The most mysterious graves in the world (10 photos). Cemetery stories or secrets graves

The most mysterious graves in the world (10 photos). Cemetery stories or secrets graves
The most mysterious graves in the world (10 photos). Cemetery stories or secrets graves

"Vampire's graves" are found throughout Europe. It can be burial with a chopped head or with crushed body, and there may be just the remains inverted by face down. It is curious, but the initial interpretation of all such burials as the "graves of vampires" was offered not even a professional scientist, but only a worker who worked on one of the excavations.

Interest in the past and tipping into the past of the current ideas did their job: not the undisputed version became a common place in scientific papers and in mass media. Correspondents together with Polish historians decided to check the strength of this hypothesis.

In the global press and even in serious scientific journals, publications regularly appear on how archaeologists find all new and new graves of vampires. In 2009, the vampire Italian criminologists declared a woman whose skull with a brick in the teeth found on the island of Lazzaretto Nuovo (Venice) among the dead during the epidemic of the plague in the XVI century. In 2011, vampires (and almost the oldest in Europe) called two men from the burial of the IX century in Kiltehin (Ireland).

Stones in the mouth, according to archaeologists, were to not give them to rebel from the graves and harm living beings. But most often the grave of the gapes are found in Poland: from Western Pomerania to Picarpathia and from Krakow to Gdansk. Perhaps the fact is that the fear of vampires began to spread in Europe from Slavic Folklore, and in Poland, the glory pursued people more often than in other places (at least they believed their victims).

The new generation of Polish scientists suggested a different, no less interesting hypothesis: numerous "vampire graves" arose due to the methodological errors and speculations of archaeologists of the twentieth century, with ease of prevained all unusual burials of bloodsuckers. The authors of the article in the magazine of WORLD Archeology created the typology of strange graves and considered a variety of options for their occurrence - from the ineptness of the burialers to the demonstration of the execution of criminals.

Live and dead

Finding out the real status of sorcerers, witches, iswolves and Vurdalakov remains one of the most intriguing issues of history and anthropology. It is still unclear whether they actually existed (at least as people who deliberately practitioners for the forbidden magic rites) or were simply sick innocent people, victims of conservation, phobias and psychosis of relatives and neighbors. It is enough to remember the massive witch hunt for the striking many countries whose victims have become thousands of people.

The same vampirism can be explained by a rare genetic blood disease (porphyria), whose symptoms fit into the appearance of a classic visor. Patients are contraindicated sunlight, the skin around the lips and the gum dries out, because of what the cutters are exposed to the gum; Porphyrin is settled on the teeth, painting them in red.

But, whoever witches and vampires in fact, their existence was the undisputed fact of the psychology and the spiritual life of the Middle Ages, which, in turn, influenced the material of the material. Reconstruct the same true events of history and their psychological motives scientists are among those objects as burial.

In the Middle Ages on the lands of Slavs, as in other parts of Europe, the church with the fierce struck with pagan buried rites. Slavs and Germans continued to put valuable things in the grave, which will come in handy to the dead man in the afterlife. During nightly days, they performed songs-spells accompanying their ritual dancing. The priests treated this extremely negative: after all, according to the Christian teaching, the soul of a person went to paradise or in hell, to God, and not in a special "world of the dead", where, according to the simple people, it was necessary to provide a safe transition using magical rites to The dead man did not harm alive.

However, even with the spread of Christianity in the wide masses of Europeans (including Slavs), the separation of the dead was preserved on the "net", dead natural death, and "unclean" - in this category there could be suicides, drunks, executed, innocents, sorcerers and unresolved babies. Such dead people were buried for the fence of the Church, at the crossroads or otherwise in an unusual way - as they were afraid that they would return to the world of living.

Unbearable ease of interpretation

In 1957, the historian of Bonifacy Zielonka (Bonifacy Zielonka) published an article with a description of unusual burials in Kabyii (Northern Poland): Women, wicked face down, and decapitated men (skull found between his legs). One of the workers on the excavation decided that in front of him the grave of witches (strokes) - and the scientist agreed with this version! With the light hand of an unknown worker shovel, such interpretation entered the scientific way.

