To instruct true way. And you, like mom, is something very important for myself? Prayer to all the Holy in Correction of the Child

To instruct true way. And you, like mom, is something very important for myself? Prayer to all the Holy in Correction of the Child

TRUE whom. Tutorial whom. Book. Impacting in any way, encourage someone to change behavior in a good direction, to incline to good. Peter Ignatievich loved to instruct the youth on the right path, and without having having a truth against the truth, it was necessary to add that it was not bad (N. Pankov. Mentors). "Well, put, I carry my a drop of good for the benefit of the total: who needs Otergea, I will warn, I will reveal my eyes, I will mention on the road. Yes, because you need to think about yourself. " (Kuprin. Peaceful Life).

The phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, Ast. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

Watch what is "instructing on the way" in other dictionaries:

    put on the path of truth - Cm … Synonym dictionary

    To instruct the true way. Tutorial to the right way. Book. By affecting in any way, encourage anyone to change behavior in a good direction, to incline to good. Petr Ignatievich loved to instruct the youth on ... ... Fraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    Instruct Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    Instruct - 1. To instruct1, I will mention, you will arrange, perfect. (to instruct1). 1. What and someone. Put in some quantity (collapse). To guidelines. Set a lot of furniture. 2. What. Adding, sticking, lengthened for any. Enter the stairs. ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    way - road, move, end, route, course, turnover, flight (ship), hook. Make one waltz tour. Make one volt. Artistic tour in Russia. I will go, rest from the road. Push. My path lies on Rostov. Way road .. cf. . See the road, journey, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    WAY - Husband. (In the thief. Way of women.) Road, riding, rolled band, running path. Get pag. Patched ways. Paths of non-surprise, Rasputle. Winter, summer path. Way track! The overall wishes of the counter. | The same ride, walking, swimming, and | Time, term, ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Daly

    instruct - instruct, plow, hiss; revenge . 1. Who (what). Put in which n. quantities (talk.) N. Chaulyev. N. Pyaterok in the diary. N. Sinyakov, cones. 2. What. Lengthen, sticking that n. What n. N. Sleeve. 3. What. Approaching, aiming (collapse). N. ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Candle 2. - Change 2, pour, hiss; revenge owls. whom (what) for what. Teach whom n. What is n. Good. N. on the mind (enhance; collapse). N. On the path true. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    instruct - 1. instruct, plow, hiss; sv. 1. What and someone. Put, arrange, place where l. in what l. (usually large) quantity. N. Dozen watchdogs have each door. Tell furniture here will not pass! 2. What. . To make (beat, blow and t ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    way - and, m. 1. Land of land, serving for riding and walking; road. Make a new path. □ I go out on the road; Through the fog's silly path glitters. Lermontov, I go out one ... They see, went straight road, only a bumpy, where the horses of the real ... ... Small Academic Dictionary


  • Damn Cross: Spanish mystical prose XIX - early XX century ,. Knights, meeting one on one with terrible bloodthirsty ghosts because of the prosperity of beautiful ladies; Beauties, forcing their cavaliers to make unheard of express; Barons whose ...

Many years later, when I experienced a serious life crisis, I was with a group of schoolchildren in the current monastery. We arrived there on a tour. And while children with teachers visited Lavra, I stayed alone in the courtyard of the monastery.

I was still an athe system. I did not believe in God or in the hell. I treated such trips as visiting a museum or exhibition, where it is interesting, funny, unusual.

But this time everything turned out to be different.

I was completely crushed. I am completely confused in life. There was a period when everything in my life did not develop, I was frankly unhappy and lonely. I was completely exhausted. I did not know how to live further. I seemed to do not understand anything in this life: no one thing happens to me, for nothing to me ...

I stood alone in the courtyard of the monastery, looking around his beautiful buildings, the church, a well-kept courtyard.

At some point, the beauty of this place captured, struck me.

The monastery stood at the bottom of a huge ravine, this in itself was unusual: somehow it is usual that the church is always in a prominent, high place. And then all the buildings were located in a deep bowl and climbed over steep slopes. And neat houses, and the churcher - everything was so clean and beautiful, so completely, and the nature itself is so majestic, so beautiful that at some point I felt an inner shock from this perfection and harmony that reigned around.

In the center of this monastery was the square. Small round square. It seemed to me at some point that this is the center of the Universe, the center of harmony, and I so wanted to get up in this center, to be peace in this place that I did it.

I stood in the very center of the monastery and looked at his slopes, crouched by the majestic trees covered with snow. I raised my head and looked into the sky. It was deep and amazing blue. And I thought that somewhere there, probably, there is God. And at that moment I for the first time in my life came the thought to ask for help in God.

Probably, to be honest, at that moment I still did not believe in any higher strength. But I was so exhausted and so alone that my despair was looking for exit. And I began to pray.

I did not know any prayer. I did not know how to do it. I just stood and talked to myself with some kind of frenzy:

- Lord, I do not know anything! Lord, I do not understand anything! Lord, I'm completely confused! Lord, I do not know how to live! I do not know what to do! Teach me, Lord! To mention me true!

This phrase: "Move me true!" Suddenly surfaced in my head, and how she sounded, it was so right for me at that moment that I was standing and repeated: "Lord, to mention me true! .."

