The theme of love for the Motherland of the EGE. Patriotism, love for homeland - the arguments of the exam

The theme of love for the Motherland of the EGE. Patriotism, love for homeland - the arguments of the exam
  • Patriotism can be both true and false
  • This Patriot will not dare to betray his homeland even under the threat of death.
  • Patriotism manifests itself in the desire to make the native country better, cleaner, protect it from the enemy
  • A huge number of vivid examples of the manifestation of patriotism can be found in wartime
  • Patriot is ready even on the most reckless act, which at least a little can bring people to rescue the country
  • True patriot is faithful and their own moral principles


M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man". During the war, Andrei Sokolov had repeatedly proved that he was worthy to be called a patriot of his country. Patriotism manifested itself in the huge power of will and hero. Even under the threat of death at interrogation at Muller, he decides to preserve his Russian dignity and show the German quality of this Russian soldier. Andrei Sokolov's refusal to drink for the victory of German weapons, despite the famine - direct evidence that he is a patriot. The behavior of Andrei Sokolov as it would generalize the power of the Spirit and the unshakableness of the Soviet soldier, truly loving his homeland.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". In the Roman-epic, the reader faces the concept of true and false patriotism. True patriots can be called all representatives of the family of Bolkonsky and growth, as well as Pierre Probrelov. These people are ready for any minute to defend their homeland. Prince Andrei, even after the injury goes to war, no longer dreaming of glory, but simply defending his homeland. Pierre Duhov, not really sense in hostilities, as a true patriot remains in the captured by the enemy by Moscow to kill Napoleon. Nikolay and Peter Rostov are fighting, and Natasha does not regret the training and gives them for the transportation of the wounded. Everything suggests that these people are worthy children of their country. This can not be said about Kuragin, which are patriots only in words, but do not reinforce the words actions. They talk about patriotism only for their benefits. Consequently, not everyone, from whom we hear about patriotism, cannot be called a real patriot.

A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter". Peter Grinev can not allow the thoughts to swear to Pugachev's impostor, although it threatens him with death. He is a person of honor, faithful oath and his word, a real soldier. Although Pugachev is kind to Peter Grinevo, the young soldier does not seek him to please or give a promise to not touch his people. In the most difficult situations, Peter Grinev opposes the invaders. And although the hero more than once appeals to Pugachev for help, it cannot be accused of betrayal, because it all he does for the sake of saving Masha Mironova. Peter Grinev is a real patriot, ready to give life to the homeland, which proves his actions. Charges in betrayal, who prevent him in court, false, so in the end and defeats justice.

V. Kondratyev "Sasha". Sasha is a man fighting selflessly, in full force. And although he beats the enemy with hatred, the sense of justice makes the hero not kill the prisoner German, his peer, unexpectedly for himself, herself in war. This, of course, is not a betrayal. The thoughts of Sasha at the sight of Moscow, not captured by the enemy, confirm that he is a real patriot. At the sight of the city, in which almost the former life is boiling, the hero is aware of how important what he did on the front line. Sasha is ready to defend his native country, because he understands how important it is.

N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba". For the Cossacks, the protection of the native land is the basis of existence. Not a gift in the work states that it is difficult to confront the power of the angry Cossacks. Old Taras Bulba is a true patriot that does not tolerate betrayal. He even kills his youngest son Andria, who switched to the side of the enemy because of love in the beauty-pool. Taras Bulba is not considered with his own child, because its moral installations are unshakable: the betrayal of the Motherland can not be justified. All this confirms that Taras Bouleb is characteristic of patriotism, as well as other real Cossacks, including left, his older son.

A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin". The image of Vasily Terkina serves as the ideal embodiment of a simple Soviet soldier, ready for any minute to make a feat for the approach of victory over the enemy. Nothing is worth a terkina to twist the ice river, exhausted ice to transfer the necessary instructions to another bank. He himself does not see this feat. And such actions of soldiers during the work makes more than once. Without a doubt, it can be called a real patriot, fighting for the bright future of his country.