Excavations on the ancient cemetery of "Vampires" in Polish Gliwice

In the 1960s - 1990s, archaeologists described dozens of such burials, but did not seek to reflect on their causes. A short mention that the dangerous deads are so buried so as not to give them to return from the world, became the dogma and nomaded from one monograph to another. At the same time, historians have no evidence that Western Slavs in the early Middle Ages believed in the "Living Deads". Since the 1970s, all strange burials began to call the "anti-voices".

Only in the 2000s, archaeologists, uniting efforts with medieval historians, began to pay due attention to the social and legal context of the graves of the Middle Ages, the study of specific instruments of execution and, most importantly, texts (chronicles and the stories about the courts and executions of criminals). The authors of the article in World Archeology do not give the final and indisputable interpretation of the strange burials of the X-XIII centuries, and offer to colleagues and readers with them to think about who, how and why could be buried in them.

Precautions, mistakes and crimes

The first well-known atypical burials on the territory of Poland are dating from the century. Before that the dead, Western Slavs were burned, and on cremated remains it is impossible to detect oddities in the fate of the dead. Archaeologists describe three basic types of abnormal graves: The dead man lies with a prick, he is beheaded, and stones are lying on the corpse.

Schemes of some abnormal graves: from the Emirates of Pinchovskaya, Old Mavels, Brass and Radom

The burial "face down" was met throughout the early-service Europe - the Anglo-Saxes, Scandinavians and Slavs. The burial of a young woman from Gubdovo (Western Poland), discovered in 1937, is well known in Poland. She was buried, her head south, turning his face to the West. In the grave lay three hemochie rings from lead, bronze and silver rings, and an iron knife in leather sheaths.

The abundance of values \u200b\u200bin combination with an unusual way to locate the dead man for archaeologists is a mystery. In folklore, the first instructions on such an appeal with the dead are found in the XVI century, and the most famous text ("Treatise on Guards") tells about how in 1674 one Salez after death turned into Strozygun (Demon), driving blood.

The local priest ordered to break the grave and shifting the dead man face down, but the next night he got up again from the grave and scored his son to death. Only when the corpse cut off his head, he stopped disturbing the community.

However, the archaeologists resemble, for such picturesque sources of the new time, it is possible to forget that people were buried in the Middle Ages, with whom something shared and literally did not look like their neighbors in their eyes. So, for example, buried the French king Pipina Short.

Identically arrived in order to escape from the evil eye of the dead man. Finally, it is impossible to discount and misses the graveters, in the hurry betrayed the corpses of the Earth. That is, the fear before the deadman will return from the world to drink the blood of the living, is not the most likely cause of the burial face down.

Defended corpses on the territory of Poland were very often found: it is a skull without skeletons, and skeletons without skulls, and graves, where the skull was reburied. For example, in Dembchicino (Western Pomerania) found the remains of a woman about 50 without a head. Her skull, most likely, dug out of the ground and reburied face down next door.

In Kaldus (Bavyia), they discovered a double grave: a man who, judging by the scars on the vertebrae, beheaded, and the woman near him were broken clavies. Of course, cut off the head in folklore and even in written sources is described as one of the important measures that do not give the dangerous dead to rebel from the grave.

However, scientists write, and there are more ordinary explanations: heads very often cut off criminals. In many graves on the turtles there are characteristic holes made by a sharp tool: Most likely, the severed heads were first postned on the necklaces and pillars.

So, in the Middle Ages, they simultaneously punished the criminal and frightened those who could follow his example. Even the wooden stake in the grave, according to stratigraphy, was not an instrument of combating vampires, and the means of intimidation of the people - putting his head on him, the pitch stuck to the ground on the top of the hill, where there was a cemetery (burial in Voline, Western Pomoria).

Dummy from the cn (the reconstruction of the artist)

Finally, the graves with stones - they were found in Poland more than twenty, they are dated X-XIII centuries. In such burials, the stone was usually found on the site of the skull (the grave from the cents, in the illustration) or at different parts of the body of the deceased. About beating stones, as punishment for the sentence, they write Scandinavian sources, but the Polish texts are silent about it.

