The main directions and types of activities of cultural institutions. Features of the organization of cultural and leisure activities of the population in houses of culture Forms of work with the population in culture

The main directions and types of activities of cultural institutions.  Features of the organization of cultural and leisure activities of the population in houses of culture Forms of work with the population in culture
The main directions and types of activities of cultural institutions. Features of the organization of cultural and leisure activities of the population in houses of culture Forms of work with the population in culture

Material and technical base and the need to address personnel policy issues as an acute problem in the field of culture. Folk arts and crafts. Activities in solving problems of preserving and developing amateur folk art.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture

Faculty of Social and Cultural Technologies

Department of Social and Cultural Activities


Analysis of the activities of a cultural institution

(on the example of the "House of Culture" of the Boksitogorsk region)

in the discipline "Technological workshop"

Completed by Sesitskaya A.D.

3rd year student of correspondence department

group No. SKT / BZ441-3 / 1

Checked Art. Teacher Fadeev V.B.

Saint Petersburg 2015

The economic difficulties that have arisen as a result of the global crisis have affected the socio-cultural sphere.

The changes took place due to the inexpediency of further costs for the maintenance of the institution; emergency condition of buildings unsuitable for further operation; decrease in population.

The total number of seats in them is 105 251 units, which is 2 265 units. less in comparison with 01.01.2009.

Material and technical base

According to the data as of 01.01.2016, of the total number of club cultural institutions in the region:

107 buildings require major overhaul;

16 buildings are in emergency.

The institution needs major repairs or is in disrepair, this is 17% of the total number of club institutions in the region.

But, despite the difficult economic situation, the institution is actively carrying out repair work to replace the internal heating system, replace the roof, repair the facade and internal premises.

Personnel of the Boksitogorsk House of Culture.

One of the main problems of the institution is the shortage of personnel.

As of 01.01.2015 in a cultural institution, there are 326 specialists in cultural and leisure activities, of which they have:

Higher education -196 people (37%);

Secondary vocational - 97 people. (thirty%).

Since the beginning of this year, the number of specialists has remained at the same level, on average there are 3 specialists in the cultural and leisure direction per subject.

Factors that shape the deficit include:

Low fixability of young specialists

Transfer of the most qualified personnel to other related industries

Aging workforce

Low salary

The solution of problems in the sphere of culture is impossible without solving the issues of personnel policy.

Folk art.

On 07/01/15 in cultural institutions of the region there are 25 groups of amateur folk art, in which there are 276 participants.

Compared to 01.01.09, the formations decreased by 8 units, while the number of participants did not change.

Let us dwell in more detail on the genres and directions of folk art, which, in turn, are also undergoing changes.

Today, the percentage of genres of folk art is as follows:

21.4% of the total number are choreographic groups;

10.1% - theater groups;

6.6% - folklore groups;

5.3% - choral groups;

3.6% - art groups;

1.4% - orchestral genre;

1.3% - collectives of DPI;

50.3% - others (VIA, vocal ensemble, circus studios, film and photo associations, etc.)

The choreographic genre, today, remains the most popular in the institution. (9 teams).

The genre is developing most actively, where teams with established traditions, a large number of participants, and a good school work.

The development of this genre is facilitated by regional, zonal competitions of the Regional and All-Russian competition for the prizes of the Governor of the Leningrad Region, the regional competition among collectives of rural areas "Round Dance of Friendship".

Unfortunately, the role of the theatrical genre has decreased today. This is evidenced by a comparative analysis of the past 4 years: for example, in 2011 there were 5 theater groups, and today there are 3 of them.

But, nevertheless, I would like to note the groups in which the work of theatrical creativity is steadily going on: Peer, Theater Zhiv; they are the owner of the Governor's grant, the winner of the All-Russian festival "Theater Meetings in the Provinces". To support the genre, to identify new names, there is a need for an extended festival among adult theater groups, which was planned for 2017. staffing culture problem creativity

At present, there continues to be a steady trend towards the revival, development and preservation of the traditional culture of choral singing, and an increase in the performing level of artists.

The choral genre is represented to a greater extent by members of the older generation, but over the past years there has been a significant renewal and rejuvenation of the collectives of collectives.

The development of the genre is facilitated by the regional competitions that have become traditional: "Live, Russia, hello", "We sing about life with songs", etc.

Today the orchestral genre is represented by - 4 groups: 2 brass bands, 3 - orchestras and ensemble of folk instruments, this is 3 groups less than in 2005, the dynamics of the genre's development shows us an annual decrease in the number of groups.

The problem is that the majority of orchestral groups are insufficiently equipped with musical instruments, which affects the result of their activities and the growth of their professional level.

But at the same time, I would like to note that despite all these difficulties and problems, the orchestral genre lives and flourishes in the region.

As a result of the vigorous activity and high creative indicators of amateur art groups, victories at competitions of All-Russian and International significance have become

Decently presented, having received the title of Laureates, Diploma winners groups:

Broad soul at the All-Russian festival-competition "The native village sings" in Kingisepp;

Voice of soul at the Melanin in;

Traditional folk culture.

Work on the revival, preservation and development of traditional culture remains one of the priority areas of the institution's work.

Folk art groups are successfully developing. The development and activity of ethnographic, national, family and household, basic children's and adult folklore ensembles, studios of arts and crafts, and schools of folk crafts contributes to the preservation and dissemination of distinctive regional ethno-artistic traditions. In DK, according to statistics, as of 01.07.15, there are 7 basic folklore groups with the number of participants - 98 people. This is 2 teams more than in 2008.

During the reporting period, the holidays of the winter and spring-summer calendar-ritual cycle were interesting in form and content.

In some areas, it has become a tradition to restore lesser-known folk calendar holidays.

It has become a good tradition to hold holidays of the national calendar, festivals reflecting the specifics of national family and household traditions - the traditional culture of small nations, Vepsians, Korela. The main functions of holding traditional rituals, holidays, festivals are carried out by the House of Culture of the Boksitogorsk region.

Folk arts and crafts are an integral part of the national culture. Cultural workers continue to be active, and consider the following as their main tasks:

Preservation and support of local amateur artisans;

Preservation of the continuity of traditions (types and genres of DPT), trades and crafts, etc.

In the first half of 2015. more than 20 thematic exhibitions-fairs were held from more than 3 regional significance, which is more than last year.

Circles for arts and crafts and fine arts - 7 with 56 participants.

Summing up the activities of cultural institutions of our region for the first half of 2015 on the development of traditional national culture, we can say with confidence that today, in the modern conditions of rural development, the historical continuity of culture on the basis of national traditions is being restored. The organizers of social and cultural activities directly rely on everything useful that is in the asset of the reviving folk traditions. The festivals are held with the aim of broadly promoting, preserving and developing family folk traditions, involving children and youth in the sphere of traditional culture, folk art, and supporting the folk movement in our region.

