Oriental toasts for a man's birthday. "Oriental toasts

Oriental toasts for a man's birthday. "Oriental toasts

One Oriental Sage, who lived in ancient times, Ozrok: "In love, everyone knows, because each other is loved. In the friendship of each other they love, because they know. "
So let's drink someone who knows each other so well - for us!

A certain king was curves. With him there was a skillful painter.
Monarch for some reason unbelieved him and looking for a reason to find fault.
- Write my portrait, but so that he was exactly in-point looks like me, - he ordered the artist once.
"So my end came," the artist thought crushed. - If I paint his curves, he execute me. If you depict it in moant, say:
"Unlike!", - And also cut off the head. "
Acute situation gives rise to resourcefulness. The painter drew a deer, and next king with a gun in his hands, one eye, blind, covered, as if the king was aiming. In this form and raised the portrait of the lord.
He could not fall over to the painter, and his life was saved.
This toast is for talented and resourceful.

In the distant times in the beautiful country, India lived with Padishah, who had three wives. Padisha also was also an astrologer who predicted his fate. And once calls for Padisch to himself as an asterian and says:
"You lived for a long time, but never predicted anything wrong with me." And so I wanted to reward you. Choose any of my wives.
And it fits stars to the first wife and asks:
- Tell me, a woman will be twice two?
-Tre, "she says.
What an economical wife, - thought star.
The second one answered: -chenetre.
What smart wife, I thought star.
The third answered him: - Five.
And this is a generous wife, "thought star.
What do you think, what kind of wife did he choose? He chose the most beautiful!
So drink friends, for our beautiful ladiessitting at this table!

Oriental Vladyka once visited the prison in which the twenty-arrested punishment was served.
- What are you sitting for? - asked Lord.
Nineteen of the twenty immediately swore that they were convinced, solely on a judicial mistake. And only the twentieth admitted that he was sitting for theft.
- immediately release him to freedom, - ordered Lord, - he can have a bad influence on all other honest peoplewhich are here.
So let's drink for people whose honesty helps them be free!

Two disputes came to the sage with a request to judge them. He carefully listened to the plaintiff first and, when he finished talking, told him: "Yes, you're right! "
Then the defendant began to justify. Sage and he was very carefully listened. And then said: "You are absolutely right! "
The wisdom's wife intervened here. "How can it be that both debuggers be right?" She asked her husband quietly. The sage was deeply silent, thought and told her: "You know what, you are also right! "
This toast is for those who are always right!

In the same mining Georgian valley, a person was driven for offense for 3 days. We drove into the mountains and without clothes. I went to the mountains, but the bonfire could not register he, because he was not on his matches ...
Here the spark flew on the first day .. He caught her, the bonfire, he walked and warmed up ...
On the second and third day, the sparks were also attached and was the same.
Here a man returned from the mountains, and there he is told:
On the first day your friend is burned all your food to warm you ..
On the second day he burned his home to warm you ...
On the third day he burned himself to warm up ...
So let's drink friends

One monarch ordered her minister of food:
- Get me a kushany, whose sweeter is not in the world!
The minister went to the bazaar and bought a language.
The Lord has been delighted with a skillful cooked dish.
And in a day or another, a new disposal came from him:
- Get me there such a kushan, which is not the most in the world.
The minister again went to the bazaar and again bought a tongue.
- I demanded bitter, you again brought the language. How so?
And the minister explained:
- Sovereign, there is nothing more pleasant in the world smart words And there is nothing hustling bad words. It all depends on the language ...
My toast is to skillfully dispose of your tongue.

- What is the difference between the truth and lies? - asked the sage.
"Yes, such as between ears and eyes," he replied.
- What we see with your own eyes is truly, and the fact that hearing ears is not always truthful.
Let's drink to see yes see.

The young man comes to the river, spreads one bush, another, the third and so twenty bushes ... And there for the last, there is a beautiful woman and is waiting for him. He removed one dress, the second ...
So drink for our prospects !!!

One day, Surena asked: - By what zodiac sign were you born? - Under the sign of the old goat, - Suren replied. - Listen, but there is no such sign in astronomical tables. Suren replied: - When I was a child, my mother defined my fate on the stars and she was told - Capricorn. - Yes, but this word does not mean a goat, but a goat. "Oh, you, foolish," said Suren. - I myself know it, but since I was determined by the stars my fate, I passed exactly a hundred years. And During this time, the goat did not turn into a goat? So let's drink for olders.

