"What qualities of romantic heroines are peculiar to Rebek and Rivne.

"What qualities of romantic heroines are peculiar to Rebek and Rivne.

We analyzed many texts to prepare for the exam in the Russian language and revealed general patterns in the formation of problems. For each of them, we picked up examples from literature. All are available for download in the table format, reference at the end of the article.

  1. For a native person, it doesn't matter how you look like you are leading yourself, he will love you, no matter what. Mother's love is a great power. In the work D. Ulitskaya "Daughter Bukhara" Alya, having learned about a terrible diagnosis of his daughter, does not refuse her. On the contrary, a loving mother spends all his strength for the benefit of his child. Together they pass through many difficulties. One, remaining without a husband, Bukhara throws his job and is arranged to school for backward children to always be with a darker. Soon, Alya sicks and knows that it is deadly. However, she tries during this time to have to arrange the life of his daughter in the best way and does not calm down, while Mila does not get married. Only in her happiness she finds peace.
  2. Children are the most expensive that there is a woman. Therefore, Maternal love is Meshsill. Losing a child is the most terrible tragedy in the life of the parents. In Roman Epopea L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" It shows the mountain of a woman who lost her son in war. Countess Rostov learns about the death of his beloved pety and as if he loses the mind after that. Her heart anticipated the tragedy, she did not want to let his son to serve. But, by virtue of youth years, Petya did not know what war is. He dreamed of becoming a hero. However, it was not destined to come true, and he dies in the first battle. Having received a terrible news, the Countess is locked in the room, shouts and calling the son. She is no longer important for her life. For a month spent in this grief, once a beautiful woman becomes an old woman. And only the efforts of the daughter she comes out of the room. However, without a son, her life will not be the same.

The role of the mother in the life of the child

  1. "Mom" is the first word that gives almost every child. But not everyone is lucky to feel the caress and the care of the one whom I wanted to call to myself. The main character poles M.Yu. Lermontov "MTSI" It was taken out of the house in childhood. He knew that somewhere far he had a family, he remembered how his mother nursed him. But all this he was deprived of war. The Russian officer took him, but left in the monastery when she was frightened that the captive would die without having survived the complex road. Trying to fill the emptiness in your heart, the mattling of the MTSER escapes from his cold dungeon. He dreams of finding relatives, finally feel warm and care. However, realizing that the past is not returned, he dies. Nevertheless, it was precisely the memory of the parent house forced the young man to know himself and draw up against slow torture - imprisonment in the monastic walls. He gratefully takes death, because life in slavery is much worse. The young man made this jump to freedom only thanks to the strength of memories of his origin, about his family, about his mother.
  2. Mom can not be replaced. As can not be given the same love that gives you your native person. So, in the story Mark Twain "The Adventures of Tom Suryra" We see the life of a boy left without a mother. Yes, he brings up aunt. However, she will never be able to perceive the volume as her son, and the boy feels. He will run away from the house. The lack of maternal love affects its character: a levit that does not feel care and not ready to work for someone.
  3. Ungrateful child

    1. The main hero of the story E. Karpova "My name is Ivan" I could not understand the strength of maternal love on time. Semyon is wounded in the war, and after such a terrible event, he decides not to return home. Compiled, blind and intimid, he is trying to live his insight life. Accidentally having learned him in the vote in the train, the mother of Seven rushes towards him, but he will push once a native woman and calls another name. Only after time, he realizes what happened. However, it will be too late. Only standing on the Mother's grave, he understands everything.
    2. Sometimes we are aware of the importance of mom in our life too late. Confirmation of your thought i find in the works of K. G. Powesty "Telegram". The main heroine, Katerina Petrovna, did not see for three years with his daughter. Mother wrote her letters and dreamed of meeting her again. Nastya lived his life, sometimes sent "dry" letters and some money. But Katerina Petrovna was glad. Before death, she dreamed of everything for the last time to see her daughter. But this was not destined to come true. About the poor condition of the mother Nastya recognized only from Tikhon's telegram. However, it was too late. I buried a woman completely strangers. And only on the grave of the mother Nastya realized that he had lost his native in the world, and not expressing his gratitude.
    3. Love for mother

      1. We must respect and appreciate what moms do for us. They are always on our side and give us all their love. This understands the great poet S.A. Yesenin. In poem "Mother's letter" He with tenderness addresses his "old woman." The Son wants to protect his native woman, worried about rumors and news about his bad behavior. He cautiously comes up to this conversation and assures with all care that nothing worries about. He asks not to turn the past and not to be sad about it so much. Yesenin understands that the mother is not easy to accept the evil stuff about her child. And yet he tries to assure his mother in that everything will be fine.
      2. Otrada for mother to see his baby happy. After all, it is it partly responsible for his fate. In poem A. Pavlova - Bessonovsky "Thank you, Mommy" The author understands how important Mom is in life. He begins his work from the words of gratitude for life, for the warmth and comfort, for love. The poet is so overflowing with a sense of gratitude that through each line of the poem, the clear "thank you" is heard.
      3. Excessive maternal love

