What makes you think about Korolenko's book "In a Bad Society"? What the novel based on the novel Crime and Punishment made me think about (Dostoevsky F.M.)

What makes you think about Korolenko's book "In a Bad Society"? What the novel based on the novel Crime and Punishment made me think about (Dostoevsky F.M.)

The comedy of D.I.

The work made me think about many things. Serfdom was abolished long ago. But aren't there parents now who care not about raising their child, but only about food? Have parents who indulge their child's whims disappeared, leading to disaster? And that we do not have people who, according to Starodum, never thought of either ancestors or descendants? These are people who think only of their own interests.

In comedy, as now, two worlds with different needs, different ideals, and lifestyle collide. Of course, the heroes of the comedy Starodum and Pravdin look old-fashioned. But much in their monologues applies to our time. Are Mitrofanushki still alive in our society? On reflection, it is safe to say that they continue to live "undergrowth". And let them now have no serfs, but how many around them are those who are ready at any moment to feed, please, serve, protect. When reading a play, many teenagers can see themselves in it. How my contemporaries sometimes resemble Mitrofanushka! This is the lack of craving for knowledge, disregard for learning, lack of responsibility for their future. Mitrofan is a nobleman. And the nobles are the stronghold Russian Empire... Even A.P. Sumarokov argued that the difference between a man and a master is not in origin, but in the mind. The master must be more educated, smarter than his peasant. And if this is not the case, then how then to justify serfdom? What is the use of such a master for the fatherland? Skotinin - Prostakov is alien civic feeling, they don't even think of being useful to their people. And what is the use of the new Mitrofanushki to the homeland? Indeed, some of our contemporaries consider it a shame even to talk about the benefits of the fatherland. And, of course, they do not think about what to do for their homeland.

The comedy "Minor" makes you think about the fact that personal freedom is very important for a person. How can this be achieved? First of all, through education. That is why it is imperative that everyone should receive a decent upbringing. But parenting is not only about schooling and the personality of the teacher. Teachers are teachers, but it is also important how a parent instructs and teaches his child. It is no coincidence that the problem of education is considered the main one in the play.

Fonvizin in his comedy posed many questions and makes us think about them in the twenty-first century.

What's happened true patriotism? What does it mean to serve the fatherland? How to bring up children? Why is ignorance dangerous, especially aggressive? The writer makes you think about the relationship between mind and heart, about children and their parents, about real education, about the meaning of life. Can we pretend that this does not concern us, that all this is the case of bygone days? Someone will say that the time is different now, people are different too. This is true. But Fonvizin warns us, living in the XXI century: "Think about it!"

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Many works have been written that are easy to read and quickly forgotten. And there are works that touch the soul and heart. They are memorable, make you think about life. I believe that V.G. Korolenko "In a bad society" can not leave indifferent either children or adults.

Vasya, the son of a local judge, is the main character of the work. The boy lives in a wealthy family, but does not feel happy. He was left without a mother early. The father is seriously worried about the loss of his wife, he gives all his warmth to his little daughter Sonya.

The boy's life changes after meeting the children of Pan Tyburtsia Drab - Valek and Marusya, who live in dire poverty. Vasya is struck by the thinness of children, their unhealthy appearance, loneliness. Despite all the difficulties, nine-year-old Valek tries to behave like an adult. He treats his sister warmly, takes care of her.

Marusa is only 4 years old. The girl is already sick long time... She walks poorly, is very thin, rarely laughs. Vasya is bitter to realize that the girl has no hope of recovery. After all, she is very poor family where there is no money even for the most ordinary food. The eyes of Tyburtsiy Drab betray sadness, anxiety for children.

In spite of hard fate, Valek and Marusya are kind and good children, they try to support each other. It is not their fault that they have experienced a lot of grief in life. Vasya feels sympathy for them, a desire to be friends and help them. He knows that brother and sister often steal, but does not condemn them. After all, this is the only way children can survive in unbearable conditions.

Thanks to friendship with children, Vasya reveals the best character traits - the ability to sympathize, empathize, a willingness to help in Hard time... The boy brings Marusa a doll of his sister to alleviate her condition, reduce her suffering. He is sincerely worried about the girl.

Vasya's attitude towards his father is changing. He was pleased to hear from a friend good words to the address a loved one... He turned out to be an honest judge, respected by the people. The boy really needs the love and understanding of his father.

Reading the work, I thought how important it is to have loving parents, a warm home, and be able to be friends. You need to be very sensitive to the people around you, try to understand them. Poor people can have a rich soul, genuine love and compassion.

Only good deeds and responsibility for others help a person to become better. Kindness, sincerity, compassion, openness of heart do not depend on financial situation... You can understand other people only when you fully immerse yourself in their life, you feel all the suffering, pain.