A certain prince invited a musician to him to entertain him. He became a musician play.
- Eh, be blessed your hand! - His prince praised. - I give you a silver azarem. Thanked His musician and sat down to play further.
- I will not regret your horse for you! - Diar to the prince.
A musician is still trying yet.
"I regret the cow," the owner cleared.
The next day the musician is behind the promised gifts.
- What azarpem, what horse? - replied the prince's prince. "You made me a pleasant game yesterday, and I'll be your promises." The same thing that remains today from your game, you have left from my gifts.
Fill the glasses and drink for us to always be able to keep your word under any circumstances.

In the ancient Indian treatise it is said: "The needs of the soul give birth to friendship, the needs of the mind - respect, body needs - desire. All three needs give birth to true love. "
Let's drink for ensuring that we always lived these needs, and we would love and were loved!

Three hunters learned that a wolf is hidden near the village. They decided to catch him and kill. About how they were caught, there are many different senses in the people. I remember such a story since childhood:
Wolf, fleeing from hunters, climbed into the cave. The entrance to it was only one, and he is very narrow - the head will break, and there is no shoulders. The hunters were attached behind the stone, their rifles aimed at the entrance and began to wait, when the wolf gets out of the cave. But the wolf was, as can be seen, not a fool - he calmly slept. So, he had to lose one who was the first to get tired of sitting and waiting.
One hunter is tired. He decided to somehow squeeze into the cave and expel the wolf from there. He walked over to the hole and glanced in her head. The hunters watched his companion for a long time and wondered why he was not trying to crawl forward or at least pull out his head back.
Finally, they are also tired of waiting. They stirred the hunter and made sure that he had no head.
Began to guess: did the hunter have a head before he climbed into the cave? One says that it was as if it was, the other - that as if there were no. Headful torso brought to Aul, told - about what happened. One old man said: Judging by the fact that the hunter got into the cave to wolf, he had no head for a long time, maybe from birth. They went to figure out the hunter's widowed wife.
- How do I know if my husband had a head? I only remember that every year I ordered a new dad.
So we drink for the fact that the men did not lose their head under no circumstances!

Highly, high in the mountains stood a basketball ring. One proud Jigit decided to throw the ball on top of it. Run, jumped high high, straight to the sun, and burned, the negros appeared and ... basketball.

It was a long time ago, when the mountains of Armenia were even higher than now. The cliff stood a naked Ashot, his head was hat. A primitive nude woman approached Ashot. Ashot covered his abdominal hat. The woman first removed one hand of Ashot, then another. Hat continued to cover the bottom of the belly. So let's drink for the power that held the hat!

One king has the only joy of horses. And he bought them an old horse. Once he led the horse's hair and said:
- I will die soon. This is my replacement.
The king agreed, but said:
"Just let's test it first, let him choose the most beautiful hill in herc.
Chose a horse a horse, led him to the king, and he painted himself:
- What is this nooda? He is canowy!
But the old man stood up for his successor.
- Do not be angry, the sovereign, in a horse, he still does not understand, but the horse chose and really the golden - there is no price. So you take this person to serve. He sees the essence.
Let's drink to judge a person not by appearance, but by internal qualities his!

One Georgian tells a friend:
- You see! I had a doctor, and he tells me: "Cannot drink! No smoking! With women it is impossible! "
- Poor! - sympathize with each other.
- Why are I poor? Gave him money ... And I allowed me all!
Let's drink for rich people!

In the ancient Indian treatise "Peach branches" it is said: the needs of the soul give birth to friendship, the needs of the mind - respect, body needs - desire. All three needs give birth to real love
Burn to ensure that we always lived with these needs, and we would love and were loved.

In the distant times in the beautiful country, India lived with Padishah, who had three wives. Padisha also was also an astrologer who predicted his fate. And once calls for Padisch to himself as an asterian and says:
"You lived for a long time, but never predicted anything wrong with me." And so I wanted to reward you. Choose any of my wives.
And it fits stars to the first wife and asks:
- Tell me, woman, how much will it be twice two?
-Tre, "she says.
What an economical wife, - thought star.
The second one answered: -chenetre.
What a smart wife, I thought star.
The third answered him: - Five.
And this is a generous wife, "thought star.
What do you think, what kind of wife did he choose? He chose the most beautiful!
So drink friends, for our beautiful ladies sitting at this table.

Let's drink for what they dated yes 132 years.
And so that in 132 years of the sink.
And NE is simple, but killed.
And the NE is easy to kill, and sause.
And ne simply saused, and from the warming.
And Na is simply from the fairness, but for the work!

East toasts

Vococo in the mountains of Kakheti lived an eagle with Orlitzay and Malnika Orlyata. Once, returning from Hunt Resil Eagle will experience his eagle, I will pronite, as far as she is brave, as she protects Gnather, are erased from others ... He nadel on Samba the skin of the tiger and began to Madly to sees to the gaze ... Orlitsa, seeing sanging to the tiger's sneise Rushed to him. Wah, as she stuck him, beat wings, and rolled his claws !!! And Pavz, let's even get sophisticated at the very bottom of the deepest damage.
So let's drink for the fact that in whatever form the husband did not come home my wife would always recognize him!