I said it and said, and it seemed to me that my heart was revealed towards something, and I stand in a stream of some kind of unearthly ...

Children ended the excursion. I left this place, went to the group. We sat off. We were waiting for another excursion to some kind of temple, then - landing for the train and return to Moscow.

In the temple in which we arrived at the excursion, I first went in life not as a guide, which stresses on the sides, I entered him for the support, I entered it as in Holy place where I can help.

Do I believed at that moment in God? I confess, I was once able to deal with these questions - only one phrase sounded inside me: "Lord, to mention me true!" And I repeated her and repeated, until it came to go to the station.

The less words, the better prayer.

Martin Luther

We sat on a train, and a few minutes after departure, I realized that I need to urgently read the book, bought a few years ago. I bought it for a long time, looked at home and postponed with words: "What a nonsense!"

I could not fall asleep for a long time. I lay and painfully remembered where I could shove this book. I fell asleep with this thought. I woke up with this thought. I rushed home, and it seemed to me that the subway train walled barely. I almost jumped home and woke up a daughter with a question: "Katya, you do not know where there may be a book? ..."

We broke the bookshelves, mezzanine, and finally the book was found.

I read it per day. And from that day, my life began to change.

I first realized that I was building my life myself. I felt the strength to start a new stage in my life. I started my life again.

Then I tried to remember how this book was sent to me. God supported me, whether my subconsciously gave me a prompt, - all this was no matter. I saw the result: I applied for help - help came.

If God is for you, who is against you?

Message to Romans, 8:31

One month after reading the book, when I really started creating my new life and build a new myself, I suddenly realized that I really need support.

I suffered without support. I began to grow, but I was surrounded by very negative people, all around me were talking about difficulties, misfortunes, deprivation ... And I need support for me, I needed like-minded people! And I sat down, my hands prayer and said:

- Lord, I need support so much! Lord, help, I need support so much! ..

I repeated it again and again, I called on this support ...

I was already in bed when the phone rang. I called my good acquaintance, with whom we have not seen yourself for a long time.

"I'm sorry that I woke you up," he said. - But I just came and, you know, there is such a situation, I was invited to the seminar, and I can't go tomorrow, I thought, maybe it will be interesting for you ...

It was a workshop on the book that gave me such an impetus to life. He was spent an amazing woman who took part in creating this book. For many years she became my support. I met a seminar with people who just like me, sought to change your life. I received support. I strengthened in my belief. I strengthened in choosing my way.

And I realized that the support was always coming when you add to her.

Now I know it for sure: God, the universe, the space, the highest mind, the information field - how do you want to name - always respond to your call for help. Just do not be silent. Just appeal. And help will come. Unless you believe in it.

Because you already know: life is what you believe.

You get what they declare life. You get the real results of your beliefs.

There are people who are convinced that they are alone and are not supported in this world. That there is no God and the Higher Forces. What you need to rely only on ourselves, not trusting anyone and without opening.

So they live alone, everyone takes on themselves, all drags on themselves, not trusting anyone and does not ask for help. And get tired insanely. And fall into the disease and exhaustion. And so it will continue in their lives - while they believe in what they believe.

And do you want to live like that?

Rowing a sparrow Malinovka: Why do these unfortunate people live in constant fuss and endless anxieties?

He answered the sparrow Malinovka: it must have not had a heavenly father who would care about them as he cares about you and about me ...

Life is what you believe. Assume the idea that the highest strength is. Assume the idea that you hear and can give the desired. Let me turn to them with a request. Let yourself see help.

After all, if you got here, in this world, having passed that serious natural selection, which we talked about, you already deserve the care and attention of the higher strength. They let you, missed this world created by God. This is about many things.

Moreover, God's soul lives in you, how can you be unshamed when you are a particle of God when you are connected by invisible threads? You are your favorite Child of the Universe. You are God's Child. How can I think about what you will stay without support?

Your faith in higher strength, your faith in possible support will create you real support for the strength and energy of such a magnitude and power that there is nothing, whatever you can achieve with their help.

Unless you believe.

In everyday life, the guarantee of parents, loved ones. In infancy they have greater authority, instruct and teach. Over time, their effect weakens. In order to protect their children, prayer is used. Reading prayers is sincere, only then it acquires true strength.

Maternal appeal

The strength of prayer lines, said with sincere faith, are able to save the child from sins, to enlist and clarify the true actions of his life path.
Pronounce "Lord, Homes" need 12 times.

"Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the prayer for the sake of your mother to hear me, sinful and unworthy slave yours (name).
Lord, in the grace of your power of Chado my (name), hindle and save his name for your sake.
Lord, forgive him all the sinners, free and unwitting, who committed by him before you.
Lord, to mention it to the true path of the commandments of your and the pleasants and enlighten it and enlighten with the light of your Christ, in the salvation of the soul and healing of the body.
Lord, bless him in the house, near the house, in the field, work and on the road and every place of your possession.
Lord, Save him under the cover of your holy from the flying bullet, arrows, knife, sword, poison, fire, flood, from deadly ulcers and from vain death.
Lord, to protect him from visible and invisible enemies, from all sorts of trouble, angry and misfortunes.
Lord, healed him from all diseases, to cleanse from all sneakers (wines, tobacco, drugs) and facilitate his mental suffering and grief.
Lord, give him grace of the Holy Spirit for many years of life and health, chastity.
Lord, give him his blessing to a pious family life and pious childbirth.
Lord, Darui and me, unworthy and sinful servant, your parent blessing for Chado My in the coming morning, days, evenings and nights, the name of yours for the sake of yours, because your kingdom is eternally, all-way and omnipotent. Amen".

