Beautiful story about the moon. Moon in art

Beautiful story about the moon. Moon in art
Beautiful story about the moon. Moon in art


1 Chapter.The general concept of the lunar landscape. ........ ...............................5

2 Chapter.The function of the lunar landscape in the epic works ......... .7

3 Chapter.The function of the lunar landscape in the lyrical works ... .... 18




The image of life could not be complete without the descriptions of nature. Therefore, so often the landscape is used in the literature. But this is not the only reason for using the landscape in the artwork. The landscape creates an emotional background, on which the action is deployed, emphasizes the psychological state of the heroes, gives a deeper meaning with the stricken stories. A short barcode in the description of nature can change to the opposite impression of the work, give separate facts an additional value, in a new way to expand the accents. Nature is not only sketching from nature, it simulates life situations and goes to an external event or a silent witness, or the initiator of unexpected emotional decisions, or inthibular power, forcing people to detect their own individuality.

The subject of study of this course work is the functions of the lunar landscape in the works of Russian writers and poets such as N.V. Hogol, L.N. Tolstoy, A.P.chekhov, I.A. Bunin, V.A. Zhukovsky, K. D. Balmont, Vyach. Ivanov, D.I. Melezhkovsky, S.A.Senin, V.Makovsky. Thus, the purpose of the work is to define the concept of a lunar landscape, its role in the artwork on the material of Russian literature. To solve the goal, the following tasks were put forward:

Explore the existing scientific literature on this topic;

Determine the concept of lunar landscape;

Find examples of using the lunar landscape in Russian literature and analyze them from the point of view of their goal inclusion in the text of the work

Match the data obtained and conclude.

The topic of our work is chosen non-random. It seems to us that she is quite new, interesting and unusual. In our opinion, the lunar landscape very often performs a symbolic function, which carries a special semantic load in the artistic work. This is explained by the fact that in the minds of the people of the Moon always caused mystical associations, with the night luminaries, people associated the activation of the otherworldly forces. With the phases of descending and stay of the Moon, the ancients corrected all the events on earth. The moon played a huge role in the witchcraft practice [Antiquity Dictionary: 324]. It is not surprising that the mythological image of the moon is so common in all nations.

The relevance of our work is determined by the fact that the role of the lunar landscape in the literature is not fully studied and deep and deep, as a result of which it is an undoubted interest.

Literature review. The image of the moon in poetry draws attention to M.N. Epstein in his book "Nature, peace, a cache of the Universe ...". It is devoted to landscape images in Russian poetry. Epstein traces the reasons of images from many poets.

When writing this work, we used articles and monographs such as:

Pereverzev V.F. "At the sources of Russian realism" (in this book there is a chapter dedicated to the work of N.V. Gogol, in which the collection of stories "Evening on the farm near Dikanka" is analyzed);

I.E.Kaplan "Analysis of the works of Russian classics" (here the author analyzes the works of A.P.chekhov, in particular considers the image of Ragina from the story "Chamber No. 6");

Semenko I.M. "Life and Poetry Zhukovsky" (the scientist notes romantic traits in the work of Zhukovsky);

Kataev V.B. "The difficulty of simplicity: the stories and plays of Chekhov" (in this work there is an attempt to analyze the episode of the night in a cemetery from the story of Chekhov "Ionch");

Schetalov S.E. "The artistic world of I.S. Romegenev" (the author appeals to the story of Turgenev "Ghosts" and explains why Turgenev-realist appeals to the fiction genre);

Greek V.N. "Russian fantasy" (the test of Turgenev "Ghosts" is considered, the elegic mood of the work is explained, there are reviews of critics about the story);

Savry, Yu.I. "Artistic opening of Russian writers" (the author notes the relationship of man and nature in the works of Chekhov and Tolstoy).

When analyzing the lunar image in the literature, we made a comparison with the Moon in mythology. For this purpose, the mythological dictionary was used edited by M. N.Bvertvinnik, an antiquity dictionary edited by R.I. Kuzishchina. In addition, to highlight the functions of the lunar landscape in the literature, we studied the role of the landscape at all. To do this, we used a learning manual for literature ("Introduction to literary criticism" edited by L.V. Khnets). The manual highlighted four functions of the landscape in the artistic work.

1 Chapter. General concept about lunar landscape

The moon is rich in power sudden

Mystery always hovers around her


Lunar, or as it is also called "moon", the landscape is a kind of landscape on the light source. Its antipode is solar (sunny) landscape. Such opposition of the Sun and the Moon comes from time immemorial. Even in mythology, these images are inextricably linked with each other. Anyway, the sun and the moon in the myths of different nations are associated with family bonds. So, in the Egyptian mythology, the goddess of the Moon - Tefunut and her sister Shu - one of the incarnations of the solar start, were twins. In Indo-European and Baltic mythology, the motive of courting of the month behind the sun and their weddings is widespread. In the Roman mythology, Moon accounted for the sister of the God of the Sun Heliosa [Mythological Dictionary: 38].

The selection by the author of a source of light is determined by the psychological warehouse of the personality of the writer, the artistic plan of the work, so the preference by the author of the solar or lunar landscape can give important information to understand his creativity. It is believed that solar landscapes reflect the optimistic mood of the author, and the lunar are characteristic of works with a pronounced email tone. So, in poetry the most "lunar poet" can be called S.A. Jenin. According to M.N. Epstein, he has "from the shining in the first place the image of the Moon-month, which occurs in about each third work of Yesenin (41 of 127 is a very high coefficient)" [Epstein 1990: 248]. The preference of the lunar light is explained by the pronounced tragic, pessimistic erasing of Yesenin.

As a description of nature, the lunar landscape in the artistic work is always motivated by something, plays any role. So, the landscape can perform the following functions:

1. Designation of the place and time of action. It is with the help of the landscape reader clearly can imagine where events occur. But the landscape is not "dry" indication of time and place of action, so it always performs additional functions.

2. Scene motivation. Natural processes can send the flow of events in one direction or another.

3. Form of psychologist. This feature is the most common. It is the landscape that creates a psychological attitude of the perception of the text, helps to reveal the inner state of heroes, prepares the reader to changes in their lives.

4. The form of the author's presence (indirect assessment of the hero, occurring events, the expression of its ideas, etc.). So, the landscape can become a field of author's statement, an area of \u200b\u200bindirect self-characteristic. The writer when he wants to be correctly heard and understood, often precisely the landscape trusts the expressive of his views [Introduction to literary studies 1999: 229].

Sometimes the landscape may be non-functional, that is, "independent" - important in itself, as an independent character of the work. Such a landscape with deletion from the context and can exist separately from it in the form of miniatures.

The landscape in the literary work rarely happens to the scenery at all: usually he has a national peculiarity. The national peculiarity is also manifested in the use of certain landscape images [Introduction to literary studies 1999: 229]. Thus, the image of the moon is more characteristic of Eastern literature and folklore, and the northern peoples prevailing the image of the Sun. Recall, for example, that in the east, a beautiful girl is likened to the moon, and the image of the sun is used in the north to designate women's beauty. If we talk about Russia, then you can not give a definite answer to the question of which image is more characteristic. This is due to the complex multi-layered Russian culture, the history of which has undergone the influence of the East and the West.

The lunar landscape is more characteristic of the works of folkly painted, mythological, widely represented in the works of romantics, symbolists.

2 Chapter. Lunar landscape functions in epic works

In epic works, there are most opportunities for the introduction of a landscape that performs a variety of functions. Naturally, the lunar landscape in any prosaic work explains the place and time of action in the work. But in addition to the function of the background, it performs others.

Thus, the lunar landscape can perform a psychological function - an explanation of the state, the hero mood by taking psychological parallels or opposition. For example, soft moonlight meets the trembling state of Dr. Startsev in the story Chekhov "Ionch"; The moon leaves for the clouds when he loses hope and in his soul it becomes dark and gloomy.

And accurately dropped the curtain, the moon went under the clouds, and suddenly everything darkened around (Chekhov, Ionch).

V.B. Kataev notes that the night in the cemetery gave the older opportunity "The first and only time in life to see "The world is not similar to anything other »Touch mystery. The magical night on the old cemetery is the only one in the story, which carries the prints of the usual, repeatability, institutions. She alone remained in the Hero's life stunning and unique "[Kataev 1998: 18].

It is interesting that this is the last episode where the elders appears against the background of nature. Chekhov shows on the background of nature only morally "living" heroes. After this episode, the hero is mentally "dying", becomes an institutional man. Thus, the moon leaving the clouds marks the moral "death" of Startsev. We see that in Chekhovsky story, nature and man is in close relationship. This feature of the landscapes of Chekhov was correctly noticed by Yu.I.Sokhryakov: "Following Tolstoy and Chernyshevsky Chekhov, refuses to consider a person in the detachment from nature or as simply contemplator of its beauty" [Savings 1990: 47].