Georgian Toast Birthday

Visoko, Visoko in gray caucasian Mountains, Anya George Pass flock of sheep. Vococo in the blue sky paris the eagle. He saw the sheep folded the wings and fell on the biggest ram, grabbed him and flew. Old Georgy took a gun, aimed, shot and got into the eagle. The eagle fell to the bottom of the deepest gorge, and the ram ... flew further.
So we drink for the fact that the eagles never fell, and the rams of nikogod did not fly!

East toasts

One day, an old man lived in the distant mountain aul, and his beautiful daughter had Biel. And he decided he to marry her. Conversion of Djigitov and tells them such a speech: - That of you who will take on this high mountain so that no pebbles fall from under his legs will catch a mountain ram there, bring it to my legs and will dance it so that no drop of blood falls on my white-white bathrobe, so, that of you will become my husband My beauties daughter. And who will not do this, that I am a wage. And now the first jigitis came out. He was a bold, clever, clever, but one little grazing fell from under his foot - and his old man sieves was saused. Then the second jigit came out, and he was also a brave, dexterous, smart, beautiful. He brought a mountain ram to the legs of the old man's father and began to revel to him, Baran, in the sense, her throat with his sharp dagger. But one small drop of blood fell on a snow-white robe. Old man's father - and the second jigit fell, slaughtered, next to the first. And then the third jigite came out, and he was the most proud, brave, dexterous and beautiful. He brought a ram to the legs of the old man father, surgically raisled him, Baran, throat without a single drop of blood and joyfully looked at the old man's father. But his gosh was the old man's father. Beauty daughter screamed in horror: - Early, Athz! After all, the third jigit did everything as you told! Why did you kill him? And the old man said to her: - for the company! So let's drink for a good and warm company!

Caucasian toasts

Floored on the ship the merchant and scientist. The merchant was rich and drove with him a lot of goods. Suddenly the storm rose, and the ship failed. Only a merchant and a scientist saved. She sees a merchant that the scientist is sitting, having hurt, and tells him:
- What to be sad? I lost my whole wealth, and everything with you.
- So let's drink for wealth, which can not be lost.

Georgian and Caucasian toasts

Two roses of a long burs in the desert and, exhausted from the heat, finally got to the oasis with shady cool and silver stream.
- Oh, stream! Let us get drunk! - whispered roses.
"Well," said the stream. - That of you, which will allow me to enjoy her body, will swim in my waters, how much will it want!
The first rosette rejected the suggestion of the stream and dried under the scorching rays of the sun. And the second rose did not feel fate and gave himself as a stream. She got blossomed and became more beautiful ...
So drink for those who drink, gives and blooms!

Caucasian toasts

He lived in the light of Sultan and he had a gaire that was 100 kilometers from him. And he had a servant of which Sultan sent every day for a girl. A servant Umepex at 30 and Sultan in 90. So let's drink so that we are not running for women and they are for us.
Since not women kill men and running behind them.

East toasts

In the driving school in Georgia, the driver's license applicant survives the exam. The inspector explains the road situation:
- You go to the car along a narrow road. Left - Lossy-Temie Mountains. On the right - the curtabolic abrupt. Suddenly on the road - KPSII Daevushka. And next to it is a staring-pigere old old woman. Who to press Budweice?
- Of course, old woman!
- Fool! .. Brake to put pressure!
So let's drink to hard situation We did not forget to click on the brake!

Eastern toasts

The goat stood on the mountain. Eagle flew across the sky, saw a goat, grabbed him and flew further. A hunter stood on Earth, saw an eagle and fired. The eagle fell on the grass, and the goat flew on!
So let's drink for the fact that the eagles do not kill, and the goats did not fly.

East toasts

Older east wisdom Noticed: "One father is more pleasant to feed a dozen kids than the top ten to feed one father."
So let's raise the glasses for our children would never have to feed us!

Toasts in oriental style

In ancient times in the ocean, a vintage frigate crashed. Only one person could be saved - he grabbed the floating long plate and remained on the surface of the water. In half an hour, it is unknown from where the second victim snatched and grabbed over the other end of this smell. The first began to cry.
The second asked:
- Why are you crying?
The first said:
-Iw! Such a guest and treat nothing!
So let's drink for expensive owners who will always find than treat even uninvited guests.