But let's not be limited to holding only festivals and holidays in this direction.

"People's" "exemplary" group of amateur folk art.

The holding of annual regional reviews-certification of art groups for confirmation and conferment of the honorary title "folk (exemplary) amateur collective" is an important event in the activities of amateur art collectives.

On 07/01/15 in cultural institutions there are 3 collectives that bear the title of "people's", including "exemplary" - 6 collectives.

Collectives bearing the honorary title "national" (exemplary) "occupy a significant place in the cultural life of the city and region. They carry out an active concert activity in providing cultural services to the population, have a highly artistic repertoire, and have good performing skills.

Currently, very serious requirements are imposed on these teams.

In 2015. only 2 amateur art groups were awarded the title of "national", but the title was removed from 7 groups and transferred to other groups that meet all the requirements of the Regulations on amateur folk groups.

Cultural and leisure activities

The deterioration of the socio-economic situation in the country due to the economic crisis entails a worsening of the socio-psychological climate of the local population. In these conditions, it is especially important to activate the social orientation of cultural institutions. Cultural institutions are available to everyone regardless of age, social status, religion and nationality.

In the city and region, an active spiritual life never fades away thanks to the active work of a cultural institution. Within our walls, concerts, shows, quizzes, contests, meetings with interesting people, exhibitions of folk craftsmen, who not only have not forgotten ancient crafts, but also creatively develop them, are held all year round.

In the first half of 2016, cultural institutions of the region held 750 cultural and leisure activities, which is 310 more than in the same period in 2008. Of the total, 29 cultural and leisure events were held on a paid basis, this is 1 less than last year. Visitors at paid events - 3.848. people, which is less by 340 people. compared to the same period in 2008. On average, the House of Culture holds 11 events per month, which is 2 events more than last year.

The conclusion to the above can be made as follows: an important achievement of recent years is that in urban and rural cultural institutions, one-time events for organizing the leisure of the population give way to a systematic programmatic approach. Due attention is paid to the organization of leisure activities for the population, and every effort is made to ensure adequate rest and create conditions for engaging in creativity.

In the face of an increasing demand for the quantity and quality of cultural and leisure activities, employees of cultural institutions are looking for new ways, developing modern forms, directions and methods of their work, improving its quality.

In connection with the increasing requirements for holding events, there was an acute problem of the need to improve the qualifications of workers in the cultural and leisure sphere, and the specialists of the Center for Folk Art developed and launched a questionnaire across the territories in order to identify the demand for educational and methodological events that are of professional interest for specialists in various areas of cultural and leisure activities and genres of folk art.

Summing up the results for the first half of 2016, it must be said that, despite the difficult economic situation and the reduction of rural clubs, there is an increase in the total number of cultural and leisure activities of the recreation center.

I would like to note the institution of culture, the work remains consistently smooth. The main activity today is aimed at close interaction with municipal bodies of cultural departments of cities and regions and providing methodological assistance to club workers in solving problems of preserving and developing folk art.

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In fact, everyone who lives in Russia, in practice, feels the difficulties that the cultural sphere is going through. Statistics inexorably note the rise in ticket prices for museums, theaters and cinemas. Many Russians have to choose what to spend their money on: to satisfy material or spiritual needs.

Some scientists and public figures see a way out of a difficult situation in a reasonable combination of the interests of the state and the cultural community.


Excerpt from the Declaration of the Rights of Culture:

“The responsibility for the preservation of cultural values ​​and culture, as such, lies with the state. The state, in particular, is responsible for the self-renewal of culture in the country, for education, for the freedom of creativity with the complete non-interference of the state in creative life.

Culture in all its forms has the right to financial support from the state: support for education and the protection of cultural values, in the first place, and the culture of all ethnic groups living on the territory of the state.

State organizations (educational, educational, informing, etc.) have the duty to foster respect for culture in general, for cultural monuments, cultural activities, intelligentsia, individual languages ​​of small and large ethnic groups; not to infringe on the right to use any language on its territory, given that the language is the main cultural value of any people ...

The self-sufficiency of culture (or a separate part of it) can be decreed in cases where it does not lead to a decrease in the quality of culture. "

Perhaps overcoming the complexities of cultural development in the marketplace lies in the interaction of the state, public organizations, and individuals.

In recent years, the activities of patrons of art have become increasingly widespread. Cultural foundations, to which firms, entrepreneurs, public figures contribute, not only contribute to the maintenance and revival of cultural monuments, but also finance various cultural events: music and theater festivals, creative competitions, grants for the most talented performers and scientists, exhibitions, etc. ...

The culture of Russia is multinational. This shows its uniqueness. A variety of traditions, customs, religious beliefs, moral norms, aesthetic tastes, etc. find their place in the cultural life of the country. The preservation of this cultural cooperation is the task of all generations of Russians. It is in the sphere of spiritual culture that tolerance, respect for the culture of all peoples, and concern for the preservation of historical memory are necessary.


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Refine your ideas about what kind of world we "create to the best of our ability" and what determines what this world is like.

2. Draw conclusions from the following data: 2005 for Russian cinema is marked by the fact that, for the first time in its modern history, four Russian films were included in the top five film distribution leaders at once. The total number of domestic box-office films has also increased, as evidenced by the significant print runs of films compared to previous years.

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4*. Refer to the materials of the website of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation ( and, on their basis, prepare a message on the topic "Development of Federal Libraries in the Last 3 Years".

5. Get to know the work of cultural institutions located in your settlement, carry out project work on the topic "Cultural institutions - to my fellow countrymen."


"If people don't have culture in their hearts, then it can't be anywhere else."

J. Duhamel (1888-1966),
French writer, physician

Cultural and leisure institutions today have an undefined legal status, which complicates not only their direct activities, but also control activities, as well as the collection of statistical data on their work.

Cultural and leisure institutions: legal status

Cultural and leisure activities do not belong to federal powers, it is entirely the prerogative of regional and municipal authorities.

And if museums and libraries operate not only within the framework of the law on culture, but also within the framework of "sectoral" federal legislative acts - on the museum business, on library and information services, then cultural and leisure activities do not have such a clear regulation and their regulation on the federal level is limited to documents that are advisory in nature.

Attention! New samples are available for download:,

In this regard, the collection and analysis of information on houses and palaces of culture throughout the country is difficult and, as a result, there is no centralized statistical data.

For example, in Moscow, at the end of 2014, there were 84 cultural centers under the jurisdiction of the Department of Culture, about 2 million people visited them during the year. This figure is very small, especially when compared with large cultural venues - museums, theaters.