Description of the Moon Night in Otradnaya in the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" Also helps to understand the inner world of the character. Natasha admires the wonderful moon night and is trying to convey to Sony this thought. Natasha says:

Yes, you wake up, Sonya, because such an adorable night never happened(L. Tolstoy, War and Peace).

Natasha understands that every moment is unique. The heroine of the novel thinly feels beauty, she is full of love for people and the whole world around. Not everyone is capable of it. Only the one who is alien to pragmatism can enjoy the delight of the lunar night, considers L. Tolstoy. After all, he has nature - "This is not just a background for mental experiences; This is a sphere in which the whole artificial, apparent, fake and its inner essence is reset, and its inner essence is exposed. "[Savings 1990: 43].

The lunar landscape can be used to express copyright ideas to create a special atmosphere. Such a role Lunar landscape plays a story I.Turgenev "Ghosts". This story together with some other occupies a special interesting place in his work. The story of "Ghosts" is a mystical fiction. This is incomplete the characteristic direction for Turgenev with his reputation of an acute social accuser and realist. "However, it is no doubt that the writer experienced a creative need from time to time to turn to mystical plots in a variety of periods of life" [Minerals 2003: 111]. But if you look deeper into the story, you can see that Turgenev did not cease to be a realist: it is the same as in other works, raises social, moral and philosophical topics, but gives them in a fantastic refraction. "A fantastic technique allows a realist artist to reveal the secret wakes of the hero" [Shatalov 1979: 280]. The plot of "ghosts" is built on the basis of an extraordinary incident: the flight of the main character with the ghost of Ellis around the world. But the author emphasizes this event as a real, unreasonable. "All the means of realism of Turgenev here applied here in order to extract the reader in the possibility of incredible to cause him a sense of involvement in fantastic history, which will be in front of him" [Shatalov 1979: 275]. One of these means in the work, naturally, is a landscape. Landscape in the story plastic, touches. Throughout the narrative, the author periodically appeals to the lunar landscape. On the one hand, the moon, of course, creates the atmosphere of secrecy, mysticism, which is precisely against the background of the lunar light a ghost appears. But on the other hand, this lunar landscape is described as realistic that the illusion of the reliability of what is happening. So, the moon is described in very detailed, it is not static, constantly changing along the story:

Trail Moon On the floorbegins quietrimmed, straightened , slightlyrounded from above

... breeze stuck, moonall brighter performed On the murmur sky, and soon the leaves of the trees played silver and a black in her cold rays.

... the ghost quietly swung forward, mixed all, easily worried as smoke - andmoon again rooted peacefully on smooth semi(Turgenev, Ghosts).

In addition, the Moon makes an Elegy, sad motifs into this. F.M.Dostoevsky himself noted: "Ghosts" are similar to music "," filled with longing ". This longing is caused as if premonition. Turgenev himself appreciated the "ghosts" subjectivity, the lyrical beginning, the fact that the critic P.V.annenkov called "Elegy", "the story of the artistic soul" [Greeks 1989: 10]. This mood is justified by the content of the story, because throughout its hero it turns out in the center of passions and human experiences, hesitates the human suffering and chases, aware of the injustice of the social device:

Sad became me And somehow indifferently boring ... Earth itself, this flat surface, which was spread under me; The whole globe with its population, instant, weaker, depressed by the need, grief, diseases, chained to the glyb of despicable dust; This fragile, rough cortex, this thigh on the fiery sand grain of our planet, on which the mold was tagged, the organic, the vegetation kingdom; These people are flies, a thousand times insignificant flies; their elbow dirt housing, tiny traces of their shallow, monotonous, their funny fight against immutable and inevitable, - how it suddenly meall overgrowth ! A heart inside of meslowly overturned , and ne. wanted to meoccuping For these minor pictures,on this purchase exhibition (Turgenev, Ghosts).

Against the background of the beautiful Moon Night, events are unfolded in the story "May night, or drowning" N.V.Gogol. But the night landscape is not just framing the action and is a colorful background. Description of nature here creates a poetic attitude of the work, allows you to look at the characters of the heroes at a certain angle of view. The description of the lunar night gives the test of special lyricism and charm. So begins one of the most poetic agents of Gogol, which is part of the collection "Evenings on the farm near Dikanka":

The ringing song was powered along the streets of the village *** was the time when borrowed by day work and concerns of the Fubs and the girls were noisily collected in a circle, in the brilliance of a clean evening, pour out their fun in the sounds, always inseparable with a sadness. And conceived the evening dreamily hugged the blue sky, turning everything into uncertainty and distance(Gogol, May night, or drowning).

But in the second chapter, a really amazing picture of the Lunar May night appears in front of us:

Do you know the Ukrainian night? Oh, you do not know the Ukrainian night! Peer in it. From the middle of the sky looks month. The immense heavenly arch rang out, spread even more immense. He burns and breathes.Earth All B. silver Light ; And the wonderful air and cool-dukes, and full of ballasts, and drives the ocean of fragrances.Divine night! Charming night ! Low, inspired forest steel, full of gloom, and threw a huge shadow from ourselves. Quiet and deceased these ponds; The cold and darkness of the waters are sullenly concluded in the dark green walls of the gardens. The virgin thickets of the black and cherry crash stretched their roots into the key cold and occasionally lay the leaves, as if angry and indulge, when a wonderful windmill - the night wind, putting instantly, kisses them. All landscape sleeps. And above all breathes, everything is wild, everything is solemnly. And in the soul and immense, and wonderful, and the crowds of silver visions are slightly arising in her depth.Divine night! Charming night ! And suddenly everything came to life: both the forests and ponds, and the steppes.The magnificent thunder of Ukrainian nightingale , and might be that andmonth he heard him in the midst of the sky

It is no coincidence of the phrase " Divine night! Charming night!"Repeated in a small passage by volume twice. The author thus causes the reader to admire this beautiful picture of nature, which he touched by recreated. Gogol in its description conveys the feeling that the nature is alive. Air "Polon Netga"; cherry and cherry "Pugishly stretched their roots into a key cold and occasionally lay down with leaves"; Nightwind - "Beautiful windmake"; village, "As enchanted", "Drempt". The world of earth and heavenly merge in the landscape: month "In the midst of the sky" "heard" nightingry. And unites these two worlds "Divine Night."

And what follows the picture of the night? Interestingly, then the whole lyrism of the narrative, asked by the landscape disappears, as there is a story about the head, "an important face on the village", impregnated with the thin irony of the author. Such antithesis is not amazing, it is typical for Gogol's creativity. So, V.F. Pereveverzev suggests that in the "Evenings on the farm near Dikanka" faces, on the one hand, "everyday life, small, terribly funny, devoid of strong passion, mighty thoughts and a heroic impulse", and on the other hand "Night life is deployed next to", "rich in strong joys, beautiful gusts, serious, deep experiences." This is "quiet, dreamy evening, dark, mysterious night, whisper of lovers, sincere song, mysterious forces" [Pereverzev 1989: 288].

Another description of the nightlife, the author introduces when Levko, tested by leprosy of bubbles above his head, turns out around the pond, falls asleep imperceptibly and falls into the world of magical fairy tale. Landscape Here is the same: the majestic and gloomy maple forest, the "fixed pond", a month illuminating everything around, "Solovna Ratish", "Brilliant Night".

Majestically and gloomily Clenched Maple Forest, who was facing the month. The stationary pond urived with freshness on a tired pedestrian and made him relax on the shore. Everything was quiet; In the deep most often, the forests were heard only the rats of nightingale.

... looked around: the night seemed even brilliant in him. Some kind . Never had happened to see him like.Silver fog fell on the surrounding area. The smell of flowering apple trees and night colors ran throughout the land.

So unnoticed the transition from the world real into the world of dreams, fairy tales. And when is this transition takes place? Most likely when " strange, the ceiling shine was added to the gloss of the month" and when " silver fog feet on the surrounding" When Levko wakes up, he returns literally into the sublifting world: "A month who stopped over his head showed midnight ...". That is, again the silver light of the month turns out to be the boundary of the worlds of real and fictional, earthly and heavenly.

From poetic landscape "Having conceived evenings" Begins the story. In it, reality is closely intertwined with fiction, fantastics, the world of legends. The work is completed on the same poetic note:

... and after a few minutes everything was already falling down on the village; alonemonth also brilliantly and wonderfully sailed In the immense deserts of the luxurious Ukrainian sky. Also solemnly breathe in the embroidery, and night,divine night , Majestically, tramored. It was also beautifulearth B. wiped silver brilliance ; But no one already got away with them: everything plunged into sleep.

