Art Museum Hermitage. History Hermitage

Art Museum Hermitage. History Hermitage
Art Museum Hermitage. History Hermitage

One of the most famous museums of the world. Kilometer queues are built in it, regardless of the weather on the street. It has many branches, its theater, orchestra and unusual cats.

Read this article, and you will be aware of the brief history of the Hermitage. You will get acquainted with some exhibits and a luxurious atmosphere of the halls. We will talk about different buildings included in the museum complex.

Information will be interesting to all lovers of national culture and connoisseurs of masterpieces of world art.

Hermitage in the Russian Empire

Before you start a description of the Hermitage, it is worthwhile to get acquainted with his story. Higher in our days a collection, which is placed in many halls of different buildings, once began with a personal assembly of paintings Catherine Great.

In 1764, she received it to the debt of Johanna Gotskovsky Russian prince Vladimir Dolgorukhu. The collection included more than three hundred paintings delivered from Berlin. The total cost of the canvases fluctuates within one hundred eighty thousand German talers of the eighteenth century.

Thus, the Hermitage History began with the works of Babiuren, Wang Dequee, Baloh, Rembrandt, Rubens, Yordans and the rest of the Netherlands and Flemish painters. From the initial list of paintings today, ninety-six masterpieces remained in preservation. About where the rest disappeared, we will talk in other parts of the article.

Originally, the premises for the collection were discharged in the halls of the Winter Palace. Later, a building was built, which today is known as a small Hermitage (photo is below). But in the course of the existence of the Museum of Catherine, the Great watched an increase in the number of exhibits. Gradually, the places began to miss, and in sixteen years old was built by architect Felten Big (or old) Hermitage.

For the eighteenth century, the collection has been replenished with many thousands of works of art. Assembly of the Saxon Minister, Count Heinrich Von Brunel, Collections of French Baron Pierre Croze, as well as a number of masterpieces from the British Prime Minister of Robert Walpola, were acquired.

In the nineteenth century, the case of Empress Ekaterina Great continued Alexander I and Nikolai I. They were not just purchased entire collections from different noble Europeans, but complemented meetings of epochs, styles and individual artists. Thus were acquired by the "butterist" of Caravaggio and "Welkhvov" Botticelli.

Nicholas I played a big role in popularizing the Hermitage. In 1852, it opens up an exposition for a general review. Until this time, the masterpieces could admire the elected faces from the highest sections of society. After opening a collection for the public in the new Hermitage, attendance reached a fifty thousand people in the first year.

A significant figure in art criticism of the second half of the nineteenth century was Andrei Somov, who was a museum as a museum for twenty-two years. He made several catalogs of works of Italian and Spanish art, which were exhibited in the Hermitage Halls.

The situation has changed dramatically after the renunciation of Nicholas II from the throne and coming to power of the Bolsheviks.

Hermitage History after 1917

In the twenties of the twentieth century, the Hermitage History undergoes some changes. The collection is replenished from many assemblies of imperial nobility. For example, from the halls of the Winter Palace, most of the interior items, the treasures of the great Mughal were transferred.

Parts were poured into the collection of disbanded meetings from the Museum of New Western Art (the work of European Impressionists and the Schukin, Morozov's canvas). But the Hermitage Gallery was carried and losses. Thus, the diamond room of the Winter Palace moved to the Moscow Kremlin, and the main works of the artists of the seventeenth century were in the museum of art.

A turning point was the sale of masterpieces for five years (from 1929 to 1934). It was an unexpected strike on the collection. During this time, more than forty-cloth lost her Hermitage (a photo of one of them is located below). For example, "Annunciation" Jan Wang Eyka today is stored in the Washington Museum.

The next test was the Great Patriotic War. An amazing fact, but no copy of the two million exhibits evacuated to the Urals was lost. After returning only a few of them needed restoration.

In 1945, Hermitage significantly replenished the collection at the expense of Berlin trophies. Pergami altar and part of things from Egypt were transported. But in 1958, the Government of the Soviet Union returns them to the German Democratic Republic.

After restructuring and falling the Soviet state, Hermitage was one of the first to announce the works stored in his storage, which for the whole world were considered lost.

In addition, with the help of a specially created foundation, gaps in the exhibits of the twentieth century are gradually filled. So, the works of Soutine, Ruo, Utrillo and other artists were acquired.

The project "Hermitage 20 \\ 21" appears, during which the purchases and show of the works of modern authors are planned.

In 2006 there was a small confulance with a loss of two hundred minor exhibits (jewelry, table silver, icons, etc.). But the investigation quickly installed the culprits of theft, and most things managed to return.

Hall of Big Hermitage

For a beginner, the Hermitage Halls are like an endless maze of the Palace Palace in Crete. Here are the three buildings in which there are twenty-eight sections and about four hundred premises.

So, whose history was discussed earlier, was opened for a public ferment by the emperor Nikolai I. Since that time, the museum's collection was significantly replenished.

Today you can see the art of Central Asia, the ancient states, ancient Egypt and the East, monuments of various cultures in the territory of ancient Siberia. Also in two galleries presented the rich collection of jewels.

On the second floor, visitors will enjoy not only a gorgeous assembly of weapons, but also cloths of Western European masters. There are works of Flanders, Dutch, Italian, British, Germanic, Spanish and French artists.

There is a modern gallery. Hermitage she took part of the room on the third floor. In these halls, excursions will be able to see not only paintings by Western European authors of the nineteenth and twentieth century. Also here are the objects of art and culture of the Byzantine Empire, the countries of Central Asia and the Far East.


In St. Petersburg, the Hermitage building make up a holistic architectural composition. It includes five main objects, two service and four separate rooms.

The basis of the ensemble is buildings on the Palace Square of the Northern Capital. Here are the Winter Palace, Small, Big and New Hermitage, as well as the Hermitage Theater.

From Soviet time, the Winter Palace is given to the museum for exposure. This house was the once most important imperial building in the Russian state. It was built in the middle of the eighteenth century by the famous architect Rastrelli. Before the renunciation of Nicholas II, it was the main winter residence of the ruling novel dynasty.

But the main halls of the Hermitage are not here. Most items are exhibited in three special buildings - large, small and new Hermitage.
The first was built by Felten at the end of the eighteenth century. It is located on the embankment and was intended to show artistic assembly.