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Marat Baimukhametov Thinker (6410) 1 year ago

V. G. Korolenko's story is called "In a Bad Society." This piece made me think about many important things.

The girl was only four years old and she was seriously ill: “It was a pale, tiny creature, resembling a flower that grew without the rays of the sun. Despite her four years, she still walked badly, stepping uncertainly with crooked legs and staggering like ...

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According to the news of Korolenko, it has such a name, as it shows us the life of two worlds. the first is the people who live in the underground, and at first glance and seem to be a bad society and the second own homes and have various benefits. But upon reading, we understand that a "bad society" is those people who are alien to pity, compassion. With this name, the author makes us wonder whether the society that is deprived of material wealth, but has compassion and knows how to feel is really considered bad.

In the story "In a Bad Society" Korolenko touches on such eternal themes like friendship, love, kindness, empathy. He reveals hard life poor people living in conditions of powerlessness and poverty, who, in spite of everything, know and know how to value friendship and responsiveness, possessing many qualities that are often lacking in more successful people.

This story is very modern, because it makes you think about kindness, about poverty and wealth, oh ...

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An essay on the topic: “What made you think about the story of V. G. Korolenko“ In a bad society ”4.69 / 5 (93.73%) 51 votes

Valek was only nine years old, he was "thin and thin as a reed." But despite ...

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/ Works / V.G. Korolenko / In a bad society / What made me think about the story of V.G. Korolenko "In a Bad Society"?

What made me think about the story of V.G. Korolenko "In a Bad Society"?

The story of V.G. Korolenko is called "In a Bad Society." This piece got me thinking about many important things.
The story tells the story of the son of a judge who made friends with children living in the slums. The main character Vasya has not yet thought about how hard it is for children from other - poor - strata of society. Once in the society of Valek and Marusya, he realized how hard poverty and loneliness are.
Valek was nine years old, but he was "thin and thin as a reed." Despite this, the boy behaved like an adult. Yes, this is not surprising - life itself taught him this. In addition, Valek had someone to take care of - his younger sister Marus.
The girl was only four years old and she was seriously ill: “It was pale, ...

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At first I took a long time to approach this book in order to RE-read it ... Now I take a long time to write about it ...

This, in my opinion, is one of the strongest books written for those who want to become human.
That's it - no more and no less. And regardless of the age of the readers.

I don’t know what comments are needed when reading this book: I’m sure from childhood that whoever read this story will understand everything about the world human soul, about what compassion and mercy are, about what kindness can save the world.

Since childhood, I really, really love Vasya and his father, Pan Tyburtsia, Valek, little Sonya and ... Marusya ...
These heroes are not templates, not schemes. They are alive. They change throughout history (or are they simply revealed more and more under the influence of the events described?), But the main thing is that you change with them.
V better side- that's for sure.

I was afraid that after reading this story as an adult aunt, I would find her ...

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Reading isn't always fun. The book sometimes upsets, makes you think, change your views on life. And therefore the choice fiction plays a significant role in the formation of the personality of a teenager. It is extremely important to instill in the child the ability to compassion, empathize with others. This extremely important topic dedicated Vladimir Korolenko "In a bad society." Writing about this story will reveal the true meaning of words such as compassion and mercy.

about the author

Before proceeding with the analysis of the work, it is worth saying a few words about the writer Vladimir Korolenko. He was born in the middle of the 19th century, and since he lost his father quite early, he experienced hardship and severe hardships from his own experience. Difficult childhood formed a special worldview. Korolenko reacted with pain to injustice, which is monstrously abundant in this world. He reflected his experiences in works of art, most of which is dedicated to children. One of them was named by Korolenko ...

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V Soviet time this book by V.G. Korolenko was more often published under the title Children of the Underground. To my mind, the main problem, posed by the author - the possibility of justice and compassion in the society of any people. The main character Vasya, by the will of circumstances, felt unnecessary in home, but found understanding in the bad society of vagabonds. New friends Valek and Marusya taught survival lessons in difficult situations, awakened in the boy mercy and the desire for justice. Tyburtsiy showed that people are judged not by their position in society, but by their deeds. the seemingly dry, insensitive father "discovered" the beautiful soul of his son, having learned about his role in the life of the children of the underground. The former bitterness passed when Vasya's father realized that there are misfortunes more bitter than they have befallen him. You cannot fence yourself off from children, they are not to blame for our sorrows and troubles. The book is permeated with good, it must be read out loud in the family, with ...

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The story "In a Bad Society" by V. G. Korolenko made me think about many things that are important in the life of every person. This work tells about the adventures of the main character of the story, the son of a judge named Vasya, who, by chance, made friends with his peers who live in real slums.