It is possible that the stones were called upon not to produce dead from the graves, but there is a more prosaic version: the stone kept turned towards the head of the deceased, forcing him to "look" to the east (as Christian funeral rites demanded). Everything can be explained and even easier: the stones could protect the graves from robbers and wild animals (Radom burial, in the illustration).

Fears and myths

The story of "Vampire's graves", their popularity in the scientific world, and then in the mass media, suggests how often people are inherent "to overturn" their own fears and favorite myths in the past. In the same row - search for images of aliens on rock painting and temple frescoes. The people of Middle Ages lived a very difficult life, and they had a lot of their own fears: in front of hunger and diseases, knights and robber, devil and hell, sloe and curse, witches and bloodsmas.

The transition to the world was different was one of the points where these fears were focused, as well as means of dealing with them. Only recently scientists began to understand that the appeal of modern ideas in the past not only distorts the story, but also gives a much poorer and flexible picture of the past than it was actually.


Everyone knows about the origin of man from the monkey with a school bench, studying the theory of Darwin. However, recently new views have appeared on this. Some believe that the ancestors of people were dinosaurs, others - that they were reptiles or even rats.

Over the past few years, archaeological finds appeared, indicating that our ancestors may have been aliens. In different places of the Earth, scientists find the mysterious burial of certain human-like creatures, and this forces the researchers to doubt the justice for a long time dominant evolutionary theory.

During the expedition to Rwandan jungle, anthropologists discovered an old cemetery. Since it was not highlighted by any particular burial, scientists considered that once the aborigines lived here. However, no traces of their habitat were near. By continuing the excavation, the specialists discovered the shocking find: the remains of all buried creatures clearly testified to their extraterrestrial origin.

Giant growth of creatures were not too much like a person. Swiss scientist Hugo Childz, head of the anthropologists, concluded that these strange creatures could be cosmic aliens who died as a result of the accident. And buried aliens local residents. In total, two hundred bodies were found, which were in forty graves of five "man."

It was found that these creatures had more than two-meter growth and huge heads, on which there were no glades, nose and mouth cavity. Consequently, they communicated telepathically, and sound waves used for movement (approximately like our bats).

It was suggested that the aliens could arrive on the ground, to, connecting with people, leave the offspring here. Nevertheless, during further work, the researchers did not find any fragments of a broken UFO, nor traces of its landing. How to explain the burial of mysterious creatures? ..

Alas, the explanation for this phenomenon is not yet. It is clear one thing that he deserves a thorough study, including a genetic analysis.

The burial of aliens in Turkey

Another unusual find made Turkish speleologists. They found the mummy of a human-like being in a sarcophagus made of crystalline durable composition. The creature was male, but the growth of mummy did not exceed 1.3 meters. The remnants of the skin were light green, on the sides, there were some grows similar to the wings.

With all its unusual, the creature was more like a person than on the animal. At least he had "human" hands, legs, nose, lips and ears. But the eyes were very different from ours - three times higher than in size and colorless, as if reptiles.

After conducting a detailed study of Mummy, scientists came to a truly sensational conclusion: this is an amazing creature ... Sleeps, namely immersed in deep meditation! How is it possible and will it ever wake up? In addition, the nature of the crystalline flickering substance from which the sarcophagus is made, modern science is not known.

The burial of dwarfs in the cave of Hebita

Chinese cave Hebita today is known to the whole world. In it, anthropologists have found the burial of amazing beings: 716 skeletons - large-headed, with huge eyes, with a small growth (about 1.3 m) and not having teeth! .. On the skeletons, there were stone disks with mysterious hieroglyphs. All this together put scientists in a dead end. There is, however, the assumption that the "Drop" story is presented on the discs - the oldest china tribe who has no time in these places.

One of the scientists of the PRC managed to decipher what is written on the disks. He claims that these strange creatures once flew to Earth (approximately twenty thousand years ago), but their ship crashed when landing, and therefore the aliens had to stay on our planet - they became the mysterious tribe "Drop".

This is to some extent confirms the German archaeologist Walter Background Moltke, for a long time studying the burial of the tribe "Dropya". So he claims that he managed to detect a trace of one of the skeletons from a surgical operation made with ... laser.