Wedding Georgian toasts

Georgian in the winter was in Siberia. All frozen, it stands at the bus stop and draws:
- Your mother, damn Sybir! Two fur coats put on, and flock, like in shorts !!! ..
You had such a hot appointment that my edges would come to scold me: "Your mother, damn Si-River! I'm sitting in a T-shirt and shorts, and as if two fur coats put on! .." Thank you for your warmth and hospitality!

Wedding Georgian toasts

It was a long time ago, when the mountains of Armenia were even higher than now. Standing a naked Ashot of the cliff, his head was hat. A primitive nude woman approached Ashot. Ashot covered his abdominal hat. The woman first removed one hand of Ashot, then the other. Hat continued to cover the bottom of the belly. Let's drink for the power that held the hat!

- What are you sitting for? - asked Lord.
Nineteen of the twenty immediately swore that they were convinced, solely on a judicial mistake. And only the twentieth admitted that he was sitting for theft.
- Immediately release him to freedom, - ordered the Lord, - he can have a bad influence on all other honest people who are here.
So let's drink for people whose honesty helps them be free!

The origin of the English word "toast" - in the sense of "drink toast to someone" - has several explanations. According to most sources, the drinking "toast" is actually associated with roasted bread, aka toast. Other sources claim that this word comes from the 18th century English custom covering a glass of hot spicy wine a piece of toast when he passed by the table. Everyone raised a toast, made a sip of wine, said a few words and missed the glass. When the glass reached the point that the man was "fried", the laureate ate toast.

Selected toasts and good wishes in German and English

Irish, seems to be a generous and universal source of toasts and good wishes. Constantly enjoy life! You are more dead than alive! Can you live up to one hundred years, another year to repent. First we take care of the business, and then drink and laugh! When someone drank, one knows what is real.

Beautiful oriental toast

Sneezed somehow respectable georgian PrinceAnd the servant and says hastily: - a thousand years of health! - Ksyz! - shouted lord. - Why do you want me impossible? - then live one hundred and twenty years. - Ksyz! - again the prince became angry. - Then at least a hundred! - I did not please again! - Eighty? - All wrong! A servant came out of patience and says: - Yes, if my will, so now I am a meat! I suggest raise the glasses for us to live as much as you wish yourself!

Life is beautiful, you just need to see it through glasses. Let the road rises to you. Let the wind always be on your back. Let the sun shines on your face. And rains fall on your fields. And while we do not meet again, let God keep you in the emptiness of his hands. You know that you become older when candles are more expensive than cake! With age, it is the same as with wine: it should be good year! A man sits along with a grauuen ring. One sees with a shock around people aging and dumb. Everyone listens to music in different ways - but the dancing together wonderful.

Wise East Toast.

The people of Caucasus are very friendly and strong. Mutual and dedication, patriotism and loyalty - indispensable components for which they learn this nationality. I propose a toast: let us and we will also strongly like given people And nothing will shift us from the way!

Short oriental toast

Let's start with a popular entry toast in the east: "God, you give us our good."

Marriage is the most important journey that man can open. Each of us sees part of the world; Together we all see. Over time, you do not need to save money, even leaving abroad. You do not need to worry about time, you can not go on a journey. Macher said during an interview: "I need to get to Nebraska anymore."

Sasse replied: Welcome. We would like you to work with us on the fields. And then Marere hit Sasse with unthinkable: work in the fields? The way this term is so casually rolls back from the Maher's language, indicates anxious acquaintance with this phrase. Just calling it "joke", like a mahers after a few seconds through the moaning audience, does not frees it.

Eastern Toast in verse

What is the difference between the truth and lies? - asked the sage.
"Yes, such as between ears and eyes," he replied.
- What we see with your own eyes is truly, and the fact that hearing ears is not always truthful.
Let's drink to see yes see.

Eastern toast in prose

Let's drink for the wisdom of Caucasian people, for the beauty of Caucasian women, for the power of Caucasian men, for the love of old men and children. This glorious people have long ago, but will exist even longer, because time is strong, and life is bold!

Cool oriental toast

Such a thing, as a need, is our sixth feeling capable of eclipping all the others. For ensuring that we always quite satisfy only five other feelings!

Funny oriental toast

Caucasians have a legend. When a baby appears in the family, then 100 devices appear in the additive. When it marks a year, one angel is born, and the devils becomes one less. And so every next year: the number of angels increases, and the devil decreases. Lift wine glasses for all that we all have lived to the fact that the devils will not remain!

But let's take the truth in the eye: this will not happen. Many liberals, no matter how indignant, would prefer to continue to watch the games of the thrones than send a message about the Maer. A more likely explanation is that the American liberal elite, especially older generation, I decided that the mahers was too important for the so-called "resistance" to expel it.