But, unfortunately, the methods of counting are very imperfect, given that the entrance to the House of Culture is always free and free (only events and participation in circles can be paid, while entrance to museums and theaters is always carried out with tickets).

Against this background, some departmental recreation centers became centers of informal, unofficial cultural life. So, for example, one of the best concerts of Vladimir Vysotsky took place in the Commune Palace of Culture, the Moscow House of Culture Energetik was the arena for Soviet rock musicians, and at the House of Culture. Gorbunov's first rock laboratory in the country appeared.

In the 1990s.

The reduction in budgetary funding affected the entire cultural sector, but only in the cultural and leisure sphere there was a complete refusal of funding: transfer to full self-sufficiency, massive closure of institutions (sale and re-equipment for other activities, primarily trade), transfer to municipal and regional authorities ( which could not always maintain institutions at the proper level).

Unlike traditional cultural institutions - museums, theaters, libraries, functionally tied to heritage, houses of culture in the face of changes were left without a clear order from both the authorities and the population, and economic shocks further exacerbated this situation.

Shows of dubious quality, random tenants, outdated club formations, religious events (from Baptists to Buddhists), low-level discos, and the like, often completely unsystematic and random activities, undermined the popularity and authority of DKs as institutions designed to promote the best cultural examples to the masses. At the same time, the premises were dilapidated and littered.

By the end of the twentieth century.

In this stormy sea, at least two areas of work emerged, which most of the existing palaces and houses of culture managed to preserve - these are circles and studios (mainly for children) and, especially for the older age group. In the context of a shortage of public, non-commercial spaces and any kind of leisure, especially for socially unprotected categories of the population, these areas of activity have invariably remained in demand.

What should be a club establishment today

The main feature of this industry is the variety of functions - from clubs to concert programs. In fact, houses of culture are balancing between a concert venue and a center for additional education, between an educational and entertainment institution, between leisure and education, between rest and creative work.

Meanwhile, against the background of changes taking place with institutions of a different type - museums, theaters, libraries, which seek to diversify the services provided and engage in educational and entertainment programs, open cafes, souvenir and book stores, etc., the so-called club institutions are located in a winning position.

They are not bound by the obligatory framework for preserving collections or staging performances, are not burdened by academic traditions and are not limited in the formats of activity, as is the case with traditional cultural institutions.

Modern independent cultural and leisure venues that have appeared in large cities (Winzavod Center for Contemporary Art, Art Play Design Center, Flacon design plant in Moscow, Etazhi loft project, Tkachi creative space in St. Petersburg and others ) is also distinguished by interdisciplinarity, openness to a variety of formats of activity, active cooperation with creative businesses.


“This year, three more cultural centers were opened in Moscow, modernized in accordance with the principles and approaches worked out in the ZIL Cultural Center. These are CC "Druzhba" (Biryulevo West region), CC "Severnoe Chertanovo" and CC "Onezhsky" (Golovinsky region). Despite the fact that these facilities are very different from ZIL (both in size and location), the new organization of work has shown its effectiveness.

For example, since the opening of the renovated site of the Druzhba recreation center, the attendance has almost doubled. The circles of scientific and technical creativity, for the organization of which the Polytechnic Museum helped to train teachers, are especially popular. "

It can be argued that a new form of institutional activity - a multifunctional cultural center - is the most advanced on a global scale. There is one more circumstance important for the development of houses of culture. If museums and theaters operate mainly in large and medium-sized cities, the network of club establishments is still preserved everywhere in small towns and rural settlements.

In fact, houses of culture were and remain the only recreational enterprises in many settlements, retaining a significant potential for the broadcast of cultural values. Today, houses of culture have a real prospect of becoming multifunctional cultural centers - centers of attraction for residents.

It is necessary to work out the standards of their activities more carefully - each resident should understand what exactly is happening and will happen in the houses of culture. Houses of culture are very different institutions. Among them there are imposing complexes with thousands of square meters, large theater and concert halls and developed infrastructure.

There are also very small, located on the first floors of residential buildings, only a few tens of meters of area, with very limited opportunities for the deployment of new programs and projects.

This is a very different scale and very different working conditions, but nevertheless, in these cases, general approaches to the provision of services can be identified. Let's try further to dwell on the main approaches to the development of houses and palaces of culture, which are relevant for almost all institutions.

The cultural center starts from the reception area

One of the key tasks of any cultural center is not only to attract, but also to retain a visitor. As interdisciplinary venues, the houses of culture offer a variety of activities and activities for almost all ages. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that the person not only comes, but also remains within the walls of the cultural center as long as possible, participates in various events and then returns again.

A person who has entered a house of culture (especially if this happens for the first time) finds it difficult to navigate what services can be offered to him. Ads are chaotic and multidirectional, and there is often no one to ask questions. Adults who have come to learn something about leisure for children remain aloof from other interesting "adult" events, adolescents and young people are embarrassed to persistently seek additional information, and the pricing policy of the institution often remains opaque for most visitors.

The first solution to this problem is to organize a reception area. It is important to organize a comfortable stay for all groups of visitors, of all ages, regardless of the purpose and duration of the visit.

How to organize a guest area

Administrator on duty. Set up a desk and staff shifts to answer questions during the entire opening time of the center. A friendly reception area, where administrators can answer any questions, issue brochures of interest and provide other useful information, solves the problem of "first visit", provides effective communication between visitors, club leaders and organizers of events that are not always in place.

Of course, administrators are obliged not only to know the cost of certain classes, but also to clearly provide information about paid and free services, the number of free places in circles.

Cashbox. Ideally, there will be a cash desk in the reception area, which is open at the same hours as the institution. Many busy people simply do not want to run to the head of the circle for a receipt, and then go to pay for it to Sberbank.

It is also important to be able to pay for services with plastic cards, since today this service has become familiar and self-evident, especially for the townspeople. Inconsistency of service standards with the modern level can scare off a significant part of the audience, especially the young and solvent.

Navigation. Despite the presence of administrators, navigation is necessary even in small rooms. Signs, building diagrams, plates on classrooms and classrooms should be made in the same style, and it is desirable that the style of information messages coincides with the corporate identity of the institution (logo, brochure, website).

This forms a single aesthetics of the space of a house of culture, which is often devoid of integrity, and in many cases, spontaneous announcements prohibiting signs and last year's schedules create an impression of untidiness and chaos.

A place to rest and wait. Children are dancing, music is playing behind closed doors, and parents and grandparents are waiting for their children at the entrance. Some parents came with strollers in which the younger children sleep, since there was no one to leave them at home with.

Large recreation centers have wi-fi, comfortable areas for rest and work - chairs, banquettes, sofas, and always tables. Tables allow children to draw while sitting behind them, and some parents can pour tea or broth from a thermos for the child, give a sandwich, and have a snack in a comfortable environment.

