Monument style Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky. What is enough to know about the monument to minin and a fire

Monument style Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky. What is enough to know about the monument to minin and a fire
Monument style Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky. What is enough to know about the monument to minin and a fire

Monument to Minin and Pozharsky

Monument Goat Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, one of the most famous monuments of Moscow. Located on Red Square, next to the Cathedral of Vasily Blessed. The author of the monument to Minin and the Pozharsky Martos Ivan Petrovich.

Monument to Minin and Pozharsky was the first monument in Moscow, not in honor of the sovereign, but in honor of the folk heroes. The funds on the monument were collected on a nationwide subscription. Martos worked on the monument from 1804 to 1817. This is the best creation by I. P. Martos, who managed to realize the high ideals of civil values \u200b\u200band patriotism in it. The sculptor depicted a moment when Kuzma Minin, pointing his hand to Moscow, presents the prince of the Pozhalnaya Vintage Sword and calls him to get up at the head of the Russian troops. Based on the shield, the wounded of the governor raises from his bed, which symbolizes the awakening of the people's identity into a difficult hour for the Fatherland.

The figure of Mining is porous in the composition. It is forever a conscious gesture is remembered. The hand, thickened up, not only encourages Pozharski, it seems to be addressed to all of the people, raises him to fight. A courageous face although it reminds his features of the face of Zeus, but the hair trimmed into bracket gives him the character of the Russian peasant. Chiton, covered around the edge of the pattern, resembles a Russian shirt. Energeticly winged torso and a wide step give the whole figure mini strength and confidence. Pozharsky, who has not yet recovered from the Russian Academy of Sciences, sits on the bed. His figure in an antique attire is somewhat indecisive, she generally managed to Martos, but the main movement is clear: he responded to the call of minin. In one hand, the Pozharsky holds a shield with an image of a save, and the other is put on the sword stretched by the mini. As in the engraving, the sword is the center of the composition and binds both figures, symbolically establishing their unity. Some changes in the facial bas-relief have undergone: it has become concise, the figures have become smaller and the interpretation of them is expressive. Bas-relief is divided into two parts. In the right - a group of men brings abundant donations, in the left - a group of women. Compared with the first option, this group has become even more expressive. The crankshafts are not easy to give their jewels, but smooth movement of hands, as it were, lay them on the altar of the Fatherland. Women's postures are significant and solemn. The clothes on them are antique, but Martos introduces the Russian motive, decorating the head of the kokoshniki.

Bas-relief on the monument to be passed and Pozharsky

Also draws attention to the group behind the women's figures, in which the father is depicted with two sons. Favorite student Martos S. I. Galberg, who pulled his father's head, betrayed her portrait features of his teacher. The reason for this, apparently, was the fact that the son of Martos in 1812 fought in the army of Kutuzov. The center of the bas-relief is donations folded on Earth. Above the bas-relief inscription: "Minin's citizen and Prince Pozhaski grateful Russia of the summer of 1818."

On the other side of the pedestal of the bas-relief is dedicated to the victory of fire over the enemies. The bas-relief is also divided into two parts - on one depicted Russian wars, calm and courageous, led by Pozharsky, whose horses of the enemy, on the other - the group of Poles runs, looking around the winners with horror.

However, this bas-relief was less successful to Martos than the facial, it lacks tension and expressiveness, which are so characteristic of Martos's creativity. It is important to note that the bas-relief with the offering of Nizhny Novgorod is placed on the front side, and the bas-relief dedicated to the Pozharski - on the back. This Martos stressed not only the significance of minin, but also the role in the liberation of Moscow.

Symbolism of monument to minin and fire

The monument to minin and a fire belongs to those works that, when examining them, from different points of view, gradually disclose their ideological meaning. The silhouette of the monument was still clearly looms, and the first thing we pay attention is a highly raised hand of mining, his draft gesture. When we approach closer, the courageous figure of the mining rises in front of us, which encourages the Pozharski to climb from the bed and head the militia. As the excited glance and movement of a hand, taking a sword, a fire, fire, as if responding to the excited look and movement. If you get around the monument on the other hand, you can see that Pozharsky leaning his hand on the shield, as if raised to a meeting of minina. On the back side, minin and fire-crossed on the sword are clearly visible symbolizing the strong unity of both heroes. Thus, the excellent composite solution of the entire group makes it expressive from any point of view.

Monument Goat Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky - one of the most famous monuments of Moscow. Located on Red Square, next to the Cathedral of Vasily Blessed. The author of the monument to Minin and the Pozharsky Martos Ivan Petrovich.

Initially, to establish the monument was planned in 1812 to the two-year anniversary of the expulsion of Polyakov by the second militia under the leadership of Prince Pozharsky and a mining citizen.