        1. Raising parents often affect the further fate of the child. A lot of important role is played by Mom. In Comedy D.I. Fonvizin "Nepal" Readers see an example where the superior love of the mother harms the future son. Mitrofan is a kind of adult child. He is lazy, unbridled and selfish. The hero does not see the benefits to communicate with other people politely. This great role was played by the upbringing of the mother, who always picked up his son. She never forced him to do something, always fencing from dangers, encouraged any of his ventures. However, as a result, such an excessive loving attitude appealed against Mrs. Prostaya. At the end of the play, the boy refuses his mother's mother and pushes her.

Publication date: 25.12.2016

Ready arguments for the essay of the exam:

The problem of motherhood

Problem blind maternal love

Maternity as a feat

Possible theses:

Mother's love is the strongest feeling in the world.

Be a good mother - a real feat

Mother is ready for all for her children

Sometimes maternal love blinds, and the woman sees in her child only good

D. I. Fonvizin Comedy "Nepali"

A vivid example of blind maternal love is the comedy Fonvizin "Nepal". Prostakova loved his son so much that he saw only good in it. Mitrofan was all descended from the hands, any of his whims were performed, the mother always walked on him. The result is obvious - the hero rose by the spoiled and selfish young men who does not like anyone, besides himself, and is not indifferent even to his own mother.

L. Ulitskaya story "Daughter Bukhara"

This maternal feat is described in the story of the street "Daughter Bukhara". Alya, the main heroine of the work was a very beautiful girl. Having become a wife Dmitry, East Beauty gave birth to a girl, but soon it turned out that the child had Down syndrome. Father could not accept an infallible child and left to another woman. And Bukhara, who loved her daughter with all his heart, did not surrender and dedicated her life to raising the girl, making everything possible for her happiness, sacrificing his own.

A. N. Ostrovsky Piece "Thunderstorm"

Not always maternal love is expressed in the caress. In the play of Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" Kabaniha, mother-in-law, the main character, very much loved to "educate" her children, giving them punishment and reading morality. It is not surprising that the son of Tikhon showed himself as a belligerent, unhappingly man and a mummy who cannot and step to step without "mamma." The permanent intervention of Kabani to the life of the Son has a negative impact on his life.

F. M. Dostoevsky Roman "Crime and Punishment"

In the novel of Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", endless maternal love is also traced. Pulcheria Aleksandrovna was most worried about the happiness of the son of Rodion and believed him in spite of everything. For the sake of him, the woman was ready to sacrifice her daughter. It seems that the son for the pulfer was much more important than the Duni.

A. N. Tolstoy Tale "Russian Character"

In the story of Tolstoy "Russian Character" emphasizes the power of maternal love. When Tankist Egor Dreov received burns, disaggregated his face beyond recognition, he was afraid that the family would turn away from him. The hero visited relatives under the guise of his friend. But sometimes the maternal heart sees clearer than the eyes. A woman despite someone else's appearance, he learned his native son in Guest.

V. Zavokin Tale "Mother Human"

How big may be the heart of the real mother, is described in the story of the spun "Mother of Man". During the war, the main character, having lost her husband and son, was left alone with his future child on the land plundered by the fascists. For the sake of him, Maria continued to live, and soon sheltered a little girl to Sanya and loved her as his own. After some time, the baby died of illness, the heroine almost went crazy, but stubbornly continued his work - to revive the destroyed, for those who may be will return. For all the time a pregnant woman managed to shelter on her farm more orphans. This act can be considered a real maternal feat.

(The connection between a person with Mom passes a strong, invisible thread through his whole life. Starting from a quiet song from the cradle, Mom becomes the most devoted friend and wise mentor.

Maternal concern is not only in washing, cleaning and cooking. Who is better to regret, sticks and calm? Only gentle, their native hands will be removed pain and fatigue. Only warm maternal lips will facilitate physical and moral suffering.

The baby ran over the flying, motley butterfly, stumbled, fell back, sorted his palm, roared from fright and pain. Mom picked up on his arms, pressed to his chest, poured on bleeding wounds, touched with a slight kiss to the crying eyes, while comforting a calm, affectionate voice. The child is sat down, occasionally sobbing, wrapped his mother's necks, bowed to his native shoulder head and smiled happily.

Believe that the suggestive palms of the Son bake in the maternal heart pain, superior to any, its own, pain.