Despite the fact that according to the official theory, the Dropya tribe for a long time extinct, in one of the most remote areas of China there is a village, the inhabitants of which have a maximum growth of one meter of twenty centimeters. Scientists believe that the aliens "Drop" still had to have mixed marriages with aborigines, it's not by chance that the legends of the Star people who once arrived on the ground on the ground in a huge aircraft.

Unfortunately, archaeologists, anthropologists and other scientists can not solve all these riddles. Strange burials of human-like creatures remain a secret for seven seals. We really do not know anyone who, no where they came from on our planet, especially since they are found in almost many places, including in Russian Siberia (watch video).

Perhaps aliens are actually our ancestors, however, this is contrary to the established theory of the emergence and development of the animal world on Earth, and Darwinists will still be resisting for a long time, in order to abandon their false ideas about the true evolution and this history of modern civilization.

Video: Mysterious burial

In death there is something mystical. And where people find the last refinement, always special, a little terrible atmosphere. She excites imagination, scares and at the same time attracts. So superstitions appear, legends, ridiculous rumors. Here are the most interesting and unusual of them.

The graves of witches and sorcerers

If there was a bad moloss in lifetime about a person, he was buried in a special way. The body could burn, nail to the ground with nails, tie straps, cut, cut the tendons, "seal" silver. Many nations believed that the witch should be bought without a coffin, face down. The graves were often placed behind the fences of cemeteries, in the forests, at the crossroads of roads. Top pounced stones, spraying spiky shrubs.

If this is not done, the dead man will be able to get out. There is a belief that on the graves of witches and sorcerers over time there are holes and cracks through which they go to the surface. A large number of ants, bleeding grass and strange sounds from under the ground also point to the place where the witch is buried. Not knowing these will accept, it will be difficult to find it. But there are well-known facts:

This cemetery is located in the town of Salem, in Massachusetts. Well, I think about the famous judicial process of 1692 over the Salemskie witch heard many. Then, on charges of witchcraft, about 200 people were arrested. Some executed immediately (hanged or crushed by stones), others died in prison.

True, in 1702, the authorities officially recognized the process illegal, in 1957 all sentences were canceled, and in 1992 the cemetery became a victim memorial. By the way, in fact convicted for witchcraft were not buried there. There is no witch grave in Salem. But the legend attracts tourists there.

And in the forests of Michigan, the witch rests, which, by giving, destroyed the whole city. If in 1874 there were about 1500 inhabitants in 1874, then by the beginning of the 20th century they were left 25. Two diphtheria epidemics twisted most of the population, the rest left. And the disease, of course, lowered the local sorcerer.

They say she gave birth to an extramarital child and was expelled. The baby died, and then the woman cursed the city. In the end, the witch was caught, hanged, and the body was buried. In that forest, dark figures and ghostly lights still appear, laughter of children is heard. But get real photos of ghosts So far failed.

Vampires and Vurdalakov graves

Legends about dead men who drink live blood, there are almost all nations. Usually, such a fate waited for suicides, sorcerers, butt from the church ... Yes, a lot of who else. And, of course, those whom the vampire bitten. Naturally, people were afraid of these creatures and took steps to make the dead after death did not leave her grave. And for this it is important to bury the wrong one who can become a vampire.

The body should be burned or at least pierce with an aspen cooke and put it so that it is oriented from the east to the west. It is advisable to separate the head and put between the feet. So that the corpse could not eat his savage, you need to slip something under the chin (stone, iron). You can still pour sawdust or grains into the coffin so that the vampire began to count them and did not have time to get to dawn. Here are the most famous burials:

In the northern part of London there is an old Highigate cemetery. It has long attracted attention. Often there are reports of vampires, and suspicious graves are marked with the letter V. Visitors find the diverse and decapitated corpses, empty coffins. Several bodies were exhumated, and they looked strange.

Chubby, reliced \u200b\u200b... not completely dead ... exist real photos of VampiresThey look like that. But everything is explained easier. The corpse always swells, it is one of the decomposition stages. Blood appears on her lips. If you pierce the body with a stake, it can publish a moan, since the accumulated gases will pass by the voice ligaments.