Additional services. Bookcrossing, board games form full-fledged recreation areas. You can come here in the cold season just to chat, play board games, drink coffee (for example, from a coffee machine, if it is not possible to organize a cafe), work on a computer.

There are no trifles here, all the details are important: the presence of changing tables in the toilets, special stands for babies so that they can wash their hands in the sink on their own, soap, toilet paper, a well-working hand dryer, etc.

We must not forget that such services are included in our everyday life everywhere - at train stations, airports, shopping centers, schools, workplaces - everywhere we see these important little things that make our life more comfortable. Their absence, which earlier visitors simply did not notice, today causes bewilderment and spoils the image of the site, often much more than an uninteresting event.

The experience of successful cultural centers has shown that, as soon as comfortable zones for visitors appeared in them, parents, rather than grandparents, began to bring children to classes.

Thus, the organization of a comfortable zone for the stay of visitors also solves an important social problem - it allows busy parents to spend more time with their children.

List of main types of CDU and their main functions

Type of Main functions
House (Palace) of Culture Providing leisure for the population. Providing conditions for the development of folk art and amateur art. Exhibition activities. Providing conditions for the implementation of social and cultural initiatives of the population. Promoting civic education
Youth palace Providing leisure for the population (youth). Providing conditions for mass recreation. Providing conditions for the development of folk art and amateur art. Exhibition activities. Providing conditions for the implementation of social and cultural initiatives of the population (youth). Promoting civic education
Cultural and sports complex Providing leisure for the population. Providing conditions for mass recreation of the population. Providing conditions for amateur creativity. Provision of sports and health services. Exhibition activities. Providing conditions for the implementation of cultural, recreational and sports initiatives of the population
Cultural center; social and cultural center Providing leisure for the population. Providing conditions for the development of folk art and amateur art. Providing information and methodological services. Preservation of intangible cultural heritage; exhibition activities. Providing conditions for the provision of social and cultural services and support
National (ethno) cultural center Ensuring the preservation and development of national cultural traditions. Providing leisure for the population. Providing conditions for social and cultural initiatives of the population. Exhibition activities. Ensuring the development of artistic and decorative-applied creativity
House (Center) of Crafts Preservation of tangible and intangible cultural heritage. Development of handicraft traditions. Providing leisure for the population. Creation and distribution of handicraft products. Exhibition activities. Creation and dissemination of handicraft techniques
House of Folklore Preservation of intangible cultural heritage, exhibition activities. Providing leisure for the population. Study of local folklore traditions
House of Folk Art Preservation of intangible cultural heritage in all variety of genres and ethnic characteristics. Creation of methods for integrating traditional creative skills into the modern creative process, exhibition activities. Providing leisure for the population. Informatization and methodological support of creative processes. Organization and holding of folk holidays, festivals of folk art and amateur art
Traveling cultural centers Non-stationary provision of leisure for the population. Organization of offsite information, exhibition, festive events. Provision of social and cultural services
Information and methodological centers Providing information and methodological services. Exhibition activities. Informatization of creative processes

New programs and creative energy of citizens

Large recreation centers should become centers of creative initiatives - in order to revitalize their activities, they can provide, on a competitive basis, a platform for the implementation of projects to everyone.

One of the directions of the circle work, which was once present in many houses of culture, and later was undeservedly forgotten, is scientific and technical creativity. This trend is also valuable because it offers services for teenagers and boys who are not always interested in dancing, singing and visual arts.

The older generation has been and remains one of the most numerous and permanent audiences of houses of culture. As a rule, choir and folklore studios work for older people, and free events are organized. This is an extremely interested and grateful audience, which is growing rapidly throughout the world and in our country, but the forms of leisure offered to it remain limited.

What new initiatives could the older generation join? A demanded direction is the organization of computer literacy courses. This work is already being carried out by many libraries, but the houses of culture should not remain aloof. Cultural and leisure facilities related to local history are of the greatest interest. These are documentary performances based on the memories of the older generation, exhibitions presenting materials from the archives, meetings and conversations where the older generation meets with children and young people. It is important that all these programs are thought out and carefully prepared.

When we talk about programs for the older generation, this does not mean that all programs should be conservative and traditional.


For the second year in a row, the ZIL Cultural Center has been implementing the "Fashionable Catwalk of Mature Beauty" project (clothes for 50+ models). This is a fashion show that is done by professional designers and in which only non-professional models participate - ordinary people over 50 years old. This program has consistently attracted a lot of media attention and is growing in popularity.

What will be the DK tomorrow?

Houses and palaces of culture, which are ready to turn into modern cultural centers, have to solve many problems. Standards, best practices, regulations, guidelines for future development are needed in order to consolidate the professional community of workers in the cultural and leisure industry.

Today, when the main resource for the development of cities and territories is no longer factories and plants, but creative, human capital, it is the houses of culture that are called upon to give people the opportunity to reveal their abilities, their talents - regardless of age or occupation. The modern global networked society makes it not so urgent to convey to people a certain amount of information and knowledge, but it puts the development of creativity in a person at the forefront. And it is the cultural centers, with their wide interdisciplinary capabilities, that are able to comprehensively and systematically solve the problems of urban and territorial development.

Article from the magazine "Directory of the head of a cultural institution", 2015

Material checked by experts Aktion Kultura

First of all, it should be noted that even at the place of residence there is no systematic development of the actual forms of organizing cultural and leisure activities of various groups of the population.

Below we will consider the positive experience of some cultural institutions that have managed to overcome this negative trend. First, it is necessary to analyze the spiritual needs of the population, which are directly related to the activities of cultural institutions.

As sociological studies show, the most attractive forms of cultural and leisure programs at the place of residence for all groups of the population are: performances and concerts of professional artists, concerts of amateur performances, meetings with war and labor veterans, interesting people, entertainment, games, contests, attractions. Thus, preference is given to programs that have an artistic and aesthetic basis, involving live communication between visitors and guests of cultural institutions.

Family programs are of particular interest to visitors. The greatest interest among this population group is caused by the Young Family clubs and the family recreation evenings organized by them, competitions such as "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family", a school of home economics, concerts of professional and amateur artists.

Young people tend to participate in such activities as classes in pop groups, ballroom dance clubs, guitar lovers, folk groups. In the field of applied art, preference is given to circles of cutting and sewing, fine and decorative arts, film and photography. There is an interest in youth clubs, circles of technical creativity. In the conditions of the village - to the circles of hunters, fishermen, gardeners, beekeepers, car enthusiasts. This interest persists in the future, but the desire to realize it within the framework of family clubs becomes predominant. At the same time, visitors look at cultural institutions not only as a place for organizing cultural and leisure programs and amateur groups. There can be a wide variety of socio-demographic groups: spending time with friends, having fun, just relaxing. The youth audience, which can be considered as the nearest reserve of activity, as the most numerous, is gathered by "lights", dances, concerts of professional artists. In general, young people make up the main contingent of concert, entertainment and entertainment programs.