Thus, we see that the night landscape is framing the story, concludes its action into a kind of frame composition, it fills the characteristics of Levko and Ganna.

The image of the moon in the work can be symbolized, that is, it can express various figurative meanings. Because the symbol of the symbol is a set, then the lunar landscape can have a wide variety of interpretations. For example, the moon often has a death symbol. So, the moon as a symbol of death is often found at A.P. Chekhov. The Moonlight floods many landscapes of Chekhov, filling them with a sad mood, peace, peace and immobility, similar to what causes death. Behind the story of the death of Belikov in the story "Man in a case" It follows a description of an excellent rural pattern, filled with lunar light, from which itifies freshness and peace.

It was midnight. It was visible to the right, everything was the village, the long street was far away, the verslet is five. Everything was immersed in a quiet, deep sleep; Not a movement, no sound, can not even believe that in nature it may be so quiet. Whenin the lunar night see a wide rural street with her sinks, stacks that were asleepthe soul becomes quiet ; In this, his rest, hiding in the night shades from work, worries and grief, she is a mild, sad, beautiful, and,it seems that the stars look at it affectionately and with moutigation andthat evil is no longer on earth and everything is safe (Chekhov, man in a case).

Chekhov is no coincidence here uses the word "It seems"because the external well-being and the lack of evil after the death of Belikov deceptively. In fact, the death of Belikov did not disappear, such as he was not her only representative in the city. A life, "Not prohibited circular, but not allowed quite", continued.

And in fact, Belikova buried, and how many such people in the case remained, how much will be! (Chekhov, man in a case).

The moon illuminates the cold corpse of Dr. Ragina in the story "Ward № 6".

There he was lying on the table with open eyes, and the moon night illuminated him (Chekhov, Chamber №6).

The main character dies, so the author punishes him for inappropriateness, for unwillingness to fight evil. "Surovo, courageously condemned the checks of the position of public indifferentity, because the breakdown attitude of Dr. Ragin to life, his extreme indifference to people turns out to be disastrous not only for his patients, but also for Ragina himself" [Kaplan 1997: 69].

The image of the moon appears to the death of Ragina: when the hero is on the site of his patients. She is an ominous foreman, reflects the feeling of fear in the soul of the hero.

Andrei Efimich departed to the window and looked in the field. Already got dark, and on the horizon on the right sidecold, Bagro moon… "Here it is reality!" - thought Andrei Efimich, and he became scary.There were terrible and moon , and prison, and nails on the fence, and a distant flame in a plane factory (Chekhov, Chamber №6).

Then everything subsided.Liquid moonlight She walked through the lattices, and on the floor lay a shadow similar to the network.It was scary (Chekhov, Chamber №6).

Description of the lunar landscape in this story Chekhov, and however, in all others, very concise, but the Chekhov are different that, using only catchy, spectacular parts, creates an impressive picture of nature. This was said to the Chekhov himself: "In nature descriptions, it is necessary to grab the minor particular, grouping them in such a way as to read when you close your eyes, a picture was given" [Saves: 47]. In this case, such expressive details are "Cold, Bagro Moon", "Liquid moonlight" - They are filled with bright expressive color and draw us a really ominous picture, which accurately depicts what is happening in the soul of the main character. Ragin feels horror, as he was clear and realized that all reality is a prison, he realized his guilt in front of people. Once in the ward, and not in the cozy office, in the sick dressing, and not in Vitzmundire or Thrake, he realized that "it turns out that it is impossible to despise suffering; indifference - scary! " [Kaplan 1997: 73].

But the most clearly thought about the relationship of the Moon and death is expressed in the story "Ionch"when the elders sees cemetery "The world where it is so good and soft moonlight, exactly here his cradle"where "Veins forgiveness, sadness and peace" (Chekhov, Ionch).

The moon can act as a symbol of dark passion. So, the moon in Chekhov pushes to a forbidden feeling, encourages infidelity. In the story "Lady with a dog" Gurov with Anna Sergeyevna make the first steps towards each other, amazing an unusual lilac sea with a gold stripe from the moon.

They walked and talked abouthow strangely lit by the sea ; The water was lilac, so soft and warm, and on itfrom the moon was golden band (Chekhov, lady with a dog).

Olga Ivanovna from the story "Pumping", enchanted in a quiet lunar night is solved on treason to her husband.

- Yes, what night! - she whispered, looking into his eyes, brilliant from tears, thenquickly looked around, hugged him and firmly kissed her lips (Chekhov, Pumping).

Inexperienced Anya, story heroine "Anna on the neck"Makes the first step on the way of spoiled coquette moon night.

She iswent to the platform, under the moonlight and it became so that you saw her all in a new gorgeous dress and in a hat ... Noticing that Arthnov looks at her, shespintfully narrowed his eyes andspoke loudly French,and because that her own voice sounded so beautiful and what the music was heard andthe moon reflected in the pond And because it was greedy and curiously watched arthnes with curiosity ... She suddenly felt joy ... (Chekhov, Anna on the neck).

The main character is a poor girl who for the sake of his family marries a rich man who actually gives her fortune and fighting. Immediately after the wedding, the newly made husband is lucky young wife for praying in the monastery, in order to show it, "that in marriage he gives the first place of religion and morality." At the train station, Anya is immersed in heavy thoughts about his family, but suddenly in the lunar radiance notes the interested glands of men and decides that it will certainly be happy. It was in this episode that a fracture in the soul of the heroine, she rises on the path of her moral fall. We see how gradually from the immaculate pure girl Anya turns into a shameless free lioness.

The moon warms the passion in Startsev in the story "Ionch". They master erotic fantasies.

... older waited, and accuratelymoonlight heated in him passion , waited passionately anddrew kisses in the imagination, hug . He sat near the monument from half an hour, then walked along the side alleles, with a hat in his hand, waiting and thinking about how much here, in these graves, the women and girls who were beautiful, are charming who loved, burned in the night of passion, Returning caress ... in front of himbellles are no longer pieces marble, and lovely bodies , he saw the shapes that shuddly hid in the shade of the trees, felt warm, and this Tomgroy became painful (Chekhov, Ionch).

W. I.A. Bunina The image of the moon most often acts as a symbol of unfortunate love. So, in his story "Clean Monday" The main character and his beloved on the eve of his unexpected parting is walking under the full moon. The moon foreshadows them separation, it is no coincidence that the heroine is caused by the association with the skull.

Dear was silent, a clone head from the bright lunar blizzard, who flew towards.Full month dived in the clouds over the Kremlin - "Someglow Skull ", - she said(Bunin, Clean Monday).

The story "Clean Monday" repeats the characteristic "formula" of the plot of all the stories of Bunin about love - a meeting of men and women, their rapid rapprochement, dazzling outbreak of feelings and inevitable separation. Moreover, in this story, parting and incompecting is clear to us, it seems in the beginning of strange and mysterious, because there is no visible reasons. But this is the feature of the love of Bunin, since it is always tragic, doomed, for only the heroes just painted the heroes, as Bunin counted, will retain this love for life. For Bunin, the scope of love is the sphere of the unbreakable secrets, non-sphere, opaque semantic depth. "Love," as one of his contemporaries wrote, "he always seemed to him hardly the most significant and mysterious, which is in the world" [Mikhailova 2000: 58]. The lunar landscape in the story additionally emphasizes the mystery of the feeling of two loving people.

3 Chapter. Functions of the lunar landscape in lyric works

In the lyrical works, the landscape is presented with a stingy than in prose. But because of this, the symbolic load of the landscape increases. This feature is especially brightly reflected in symbolist poetry.

So, for K. BalmontaAs for many other symbolists, the moon is a symbol of the ideal world, the world of dreams, beauty, creativity. The poet envelops the image of the moon with a haze of secrets, chasing her sad beauty: "The moon is rich in power of supremie, // Around her always vitat secret.// ... // with their beam, beam pale green, // she cares, strange so waves, // ... // But, we are hooking our hope of unforgettable, // she herself fell asleep in pale gave, // Beauty toasts free, // Supreme Lady of Sobble! "(Balmont, Moon). Especially clearly, the connection of the moon and the ideal world stands out in his sonnet "Moonlight":

When the moon sparkles in the darkness of the night

With his sickle, brilliant and gentle,

My soul seeks another world

Failure to distant to everyone, all vast.

BUT Vyacheslav Ivanov In one of his poems, a metaphorically calling the moon with the name of the demonic goddess Hecati, directly calls her "Double Peace":

Pale head night light

Mirror black deaf agate

So it causes twin

The world is hekat.