Small Hermitage consists of a hanging garden, as well as two pavilions - northern and southern. He was erected a little earlier and is a link between the classic Hermitages and the Baroque Winter Palace.

The new Hermitage is built in Neochk. It was created specifically to accommodate the artistic collection "for a public inspection" in it.

Also, the Hermitage buildings include a garage of slag blocks and a spare house of the Winter Palace. These buildings are considered auxiliary and service.

Outside the museum is at the disposal of the "Old Village" Fund, the East Wing of the Main Staff, Menshikov Palace and the Porcelain Plant Museum.


History and architecture of the Hermitage buildings often borrow various ideas from Western European masters. Not exceptions and theater.

His at the end of the eighteenth century was designed and an Italian interior was built and the inner composition was created under the influence of the Olympico Theater in Vicenza. Thus, in St. Petersburg, part of Andrea Palladio's ideas are repeated.

The Foyer is still noticeable "Hermitage History". Visitors will be able to personally see the rafters and wooden overlaps of the end of the eighteenth century.

The very theater building was built on the site of the first winter palace of the Emperor Peter Alekseevich. From the old house, only the foundation was saved.

It is noteworthy that the Ermitry Bridge is located on the line of the embankment, which connects two Admiralty Islands and leads from the theater to the old Hermitage.

New Hermitage

The history and architecture of the Hermitage fully reflect the hasty, with which Empress Ekaterina Great took up the embodiment of the idea under the impression of the Western European fashion. At the end of the eighteenth century, it became popular among noble estates to collect collections of works of art.

The Empress bought the first batch of paintings and ordered to build a building, which today is known as a small Hermitage. But even before the completion of work, it became clear that the room was too small and unable to accommodate all the novelties. Therefore, seven years began to build a large Hermitage.

After half a century, the building began to deteriorate, and the fire that happened in 1837 and did the beginning of a new construction at all. Thus, from Munich Nicholas I brings the architect Klenzz, who began to design a new Hermitage. St. Petersburg has become the realization of failed ideas for him.

Indoors reflect the plans of the architect, who did not find the response in Athens. In general, the construction was to be partly reminded by Pinakotek, Glipteku, Pantheknion and the royal residence in Greece.

In 1852, the opening of new halls took place. Exhibits for them chose the emperor himself.


Next, we will consider the exhibits of the Hermitage. In the halls of this museum presented the development of art from the era of the primitive-free building to the present day. Especially interesting selections of material from archaeological collections.

This includes Paleolithic Venus from the bones, Scythian gold, things from burial in the slab with petroglyphs and other masterpieces of the era of the cultures of the Great Steppe.

Separately it is worth touching the exhibits of ancient halls. More than one hundred thousand items are presented here. You can see more than fifteen thousand painted vases, about ten thousand most valuable antique gemm, as well as one hundred and twenty roman portraits.

The ancient Greek exhibits of the Hermitage are complemented by a stunning collection of terracotta statuettes from the city of Tanagr in Besotia.

The numismatic collection is more than one million coins. Here are antique and eastern, Russian and Western European samples. In addition, it contains about seventy-five thousand commemorative medals, fifty thousand icons, orders, printing and other items.

However, the most famous, undoubtedly, is a selection of paintings by artists who relate to different periods and styles.

Italian masters from the thirteenth to the eighteenth century: Titian and Georgeon, da Vinci and Rafael, Caravaggio, Tapolo and others. Netherlands painting is expressed in the canvases of Robert Campen, Van Leiden, Van der Waiden, etc. There is also Flemis Rubens and Sneders, Yordans and Wang Duck.

The Spanish collection is the largest in the world, with the exception of Spain museums. Here you can enjoy the works of El Greco, de Ribera, Morales and the rest.

From the British, the Kneller, Dobson, Reynolds, Lawrence, Louurenz, etc. are exhibited from the French, Renoir, Monta, Degas and others.

With all the variety, the collection has many gaps. For example, surrealists and some other destinations are practically not represented in the Hermitage.


But in St. Petersburg, not only the breathtaking collection of the Hermitage is famous. The famous orchestra is also popular.

This unexpected Russian-Lithuanian project was created at changing the epoch. In 1989, when publicity and perestroika raised the "iron curtain", and the Soviet Union collapsed, Saulus Sondzkis creates an orchestra called "St. Petersburg of the Camerat".

The basis of the group was students of the city conservatory, who taught this Lithuanian.

The following year, the director of the Hermitage, invites them to play under the patronage of this institution. Subsequently, for some time "Camera" signs a contract with a Sony Classical sound recording company.

And in 1994, after the negotiation series of negotiations, the Group returned to the museum's patronage and receives the final name "State Hermitage Orchestra".

In 1997, the Hermitage Academy of Music is created, the basis of which is this team. Today the orchestra gives concerts in the Hermitage Theater and other historical halls.

And his permanent leader received in 2009 as an outstanding cultural figure and for strengthening relations between the two states.

Famous Hermitage Cats

Hermitage cats are an inimitable urban legend and just a stunning fact. Today, the museum lives about seventy animals. They have all the documents, including veterinary cards and passports. In addition, the cats are officially listed as "highly qualified specialists in cleaning the cellars of the museum from rats."

Thus, the Hermitage collection is in full safety from the invasion of rodents. Only a few times there were such that the rats did the palace.

The first cat in the Winter Palace brought King Peter the Great from the journey in Western Europe. After, Elizabeth Petrovna, during a trip to Kazan, noticed the absence of rodents in the city due to the large number of cats-roots. Special decree the largest individuals were resettled in St. Petersburg.

Subsequently, Catherine Great shares animals on indoor and surplus. On the first were exclusively Russian blue cats.

The second time, the rats were broken, was during the blockade of Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War. But after her graduation, two cats were brought to the city, of which the best were defined in the museum.

Today, all Hermitage cats are sterilized. They have their own personal sites for sleeping and bowls. Museum workers are affectionately name "Hermiks". And on the territory of the attractions are plates calling to be careful. They are placed as a forced measure, as many animals die under cars during various repair work.


You are mistaken if you think that there is one Hermitage. St. Petersburg has several branches of this museum worldwide.