Prayer for a child

"Lord Jesus Christ, the mercy of yours on my children (names). Save them under your telescope, seating from all Lukavago wrapping, unloading from them all the enemy and the sacrup, the ears and the eyes of the heart, donate the dignification and humility of them. Lord, we all create yours, pity the children of my (names) and turn them to repentance. Save, Lord, and have mercy of my children (names) and enlighten your mind the light of the mind of the Gospel of your Gospel and to Nasty them on the path of the commandments of your and teach them, Savior, Create Your Will, Yako you are our God. Amen".

Another version of prayer on the path is true serves as salvation from the wrong road, the direction for all family members. With the help of love, the faith of the one who pronounces these lines, appeal to the Lord gains strength.

"Mercy Lord, Jesus Christ, you are handing our children who you gave us by fulfilling our prayers.

I ask you, Lord, save them the way you yourself know. Save them from the vices, evil, pride and do not touch the souls of them nothing, nasty you. But faith, love and hope for salvation to give them and let them have chosen vessels of the Holy Spirit and will be holy and disassembled before God their life path.

Bless them, Lord, yes, they strive every minute of their life to fulfill the will of your holy, so that you, Lord, could always be with the spirit of your saints.

Lord, to teach them to pray to you, so as the prayer was supported by them and ridelia in the sorces and consolation of their lives, and we were saved by prayer and we, their parents. Your angels are always guarded.

Yes, there will be children our little to the grief of their neighbor and let them fulfill your commandment of love. And if they sin, then the arms of them, Lord, bring repentance to you, and forgive them for their ineverance.

When their earth's life is completed, then take them in their heavenly monastery, where they behave with their other slaves of your favorites.

The prayer of the Mother Mother of the Virgin and Knowers of Mary and Holy Mother of God (all the holy families are listed), Lord, Homes and save us, Yako has been accompanied by an inspired by your original father and the Most Holy Fashionable Lifey Great Spirit now and died and forever. Amen".

Appeal to Our Lady

In heavy moments, it is important to seek help from the holy. Pray, using this option along with an Akathist to the icon "The recovery of the dead." Appeal helps to instruct true, find peace of mind.

"The intercession is a diligent, fragrant Lord Mati, I am resorted to Az, the puppy and patch of all the man's sinner, my prayer in the prayer, my whale and wrap, I will hear Yako, my forecast is my head, and az, I am a ship in the jungle, immersing in the sea of \u200b\u200bsins mine. But you, all-inclusive and merciful Vladychitsa, do not despite me, desperynago and Gresh dyingly; Someone, Kayuchagosya in the evil dealer of my, and turn to the path of the right lack of ankanese soul. On you, Mother Vladychitsa, I have all the hope of my. You, Mother of God, Save and follow your telescope, now, and dreamily, and forever. Amen".

Heavenly forces

This prayer is directed towards the Most High and God's Saint. Turning to them, a person acquires sincere equilibrium regardless of the case that is disturbed. This is especially true of cases when they overcome doubts how to act in the other situation. Sincere appeal to saint will save from the wrong step, will send to the right path.

"God holy and in the holy twisters, three-minded glasses in the sky from an angel chanting, on the ground from the man in the saints of his praise: the giving Holy Holy Spirit of Komuzo grace as Christ is granted, and that is a delivered church of Your Holy Holy of the Apostles, OAY Administrators, shepherds and teachers, their own word sermons. All the most valid in all, the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Communion in the Communication and Rhoda, various virtues of the most virtuous, and to you, the image of the good feats of their left, in the joy of preached, prepare, in it themselves the temptations of the blessed, and we are attacked to help. The saints of all are rejoiced and their goddly gone, Samago, in them there is a valid, praise, and Oneh's faithfulness of your giving birth to life, sainting, sainting the sinners to ensure their teachings, the wake of those who are in grateful, heaven with them Wake up of glory, the praise of the Most Holy Name, Father and Son and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen".

248 0

True whom. Tutorial whom. Book. Impacting in any way, encourage someone to change behavior in a good direction, to incline to good. Peter Ignatievich loved to instruct the youth on the right path, and without having having a truth against the truth, it was necessary to add that it was not bad (N. Pankov. Mentors). "Well, put, I carry my a drop of good for the benefit of the total: who needs Otergea, I will warn, I will reveal my eyes, I will mention on the road. Yes, because you need to think about yourself. " (Kuprin. Peaceful Life). The phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, Ast A. I. Fedorov 2008

Values \u200b\u200bin other dictionaries

Instruction on the right path

Adjust on the way

To instruct the true way. Tutorial to the right way. Book. Impacting in any way, encourage someone to change behavior in a good direction, to incline to good. Petr Ignatievich loved to instruct the youth on the path of the true, and without having survealing against the truth, it was necessary to add that it was turned out not bad (N. Pankov. Mentors). "Well, put it, I do not like my drop of good ...

