Old Hermitage. What makes the Hermitage

Old Hermitage. What makes the Hermitage
Old Hermitage. What makes the Hermitage

Museum Center "Hermitage Vyborg" Hermitage Vyborg branch of the State Hermitage and Exhibition Center in Vyborg (Leningrad Region), which opened in June 2010 ... Wikipedia

State in Leningrad, an artistic and cultural historical museum, one of the largest museums in the world. It takes five buildings related to each other on the Palace Embankment: Winter Palace (1754 62, Architect V. V. Rastrelli), Small ... ... Artistic Encyclopedia.

Hermitage - (Krasnodar, Russia) Hotel category: 3 star hotel Address: Herzen Street 162, Krasnodar, Russia ... Hotel catalog

Building of the main scene of the Bolshoi Theater Place of location Moscow, coordinates 55.760278, 37.618611 ... Wikipedia

Big Theater Building Main Scene Bolshoi Theater Location Moscow, Coordinates 55.760278, 37.618611 ... Wikipedia

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Large Moscow Circus on Vernadsky location Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, Metro ... Wikipedia

In St. Petersburg (from Franz. Ermitage Place a privacy), one of the world's largest artistic and cultural historical museums. Aged in 1764 as a private meeting of Catherine II, open to the public in 1852. The richest collections of monuments ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

hermitage - I. Hermitage I A, M. Hermitage M. 1. In the old days, a separate room (country villa, pavilion, etc.), intended for a secluded pastime. Bass 1. What a look-shaped grove to cut down and the plan and facade of the reinforcement as being .. it's all ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicalism Russian Language


  • Hermitage. Western European figure
  • Hermitage. Western European drawing. Album ,. The collection of graphics stored in the Hermitage is rightfully considered one of the best in the world. Pern and pencil drawings, watercolors, pastels collected in the museum allow you to trace the evolution of the drawing ...
  • Hermitage. Collection of Western European painting. Catalog. German and Austrian painting. XIX - XX century. . The Hermitage Assembly of Painting in Germany and Austria XIX - XX centuries and in a quantitative, and in qualitative terms very unequal in its composition. The most significant and interesting ...

Large Hermitage - a monument of architecture, part of the Museum Complex of the State Hermitage Complex, was built in 1771--1787 by the architect Yu. M. Felten (born in 19730 in St. Petersburg, died in 1801 there), was a continuation of the palace structures located on the embankment and were intended to accommodate the palace artistic collections. In 1792, Jacomo Kurengy attached a building to the Great Hermitage, in which Rafael's loggias are located.

Lined with the facades of the Winter Palace and Small Hermitage, the facade of the Great Hermitage is more laconic and strict. The architect was able to harmoniously enter a new building in a number of existing ones, emphasizing the representative's representativeness of the Northern Pavilion and the plastic expressiveness of the main construction of the ensemble - the Winter Palace. Rooms and halls are located two longitudinal enfilads - towards the embankment and to the side of the yard. In 1805-1807, under the leadership of J. Kurengy, a new planning of the majority of the large Hermitage is created, the architectural decoration of which in 1851 was redone A.I. Shockenshneider. The interiors are widely used gilding, colored stone, valuable wood, painting and stucco decor of chopped pattern. Draw the attention of the door with a unique trim in the technique of Bhul.

Hall of Big Hermitage

The first floor of the building is occupied by administrative premises, the Directorate of the State Hermitage. Once these premises occupied the State Council, and since 1885, the Tsarsko Seli Arsenal.

Hall of Italian painting XIII - XVIII centuries

In the lounges of the second floor (former residential rooms of Navigar Abstracts and Halls of Card Anfilacs along Neva), the works of the Renaissance Age: Leonardo da Vinci, Rafael, Georgeon, Titian.

Loggia Rafael

Ereated in 1792. Gallery with copies of Rafaelevsky frescoes repeats (with some deviations), the famous building of the Papal Palace in the Vatican. Before leaving Italy, the architect was measured by the Vatican Gallery. Construction work was conducted under the supervision of stone affairs Master J. Lukini. In the construction process, the inconsistency of the new gallery and the size of the canvas arrived from Italy with painting was discovered, which led to removal from J. Lukini's work.

Theatrical staircase

Located in the eastern risalitis of a large Hermitage, the staircase was rebuilt in the 1840s by architect Nikolai Efimov and serves to take place from the Palace Embankment to the Hermitage Theater, Rafael's loggia and connects all three floors of a large Hermitage.

Soviet staircase

Since 1828, the first floor of a large Hermitage has occupied the State Council and the Committee of Ministers, for which a new entrance was arranged in the western part of the building (ARH. A. I. Shockenshneider).

The staircase is richly finished with natural and artificial marble. The lobby is decorated with four monolithic columns from the Red Shockinsky Porphira.

The ceiling is a picturesque plander of the French artist G. F. Duayen, who was previously located here, in the former Oval Hall of Felten.

The Soviet staircase, located also near the pavilion hall of the Small Hermitage, is one of the best works of Perektenschneder.