This nation continues to fight racial problems. Inquiry in income and inequality in the level of education give rise to Afro-American communities throughout the territory of the United States. The inability to punish the magical stupidity of Maher - this is a failure, an excellent opportunity to send a message about racial tolerance, unfortunately, sacrificed in the name of funny liberal extremism. Obviously, this post gives common differences, but they may vary depending on the region of each country, as well as the origin of the involved people.

Eastern toast in your own words

In the Caucasus there is such a proverb: "Only in the heart born, the word, the path finds to the heart of the other." So let's drink for all our words, have been heard and carried in ourselves only good intent!

One Oriental Sage, who lived in ancient times, Ozrok: "In love, everyone knows, because each other is loved. In the friendship of each other they love, because they know. "
So let's drink someone who knows each other so well - for us!

The first difference is that someone wishes "Happy Birthday", based on the difference in language. Another German expression is the Herzliken glucuvunds zoom GBURTSTAG. The word "congratulations" is used, because basically you say someone's "Congratulations that you have done another year against an alternative."

But honestly, I still have to hear it here, on german language. There is a saying in German, which sounds like this: "Dulle Den Tag Niht Thief Dem Aband Loben", which is translated as "Do not praise the day before the evening." It hints at Germany's habit not to be too confident in something before it happens, or, in other words, if you wish someone have a good day Birth early, it may mean that something will happen so that they do not get to their birthday.

A certain king was curves. With him there was a skillful painter.
Monarch for some reason unbelieved him and looking for a reason to find fault.
- Write my portrait, but so that he was exactly in-point looks like me, - he ordered the artist once.
"So my end came," the artist thought crushed. - If I paint his curves, he execute me. If you depict it in moant, say:
"Unlike!", - And also cut off the head. "
Acute situation gives rise to resourcefulness. The painter drew a deer, and next king with a gun in his hands, one eye, blind, covered, as if the king was aiming. In this form and raised the portrait of the lord.
He could not fall over to the painter, and his life was saved.
This toast is for talented and resourceful.

As an American, this tradition seems to me a little cold. In Germany at dawn, a family member will lit candles, and they will be covered all day instead of "expel them." For children, instead of placing candles on a cake, they are placed in a "birth wreath", which is a round wreath of wood with a candle placed on it for every year, with a large center for good luck.

Georgian Toast Birthday

It is used until the 12th day of birth.

The fifth difference is that you live in Northern Germany and one in your 30th birthday, then you must perform several duties. If you are a woman, your friends will want you to cleanse several door handles for them, with a toothbrush. If you are a man, then you most likely raise the stairs to the town hall or some other busy public placeAnd your friends will throw stones or leaves on the steps so that you can work. To get rid of these tasks, you need to get a kiss from the opposite sex.

In the distant times in the beautiful country, India lived with Padishah, who had three wives. Padisha also was also an astrologer who predicted his fate. And once calls for Padisch to himself as an asterian and says:
"You lived for a long time, but never predicted anything wrong with me." And so I wanted to reward you. Choose any of my wives.
And it fits stars to the first wife and asks:
- Tell me, a woman will be twice two?
-Tre, "she says.
What an economical wife, - thought star.
The second one answered: -chenetre.
What a smart wife, I thought star.
The third answered him: - Five.
And this is a generous wife, "thought star.
What do you think, what kind of wife did he choose? He chose the most beautiful!
So let's drink friends, for our beautiful ladies sitting at this table!

Oriental Vladyka once visited the prison in which the twenty-arrested punishment was served.
- What are you sitting for? - asked Lord.
Nineteen of the twenty immediately swore that they were convinced, solely on a judicial mistake. And only the twentieth admitted that he was sitting for theft.
- Immediately release him to freedom, - ordered the Lord, - he can have a bad influence on all other honest people who are here.
So let's drink for people whose honesty helps them be free!

Two disputes came to the sage with a request to judge them. He carefully listened to the plaintiff first and, when he finished talking, told him: "Yes, you're right! "
Then the defendant began to justify. Sage and he was very carefully listened. And then said: "You are absolutely right! "
The wisdom's wife intervened here. "How can it be that both debuggers be right?" She asked her husband quietly. The sage was deeply silent, thought and told her: "You know what, you are also right! "
This toast is for those who are always right!