Put on the path right

To instruct the right one. Touch the right way. Study. The same as a href \u003d "/ 2/5635.htm" to instruct the true / a whom. And for the change of his thoughts, I honor myself eternally obliged to the young kidney man who instructed me on the path of the right (Fonvizin. Friend of honest people, or olders). Admission to the right path. Our father ...

Complete collection and description: Prayer is instructed on the path true for the spiritual life of a believer.

what at that time did the soul needed.

Prayer No. 3. Guidance on the True path.

Forgive me, my forelegations for me, for my way is sin,

and my soul suffers under the severity of these sins.

My crimes are severe, for I created evil, without knowing what you are doing.

No in the soul of my resentment for those punishment,

that you graciously sent me to salvation,

and if there is - please: help me get rid of the offense.

Let them disappear from my heart without a trace,

Prayer Advancement on the True path

Holy Mikhailo Arkhangelsky temple | The arrival of the city of Ostova-on-Don

Prayer Angel Keeper to strengthen faith

My patron, my petition before the face of the God of a single Christian! Holy angel, I appeal to you with a prayer to save your soul. From the Lord, I was tested by faith, the Okayannoye, for loved the hell of my God. Help, holy, transfer the test from the Lord, for the weak Az seven and I'm afraid not to withstand your sufferings. The angel is light, low to me, left my great wisdom to hean a very sensible Word of God. Protect faith My, angel, so that there was no temptation before me and the test of our Az would have passed. As a blind man goes on the mud, without knowing that Az will go with you the medium of vices and the abominations of the earth, without raising the eyes on them, but in vain only to the Lord. Amen.

Prayer Angel Custodian to instruct true

Heavenly angel, Save my sinner sin, pour to God for me to God, but low on me. Javi me the sign of God, Ivi to me the will of God. Az is also ready to hens a sensible will of God, for repent of his terrestrial things. Forgive my pregressions, moths for me Lord God of our Jesus Christ! Move me, the appearance, on the way true. Again bring me the word of the Lord. And I will come from our heavenly through you to tell me your will, I will listen to az. As a student hesitates in school, the knowledge of the knowledge of the beige, as well as Az is ready to listen to the Word of God from the mouth of his messenger, the Angel of Saint. O seed you pray you, holy angel. Amen.

Prayer the guardian angel to discover the mind for the word of the Lord.

Shot, who paid me up and defended me, and went to me, and God prayed for my soul, I turn my voice to you, for I am afraid of sin on myself. The wanings of me, the warrior of Christ, from the preggie and other misfortune, which is, clarifying my mind. I'm afraid, unthinkable, fall into disfavor of our teacher, the Most High Lord, because it is weak to understand his word. Discover my mind, Holy Angela of Christ, Az Budge to listen to the word of the Lord. Call for my thoughts, in order to be extremely filled with the wisdom of the Holy Scriptures. Help, benefactor, comprehend everything that is from God on Earth. Amen.

Prayer Angel Custodian to protect against sinful thoughts and thoughts

Defender and keeper My, pour you about help! Heavenly Angela, hear me! I repent before you in sinful thoughts and ideas that we settled my mind. I sincerely repent that I was involved in the thoughts of the unworthy, disagreeable to the Lord God. I was involved in what Jesus Christ taught us. I repent of this and I ask you, the Angel of God, forgive me and pray for my sinful soul of the Father of Heaven. I hope for your justice and the mercy of the Lord, others like people. Amen.

Prayers for the instructions of the child on the way righteous

With these prayers, they turn to the holy for help in the instruction of children on the righteous path.

Prayer to all the Holy in Correction of the Child

God holy and in the holy twisters, three-minded glasses in the sky from an angel chant, on the ground from a man in the saints of his boastable:

holy Holy Spirit of Komuzo grace as Christ is being taught, and a delivered church of your Holy Holy Oa Apostles, OAI Prophets,

oSI of the sameness, oam shepherds and teachers, their own word sermons.

You have the most valid in all, the Ministry of Communication is made by Svyolya in the Communications and Rhoda, various virtues of the well-fortunate you,

and to you, we are the image of the good feats of your left, in the joy of preached, prepare, in it themselves the temptations of the Beshem, and we are attacked to help.

This holy all is rejoiced and their godly praiseing life, you Samago, in them actually, praise, and onhene of the beneficiaries of your giving birth to life,

i diligently pray, holy saints, giving the sinner to ensure their teachings, the worship of the greatest thanks to the greatest thanks, the celestial name of the glory, the praise of the Most Holy Name, Father and Son and the Holy Spirit.

Prayer to the Lord God about the instructions of the child on the path of righteous

God, our gracious and heavenly Father!

Have mercy on our children (names) and our gods (names), for whom we humbly molim and whom we bet on your care and protection.

In support of them a strong faith, to teach them to fade in front of you and the evkhai to love them to firmly, our creator and the Savior.

Direct them, God, on the path of truth and good, so that they all do to the glory of your name.

Teach them pious and virtuously live, be good Christians and useful people.

Give them to health spiritual and bodily and success in the works.

Getting rid of them from the cunning seedlings, from numerous temptations, from bad passions and from all sorts of wicked and disorderly people.

