Sparrow and his girl. Sparrow: "They do not confuse women older and children

Sparrow and his girl. Sparrow:
Sparrow and his girl. Sparrow: "They do not confuse women older and children

Personal life Alexey Vorobyov has long been interested in the fan of singer. Alexey - a pretty guy, Harsmantic, any would be ready to become his girlfriend. However, he is not in a hurry to associate himself by the Uzami. Vorobyov met with many celebrities, but still his heart is free. Although Alexey is already thinking about serious relationships, therefore even participated in one famous television show with the screaming name "Bachelor".

Alexey Vorobyov and his wife

Now Alexey Vorobyov is not married, but journalists have long attributed to him a serious relationship, including the marriage, with beautiful girls.

Alexey Vorobiev - Bachelor

In 2016, Alexey Vorobyov realized that he was tired of short, no means leading to relationships. He decided to take part in the popular TV show "Bachelor". This is the season of the program. Previously, Vorobiev was very young, but now, when he was already 28 years old - this is a real chance to change his personal life.

25 beautiful girls will apply for the hand and heart of Alexey. Only one should remain at the end of the show, it can become a potential wife of Vorobyov. In each series there will be one girl, it will stay without a rose. Rose - flower, which is presented to the girl in this time.

Alexey Vorobyeva's chosen by Alexey Vorobyva. He is in relationships chief, and the last word remains behind him.

After "bachelor", Alexei Vorobyeva's personal life will definitely change. He will have a chance to build a family.

Star show "Bachelor" is experiencing a severe personal drama. Alexey successfully avoided the campaign to the registry office even with the most spectacular and talented beauties. However, it seems that there was a mysterious representative of a beautiful sex, which managed to hook a 28-year-old Vorobyeva. True, not long.


In the afternoon, the enviable bridegroom announced that he became a bachelor again, and his heart was now broken. The artist has already met for a long time with a brunette. The girls of Alexey persistently showedly showed, but by other parts of her body, such as a fifth point, willingly boasted.

Idyllo did not last long. Careerist Vorobyev had to go to work in the United States. He decided to make a surprise his chief and flew to her to Moscow. And caught on treason. After that, rudely called a windy brunette. Upset Alexey published a smile in the social network with an middle finger.

"This is for all moralists who decided not to put the life of" on the show ". This is my life and my serious instagram. So, with all my respect, go to *** together with this sh ** ho "," Favorite performer switched to the mat.

Later he repented in his careless words. "13 hours in the sky are cut off, and the music allows you to be cleaned. I always saved me, and only work saves me. Please forgive my attack of rage. This door slammed, moving on ✌🏻, - I decided to start with a pure sheet of Sparrow.

Recall, the artist all overwhelmed his feelings splashed out. "I flew for 13 hours, spent in Moscow only 18 hours from the moment you exit the plane and landing on a new flight, where I will spend 13 hours again in flight. And you know what? It cost ... Now I know exactly what miracles It does not happen. Fit for at least a few hours to be with his girlfriend, and fly by a bachelor ... The moral of the story is as follows: if you want to do a surprise, and fly for someone through the ocean for a day - better warn about your intentions. # love ", - complained to the fans of Alexey.

Then the singer promulgated the photo of the luxurious buttocks of his own. The name of the beauty who broke the heart to the idol of millions of Russians, Vorobyov preferred not to call. Judging by the signature to the snapshot, the brunette left a deep track with the soul of the musician. "I will remember us so well? And the rest is just a sota, as if it was not. Sotra is your phone, I don't remember him, the erase of your photo, and the erase of you from my life," - signed a picture now former beloved artist.

March 12 for Alexey Vorobyova - an important day. On the Russian TV, on the TNT channel at 21:30, the fourth season of the show "Bachelor" starts, the hero of which was Alexey, and at the same time in Los Angeles, where in recent years he lives, Kids "Choice Awards 2016 - ceremony will take place Awards of the Nickelodeon Channel Award: Alexey - One of her nominees. Will the artist receive a statuette this year in the form of an orange airship on the CSA 2016, we will find out online, and to find out which of the 25 participants will he choose in the "Bachelor" show You will have to wait: the name of the same one will be announced only in the project final, which is approximately scheduled for May 28. On the eve of these events, Hello magazine! Meet Alexey Vorobyev to learn about them from first.

