Find Android on Google account. How to find out the location of a person for Android phone or tablet

Find Android on Google account. How to find out the location of a person for Android phone or tablet
Find Android on Google account. How to find out the location of a person for Android phone or tablet

The scan of the current question is: how to find the lost android phone, and very cool and steep ways.

All smartphones work through android or iOS. The IOS protection system is known to everyone and is carried out using a special program that allows you to track and find a phone. But what to do android holders? Is there protection here and is it possible to find the lost phone? Tell further.

How to find a lost android phone when the phone is lost

Unfortunately, situations often occur when the phone was stolen or lost, and the question arises how to find the lost android phone. Many of you will immediately go with a statement to the nearest police station, but at the same time they know that the option of a positive result is minimal.

Now I will tell you about reliable and efficient ways to find a smartphone, rather than an appeal to the organs. In order for you to find a smartphone and track its location, difficult actions will not need. However, you need to register a Google account. If your data is not made in the phone, you will not be able to find.

You need to independently activate the "Remote Control" item, other words set all the parameters. To do this, go to "my location" in the smartphone settings item and put a tick on "Allow tracking coordinates".

As you can see, everything is easy and simple. Google's company is very serious about the problem of protecting personal information, therefore, putting a check mark, your smartphone will always be in connection with the case of loss.

How to search through a computer

There is an Android Device Manager service specifically for squinting through a computer, but if the gadget is turned off or all settings were reset, then the possibilities are not so functional. However, no one claimed that the thieves would be masters of this case, right? To search the device in this way, you need to do the following on the computer:

  • Go to a special link of remote control
  • Enter login and password, and then log in to the account. If you still do not have an account, then you must create it, as it is very useful and necessary (after creation, just enter the account through the smartphone).
  • Then everything happens in automatic mode, and you will see the window with the following information.

As you can see in the example, here through the computer you can remotely block the smartphone by pressing the corresponding button. You can also call or clear all data from the memory of the device.

If the phone lost home

Under forgetfulness or its own scattering, a person can easily lose the phone at home. In this case, you can call yourself with this program via the Internet.

For several minutes, your phone will call, and it does not completely depend on the installed mode. Thus, even in a silent state, the phone will call loudly, and you can easily find it.

We send a message to the lost or stolen phone

If you lost the gadget, and the person who found him wants to return the owner, because even in our time there are responsible people among us, then this can be contributed. You can send a message by number that will come to the screen of the lost smartphone. We use the same service and the "Configure Lock and Delete Data" button.

In the window that appears, you can do the following:

  • Enter a password with which you can block the device.
  • Send a message by reading which a man will return a mobile phone.

If there is no possibility to return the gadget, it is recommended to protect your personal data. To do this, click the "Clear" button. In this case, everything will be deleted and the phone will go to the standard factory settings.

Additional programs

In addition to remote access, there are many other programs with similar functionality. The best of them is Lost Android. It is installed in the phone as well as other programs, that is, with the help of the playing market.

Useful Tip: After installation, the program will be displayed as Personal Notes with a view of a regular notebook. This is done so that the thieves are not suspected. So do not worry if you do not detect this program as it is recorded in the market.

After running this program, give it administrator rights. To do this, press the corresponding button. How to do this can be seen from the screenshot below.

Then go to the official application site and log in again through Google. Enter login and password, and then go to the account. All available features are listed there.

These two methods listed by me, through Google and the program, allow you to find even the disconnected smartphone. This is achieved by the fact that Google services record the moment when the device has been turned on last time, respectively, the location.

Find the phone on IMEI (via satellite) and by sim card (by mobile phone number)

Here I have a hurry to disappoint none of these methods will not give results even through the computer by phone number. According to IMEI, only law enforcement agencies can track through the computer, and then the most advanced. Those who in the provinces may not hope to this way.

Of course, through a computer by sim card, you can define extremely blurry data type "Your phone is located in the city of Ivanovo." Configured search services will not provide correct and accurate information, only the police own such technologies.

By phone number, it is also unlikely. Because as soon as the phone finds and want to leave it, immediately throw out the sim card than tracking difficult. You can not even find through the computer if it is enabled (phone), mobile operators do not bother themselves with such actions, although they are required.

Do not waste data on these ways, but about them below, at the end of the article.