In the same mining Georgian valley, a person was driven for offense for 3 days. We drove into the mountains and without clothes. I went to the mountains, but the bonfire could not register he, because he was not on his matches ...
Here the spark flew on the first day .. He caught her, the bonfire, he walked and warmed up ...
On the second and third day, the sparks were also attached and was the same.
Here a man returned from the mountains, and there he is told:
On the first day your friend is burned all your food to warm you ..
On the second day he burned his home to warm you ...
On the third day he burned himself to warm up ...
So let's drink friends

One monarch ordered her minister of food:
- Get me a kushany, whose sweeter is not in the world!
The minister went to the bazaar and bought a language.
The Lord has been delighted with a skillful cooked dish.
And in a day or another, a new disposal came from him:
- Get me there such a kushan, which is not the most in the world.
The minister again went to the bazaar and again bought a tongue.
- I demanded bitter, you again brought the language. How so?
And the minister explained:
- The sovereign, there is nothing more pleasant in the world and there is nothing hustling bad words. It all depends on the language ...
My toast is to skillfully dispose of your tongue.

What is the difference between the truth and lies? - asked the sage.
"Yes, such as between ears and eyes," he replied.
- What we see with your own eyes is truly, and the fact that hearing ears is not always truthful.
Let's drink to see yes see.

The young man comes to the river, spreads one bush, another, the third and so twenty bushes ... And there for the last, there is a beautiful woman and is waiting for him. He removed one dress, the second ...
So drink for our prospects !!!

One day, Surena asked: - By what zodiac sign were you born? - Under the sign of the old goat, - Suren replied. - Listen, but there is no such sign in astronomical tables. Suren replied: - When I was a child, my mother defined my fate on the stars and she was told - Capricorn. - Yes, but this word does not mean a goat, but a goat. "Oh, you, foolish," said Suren. - I myself know it, but since I was determined by the stars my fate, I passed exactly a hundred years. And During this time, the goat did not turn into a goat? So let's drink for olders.

A certain prince invited a musician to him to entertain him. He became a musician play.
- Eh, be blessed your hand! - His prince praised. - I give you a silver azarem. Thanked His musician and sat down to play further.
- I will not regret your horse for you! - Diar to the prince.
A musician is still trying yet.
"I regret the cow," the owner cleared.
The next day the musician is behind the promised gifts.
- What azarpem, what horse? - replied the prince's prince. "You made me a pleasant game yesterday, and I'll be your promises." The same thing that remains today from your game, you have left from my gifts.
Fill the glasses and drink for us to always be able to keep your word under any circumstances.

In the ancient Indian treatise it is said: "The needs of the soul give birth to friendship, the needs of the mind - respect, body needs - desire. All three needs give birth to true love. "
Let's drink for ensuring that we always lived these needs, and we would love and were loved!

Three hunters learned that a wolf is hidden near the village. They decided to catch him and kill. About how they were caught, there are many different senses in the people. I remember such a story since childhood:
Wolf, fleeing from hunters, climbed into the cave. The entrance to it was only one, and he is very narrow - the head will break, and there is no shoulders. The hunters were attached behind the stone, their rifles aimed at the entrance and began to wait, when the wolf gets out of the cave. But the wolf was, as can be seen, not a fool - he calmly slept. So, he had to lose one who was the first to get tired of sitting and waiting.
One hunter is tired. He decided to somehow squeeze into the cave and expel the wolf from there. He walked over to the hole and glanced in her head. The hunters watched his companion for a long time and wondered why he was not trying to crawl forward or at least pull out his head back.
Finally, they are also tired of waiting. They stirred the hunter and made sure that he had no head.
Began to guess: did the hunter have a head before he climbed into the cave? One says that it was as if it was, the other - that as if there were no. Headful torso brought to Aul, told - about what happened. One old man said: Judging by the fact that the hunter got into the cave to wolf, he had no head for a long time, maybe from birth. They went to figure out the hunter's widowed wife.
- How do I know if my husband had a head? I only remember that every year I ordered a new dad.
So we drink for the fact that the men did not lose their head under no circumstances!

Highly, high in the mountains stood a basketball ring. One proud Jigit decided to throw the ball on top of it. Run, jumped high high, straight to the sun, and burned, the negros appeared and ... basketball.

It was a long time ago, when the mountains of Armenia were even higher than now. The cliff stood a naked Ashot, his head was hat. A primitive nude woman approached Ashot. Ashot covered his abdominal hat. The woman first removed one hand of Ashot, then another. Hat continued to cover the bottom of the belly. So let's drink for the power that held the hat!

One king has the only joy of horses. And he bought them an old horse. Once he led the horse's hair and said:
- I will die soon. This is my replacement.
The king agreed, but said:
"Just let's test it first, let him choose the most beautiful hill in herc.
Chose a horse a horse, led him to the king, and he painted himself:
- What is this nooda? He is canowy!
But the old man stood up for his successor.
- Do not be angry, the sovereign, in a horse, he still does not understand, but the horse chose and really the golden - there is no price. So you take this person to serve. He sees the essence.
Let's drink to judge a person not by appearance, but on the internal qualities of it!