Alexey, why did you agree to participate in the show "Bachelor"?

I want to meet my destiny. (Smiles.) To me, unfortunately, there is no place to get acquainted with the girls. I do not go to parties, I do not sit on dating sites. All the time is busy, so if I can get a romantic acquaintance, then only at work. But finally I decided to break this vicious circle. I wanted to find a girlfriend from a completely different world. If the show "Bachelor" helps me to meet my fate, it will be great.

What did you disclose for yourself by participating in this show?

I understood a lot about yourself. For example, that I am not categorically ready for compromise. You know how people say: "We are not your mind crazy, but it seems to come together." Here this moderation is completely alien to me. I am an unlimited man. I need emotions, passion. Preferably for life.

When the shooting began and participants appeared before you, did you understand what kind of girl are looking for?

If I myself clearly understood it! (Smiles.) As a person prone to self-analysis, I, of course, tried to figure it out. I have my own set of ideal female qualities, and, I will say honestly, I met my ideal in my life. But here's a strange thing: for some reason we did not work. But girls who do not correspond to my theoretical ideas could drive me crazy.

Are you not scary when you are crazy?

So much more interesting! In the relationship it is impossible to calculate anything. I'm so in life - I strive to think about everything. What I say, what will be answered to me ... on the "Bachelor show" all my calculations collapsed from the very beginning. Everything immediately went wrong, as I thought out. At first I was angry, and then just let go of the situation. Indeed, why should everything be in my opinion? Around me 25 beautiful girls ... Then they, however, it became less than ten. But the situation began more and more and more from under control.

Alexey Vorobyov and leading show "Bachelor" Peter FadeevAlexey, we hope that the searches of the dream girl will not prevent you from going on March 12 in Los Angeles for the Kids Award Ceremony "Choice Awards, where you are presented in the nomination" Favorite Russian Actor ". What does this nomination mean for you?

It is already important one word "favorite". Not "best", not "coolest", and "Favorite" is the one who loves. And if children love you, then there is nothing more beautiful. For me, a huge honor to be nominated for this award. The first time I got it two years ago. If this year the guys minor rewards me, I will be very happy.

Final show "Bachelor" season 4 has become a complete surprise for devotees of project fans. Instead of the expected Happy End with a ring and a happy winner in the role of the bride, Alexey Vorobyov, Bachelor posted the spectators a pig, violating the main rule of the project providing for the presence of the winner.

Why Alexey Vorobyov did not choose anyone in the finals of the show "Bachelor 4"

First of all, the "bachelor" is a show, and it means that it is inherent in the game and setting, otherwise there will be no beautiful picture on the screen. It is unlikely that someone seriously could believe that only two people were attended by dates. Nothing like that is at least ten people, a whole shooting brigade. And how sincere can the conversation of Tet-A-Tet, with such a company of witnesses?

Initially, the project of this format cannot be sincere emotions. And if Alexey Vorobyov, having an unfinished activist acting at school-studios, he held in front of the camera, kept confidently enough, then for many girls, work on the shooting platform was a serious test.

Awareness that every step and gesture is written, hardly contributed to the emergence and manifestation of sincere feelings.

Everything else, after the first three seasons "Bachelor", the interest in the project declined noticeably. What could the program rating? That's right, an unexpected junction. The project's creators made the right calculation by sending finalists at home: Internet users could not calm down for several days, looking around the latter news.

Moreover, now the audience will definitely track any information on how the personal lives of former participants and Alexey Vorobyev after the Show "Bachelor 4" are building.