The funds for a monument were collected throughout Russia on a nationwide subscription, and it was finally decided to put in the center of Red Square in Moscow in 1818

Sculptor Martos worked on the monument from 1804 to 1817. This is the best creation by I. P. Martos, who managed to realize high ideals of civil values \u200b\u200band patriotism in it. The sculptor depicted a moment when Kuzma Minin, pointing his hand to Moscow, presents the prince of the Pozhalnaya Vintage Sword and calls him to get up at the head of the Russian troops. Based on the shield, the wounded of the governor raises from his bed, which symbolizes the awakening of the people's identity into a difficult hour for the Fatherland.

The figure of Mining is porous in the composition. It is forever a conscious gesture is remembered. The hand, thickened up, not only encourages Pozharski, it seems to be addressed to all of the people, raises him to fight. A courageous face and hair trimmed in bracket give him the character of the Russian peasant. Chiton, covered around the edge of the pattern, resembles a Russian shirt. Energeticly winged torso and a wide step give the whole figure mini strength and confidence. Pozharsky, who has not yet recovered from the Russian Academy of Sciences, sits on the bed. His figure in an antique attire is somewhat indecisive, she generally managed to Martos, but the main movement is clear: he responded to the call of minin. In one hand, the Pozharsky holds a shield with an image of a save, and the other is put on the sword stretched by the mini. As in the engraving, the sword is the center of the composition and binds both figures, symbolically establishing their unity.

The monument to minin and a fire belongs to those works that, when examining them, from different points of view, gradually disclose their ideological meaning. The silhouette of the monument was still clearly looms, and the first thing we pay attention is a highly raised hand of mining, his draft gesture. When we approach closer, the courageous figure of the mining rises in front of us, which encourages the Pozharski to climb from the bed and head the militia. As the excited glance and movement of a hand, taking a sword, a fire, fire, as if responding to the excited look and movement. If you get around the monument on the other hand, you can see that Pozharsky leaning his hand on the shield, as if raised to a meeting of minina. On the back side, minin and fire-crossed on the sword are clearly visible symbolizing the strong unity of both heroes. Thus, the excellent composite solution of the entire group makes it expressive from any point of view.

Bas-reliefs on the pedestal reflect two key points from the history of the second militia.

The front bas-relief is divided into two parts. In the right - a group of men brings abundant donations, in the left - a group of women. The crankshafts are not easy to give their jewels, but smooth movement of hands, as it were, lay them on the altar of the Fatherland. Women's postures are significant and solemn. The clothes on them are antique, but Martos introduces the Russian motive, decorating the head of the kokoshniki.

Also draws attention to the group behind the women's figures, in which the father is depicted with two sons. Favorite student Martos S. I. Galberg, who pulled his father's head, betrayed her portrait features of his teacher. The reason for this, apparently, was the fact that the son of Martos in 1812 fought in the army of Kutuzov. The center of the bas-relief is donations folded on Earth. Above the bas-relief inscription: "Minin's citizen and Prince Pozhaski grateful Russia of the summer of 1818."

On the other side of the pedestal of the bas-relief is dedicated to the victory of fire over the enemies. The bas-relief is also divided into two parts - on one depicted Russian wars, calm and courageous, led by Pozharsky, whose horses of the enemy, on the other - the group of Poles runs, looking around the winners with horror.

However, this bas-relief was less successful to Martos than the facial, it lacks tension and expressiveness, which are so characteristic of Martos's creativity. It is important to note that the bas-relief with the offering of Nizhny Novgorod is placed on the front side, and the bas-relief dedicated to the Pozharski - on the back. This Martos stressed not only the significance of minin, but also the role in the liberation of Moscow.

After the revolution, demolished the monument to no one handed his hand, uniquely moved it in 1931. From the center of the square to the Cathedral of Basil Blessed - interfered with parades.

True, there was still a legend that someone did not like the fracting gesture of Minin with the call to free the Kremlin from the Tree. In addition, someone on one day screamed at the pedestal: "Look, the prince, which scum in the Kremlin started today" (according to another version: "Look, Prince, which scum at the Kremlin walls ruled").

P.S. And the Nizhny Novgorod monument still received. A copy of the work of the Tsereteli in 2005 was installed at the Kremlin on the very square, where the once minin convened a militia.

Prepared to K. Morozov

On September 6, 1817, a monument to Minin and Pozharsky arrived in Moscow. It was cast in St. Petersburg and was delivered by water through Nizhny Novgorod. For the first time in the history of Moscow, a monument was established in honor of the folk heroes, and not the sovereign.

Work on the creation of the monument began in 1804. The Russian sculptor-monumentalist Ivan Petrovich Martos was led by the Russian sculptor-monumentalist, and the casting was entrusted to Vasily Ekimov - Foundry Master of the Academy of Arts. The production of the monument took 1100 pounds of copper, the melting time was about ten o'clock.

Who are minin and fire? Where they lived? What famous?