The Cemetery of Per Lashez in France is also considered to be a refuge of vampires. It all started in 1848, when some crazy broke a few graves, pulled out the body and badly damaged them. He believed that he should do that. Since then, rumors crashed. However, the appearance of some tombstones leads to reflections.

Symbols of burial looks sinister. Skulls and bats, which are considered to be visual incarnation of vampires, fatalistic inscriptions ... However, in the 19th century in Western Europe it was accepted. For another version, the image of a bat with open wings served as evil protection.

Wandering graves and restless crypts

There is a belief that the Earth does not accept human dust if he was not buried properly. Terrible stories about moving the graves flooded the Internet. In general, this phenomenon is known for a long time, but the evidence is bad. Everyone rewrite the same texts where non-existent cities and people are mentioned. There are no real photos and documents.

Normal explanations too. Perhaps there are forces and energy, about which we do not know anything yet. For example, when it exploded, strange things took place ... Negative pressure and a lot more ... But in the case of the graves there was something else. If they moved somewhere at all. Here is a couple more or less believable stories:

This event happened before the revolution in the deaf Russian village. At night, in one hill, the land of the earth with a half-jammed cross appeared. The grave tried to remove, but it turned out that under the floor is also full of land. When she was taken out, there were human remains there.

The cross looked like those who were installed on an abandoned cemetery near the village. How it all turned out to be in the hut, no one understood. The grave was carried out, the bones were reburied. But the house had to throw. Since then, people have passed the side of a terrible place.

Family crystal chase is located on Barbados. It is wounded in a rock and closed with a marble slab. Each time, when it was opened, the coffins there were turned out to be inverted on the side, standing vertically, scattered ... They like planted around the room. It was repeated from 1812 to 1820.

Different versions were put forward, from Voodoo magic and Masonic rites to floods and shifts of the earth's crust. The Eric Russell researcher in the middle of the 20th century allocated a number of patterns in these phenomena. He believed that the metal coffins move water to the influence of gravity and magnetic field.

So what is it? True or just gossip? I do not know .. But here the materials are collected throughout the Internet, I could not even determine the original sources. And the dead can not confirm or refute the rumors that go about them. Waiting for the best times they will keep their ancient secrets.

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None of the people who live on earth do not know what awaits us after death. In the man's earth's life, the point puts the grave, however, in some cases, even in her, the deceased cannot find peace. Next you are waiting for the most mysterious burials in the world, around which there are many mystical legends.

Rosalia Lombardo (1918 - 1920, Capuchin Catacombs in Italy)

At the age of 2 years, this girl died from pneumonia. A quick-hearted father could not part with the body of his daughter and turned to Alfredo Salafia so that he displaced the body of the child. Salafia has done a colossal work (he dried the skin with a mixture of alcohol and glycerin, replaced blood to formaldehyde and used salicylic acid to prevent the propagation of the fungus on the body). As a result, the girl's body, located in a hermetic coffin with nitrogen, looks as if she fell asleep.

Cells for the Dead (Victorian Epoch)

In the days of the Victorian epoch over the graves, metal cells were built. Their destination is not exactly known. Some believe that so the graves defended from the ruiners, others think that this was done so that the dead would not come out of the graves.

Tair but Masakado (940, Japan)

This man was a samurai and in Heyan's era, he became the leader of one of the largest uprisings against the Board of Kyoto. The uprising was supplied in the 940th year, Masakado beheaded. According to the historical chronicles, the samurai head was not rotting for three months and all this time quickly rotated his eyes. Then the head of the burial was built in Tokyo's city. Tair's grave is still caught, as the Japanese believe that if you are disturbed, you can get trouble on Tokyo and the whole country. Now this grave is the oldest burial in the world, which is supported in perfect cleanliness.

Lilly Gray (1881-1958, Salt Lake City Cemetery, USA)

The inscription on the tombstone reads the "victim of the beast 666". Husband Lilly Elmer Gray called the US government, which he accused of the death of his spouse.