Personal life Alexey Vorobyev before and after the show "Bachelor 4"

Long before the arrival at the "Bachelor" show, Alexey Vorobyov won the glory of Lovelaces. Next to the artist, it was often possible to see his famous colleagues from show-party. So, about a year Alexey Vorobyov and the star "thaw" Anna Chipovskaya tried to build relationships:

The service romance Alexei Vorobyov and Oksana Akinshina was short-term, but the young man did not stop the fact that the actress was married:

With the singer Victoria Daineko, Alexey Vorobyov met about eight months, but the pair broke up suddenly and without visible reasons in May 2012:

Despite its publicity, Alexey Vorobyov prefers conversations about his personal life conversation about creativity. In Stagram Alexei Vorobyev, it is impossible to find information about the heart affairs of the stars of the 4th season "Bachelor": the topic "Girl Alexei Vorobyov" is a taboo in his microblog.

Alexey Vorobyev's only love, whose pictures regularly appear in his Instagram, this is a cute corgi named Elvis Melvis, who did not leave the bachelor even at the shooting of the Show "Bachelor 4".

Who from the participants of the project Alexey Vorobyov occurs after the end of the show "Bachelor 4"?

While the viewers of the project watched, and then discussed the latest news of the final of the 13th series "Bachelor 4", Alexey Vorobyov himself went on tour to Kazakhstan.

Judging by the pictures that appear on the network, the artist enjoys high attention of female during the tour.

But in Instagram Alexei Vorobyov, there is no news for the second day. Subscribers are waiting for an explanation from the artist, but he continues to keep a pause and keep silence.

Alexey Vorobyov and Alla Berger after the finals show "Bachelor 4" did not resume her novel

Many fans of the project are confident that Alexey Vorobyov after the finals of the Show "Bachelor 4" meets with one of the participants. At the same time, the audience believed that Alexey Vorobyov, after the "Bachelor" show, would remain with the Alla Berger.

... Our bachelor @ Mr.ALEXSPARROW remained a bachelor. Lesh, be happy! Find your half in this world

Will there be together Alexey Vorobyov and Natalia Gorozhanov after the show "Bachelor 4"?

Natalia Gorubusova in the 13th series of the project "Bachelor 4" Many viewers predicted victory. Despite the staged format of the show, some managed to see the relationship of Alexey and Natalia obvious sympathy. Leaving the show, Gorozhanova clearly made it clear that was ready to continue the relationship with Alexei.

If you remember the acquaintance with the parents of the actor, then it is Natalia Gorozhanova, according to Mom artist, an ideal wife for Alexei Vorobyev.

"Each of the girls with whom the life has reduced, influenced me. One taught to be happy every second, the other - cruel, the third - that promises to love always - just words that people speak to each other under the influence of the injection of endorphins in blood, "says 28-year-old actor, Hero Show" Bachelor "on TNT.

- You look at you, and the first thing you think: the heart, it is hardly used to hear "no" in response. And how did the girls really refused?

Infrequently. But I always give girls a chance to say "no." After all, in life it is this way - a man offers, but a woman always decides, and that's right. But if the girl does not pretend and does not play, it is usually immediately clear what she is ready and what can happen between you. But I will be frank, usually I do not ask permission to kiss your hand or spend my house.

I want a number of man with whom nice to wake up

- Do you believe in love at first sight?

My parents met in trolleybus and the next day filed an application to the registry office. What do you think, do I believe in love at first sight? Only in such and believe. But all that comes with awareness and sound, suspended choice, can not be called real love.

- Are you love for the first time when the rank?

In the pioneerland "Orlenok" in the ears fell in love with the harmony. I was 14 years old. The feeling just overwhelmed, everything literally stopped as in the movies in slow motion. When the change came to an end and it was time to leave, cried. At the time of our farewell, she kissed me on the cheek and gave a wooden phenus bracelet. She is the only one I wrote letters. And she answered! And I read it to my girlfriend in full! We, by the way, we now communicate. She has a husband and a child, she is happy. But we both carried the memories of this story through the years.

- Well, when first love ends so romantic. And there were tragic stories?