Let's look at the story. They made their feat of almost four hundred years ago. It was a heavy time for Russia, named by the people of Liphethey. Ancient Novgorod was captured by the Swedes. All Russia in the West and the North-West was in the hands of Polish-Lithuanian interventionists. Even in the capital there was a Polish garrison. Enemies hosted and focused.

1611 It was one of the most severe in the history of Moscow and the whole land of Russian. Russia threatened the loss of independence. In addition, the Russian unprecedented misfortunes collapsed to Earth: a few years in a row stood an unprecedented drought, there was a strong crouch, hunger began. Dailed whole villages.

It seemed that there was no more gloomy in the history of time than; It seemed that Russia dies from all the misfortunes, who had fallen into her, and no longer wait for salvation. But it came!

"Orthodox faith stands ..." Kuzma Minin

At this time, a rich trader Kuzma Minin lived in the city of Nizhny Novgorod (on the Volga). He called on Novgorod to fight ingenians:

"Brothers! Let's stand for Russian land, we will quietly, we will give our property, we will collect money on the army, we liberate Moscow from Inomers! "

Purced by the Spirit of the Nizhny Novgorod, gathered a militia and moved to Moscow. On the way, people joined the militia from all sides, and led the army of Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky.

In 1612, the Russian shelves approached the capital and there were a fight with the Poles, three days bravely fought and won, and soon the Kremlin freed from the last invaders there.

This great feat of a mining citizen and Prince Pozharsky remained forever in popular memory.

"The hosts were incredible"

The grand opening of the monument to Minin and Pozharsky took place on February 20, 1818. On the Red Square filled with thousands of Muscovites, the troops were built, a military parade was held. Under the drum battle and the shouts of "Hurray" from the monument were removed covered. One of the Moscow newspapers so described this event:

"During this solemn rite, the host of residents were incredible; All shops, roofs of the living room, shops, arranged on purpose for the nobility near the Kremlin Wall, and the most towers of the Kremlin were swept away by the people, thirsting to enjoy the sim new and extraordinary spectacle. "

The monument made a big impression on the audience. On it, the Nizhny Novgorod Starright Kuzma Minin, calling Dmitry Pozharsky, is depicted, calling for Dmitry Pozharsky to head the militia and lead him to the salvation of the Fatherland. Pozharsky, leaning on the shield, takes the sword from the hands of minin.

The pedestal of the monument is made of three whole pieces of granite brought from Finland, and the famous bas-reliefs "Nizhny Novgorod citizens" and "Exile Polyakov", as well as the sculpture of Minin and Pozharsky - from bronze.

Interesting Facts

Interestingly, on the monument there is an image of the author of the monument. The pedestal of the monument on both sides is decorated with bronze reliefs. At one of them, a stylized image of a folk militia, which expelled the Poles from Moscow, on the other, is Nizhny Novgorod, bringing donations to organize the militia. On the last bas-relief, the extreme figure on the left (a man sent to the national militia of his sons) is Martos with sons.

The value of the monument to minin and Pozharsk far went beyond the scope of the events of 1612. He not only became the first monument in Moscow, but also the first monument, which shows a person from a simple people.

In 1930, during the reconstruction of the Red Square, the monument was transferred to the Temple of Basil Blessed. Already in our century, justice tried in relation to Nizhny Novgorod, where opposite the fortress gate, from which the people's militia came out, a copy of the monument to Minin and Pozharsky was installed.

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Country: Russia

City: Moscow

Nearest metro: Okhotny Ryad

Was passed: 1818

Sculptor: Ivan Martos


In bronze, two heroes of the Russian people raised against the Polish invaders who captured Moscow were perfected. Citizen Minin hands the sword of the Pozharsky, and encourages the folk militia to liberate Russia from Polish intervents. Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, sitting, with his right hand takes the sword, and the left is relied on a round shield.

The sculptural composition is installed on a large, granite pedestal. The pedestal depicts embossed scenes of the beginning of the seventeenth century. Also on the pedestal is made a memorable inscription "Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky Grateful Russia 1818".

History of creation

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a monument arose at the very beginning of the 19th century. It was originally planned to be placed in Nizhny Novgorod, from where the uprising began against aggressors. As a result of the competition, the draft sculptor Ivan Martos was recognized as the best.

The meaning of the monument was so great that it was decided to establish a monument in Moscow in the center of Red Square. And in 1818 the monument was solemnly open. The opening was attended by Emperor Alexander. Back in 1812, after the victory over Napoleon, the monument has become even more popular, although it was only created by his small model. The monument has become a symbol of freedom and independence.

In 1931, the monument was moved to the Temple of Basil Blessed. And in 2005, an accurate, but slightly reduced copy of the monument created by the sculptor Zurak Tsereteli was established in Nizhny Novgorod.