The first attempts to create departments were at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Halls in London and Las Vegas opened, but after seven years they were closed.
More successful was to cooperate with Italy. The first exposition here appeared in 2006 in the castle d'Est. This building is considered a visiting card of Ferrara. Options with Verona and Mantua are also considered.

But the most famous foreign department is the Hermitage on Amusene, in the city of Amsterdam. It was opened in 2004, and later, a whole street and an Amstelhof building was reconstructed to create a completed composition.

In the Russian Federation, branches are in Kazan and Vyborg, it is planned in Omsk in 2016.

Thus, in this article, we met with the stunning museum of the Russian Federation. Hermitage is not just a place where masterpieces are exposed, and the particle of culture with their history and features.

Good luck to you, dear readers. Bright Impressions and Colorful Travels!

In Hermitage

The State Hermitage in St. Petersburg is the oldest and largest treasury of foreign art in Russia and one of the world's largest artistic and cultural and historical museum.

His name - Hermitage (ermitage.) - Translated from French, denotes the "place of privacy, closer". This is due to the fact that it is originally a place (a special Palace Flegene - Small Hermitage) conceived Catherine II as an intimate corner of the Imperial Palace, intended for recreation and entertainment. Here were the first 225 paintings of the Dutch and Flemish artists, which she acquired in Berlin through agents from the commissionome I. Gotkovsky. Thus, the private assembly of Catherine II in 1764 was the beginning of the Hermitage.

Hermitage. Large Timing Hall

Collections of CatherineII.

In the XVIII century, thanks to Catherine II, an interest in collecting was awakened in Russia. This passion then reached the unprecedented scope, in Russia, a huge wealth accumulated - the outstanding works of Western European masters. Wanting to approve the glory of the "enlightened sovereign", connoisseurs of arts, and eclipse the magnificence of their yard the palaces of European rulers, she begins to collect works of art. Signs of painting, European erudites, among whom was a French philosopher-enlightener Denis Didro, collected and bought for Russian Empress the collection of paintings. In 1769, the rich collection of the Saxon Minister of Count Brulya, who had about 600 paintings, including the scenery of Titian "escapes, Dresden and Blottoto's views and Pirts of Brush Blotto, and Pirts of the Brush, was acquired for the Hermitage.

Titian "Flight to Egypt" (1508)

Titian "escape to Egypt"

"Flight in Egypt" is the first major work of Titian. It depicts the Mother of God with her son, they flew to Egypt from King Herod, accompanied by Saint Joseph. Angel leads a donkey on which Maria is sitting with Christ, and numerous animals are walking on the grass ...

The artist chose a large canvas of an extended format (206 x 336 cm), which made it possible to include a wide panorama of the terrain, in which the Holy Family is sent to Egypt. And although the main actors traditionally shown in the first plan, they are paid less attention than the landscape depicted with great thoroughness and poetry. Composite location of figures - a group shifted to the left edge, rhythmic accommodation of characters with each other - creates the impression of a long and tedious path.

Georgeon "Judith"

In 1772, Catherine II buys in Paris a collection of painting Baron Croza, in which paintings of Italian, French, Flemish and Dutch masters of the XVI-XVIII century prevailed. Among them - "Holy Family" of Rafael, "Judith" Georgeon, "Dana" Titian, paintings by Rembrandt, works of Rubens, Wang Dequee, Poussa, Landscapes of Claude Lorrene and Watto's work.

Georgeon "Judith" (about 1504)

Negotiations with the heirs of the bridge about the sale of paintings were held at the initiative of the Russian envoy D. A. Golitsyn and with the participation of Didro. "Judith" embodies the ideal of serene beauty. Despite its violence, the Old Testament heroine is interpreted rather as an antique goddess than as avenger from the face of the oppressed people. The picture is written on the Old Testament Plot about the history of Judith and Oloferna. According to the book "Judith", the commander Oloferne, the commander of the army of Nebuchadnezzar, fulfilling his command "to accomplish ... Understanding the whole earth", passed to Mesopotamia, destroyed all her cities, burned all sowing and interrupted men. Oloferne was asked by a small town of Brush, where the young judith widow lived. The woman passed into the Assyrian camp and seduced Oloferna. When the commander fell asleep, the judith killed his head. "Because her beauty captured her soul," the sword was walking around him! " The army, which remained without a manager, could not resist the residents of Vehlui and was scattered. The judith as a trophy received the tent of Oloferna and all its utensils and joined the Triumfor.

Many artists appealed to this plot, but Georgeon created a peaceful picture. Judith, holding a sword in his right hand, relies on a low parapet. Her left leg rests on the head of Oolofer. Behind Yudifi is deployed by a harmonious sea landscape.

In 1779, a collection of painting of the British Prime Minister Walpola was acquired, in which there were several masterpieces of Rembrandt (for example, "Abraham's" sacrifice "and" Aman's "sacrifice) and portraits of Wang Dequean's brush. And in 1781, Hermitage acquired more than 5 thousand drawings from the Kobenzl collection in Brussels, which served as a collection of graphics.

Another significant acquisition was the collection of the English banker Lyde Brown, which included antique statues and busts, including the sculpture of Michelangelo "Furious Boy."

Michelangelo "Right boy" (1530-1534)

"Footing boy" - The only sculpture of Michelangelo in Russia, it is on a permanent exhibition in the State Hermitage. The sculpture is made of marble, height - 54 cm. According to one of the versions, the sculpture was conceived for the draft Capeli Medici in the Church of San Lorenzo. According to another version, she was made by Michelangelo during the Spaniards attack on Florence in 1529-1530, when he found shelter in one of the monasteries. Some art historians believe that in this sculpture, Michelangelo reflected the oppressed state of the Florentine during this period. "Footing boy" was acquired Catherine II in 1785

Michelangelo "Footforward Boy"

Then the collection of carved stones of the Duke of Orleans was bought in Paris. In addition, Catherine ordered the work of Charden, Hudon, X-ray and other masters. She was acquired by Voltaire and Didro libraries. In the posthumous inventory of the property of Catherine in 1796, 3996 paintings are listed.