A somewhat differently disclosed the image of the moon from the "senior symbolist" D.Mergekovsky. His moon acts as a carrier of the universal evil. In his poem "Winter Evening", the poet says so about the moon: "Oh dull moon // with unkilled eyes", "Criminal Moon, // You are horror", "The moon damned lyrics // performed by evil power." In addition, the image of the moon can also be considered as a symbol of death, because under an evil look at the night ladder of the sky there appears the image of a dusting cane, "patient, dry and skinny". In addition to the moon, death symbols are silence and crows:

Moon Cursed Lick

Performed by evil power ...

To the ground Flood Reed,

Patient, dry and skinny ...

Ravens hoarse cry

Grove is heard from bare.

And in the sky - silence,

As in a desecrated temple ...

It is not surprising that the literature of the lunar image symbolism is so diverse. After all, it is their roots associated with mythology. And in mythology, the moon plays a very ambiguous role, and the attitude of people to her was contradictory. On the one hand, the Nights lady - a sorceress, unable to distinguish good and evil. But at the same time, the moon is the eternal symbol of the female maternal beginning, the first assistant of the fever and young mothers. So, in Western (ancient Greek and ancient Roman) mythology, we will meet the various hipostasis of the lunar deity. This and Selena - the goddess of femininity, and Artemis - a symbol of virgin nature, integrity, and gera - the goddess of motherhood, marriage, and percepton, symbolizing rebirth, magic, and hekate - the goddess of darkness and ghosts, patroness of illusions and deceptions. Therefore, for example, the interpretation of the lunar image in the literature as a symbol of an animal passion, the death symbol is torn to the mythological image of the moon type of chapels, a demonic goddess, and as a symbol of unfortunate love - to the mythological image of the village of Selena, which by myths suffered from unrequited love [Mythological Dictionary: 129]

It must be remembered that in the poetry in the landscape the main thing is not the depicted nature itself, but the feeling that the poet wanted to convey. The moon in the artworks is more often used to create an elegic mood, for the reader's dive into the world of longing, sadness, dream. Such an art decision is often used in many works of romantics. The entertainment of romantic oppression of the world and the perfect hero is highlighted by twilight, dying the fire of the moon and stars, thanks to which the boundaries of reality are blocked, immersed in the semi. It is in such an atmosphere to the romantic hero comes confidence in the vastity of its own existence, in the absence of limits between him and Being. The lunar landscape sets the subject of timeless space; This is the scope of the essentials of the elements, the personality as an independent substance, the only mighty to comprehend the deep meaning of the universe. The moon, reflecting the unconscious beginning, could not not be used irrational in the knowledge of the world by romantics.

So, the creator of a romantic landscape with a mysterious twilight flavor, V.A. Zhukovsky Very often uses the lunar image. M.N. Epstein speaks of him: "Zhukovsky opened the poetry of a fascinating day," Evening Earth Transformation ". The poet of the poet is nearly a shipment hour, in the image of which he remained an unsurpassed master, predecessor and inspirer A. Block. Zhukovsky is one of the most "lunar" poets, chanting the night shone more than 10 poems and created in his "Detailed Report on the Moon ..." a peculiar poems of the encyclopedia of lunar motifs in his own creativity "[Epstein 1990: 210]. Zhukovsky uses the image of the moon for immersion in the world of dreams and memories:

The moon of a flawed face rises from the hills

About the quiet heavens of thoughtful shining,

How is your shine at dusk forests!

How pale Breg you are ozdardy!

I sit thinking; in the soul of my dreams;

To the running times I am leuing with a memories ...

About the days of my spring how quickly you hide

With your bliss and suffer!

(Zhukovsky, evening)

It is from the moon poet that the mystery of being is connected, so he often uses the epithet "mysterious" in relation to it:

His moon through the dark boron

Lampadoy mysterious shines ...

(Zhukovsky, detailed report moon)

Most often, the moon in Zhukovsky meets in the elegions, as it gives a lyrical plot sad, sad mood. But it should be noted that the lunar landscape of the Zhukovsky Oveded is light sadness, such a feeling that the poet even enjoys her. So, in one of the poems, the lyrical hero, referring to the month, says:

Again the forest and dollars covered

Your mist is yours:

He solrenitated me

Sweet silence

(Zhukovsky, by month)

"Sweet silence", presented to the lyrical hero by the contemplation of the lunar night, reflects the minority of Zhukovsky himself. For him, the sweetness of contemplation is a key concept and the most important sign of the "soul life". The lyrical hero of Zhukovsky is the contemplator of the world. "Zhukovsky is the first Russian poet, who managed not only to bring real paints in verses, sounds and smells of nature - everything that makes it" material "beauty, but to penetrate the nature and the thought of perceiving her man" [Semenko 1975: 84].

As mentioned above, the image of the moon occupies a special place in poetry S.A.Senin. Moreover, according to M.N. Epstein, "in the early poems, about 1920, the" month "prevails (18 out of 20), in the late - Luna (16 out of 21)" [Epstein 1990: 248]. In our opinion, this is explained by the fact that in the early work of the poet more folklore began than in the ripe (more close folklore, this is a fabulous character). Interestingly, in the form of the month of Yesenin, it emphasizes his form, appearance:

For the dark strand of the carriage, time - mill with wing

In non-optimile blue, lowers behind the village

Kudryavy lamb - month Month pendulum in rye

Walks in blue grass. Pour watches invisible rain.

1916 1917

Ah, and I myself, in more often, looking around with calm eyes,

See yesterday in the fog: see: in the MGL

Red month foal A month as if yellow raven,

Drop into our sleigh. Running, goes over the ground.

1917 1925

Sky - like a bell, Slav, my verse, who roars and shackle

Month - LanguageWho buried longing in shoulder

My mother is homeland, Horsepie face of the month

I am a Bolshevik. Grab the ray.

1918 1919

Month Rogom cloud barely cleans monthin a straw roof

In the blue bathing dust. Jammed blue horns.

On this night, no one bows, 1917

Why shouting cranes.

In the image of the Moon, the poet describes the light that it emits, and the feeling that it inspires the lyrical hero:

In wooden wings windows Gold Cold Moon,

Together with frames in thin curtains of Oleander and Levko.

Knit wroughtmith moon Be good to wander among peace

On the floor lace patterns. Blue and affectionate country.

1925 1925

Ah, the moon climbs through the frame, Blue fog. Snow razhat

Light such, although the eyes of the eyeSlim Lemon Moonlight.

I put on the peak lady, my heart is nice with a quiet pain

And played a bubne ace. Something to remember from the early years.

1925 1925

Uncomfortable liquid lunariness Ah, the moon is

And the longing of endless plains, - Shines - even throw in water.

That's what I saw in a turning youth, I don't want to rest

What, loving, cursed not one. In the blue of this weather.

1925 1925

The moon brings the lyrical hero sadness, longing and even despair, takes it into the world of memories of the departed adolescence (comparing: "Thin lemon lunar light. // Heart is nice with a quiet pain // remember something from the early years").

Interesting reading the moon image can be observed in creativity V.Markovsky, a bright representative of futurism. He, as a representative of urban poetry, lies this image. This is not surprising, because for futurists, nature is the embodiment of an old oblique order. So, in his poem "Adash City" Mayakovsky so depicts the moon:

And then already - having joking the lanterns of the blanket -

the night was sick, pokhabna and drunk,

and the streets of the streets somewhere pickyweed

nobody needs a fucking moon.

We see that the lyrical hero is opposed to nature, it acts as a rebellion and belongs to nature ironically. The poet emphasized the "desaxralizes" of the Moon, deprives her halo of the hill, holiness, turning to her extremely familiarly, and sometimes it does not stop and before the filtered expressions at its address: "The Moon, like a fool // ... // Blinorozhe flat" [Epstein 1990: 246 ].


So, the lunar landscape is a type of landscape on the light source. The lunar scenery will be called an image of an open space illuminated by moonlight. The choice of the author of the lunar image can talk about his pessimistic world-coal (, for example, at S.A. Jenin). We reflected the following functions of using the lunar landscape:

1. Explanation of time and place of events - the lunar landscape determines the night of the day.

2. An explanation of the state, the mood of the hero with the help of psychological parallel or opposition - most often this is a lyrical mood, forcing the hero to think about the meaning of life, about its place in this world, causing something mysterious to the hero.

3. Creating an emotional emotional tone - by inclusion of the lunar landscape, the author can immelerate the reader into the world of longing, sadness, dreams, secrets. This feature is brightly represented in the lunar landscapes of Turgenev, Zhukovsky, Yesenin and others.

4. The expression of philosophical, ethical ideas of the author - So, Gogol, depicting the May night, wishes to show the beautiful poetic world of Ukrainian nature, and Mayakovsky, emphasized the lunar landscape, is opposed to nature, which in his eyes is a representative of an old oblique order.