One Georgian tells a friend:
- You see! I had a doctor, and he tells me: "Cannot drink! No smoking! With women it is impossible! "
- Poor! - sympathize with each other.
- Why are I poor? Gave him money ... And I allowed me all!
Let's drink for rich people!

In the ancient Indian treatise "Peach branches" it is said: the needs of the soul give birth to friendship, the needs of the mind - respect, body needs - desire. All three needs give birth to real love
Burn to ensure that we always lived with these needs, and we would love and were loved.

High in the mountains, where the sky is such a transparent, which even in the day you can see the stars, and the air is so clean that it can be drunk as a divine ambrosia, one young young man lived. He lived in the Far Mountain Ayule and never went down to the valley. He was silent, mighty and fabulously healthy. In his hands, metal horseshoes were bent as the mild clay, and on the shoulders, the largest ram from Otara his father was free. But it's time for the young man to get an education and he went to big world. Through a short time, the parents came to Aul letter that the young man became very sick. So let's drink immunity, because in our world so much infection, that in order to survive in it - it needs to be born and live!

Let's drink for real jigs that, even despite the fact that you know that sex with a woman is not foreseen, never refuse beautiful girl In help and protection. Because they know that there is still a hope of the world, the theory of probability and the theory of relativity. Not lucky this time, lucky in another! Long live mathematics and wisest Einstein!

Highly high in the mountains there were lambs, and most of all in the world he wanted to rush into the sky and see all the beauty of mountain nature from a bird's eye view. All friends and relatives told him that it was not possible and this is a crazy idea, "it's better to pinch the grass and walk from place to place, the larger ram is not capable of" - he heard from everyone around. But one day, looking at the sky lambs behind the herd and he grabbed him and raised the eagle into the air. Barashek was delighted and began to consider around. At that moment, the eagle squeezed the clawed fingers on his paws and broke the lamb ridge, which he died. And I want to drink for the fact that our desires would not make us risk to all that we have.

Caucasian wish health
So that friendship was strong
To respember you
Valid, loved family!

For your success and good luck,
Today I will drink to the bottom,
And I wish you in addition
Live all the years!

The old sage once said weighty words: "In the life of every person there are always two ways. And if you doubt what you go - stop and do not go not one. " Let's drink for our understanding of the moment when you need to stop!

One wise Aksakal told me a story. One man, completely exhausted life heavy decided to hang. When it came to the point that you need to drink a head in a loop, he suddenly remembered that a bottle of vodka remained in the refrigerator. I decided to finally, so to speak, drink a glass. He drank, and returned to the previous place, and suddenly it was painted that life was improved. The essence is as follows: Remember, even when it's very bad, soon life get better!

Somewhere far in the mountains, where the rays of the sun, with difficulty, can give caressing mountain peaks ... There, in a small village, a wonderful tribe of the mountaineers lived. Each his representative was beautiful, smart and ideal. But, alas. No one in the world could admire this fact. After all, not one soul about him, just did not know. So we will make sure that our advantages always find appropriate attention and could be appreciated by others.

One very strong and proud jigit, was so much proud that I never took help from anyone. And once he walked home late, stumbled. fell and broke his leg. He could not climb and walk to the house, and because of his pride, I did not want to call anyone for help. And so exhausted that at night a frozen and died. So let's drink for what we were proud, but always understood that there are situations with which without a friendly help could not cope. For friendship my dear.

Highly - high in the mountains, among magnificent snow vertices, dwells the freshest and free wind. He was fast as a lightning strike, strong as the ninth shaft and dared as a young man in love! But one day, he decided to take a look at the world outside the mountain peaks and descended into the valley. And he saw a wonderful thing created by human hands - it was a windmill. I decided to see the wrong wind closer to see the incomprehensible thing, and it was confused in the blades, which was never able to get out. And from the same time he turns the mill wings and does not know more than another life. So let's drink for the fact that you never deprive us of freedom!

Once, one Vladyka of the distant countries, changed clothes to Proshchin and went down to Aul, see how they live local residentsYes, and to choose my wife. I liked three girls. He invited them to the palace, saying that Vladyka is looking for the one with which the throne will be divided. Two girls came at the appointed time, smashed into the most expensive decorations, and the third did not appear. The next day, he again went down to Aul, found out where the girl lives and came home to her. The girl lived in the poorest house and in a huge family. The king asked why she did not come to his palace, why didn't he want to become his wife, become rich? The girl replied that the family, love, honor and happiness, it is impossible to buy for any money of the world. So, let's drink friends for the fact that families are in order to love us not for our earnings, but for our soul, so that happiness was in every home, and so that no one doubted our honor!

