Music directors. Essay by S.V. Ryabova, music director

Music directors.  Essay by S.V. Ryabova, music director
Music directors. Essay by S.V. Ryabova, music director


In kindergarten I have been working as a music director for over 35 years. Of course, I already have enough experience, but I continue to study, try to learn and keep up with important events in the field of preschool education.

Why did I become a music director? The reasons for choosing this profession are the example of my mother, who worked with preschoolers all her life. I love being with children, watching them develop, grow, become more skillful, knowledgeable and confident. Work brings me satisfaction and joy. Why? Because it is very joyful and pleasant to meet grown-up pupils and to hear that the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in kindergarten made their life more interesting and fuller.

At work, there is a daily self-education in communication with colleagues, with children. Every day I plan and implement something. Everything in our life runs, and sometimes I can't keep up with her. In my work, I want to give as much musical and performing experience as possible to children. And in his free time I love to grow flowers. I have a lot of them both at home and in the country.

Musically - didactic game for children to identify musical genres


I AM - music director... How many new abilities this profession has revealed in me! My work is unique in that it combines different professions: musician and artist, screenwriter and director, costume designer and actor, make-up artist and sound engineer. The music director is in charge of the design music hall, writes scripts, spends numerous holidays.

I have been working in my own kindergarten relatively recently - I was lucky to get here right after graduating from a music college. But already during these short 3 years I managed to fall in love with my wonderful, incredibly kind and talented colleagues and, of course, children. Children are a powerful life engine for me, they make me discover and learn new things, stimulate me to get better, charge their great mood and immediacy.

My, albeit small, experience allows me to conclude that working with children, of course, presupposes the creativity of the teacher himself, without which it is impossible to imagine and creative development children. Consequently, the musical and creative development of children, the atmosphere of joy in kindergarten, largely depends on how professionally literate and talented you are.

Every day, getting ready for work, you involuntarily ask yourself questions: What awaits me today? How will the kids meet and appreciate me? How will the learning of the new dance with the older students go? This mystery allows me to make my every day different. My working days are not at all routine, but an everyday holiday in which two great miracles are combined - children and music.

I really love our Kindergarten and I am proud of my profession. She is honored for leaving good feeling, allows children and society to feel their usefulness. Only the teacher receives the world's largest award - a child's smile and a child's laughter.

Information and advisory material


for parents

The influence of music on the psyche of a child

Music heals

We train auditory attention

Memo for parents

Consultations for teachers

Fun games for toddlers

Interaction between educator and music director

Musical education children with disabilities speech development

Pedagogical technologies for listening to music

Game programs for kids

Sounds of musical instruments for children


Music game- Apple tree


Musical and didactic game for preschoolers - What they do in the house


Musical and didactic game for preschoolers - Musical animals


Russian folk instruments

Sounds of musical instruments for children

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Musical game - Yablonka

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Musical and didactic game for preschoolers - What they do in the house

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Musical and didactic game for preschoolers - Musical animals

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I am a musician! And I'm proud of it!

My profession is a music director. It sounds dry, soulless, monotonous. Dig deeper, however, and you will find out that there is truth in these two words. "Musical" - beautiful, sensual, affectionate, playful. "Leader" - giving a hand to the ignorant, fearful, and leading to the new, unknown, beautiful. We give light. We teach to love, understand, empathize, feel. Thus, we musicians create harmonious personality, which in the future will always find a way out of any situation with dignity and honor. We inspire, give the opportunity to fly over the world and see all the beauty of the universe. Not literally, of course. We are guided by music ...

Once upon a time, 30 years ago, my mother brought me to music school... I didn't know what it was. I only knew that I would be taught music. It was a new world for me. A world of miracles, magic, fabulous transformations. I learned to feel the universe around me ... not just see, touch, but also feel inside myself, passing through my heart and soul. I learned to merge with music. Having matured a little, I realized that music is an opportunity to analyze some situations from the point of view of the beautiful, the unique.

Years passed, and fate brought me to the walls of the school, for 10 years I worked as a music teacher, and after the birth of a child I ended up in kindergarten No. 199. And life acquired new meaning! Started new stage... The stage of becoming me as a magician, giving children a fairy tale. On the very first day, seeing the enthusiastic eyes of the kids, I realized that I had no right to deceive the hopes of these devoted creatures, who fully believe in an adult. I have to give them what they expect from me. Namely: magic, fairy tale, love, faith, hope ...