How to get

From the metro station, the Okhotny row go through the Manege Square to the Red Square. Admiring the Red Square, pass through it to the Temple of Basil Blessed. Here at the entrance to the temple and see this symbol of liberation.

Monument to Minin and Pozharsky - a sculptural group of bronze, created by Ivan Martos; Located in front of the Cathedral of Vasily bliss on Red Square. First monument in Moscow.

Dedicated to the Nizhny Novgorod Zemsky Starright Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Mikhailovichi Pozharski, headed at the beginning of the XVII century, the liberation struggle of the Russian people against the Polish-Lithuanian and Swedish interventories, completed by the expulsion of the invaders from the Kremlin in 1612.

With a proposal to start collecting funds for the construction of the monument, members of the Volny Society of Literature Literators, Sciences and Arts spoke in 1803. This society was suggested at the head of the composition of the future monument to put a folk hero Kuzma minina. The monument was supposed to be installed in Nizhny Novgorod - the city where the militia was collected.

Sculptor Ivan Martos immediately began working on the monument. In addition to working on the project, he also acts as the main popularizer of the folk heroes of Minin and Pozharsky, representing their Russian society as the liberators of the country from foreign yoke. In 1807, Martos publishes engraving from the first model of the monument.

By 1808, mass enthusiasm for the installation monument to Minin and Pozharsky Gradually subsides. And then the Nizhny Novgorod raise the question of installing the monument "at the very place where Minin presented all the property to the people and inflamed the competition of its fellow citizens." On May 2, 1808, the President of the Academy of Arts "On the Composition of several projects for the monument, which nobility and citizens of the Nizhny Novgorod province wanted to marry the feats of a citizen of the goat of Minin and Boyarin Prince Pozharsky and to present in a short time." The contest is attracted by the sculptors of Prokofiev, V. I. Demut-Malinovsky, Piminov-Sr., Architects Tomon and Mikhailov.

In November 1808, the sculptor Ivan Martos won the competition for the best project of the monument, the imperial decree was published on the start of the collection of funds. On January 1, 1809, a nationwide subscription was announced, and engravings with the image of the approved project were sent throughout Russia, "in order to be known to all Russians." The drawing differs significantly from the first project and in its composition almost coincides with the final decision of the monument.

By 1811 the assembled amount was sufficient to start work. To the same time it was decided to establish monument to Minin and Pozharsky in Moscow On Red Square, and in Nizhny Novgorod put obelisk.

Interest in the creation of the monument was and so great, but after the Patriotic War, it increased immeasurably. Russian citizens have seen a victory symbol in this sculpture. Periodic print not only placed notes on the progress of the work on the monument, but dedicated to him separate large articles, including the technologies used in its manufacture.

The cast monument went on May 21, 1817 from St. Petersburg, where it was manufactured, in Moscow aquatic way with a special visit to Nizhny Novgorod as a sign of respect and gratitude to Nizhny Novgorod for the heroism in troubled time and for participating in the creation of a monument. Delivery ended on September 6. Until February 1818, the installation was walked, and finally, on March 4 (February 20), 1818, a solemn opening of the monument was held, accompanied by the parade and execution of the shepherd degrees of Degtyarev "Minin and Pozharsky".

Initially monument to Minin and Pozharsky It was in the middle of the Red Square, opposite the entrance to the upper trading rows (now the building of the GUM), but in 1931 he was considered an interference for demonstrations and parades of military equipment and moved to the Cathedral of Vasily Blessed.

In 2010-2011, a major restoration of the monument is planned. When the monument is transferred, the water flow system was broken, as a result of the past 78 years, the monument came to the emergency condition. Simultaneously with the restoration of the historical appearance of the Red Square and the future of preservation of the monument, the question of his return to the historical place is being resolved.

The text of the lettering criticized A. S. Pushkin: the inscription of the citizen minin, of course, is not satisfactory: he is for us or a carriage of Cosma Minin on the nickname of the Sukhoruk, or the spirit nobleman of the Mainic Sukhoruk, or, finally, Kuzma Minin, a selected person from the entire Moscow state As he is named as a diploma of the election of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanova. All this is not bad to know, as well as the name and patronymic of Prince Pozharsky.

November 4, 2005 In Nizhny Novgorod, a monument to Minin and the Pozharski work of Zurab Tsereteli is open - reduced (5 cm) a copy of the Moscow monument. It is installed under the walls of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, near the church of the Christmas of John the Forerunner. According to historians and experts, in 1611 Kuzma Minin, it was from the porch of this church, called Nizhny Novgorod to collect and equip the people's militia to protect Moscow from Polyakov. At the Nizhny Novgorod monument, the inscription is preserved, but without specifying the year.

According to legend, after the death of Lenin in 1924, during the struggle for power on the monument, an inscription appeared:

Look, prince, what scum in the Kremlin today started