5. Symbolic function - the moon can be a symbol of death (for example, at A.P.hekhov), a symbol of unfortunate love and separation (at I.A. Bunin), a symbol of dark passion (also at A.P.hekhov), symbol of the universal Evil (at D.I. Melezhkovsky), symbol of the ideal, heavenly world (K.D. Balmont, Vyach.Ivanova), etc.

The lunar landscape is a component of a romantic landscape, because the motive of the night becomes an allegorical string of dramatic events, shut off by the secret and mysticism. The use of lunar landscape by realist writers (A.P.chekhov, N.V. Hogol, I.S.Turgenev, L.N. Tolstoy, I.A. Bunin) gives romantic traits of their creativity.


1. Investing in literary criticism / edited by L.V. Khnets. - M.: Enlightenment, 1999.

2. Greek V.N. Russian fiction / CN. Russian and Soviet fiction. - M.: True, 1989.

3. Caplan I.E. Analysis of works of Russian classics: school course: a book for a teacher, high school student, an apparent. - M.: New School, 1997.

4. Kataev V.B. The complexity of simplicity: stories and plays Chekhov. To help teachers, high school students and applicants. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1998.

5. Minerals Yu.I. The history of Russian literature of the 19th century (40-60s): studies. Manual. - M.: Higher. Sk., 2003.

6. Mythological Dictionary: Book for teacher / M.N.Bvertvinnik, B.M.Kogan, M.B. Brabinovich. - M.: Education, 1985.

7. Mikhailova M.V. I.A.Bunin / CN. Russian literature 19-20 centuries: in 2t. 0: Russian literature of the 20th century / Sost. and scientific. B.S. Bugrov, M.M.Golubkov. - M.: Aspect Press, 2000.

8. Pereverzev V.F. At the origins of Russian realism. - M.: Contempor, 1989.

9. Semenko I.M. Life and poetry Zhukovsky.: M., "Art. Lite.", 1975.

10. Dictionary of Antiquity / Edited by R.I. Kuzishchina. - M.: Ellis Varnish; Progress, 1993.

11. Sumshkov Yu.I. Artistic openings of Russian writers: about the global meaning of Russian literature. - M.: Enlightenment, 1990.

12. Schetalov S.E. Artistic world I.S. Romegenev: M., Publishing House "Science", 1979.

13. Epstein M.N. "Nature, peace, cache of the Universe ...": a system of landscape images in Russian poetry: scientific-poppob. - M.: Higher School., 1990.

The image of the moon in the novel Evgeny Onegin

« Moon pierced through wavy fogs,

On the sad glare pours sad light she ... "

Winter road.

A.S. Pushkin
Each person is a whole world, every person is an unknown planet. Many people adhere to this thesis. Some identify themselves and others with specific planets of the solar system, others believe in horoscopes, checking their lives with the location of the stars.

Perhaps Pushkin also tied the heavenly and earthly, comparing the image of the moon in the image of his beloved heroine - Tatyana Larina. After all, the image of the moon in the novel immediately occurs when Tatiana appears. And throughout the novel

The moon illuminates his main heroine his mysterious light.

It is likely that using the image of the moon, Pushkin was repelled from the symbolism of world mythology, in which the moon is the sign of the goddess Diana, the goddess of fertility and childbirth, all the lives. Subsequently, it began to identify with the goddess of Selena, personifying chastity, purity and holiness.

We remember how Pushkin, calling the heroine of Tatiana, writes:

"... for the first time named

Pages tender novel

We will promptly sanctify. "

"Holy" name Tatiana, with whom "Estravically memories of ancient", Just associated with the goddess of the moon, night gossi, silently flooding sleeping ground with silver radiance. Remember how Onegin, seeing Tatiana in the Supreme Petersburg light, " increased the goddess of the Site " (From the "Afterword" to the novel).

Here Lensky introduces Onegin with his bride Olga, and he immediately draws attention to the one, "which is sad and silent, like Svetlana," is surprised at his newly friendly, that he chose "another":

In terms of Olga there is no.

Extremely in Vandikova Madonna:

Round, red face she,

Like this stupid moon

On this stupid sky. "

Here "Stupid Moon" - The opposite of the moon, pouring the life of the world when he " in idle silence with an derived moon ... lazily worship ".

So and Tatiana in " idle silence "rustic life quietly dreams, plunging into reading sentimental French novels, peering into the heroes and likes them to herself and Onegin:

And the heart was far

Tatiana, looking at the moon ...

Suddenly the thought in her mind was born ... "

she said: it's he. "

Tatiana's romantic soul lives in the world created by the world, dreams, his life is checked with legends, notes , "Moon predictions"Because Tatiana - "Russian soul". Note, the Slavs Moon patronizes the whole home world, and, as you know, the surname Tatyana - Larina - is connected with the ancient deities of lands - patrons of a homely hearth, nature.

The night shine accompanies the heroine, and then when she writes a letter to Onegin:

And meanwhile the moon shine

And languid light illuminated

Tatiana pale beauties. "

Pushkin heroine writes a letter alone with the moon, the virgin light of which is associated with romantic thoughts, when a lovely girl ceases to notice the real situation, staying together with the "languid light" inspirational moon. The same state will accompany her after meeting with Onegin in St. Petersburg:

"It's about it in the darkness of the night,

While the morphor will arrive,

Happened, nine sadly,

To the moon, the hoist Tomny eyes,

Dreaming with him someday

To accomplish the humble life path. "
As you can see, Tatiana has not changed internally: its status has changed, she became a married woman, an important special. But "Russian soul" It remained as high, clean; even "Cleopatra Neva”, "Brilliant Nina Voronskaya", I could not overshadow it.
The Silver Light of the Moon is illuminated by the inner world of Tatiana, he is so rich that he is unavailable to understand the surrounding, including Onegin, just as the human reverse side of the moon is not available. Tatiana seems to make his lunar way: the moon accompanies her in a prophetic dream ("Light beam shining night”); "With the light of silver"she hurries into the house of Onegin to solve his soul, and she succeeds ("Is he parody?"); She leaves her and in Moscow. But here instead "Related, sad, pale moon"there is a magnificent night luminaries, eclipsed by brilliance of bright stars:

« As a magnifying moon,

The medium of the wives and the virgins shine alone.

With some pride of heaven

Earth concerns her! "
Following Tatiana in her life path, we can note that she remained at the level of the sky, making his way from "Tomnoy Moon" "on the pale chaise" to dazzling bright "Moon in the air blue".
Such Tatiana, the moon - the goddess, the embodiment of the ideal of a woman, the patroness of a homemade hearth, loyalty, good, light is the ideal of the poet.

The moon is a heavenly body, located closest to the ground, which is his natural companion and the brightest, after the sun object. In addition, this is also the only object of the solar system, to which the man's leg has grown.
The moon attracted attention to all times. People looked at her for centuries, admiring lunar craters, trying to study her origin and laws. The moon rotates in the same direction as most of the celestial bodies. It moves around the earth at a speed of about 1 km / s. Since, there is no atmosphere, there is no water, no air, no weather. And the temperature has a rather large scatter: from -120 ° C to +110 ° C. The force attraction is less than 6 times (1.62 m / s2). Back in 1610, Galileo Galilee to telescopic equipment, watched the lunar surface and discovered various depressions and crater.

Extended dark stains or as they are called "lunar seas", occupy about 40% of the visible lunar relief. In the former times, attacks of meteorites and asteroids on the lunar surface were commonplace. Perhaps even that the moon took over all the blows of the celestial bodies that were intended to be our land! But she, as a kind of shield, reflected all the attacks. Perhaps it is the moon, we should say thanks for the fact that life on our planet did not disappear, from falling some, meteorite or asteroid. Now, the frequency of clashes of celestial bodies with the moon is almost equal to zero, but the craters that we can observe on the surface of the moon remained forever as a kind of reminder of the merits of our faithful satellite.

The structure of the Moon

The mass of the Earth's satellite is 81 times less than our planet. For the study of the lunar structure, various methods, including seismic, were used. The top layer of the lunar surface is represented by the bark, the thickness of which reaches 60 km. The bark consists of a rock formation basalt. In marine and mainland areas, its composition has significant differences. Mantle - located under the lunar bark, is divided into the upper - 250 km, the average - 500 km and the lower - 1000 km. Prior to this level, the substance of subsoil is in a solid state, and is a cold and powerful lithosphere, with unlucky seismic oscillations. Approaching the end of the boundary of the lower mantle, the temperature increases, approaching the melting point, so seismic waves are quickly absorbed. This part of the satellite is a lunar asthenosphere, in the center of which is a liquid core consisting of iron sulfide, a radius of 350 km. The temperature in it varies from 1300K to 1900K, with a mass of no more than 2% of the mass of the entire moon.