Vasya lived in nice house and prosperity, surrounded by the care and love of their loved ones. Therefore, he did not imagine and did not even think about how other children live, children who happened to be born and grow up in poor families who happened to grow up and survive in poor urban areas that have long been considered real slums. Having met and communicated with Valek and Marusya, Vasya began to understand how hard it is to live in loneliness and poverty.

Valek was only nine years old, he was "thin and thin as a reed." But, despite the fact that he looked younger than his years, the boy's behavior was very similar to that of an adult. This is not surprising, because ...

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A very well written somewhat naive book. By this she clearly reminded me of either Burnett's Mysterious Garden (1909), or Little lord Fauntleroy (1886), a very similar mixture of sentimentality with good style expositions (it is curious that the dates of writing are quite close to each other, "The Blind Musician" was published in different editions in 1886-1898). And the passion for music, its nervous perception resemble the Wind in the willows.

But, despite similar collisions (awakening to the joy of life of children with physical problems and the complexity of social adaptation), Korolenko's story has its own unique flavor. Western Ukrainian flavor, in terms of the era, designated as the features of the Southwestern edge of the Russian Empire. Undoubtedly, Volodymyr Galaktionovich was a Ukrainophile, and the place of the nameless life-giving force from Burnett's books is taken by a sleeping national spirit.

But it's spirit in style mid XIX century, young, just invented by the local intelligentsia, imbued with ...

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Many works have been written that are easy to read and quickly forgotten. And there are works that touch the soul and heart. They are memorable, make you think about life. I believe that V.G. Korolenko "In a bad society" can not leave indifferent either children or adults.

Vasya, the son of a local judge, is the main character of the work. The boy lives in a wealthy family, but does not feel happy. He was left without a mother early. The father is seriously worried about the loss of his wife, he gives all his warmth to his little daughter Sonya.

The boy's life changes after meeting the children of Pan Tyburtsia Drab - Valek and Marusya, who live in dire poverty. Vasya is struck by the thinness of children, their unhealthy appearance, loneliness. Despite all the difficulties, nine-year-old Valek tries to behave like an adult. He treats his sister warmly, takes care of her.

Marusa is only 4 years old. The girl has been sick for a long time. She walks poorly, is very thin, rarely laughs. Vasya is bitter to realize that ...

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Analysis of the story "Children of the Underground" by V. Korolenko

Filled with tragedy and a philosophical assessment of the correctness of actions, the story of Vladimir Korolenko "Children of the Underground" can rightfully be considered an example of true friendship and mercy.

The main theme of the work is poverty, both material and spiritual. As a humanist writer, Korolenko great attention devotes this social issue in the work, forcing you to think about your own priorities in this matter.

The plot is set in a 19th century Polish town. Boy Vasily, the judge's son, lives a calm and comfortable life, the only tragedy in which is the coldness of his father, who, being a just and honest judge, completely unfairly fenced himself off from his son after the death of his mother, concentrating his attention only on his daughter Sophia, for she is similar to her. Vasily lives the life of a loner in his own psychological cocoon, which is destroyed only at the moment when he meets the vagrants ...

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V. G. Korolenko's story is called "In a Bad Society." This piece got me thinking about many important things. The story tells the story of the son of a judge who made friends with children living in the slums.

The main character Vasya has not yet thought about how hard it is for children from other - poor - strata of society. Once in the society of Valek and Marusya, he realized how hard poverty and loneliness are. Valek was nine years old, but he was "thin and thin as a reed."

Despite this, the boy behaved like an adult. Yes, this is not surprising - life itself taught him this. In addition, Valek had someone to take care of - his younger sister Marus. The girl was only four years old and she was seriously ill: “It was a pale, tiny creature, resembling a flower that grew without the rays of the sun.

Despite her four years, she still walked poorly, stepping uncertainly with crooked legs and staggering like a blade of grass; her hands were thin and transparent; the head swayed on a thin neck, ...

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Think about many things that are important in the life of every person. This work tells about the adventures of the main character of the story, the son of a judge named Vasya, who, by chance, made friends with his peers who live in real slums. Vasya lived in a good house and prosperity, surrounded by the care and love of his loved ones. Therefore, he did not imagine and did not even think about how other children live, children who happened to be born and grow up in poor families who happened to grow up and survive in poor urban areas that have long been considered real slums. Having met and communicated with Valek and Marusya, Vasya began to understand how hard it is to live in loneliness and poverty. Valek was only nine years old, he was "thin and thin as a reed." But, despite the fact that he looked younger than his years, the boy's behavior was very similar to that of an adult. This is not surprising, because his teacher was life itself, and he was responsible not only for himself ...

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This article presents a summary of the story "In a Bad Society" by Korolenko by chapters (read below).

A short retelling "In a bad society" by Korolenko reflects all the main events and facts from the work. The story "In a Bad Society" consists of 9 chapters and a conclusion.