Mom, like a bird, carefully covers a reliable wing of his child from adversity and danger. Does not sleep at the crib of a sick baby. Holds hard by hand when it is scary or lonely. Helps with school lessons. Advises in the first difficult situations. He teaches human kindness, the ability to be friends and love, help and compassion. Be open, honest and humane. Keep and guard nature and animals in trouble.

Moms wisely lead in life, and always try to find an excuse to our crossies, because the day of them we always stay children - the most loved ones and the best.

Maternal love is the bottomless bowl of angelic patience; everyday wisdom; soulful kindness; inexhaustible heart heat; Tireless, disinterested care and endless devotion.

Then - an example from the text.

An example from life experience or from the hood.

Thus, I can conclude that children should appreciate the love donated by the mother, because there is nothing more beautiful.

Or one more beginning:

Good parents can refuse career, risk life, they will always come to the rescue, warm out caress and kindness, will understand and simulate.

An example from the literature:

And in the comedy of Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin "Nepalvil" we face the main hero of the play, Mitrofan. His parents were madly loved, they did not give offense, they did not make anything to do, that is why the boy grew up lazy and uncompatible. In this case, the reader sees that the love of mother went to the child is not good. The play is aimed at riding the morals and the life of the families of the simpler family, but despite the entire set of negative qualities, a bright feeling lives in Mrs.. She doesn't have a soul in his son. With the manifestation of care for Mitrofanushka, the play begins, and this concern and love live in it to the last phenomenon of the play. The last replica is ends with a scream of despair: "I don't have a son!" She was hurt and it was difficult to postpone the betrayal of the Son, who herself admitted that "only in him and sees consolation." Son for her - all. What rage she comes when he learns that Uncle almost broke the Mitrofanushka! And here we see the main features of the mother's image in Russian literature - this is a varying love for her child and not for personal qualities, but because it is her son.

In the "Captain's Daughter" and "Taras Bouvube" and Pushkin, and Gogol show a mother at the time of separation of her with their children. Pushkin one sentence showed the state of the mother at the moment when she learns about the upcoming son's departure: "The thought about the ambulance with me so struck her that she dropped a spoon in a saucepan, and tears flowed down her face," and when Petrusha leaves, she " In tears punishes his health. Exactly the same image of Mother and Gogol. In Tarasa Bulbe, the author describes in detail the emotional shock of the "old woman". Only having met sons after a long separation, she is again forced to part with them. All night, she spends their headboard and feels with their maternal heart that this night she sees them the last time. Gogol, describing its condition, gives the correct characteristic of any mother: "... For each drop of blood, she would give them all." Bless them, she crumpledly crying, just like the mother of Petrushi. Thus, on the example of two works, we see what it means for a mother to partition with their children and how difficult it suffers it.

Mother's love is the cleanest, independent of any circumstances. It is the mother who will always understand, will take any choice of the child, because the main thing for her is the happiness of his beloved Chad. If a person in the family occurs this way, he can be considered the happiest.

Many writers and poets challenged maternal love in their works. These literary examples for writing-reasoning on the OGE in the Russian language Multi-Little Litrecon picked up for you. But if you did not have enough some kind of argument, then write to us in the comments that you need to add.