Many visitors show interest in organizing work within the framework of the programs, they themselves prefer to actively participate in them. In general, the wishes of the population in relation to a cultural institution are quite diverse. Moreover, the dominant orientation is towards active types of activity, which involve not only the consumption of spiritual values, but also participation in their creation.

At the same time, if we turn to the results of studying the real orientations of various groups of the population in the sphere of leisure, we can see their significant coincidence with the preferences in cultural institutions.

The real structure of leisure activities for many urban and rural residents is rather poor. We succeeded

identify the most popular leisure activities in different age groups. They turned out to be: visiting the cinema - 38%, watching concert programs - 32%, reading fiction - 28%. Thus, passive forms of mastering spiritual values ​​prevail.

Among the factors hindering participation in cultural and leisure programs, one of the most common is the remoteness of clubs from home. In a number of cases, this circumstance turns out to be more significant for the respondents than the level of work of cultural institutions.

The boundaries between objects and situational factors affecting visits to cultural institutions are flexible. For example, married women are considered a traditional “non-club” group. But the everyday workload of women should not be considered an unavoidable obstacle to club activities. It turns out that the traditional opposition of everyday life and leisure takes on more complex forms. Some everyday activities are gradually turning into activities with cultural and creative elements. According to the data obtained, the general trend is not to reduce household duties, but to humanize and aestheticize them, in a more harmonious combination of everyday life and leisure.

The search for directions and forms of activity of cultural institutions basically coincide with the above-mentioned wishes of the population itself. Preference is given to directions and forms of work that develop the cultural activity of visitors, using artistic, aesthetic and game means.

However, poor consideration of the specifics of the spiritual needs and demands of various socio-demographic groups of the population leads to the fact that in many cases cultural institutions and club communities exist independently of each other. The set of leisure preferences of the potential audience of cultural institutions is often

more monotonous than the proposed cultural and leisure programs. In modern conditions, this gap is becoming one of the main reasons for the decline in the prestige of many cultural institutions, a decrease in their attendance.

Nevertheless, in the advanced practice of cultural institutions, a certain experience has been accumulated in the formation and satisfaction of the spiritual needs of the population. The main emphasis here is on a fuller use of the pedagogical potential of the "naturally" established types of leisure of various socio-demographic groups of visitors (first of all, through the development of various amateur associations, interest clubs), as well as through the creation of various initiative groups, councils from among urban and rural residents participating in the organization of cultural and leisure programs.

Thus, in the Palace of Culture of Moscow motorists there are more than ten amateur associations: a club of war and labor veterans, a young worker, international friendship, a theater lovers club, film amateurs, etc. different directions. He takes an active part in holding evenings for drivers and their families, parental conferences "Our Child in First Class", parties for women "Union of Beauty and Health", the program of which includes consultations of doctors, exhibitions and sales of culinary and manufactured goods.

As a rule, in microdistricts, which include, along with residential buildings, educational institutions and organizations: children's rooms, polling stations and strongholds for the protection of public order, corners and propaganda sites, general education, specialized, music and art schools, creative houses, museums, libraries, houses and palaces of culture, connecting links

they are managed by the community councils of the neighborhoods. They coordinate the activities of house and street committees, councils of dormitories, councils of strong points, councils of pensioners, women's councils, weekend headquarters and other public entities.

Experience of the Palace of Culture of the Moscow plant named after Chkalova can serve as an example for cultural institutions of the skillful implementation of a differentiated approach to various groups of the population, linking club work with the most significant events and dates in the life of the population of the microdistrict.

Massive, entertainment programs are prepared taking into account the activities of amateur associations and with their direct participation. For example, a thematic evening dedicated to war veterans is being prepared with the direct participation of members of the socio-political club with the help of materials collected by them; evening of Russian and foreign patriotic songs "Our motto-friendship" is being prepared by youth vocal

instrumental ensemble "Grenada". Members of amateur associations, hobby clubs, amateur art circles help club institutions to supplement cultural and leisure programs with materials accumulated in the process of working on a particular type of club activity (documentary materials from the history of the region, music records, books, illustrations, etc.).

Each of the above areas of work of cultural institutions, of course, has its own specifics. Nevertheless, it is possible to single out some common features inherent in club work as a whole, if it is focused on the fullest possible consideration of the interests and demands of the population. Among these signs, the most significant are the following.

The complexity of the programs. Most of the planned forms presuppose a variety of used documentary and artistic means, some balance in its structure of the planned types of leisure activities of visitors (cognition, entertainment, communication, etc.) and real leisure interests of the population (orientation towards a variety of activities).

Formation of public opinion of the residents of the microdistrict on topical social, economic and cultural problems. The implementation of this setting is carried out mainly by attracting events, facts of social and cultural life of both the entire country and a specific region.

The priority of visual-figurative information in cultural and leisure activities can also be considered a distinctive feature of the modern stage of the activity of cultural institutions, if we bear in mind the overload of a modern person with abstract conceptual information, on the one hand, and his desire to educate artistic, aesthetic, entertainment information, with the other side. In practice, this is expressed in an increase in the share of artistic means, in a wider use of theatricalization techniques.

An orientation towards generally interesting information or information that has a substantive and practical meaning for a particular sphere of human activity (production, everyday life, leisure, etc.) can also be considered a promising trend in the activities of cultural institutions.

However, a unified system for planning cultural and leisure activities, its forms and methods has not yet been developed enough, and the achievements here have not yet received widespread use. This situation leads to a lack of unity in the requirements of cultural authorities to subordinate institutions, complicates the control of the activities of the latter.