Men anniversary scenario written on the motives beloved by many "White Sun Desert", it is filled eastern flavor and music. Honoring a jubileery is happening with oriental scope: with the arrival of star and fortune, with a harem and oriental dancers .

The organization of the holiday on the scenario "East is a delicate matter!" It will require some training and costs for the design of this thematic holiday, but, but, accurately, give pleasure to the perpetrator of the celebration and will remember all guests. (Thanks to the author of the ideas of Vernets)

The introductory part of the scenario of the anniversary "East is a delicate matter"

(The decoration of the hall or room must be kept in oriental style, for example, big number Different drapets, pillows stylized under the eastern lights, flavored sticks, three-tiered vases with fruit and halva, hookahs, etc.)

You should also prepare a poster titled "Harem Sultan ...". on which the photo of the birthday couple will be posted different periods time.

Song of Ukpeika "Petruha" - comes out lead

Leading: good evening, dear guests! We are glad to see you at today's celebration, which I would like to start with such words:

Abode of antiquity and secrets,
Great wisdom sip!
Your puzzles are endless!
Calling us Khan East!

Yes, yes, you did not hear! Today, thanks to our jubilee, we will be able to visit the wonderful rest of the Eastern Khan, to breathe the fragrance of eastern bazaars, where spices and wonderful fruits reign, for us, sultry beauty will be launched, and Baghdad star and wise men will predict happiness on long years Life. Here we have today is scheduled for a route.

And let's start our journey from the old, like the east, and wise, like a snake,:

"Once a son was born from Wise Shaha, and the most powerful wizard brought the newborn to the gift three sentences. The first of them is health, because healthy person All on the shoulder, and the patient will not help all the treasures of the world. The second offering is intuition, which becomes the right companion and the adviser of any person. And the third is a short memory for the resentment, after all, the casual offense and anger are able to poison the life of any sensible person. So we wish our jubilee of health, excellent intuition and oblivion of the offense! "

(Small pause.)

Congratulatory part of the anniversary scenario:

1. Original gifts On the anniversary "Gifts of the East"

Leading: And now it's time for gifts! What the wise eastern East used for the birthday girl this time (The assistant leading on the tray makes a first gift covered with a silk handkerchief with brushes).

The first gift is a three-year toad holding a gold coin in his mouth. Let you do not confuse the animal so unpopular in our latitudes, because in the east toad is a symbol of prosperity and prosperity. Received this present in the current year will be a wealthy person whose most cepete dreams Start come true since the presentation of the gift. But there is a condition - the monetary toad loves to sit back to the doors, as if she just injected into your home. Here is such a clay! (on a tray beautifully endure a second gift)

And here is the second gift! it money Treewhich will certainly be able to become a guarantor of wealth in the house of the birthday room. This is what they are told in the East: a monetary tree has grown. Long she climbed him and watered, all his life! And finally, I saw the fruits of my works. The woman was very happy and so shake wonderful branches. The coins fell on the ground, but the poor woman was waiting for his fruits for so long, which could not stop in time. So buried the coins of a woman under her weight. Moral: Do not get carried away, and feeling measures will definitely give their fruits ! (end the third gift)

Take, Jubilee, and your third gift! This is a vase, full of oranges and tangerines. Think, we decided to make more vitamins in your diet. And it is too! But in the ancient East, these solar fruits personify themselves long life - Light, like the morning sky and warm, like the rising sunshine!

Leading: Somehow, making a journey through a caravan-shed, I heard the words hit me, which, as it should be better, are suitable for the time: only the tree has excellent foliage and wonderful fruits, which are strong and branched roots. Of course, these poetic phrases relate to the birthday parents, since our parents become the root system that they are able to provide us with reliable grip with land and become a reliable support in any situation! The word is provided to the parents of the jubilee!

Congratulation of the parents of the Jubilee (Guests, of course, drink and bite).

Song sounds " Oriental fairy tales"Group" Brilliant "

Leading: How do you all know perfectly, the East is a delicate matter. Who is the most subtle and east and mysterious personality? Of course, magicians and soothsters! Do you want to meet with one of them?

(Under the eastern motive in the hall included a master's assistant, disguised in the bark. On his head, His Chalma, in his hands - a book in leather or velvet binding, a bag of coffee beans is attached to the belt).

Meet - Hassan-Abdurahman Ibn Arab!

2. Costume number for the jubilee "Congratulations of Star"

Leading: For goodbye, I will reveal the secret to you - for this evening you all, dear guests, are immachaced, because in the east they say: the time spent with friends in age is not counted. I propose a toast for you, dear guests, for you today, not knowing it, extended the life of yourself and our jubilee!

(Dance program.)