Protection with Avast! Anti-Theft for Android

In case of loss, you can pre-configure the phone. To do this, I found a very interesting program that attracted my attention. That's what you need to do:

  • Download Antivirus Avast! Mobile Security and open it.
  • Go to the settings menu and set the mark in the "PIN Protection" and "Deletion Protection". If a person detects the antivirus, then until it enters the PIN code, he will not be able to get rid of it.
  • Then create an AVAST account.
  • We turn to the official service of Anti-Virus and click Create Account Now, put the mail and drive the password.

From now on, your phone is protected.

Customize the AVAST application! Anti-Theft in the gadget

The Advanced Settings menu in this program features the following features:

  1. Protective, that is, what needs to be done if it is lost. You can block the gadget, set the alarm, block access to the settings, notify the low battery charging.
  2. Lock text, delete information and GPS tracking. Here you can enter the text that will be shown on the phone screen. Now your device is fully protected.

Last method

If previous methods did not give results for one reason or another, for example, you forgot the login and password from the Google account or did not create an account at all, that is, one more, as they say, in the extreme case.

By phone number it is impossible to find your smartphone. But you as a victim you can come to the police station, write a statement and attach evidence that this is really your phone. Among them are the following:

  • Warranty card.
  • Check about buying.
  • Box from the gadget.
  • IMEI code.

Tip for those who have not lost the phone: be sure to write down your IMEI code. You can find it using the * # 06 # command.

Based on the past text, find the phone on the IMEI address is not very simple, more precisely this is 0.5% as statistics shows, and every year less. But if you decide to go this method, I do not envy you, it is very difficult, the only one is the police.


That's all, dear friends! I listed the most reliable ways to search for a stolen phone. In conclusion, I want to give two main and useful advice:

  1. If possible, turn on the Internet on the smartphone to access data in case of disappearance.
  2. Install the lock on the screen. This is done like this: Security - Encrypt the device - Configure the type of blocking - password or pattern.

I hope my tips will be useful to you and you will find an answer in the article on how to find the lost android phone, although it is better not to deal with this situation at all. Subscribe to my blog, leave comments and share links in social networks.

Many of us lost their mobile phones: someone could not discover it under the pillow, and someone sowed him on the street. Well, if he found a person with a good soul and will return it to you. But a person who is clearly not concerned about altruism or the phone does not exist at all. In any case, we have the need and the desire to find such a familiar and native phone. But how to do that? We'll see now.

What you need to search for a phone?

So, so that you can find your cellular, in the case of its loss or theft, you will need a valid Google Account. The prerequisite is that the phone must be connected to it (if this is not done, then all further actions are useless). Another important condition is the presence of the Internet on a mobile device, the connection speed does not play a special role. Check the Google account, the availability of Internet access and go to the phone and computer setting.

Standard phone search via Google account

We go to the settings → Security → Device administrators → "Remote Android Management". Activate the last item.

Actions performed on the computer?

In order to track the desired device pass on tracking site And authorized through the account that is tied to our phone. Next follows such a window:

After some time, you can see the location of your cellular on the map, and in some cases even the route of the previous movement.

But all this is possible only if the Internet works on the phone. If the device is turned off, it will not be possible to detect it, you should not pull the rubber, start looking at once!
Soon the "Clean phone" function will be available. After a couple of seconds, after pressing this button, your phone will ring and loudly call for as many as 5 minutes, even if it is turned on "without sound". Agree, convenient feature.

After turning on the "Clear" function, the phone automatically goes into the "normal mode" and starts playing the ringtone. After graduating from five minutes or any action with the phone, the call stops, and the phone changes again to the "without sound" mode.

Appendix - "Lost Android"

Another common and very good way to detect a lost phone is to use a special program under the promising Lost Android name. This program is available for downloading on the famous Play Market, very useful and occupies quite a bit.

1. After installation, the icon will appear, something resembling ordinary notes, some protection against the "new" owner.

2. During the first launch of the program, she needs to provide administrator rights - without this you can not do anything.

Until the emergence of an unpleasant situation, the application will not need, further management will occur through web resources. And we again need our account (the phone must be tied to Google Account). The same functionality will be available as in the first case (given above).

The basic version of Lost Android is free, but for the search functions by contacts, the launch of applications and management of system applications will have to pay a small amount. But I repeat once again - a couple of dollars exactly stand your device or at least your personal data.