A summary of the story "In a bad society" by chapters

I. Ruins
In the town of Knyazhye-Veno * there is an old abandoned castle where beggars live. Once in this castle there is a clash between beggars. As a result, some of the beggars end up on the street.
(* the prototype is the city of Rivne, Ukraine)

II. Problematic natures
The beggars driven out of the castle settle in the old chapel. Chief among these beggars becomes Pan Tyburtius. He has two adopted children - Valek and Marusya.

III. Me and my father
The boy Vasya lives in the same city - main character story. Vasya lives with his father and little sister Sonya. Vasya's mother died. Vasya's father does little to his son. Therefore, Vasya conducts ...

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To the book page: Korolenko Vladimir. In a bad society.

Korolenko Vladimir Galaktionovich

In a bad society



From my friend's childhood memories

Preparation of the text and notes: S. L. KOROLENKO and N. V. KOROLENKO-LYAKHOVICH


My mother died when I was six years old. Father, completely surrendering to his grief, seemed to have completely forgotten about my existence. Sometimes he caressed my little sister and took care of her in his own way, because she had the features of a mother. I grew up like a wild tree in a field - no one surrounded me with special solicitude, but no one hindered my freedom.

The place where we lived was called Knyazhie-Veno, or, more simply, Knyazh-town. It belonged to one seedy but proud Polish family and represented all the typical features of any of the small ...

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Galina Ekaterina

In her work, Galina Ekaterina reflects on Boris Vasiliev's story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet." While reading the book, the student pondered the questions: how to keep courage in battle, how women can stand up when they meet a terrible enemy, are women and war compatible.



Composition - essay.

What made me think about the book about the war.

War is the worst thing that can happen in our life! We must not forget how many people died in the war, how much suffering and torment our soldiers endured, fighting for the Motherland. One of critical topics literature is the theme of the feat of our people in the Great Patriotic War, in which not only soldiers - men, but also women fought - brought the hour of Victory closer.

Vasiliev Boris Lvovich - one of the authors of works about the Great Patriotic War. Who better than him to know what kind of cruel word war. He goes to the front in the ranks of volunteers. After going through the war from beginning to end, Boris Lvovich writes famous work"And the dawns here are quiet ..."

This book made me think about many things: how to maintain courage in battle, how women can withstand a terrible enemy, are women and war compatible.

In the story, the author describes the death of 5 brave girls who died at the hands of the Nazis, defending their homeland. The story is told on behalf of the commander of the crossing Vaskov. The writer conveyed the tragedy of the inhuman war. The girls managed to stop the Germans, it was their devotion to the Motherland and courage that helped them to defeat the enemy. As I already mentioned, Boris Lvovich is a front-line soldier, so his work is believable. I read the story in one breath. I am a girl, and I wonder how fragile girls fought, how cruel and merciless the war reacted to the girls - anti-aircraft gunners. What beautiful, young, absolutely healthy girls have gone into oblivion! This is the horror of war. That is why there should be no place for her on earth!

I really liked the work. After reading it, I thought about the meaninglessness of war and its consequences. These girls could get married, have children. Each of them would be a good mother, kind and gentle.
I am very sorry that Liza Brichkina died. So I wanted them to get married with Vaskov after the war. But war has its own laws.

Each girl had her own peaceful life with joys and sorrows. And let there be life with white and black stripes, if only not a war.
But Hitler started a war.
And the girls rose to defend the Motherland, avenging their relatives and friends, for the failed life.
When I read works, I always imagine myself as the heroine of events. But in this work I was scared to see myself. I don't know if I could voluntarily go to the front, I could, like Liza, go alone through the swamp, like Zhenya, go into cold water knowing that multiple pairs of enemy eyes are watching you. I do not in the least blame Galka Quartet for the fear she experienced. I, too, would be scared when the enemy would pass near me. But I am sorry that by this act she betrayed the presence of the detachment.

Mom asked me who I would like to be like, whom I would like to take an example from. I thought that it was Rita Osyanina who was the girl I wanted to look up to. I liked her immediately. Rita is calm, balanced, honest. She did not hide from Vaskov that she saw Germans in the forest, although she had to confess to a violation of discipline. What courage it took to shoot yourself, so as not to be a burden, realizing that your child will now remain a complete orphan.

And Zhenya is so brave! Blow yourself up ... Scary. But I admire her.
The teacher asked me which piece I had chosen to participate in the competition. I said. She asked what the story taught me. I thought about it.

I came home after school and asked my mother this question. Mom said that the story teaches us courage, devotion, heroism. I agreed. But after thinking, she added that the author shows that a woman can do anything, she can be brave, capable of courage, but her place is near the crib, near the stove.

I would like to finish my work with the words of the song that we are now teaching with the class for a performance at the Songs for Warriors festival.

Yes, we know how to fight, but we don't want to

The soldiers fell in battle to their bitter land ...