Like everyone - when the beloved girl went. But I'm too dumb and could not accept it. In a year we were together again. I loved her, such a different, what it is. He loved to sit with her in the kitchen and talk. Loves to listen as she reads. He loved not to sleep for 20 hours, only to see her next. He loved when she is angry, and tried to be "the best version of herself" for her, even understanding that I already cease to be myself ... And all the time I was looking for a compromise so that we could be together. But after some time, stopped trying to settle all problems alone, because she only created them, stopped postponing the work for later to be with her, and when she again became the one, which in fact, I realized that I had sought it. And he broke out forever.

- Most of the time you work in America. Why did the chief decide to look for in Russia?

I do not care about nationality. People are different everywhere, and it rather depends on the upbringing than from citizenship. I decided to look for in my country, because for several years of work in America and in Europe I could not get used to the fact that in the morning, hugging a girl close and almost native to you, I must talk to her tongue at a non-tree. It would seem that a trifle, to all you can adapt, but I do not want to get used to what I do not want to do.

- On the project there are only 25 participants, a limited circle. And if you do not like it?

It is difficult to believe in it, but it is here that the probability of meeting the same for me is 25 times higher than in life. The fact is that recent years practically did not live, but only worked. The day of the actor and the director is such that to get acquainted with the girl - not a counterpart for almost no one. When I was released, the subway is already closed, there is no one on the streets. I don't go to clubs and do not go to the parties - there is no habit, nor the desire for an empty spending time. Therefore, doomed to office novels. They arise when people are combined with the energy of a common cause, and inevitably end - sometimes just as quickly as they begin. At some point you begin to understand what you live like on a submarine, around the same face. And no matter how beautiful they were, I want to break out this vicious circle and go ashore. That is what I did. I went to the "Bachelor" to find what was still due to my workolism I missed: a person with whom he wants not only to fall asleep, but also wake up. That is what I was missing.

- Having met this, ready to move away the work on the background?

Not a single woman need a man without a goal. And the man needs a woman who will help those goals to seek, for which he will move forward. So she will understand me, and will take it, or it will be necessary to change himself, finally understood that there are other, no less important things in addition to work.

I won't let the woman dominate

- So love still requires victims?

Love is an infinite desire to take care of a different person and know that if tomorrow you need to give everything that you have, even life in the end, do this without thinking, because all this is not necessary if there is no loved one. God forbid, so that no one has to sacrifice, but the awareness of what is ready for it, and there is love.

- If you fall in love with a girl from a project, where will you live: in America or in Russia? How do you feel about relationships at a distance?

You will need to go not to America, but wherever I went. Relationships at a distance are possible, only under the condition of complete trust and confidence that it is temporary. So you can check the real feelings. In the modern world, the mass of opportunities to communicate through video communications, even on the road. It seems difficult and painful, but imagine that every day without a single touch to each other you discuss some events, laugh. This and the joy of expectation of the meeting, and the dream never part more. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about. But such relationships - a compromise. And I'm not ready for compromises.

- "She is crazy" - such would like a girl nearby, as in your song?

Adrenaline must be present. Life is an exciting movie in which you and your woman play the main roles. Do you like boring movies? Me not. The film can be sad, make crying or laughing, but should not be fresh, otherwise you will want to leave already in the middle of the session. So in relationships: Let them be whatever, just not boring.

- Are you ready to meet with a woman older who, maybe there is a child?

The age of women has never been important to me. Only she herself. The older you become, the more life experience, and the girls younger help forget about him. If a woman is older, this is a communication built on mutual understanding, along with the awareness of past mistakes, and the reluctance of both of them to repeat them. As for children ... I care about the set of chromosoma of the child and who is his biological father. I dream of a big family, such that I grew up. And I am quite ready to take responsibility for a woman and a child with whom she will come to my house.

- What disadvantages do not accept in girls?

A person must be taken as he is, with all good and bad. As soon as you start changing it, and I did it many times, it changes and your attitude, because it will not be the one who loved you. There are no shortcomings - these are the character traits that make us personalities. The only thing that will never accept is the desire to dominate. I won't let the woman play a male role.