And I began to learn, together with the kids, to understand music in a new way, through the eyes and heart of a child. Sincerely, no deception. And, you know, I think the kids teach me a lot to this day. The musical director is directly responsible for the "construction" of the soul of a little man, his little inner peace... We make it richer, brighter, richer. What a joy it is to see the enthusiastic eyes of a child when he begins to understand the language of music, gets acquainted with new concepts such as "genre", "timbre", "rhythm". And all this, of course, through a fairy tale, a game.

It is a great happiness for a teacher to see the happy faces of children, their sincere, genuine joy when they make a discovery for themselves. This is the main principle of my work. After all, having made the discovery himself, the child is very proud of himself, of his achievement. Thus, in my opinion, a self-confident person develops. "I am myself!" is a step towards full developed person both physically and mentally.

Tatiana Zolnikova
Essay "I Am a Music Director!"


"Musical education -

this is not a musician's upbringing,

and above all - the upbringing of a person "

V. Sukhomlinsky

Peace, surrounding a person- this is the natural world with an endless richness of phenomena, with inexhaustible beauty. My main purpose is to convey this beauty to every baby so that he can see, understand and feel all the charm of this wonderful world... Music is the main tool in the education of morality and aesthetics. Education with beauty ennobles souls, refines the feelings of a child so much that he becomes receptive to the word, painting, music. Sometimes this does not happen right away, but you have to wait, believe in the child, and then he will definitely fall in love with the beautiful. I, like a kind sorceress, open the door to the mysterious and mysterious world music, captivating the imagination of children with new dazzling colors.

“Music is like rain, drop by drop

seeps into the heart and revives it "

What a joy it is to see the enthusiastic eyes of children when, for the first time in their life, they begin to understand the language of music, its speech, intonation ... Soon concepts: timbre, rhythm, form, genre ... they become close and simple for them, which means that every child gradually becomes an educated, intellectually developed and cultured person.

Working in a kindergarten for 19 years, I increasingly became convinced that I made the right professional choice. The difficulties that were encountered on the way, only tempered the character, taught to be strong and purposeful. I love my job, I love my students. The attentive glances of the kids, their genuine interest in everything that I say and do, cannot leave me indifferent. Yes, children are our future!

“... Everything that we pawn, everything will return to us,

sowing good, we will reap good.

Let the heart smile with joy again

having met a spring from his spring ”.

Desire to become musical the head appeared in preschool childhood. In the city of Nefteyugansk, in one of the kindergartens where I was brought up, a wonderful teacher - a musician worked. Unfortunately, I do not remember her name, but I forever remembered the sparkle in her eyes, a friendly smile, kind heart and great love to children. Probably, then for me it was an Idol! Yes Yes! After all, I wanted to become as beautiful, musical, kind as my first music teacher. I visited music lessons and on prom I told my mother that I would certainly go to study at a music school. In drawing lessons on the topic "Who do you want to become?" I always depicted a piano, a pianist sitting behind it and rows of chairs with babies. This is how I painted myself in the future! And now it happened! Behind long years teaching music and pedagogy. And here I am in kindergarten.

Preschoolers are the most sincere students, my little friends. They are without pretense, truthfully express their desires, show interest, love to sing, wait for new meetings with music, they are waiting for me! Knowing that my favorite activity is play, I turn any task or exercise, even learning a difficult dance or song, into a game. And then this difficult task it becomes not so difficult. I see how guys "Grow" before my eyes, accumulate knowledge and experience, show Creative skills... Creativity is what distinguishes my profession from any other in kindergarten. And if this is the creativity of children and adults, then this is already a joint result. And when you see these results at the holidays, it becomes touching to tears. Every time we say goodbye to graduates in May, tears involuntarily come up - after all, we see the children off to another life, because we put the basics in the kids, teach them to see the beauty around them and be kind to people. Yes, music certainly awakens the senses. The most powerful and necessary of them, perhaps, is love for native land... My the main task as a teacher - to form respect for the traditions, culture of their people, to develop national identity, teach to understand the role of the family, their place in it.

The upbringing of worthy citizens, true patriots of their country is another of those important tasks that I have identified for myself. I really hope that the holidays, concerts, theme nights dedicated to Mother's Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, Victory Day help me with this.

It is my responsibility to be able to separate the main from the secondary, the good from the bad, the beautiful from the ugly, and teach this to the guys. Modern music is an integral part of our Everyday life... And I have to keep up with the times. Music is usually close and understandable to children, but you have to approach with extreme caution in the selection of modern musical works or songs.

