Quiet and mysterious house with an extreme cherished window. Curtains in the window, and for her the sun of my universe.

Sapsan. In the fields, far from the estate, the wrath of wigs. There's a wolf wedding, there shreds wool and litter.

Cricket. This small story told me cricket cricket, all November worked with another Shaornnik,. Vasily, at the Rememer landowner.

Svyatogor and Ilya. On the grivasty horses on the cosmodes, on the devil striving on the distressed, the brothers, little and older, go for a day, and two, and three, they see a simple trough, run - Academy of coffin, and great: the coffin is deep, dubbed,