For the sake of your son, the Lord of our Jesus Christ, according to the prayers of His Major Mother and all the saints, bring them to a quiet pier of your eternal kingdom,

so that they with all the righteous people always thank you with the only society of your son and your life-friendly spirit.

Incemakes my (name) of the cognition of the truth of your truth and the will of your holy, strengthening him in the commandments of your and Mena Greshnago Pomeli, the prayers of the Mother's Mother's Mother, Virgin and Vyatnika Mary and Holy Holiets (all the holy families are listed),

yako is painted with the original and with the Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and in the eyelids.

Prayer for the instructions of children on the path of true Jesus Christ

The merciful Lord, Jesus Christ, you are handing our children who you gave us by fulfilling our prayers.

I ask you, Lord, save them the way you yourself know.

Save them from the vices, evil, pride and do not touch the souls of them nothing, nasty you.

But faith, love and hope for salvation to give them and let them have chosen vessels of the Holy Spirit and will be holy and disassembled before God their life path.

Bless them, Lord, yes, they strive every minute of their life to fulfill the will of your holy, so that you, Lord, could always be with the spirit of your saints.

Lord, to teach them to pray to you, so as the prayer was supported by them and ridelia in the sorces and consolation of their lives, and we were saved by prayer and we, their parents.

Your angels are always guarded.

Yes, there will be children our little to the grief of their neighbor and let them fulfill your commandment of love.

And if they sin, then the arms of them, Lord, bring repentance to you, and forgive them for their ineverance.

When their earth's life is completed, then take them in our heavenly monastery, where can they behave with their other slaves of your favorites.

The prayer of the Mary's Mother of God and Nabdows of Mary and Holy Mother of God (all the holy families are listed), Lord, Homes and save us, for you are declared with the original father and the most famous good-dealing spirit of your spirit now and in the eyelids.

Prayer for the Most Holy Theotokos about the instruction of a child on the righteous way

About the Most Holy Devo, Mati of the Lord Highlights, Heaven and Land Tsarice, Hoody and Countries Our Monslat Intercession!

We receive a labore-thank-thank singing from us, unworthy of your slave, and worship our prayers to the throne of your son of your son,

yes, gracious will be untolds to our and try to grace your most common name yours and with faith and lovely worshiping miraculous image of yours.

Major Boy worthy of him is pardoned to life, it's not so good to die about us, Vladychitsa, Yako, all of you are possible from him.

Something for you to resort to you, Yako to the undoubted and soon the intercession of our: I hear us, you are praying, the autumn of us with an all-increasing cover of yours and as soon as God's Son's Son is shepherd by our jealousy and shower ridges,

the GradErter is wisdom and strength, judgment truth and nonlinearia, mentor Mind and Smithnantry, the spouse of love and consent, a chance obedience, who are offended by patience, having a fear of God, who grieves the grace, rejoicing abstinence;

all of the spirit of mind and piety, the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and truth.

To her, Ms. Presidaya, soothing to the weak people;

rake Rake, lumpy on the way Right Nastavi, Stare Support, Yuniya Ocelomomeri, infants and pride for all of us the charity of Milostivago Your intercession, erect us from the depths of sinful and enlighten the heart of the eyes of salvation;

milostiv to us Budi Zea and Tamo, in the country of the Earth Ampact, and on the Scary Court of the Son of Your:

pretty in the faith and repentance from the life of this fathers and the brotherhood of our in the eternisle of life from Angeli and with all the Holy Life.

You boasts, Mrs., the glory of Heaven and the hope of terrestrial, you are at the bose our hope and the intercession of all those who run to you with faith.

We will pray to you and you, Ioko almighty assistant, our ourselves and our whole stomach, they betrayed, now and are confused, and in the eyelids.

Prayer for the direction of the child to the right way to Angel Keeper

Angel keeper of the slave of God / Slaves of God (call the name of the child), I beg you and ask for protection.

Do not leave my child in the way and do not lower your wings for His and my sorts.

Sawn my child from bad people and damn dangers.

Bloach the path of the evil invasion and left the heavens of durable defense against the ailments.

Guardian Angel, bring my child to Orthodox faith in Christ.

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker about instruction on the right way

O good our shepherd and mentor, Christ Nicolae!

Hear my words, about my my little man, my sick (name)!

I urge to help you, he is intimid, a maliciously overshadowed help.

Do not leave him in the sinful captivity, the average of the evil acts!

Moths about us creator of our, Lord!

In order for the life of God's slave in the purity and tranquility of thoughts, so that happiness and peace with him to step up to have all the problems and bad weather by the party bypass.

And those that have already happened, harm did not affect!

I think about your petition, on your intercession!

Prayer for children Sergia Radonezh about the instruction on the path is true

Oh, sacred glabel, reverend and the gardener of our sergy, your prayer, and faith and love, Lucky to God, and the purity of the heart, still on the abode of the prevail of the Holy Trinity of the soul of your arrangement,

and Angelskago communication and the Most of the Virgin at visiting the visiting, and the gift is miraculous than grace, at the expense of yours from the earthly Napa to God approximate and the celestial forces are involved,

but from us the spirit of LUVE DOES NOT ACCEPT, and honest your power, Yako vessel grace is full and overcoming, we are left!