It is known that the moon is turned to Earth, only one side, so everyone has long been dreaming to find out: what secrets hides the reverse side of the moon. By itself, the moon does not shine. Just the sun's rays, reflected from the ground, illuminate different parts of it. In this regard, the Phases of the Moon are also explained. She turns to us the dark side and moves in orbit between the sun and the earth. Every month the new moon comes. The next day, the Western Sky appears a bright Sherry "Updated" Moon. On the rest of the moon, the light reflected from the Earth almost does not fall. A week later, you can observe half the moon disk. After 22 days, the last quarter is observed. And on the age of 30, the new moon comes.

Characteristics of the Moon

Mass: 0,0123 Mass of the Earth, that is 7.35 * 1022kg
Diameter at the equator: 0.273 diameter of the Earth, that is, 3476 km
Tilt axis: 1.55 °
Density: 3346.4 kg / m3
Surface temperature: -54 ° C
Distance from satellite to Planet: 384400 km
Motion speed around the planet: 1.02 km / s
Eccentricity orbit: E \u003d 0.055
The slope of the orbit to the ecliptic: i \u003d 5.1 °
Acceleration of free fall: G \u003d 1.62 m / s2

Nastya: Good afternoon, dear radio listeners! With you Anastasia Korshunova, on the air, the program "Mailbox". Add sound and configure a good mood.

(Constant saver "Mailbox")

Nastya: Recently, China's traditional national holiday Zhongsyu or the mid-autumn holiday was celebrated. Dear friends! Do you know that the Chinese have a special relationship towards the Moon. For several thousand years, numerous poems and literary works were devoted to her. In them, the authors express their feelings for this night luminaire and chant it. It is not wonderful that the moon is a central object and even a cult of worship in some national holidays. By the way, in China, the full moon symbolizes happiness, success, well-being. What is the reason why the moon has so many original attractiveness? Today in our heading "Blogosphere" and my senior colleague Van Laosha will tell about it.

(Constant Scientable "Blogosphere")

Wang: Hello, Nastya! Hello everybody! My name is Van Suziang, I am very pleased to meet you in the "Blogosphere" heading.

Nastya: Van Laosha! Recently, the cognitive telephone called "Little Celebrities Gosjoy" has become very popular among the audience ("国学 小 名士"). Gosjoy is the name of the traditional Chinese ideology and culture. Van Laosha! Have you watched this TV program?

Wang: I did not watch her completely. Only one of the fragments on the network. I remember that in it two schoolgirls argue on the stage about the Chinese hieroglyph "Yuu" "月", which means "Moon" translated into Russian.

Nastya: Yes, yes. This fragment is especially popular. For three minutes in a row, they told 49 poems, in which there is a Jue hieroglyph. They are just great! By the way, I was more struck by that, so much Chinese poetic poems are associated with the Moon.

Wang: Yes, Nastya. The moon occupies a special, sacred place in the hearts of the Chinese. Chinese writers never spare epithets for her chanting. For example, in the book "Collection of poems during the Tang Dynasty" ("全 唐") collected more than 111 poetic creations associated with the love of this luminaire in the middle of the autumn - August 15 on the Chinese lunar calendar. The famous Chinese poet either in his entire lives wrote 300 poems about the moon. In his works, he compares the luminaries with a jade plate, an ice mirror, calls the moon with night light, there is a Guanghangun Palace (Cold Palace), where the jade rabbit lives and the goddess Chan Er lives.

Nastya: Yes, and I, having arrived here, discovered the traditional moon calendar in China. And on it, one of the most popular holidays is Zhongsu, (mid-autumn). On this day, people must admire the moon and there are moon gingerbread. Van Laosha, and why the moon takes such popularity in China?

Wang: I believe that the moon is one of the most classic symbols in literature and art. In the eyes of the Chinese, the moon mysterious and beautiful. It can create a quiet and peaceful atmosphere, causing a feeling of longing in many poets of losers, as well as philosophical reflection in many people. The moon is characterized by the moderation and soft lighting, it seems that it is hiding in the fog that on the moon quietly and cold. All these views just meet the traditional rules in the life of the Chinese - live measurable and calmly.

Nastya: Simply put, the main feature in the nature of many Chinese is calm, so they love the moon. Europeans in character are other, more expressive, so they love the sun. Wang Laosha, how do you like my theory?

Wang: Yes, you are right, Nastya. We can trace this difference in the mythical legends of the East and the West. In the legends of the ancient China, the goddess Cangie and jade rabbit live on the moon. In the legends of ancient Greece there is a goddess of the Moon Artemis - the younger sister of the God of the Solar Apollo. She is very beautiful, and freshers well from Luke, patronating the hunt. She always accompany onions and dog. Daily at night she rushes on a chariot. Artemis The symbol of the cold, boredom, in nature it is tender, and at the same time, cruel. But this image is strikingly different from Chinese. We have the goddess of the moon symbolizes calm, loneliness and purity, but not aggressiveness.

Nastya: Yes, right. In a relationship to the moon, such a huge difference between cultures in the East and the West lies. Well, well, now we will rest a little and listen to the song "When a bright moon is shining" ("调调 歌头 月月 几几 有"). We will continue our conversation later after the song. Stay with us.

(film song "When Sveti Bright Moon")

Nastya: Hello everyone! On the ether heading "Blogosphere". The topic of our conversation today is the image of the moon and the attitude towards it in China. In the first half of the program, we tried to trace this on the example of antique Greek and Chinese mythologies. Wang Laosha, why is the traditional study called the "lunar calendar"? Is it connected with this some story?

Wang: Judging by Chinese Hieroglyphs Nunli (农历), this is an agriculture calendar. For for several thousand years, China was an agricultural country. This calendar was compiled as a guide for the start of agricultural work for the peasants.

Nastya: Well, so why did he become the "lunar calendar"?

Wang: This is because at the very beginning, the Chinese traditional calendar was drawn up with the change in the moon. Later, our ancestors were added to the calendar 24 of the season, taking into account the sun movement. This calendar reflects the change in the four seasons, temperature, climate, etc. The peasants were very convenient to engage in sowing and harvesting, due to the presence of this calendar.

Nastya: But modern China is already far from the time when agriculture dominated. Why are people still guided by them?

Wang: The reason for this is, first of all, in the fact that China is still a major agricultural country. The lunar calendar is still important for the peasants. Secondly, the lunar calendar, in particular, its 24 seasons still plays an important role in the usual life of people. It helps accurately predict climate change. For example, on the day of Dakhan (大 寒) (large cold) really, very cold. And in the seasons, big snow (大 雪), small snow (小 雪) really snow. After Dunchi (冬) (winter solstice), the weather becomes warmer. So it is not surprising why the Chinese still use the traditional calendar.

Nastya: Van Laosha! Many in Europe began to get fucked by Fengshuyem lately. Does this have a Chinese teaching with lunar summer?

Wang: Yes, there is a connection. Fengshui, (风 水 geomantia), Bagua (八 八 Eight trigamm for divination) Used (五 五 行 dynamics of five first elements) are closely connected with traditional Chinese philosophy. All this is so deep and mysterious that I can not explain everything in a few minutes. I promise that in the future we will find time and talk about it.

Nastya: Good! Thanks to Van Laosha for the story. Dear friends! Now we suggest listening to another pleasant song - "Multicolored clouds chase behind the moon" ("彩云 追 月").

(Film song "Multicolored clouds chasing behind the moon")

Nastya: We continue our conversation. Now I know the image of the moon is diverse and meaningful for any Chinese. For example, on the middle of autumn day, its drive is the largest, round and bright. During the middle of the autumn holiday, all family members gather together and treat "lunar gingerbread". Because on this day the full moon symbolizes success and well-being. Preparing for the program, I read one Chinese poem, in which there are such lines: I raised my head - I looked at the mountain, my head down - I'm in the Duma about the edge of my native. Here the moon symbolizes the native land. Does she have some more values?

Wang: Nastya, you correctly understand the meaning of the moon in China. Indeed, we have it diverse. In the earlier collection of Schizin poems (song book) there are poems in which the poet compares beautiful women with the moon. By the way, the moon also symbolizes in the eyes of a loser. For example, in ancient China, scientists and intellectuals, who have undergone their careers in careers, often ease themselves, expressing their feeling of longing to the moon. Under their feathers, the moon became a symbol of loneliness, cold. I want to add that the moon is a carrier of a sense of love and longing of a person. Looking in the moon, people remember their homeland, about relatives and loved ones.

Nastya: Yes, very deep Chinese philosophy. Deep and mysterious.

Wang: Yes, you are right, Nastya! The moon is an important symbol of Chinese traditional culture.