Bank arguments

The problem of influence on man genuine art

1. In Russian literature there are many great works capable of raising a person, to make it better, cleaner. Reading the rows of the story of Pushkin "Captain's daughter", together with Peter Grinev, we pass the path of tests, mistakes, the path of knowledge of truth, comprehension of wisdom, love and mercy. It is not by chance that the author precedes the story by the epigraph: "Take care of the honor of the Smalod." Reading great lines, I want to follow this rule.

The problem of morality

1. Troubles morality is one of the key in Russian literature, which always teaches, raises, and not just entertaining. "War and World" Tolstoy is a novel about spiritual quest for the main characters going to the highest moral truth through delusions and mistakes. For the Great Writer, spirituality is the main quality of Pierre Probrelov, Natasha Rostova, Andrei Bolkonsky. It is worth listening to the wise advice of the Word Master, learn from him by the highest truths.

2. On the pages of the works of Russian literature there are quite a few heroes, the main quality of which is spirituality, morality. I remember the stroke of the story of A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor". The main character is a simple Russian woman who "did not chase around the engine" was reliable and impractical. But it is precisely such, according to the author, the righteous people who keep our land.

3. Unfortunately, modern society is more striving for a material than spiritual. Is it really repeated? I remember the string V.V. Mayakovsky, who complied with the fact that "beautiful people disappeared from Petrograd" that many do not care about someone else's trouble, they think "get better like", hidden, like a lady from the poem "NATE!" In the "shell of things."

The problem of human relations to the motherland, a small homeland

1 The problem of attitudes towards his small homeland is raised by V.G. Rasputin in the story "Farewell to the Materia." Protect your island from flooding those who truly loves their native land, and strangers are ready to abrupt the graves, burn the huts, which for others, for example, for Daria, not just a dwelling, and the native home, where the parents were dying and children were born.

2 The topic of the Motherland is one of the main in the work of the Bunin. Having left Russia, he wrote only about her until the end of his days. I remember the lines of "Antonovsky apples", imbued with sad lyrism. The smell of Antonovsky apples was for the author by the personification of the Motherland. Russia is shown by the bunin diverse, controversial, where the eternal harmony of nature is combined with human tragedies. But whatever the depreciation, the attitude towards it can be determined in one word - love.

3. The Motherland is one of the main in Russian literature. The nameless author of the "Words about the regiment of Igor" appeals to his native land. Motherland, step-off, her fate is worried about the chronicler. The author is not an outside observer, he grieves her fate, calls for princes to unity. Only about the sweet homeland, all the thoughts of warriors, exclamations: "About Russian Earth! Already you are behind the hill! "

4. "No! A person can not live without his homeland, how can not live without a heart! " - exclaims in one of his journalistic articles to K. Pouustovsky. He could never exchange a pink sunset on Ilyinsky waters on beautiful landscapes of France or the street of ancient Rome.

5. In one of his articles, V. Peskov cites examples of our thoughtless, unforgivable attitude towards native land. Meliorators leave rusty pipes, road builders - ripped wounds on the body of the Earth "Do we want to see our homeland? - invites us V. Weskov to think.

6. In his letters about the good and beautiful "D.S. Likhachev urges to preserve cultural monuments, believing that love for homeland, native culture, the language begins with the small _ "With love for his family, to his dwelling, his school." History, according to publicist, is "love, respect, knowledge"