Having having a boldness to the furnace lords, moths save his slave, which is graceful in you the believer and to you with love flowing.

We succeed with us from the god of our god of our all sorts of gift, everyone and Komugoto is well-worth:

faiths are immaculate observance, harassment of our statement, the world is a diploma, from a glad and a fire, the deliverance, from the invasion of the invalid conservation, mournful consolation, affecting healing, fallen down,

miscellaneous to the path of truth and rescue returns that promotion of strengthening, grappling in the priest, good surveillance and blessing,

baby Education, young instruction, is not interested in the insight, orphans and widows a intercession that leaves this time of lives to the eternal good preparation and a farewell to the blessed rest,

and all of them by the surrender of your prayers in the day of the terrain of the court of Schiye part of the ridiculous, the gums of the same countries are human general and blissful voice of the Vladyka Christ to hear: "Get the blessed of my father, inherit the kingdom from the addition of peace."

Orthodox prayers ☦

14 the most powerful prayers of the Virgin

The prayer of the Virgin about the gift of children

Prayer Virgin Mary about healing from addiction

"Oh fulfilling the attitude of the Mother of God Pantanass, the Allzaritsa! Taken worthy, yes, I don't work under my shelter! But Yako Milostivago God Lyubaglaglantic Mati, the roots of the word, and my soul will heaance and will strengthen my body. IMASHA Bo Power invincible and does not exist to you all the verb, about the Allzaritsa! You are for me imprising, you are so bad, yes, you always glorify your Name, now and in demonstrative eyelids. Amen."

Prayer of the Kazan Mother of God to health, healing

"About the Most Mrs. Vladychitsa Virgin Mary! With fear, faithful and lovely, Pacific Icon, Molima: Don't Take your face from those who are resorting to you, the mind, the mercy of Mati, the son of your and the god of our, gentlemen Jesus Christ, will save our country to our country, will approve the Power Russian piety, the church is His Holy Dah, I will not be inscribed from disbelief, heresy and split. Not imama bo is noise, not immay of hope, isn't you, the prechile devo: you are an all-grade Christian assistant and intercession. Relieve everyone, with faithful you are praying, from falling sinful, from the naval of evil people, from all sorts of temptations, sorrows, troubles and from vain death; Give us the spirit of the crushing, humility of the heart, the purity of the thoughts, the correction of the sinful life and leaving the lacerations, yes VSI, grateful to the obsesses and the greatness of your own, will advise the celestial kingdoms and Tamo with all the saints to glorify the precessive and magnificent name of the Father and Son and Saint Spirit. Amen."

Prayer of Our Lady about the healing of the patient from cancer

"Oh Major Bogomati, All Commary! We hear the multi-breaking rehabilitation of our before the miraculous icon, from the lot of Afonovskago to Russia in Russia, the proud of your children, insecious inconsidants of the suffering and the holy image of your faith with faith! Jacques Bird Kromrome covers her chicks, so now, and you are still alive of the land, the faceting of us with a multi-purpose omophore. Tamo, the hope of hope disappears, the bad hope of Budi. Tamo, the appearance of the moody grief overwhelm, patience and weakenly appeared. Tamo, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe darkness of despair in the souls, you wanted to take the wrong light of the Divine! Unwell comfort, weakly strengthened, fierce hearts softening and enlightenment Darui. Healing the sore people of yours, about the barking queen! The mind and hands of the dorsal us are blessed, and will serve as a weapon of the doctor of Christ the Savior of our Savior. Yako lives with us, I pray before the icon, about the Vladychitsa! Pretty your hand, filled with healing and dozes, joy of grieving, in the cooking consolation, yes, the miraculous help will soon receive, we glorify the lifelong and inseparable Trinity, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen."

Prayer of the Mother of God from Fire and Healing from Diseases

"On the Most Holy and Sweet Mother Sweet SolishGo Lord of Our Jesus Christ! Fit and worship you before the sacrament and precessive icon, the wonderful and copper miracles of the Wonderful, from Felnago Population and Lyneninosnago Thunder Housing Our Saucers, Salzing Healers and Any Good Fosting Outstairs. Humbly Molim, the omnipotent kind of our intercession, the controversy, weakness and sinful, your mother's participation and prosperity. Save and save, Vladychitsa, under the blood of grace, your emaciated country, the authorities and the host of the Hero, the Church of the Holy, the Temple of this (or: the abode of this) and all that falling towards you with faith and love and lovingly aside with your tears of your intercession. To her, Mrs., soaring on us, beyond the sins by the sins by many and not to dare to Christ, asking him about pardon and forgiveness, but we offer you to him for the defense, my mother in the flesh; You, all-inclusive, send your god-airfare to him and predominate for us before the goodness of it, asking us for the forgiveness of our pregnancy, the piety of the Murnago life, Bulgia Christian death and the Dobago answer in the terrible court of him. At the same time, Genmonian visits to God, alone, our houses ourselves ourselves or the lightning thunder will be frightened, we will be eagerly, IVA will be a gracious intercession and the holding alex, yes, we save the All-Fivy to Lord with prayers, the time of God's Paradise and Eternal Bliss of the Paradise Tamo inherit Holy Weekly, the precessive and magnificent name of the Pockemor of the Trinity, Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, and your greatness to us mercy in the eyelids. Amen."