Further development of the Hermitage

Emperors Alexander I and Nicholas I pay great attention to the further development of the museum: they are already purchased not only collections, but also individual works of artists. In Rome, the sale of the Caravaggio and a picture of the Botticelli "worship of the Magi", which is now in Washington, was acquired in Rome on the sale of the Junistinian collection. In 1819, Madonna was bought in the landscape, presumably brush Georgeon. Josephine Bogarna, Empress France in 1804-1809, First Wife of Napoleon I, presented Alexander I Camele Gonzaga, and after her death was acquired by the entire gallery of Malmeason Palace, which took place mainly from the Kassel. In 1814, a collection of Spanish painting Kuzwell was acquired.

Karavaggio "Butterist" (about 1595)

Caravaggio "Butterist"

This is one of the early paintings of Caravaggio. In the works of this cycle, a love feeling is symbolically transmitted or through the images of fruit (as if inviting viewers enjoy their taste), or musical instruments: Music is a symbol of a mumbling sensual pleasure. The artist himself considered "Butterist" the most successful painting by him.

"Cameo Gonzag" (III century BC)

"Cameo Gonzag"

"Cameo Gunsag" - Famous cameo (jewelry or decoration made in bas-relief techniques on precious or semi-precious stones or on the sea sink) of three-layer Sardonix, belonging to the best antique samples Gliptic. (The art of the thread on color and precious stones). According to generally accepted opinion, is the most famous cam meters of the Hermitage.

Cameo is a steam portrait of Hellenistic spouses, Kings of Libya, Macedonia, Frakia and Bosporus Kimmeria Lisimaha I and Arsinoe II. A paired portrait of Hellenistic spouses rushed to the west. Cameo is made in the III century. BC e. An unknown author in Alexandria Egyptian.

It was under Nicolae I that the idea of \u200b\u200bturning the Hermitage in the Public Museum was implemented: in 1852, Hermitage was opened to visitAlthough the entrance to it was still limited - it was necessary to receive a special pass in the court office. Nicholas I also made a significant contribution to the replenishment of the Art Gallery of the Hermitage, but at the Soviet rule, the most important from their purchased webs were sold in the United States. At the second sale of the Collections of Cuzvelt, the masterpiece of Rafael "Madonna Alba" and "Three Mary at the crypt of Christ" Annibal Karracchi was bought.

In 1845 on the will Tatishchev (Diplomat and collector) Diptyh Robert Kampena "Trinity" added to the Assembly. Mother of God by the fireplace ", early diptych van Eyka" Crucifixion. Scary Court "and other works of old masters. In about the same way at the auction of the collection of the King of the Netherlands Willem II, "Annunciation" Wang Eki, Pieta Sebastian del Pjaombo and "Removing from the Cross" of GosSarta were acquired. In Venice, they bought the works of the Masters of the Italian Renaissance, including the masterpieces of Titian (for example, the "cross of the Cross") and Palm Vecchio.

New Hermitage

New Hermitage - the first building in Russia, specially built in 1852 for the public artistic museum. It is part of the Museum Complex of the State Hermitage. It is known for its portico with ten giant statues of Atlanta. By this time, the museum was kept by the richest collections of monuments of the Ancient, ancient and the ancient and medieval cultures, the art of Western and Eastern Europe, archaeological and artistic monuments of Asia, Russian culture of the VIII-XIX centuries. By 1880, the museum was attended up to 50,000 people per year.

New Hermitage

In the XIX century, the works of Russian painters began to systematically enter the Hermitage. But in 1895 they are transferred to the Russian museum, which founded the emperor Nicholas I.

Important sources of replenishment of funds in the second half of the XIX century are also domestic purchases from domestic collectors. The Museum shows the materials of archaeological excavations. By the beginning of the 20th century, thousands of cloth were kept in the museum, then new works of art appeared in his collection.

The museum began to enriched significantly at the expense of nationalized private collections and meetings of the Academy of Arts. Pictures of Botticelli, Andrea Del Sarto, Korredjo, Wang Dequean, Rembrandt, Canova, Engra, Delacroix. Of the main assembly of the Winter Palace, the Museum received many subjects of the interior, as well as the treasures of the great Mughal, presented by Nadir-Shah.

Canova "Three Graces" (Harites)

Canova "Three Graces"

Harita - In ancient Greek mythology, beneficial goddesses that are embodied good, joyful and eternally young onset of life. Names Harit from the Gesiod: Aglaya ("shining"), Euphrosina ("Bladiness"), waist ("blooming").
Names Harit and their number in the variants of myths are different. Harrit could be two, sometimes four. Xarites are close to Apollon. In the Delos Temple, he holds three Harrit's palm, and in the Pythi temple of Apollo (Pergam) there was their image.
Harites correspond to Roman grazies.
In the art of Harita graces, they are usually depicted in such a way that the two extreme faces face to the viewer, and that in the middle, - back, with a head turned around. Such was their antique pose, known and copied in the Renaissance Epoch. In different centuries, grazies were endowed with different allegorical meaning. Seneca describes them as radiant girls, naked or dressed in loose clothes, they personified the three-way aspect of generosity: the provision of benefits, gaining benefits and pay for benefits. Florentine philosophers-Humanists of the XV century have seen in them the personification of three phases of love: Beauty, exciting desire, which leads to satisfaction. There is another interpretation: chastity, beauty and love.

In 1948, the Museum of New Western Art was closed and his cultural heritage was redistributed between Museums of St. Petersburg and Moscow. Parts of the Moscow meetings of Sergei Schukin and Ivan Morozova joined the Hermitage. Now the chronological framework of the collection has significantly expanded thanks to the work of impressionists, Cesanna, Van Gogh, Matisse, Picasso and other artists of new directions.

Impressionism (Fr. impressionNisme, OT. impression - impression) - direction in the art of the last third of the XIX-early XX centuries, originated in France and then spread around the world, whose representatives sought to most naturally capture the real world in its mobility and variability, transfer their mimful impressions. Usually, under the term "impressionism" means a direction in painting, although his ideas also found their embodiment in literature and music.

Paul Cezanne "Marina Coast"

Paul Cezanne "Marins Coast"

Landscape Cezanne is stressed static: almost horizontal line of the river banks are opposed to strict verticals of houses and trees on the shore. The landscape immobility is intensified by the fact that it is reflected in the mirror, as if frozen, water. The river seems to be frozen as a mirror, still the trees are trees on the shores.