Problems 1. Education and culture 2. Human education 3. The role of science in modern life 4. Man and scientific progress 5. The spiritual consequences of scientific discoveries 6. Fighting new and old as a source of development Approving theses 1. The knowledge of the world can not be stopped. 2. Scientific progress should not be ahead of the moral possibilities of a person. 3. The goal of science is a happy man. Quotes 1. We can be as much as we know (Herclite, ancient Greek philosopher). 2. Not any change is the development (ancient philosophers). 3. We were civilized enough to build a car, but too primitive to use it (K. Kraus, German scientist). 4. We left the caves, but the cave has not yet come out of us (A. Regula). Arguments Scientific progress and moral qualities of a person 1) The uncontrolled development of science and technology is increasingly disturbing people. Let's imagine the kid who died into his father's costume. On it a huge jacket, long pants, a hat that slides on the eyes ... Does this painting remind of a modern person? It is not a moral to grow, mature, mature, he became the owner of a powerful technique that can destroy all living on Earth. 2) Humanity in its development has achieved tremendous success: a computer, telephone, robot, conquered atom ... But a strange thing: the stronger the person becomes, the alarming the future waiting for the future. What happens to us? Where are we moving? Let's imagine an inexperienced driver who rushes with a mad speed on his new car. How nice to feel the speed, how nice to realize that the mighty motor is suspended with each of your movement! But suddenly the driver with horror understands that he cannot stop his car. Humanity is similar to this young driver who rushes to an unknown distance, not knowing what is lighted there by turning. 3) In antique mythology there is a legend about the drawer Pandora. A woman discovered some strange drawer in her husband's house. She knew that this subject would be a terrible danger in himself, but curiosity was so strong that she could not stand and opened the lid. From the box flew all sorts of troubles and scattered around the world. In this myth, the caution of all mankind sounds: rapid actions on the path of knowledge can lead to a disastrous final. 4) In the story of M. Bulgakov, Dr. Preobrazhensky turns the PSA into man. Scientists drive thirst for knowledge, the desire to change nature. But sometimes the progress turns on terrible consequences: a bite creature with a "dog heart" is not yet a person, because there is no soul in it, there is no love, honor, nobility. 5) "We boarded the plane, but do not know where it arrives!" - wrote the famous Russian writer Y. Bondarev. In these words, a warning appeared to all mankind. Indeed, we are sometimes very careless, we do something "sit down to the plane", without thinking about what the consequences of our hasty decisions and thoughtless actions will be. And these consequences can be fatal. 6) In print, it was reported that the immortality elixir will appear very soon. Death will be defeated finally. But many people have this news did not cause joy, on opposed, anxiety intensified. What will be wrapped for a person this immortality? 7) There are still no controversy on how legitimate from a moral point of view, experiments associated with human cloning. Who will appear as a result of this cloning? What will it be for the creature? Human? Cyborg? Production means? 8) It is naively to believe that scientific and technological progress can be stopped with some prohibitions. For example, in England during the rapid development of the technique began the movement of Luddites, which in despair broke cars. People could be understood: many of them lost their work after the factors began to be used. But the use of technical achievements provided an increase in productivity, so the performance of Ludda's subsequent followers was doomed. Another thing is that they forced their protest to think about the fate of concrete people, about the foam that you have to pay for moving forward. 9) In one scientific fiction story, it is said about how the hero, being in the house of a famous scientist, saw a vessel in which his twin was hung - a genetic copy. Guest struck immorality of this act: "How could you create a creature like yourself, and then kill him?" And heard in response: "Why do you think that I did it? This is he made me! " 10) Nikolay Copernicus after long-term long research came to the conclusion that the center of our universe is not the earth, but the sun. But the scientist did not decline for a long time to publish data on his opening, because he understood that such news would turn the submission of people about M: IRUSEFORE. And this can lead to unpredictable consequences. 11) Today we have not yet learned to treat many fatal diseases, not yet defeated hunger, no longer problems have been resolved. However, technically man can already destroy all living on the planet. At one time, the land inhabited dinosaurs - huge monsters, real murder machines. During the evolution, these giant reptiles disappeared. Will mankind of the fate of dinosaurs repeat? 12) There were cases in the history of cases where some secrets that could harm humanity were destroyed deliberately. In particular, in 190s, the Russian Professor Filippov, who invented the method of transmission on radio for the long distance of shock waves from the explosion, was found dead in his laboratory. After that, by order of Nicholas P, all documents were seized and burned, and the laboratory was destroyed. It is not known whether the king was part of the interests of their own security or future humanity, but such means of transmitting the strength of the atomic or hydrogen explosion would be truly disastrous for the population of the globe. 13) Recently, the newspapers reported that the church under construction took place in Batumi. A week later the building of the district administration collapsed. Seven people died under the ruins. Many residents perceived these events not as a simple coincidence, but as a formidable warning that society chose the wrong path. 14) In one of the Ural cities, they decided to blow up the abandoned church so that in this place it was easier to extract marble. When the explosion thundered, it turned out that the marble stove cracked in many places and became unsuitable for use. This example clearly shows that the thirst for the momentary benefits leads a person to meaningless destruction. Laws of social development. Man and power 1) The story knows many unsuccessful attempts to make a happy person happy. If people have freedom, the paradise turns into a dungeon. Mother of Tsar Alexander 1 General Arakcheev, creating military settlements at the beginning of the 19th century, pursued good goals. The peasants were forbidden to drink vodka, in the last watches they were supposed to go to the church, children should be given to schools, they were forbidden to punish them. It would seem that everything is right! But people were forced to be good. They were forced to love, work, learn ... and deprived of his freedom, turned into a slave, restored: the wave of universal protest rose, and the Arakcheev reforms were minimized. 