Great Hermitage in St. Petersburg. The historic building in the style of classicism, intended for the placement of palace artistic collections, was built on the project Yu. M. Felten in 1771-1787. Today, the building is part of the Museum Complex of the State Hermitage.

The building was named by a large hermitage, because it exceeded the previously built small Hermitage. In the XIX century, the name of the old Hermitage has become applied to the designation of the building complex to distinguish it from the new Hermitage, but chronologically, it does not quite correspond to the order of building the buildings.

In 1792, on the project of Giacomo Kurengy, the so-called "Loggia of Rafael" - a gallery with copies of Rafaelevsky frescoes were attached to the building - the gallery with copies of Rafaelevsky frescoes, exactly repeating the gallery of the Papal Palace in the Vatican.

In 1835-1837, an Arch was built over the winter groove, which connected the big Hermitage with the Hermitage Theater, a similar air transition to a small Hermitage was built on the other side of the building.

The pretty to the Winter Palace and the Small Hermitage, the Great Hermitage externally more strict and laconic, it was done specifically to further emphasize the expressiveness of the main part of the palace complex - the Winter Palace.

In addition to the storage of palace artistic collections, a part of the premises of the Great Hermitage was used for the needs of the State Council, and later - the Tsarskoyel Arsenal, for which a separate entrance and a special - Soviet staircase was made in the building.

In 1852, by decree of the Emperor Nikolai I, the new and large Hermitages became open to visiting the public.

The Great Hermitage is included in the Unified State Register of Cultural Heritage Objects (historical and cultural monuments) of Russia.

Tourist note:

A visit to the Large Hermitage will be interested in tourists interested in the architecture of the second half of the XVIII century, everyone who wants to see the exposure, which has been in the building, and can also become one of the points of the excursion program during dating with neighboring attractions -,

The majestic and beautiful main staircase of the Winter Palace in the XVIII century played a very important executive role, including in the Avfiladu of the front halls, where the solemn ceremonies and court festivals were held. According to it, ambassadors of foreign countries rose to the central rooms for audiences, so it was called the Embassy. After the revolution, when the palace became a museum, the guides gave her the name of Jordanian, since the royal family and other participants of the cross move, starting from the Big Church and who went to Jordan, a special hole in the frozen Neva, was descended for the feast of baptism on it, which was held by the Baptism.

This staircase is associated with the construction of a new Hermitage - a building created specifically under the museum for the resulting collections of art objects. It was built in 1850 by Architect N. E. Efimov under the leadership of V. P. Stasov on the draft L. von Klenza. The staircase became the main entrance to the building of the new Hermitage and was similar to the one that led to Athenian Acropolis. Her arrival from the street is decorated with granite sculptures of ten Atlantov, created by Academician A. I. Terebenev, from here and another name is the Terebenev staircase. If you look at the staircase from the ground floor site up, you can notice one curious architectural solution: in each next span the number of steps decreases to one, which creates the illusion of an endless road to swell.

According to the main staircase of the new Hermitage, the first visitors of the museum rose. However, the museum was not public, designed for a wide visitor. Initially, in order to get to the Hermitage, a special permission was required, which only chosen. So, for example, the Great Poet A. S. Pushkin was able to receive a permanent museum pass only on the recommendation of V. A. Zhukovsky, his teacher. Even famous Russian artists who needed to work in the halls could not always achieve such permission.

No relation to the Soviet Union does not have this staircase. The Soviet staircase, built in the middle of the XIX century by the architect A. I. Shaktenshneider, was his name due to the fact that the members of the State Council were held through its entrance, who were chaired by the king. The staircase is also unique in that it connects three buildings of the museum complex at once: it is reported by the transitional corridor with a small hermitage, from the opposite side along the embankment line there is old Hermitage, the door in the center (opposite windows) lead to the halls of the new Hermitage.

October staircase

The name "Oktyabrskaya" staircase got into memory of the revolutionary events of October 1917, when the troops of the storming penetrated her in the Winter Palace. On the October Stairs, on the night of September 25, 1917, the captured ministers of the Interim Government was displayed.

Neither in one guidebook does not find the exact date of the appearance of this name, and the famous memorial board was installed on it after the new name has taken root. Before that staircase was called "HIE Imperial Majesty", because it was adjacent directly to the apartment of Empress - Spouses (later widow) Paul I Maria Fedorovna and Spouse Alexander II Maria Alexandrovna.

Church staircase

The church staircase is located in close proximity to the Small Church of the Winter Palace, where services were held with the participation of members of the royal family. Several years ago, an amazing case took place in the Hermitage: during the planned electrical work on the site of the second floor of the church staircase, a gypsum sculpture was discovered in the wall.

Sculpture depicts a slave in the collar and is called "Running slave." In the process of restoration, finding it turned out that he created her famous sculptor Vladimir Beklemishev at the end of the XIX century. And in 1893 it represented Russia at the World Exhibition in Chicago. How and why she fell into "imprisonment" - it is unknown, but she spent over 60 years. There were no such discoveries in the museum more than a century.