Mozart and Salieri is the main topic. Progestion Problems A.S.

Mozart and Salieri is the main topic. Progestion Problems A.S.

The writing

Peshkov did not like to invent, although he was a romantic. And his pseudonym - Gorky - gives the light coquettery of the young writer. However, in childhood and adolescence, life did not please the future writer at all. His attitude to reading was like an attempt to escape from the realities of gloomy ordness. As in our time there is someone hiding from reality to the illusion of the virtual world, and he tried to protect his children's psyche from cruel life with the help of therapy of literary fiction. I brightly imagine a half-starved, beaten by the owner of a boy, catching the reflected light of the moon and a guide of these scant rays on the cherished book. Of course, everything was not as simple as it seems after time. Such titans of thought, like Lomonosov, Peshkov, Lion Tolstoy, were genetically targeted. And they managed to receive them, despite any circumstances. How to know if the Childhood of Gorky was similar to the Childrency of Tolstoy, he may have achieved even more than the fame of the writer and a just man. It would be possible that he would be a doctor of any sciences, an academician, a well-known scientist or a major politician.
But he became a writer without fertile conditions. On the contrary, all his surroundings "was aimed at ensuring that the boy turned out to be an ordinary hard worker, Alkash and Hooligan. And so it would have accomplished the harsh embodiment of the environment if not the books in which he found other ideals and which determined his moral goals.

It is known that the first literary experiments of Peshkov were taken by criticism and readers favorably. Although not everyone. Too naturalistic (although in a light romance fler), he displaced his life. In this, his literary fate was a little like the fate of Jack London, the harsh realistic of whose creativity was partially perceived negatively. The readers accustomed to certain sentimentality and the happy ends simultaneously enthusiastically and swore to the author, dipping them to the cruel world of their era.

Yes, the writer himself sometimes followed the style of mass novels of that time limited to plot and stylistically.

But talent is not able to live in the prescribed framework. After "Chelkasha" there are quite mature works, in which the mastery of the writer is deployed in full force. The biographical books occupy a special place among them. They are not just realistic, but also polyphonic, because through the fate of the boy is shown the era in all its diversity.

Ultimately, each writer is trying through his own creativity to find his understanding of truth. And for each this truth is different. De Garda is truth in sex perversions and not human cruelty. Nietzsche is in the realization of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe superman. Rasputin is in praising the moral purity of villagers. Gorky, different books in different context interpret this understanding.
"Mother" is an almost custom book in which the truth acquires the imposed idea of \u200b\u200bcommunism "in Leninsky." Novels about the fate of merchants, on the contrary, multifaces. And the fate of the heroes are not unequivocal at all. "In humans" - the frank and transparent life of a small man who tries to become worthy of human title.
And in the creation of this work, those books that the hero managed to read a huge role - read - read.

The composition of the story is quite complex. The story of a lot of people who had told in his cent a century is divided into three as if independent parts (legend of Larre, the story of Izergil about his life, the legend of Danko), each of which is entirely subordinated to one goal - the most fully creates the image of the main character. Therefore, all three parts are a single whole, permeated with the overall idea, which consists in the pursuit of the author to identify the true value of human life. The composition is such that two legends seemed to form a story about the life of the isergil, which is the ideological center of the work. Legends reveal two concepts of life, two ideas about it.
The image system is completely subordinated to the author's desire to best reveal the theme of the work, since the question of freedom and non-free man pursues him throughout the creative life. The most striking images of the story carrying the main ideological load can be attributed to the images of Larra, Danko and Stars of Izergil.
Larra, the leading image of the first legend, is represented by the reader in the worst light. Immormal pride, a lot of self-love, extreme individualism, justifying any rigidity, is all horror and anger in people. The son of an eagle and earthly woman, he, having considered himself the embodiment of power and will, puts his "me" above the people around him, which ordered himself for eternal loneliness, contempt and dislike. Therefore, the long-awaited freedom and immortality is a strange and inevitable punishment.