2) One African tribe that lived in the Equatorial zone decided to help. Young Africans teach whether to learn rice, they brought tractors, seeders. It was a year - came to see how the tribe gifted with new knowledge. What was the disappointment when they saw that the tribe went as she lived, and lives by the primitive-free system: they sold the tractors to farmers, and a nationwide holiday was arranged for revengeted money. This example is an eloquent testimony that the man's man must mature before understanding its needs, it is impossible to make anyone rich, smart and happy forn. 3) In one kingdom, there was a strong drought, people began to die from hunger and thirst. The king appealed to the prunerator, who came to them from distant countries. He predicted that the drought would end, as soon as an alien sacrifice. Then the king ordered to kill the priest and throw him into the well. The drought was over, but since then a constant hunt for foreign wanderers began. 4) Historian E. Tarl in one of his books talks about visiting Nikolai I Moscow University. When the River Tor presented him with the best students, Nikolai 1 said: "I don't need cleverware, but I need novices." Attitude towards clever and novices in various fields of knowledge and art, eloquently testifies to the nature of society. 5) In 1848, Nikifora Nikitin was sent to the long settlement of Baikonur "For the Kramole speech about flight on the moon." Of course, no one could know that a century later, in this very place, in the Kazakhstan steppe build a spacecraft and space ships fly there, where is the prophetic eyes of an enthusiastic dreamer. Man and knowledge 1) Ancient historians talk about the fact that one day a stranger came to the Roman emperor, who brought brilliant as silver as a gift, but extremely soft metal. The master told that this metal he mined from clay land. Emperor, frightened that the new metal will devalue his treasures, ordered to cut off the inventor head. 2) Archimed, knowing that a person suffers from drought, from hunger, suggested new ways of land irrigation. Thanks to his discovery, yield rose sharply, people stopped being afraid of hunger. 3) An outstanding scientist Fleming opened Penicillin. This drug saved the lives of millions of people who had previously died of blood infection. 4) One English engineer in the middle of the 19th century offered an improved cartridge. But officials from the military department arrogantly told him: "We are without that strong, only weak need to improve weapons." 5) The famous scientist Jenner, who defeated OSPU with the help of vaccinations, the words of an ordinary peasant were pushed into a brilliant thought. The doctor told her that she was sick. The woman answered calmly on this: "It can not be, because I have already sick with a cow." The doctor did not consider these words by the result of dark ignorance, and began to observe, which led to a brilliant discovery. 6) Early Middle Ages is customary called "dark centuries." Rapida of barbarians, the destruction of the ancient civilization led to deep decline in culture. The competent person was difficult to find not only among commoners, but also among the people of the highest estate. So, for example, the founder of the Frankish state of Karl the Great could not write. However, the thirst for knowledge is originally characteristic of a person. The same Karl Great during the trips always wore with wax suit for writing, at which, under the guidance of teachers, the prospector but took the letters. 7) Millennies from the trees fell ripe apples, but no one attached to this ordinary phenomenon. It was necessary to be born great Newton, so that new, more perceptive eyes look at the usual fact and open the universal law of movement. 8) It is impossible to calculate how much disaster people brought their ignorance. In the Middle Ages, any misfortune: the child's disease, the death of homemade cattle, rain, drought, is not a crop, the loss of any thing - everything was explained by the miscarions of unclean strength. The cruel witch hunt began, firebed fires. Instead of treating diseases, improving agriculture, help each other, people huge forces spent on meaningless struggle with the mythical "servants of Satan," without realizing that they are just a devil on their dark ignorance. 9) It is difficult to overestimate the role of a mentor in the formation of a person. Curious legend about the meeting of Socrates with Xenophone, a future historian. Somebody talking to an unfamiliar young man, Socrates asked him where to go beyond flour and butter. Young Xenophon Boyko replied: "To the market." Socrates asked: "And for wisdom and virtue?" The young man was surprised. "Go for me, I'll show you!" - promised Socrates. And the long-term path to the truth tied a strong friendship of the famous teacher and his student. 10) The desire to know the new live in each of us, and sometimes this feeling is so mastered by a man that makes him change his life path. Today, few people know that Joule, who discovered the law of conservation of energy, was a cook. Brilliant Faraday started his way to a pedestal play in the bench. And the pendant worked by an engineer on serf structures and physics was given only the time free of work. For these people, the search has become the meaning of life. 11) New ideas make their way in severe struggle with old views, established opinions. So, one of the professors, read students in physics, called the theory of Einstein's relativity "annoying scientific misunderstanding" - 12) At one time, Joule took advantage of the voltage battery to launch the electric motor assembled from it. But the battery charge is soon dried, and the new cost is very expensive. Joule decided that the horse would never be crowded with an electric motor, as it was much cheaper to feed the horse than to change the zinc in the battery. Today, when electricity is used everywhere, it seems to us the naive opinion of an outstanding scientist. This example shows that it is very difficult to predict the future, it is difficult to interview those opportunities that will open in front of a person. 13) In the middle of the 17th century, from Paris on the island of Martinique, Captain De Klya was driving in a pot with a stalk of coffee. Swimming was very difficult: the ship survived the brutal battle with pirates, the terrible storm barely did not break it on the rock. The trial was not broken masts, broken tackle. Gradually began to dry out the stocks of fresh water. It was given strictly measured portions. The captain, barely holding his feet from thirst, the last drops of precious moisture gave green sprout ... several years have passed, and coffee trees covered the island of Martinique. This story allegorically reflects the difficult path of any scientific truth. A man carefully cherished in his soul Sprouty still unknown discovery, watering his moisture of hope and inspiration, shelters from everyday storms and storms of despair. .. And now he is the saving side of the final insight. The ripe truth tree will give seeds, and entire plantations of theories, monographs, scientific laboratories, technical innovations will cover the continent of knowledge.