Appendix - "WHERES MY DROID"

This program has a more detailed, "tricky" interface and copes with the task of searching for a mobile device even better.
After its startup, you will be prompted to configure "Special Teams". This feature will allow you to manage the lost phone no longer from the computer (because the PC is not always nearby), but from another Android phone. Also, the developers left the ability to control through the computer, but made it on their system, which is no longer connected with Google.

Control from computer

In order to be able to manage a lost telephone from a personal computer, you will need the Internet (without it anywhere) and browser.
For a start, go to the web resource.

On the start page you will be prompted to install the application for the phone, for this click the "Download Now" button or. After installing and creating an account, the user will be available extensive application settings:

But, as often happens, the developers of this software strongly limited the functionality of the free version of the program. All functions can be obtained in the PRO version, which costs about $ 4. It is in this version that will be available: receiving photos, remote blocking and resetting the device, protection against the removal of the application and hiding its pictograms, and many more useful "buns".

Appendix - "Seekdroid: Find. MY. Phone "

This remote control program also uses its platform. It has a rather interesting and advanced interface, but more complex management.
So, in order to use this resource, first go to the main page of the Seekdroid.

Swing your phone application via Play Market.

Be sure to create your account! It will organize the correct pair of web resource and mobile phone.
Unlike the above methods of remote telephone control in the case of its loss, when only Internet access is needed on a smartphone or telephone, and there is nothing more, in the seekdroid, the geolocation is enabled, without its manual switching on to connect to the server and find the phone failed.
The free version of the program is also strongly implanted by functionality, and the paid version costs from $ 4 -20 per month, it all depends on what functions you want to get.

Brief results

There are many different programs and services that help in finding a lost device, this article features only a few options that were checked on their devices. Each will find for themselves the most convenient and functional application. Paid applications, of course, have their advantages. But still, choose you. Good luck!

Hello, expensive owners of modern gadgets.)) Today I distracted a little from the topic of site buildings. I will tell you how almost "sowed" your smartphone and how to find a phone through Google account, as well as protect all your data on your mobile phone and how to restore lost phone numbers and more. Read carefully, this article will be useful to everyone who is not lucky, like me. (((

Fortunately, or to my regret, my smartphone was served for 4 years faithfully. It was probably a long time ago it was necessary to change it, well, what would be happiness, but misfortune helped.

It was a pity that was not how much the device itself is how much the data on it was, but this is the most valuable data for me: access to electronic wallets WM and QIWI, access to sites and your blog, I'm not talking about a bunch of pictures and home video ... (( Here I was of course frightened.

But I will say that I will say that I then found the device in the courtyard in the March snow, he didn't even turn off - it facilitated my searches. But first things first)))

Now I'll tell you a little before ...

Smartphones accompany us everywhere. They are with us at home, we take them to work, but sometimes it happens that you put it, or left in such a place as I can't remember. What then? How to find a phone and is it possible? Fortunately, each mobile platform: Android, iOS or Windows Phone has functions that allow you to track the locations of gadgets.

Did you lose your phone? Now you can easily gear it

It became available to Google's service - find your smartphone through an account, and which should become antidote against "sclerosis".)) Unfortunately, it is not perfect, and most likely will not help people who robbed thieves.

How to track equipment with android?

The mechanism for tracking lost smartphones or tablet working on Android is designed by Google's service called Android Device Manager (Android Device Manager). Android application is a Google tool that allows you to track or block the phone from the mobile system.

It is closely related to your Google account, which, in turn, is a digital identification of a smartphone owner or a tablet running Android.

But this is not all: without the enabled GPS software cannot track the device. Thus, you must in the Android settings, go to the location folder and run GPS.

How to track Android smartphone using the application

If your smartphone was stolen, then how quickly you start the Android application on another device with this system. After that, enter the system using the account and password in Google. The application will display all existing devices with Android. Now you just need to choose one of them, and the manager will show the approximate location.

Note:The application monitors GPS gadget only if it is enabled and connected to the network through 3G or Wi-Fi.

How to track Android smartphone with browser

In cases where we do not have another Android device, you should not worry. Tracking service also works from a web browser.
Just go to the Android management website by reference. You will be offered to log in to your Google Account.

After you do this, a map with the location of the devices with the Android operating system will appear on the page.
If your smartphone is nearby, but you do not see it, execute the "Call" command. The device will start calling at the highest level, and will call for five minutes.