Nastya: Thank you, Van Laosha, for your live story about the Chinese Gosjoy - traditional culture and philosophy. Thanks to him, personally I learned even more and loved China.

Wang: Thank you, Nastya! Thank you all for your attention!

Nastya: Our airtime came to an end. With you there was a heading "Blogosphere" .. Thank you for being with us. Further on the "Express Information" and "Gramophone"!


Introduction .............................................................................. 2

  1. Review of literature ............................................................... 3

  2. The general concept of the lunar landscape. ....... .................................... 4

  3. The role of the lunar landscape in the literature .......................................... .6.

  4. The role of the lunar landscape in music and painting ... .................................... 12

  5. Conclusion ..................................................................... ... 15

  6. List of used literature .........................................16
Appendix 1 The image of the moon in the poetry S.A.Senin .................. 17

Appendix 2 P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons" .................. .18

Appendix 3 Comparative analysis of poetry Bunin I.A.,

tchaikovsky Music PI and paintings of Levitan .................. 20


Life image can not be complete without descriptions of nature. Therefore, so often in the literature, music and painting is used by the landscape. The landscape creates an emotional background, on which the action is deployed, emphasizes the psychological state of heroes, it gives a deeper meaning to the image or phenomenon.

The subject of study of this work is the role of the lunar landscape in the works of Russian writers and poets, composers and artists of the second half of the 19th - early 20th century.

Goal goal It is the definition of the concept of a lunar landscape, his role in art.

For the most complete disclosure of the topic and the compliance of the goal when performing the work, the following were delivered tasks:

Explore the existing scientific literature on this topic;

Determine the concept of lunar landscape;

Find examples of using the lunar landscape in Russian literature, music and painting;

Match the data obtained and conclude.

In our opinion, the lunar landscape often performs a symbolic role, carries a special semantic load. This is explained by the fact that in the minds of the people of the Moon always caused mystical associations.

Relevanceour work is determined by the fact that the role of the lunar landscape in art is always dynamic, therefore it is an undoubted interest for us.

Methods used : observation; study; description.

Practical significance of work. This work is both theoretical and applied character. The results of this study can be used in the lesson of literature when studying the creativity of poets and writers, when analyzing poems, for writing an essay, in the lessons from, MCC.

Literature review.

When writing this work, we used the following articles and monographs.

Epstein M.N. In the book "Nature, peace, a cache of the Universe ..." draws attention to the image of the moon in the literature. The book is devoted to landscape images in Russian poetry. Epstein traces the reasons of images from many poets.

Pereverzev V.F. "At the sources of Russian realism" (in this book there is a chapter dedicated to the work of N.V. Gogol, in which the collection of stories "Evenings on the farm near Dikanka" is analyzed).

Kaplan I.E. "Analysis of the works of Russian classics" (the author analyzes the works of A.P. Chekhov, in particular considers the image of Ragina from the story "Chamber No. 6").

Kataev V.B. "The complexity of simplicity: the stories and plays of Chekhov" (in the work there is an attempt to analyze the episode of the night in a cemetery from the story of Chekhov "Ionch").

Schetalov S.E. "The artistic world of I.S. Romegenev" (the author appeals to the story of Turgenev "Ghosts" and explains why Turgenev-realist appeals to the genre of fiction).

Savry, Yu.I. "Artistic opening of Russian writers" (the author notes the relationship of man and nature in the works of Chekhov and Tolstoy).

Encyclopedic Dictionary. Bunin, Tchaikovsky, Levitan. Biographies. The book discovered the work of the writer and the poet I. Bunin, given the analysis of the works of Levitan and Tchaikovsky.

When analyzing the lunar image in the literature, music and painting, we made a comparison of it with the image of the moon in mythology. To do this, "Mythological Dictionary" was used // Edited by M. N.Bvertvinnik, "Antiquity Dictionary" // Edited by R.I. Kuzishchina. In addition, to highlight the functions of the lunar landscape in the literature, we studied the role of the landscape at all.

General concept about lunar landscape

Lunar, or as it is also called "moon", the landscape is a kind of landscape on the light source. Its antipode is solar (sunny) landscape. Such opposition of the Sun and the Moon comes from time immemorial. Even in mythology, these images are connected with each other. The sun and the moon in the myths of different nations are associated with family bonds. So, in the Egyptian mythology, the goddess of the Moon - Tefunut and her sister Shu - one of the incarnations of the solar start, were twins.

The selection by the author of a source of light is determined by the psychological warehouse of the personality of the writer, the artistic plan of the work, so the preference by the author of the solar or lunar landscape can give important information to understand his creativity.

It is believed that solar landscapes reflect the optimistic mood of the author, and the lunar are characteristic of works with a pronounced email tone. So, in poetry the most "lunar poet" can be called S.A. Jenin. According to M.N. Eestein, he has "from the shone in the first place the image of the Moon-month, which is found in about every third work of Yesenin." As a description of nature, the lunar landscape in the artistic work is always motivated by something, plays any role. So, you can highlight the roles :

1. Designation of the place and time of action. It is with the help of the landscape reader clearly can imagine where events occur.

2. Scene motivation. Natural processes can send the flow of events in one direction or another.

3. Form of psychologist. It is the landscape that creates a psychological attitude of the perception of the text, helps to reveal the inner state of heroes, prepares the reader to changes in their lives.

Sometimes landscape can be "Independent" - Important in itself, as an independent character of the work. Such a landscape may exist separately from the work in the form of miniatures.

The landscape in the literary work rarely happens to the landscape at all: it usually has a national originality, which manifests itself in the use of certain landscape images. Thus, the image of the moon is more characteristic of Eastern literature and folklore, and the northern peoples prevailing the image of the Sun. For example, in the east, a beautiful girl is likened to the moon, and in the north, the image of the Sun is used in the north to designate female beauty. If we talk about Russia, then you can not give a definite answer to the question of which image is more characteristic. This is explained by the complex multi-layered Russian culture, the history of the formation of which was influenced by the East and the West.

The lunar landscape is more characteristic of the works of folklore, mythological, is widely represented in the works of romantics, symbolists.

The role of the lunar landscape in the literature

In epic works There are most opportunities for the introduction of a landscape that performs a variety of roles. Naturally, the lunar landscape in any prosaic work explains the place and time of action in the work. But in addition to the function of the background, it performs others.

So, the lunar landscape can perform psychological role - Explanation of the state, the mood of the hero by receiving psychological parallel or opposition.

For example, soft moonlight meets the trembling state of Dr. Startsev in the story Chekhov "Ionch",heats in it passion; The moon leaves for the clouds when he loses hope and in his soul it becomes dark and gloomy:

"... I waited for the elders, and exactly the Moonlight heated the passion in him, waited passionately and painted in the imagination of kisses, hugs ..."

"And exactly dropped the curtain, the moon went under the clouds, and suddenly everything darkened around ...".

V.B. Kataev notes that the night in the cemetery gave the older opportunity "The first and only time in life to see "The world, not like anything else"Touch mystery. The magic night on the old cemetery is the only one in the story that he carries the seal of habitualness, repeatability. She alone remained in the life of the hero in stunning and unique. " It is interesting that this is the last episode where the elders appears against the background of nature. Then the hero of mentally "dying," becomes an institutional man. Thus, the moon leaving the clouds marks the moral "death" of Startsev. We see that in Chekhovsky story, nature and man is in close relationship.

Description of the Moon Night in Otradnaya in the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" also helps to understand us inner world of character. Natasha admires the wonderful moon night, understands that every moment is unique:

"... Lunar light, as if he was waiting for the window for a long time, waited for this, burst into the room. The night was fresh and motionless. Before the window, there was a series of trimmed trees, black with one and silver-illuminated on the other side. Under the trees there was some kind of juicy, wet, curly vegetation with silver sowed-where leaves and stems. Next, the black wood was some shiny roof dew, the right is a great curly tree, with a bright white barrel and bunches, and above his almost full moon on a light, almost a relatrene, spring sky.

- Oh, what a charm! Yes, you wake up, Sonya, "she said with almost tears in his voice. - After all, there was never a charming night, never happened ..."