If the Impressionists sometimes dissolved in the solar shine, in a constantly changing light-air atmosphere, then in Cesanna, he again acquires weight: the structure of the building and the volume of the mass of trees is emphasized in the landscape. Trees in the picture form a generalized mass, which is characteristic of impressionists.

But together with acquisitions, heavy losses took place during this period. The diamond room of the Winter Palace was translated into the Moscow Kremlin, serving the basis for the diamond fund. Part of the collection of painting of old masters (including some works of Titian, Kranech, Veronese, Rubens, Rembrandt, Poussin) was transferred to the Moscow Museum of Fine Arts.

As a result of the sale of 1929-34, 48 masterpieces left Russia forever: the Hermitage lost the only work of Wang Eyka, the best things of Raphael, Botticelli, Hals and a number of other old masters.

During the Great Patriotic War, the main part of the Hermitage collection (more than two million units) was evacuated to the Urals. The cellars of the Hermitage buildings turned into a bomb shelter, and as a museum he did not work. But Hermitage staff continued to conduct scientific work and even arrange lectures on art historian. Even before the end of the war in the halls of the museum, restoration work began, and soon after the war, all evacuated cultural values \u200b\u200breturned to Leningrad, and the Hermitage was again open for visitors. None of the exhibit was lost during the war, and only a small part of them took restoration.

At the end of the war, a trophy art of Berlin museums began to enter the Hermitage, including the Pergami altar and a number of exhibits of the Egyptian Museum. In 1954, a permanent exhibition of these revenues was organized, then the Soviet government at the request of the GDR government returned them to Berlin in 1958. In early 1957, it was opened for visitors the third floor of the Winter Palace, where the works from the Museum of New Western Art were exhibited.


Hermitage Museum Complex

Now the Hermitage Museum Complex is five buildings associated with each other on the Palace Embankment:

  • Winter Palace of Architect B. F. Rastrelli;
  • Small Hermitage Architects J. B. Wallen-Demotus, Yu. M. Felten, V. P. Stasova. The complex of the Small Hermitage includes the northern and southern pavilions, as well as the famous suspension garden;
  • Big Hermitage architect Yu. M. Felten;
  • New Hermitage Architects Leo Background Klenzez, V. P. Stasova, N. E. Efimova;
  • The Hermitage Theater of the architect J. Kurengy, which is erected over the partially preserved Winter Palace of Peter I;

Also in the complex of buildings of the State Hermitage are included service buildings:

  • Spare House of the Winter Palace;
  • Hermitage garage architect N. I. Kramsky.

To date, the collection of the museum has about three million works of art and monuments of world culturestarting from the Stone Age to our century.

general information

The impression of visiting the State Hermitage is difficult to describe in words. From the very first steps on a solemn Jordan staircase, the luxury and splendor reigning here. The time itself, it seems, frozen in majestic halls among huge malachite VAZ, Egyptian sarcophagus, Greek amphorous, paintings of the greatest European painters and sculptures of the most famous masters. Such worldwide recognized masterpieces are kept here as "the return of the prodig son" Rembrandt, "Madonna Litt" and "Madonna Benoita" Leonardo da Vinci, "Madonna Konnestabil" and "Holy Family" of Rafael, "Butterist" Caravaggio, Pictures of Titian, Murillo, El Greek and many other famous painters. Hermitage in St. Petersburg has one of the world's best collections of French painting end of the XIX - early XX century.


History Hermitage

The construction of the complex began with the construction in the middle of the XVIII century by order of the Elizabeth of the Winter Palace. Architect Francesco Rastrelli worked on the building from 1754 to 1762. The initial project was set aside in a magnificent baroque style, but a significant part of the interiors later changed in accordance with the requirements of classicism.

Soon who came to power soon after the construction of Ekaterina II not only authorized the emergence of a large and small Hermitage and the Hermitage Theater, but also laid in 1764 the basis of the collection of the future museum. The first exhibits were Flemish and Dutch canvas of modern titled shopper masters. At the same time, Yuri Felten was built a two-story barky and classic house for entertainment empress. Five years later, an accepted Jean-Batist Michel Wallen-Decamot, the hull, with whom he joined the Gallery of Hanging Gardens was attached to him. The ensemble was called a small hermitage.

In 1771-1787, a large Hermitage was built on the bank of the Neva on the project of Felten, since the collection of books and paintings were rummaged and not placed in old rooms. After 5 years, Jacomo Kurengy, the Creator of the Hermitage Theater, completed an extension to it. In Catherine, the Museum's Funds received the work of the largest Italian masters, Rembrandt, on the second floor of the Winter Palace, a luxurious Georgievsky hall was issued.

Hermitage in the XIX century

After the completion of the war with the French, Hermitage got a collection of Josephine Bogarne, Napoleon's spouses. The Patriotic War of 1812 left an imprint on the appearance of the Hermitage: everything was done in the reign of Nikolai I to perpetuate the memory of the heroes of battles. In the halls of the complex, portraits of the commander, reliefs with patriotic symbolism appeared.

In the Nikolaev period, Alexander Bullylov, the brother of the famous painter, worked on the interior decoration of the Hermitage. He issued the interiors of the Winter Palace, together with Vasily Stasov, restored Petrovsky and the Field Marshal halls after the destructive fire of 1837.

In 1852, a group of architects built a new Hermitage specially for scenic collections, embodying the main details of the German project Leo Background Klenz. Over the interiors of the Big Hermitage and the Winter Palace at that time, Andrei Potakhenshneider worked. In the 60s of the collection of the museum, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, samples of European decorative art were replenished, the meeting of the weapons from the Tsarskoil Arsenal was translated here.

History of the complex in the XX century

During the First World War, the Hospital was organized in the Hermitage. After the February Revolution, a temporary government was traveled here, which was arrested right in the palace during the Bolshevik coup. On November 12, 1917, Hermitage became a state museum. Until the Second World War, the collection has increased significantly due to the nationalization of private collections and associations of different museums, valuable exhibits came from the Union republics. During the war, the meeting was evacuated to Sverdlovsk, from November 1945 everything was returned again to their places.