How to block android smartphone

If you cannot find a lost or stolen phone with geolocation, it still does not mean that everything is lost. Maybe you just forgot where I left your smartphone, and he was not stolen.

With the help of Android Device Manager, you can block it from another device with the Android operating system or from a computer using the Internet browser. Just select a feature "Block".

You can also set a new password for your gadget that will not limit the four-digit PIN. In addition, you can install the message that will be displayed on the locked device screen. It may be your second number or a friend number whose courtesy you will use.

In this case, if your smartphone will be in the hands of an honest person, it can call you from a blocked device.

How to delete data from a smartphone android?

If the device is not connected to the network, then the erasure of the information will occur at the time of connection.

When you do not have more chances and hope that your device is found, then, first of all, it is necessary to protect your personal data stored on the smartphone. With the help of the Android device manager, you can delete all the data and restore its factory settings.
Just click on the menu item "Erase" And you agree with the consequences of such a step.

Unfortunately, this is a rather tough measure. Erasing data, you will lose all: files, applications, documents, photos, music. Although the data that were intended to create Google account will be restored, other data will disappear forever.

For smartphones, external memory cards are often used, where the various data is stored. The erase function of the information from the phone may not affect such a map.

Alternative: Lookout

Today, almost every operating system for mobile devices has additional security features.

A good example is the Lookout package. In addition to the built-in antivirus and phishing detection systems and malicious Lookout applications are able to track the lost or stolen phone. In order to be able to use this option, it is simply necessary on the GPS device and the Internet.

In case of loss, you need to log in to the Lookout page and the position of your phone or tablet should seem on the map. In this case, you can set the alarm and send a message to the locked screen.

Lookout service, send a message to email, about the location of the device. All functions are free.

If you want to block or erase the phone with Lookout, you must have a premium account. Within the framework of paid services, an option is also provided, take a picture of a person who currently keeps your phone. In addition, Lookout will send a message to the mail at a time when someone tries to pull the SIM card and turn on the flight mode.

Alternative: Avira Antivirus Security

Avira AntiVirus Security is mainly used as an anti-virus scanner. However, it has a phone tracking function. In order to use it, you need to subscribe to the Avira service.

With this application, you can quickly track your gadget from another device or browser. Just log in to Avira, and it will show you the location of the device. Using the browser, you can call an alarm or call the lost phone. Avira also has the function of blocking and erasing devices.

Google helped me and his "search engine navigation", although I approximately suspected where he could fought it. Therefore, checking in Google, I realized that he was somewhere nearby. Switching out the courtyard and arriving at Tomesto, where we played with children I easily found my gadget. I enjoyed)).

Despite this, I bought another smartphone on Windows Phone 8.1. And I plan to tell about the actions in the event of a loss of this device, in your nearest blog, of course, if you want it, dear readers. Write in the comments.

Bye Bye!

Sincerely, Roman Chuechev

Read: 1504 times

People regularly lose their mobile phones, sometimes even inside the apartment and cannot find it. You can find Android through Google, if you need to perform in advance the necessary settings and the device is enabled (even with silent mode). To do this, the standard tools from Google Go additional applications.

Remote Google Management "Find My Device"

ADNROID developers have created a special feature that helps to find the Android phone on Google account. To do this, the search method first needs to bind your device to account. To implement the search itself, you only need to have access to the Internet and computer to log in. Inside the account there is a special partition that shows data about your mobile.

If there is no need for a laptop or PC, you can download another android device (tablet or phone) Find My Device program, which has the same functional. Use the service "Find My Device" will work if you activate the settings in advance mobile, do it after losing or theft will not work. The function is activated from the Android control menu.

Enable Device Management Functions

To obtain the necessary features for managing and activating the method, track the device, you must perform a number of presets. The main task is to tie the Google account and your phone. In the device manager, you need to enable remote controls by the following instructions:

  1. Enter Google. To do this, you can use the program or execute login through the phone settings in the "My Accounts" menu.
  2. Open the section called "Security".
  3. Inside, click on the "Remote Andriod Management" section.
  4. Activate the "Remote Settings Lock" function and "Remote Device Search".