Prayer of Our Lady to protect the house

"On the multi-size mother of God, the exists of all the dskend of land for its purity and in many sufferings, to the grounds of the suspended! We use the multi-breaking frills of our and save us under the blood of a mercy. Inago Bo Refuge and TeploChoble Representation, Do you, not Vechy, but, Yako Consider Izmuti to others from you born, Pozoan and save our prayers with your own, and it is inconspicuous to achieve the kingdom of heaven, I am an idea with all the saints, we will chanting praise in the Trinity, always Now, and dreamily, and in the eyelids. Amen."

Mother's Mother's Prayer from Enemies, Evils and Hate

"Who is not pleased with the male, the girl's gracious, who will not be reeling your mercy to the genus of human. You pray, we ask you: do not leave us, in the evil dying, the loving of the heart of our hearts and our enemies went to their arrow, and the hearts of our world to chase us. Over the world hates us - you send our love to us, whether we are driven by the world - you accept us. Giving us a grapple strength of patience - to transfer the test without Ropot, in the world of the world. About Mrs.! Soften the hearts of evil people upright on us, and they will not die of their hearts in evil, but the hell, the gracious, son of yours and our God, and the hearts will be ascended by their world, the devil is the father of the malice - yes will be brightened! We, and the mercy of yours to us, evil, indecently, week, about the misfortune of God's gratifying: hear us at the time of this, the crushed hearts of it, the rest of the world and love to each other and the enemy of our, the eradication of us And enmity, let you and your son and your son, to our Lord Jesus Christ: Alliluia! Aliluia! Allilouia! "

Prayer of Our Lady of Marriage

"Oh, the Most Holy Mother of the Mother of God, the Queen of the Sky and the Earth, the Higher Angel and Archangel and All Creatures are honest, clean devo Marie, the world of the Helper, and all people are a statement, and in all kinds of need to get rid of! Watch and now, Mrs., in the slaves of yours, you have a soul and a crushed heart praying, with tears to you falling and paying your prechytoma and a workbook, and help and interpreting your aspecting. Oh, the global and premium Delo the Virgin is clean! Reviews, Mrs., for people of yours: We are the sin of the wrongness of the Imai help, don't you and you have a risk of our god of our god. You are an intercession and our concern. You are offended by the defendant who grieves joy, siere refuge, the widows of the keeper, the devies of glory, crying fun, sick visits, weaken healing, sinful salvation. To, for the sake of God, about the Bogomati, we are resorting to you, and on your prechistan image with banging your own child, the Lord Our Jesus is indirectly, a defeated singing to you and yelling: numbness, Mother of God, and our existence It is possible for your petition, I can be clarified to you now and dream and forever. Amen."

Prayer about healing from the disease

"Delivereled by Vladychitsa, Velodelo the Virgin, God of the word Puchae some words on saving our having talked, and grace him is preploridately than everyone who manifested, the sea was the enlightened divine tanning and miracles a dedicated river, pouring grace to everyone, with faith for you resorting! The miraculous look of your image falling, praying to you, having mercy of the mother of human loving lord: Surprise on us the mercy of your grace, and our petitions, bringing you, fasting, will speed up everything, herself benefit to consolation and salvation, which is advocated. Visit, preparing, the slaves of your grateful, I will have a flammable Claw and the perfect health, beaten silence, captive freedom and various images of suffering consideration; Get rid of the gloves of Mrs., all sorts of degrees and the country from glad, ulcers, coward, flooding, fire, sword and other execution of temporary and eternal, with your daring the wrath of God; and there is no lack of disappearance, dyeing passions and fellings freedom of your slave, Yako, it is incomprehensible, in every piety of foul in Sevech, and in the future of eternal goods will be advised by the grateful and humans of your son and God, Jerzhe applies any glory, honor and worship, with his original Father and the Most Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen."

Prayer for help in work

"On the Most Holy Devo, Mati of the Lord Vysnyago, a dilapidated intercession of everyone, to you with the faith of resorting! Watch from the height of the cheeks of your greatness on My, indecent, to the holy icon of your fallen, hear soon the humble prayer, sinning, and bring you to your son, the mind of him, yes, he illuminates the gloomy soul my light Divine grace and clean my mind from thoughts Sweet, and he will urit the suffering heart and healed his wounds, yes, I will enjoy my good deeds and strengthen it to work with fear, so I will forgive everything that I am angry with me, it will save from the eternal flour and will not deprive the heaven of his kingdom. About the predicted by the Virgin! You are fragmented by ESI in the image of your inappropriate, commanding everyone to try to you with faith, do not despite the pit, sorrowful, and do not miss me to die in the abyss of my sins, on the bose all my hope and hope of salvation, and your preservation and the concept I give myself forever in the eyelids. Amen."