In this article, we picked up relevant and frequent problems concerning patriotism, from texts to prepare for the exam in the Russian language. The arguments found by us in Russian literature correspond to all criteria for evaluating the work on the exam. All these examples for convenience you can download in the table format at the end of the article.

  1. « MindRussia not understand, Arshino does not measure with the general: it can be specialized - you can only believe in Russia "- the Motherland of F. and Tyutchev speaks. Though the poet and lived for a long time abroad, he always loved and wandered on the text of Russian life. He liked the brightness of character, the liveliness of the mind and the unpredictability of compatriots, because Europeans he considered it too measured and even slightly boring. The author is sure that Russia is treated for Russia, it will not wake up in the "Meshchansky aspirations", and will grow spiritually, and it is this spirituality that will allocate it in a number of other countries.
  2. M. Tsveyeva had difficult relationships from homeland, she always wanted to return, he felt offended by his native edges. In poem "Homesickness…"feels growing tension, which sometimes goes to a cry. The heroine feels impotence due to the fact that it is no one to listen to it. But the exclamation stops when Tsvetaeva suddenly recalls the main symbol of Russia - Ryabin. Only in the end we feel like a great love, it is love, contrary to everything and no matter what. She just is.
  3. Mapping at the junction of true and false love We see in the Roman-epic L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". At first, Andrei Bolkonsky goes to war just because he was "bored with a secular life," his wife was tired, he even advises Pierre "not marry". His titles and honor of him, for whom he is ready for great victims. But the Andrey, whom we meet on the mortal apparent, completely different. He changed the Austerlitsky battle, on which his view chained the sky, his beauty and the beauty of nature, which he seemed not to see. Against this background, Napoleon, who was noticed by the wounded Andrey, seemed so insignificant, and the ranks were useless and low. At that moment, the hero understand what value now for him is life, and their homeland, and an abandoned family. He realized that true patriotism is manifested not in the search for fame, but in a quiet and modest ministry.