Seminar "Forms and methods of work club-type cultural institutions: innovation and tradition " The main questions of the seminar:

  1. Forms as a way of realizing the content of the activities of cultural institutions of the club type.
  2. Classification of the main, traditional, forms of club activities.
  3. Innovative forms of cultural and leisure activities.
  4. Means and methods - the structural basis of the form of the event.
  1. Teaching the basic forms and methods of activities of cultural institutions of the club type.
  2. Professional development of specialists of cultural and leisure institutions.
  1. I... Forms as a way to implement content
activities of cultural institutions. The most important components of the methodology of cultural and leisure activities include the forms of activity of institutions, elements of functioning of a cultural institution, a component of cultural and leisure activities. The forms - programs of cultural and leisure activities should be understood as ways and methods of organizing people in a cultural institution, at the place of residence in order to bring them to a certain content. Forms - programs of cultural and leisure activities - do not exist by themselves. In relation to the content of the form - the program is dependent in nature. Each means of influence requires appropriate forms of organization of people. Noting the dependence of forms and their correct use, in turn, is of great importance. Forms - programs have a certain independence, they can and do have an opposite effect on the content of the activity. The result of the activity often depends on the choice of forms. The content of the activity must necessarily be clothed in a certain form. The forms of work of club institutions are the ways and techniques of organizing a club audience. The chosen form of the program influences the selection of the content, and the content, in turn, molds the form. Form is the way content exists.
  1. II... Classification of the main forms of club activities.
Depending on the methods of organizing the club audience, the forms are individual, group and mass. Individual forms:
  1. Conversations: in the ordinary sense - a literary or theatrical form of oral or written exchange in a conversation between two or more people; - in philosophical and scientific senses - a specific form and organization of communication, communication.
  1. Targeted service. Cultural and leisure form for a certain category of people with limited mobility. Refers to new forms of work of cultural institutions.
  1. Consultations: explanation, clarification of any concepts. Answers on questions. Fully refers to the methodological and educational forms of work. Applicable to the activities of cultural institutions, it can be used as an integral part of any club form (master class, targeted service, evening meeting, etc.)
Group forms: A). Leisure, entertainment. 1. Evenings: this is a good opportunity to organize people in a certain place, relax, communicate, discuss and analyze situations, problems and successes. Evenings can be of several forms, depending on the purpose of organizing leisure:
  • Evening meeting. These can be meetings with interesting people, with veterans, with village poets, etc.
  • Evening remembrance. It can be as a separate event, but in most cases it is used as an integral part of other forms (for example, a living room, an evening meeting, etc.)
  • Relaxing evening. This event is of an entertaining nature, using a variety of music, games, competitions, dances. As a kind of evening of relaxation is considered an evening-cafe - an evening of relaxation at the tables, with the use of drinks and other food.
  • Discos. Dance programs with minimal use of other means and methods of organizing leisure activities.
  • Chamber forms of organizing leisure time salon and living room are events for a narrow circle of people connected by a common interest. A special couple is holding them in a small, confined space, close to a cozy home environment with a relatively small number of participants, where the performers are in close proximity to the audience. In art, the concept of "chamber" often carries the meaning of "abbreviated".
  1. Game programs: The main method of organizing leisure time in these activities is game elements. Depending on the other methods used, the game programs can be:
  • Competitive gaming;
  • Theatrical and playful;
  • Subject-game (for example, according to the plot of TV games).
B). Outreach activities have a bright thematic focus and are characterized by the presence of cognitive content, elements of agitation and propaganda are possible (for example, a healthy lifestyle).
  1. An exhibition (excursion) is a show, whatever its name, by presenting the means at the disposal of mankind to meet the needs, as well as for the purpose of progress in one or more areas of its activity. There are periodical (temporary) and permanent exhibitions. For UKKT, exhibitions, as a rule, are held for a short period of time, i.e. temporary. They can be either a separate event or an integral part of another event.
  1. Round table - a meeting within the framework of a larger event In the modern sense, the expression round table has been used since the 20th century as the name of one of the ways to organize the discussion of a certain issue.
Moreover, the round table often plays an advocacy role rather than a tool for developing specific solutions.
  1. Thematic program. Its content, methods and techniques are strictly thematic. Elements of other various forms of events can be used to achieve an optimal result in conveying information on the selected topic to the audience. The focus can be different (patriotic, musical, play, preventive, environmental, literary, etc.).
  1. Agitation brigades are a propaganda form of events. Currently, it belongs to the outdated forms of cultural and leisure activities.
  1. 5. Lectures: oral systematic and consistent presentation of material on a problem, method, topic of the question, etc.
Trainings: an active learning method aimed at developing knowledge, skills and attitudes. Master classes: the form and method of practical teaching and training of certain skills Lectures and trainings are not forms of club work, but can be used in other forms of information and educational events or classes of club formations. V). Club formations. 1. Amateur associations or clubs of interest. They are created on a voluntary basis by the participants themselves or by cultural specialists on the basis of the KDU. They are distinguished by the common interests of the participants, freedom of communication, freedom of choice of forms and frequency of communication. The activities of amateur associations are regulated by the regulations on club formations and the charter of a specific association, adopted in agreement with its members.
  1. A circle is a creative association of people with common interests in the field of creativity, whose main activity is to master certain skills of creative activity of various genres (vocal, choreographic, etc.). Circles are the basis for the activities of amateur art groups.
Bulk forms. Mass forms include entertainment programs designed for a large number of spectators and participants.
  1. A concert is a public performance of musical works, ballet, pop, etc. numbers according to a certain, pre-compiled program.
  1. The play is a work of theatrical art. A performance in a drama theater is based on a literary work - a play or script that requires improvisation, in a musical theater - a musical and dramatic composition.
  • Literary and musical composition is a kind of performance, the difference of which is the combined use of works by several authors (poets, writers, musicians)
  1. The fair is a regular market of wide significance: a market regularly, periodically organized in a traditionally defined place, accompanied by a theatrical concert and game program.
  1. Holiday - a day of celebration, established in honor or in memory of someone, something, a fun pastime of free time; day of some joyful event. As a form of leisure organization, a holiday is a massive entertainment event that includes a set of cultural and leisure means and methods, using various cultural and leisure forms of work and having a relatively long continuation in time - at least two hours. Holidays can be:
  • Calendar (New Year, Day of the Elderly, etc.);
  • State (Victory Day, Constitution Day, etc.);
  • Folklore (Maslenitsa, Spas, Trinity, etc.);
  • Family (birthday, anniversary, wedding, etc.);
  • Professional (teacher's day, builder's day, etc.).
  1. Ball is a gathering of a large society of both sexes for dancing. Balls differ from ordinary dances or discos with increased solemnity, stricter etiquette and a classical set of dances, following in a predetermined order. A masquerade ball differs from a ball by the presence of carnival masks or costumes on those present. Currently, in the practice of cultural and leisure institutions are rarely used.
  1. 6. Competition. In cultural and leisure activities - a demonstration competition. The event is designed for a wide range of spectators with pre-prepared participants, with competitive elements, with the ultimate goal of identifying the winner.
  1. Festival - a massive celebration, showing the achievements of musical, theatrical, pop, circus or other art without identifying a winner or determining a rating among the participants.
  1. A rally is a solemn event dedicated to an important event or date.
  1. A parade is a solemn passage in front of spectators, public, troops, various groups, organizations, movements or parties, etc.