Since 1981, visitors to Hermitage in St. Petersburg began to take the Palace of Menshikov with an exposition dedicated to the culture and life of Petrovsky time. In the Hermitage Theater in the 90s, "Winter Palace Peter I" opened. Some expositions moved to the main headquarters.

Modern condition

In the XXI century, the State Hermitage opens its representative offices abroad and in the Russian regions: these are exhibition centers in London and Las Vegas, Amsterdam, Kazan, Ferrara, Vyborg. A large frontard courtyard is reconstructed, a new entrance to the Hermitage has been opened. The collection of the Museum of the Lomonomosovsky Porcelain Plant is moving.

Museum Collections

Inspecting the entire meeting for one visit is physically impossible, so visitors are offered to develop routes independently in accordance with their interests. From an architectural point of view, the most attractive interiors of the Winter Palace, picturesque masterpieces are concentrated in the halls of the Great and New Hermitage.

Winter Palace

The main exposition of the first floor of the Winter Palace is ancient art and archeology, the second - painting England and France XVI-XVIII centuries. And the interiors of various epochs, the third - the classic art of Asia countries. Separate mention deserve the rooms of the second floor: TRONER, ALEXANDROVSKIY, BIG, CONCERT, chamber premises of Empress Mary Alexandrovna and the families of the last emperor.

Triptych "worship of Magi". Noteland. XV century

Small Hermitage

With the Winter Palace, the building connects Sivkov to the transition with a platform where the ancient Roman mosaics, sarcophages and reliefs are stored. The name of Alexander Sivkova, the architect of the Hermitage of the Soviet period, which united all buildings in the general museum space was perpetued in the name of the hall. The pavilion hall, the windows of which go to the Neva, in the middle of the XIX century, was decorated with a soldier, who did not regrepace for the walls and the ceiling of gilding and crystal. There are four copies of the Bakhchisarai fountain, mosaic and watches "Peacock". The bronze hour machine work machine of the English masters of the XVIII century is still functioning - its "singing" can be heard every Wednesday, at 19 o'clock. In the Romanov Gallery, from the side of the Winter Palace, medieval exhibits are stored, decorated with enamels, wood carving and ivory, faience dishes. The gallery leads visitors to the hall of Dutch and Flemish painting. In the opposite Romanovskaya, the Petrovsky gallery is kept German paintings and sculptures of the XV-XVIII centuries.

Watch "Peacock"

Old (big) Hermitage

From the first floor of an old Hermitage to the second, the exhibition leads the Soviet staircase from white and pink marble. She was erected by the project of the Shockenchneder in the middle of the XIX century on the site of the former oval hall, from which a duddy smelter with images of the goddess Minerva and Russian junior remained. The name, contrary to the problem, does not have any relation to the USSR: in this building, the State Council was located in the 19th century.

The big Hermitage is not at all high compared to the impressive winter palace and the new Hermitage. Modest volumes are compensated by the value of collections - it is here, in Nevskiy Anfilad, the masterpieces of Italian Renaissance are stored: Frescoes Fra Beato Angeliko, Reliefs Antonio Rosselyino, Altar Sandro Botticelli, "Saint Sebastian" Pietro Perugino, "Mailing Christ" Veronese, "Saint George" Tintoretto. In the Leonardo Da Vinci hall, French interiors of the XVII century were reproduced. The famous Leonard "Madonna Benoit" and "Madonna Litta" are exhibited here. In the Hall of Titian you can see "lety" and "Saint Sebastian".

Fragment fragment Fra Beato Angelico "Madonna with a baby, St. Dominica and St. Foma Akvinsky"
eonardo da Vinci "Madonna Benua", 1478-1480
Leonardo da Vinci "Madonna Litta", 1490-1491

New Hermitage

Since the Neva River embankment no longer had a suitable place, the main facade of the new Hermitage comes to a millionth street. It is decorated with famous powerful granite figures of the Atlanta work of the Sculptor Terebenev. This is exactly about them in the famous song of Alexander Gorodsky:

When in the heart of gravity
And cold in the chest
To the steps of the Hermitage
You come at twilight,
Where without drinking and bread,
Forgotten in centuries,
Atlanta keep the sky
On stone hands.

Project Leo Background Klenza envisaged complete harmony between exhibits and wall design, ceilings, parquet. That is why many halls are decorated with medallions, mosaics in the style of various historical eras. On the first floor of the building presents samples of ancient art. The exhibition halls is maintained by the main staircase of white marble, surrounded by granite columns. The most ancient findings are located in the colorful twelve-column hall with mosaic floors, wall paintings, imitating the ancient Roman, and green granite columns.

In the center of the hall of the big vase, a 19-ton Kolyvan Vase from the greenish-gray jasper is made in 1843. On the perimeter of the room placed marble sculptures of the era of Emperor Trajan. In the vaulted Hall of Jupiter, a huge puzzle statue exported from the country house of Emperor Domitsiana is being exhibited. In an antique courtyard with statues, the decoration of houses of noble Romans and Greeks was reproduced. Marble figures are decorated with the Dionysus Hall. In the Greek Halls of the Classics, copies of the works of famous sculptors are presented: Fidia, Mirone, Polycttte, Genuine Vases.

Kolyvanovskaya bowl "Queen Chash"

On the second floor of the new Hermitage, the most valuable pictorial meetings are stored. In the hall of Rembrandt, 23 works of the Dutch Master, including the "return of the prodigal son" and protected after the attack of the vandal especially durable glass "Dana". The Hall of Rafael presents Italian ceramics, the work of students of the famous painter and his masterpieces "Madonna Concreate" and "Holy Family".

The center of the building forms an imfilade of three halls with upper lighting, the so-called "lumen". Small Italian clearance decorates color stucco and works by Russian kamneris. In the Big Hall, the large-format paintings of Italian artists are kept, the original furniture made according to the sketches of the monferran and the background of Klenze. In Spanish, the works of Velasquez, Surbaran, Murillo are exhibited.

The building was erected on the site of the former Winter Palace of Peter I. Architects managed to restore part of the base and first floor in the room under the scene. View the office, a dining room and a parade yard with Sanya Peter I can be from the Palace Embankment.