Military patriotism

  1. Military lyrics are close to the Russian soul, it was born so that people could not fall in spirit in the hardest time for the Motherland. Therefore, such people's favorite appears as "Vasily Terkin", Hero of the poem of A.T. Tvardovsky. He is a collective way of a dick soldier. His jokes and statements acquire, but sometimes our protagonist loses mental forces. He jershits on the "evening" and "girls", according to ordinary human joys like "Tobacco's", which he lost somewhere. And most importantly, he is bold, he will not leave even in the face of the death itself. This work serves as a reader, both in wartime, and in peaceful, reminding about ordinary values \u200b\u200band great love to the place that we call the Fatherland.
  2. Lyrics Konstantina Simonova Makes us completely dive into the war years, it transmits the most terrible details of the war with a simple human language. For example, a very significant work "Do you remember, Alyosha?", Where we are witnessing the military rules of "villages, villages, villages with grazing," prayers and tears of people who lost the most valuable in their lives. The poem is completed with loud and proud recognition: "I was still glad, for the very bitter, for Russian land, where I was born." And we feel this pride along with the lyrical hero.
  3. Other poem Konstantina Simonova - "Kill him!" - Says about the despair of a loving heart, about his revenge for the flooded shrines. It is pretty heavy for understanding and perception. In it, the author tells that if we want to see a peaceful sky on themselves, if we are "mother's mother", "if you haven't forgotten your father," then you need to kill. Without pity. It is necessary to take revenge for what is happening in the hometown. "So kill him soon, how many times you see him, so many times and kill him."
  4. Love for native nature

    1. In the lyrics of Yesenin Nature and Motherland were inseparable, both of these subjects in harmony constituted his greater love. S. A. Yesenin said: "My Lyrics is alive with one big love - love of the Motherland." In his works, he is often confessed to her love. And he dreams of "Ryazan Sky" in the poem "I was tired so not yet." In it, the author speaks of his fatigue from life, but in a hurry to add: "But I'm still treating with a bow to those fields that I once loved." The love of the poet to Russia is apring and incommunicating with nothing with anything. This is not just a feeling, but his peculiar vital philosophy.
    2. In the poem of S. Yesenin "Goy You, Rus, my native" lyrical hero offer: "Throw you rus, live in paradise!", - He answers: "I don't have paradise, give my homeland." In these words, the entire thrill of the relationship between the Russian person to the homeland is expressed, which has never been distinguished by light living conditions and labor. And yet he chooses his lot, does not pushes and is not looking for someone else's. Also in the poem in parallel descriptions of the domestic nature: "Huts in Rizakh, Image"; "Bursting on the mint stitch, on the driving of green lech." Yesenin -simal devotee of his native land. It is about the years spent in the village, he recalls how the happiest and serene. Rural landscapes, romance, lifestyle - all this is hotly loved by the author.
    3. Patriotism in spite of everything