Prayer of Our Lady from the bisps and grief

"Velo Vladychitsa The Mother of God, a pucha of the nature and the words gave birth to the only beast of God, the word, the creator and the lord of all creatures visible and invisible, one from the Trinity of God, God and the person who pretended the insidency of the Divine, which contains every shrine and grace, in the most famous God and Father, The promotion of the Holy Spirit, the bodies of the fullness of the Divine, which is incomparably extracted by Bogolyptic advantage and the advantagement before all the creatures, Sno and consolation, and the ineverance of the angels, the congestion and the prophets, the prenemic and wonderful courage of the martyrs, to the rape and the victory's factor, which deems And the rewards are eternal and Bogolep, erasely all kind of honor, honor and gloros of the reverend, uncompromising travel and the mentor of silence, the door of revelations and spiritual taine, the source of light, the gates of the eternal life, inexhaustible Mercy Reco, the inexhaustible Sea of \u200b\u200ball Bogoly Treasuries and Miracles! I ask you and be begged, compassionate Mother of human livo lord: be loved by us, humble and unworthy slave of yours, revive the harvest of the captivity and humility of our, all the breaks of the souls and televisions of ours, scatter visible and invisible enemies, Budi, unworthy, before the Lesia the enemies of our strong pillar, a sworn weapon, a strong militia, the governor and the inspirement of the chase, show now on us ancient and wonderful grace of yours, and you know the lawlessness of our enemies, the son of your son and God is one of the king and Lord, Yako you are truly the Virgin that gave birth to The flesh of the truth of God, Yako, all of you is possible the essence and hedgehogos of the emptition, Vladychitsa, imagine the power of all this to do in the sky and on the earth, and for any petition to bestow the Komugoot in favor: sick health, which is in Mori silence and good shipping. Traveling in confusing and guarding them, the prisoner save from Gorkago slavery, comforting sadness, make it easier for poverty and any other bodily malustration; All freedoms from mental ailments and passions, invisible to your concepts and suproyess, Jaco, and good and incomprehensively by the path of Say of the time of life, I will depone and ati eternal benefit in the kingdom of heaven.

Loyal, respectable by the terrible name of the only beef of your son and your victim and the mercy in all of the people who are interested in Mauditaitz and the earner, strengthen the invisibly contradicts the enemies, scattering a cloud of despondency, save me from the stunning druption and give them bright grateful and joy, and Update peace and serene in their hearts.

Save your prayers, Vladychitsa, this is the dedicated to the flock, all degrees and the country from the glad, a coward, the flood, fire, the sword, the invasions of the invalid and internecine breeding and all the righteous angry the angry of the son and the god of your son, Heads every glory, honor and worship, with his original father, with a talked and life-friendly spirit, now and are also confessed and forever. Amen."

Prayer of Our Lady to strengthen faith

"Oh, the Most Holy and Constituted Devo, Vladychitsa Virgin Mary! Watchly a gracious OK on us, the upcoming confinement of your own icon and with the lining of you, erect us from the depths of sinful, enlighten our mind, overshadowed with passion, and rub the souls and teles of our ulcers. Do not imami's help, do not immay hope, is it, Vladychitsa, you are weighty all the weakness and sinners, we are resorting to you and yelling: you will not leave your heavenly help, but I will prenate us and your inevitable merciful and generous to save and hindle us dying. Give us the correction of the sinful life of our life and save us from sorrows, troubles and diseases, from vain death, hell and eternal flour. You Bo, Tsarice and Vladychitsa, an ambulance and intercession to everyone who runs to you, and a strong refuge of sinners. FUNNY WELL, FRELLENT AND WARMITELY DEVO, THE CHRISTICAL ENDERN OF OUR YESSELL, MYREN AND NON-DENTUD, AND CONSUME TO YOUR PETTER PERFORMANCE IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CHILDREN'S, IT IS INTRODUCED GLASS, FOOD, FOOD, AND SONG, AND SANGAR , and forever in centuries. Amen."

Motherod's Prayer from sincere torments

"The hope of all the end of the Earth, the Most Major, Mrs. Virgin, the consolation of my! Do not be bended by me, sinning, I hope for your th mercy: fussing the sinful and repentance of the face of the face of my heart, to cleanse my mind from sinful thoughts, accept plenty, from the heart and heart with a sinking. Budi about me, Guodatais to your son and God and Ukrholi's anger of his mother's prayers, the spiritual and bodily ulcers healed, Mrs. Vladychitsa, the quench of the soul and body sickness, sculpt the storm of evil attacks of enemy, eliminate the burden of sins of my sins, and do not leave me And the sadness of the crushed heart is my consolation, and I will sleep to the end of my scene. Amen."

Prayer of Our Lady about the instruction on the True path

"The aucedness is a diligent, fragrant Lord Mati, I'm resorted to Az, the puffy and patch of all the man's sinner, my prayer in my prayer, my whale, I will hear Yako, my forecast is my head, and Az, I am a ship in the jam, I am pumped into the sea My sins. But you, all-inclusive and merciful Vladychitsa, do not despite me, desperynago and Gresh dyingly; Someone, Kayuchagosya in the evil dealer of my, and turn to the path of the right lack of ankanese soul. On you, Mother Vladychitsa, I have all the hope of my. You, Mother of God, Save and follow your telescope, now, and dreamily, and forever. Amen."

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14 The most powerful prayers of the Virgin: 1 comment

Hello! Tell me in the prayer of Our Lady about the strengthening of faith there are some words whose value is not entirely clear: you are weighing all weighing - weights; But I will appear to us dreams; Your inevitable mercy is inevitable. Thank you!