The heroine of the novel thinly feels beauty, she is full of love for people and the whole world around. Not everyone is capable of it. After all, nature is "This is not just a background for spiritual experiences; This is a sphere in which the whole artificial, apparent, fake and its inner essence is discharged from a person. "

Against the background of the beautiful Moon Night, events are unfolded in the story "May night, or drowning" N.V.Gogol. Nature Description Creates a poetic attitude of the work, allows you to look at the characters of the characters at a certain angle of view. The description of the lunar night gives the test of special lyricism and charm. So begins one of the most poetic ages of Gogol, which is part of the collection "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka":

"Do you know the Ukrainian night? Oh, you do not know the Ukrainian night! Peer in it. From the middle of the sky looks month. The immense heavenly arch rang out, spread even more immense. He burns and breathes. Earth is all in silver light; And the wonderful air and cool-dukes, and full of ballasts, and drives the ocean of fragrances. Low, inspired forest steel, full of gloom, and threw a huge shadow from ourselves. The virgin thickets of the black and cherry crash stretched their roots into the key cold and occasionally lay the leaves, as if angry and indulge, when a wonderful windmill - the night wind, putting instantly, kisses them. All landscape sleeps. And above all breathes, everything is wild, everything is solemnly. And in the soul and immense, and wonderful, and the crowds of silver visions are slightly arising in her depth.Divine night! Charming night! And suddenly everything came to life: both the forests and ponds, and the steppes. The magnificent thunder of Ukrainian nightingament is rated, and it is furious that the month he was heard in the midst of the sky ... "

Phrase " Divine night! Charming night!"Repeats in a small passage twice. The author thus encourages the reader to admire this beautiful picture of nature, which he recreated. Gogol transfers the feeling that the nature is alive. Air "Polon Netga"; cherry and cherry "Pugishly stretched their roots into a key cold and occasionally lay down with leaves"; Nightwind - "Beautiful windmake"; village, "As enchanted", "Drempt". The world of earth and heavenly merge in the landscape.

Another description of the nightlife, the author introduces when Levko, tested by the tricks, turns out about the pond, falls asleep for himself and falls into the world of magical fairy tale. Landscape Here is the same: Majestic and gloomy maple forest, "fixed pond", a month illuminating everything around, "Solovna Rolled", "Brilliant Night": "Majestically and gloomily Clenched Maple Forest, who was facing the month. The stationary pond urived with freshness on a tired pedestrian and made him relax on the shore. Everything was quiet; In the deep most often, the forests were heard only the rats of nightingale.

I looked around: the night seemed even brilliant to him. Some strange, the ceiling shine was added to the brilliance of the month. Never had happened to see him like. Silver fog fell on the surrounding area. The smell from flowering apple trees and night colors ran throughout the land ... "

So unnoticed transition from the world real to the world of sleep, fairy tales. That is, again the silver light of the month turns out to be the boundary of the worlds of real and fictional, earthly and celestial. With a poetic landscape "Having conceived evenings" Begins the story. In it, reality is closely intertwined with fiction, fantastics, the world of legends. The work is completed on the same poetic note:

"... And after a few minutes everything has already fallen at the village; Only one month is also brilliant and wonderfully sailed in the immense deserts of the luxurious Ukrainian sky. Also solemnly breathed in the embroidery, and the night, the Divine Night, the magnificent trample. Also beautiful was the earth in the marvelous silver brilliance; But no one has dropped themselves: everything plunged into sleep. "

Thus, the night landscape framed the story, concludes its action in the framework composition, he also fills the characteristics of Levko and Ganna's poetry.

In story "Night before Merry Christmas" Gogol Returns us again to a wonderful picture:

"The last day before Christmas passed. Winter, clear night has come. Stars looked. The month of magnifier rose to the sky to shine good people and the whole world so that everyone was having fun to collect and praise Christ ...

and a month, using this case, flew through the pipe of the Solokhina Hut and smoothly rose across the sky. All covered. Misley as it did not happen. Snow caught fire with a wide silver field and all overwhelmed with crystal stars. Frost as if warmed. Crowds of pastures and girls seemed to bags. Songs were granted, and warrants were not crowded for rarely huts ... "

Mustly shook a month! It is difficult to tell how to breathe well in such a night between the heap of laugh and singing girls and between the bodies, ready for all jokes and fiction, which can only inspire a fun laughing night.

The image of the moon in the work can be symbolian , That is, it can express various figurative meanings. Because the symbol of the symbol is a set, then the lunar landscape can have a wide variety of interpretations. For example, the moon often happens symbol of death. So, the moon as a symbol of death is found at A.P.hekhov. Moonlight floods many landscapes of Chekhov, filling them with a sad mood, peace, peace and immobility. Behind the story of the death of Belikov in the book "Man in a case" It follows a description of the beautiful rural picture, filled with moonlight, from which itifies freshness and peace:

« It was midnight. It was visible to the right, everything was the village, the long street was far away, the verslet is five. Everything was immersed in a quiet, deep sleep; Not a movement, no sound, can not even believe that in nature it may be so quiet. When you see a wide rural street with her outstands, stacks, asleep, then it becomes quiet; In this, its rest, hiding in the night shades from the work, worries and grief, she is a muggy, sad, beautiful, and, it seems that the stars look like a gentleman and with the moutigation and that evil is no longer on Earth and everything is safe. "

The moon illuminates the cold corpse of Dr. Ragin in the story of A.P. Chekhov "Ward № 6".

"There he lay on the table with open eyes, and the moon night illuminated him ..."

The main character dies, so the author punishes him for inappropriateness, for unwillingness to fight evil. "Surovo, courageously condemned the Chekhov Dr. Ragina, his marginal indifference to people turns out to be disastrous not only for his patients, but also for the Ragina itself." The image of the moon appears to the death of Ragina: when the hero is on the site of his patients. She is an ominous foreman, reflects the feeling of fear in the soul of the hero:

"Andrei Efimich departed to the window and looked in the field. Already got dark, and on the horizon on the right side the cold, the bugger moon ... "Here it is reality!" - thought Andrei Efimich, and he became scary. There were terrible and moon, and prison, and nails on the fence, and a distant flame in a plane factory

"Then everything subsided. The liquid moonlight was walking through the grilles, and the shadow lay on the floor, similar to the network. It was scary…"

The description of the lunar landscape in this story is very concise, but the cheeks are different that, using only catchy, spectacular details, creates an impressive picture of nature. Such expressive details are "Cold, Bagro Moon", "Liquid Moonlight" - They are filled with bright expressive color and draw us a really ominous picture, which accurately depicts what is happening in the soul of the main character. Ragin feels horror, as he was clear and realized that all reality is a prison, he realized his guilt in front of people. Once in the ward, in the sick dressing, he realized that, "it turns out, it is impossible to despise suffering; indifference - scary! "

IN lyrical works The landscape is presented not stupid than in prose. This feature is especially brightly reflected in symbolist poetry.

So, for K. BalmontaAs for many other symbolists, the moon is a symbol of the ideal world, the world of dreams, beauty, creativity. The poet envelops the image of the moon with a haze of secrets, chasing her sad beauty: "The moon is rich in power of inspira, // around her the mystery is always hung. // ... // Without the ray, the beam is pale green, // she caresses, strangely so waves // In the kingdom of stars, the same pain separation» (Balmont "Moon"). Especially clearly the connection of the Moon and the perfect world stands out in his sonnet "Moonlight":

"When the moon sparkles in a night MGL // with his sickle, brilliant and gentle,

My soul is striving to the world of different, // Consulting to all distant, all vast. "

A somewhat differently disclosed the image of the moon from the "senior symbolist" D.Mergekovsky. In poem "Winter evening" The moon acts as a carrier of the universal evil: "Oh dull moon // with unkind arts", "Criminal Moon, // You are terrified," the moon damned lyrics // performed by evil power. " In addition, the image of the moon can also be considered as a symbol of death, because the image of the cane, "patient, dry and skinny ..." appears under an evil look of the night ladder of the sky.

It must be remembered that in the poetry in the landscape the main thing is not the depicted nature itself, but the feeling that the poet wanted to convey. The lunar landscape sets the topic of timeless space. The moon, reflecting the unconscious beginning, could not not be used by romantics.

As mentioned above, the image of the moon occupies a special place in poetry S.A.Senin. Moreover, according to M.N. Eestein, "in the early poems, about 1920, the" month "prevails, in the Late - Moon. This is explained by the fact that in the early work at the poet more folk began than in a mature. Interestingly, in the form of the month of Yesenin emphasizes his form, the appearance of a variety of shades . (More details ATTACHMENT 1)

For the dark strand of the loose

In non-optimile blue

Kudryavy lamb - month

Walks in blue grass. (1916)

Interesting reading the moon image can be observed in creativity V.Markovsky, a bright representative of futurism. He, as a representative of futuristic poetry, lies this image. This is not surprising, because for futurists, nature is the embodiment of an old senior order. So, Mayakovsky so depicts the moon:

And then already - having joking the blanket lanterns - // the night was sick, silent and drunk,

and the streets of the streets somewhere squeezed // I did not need anyone, the flabby moon.

We see that the lyrical hero is opposed to nature, it acts as a rebellion and belongs to nature ironically. The poet deprives the Moon of the Hall of Honor, holiness, referring to it extremely familiarly, and sometimes it does not stop and before the filtered expressions at its address: "The Moon, like a fool."