      1. Many lovers of Russian literature are known to Lines M. Yu. Lermontov: " Farewell, unwashed Russia... ". Some even interpret them. But, in my opinion, this is just a certain gesture, almost bordering the despair. An indignation that bulled and splashed out to the short and easy "goodbye!". Let him be defeated by the system, but not broken by the Spirit. In essence, the author in this work is not saying goodbye to Russia itself and not with its inhabitants, but with state-owned device and orders that are unacceptable for Lermontov. But we feel the pain that parting hurts him. Feeling the malice that burns in the heart of a true patriot, which is experiencing for his country. This is true love of the Motherland, characterized by the desire to change her for the better.

IN . G. Rasputin "Lessons of French" (1973), "Live and Remember" (1974), "Farewell to Materia" (1976) According to V. Rasputin, the formation of a person's consciousness begins with love for a small homeland, love is manifested in knowledge of the details of the Patriotic Stories, in a respectful savings in memory, will take their small homeland, in a sense of responsibility for the past, present and future of their land. The writer rightly believes that the highest meaning of his life is a Russian man sees in the ministry to Fatherland. It is very important for everyone to feel not a random person on Earth, but a successor and continuation of his people. In the story "Farewell to Matyra" a bright embodiment of a folk nature is the image of Daria, which exceeds the female spirit, the hardness of character, independence, it stands out among the Matorean old worms "its strict and fair character", first of all, because he managed to keep in themselves Those qualities that were characteristic of her ancestors. This traverse of the heroine for the experience of the past testifies to her the precious feeling of the kind, the feeling that only "lives in a small share now on Earth."

Can't her son look calm

On Mother's Mother Native

There will be no citizen worthy

The soul is cold. N.A.Nekrasov

While freedom burning,

While hearts for honor alive,

My friend, dedicate dedication

Souls are beautiful gusts. A.S. Pushkin

If every person in his piece of Earth would have done everything he could, as the Earth would be beautiful.


Man is primarily the son of his country, a citizen of his fatherland V.G. Belinsky

Without a sense of your country, especially, very expensive and cute in every little thing - there is no real human nature. K.G.Pautsky

I do not understand Russia with mind

Arshin must not measure:

It has a special one -

You can only believe in Russia. F.I. Tyutchev

Man can not without his homeland

An outstanding Russian singer Fedor Chaliapin, forced to leave Russia, all the time he had some box with him. No one guess what is in it. Only many years later, the closest learned that Shalyapin kept the handful of his native land in this box. It is not for nothing that the native land and in the handstone of Mila. Obviously, a great singer, he had a hot schismo, it was necessary to feel the proximity and warmth of the native land

Lion Tolstoy in his novel "War and Peace" reveals the "military secret" - the reason. which helped Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812 to win over the hordes of the French invaders. If in other countries, Napoleon fought against the armies, then in Russia, he opposed the whole people. People of different classes, different titles, different nationalities ran in the fight against the general enemy, and with such a mighty force no one can cite.

The great Russian writer I. Turgenev called himself antehem, because the moral forces gave him a love for the debris.