Musician, screenwriter, artist, stage director, decorator, and of course a teacher - this is how I would define my unique profession. I am musical supervisor! To give joy to children is my mission. Music is mine chief assistant... Together we lead the little ones up the steps of life, climbing higher and higher.

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Music inspires the whole world, provides the soul with wings, promotes the flight of imagination;

music gives life and fun to everything that exists.

It can be called the embodiment of all that is beautiful and all that is sublime.

I am working music director... What does it mean musical director in kindergarten? How many new abilities this profession has revealed in me! Speciality music director is unique in that that it combines different profession: musician and artist, screenwriter and director, costume designer and actor, make-up artist and sound engineer. He designs music hall, writes scripts, spends numerous holidays. And how many types of activities need to be mastered in the process musical and overall development children: this hearing music, singing, musically- rhythmic activity, theatricalization, playing on musical instruments ... My many years of experience allows me to conclude that working with children in all these types of activities, of course, presupposes the creativity of the teacher himself, without which it is impossible to imagine the creative development of children. In a word, on how interesting, professionally - literate, talented you are, it largely depends musical and the creative development of children, an atmosphere of joy in kindergarten.

Every day spent with the children encourages me to search for new ideas, stimulates me to improve my skill level in order to further enjoy the result of my achievements and rejoice in the success of the pupils.

Every day, getting ready for work, you involuntarily ask yourself questions: What awaits me today? How will the kids meet and appreciate me? How will the learning of the new dance with the older students go? Will the rehearsal go well? musical a performance with the participation of senior pupils and teachers? I get answers to all these questions already in the course of work or at the end of the working day. Sometimes, it is not possible to find answers to the questions that have arisen on my own, then I resort to the help of colleagues, look for answers in the literature, thereby increasing my self-education, which is an indispensable condition for the professional growth of any teacher.

V modern system education, advanced training of each teacher, mastering the latest pedagogical technologies and techniques, is an important stage throughout his entire activity. Educator with capital letter, can only be called a person who constantly learns and improves his professional level. The music director learns all his life developing and improving their professional experience and generously sharing it with colleagues, like-minded people, and parents.

Reflecting on my profession, I came to the conclusion that I stand at the origins of the birth of a child's personality. It depends on me if it helps music develop best qualities his personality: emotional sensitivity, the ability to feel the harmony of the world around, kindness, receptivity to beauty. The first meetings with the kids, when they first came to kindergarten, will remain in the memory for a long time. During this difficult period of adaptation, it is necessary for the child to plan musical activity in such a way that, forgetting grief and separation from people close to him, he could plunge into an atmosphere of joy, delight. In our modern age computerization, innovation, improvement of programs and requirements for them, completely different come to kindergarten toddlers: modern, developed, active, but there is something that unites children of past years and modern babies - this is the desire to feel love, care, affection from an adult who is this moment replaces his mom! And I carry this feeling throughout the many years of my work.

In constant search of new discoveries for themselves and their pupils in a magical wonderful world music, time flies unnoticed. You look, and your kids are already grown up and ready "Stand on the wing"... At the prom, I feel the joy that children have matured, pride, for the fact that music became a part of their life, sadness, because parting is always sad, and even more so if you part with the fidgets you love. But to a greater extent, I feel satisfaction from my profession.

I am convinced that the profession music director the best in the world! The music director is a person which instills hope and confidence in the child's soul own forces, helps girls and boys to succeed in the future. What a blessing to realize that in my profession two greatest miracles are combined, in my opinion, - Children and Music!


"I am a teacher!"

music director

MBDOU kindergarten No. 1g. Yartseva

Smolensk region Leiman E.N.


Every person wants to be happy. I'm not an exception. The world of people is diverse, everyone has their own concept of happiness, but no one will deny that it is very important to do right choice profession. It is your favorite work that helps in many ways to find happiness. Each person sooner or later faces a choice: who to be? But how can you guess at a young age what your vocation is ...

I am a teacher! Thoughts and reasoning about the correctness of my chosen profession came over the years. Looking back and looking into the future, I ask myself, what influenced this choice? And I involuntarily suddenly understand that there is no exact answer. No matter how trite it sounds, the profession chose me. And all reflections end with one simple conclusion: this is my destiny! Am I happy with this fate? ..