  1. In the story of N. V. Gogol "Taras Bulba" Maternal love is shown on the example of the wife of the main character, the harsh Cossack Taras. The heroine has invested all his love, tenderness and passion to feel to the sons of Ostapa and Andry. Marriage did not bring her happiness: she saw only anger and beatings from his spouse. But the children for her always remained light in the window. They had to see rarely, as the sons studied away from home. But when the mother met with children, she did everything for their comfort, could not look at them. She did not even be afraid to stand up for her sons in front of the Father, who sent them to fight. And in the last night of their night at home, the luckless mother before the morning admired the sleeping Ostare and Andria. Her love for siblings is evidence that the mother of Mom beats for her children.
  2. Maternal love is brightly shown in the story of L. N. Tolstoy "Childhood" In the form of Natalia Nikolaevna, Mother Nicholya. The woman was ambulance and kindness, she was considered a real angel. She loved her husband, but he was deceiving and ruined. Love for children Natalia Nikolayevna did not hide, she was not ashamed to caress them and talk to them (although in the noble environment such attention to the offspring was not common). Yes, the mother spent not too much time with children, but they all felt her love and care, they communicated with her every day. The death of Natalia Nikolaevna has become a terrible blow for everyone, especially for Nikolya. Children feel especially the love of the mother, so it is very hard to lose her.
  3. Blind and reckless maternal love is shown in Comedy, D. I. Fonvizin "Nepali". Prostakov's landowner loved only his son Mitrofan, Potacled him, surrounded care (sometimes unnecessary). Everybody did everything for her Great Chad, not even noticing that excessive concern makes him ungrateful and lazy. Mitrofan himself took the maternal love as proper, only their own interests existed for him, and the mother was only their performer. Therefore, the Son refused the parent in a difficult moment when she stopped being powerful. Unfortunately, not all people can evaluate maternal love for dignity.
  4. The topic of love is given attention and in the story of N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa". The main heroine lived with the old woman, who was for her the only native man. The elderly peasant woman loved her husband and her daughter, and the loss of his beloved made Lisa the last hope for the mother. Therefore, despite the tremendous love for Estracy, the girl cared for her parents, tried to protect her from the passions of his own life, even before suicide thought about how to soften this act for the mother. However, with the death of his daughter for an elderly woman, the meaning of life is dried, she also died. Thus, the essence of the Mother's existence is the life of her Chad, so women are so difficult to survive the death of children.
  5. Maternal love is always manifested in different ways. A. N. Ostrovsky in Drama "Nonmennica" showed unusual maternal love Harites Ignatievna Ogudallova to daughter Larisa. Ogudovy Poor, the chance to get out of poverty only one is a good marriage of Larisa. This is the reason that Harita Ignatievna tries to promote the daughter in every way for the device of her personal life: It is satisfied with the evening, which invites wealthy people, asks the most close rich money for maintenance, forces Larisa to communicate with the "high" society unpleasant to it. Harita Ignatievna specifically sees happiness and success, she wishes the daughter of good, only does it in his own way, with a focus on material well-being.
  6. In the novel F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" Pulcheria Alexandrovna, mother of Rodion Raskolnikova shows an example of higher maternal love. She sees only the best in his son, imposes all hopes on him. For education and residence in St. Petersburg, the mother is ready to give all its savings. The Pulcheria Alexandrovna does everything for the heir for the heir, and he appreciates this love and care, ashamed of such a high honor for him, the killer. When Rodion began to judge for a crime, a loyal mother went crazy, and then died, because he could not stand the sufferings of his son. This example demonstrates the inseparable communication of the mother and her child: when the trouble happens in the child's life, his mother is experiencing her sharper than he himself.
  7. Countess Rostov , Heroine Roman L. N. Tolstova "War and Peace"is the absolute image of the mother. Her motherhood is the main characteristic of the personality, for the sake of family and children, she is ready for everything, even for meanness (does not want to give the training for the wounded to keep the property for children, prevents the love of Sony and Nicholas, because the girl is poor). Losing a child for her - the main tragedy in life, because after the death of the son of Petit, she herself almost died. For their children, Rostov is the main defender and the adviser, she will make everything that is possible for them, they love her and appreciate. This speaks about generosity and the power of maternal love, all-consuming and all-friendly.
  8. Ilyinichna, heroine roman M. A. Sholokhov "Silent Don", invested in children all his life. Married, she came out beautiful and blooming girl, and then beat the beatings and treason of her husband. But how to leave, because they have a family, it is impossible to deprive the children of the Father. He endured a woman, just to put the children on his feet, grow their worthy people. During the revolutionary events in which Ilinichna did not want to understand, she was on the side of those who could protect her family. The son of Peter took the civil war, and the son of Gregory broke his life. Ilyinichna Ugasla, Mountain and Tosca in Gregory absorbed her, so she did not wait for him from the war. This example suggests that the mother's heart is very sensitive to troubles and joy of children.
  9. Katerina Petrovna, heroine story K. G. Powesty "Telegram", one lived, it was fed only hope for the happiness of the daughter of Nastya. The mother did not want to interfere with her, she rarely wrote, but he constantly thought about Nastya, who lived and worked in Leningrad. The daughter had no time to even read the letter of the mother, she was busy work, not knowing that at this time Katerina Petrovna dies. But the elderly woman went to the world of other without reproaches to the inattentive Chad, for her was happiness to get at least a short news from Nastya, and then die quietly. So it happened. The image of the meek and good mother causes the greatest respect of the reader. Looking at the heroine, we learn all the power of maternal love.
  10. The image of maternal love is shown L. Ulitsky in the story "Daughter Bukhara". Oriental beauty Alya gave birth to a daughter with Down syndrome, then it was a completely unfamiliar and incomprehensible diagnosis, it was clear that the little Milla would never be an ordinary child. This circumstance could not stand the husband Ali, left her with a child one. But the mother did everything to adapt the daughter to life, teach her to live on his own. The woman fell ill with deadly disease, knew that her days were considered, but he didn't think about themselves, but about the Milchka. Mother arranged a daughter to work, gave her married her, and then just left to die, to protect the child from suffering. Only maternal love is capable of such a higher self-sacrifice.