The interior of the theater foyer is designed in grayish blue tones, emphasizing the magnificity of heavy chandeliers, sophistication of medallions, stucco and ceiling paintings. In the auditorium, as in the ancient amphitheater, 6 semicircular rows of the bench are installed. Here, in ideal for chamber opera speakers, there are performances and concerts by the forces of their own orchestra and invited from the Mariinsky theater of singers.

Palace Menshikov

Baroque building, the first capital structure of St. Petersburg from the stone, stands on the university embankment. While Menshikov was in force, in the palace, the center of a huge manor, held the main entertainment events of the royal yard. Subsequently, the unclaimed building dilated to such an extent that in the twentieth century, the reconstruction was stretched for several decades. Some premises have not been restored so far. After the transfer of the Hermitage building in 1981, it was decided to recreate the interiors of the first third of the XVIII century - the abrasions of the parade halls, the nut office.

Decoration of Region

Main Staff Building

The last acquisition of the museum is two buildings combined by a semicircular triumphal arch, the creation of architect Carlo Rossi in honor of the victory of the Russian Empire in the war of 1812. The new branch of the museum is a strict three-story building with elongated facades, the monotony of which is violated only by the snow-white Corinth colonnades. For many years, the main headquarters performed only the official function, now representatives of military departments are still in the structure of the structure. At the moment, the halls of the building are reconstructed in accordance with the tasks of the museum - a part of the collections of European painting from the Winter Palace will move here.

Main Staff Building


State Hermitage is one of the most famous museums in the world, which is in, the Northern capital of Russia. The richest collections of the museum are located in six buildings standing along the Neva Embankment.

Hermitage - Description.

More than 250 years ago, Ekaterina II in a small Hermitage wished to have a corner for privacy. The year of creation of the museum is considered to be 1764, when the broken German merchant was forced to pay off his debt. Without cash, he paid a collection of 225 cloths of famous artists. These paintings decorated the walls of a small hermitage. Until 1852, when the expositions were open to the general public, only "cream" of the aristocratic society could look at the works of art. Today, the Hermitage collection includes more than 3 million exhibits, which are represented by canvases, sculptures, articles of decorative and applied art and other cultural monuments. Some of them belong to the stone century.

Hermitage halls.

The most visited place is a pavilion hall in a small Hermitage. Its decoration consists of crystal chandeliers, fountains, mosaic floors and statues from snow-white marble. In the center of the hall there are famous Watches "Peacock" made of gold. Once a hour, the bird dissolves the tail and goes.

Visitors to the Hermitage Museum love to walk along the gallery called Rafael's Loggia. The ceiling is 52 copies of the frescoes of the famous Wizard, which depict biblical plots.

In the front halls of the Winter Palace, on the walls of the Leonardo da Vinci's canvas ("Madonna and Baby" and "Madonna with a flower") and Rembrandt ("Dana" and "Return of the Prodigal Son"), leads the Jordanian (Embassy) staircase. Its steps and balustrade are made of white marble.

The lovers of ancient culture are happy to visit the twenty-column hall in the new Hermitage, which is painted in Great-Egyptian style and keeps a collection of ancient amphors, VAZ, antique gym and gemm, including "Kameu Gonzaga" - the largest in the world.

Here is a huge Kolyvan Vase, made of jasper. Its weight is 19 tons, and height is 5 meters. It is noteworthy that the new Hermitage was built specifically for this vase.

In the same building, Dionysus, Jupiter, Hercules with ancient Roman sculptures were located.

It is famous among visitors to the State Hermitage of the Egyptian hall, which contains objects from the Tomb of Egyptian courtiers. In addition to sarcophagus and mummies here you can see ancient amulets and excerpts from the book of the dead.

In the old Hermitage there are two exposures that can be visited only in the excursion group. It is a "diamond" and "golden" storerooms in which gold products of ancient sarmatics and Scythians are stored, as well as precious stones and jewelry of the work of the XVI-XIX centuries.

More than 15,000 copies of cold weapons and protective armor of the XV-XVII centuries are kept in the Knight's Hall.

The Pearl of State Hermitage in St. Petersburg is considered to be the sculpture of the "speeding boy" belonging to the sharp of Michelangelo Buonotti. By the way, this is his only work in the Russian Federation.

In one of the halls of the Museum of Hermitage, tourists attracts a porcelain service consisting of 700 items and designed for 60 people. All the dishes are decorated with magnificent cameras. It is impossible to pass by a malachite living room with two fireplaces created in 1837, instead of the burnt jasmic room.

In the building of the former main headquarters today, the viewers are presented by the Kandinsky's canvas, the famous "black square" Malevich and the pictures of French artists of the XIX-XX centuries.

In the department of numismatics, which is the largest in the country, presented more than a million coins of various eras and states. Also here can be found with premium and commemorative medals, orders and icons.

State Hermitage (St. Petersburg) is included in the top three most famous and largest museums in the world. His story and collection are worthy of special attention. Almost every tourist coming to the Northern Capital of Russia seeks to get to the Hermitage. We will tell about the fact that the collection of works of the arts of this museum is noteworthy. As well as about the most interesting projects and facts from the life of the Hermitage.

History of creation

The beginning of the future collection of the museum was put by Empress Catherine second. She bought for themselves the work of art, the most significant acquisition was the collection of the merchant of Gotkovsky. At first, the collection was placed in the palaces, but she grew quickly, and soon the Empress realized that it was necessary to build a special building.

The real history of the State Hermitage begins in 1764, when a small Hermitage was laid. But very quickly and this building was filled with works of art, and in 1775 the building of a large Hermitage appears. By the end of the 18th century, one of the best and large collections of works of art in Europe was kept in the Hermitage. The museum worked a whole team of procurers who were looking for outstanding exhibits throughout Europe. In the mid-19th century, the museum's complex has been replenished with another building and acquired today. Until 1917, the museum was not widely affordable, the ticket could only be obtained in the Palace Cass and everyone was not distributed. After the revolution, the museum became the public domain, part of the collection was distributed among different museums of the state, but the meeting was also replenished due to attitudes of values \u200b\u200bfrom private collections. Part of the works Soviet power sold abroad, seeking to replenish the gold and foreign exchange reserves of a young state. During World War II, the value of the Hermitage was evacuated to the Urals, but since 1945 the museum reopened again for visitors.