This is an approximate classification of traditional forms of cultural and leisure activities that have been used by cultural specialists for many years. It should be noted that quite rarely the forms are used "in their pure form", basically they complement each other or move from one category to another. For example, a competitive play can go to a disco, and a group form of an evening of relaxation can become massive with a large crowd of visitors. But some of them lose their relevance and relevance, undergo modification, adapting to modernity. As a general pattern, the old is replaced and in addition to the traditional, the new comes. III... Innovative forms of cultural and leisure activities. The political upheavals of the late 1980s and early 1990s, followed by economic transformations, led to significant changes in the socio-cultural sphere. Ideological education and cultural services were dealt with faster than anticipated. Today we are all witnessing a new stage in the development of culture and leisure. The "cultural and educational work" has been replaced by the very same cultural and leisure activities, the problems and development prospects of which are much spoken and written today. The word “activity” itself, as it were, characterizes the processes developing in the sphere of free time: the democratic ways and means of organizing leisure activities, the lively and direct participation of the population in the implementation of cultural projects and programs. In any case, one has to give up decisively and irrevocably with the old stencil-stereotyped approaches and, seemingly, frozen for eternity methods in organizing people's leisure activities. The lofty ideals, in the name of which all the cultural and educational work was carried out among the masses, and by which the cultural workers were guided, turned out to be unviable. The potential audience of educational cultural and leisure activities has expanded significantly, and its real (not anticipated, as it was before) needs have changed dramatically. This circumstance at first put the cultural workers at a standstill: they could no longer work with the old methods, and they had not yet mastered the new ones. In this situation, the plenipotentiaries of culture, as has happened more than once before, followed the path of mechanical imitation of Western models and standards, without due grounds transferring to Russian soil the overseas experience alien to the mentality of Russians. Gambling houses, casinos, night bars and clubs have appeared, where you can hear and see much of what until recently was considered a forbidden fruit. The previous methods of education - condemnation and censure, suppression and punishment - were not particularly effective before, but in the conditions of complete permissiveness generated by unlimited democracy (everything that is not forbidden is possible), they simply do not work. Neither party dogmas, nor trade union subsidies, nor Komsomol optimism, nor even the efforts of the public now work, there is no one to hope for, all the economic, managerial and pedagogical decisions now have to be made by cultural workers on their own. In a word, the time has come to thoroughly revise your professional background, look for innovative approaches, master new technologies of activity and management. In fact, a new stage is coming in the development of culture and leisure. Modern culturology considers cultural and leisure activities as a process of creating conditions for a person's motivational choice of subject activity. Moreover, this process is determined by the needs of the individual, her interests. The time has come not only to condescendingly take into account the requests of a potential or real audience, but to put them in the basis of all today's activities of cultural institutions. With the development of market relations, cultural and leisure activities have come close to marketing technologies, which are based on the problem of finding and meeting the needs of individual citizens or social groups. The very same cultural and leisure activities are gradually transformed into the leisure industry. Optimization of the activities of cultural and leisure institutions lies at the intersection of several directions: a critical analysis of the experience of our predecessors and the need to take from it everything that can still work in modern conditions and contribute to solving today's problems; creative use of foreign experience (the experience of both near and far abroad is equally suitable) in organizing the leisure of the population and, finally, own tireless searches for each cultural and leisure institution, each creative team and each creatively thinking cultural worker. Innovative forms of activity of cultural and leisure institutions are dictated by the needs of the population. The new club work forms include such forms as:
  • Stock- this is a limited time impact on the target population group with the aim of popularization and propaganda. Public socio-political actions aimed at attracting attention. Often, actions do not have a clear long-term goal and are not associated with other events in which their participants are involved. The result is achieved with the help of striking external attributes;
  • Corporate- there is no precise definition of this form yet, but it can be defined as "a holiday in a team, organization, company, enterprise"
  • Show- an entertainment event. Usually performed in front of an audience. Has a staged character. Something ostentatious, designed for a noisy external effect Maybe: aviation, automobile, television, ice, laser light, circus, political, etc. As a form of club work has not yet emerged. Popular types of complex leisure programs are show programs, magnificent costumed stage action with the participation of "stars" (in small towns - of local importance), dynamically bright, saturated with special effects, spectacular, carrying a cross-cutting plot with a tie, culmination and denouement.
  • Flashmob is a pre-planned mass action in which a large group of people appears in a public place, performs predetermined actions (script) and then disperses.
  • Team building Is a corporate role-playing game aimed at team building. Any corporate leisure can be attributed to this form;
  • Battle- this is a type of competition, a duel between groups or individual participants with elements of an impromptu struggle, demonstration.
Currently, in the structure of modern culture, an increasing place is occupied by entertainment programs, various shows, which are assigned a significant role in the ideological, moral and artistic education of people, the organization of their life and leisure. Of course, leisure creativity, which is predominantly amateur, does not always reach the highest professional level; nevertheless, it, acting as a reliable means of revealing the talent of each person, has a great social effect.
  1. IV... Means and methods - the structural basis of the form of the event.
Means of cultural and leisure activities are ways (channels) or ways of conveying content (ideas, scientific views, events, facts, images of works of art, life examples) in order to influence the consciousness, feelings and will of visitors to a cultural institution. In the methodology of cultural and leisure activities, means are the tools with which the content is revealed. The content of the activity, concluded in one form or another, cannot be realized without the use of certain means. Means are the main tools with which social and cultural activities are carried out, a kind of "mechanism" for bringing the content of the activity to the audience. They are subdivided into:
  • Artistic - expressive means: living word, music.
Living word- The word as a leading means in social and cultural activities. The living word is a form of literary and sometimes oratory, an artistic performance in which text, poems, stories, essays are spoken rather than sung. Music- a kind of art, the artistic material of which is sound, specially organized in time.
  • Choreography, singing, drama.
Choreography- dance art in general. One of the oldest types of creativity, the expressive means of which are the movements of the human body associated with musical accompaniment. Origin singing associated with the desire of a person to express his mood in the sounds of his voice. Gradually developing, singing becomes an object of special art. Singing is used not only in solo, but also in joint performance (duet, trio, quartet, quintet, chorus, ensemble, that is, singing of soloists with a choir). Dramaturgy- theory and art of constructing a dramatic work, as well as a plot - figurative concept of such a work. The totality of the dramatic works of an individual writer, country or people, era is also called dramaturgy. Understanding the basic elements of a dramatic work and the principles of drama are historically fluid. The drama was interpreted as an action taking place (but not already done) with the interaction of the character and external position of the characters. An action represents a known change at a known time.
  • Visual aids: decoration of the club space (stage of the hall, foyer, lobby, circle rooms, etc.); light, scenery, costumes, video (cinema, slides, video, television)
  • Technical means: lighting, audio and video equipment.