7.The close of the choice of profession. Freedom of choice and meaningful followed by his vocation - one of the newest privileges of mankind, a lot of factors affect the choice (the opinion of parents and friends, social status, the state of the labor market, His Majesty is the case), but the last word usually remains for us. Dmitry Kharatyan, for example, who did not think about the acting career, the familiar girl called on film drives. And from all applicants, it was Kharatyan director Vladimir Menshov who chose a major role in the film "Raffle." Outcome The choice of profession is also important for a young man, like the food, rest, sleep, etc. Making a step towards suitable profession, a young man gets up a new step in his life. All its further life depends on his choice. And there is nothing terrible in that the young man chose a profession not suitable for himself. In life, you can fix everything if you try. But if a person chooses the profession from the first time, which comes to him and enters the university, and then it works on its purpose, then the person's life can be considered successful.
And the main thing is never to fall in spirit. From any situation there is always a way out. The main thing is to believe and know that it does not depend on school success, you will be successful or not, but from the person himself. Therefore, if you have been poorly studied at school, do not think that nothing good in your life works. If you want you can achieve more than your classmates who studied only on the top five.

Russian language

Take care of our tongue, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, is the heritage, transmitted to us by our predecessors, among whom again Pushkin shines! Contact respectfully with this powerful tool: in the hands of the skillful it is able to make wonders ... Take care of the purity of the tongue as the shrine!


With Russian, you can work wonders. There is nothing in life in our consciousness, which could not be conveyed by the Russian word ... There are no such sounds, paints, images and thoughts - complex and simple, - for which there would be no accurate expression in our language. K.G.Pautsky

8. The trial of the human act . Beauty will save the world ... "- spoke F. M. Dostoevsky, referring to the internal content of this quality, some harmony. Hence the beautiful act, according to the writer, must answer God's commandments, should be kind.
Who is the characters of the novel Dostoevsky act really beautifully?
The main character of the work - Rodion Raskolnikov made many good deeds. He is good by nature a person who is hard to experience someone else's pain and always helps people. So the splitters save from the fire of children, his latest money gives marmaladov, trying to protect the drunk girl from the men who stick to her, is worried about her sister, the Dunya, seeks to prevent her marriage with a nuddle to protect themselves from humiliation., Loves and regrets the mother, tries not to disturb Her own problems. But the trouble Raskolnikova is that it has chosen such a global goal to fulfill such global purposes. Unlike Skolnikov, truly beautiful actions make Sonya. She sacrifices for loved ones, because he loves them. Yes, Sonya is the harmnica, but she had no opportunity to quickly earn money honestly, and the family died from hunger. This woman ruins himself, but her soul remains clean, because she believes in God and everyone tries to do good, loving and compassion in Christian.
The most beautiful act of Sony - Salvation Skolnikova ..
The whole life of Sony Marmaladova is self-sacrifice. She raises the power of his love to himself, helps him overcome his sin and resurrect. In the actions of Sony Marmaladova, all the beauty of the human act is expressed.

Heroes L.N. Tolstoy to the highest degree of sensation of the need to conform to its life with certain moral criteria, the lack of a disclaim between the actions and its own conscience. Undoubtedly, this is the position of the author who often deliberately conducts its heroes through complex life tests so that they can realize their actions and develop persistent moral principles in their soul. These beliefs laid down in the heart will not allow heroes to go against the fact that they deliberately carried out of everyday difficulties. A particularly indicative example of the unity of thought and act becomes Pierre Duhov - one of the favorite heroes of the writer. Being in the disaster with his wife, feeling disgusting to the life in the light they lead, surviving after their duel with Doolokhov. Pierre is unwittingly ask the eternal, but such important issues for him: "What is bad? What well? Why live, and what is me? " And when one of the most famous Masonic figures calls him to change his life and clear himself with the service of good, to benefit his neighbor, Pierre said sincerely "in the possibility of the brotherhood of people, connected to support each other in the path of virtue." And to achieve this goal, Pierre does everything. What considers it necessary: \u200b\u200bsacrifices money to the brotherhood, suits schools, hospitals and shelters, trying to ease the life of peasants with small children. His actions are always in Lada with his conscience, and the feeling of the rightness gives him confidence in life.