Hermitage today

Modern State Hermitage (St. Petersburg) is the largest cultural, research and museum complex of the country. Hermitage today is actively growing, the museum representative offices in 4 cities are already open, a new discovery in Yekaterinburg is preparing. The staff of the Hermitage is a huge educational and scientific work, cooperation with all the largest museums of the world is carried out, exhibitions are held in different countries. Large activities continue to replenish the meeting, experts are looking for decent exhibits, negotiate with collectors. The museum today is a major complex, restoration work is being conducted here, expertise are held, a huge program to attract visitors is carried out. This annually comes at least 5 million people.

Ermitage buildings

A huge complex called State Hermitage today includes 5 main structures, not counting individual premises in other buildings, for example, in the main headquarters. The oldest placement of the museum is a small Hermitage. It was built in 1764-1766 by architect Y. Felten. The complex of the Small Hermitage also includes famous hanging gardens and northern and southern pavilions. The complex is made in the strict style of classicism. In 1777, the same Y. Felten builds a large Hermitage, it is harmoniously combined with previously constructed structures of the complex. Later, D. Quince attached to this house a building in which Rafael's loggias are located.

At the end of the 19th century, Leo von Klenza designs a special building for public visits to the museum, the name of the new Hermitage. The spectacular building in the style of historicism harmoniously fit into the previously created complex. The most famous element of this building is the input portico with Atlanta. Another room included in the complex is the Hermitage Theater. It was built in Catherine the second. Today there are performances and concerts, exhibitions are demonstrated. State Hermitage, the halls of which are amazed with magnificence and scope, is a real symbol of St. Petersburg. And the complex of buildings of the museum is one of the main architectural dominant of the city.


The description of the collection of the Hermitage is devoted to many volumes and directories. Today the collection of the museum has about 3 million exhibits. The public shows only a small part of the meeting. Many items and works of art are afraid of light and air, therefore stored exclusively in special conditions. Access to them only narrow specialists have access. The largest storage of works of arts in the country today is the State Hermitage. Painting, sculpture, graphics, monuments of history - The collection of the museum allows you to present the entire history of human civilization. The meeting includes several sections: culture and art of primitive peace, art of antiquity, Europe painting from 13 to 20 centuries, decorative and applied arts, coins. However, the collection of the museum has obvious gaps, for example, in the Hermitage, as in Russia in general, there is not a single picture of the Vermeer, there are no works of many significant Italians, the art of the 20th century is weakly represented.

Main masterpieces

The State Hermitage, the works and buildings of which are unique, is a huge museum. To explore the whole exposure, you need to spend a lot of days. But, as in any museum of the world, there are masterpieces, which cannot be missed and which make up the subject of special pride. These include:

- "Dana" and "the Blind Son" Rembrandt;

- "Madonna Benua" and "Madonna Litt" Leonardo da Vinci;

Unique Watch "Peacock";

- "Lady in the blue" Gainesboro;

- "Dance" A. Matisse;

Frescoes from Buddhist temples;

Items of Pazyryk culture;

Sculpture "Eternal Spring" Roda;

Parade staircase of the Winter Palace;

Collection of objects of the Russian interior of the 19th - early 20th centuries.

This, of course, is only the most, in the museum there are so many valuable works for various tastes that choose the main masterpieces is very difficult.

Museum management

The State Hermitage at the stage of its creation was personally supervised by Empress Catherine second. For its long history, the museum changed 17 leaders. Today, the director of the State Hermitage Mikhail Borisovich Piotrovsky. In 1992, he came to the place, which once held his father - an outstanding archaeologist, orientalist. He headed the main museum of the country for almost 30 years. Mikhail Borisovich today seeks to continue the established traditions of the Hermitage, much does for its development. Since the museum is a huge, diverse complex, the director has to be more engaged in administrative issues than the study of works of art. However, the director of the museum is a recognized scientist with world authority.

Services and specialists

State Hermitage - a complex multi-stage structure. There are departments related to work at certain periods of art history, for example, an ancient world department. There are many expert departments, for example, the department of scientific and technical examination of monuments. Museum employees are the best specialists in their fields, there are a lot of doctors of science, several academicians. The functioning of such a complex as the Hermitage is impossible without various technical and accompanying services. In total, several hundred people work in the museum.

Ermitage projects

The State Hermitage, the works of which daily want to see about 300 thousand people, except for exhibition and exposition work, leads a lot of other projects. One of the large-scale projects of the museum is to work on creating the restoration and ceiling center "Old Village". This is a complex of five buildings in which part of the museum funds for restoration and high-quality storage will be moved. Another interesting Hermitage Initiative is the creation of the Heraldry Museum in the Exchange Building in St. Petersburg. Also, the museum is working to open its representative offices in other cities and countries. In the nearest plans, the opening of the Hermitics in Yekaterinburg. Another ambitious task of the museum is the formation of a collection fund of works of art 20-21 centuries, which is weakly represented in the Hermitage.

For his long history, the State Hermitage has increased a large number of legends and myths. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe museum today is 233 thousand square meters. m, in it more than 1000 rooms, 117 stairs. In the Hermitage, except for hundreds of employees, 50 cats are officially operating, their task is to catch mice that can damage the works of art. Among the unique masterpieces of the museum there is a Kolyvan vase from jasper, whose weight is 19 tons. In order to make it in the hall, I had to disassemble the wall of the museum. If you spend only 1 minute to spend on each exhibit of the museum, then it will have to spend about 11 years to reach all collections. A lot of legends goes about the museum, they say that periodically for nights in the windows of the museum are visible for women silhouettes, and there are several treasures in the depths of palaces. During World War II, 12 bomb shelters were opened in the Hermitage basements, which saved many Leningrad's lives.

Practical information

State Hermitage, whose address: St. Petersburg, Palace Square, 2, is known for any tourist and is the most visited museum of Russia. A ticket for an adult Russian costs only 400 rubles. Every first Thursday of the month you can visit the museum for free, there are many benefits for various categories of citizens. Hermitage works daily, except Monday, from 10.30 to 18 hours, on Wednesday and Friday - until 21 hours.