Light- electromagnetic radiation emitted by a heated or excited substance, perceived by the human eye. Often, light is understood not only as visible light, but also in wide spectral regions adjacent to it. Audio is a general term related to sound technology. Often, the term audio is understood as sound recorded on an audio medium; less often, audio means recording and reproducing sound, sound recording and sound reproducing equipment. Video equipment - many technologies for recording, processing, transmitting, storing and reproducing visual or audiovisual material, as well as a common name for the actual video material, TV signal or film, including recorded on a physical medium (video cassette, videodisc, etc.).
  • Material resources: equipment, inventory, musical instruments, stationery, craft materials (fabric, paper, wood, metal, clay, paints, plasticine, etc.)
  • Financial resources- a set of economic relations arising in the process of formation, distribution and use of centralized and decentralized funds of funds. Usually we are talking about trust funds of the state or economic entities (enterprises). The most important concept in the field of finance is the budget.
  • The main place is occupied by mass media, which are divided into printed and electronic. They are the main source of information about events in the world of politics, economy, social sphere, science, culture, education, sports, show business, used in cultural and leisure activities.
Each tool serves as a carrier (transmitter) of this or that content. Depending on the nature of the content and purpose, a specific tool or, more often, a set of tools is selected. The arsenal of means of cultural and leisure activities is diverse. Personnel should be able in each specific case to select and use those of them that will give the greatest effect, will be the most effective, will ensure the best performance of the task. The word as a leading means in social and cultural activities. Patterns of using visual means in cultural and educational activities. Regularities of the use of artistic means in social and cultural activities. Optimization of the use of professional and amateur art as a means of cultural and educational activities in all forms of work of cultural institutions. The principle of systematization of the means of intellectual and emotional expressiveness of social and cultural activities. It should be noted that all means are closely interconnected and are selected taking into account a specific object of influence and the thematic focus of the event. For the successful use of the means of social and cultural activity, it is necessary to comply with the following requirements: the choice of means must depend on the purpose of the event, educational action, since it is the goal that determines the means; the number and nature of the selected means of influence must correspond to the tasks, and the lack of funds, as well as their excess, are equally harmful; the teacher must be fluent in the methodology of using the means of social and cultural activity, know their strengths and weaknesses. ... Methods of social and cultural activities In cultural and leisure activities, there are three generic methods: the method of illustration, the method of theatricalization, the method of play. Other methods used in cultural and leisure activities do not belong to generic ones, they are brought in from other areas of knowledge: sociology, pedagogy, psychology. So, for example, when planning work with a specific audience, various methods of studying it are used - methods of sociological research. In order to create a cultural and leisure program, it is not enough just to be well versed in the laws of its dramatic construction. It is necessary to understand, to know exactly the potential of the methods of editing, illustration, theatricalization and acting. Illustrative method The essence of the illustration method consists in a special organization of the content of information material with the help of display in any form. Speaking about the method of illustration, it should be borne in mind that, due to the synthesis of various emotional and expressive means, it complements information, making it visible. In all cases, within the framework of information-developmental material that is homogeneous in content, its illustration (display) by means of art creates an art form that has great power of emotional impact. At the same time, illustration not only introduces an element of artistry into the content of the cultural and leisure program, but reveals, develops, deepens, concretizes the topic. The same theme can be illustrated in different ways, taking into account a variety of artistic means of expression. The director gives preference to the method of illustration depending on the type of program, its form, and the nature of the audience. By its nature, the method of illustration corresponds to the type of information and educational programs, and in art - journalistic and cultural - entertainment programs, it can be used as an additional method. In practice, there are two types of illustration: artistic and visual. For example, in a lecture, which is both a method of disseminating knowledge and a form of cultural and leisure activity, the method of illustration is used in the form of book exhibitions, photo stands or exhibitions of reproductions, art reading, music, showing fragments from popular science and documentary films. The introduction of an element of artistry into the informational and educational program using the method of illustration makes it possible to create a stage composition in which documents, documentaries, photographs in combination with artistic images - poetic, choreographic, musical - achieve an emotional effect of enormous power. Theatricalization method The method of theatricalization in modern leisure programs consists in combining sounds, color, melody in space and time, revealing the image in different variations, asking them through a single “end-to-end action” that unites and subordinates all the components used according to the laws of the script. The method of theatricalization is an artistic and pedagogical method, which, on the one hand, is a method of unity of dramatic processing of material according to the laws of theater, where there is an outset of an action, its development, culmination and denouement, and on the other hand, an artistically designed action of a group, collective or masses of participants, which is a stimulus for the game action of the mass of participants themselves. Consequently, the method of theatricalization appears not as one of the methods in cultural and leisure programs used in all its variants, but as a complex creative method that is closest to the theater and has a deep social and psychological justification. Game method The next generic method of cultural and leisure activities is play. The game also has its own theory, this is both a method and a form. It is generally accepted that the initial, determining factor in the game is that the participant in the game creates for himself an imaginary situation instead of a real one and acts in it, performing a certain role, in accordance with his own knowledge, skills and abilities, which he at the same time gives to the surrounding objects. The transition of action into an imaginary situation is especially characteristic for the development of play in specific cultural and leisure activities. Play is viewed here as a product of development, moreover, outstripping the needs of practical life, as an action from within the maturing functions, giving birth to functions that are born in relationships with the surrounding world. The method of playing in a cultural and leisure program most successfully combines information - logical and information - figurative principles, synthesizing education, pedagogy, art and creativity, which have an extraordinary power of influence on the thoughts and feelings of a person. Practical task: The audience is given sheets of paper on which different forms of work are written. It is necessary to draw up a scenario plan of the event within 5-10 minutes on a given topic (one for all, for example, International Women's Day) and according to the specified form (for each of its own). Experts face such a situation on a daily basis (there is a topic, you need to choose a form). This task demonstrates the variety of forms, the breadth of choice. Discussion is going on. The discussion identifies the factors that can influence the decision when choosing the form of the event. Conclusion. A specialist in social and cultural activities is the central figure of the educational process, it is he who is the bearer of goals and ideals, ideas, traditions, the owner of scientific knowledge and mastery of education. The question of the methods of cultural and leisure activities is a complex one. It is very difficult to give their clear classification, but the content of the work is obvious, the need for a creative approach to the choice of methods and techniques in the activities of cultural institutions, which have accumulated extensive experience in using various means, forms and methods depending on the situation and the tasks to be solved. Specialists in the social and cultural sphere should be able to master them, be able to apply them creatively. The professional skill of a specialist of a cultural institution consists in choosing from the whole variety of means, forms and methods, those that in each specific case will give the opportunity to best solve the tasks at hand. In one case it will be a thematic evening, in another - a lecture, in the third - a concert of amateur performances, etc. It is necessary to search for new, more effective combinations of content, forms, methods and means in order to arouse people's interest, to attract them to a cultural institution. Bibliography
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