Having started your professional way, I was surprised to find that in me two different creatures are fighting under the code name “pessimist-philistine” and “optimist-teacher”. The “pessimist-man in the street” whispered: “What kind of profession is this, incomes are small, dubious career opportunities, constant headache from childish noise and endless questions, etc.”. The “optimist-teacher” answered with dignity: “Not every rich man is happy, true wealth cannot be measured by the thickness of a wallet, life will prove it to you. And you will grow constantly, because a teacher is a profession for unique people, in it you can realize yourself as a person and repeatedly live the most fabulous andhappy time - childhood. " This controversy went on for quite a while. long time but every year my professional activity the pessimist's voice grew quieter and more pitiful, until my pedagogical optimism dealt him a final crushing blow. And now I can say with confidence: "My profession is not just fate, it is an invaluable gift of fate!"

Over the years of work, an understanding came to me that a true teacher is, first of all, an educator, especially a preschool teacher, who is assigned special role in social and moral development little man... For a good teacher-educator, in my opinion, it is not enough to have professional knowledge, you also need such personality traits that make him in the first place a good man and constitute personal dignity.

Modern Russian education is undergoing major changes in many aspects, starting with the learning process and ending with an increase in the requirements for the professionalism of the teacher. The question arises: "What qualities of a teacher should be independent of time, and what qualities are necessary for him in connection with the requirements of the present?" So what kind of teacher does a kindergarten need today? The answer is simple: the same as at all times - kind, friendly, attentive, patient, educated, inquisitive, who knows how to leave all his personal problems outside the door of the kindergarten. At the same time, a modern educator is a competent specialist who is fluent in modern psychological and pedagogical concepts of teaching, understands a variety of programs and pedagogical technologies, he is a friendly, sympathetic, always ready for cooperation and mutual assistance colleague, successfully working in a team.You can list for a long timequalities of an educator that are truly considered good. But everyone makes their own choice. It would be too presumptuous to believe that I have all the qualities of a good teacher, but my deep conviction is that the main thing is the desire and desire to become one.

I love my profession because it gave me the opportunity not only to work, but to live interestingly, creatively, and fully. The world of childhood is a special world: bright, amazing, diverse, often unexpected and unpredictable. My task is not to destroy this world, but to fill it with goodness, beauty and creativity. It is important to understand that the teacher in the system preschool education not to "teach", but to be close to children, to live with children, so that they are happy and surprised, make their little discoveries, feel protected and confident, so that, growing up, they become independent and successful.

The little man is trusting, he is ready to open his heart to you, he takes your word for it, absorbs good and bad, takes an example from you.

I often wonder if my personality is worthy of influencing children's souls. And the more I think about it, the more it takes my breath away from the importance of my mission as a teacher and the responsibility that is entrusted to me. After all, our children are the future of the state, these are the investments that the teacher invests in the hope that they will pay off handsomely. The most precious thing in my hands is a child's soul, so I need to remember the commandment:"Do no harm". Remember what the heroine of one famous movie said: "The mistakes of teachers are less noticeable, but in the end they are just as expensive."

I was lucky in one more thing: I am not just a teacher, my profession initially obliges me to be creative person I am a music director. Music for every child is the most emotional, amazing, interesting and close to his child's heart kind of art. And my task is to introduce kids to this fabulous world, enchanting with sounds, to make communication with music not only bring them joy, but also contribute tothe formation of the spiritual and moral qualities of a little person.

Each baby is a unique, inimitable personality, in which by nature is laid creativity... If we do not see it in time, do not support it, do not reveal this potential, we run the risk of missing the moment of education. creative personality, and there will be neither time nor opportunity to repeat this stage.

I was lucky to open the doors to a fairy tale every day, the main characters of which are children and music. Together with the children, we walk the road of art, we experience different emotions: we laugh and feel sad, we sympathize and sympathize. I teach children, and they teach me.My profession also gives me the opportunity to show my abilities - to be a singer, dancer, actor, artist and not disappoint children, because they are the most sincere spectators and at the same time the most independent and objective judges. I hope that the feeling of a fairy tale will stay with me forever and that the “pessimist-man in the street” will not have the slightest chance to raise his head.

There is no limit to perfection. I have chosen the path of self-improvement and am firmly convinced that with the desire of the teacher to improve his professionalism, the level of education of the younger generation will increase, since the quality of education and upbringing cannot be higher than the quality of teachers working in this environment.

The world can turn upside down in an instant. Life is unpredictable. I do not know what tests she will put me through tomorrow, but I know who I am today. I am the one who teaches the child to be good, teaches to see and understand beauty, helps to achieve new victories for him. I am the one who will listen to the child, understand and support him, who will be there during the period of his development and formation, because I have to do this. I must! I am responsible for the child and his future before my conscience, because I am a teacher!