In the story, Larr is opposed to the hero of the second legend, expressing the highest degree of love for people. The pride of Danko is the strength of his spirit, self-confidence. He, sacrificing his life for the liberation of people, deserves the true immortality for the feat, perfect in the name of the life and happiness of the people.

One of the less noticeable, but no less significant images is the image of the narration. It is this image of a person who wandering on Russia, who meets on its own way of various people, encompasses the most important means of expressing the author's position. It was the eyes of the autobiographical hero that the reader Izergil sees the reader. Her portrait immediately reveals a very significant contradiction. A young girl should tell about the beautiful and sensual love, and the deep old woman appears before us. Izergil is confident that her life, filled with love, was quite different than Larra's life. She cannot even imagine anything to do with him, but the view of the narrator finds this community, paradoxically bringing together their portraits.
The author's attitude to the rejected Larre, in my opinion, is definitely. Condeming the life position of this hero, bitter shows the result of a person with individualistic morality. In the image of the same, the writer embodies his ideal of a strong person who is capable of self-sacrifice.

In all his images (episodic and main), Gorky sees the manifestation of the popular nature of the ages of the ages, is trying to explore his weak and strengths, expressing his position not directly, but indirectly, with the help of various artistic agents. In the "old woman Izergil", the relationship with the traditions of romanticism is clearly in a sharp opposition of two heroes, in the use of romantic images of darkness and light (comparison of Shadows of Larra and Danko in the legend of Danko), in the hyperbulsed image of heroes ("there was so many soot in his eyes that It would be possible to poison all the people of the world "). The image of colorful landscapes has a huge artistic value. It not only transfers the reader an unforgettable impression, but also as if browsing the "fine" and "fairy tale."

The originality of the genre (story in the story), which plays a large ideological and artistic role in this work, allows the writer to establish a connection between the legendary, told Izergil, and real reality.

Elements of the detailed description of the Izergil are occupied by the elements of the detailed description of the Izergil, somehow: "dull eyes," cracked lips, "wrinkled nose, swept, like the nose of owls", "black pits of the cheek," strand of ash-gray hair ". They are narrowing The life of the main character long before she tells his story. It is quite easily determined by the meaning of the name of this work. The fact is that the image of the old woman Izergil close to the image of the "man living among people". Only it is endowed with the right and opportunity in an affordable form. To express your own view of life. Therefore, it is its consciousness, character, sometimes the mysterious contradictions turn out to be the main subject of the image, from where it can be concluded that the story is written in order to create an image, the name of which is called the work.

The work of "in people", written by the Soviet writer Maxim Gorky, is autobiographical. The narrator tells about the difficult life of poor children and adolescents before the revolution.

Parents of Aleshi and Sasha died. Boys served in a shop selling shoes. Additionally, Alyosha performed homework in the house of the host shop. The teenager lived not easy, but he tried to fulfill all the work honestly.

Relations between the brothers did not develop, Alyosha decided to escape. But this idea did not come true. The teenager got a strong burn and got into the hospital.

Then Alyosha began to live again in the grandfather's house. Teenager became close to her grandmother, they often spent time together.

There was not enough money in the family, and I had to make a little one to serve again. But there did not like the teenager there. The work was difficult, he was allowed to walk the owners. Teenager escaped to work on the ship. Here Alyosha saw how the book heroes were not similar to ordinary people. This discovery has seal a teenager.

In the summer of Alyosha earned money because she caught and selling birds. But with the arrival of winter, this business had to quit and go to work again on other people's people. Casting the gray daunons of a teenager only communication with an adult beautiful woman who caused Aleshi not only the feeling of first misfortune, but also a passion for reading poems.

Then the teenager fell ill and stopped seeing. Dependence on other people had a strong influence on Alesh. But, fortunately, he soon recovered.

Again, the teenager had to work a lot, and he saw the whole submitting essence of people, like the shopkeepers robbed the poor, buying their expensive books and ancient icons for pennies.

Maxim Gorky once again reminds readers that you can stay honest and good person even in difficult life situations.

Picture or drawing in people

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