Opportunities of the built-in service

With the help of the Google account, you can not only track the location of the device on Android, but also to perform a number of other actions. An important condition to find the phone with stealing is the included Wi-Fi and geolocation feature. Through the built-in service you are available:

  • Blocking the phone through the Google account. To do this, the user enters a special password and an attacker to use the device will not be able to.
  • The ability to track a stooled or lost smartphone if it is activated by GPS and Wi-Fi for data transmission. This is possible even if they replaced or drove a SIM card.
  • Activation of a loud and continuous beep for 5 minutes even when the sound is turned off.
  • Reset function to factory settings to prevent the abduction of personal data and information.
  • The ability to create a message that will be displayed on the smartphone screen.

Search for Android phone through Find My Device and Browser

The default function is disabled, but is present on all devices that work on Android. Additional programs for this method of tracking is not necessary, option is activated via device manager. You can find a phone through Google account from a computer using a standard browser. To activate Find My Device you need on the phone:

  1. Open the Google Settings item.
  2. Go to the "Security" tab.
  3. Opposite the Device Administrators item to install a tick.
  4. Confirm the activation of the function.

Go to the computer account through the browser and follow these steps:

  1. Open the search box on the\u003dru.
  2. If several gadgets are tied to the account, select the desired one.
  3. Wait until the system gets data (it will work, only with the GPS and the Internet enabled).

How to track the phone android via Google Maps

Google cards received a new addition called "Show where I". It has become part of the official application and helps determine the location of the Android phone. The function builds the schedules of the user's movement along the route, marking points. To connect this method of tracking movements, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Set google cards on smartphone.
  2. Open the main menu and go to the application.
  3. Activate the "Show, where I" function, set the tracking interval.
  4. Specify the phone number or mail.
  5. To track or espionage, you need to open Google MEPS, start the section "Show where I". Select the device of interest from the list and see the result of the route.

Another interesting function from Google to track the phone is called "Chronology". It will not help track the user in real time. Used to see where a person was for a certain period of time, it works by analogy with the tracker on the machines. To do this, you must perform the following actions:

  • open Google Maps under the Account to which the phone is tied;
  • click on the item "Chronology";
  • specify the required period for viewing: year, month, day;
  • wait for the formation of results.

Android geolocation using Google applications

You can track human movement from both the computer and from another phone. This uses the same ways of tracking, the difference is only that additional applications will be needed for the smartphone. They will receive information that the victim's phone reports. Most of the programs are free, among users, the following options include:

  • Lost Android;
  • Where "s My Droid;
  • Lookout Security & Antivirus.

Where "s My Droid

Useful application that will help learn where the user is located with the program installed. It has a wide functionality that includes not only the location definition. With the help of the utility you can:

  • call the phone so that it makes the signal even on silent mode;
  • using SMS to obtain the coordinates of the device;
  • take a picture of the thief from the front camera (Pro version);
  • delete applications and modules (Pro version) ;;
  • block all functions on the device (Pro version);

In this article, I will tell you how to find an android if he was lost or stolen. We will use Google functionality and third-party applications.

First we will understand how you can try to find your phone using a computer, then you can watch the video searching for the phone. And in the end we will analyze several popular programs that will help us in the search.

This article is suitable for all brands producing phones on Android 9/8/7/6: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, Zte, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

Search for a lost android phone using a computer

Modern communications greatly simplify the search for the phone on the Android system, make it possible to control the smartphone at a distance. If the gadget disappeared in the mountains, where there is no cellular communication, discharged and turned off, the possibility of access to the device is zero. How then to find an android smartphone?

The likelihood of fast detection of the device increases, if:

  • It has access to the Internet.
  • Is in the on state.
  • Equipped with geolocation feature (GPS is enabled).

How to find android if it is turned off

Opportunities for finding a lost gadget are significantly limited when cellular does not work. In this situation, you can use Google's service called Android Device Manager. An important condition for the use of the service is to prevent permanent access to GPS navigation or Internet access. You still need to have a Google account.

We are looking for a phone with Google

Device users create accounts in Google. Using an account, you can install useful applications, register on sites, download, games. One of the functions of such an account is to define the location of a lost or stolen smartphone, even when it is turned off.

The system has devices manager. When this feature is enabled, the search for the location of the gadget during its loss or theft in the future is facilitated. For version 5.0+, no activation is required, the configuration is activated by default.

To find the phone android phone in the future on Google Account, the device manager is activated. We perform the following steps:

  • Go to the settings.
  • Select the section "Safety" (in some versions - the item "Protection").
  • Click on "device administrators".
  • Near the "Device Manager" set a tick.
  • We agree with the message that appears, click "Activate". A notification is displayed about the features of the device manager.

The owner of the smartphone will be able to see the map that indicates the location of the device. If you failed to locate, then the last well-known location of the gadget will be displayed.

The control panel is still displayed before the user with a proposal of further actions with cellular:

  • Clear. You can delete all the information from the gadget without the possibility of recovery. Will be saved only. After deleting data, you will not be able to "find the device" function.
  • Block. Using a PIN code, a password or a device will be blocked. If you did not add them, you can configure the screen lock and add a phone number or text to the locked screen.
  • Clear. For 5 minutes, the device will be on the full volume to make a beep, even when the vibration is turned on.

Lost Andoid

There are additional applications to search for android phone. The most popular software is "LOST Android". After installing this program, you do not need to be surprised when it suddenly changes the design of the icon. This is a special developer tactics.

The label looks like a large notebook, but inside is a full-fledged program for tracking your gadget. The developer decided on such a move to disguise the development of intruders.



When the user first enters this application, it is necessary to provide administrator rights. This is required to ensure the removal functions of all data from the phone and blocking. Then you have to use "Lost Android" without reason.

Functional and management

The whole functionality is provided to the user thanks to the Web interface using your Google account (do not forget to provide an access to it). The functionality of this is somewhat larger than the implementation of the built-in remote control system android.


  • Record on the voice recorder of surrounding sounds.
  • Creating photos according to a cunning scheme: pops up a message while pressing the front camera turns on to capture the attacker.
  • Lock information, as well as its complete deletion.
  • , GPS, wireless networks, call redirection, receiving a list of installed applications and calls, the history of the site visited in the browser, issuing pop-up messages and messages during download.
  • Defining the status of the phone.
  • Reading received messages ,.
  • Determining the location using a GPS sensor or mobile communication.
  • Making a call to the smartphone, the inclusion of vibrational sign on it.

This application is distinguished by its wide opportunities for remote control. Some functions can be made using Google, but it does not provide such a scale.

Track and find the phone in such a situation is much easier. The main version of the utility LOST Android is free. You can purchase only some additional functions.



This application can be downloaded to Play Market. The user will then receive such remote control features:

  • Notification of changing on your SIM card.
  • Automatic selection of phone location messages with low battery charge.
  • Camera control device.
  • Setting up password protection.
  • Remote call (beep).
  • Connecting on a computer to a special Commander interface.
  • Control from someone else's device with your own smartphone.

This utility performs basic functions to search for a lost smartphone.

Management with Commander

To your interface for remote access, the address will be specified in the application. You can trace the device due to the GPS sensor.

If the gadget is disabled, the application will not be able to help, it does not determine the location on the Internet. You can remotely manage files, turn on the signal, camera.


The free version of the software is essentially limited. Therefore, it is better to use a paid professional version, which is approximately 4 dollars.



Avast is more familiar to us as an antivirus program, but the company provided a smartphone protection function. This uses the Avast Anti-Theft application.

Internal configuration protection is provided after loading software. This is done using code. The user needs to be associated with its account avast or mobile number. You can still enter the additional number of the trusted person, which will receive alert when replacing the SIM card.

The application needs to access the administrator's rights to fully enjoy all the functions. This software has a standard set of features, and the advantage is the remote inclusion of geodata. You can run GPS so that the attacker does not notice - the GPS image itself will be hidden from the panel.


For users, a special feature is provided to protect the smartphone. Even if the robbers notice that the phone is monitored, they will not be able to remove the application. To uninstall software, enter the number of the trusted person.


Using geolocation, the application determines where your phone. All this is displayed on the corresponding interface for remote access. There you can manage all the functionality to protect your personal information or find your gadget.

SEEKDROID program: Find My Phone


For the normal functioning of the application requires administrator rights. It is also desirable to create an account from this service. In the program itself, you can define a configuration, exactly how to activate, formatting, deleting data and so on.


The application has a regular web interface, but to track the device you need to connect to the GPS. The location without it will not be able to determine what is a significant disadvantage of this software.

If everything is in order with GPS, you can display a message to the phone screen or run a beep. Through remote access, information about the SIM card number, IMEI, charge and several recent calls are provided.

Cyrillic description The application displays badly, but the phone number itself is visible. The utility in the smartphone may be invisible. There is a password installation feature on the screen and deleting all data on the gadget.

How to Find Android Phone - Methods and Programs

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