Family crying chase (Barbados)

The family crypt of this couple is one of the most mysterious places in the Caribbean Islands. At the beginning of the XIX century, they found several times that the coffins were moved after they were placed in the crypt, it was found that no one was found in the crypt. Some coffins stood vertically, others were on the steps at the entrance itself. In 1820, by order of the governor, the coffins were transported to another place, and the entrance to the crypt was forever closed.

Mary Shelley (1797 - 1851, Chapel of St. Peter, Dorset, England)

In 1822, Mary Shelly cremated the body of his spouse Percy Bishi Shelly, who died as a result of an accident in Italy. After cremation among the dust, they discovered the intact heart of a man, his woman took home to England and kept until death. In 1851, Mary died, and she was buried along with the heart of her husband, which she kept in the manuscript "Adonay: Elegy of Death."

Russian Mafia (Yekaterinburg, Russia)

Monuments in full growth established on the graves of representatives of the criminal world, have seen many of us. On some monuments, you can even meet video cameras protecting them from vandals.

Ines Clark (1873 - 1880, Chicago, USA)

In 1880, 7-year-old Ines died from a lightning strike. At the request of parents on her grave, a monument sculpture was established in Cuba from Plexiglas. Sculpture is made in girl growth, depicting it sitting on a bench with a flower and an umbrella in his hands.

Kitty Jay (Devon, England)

The unprecedented hill, crouched grass, locals are called the grave of Jay. At the end of the XVIII century, Kitty Jay committed suicide, and her grave became a cult destination for ghost hunters. Since the suicide could not be buried not a cemetery, Kitty buried at the crossroads, so that her soul could not find a path to the afterlife. Until now, fresh flowers appear on her grave.

Elizabeth Demidova (1779 - 1818, Cemetery of Per Lashhesis, Paris, France)

At the age of 14, Elizabeth Demidov married the first prince San Donato, whom she did not love. The unfortunate was one of the richest women of his time, and in the inheritance, she also visited the man who can spend a week in her crypt without food. So far, no one has done this, and therefore her condition remains unclaimed.

Incredible facts

We tend to believe that archaeologists are "dusty" experts who explore people and their culture with the help of artifacts and human remains.

But sometimes they are more like ancient narrowers who, with help found antiquities They tell the most interesting plots, magically carry us in distant times and places.

In the stories presented below, we will be transferred to the ancient worlds for long forgotten children. Some stories touch for the soul, others are just mysterious, and some terrible.

10. Revival of Oriens

In October 2013, at one of the fields of Lestershire, England, the treasure hunter with the help of the metal detector found meter Coffin Roman Baby. In order not to talk about a child in the third person, the scientific community decided to call him "Orienses", which means "to go up" (like the Sun).

It is believed that the Oriennes was buried in 3-4 centuries. More unknown, how old was the child, but the bracelets in their hands suggest that it was a girl.

Bracelets with hands Girls

Clasp bracelets.

Orienses, must have lived in a rich family or her relatives had a high social status, because she was found by lead coffin, which was rare at that time, especially in questions of children's burials.

Coffin int.

Most children then betrayed the earth, dressed in Savan (the clothes for the deceased). Only a few bone fragments remained from the babe.Nevertheless, archaeologists managed to collect together some details of her life, including information about the society in which she lived.

They learned a lot by analyzing some resin found in her coffin.

Milk teeth Orienses

According to Stuart Palmer Stuart (Stuart Palmer) from the Archeology team of Warkers ( Archaeology Warwickshire.), presence incense, olive oil, as well as oil pistachio nuts in the soil, Founded in the coffin, suggests that Orienses can be attributed to a very small number of Roman burials of people with the highest status.

The girl was buried at a very expensive Mediterranean and Middle East custom.

"Nails", which kept the internal components of the coffin

The resins masked the smell of the decomposing body during the arrival of the initial rituals, which, according to the ancients, facilitated the transition to the afterlife. From a social point of view, this suggests that residents of Roman Britain continued to follow the continental burial rites, so they had to import oils and resins from the Middle East.

9. Child secrets - singer

Almost 3000 years ago Seven-year-old Tjayasetimu sang in chorein the temple of the pharaohs of ancient Egypt. Despite the fact that the majority of secrets took a girl with me to the grave, the curators of the British Museum, where in 2014 her mummy was put up, managed to figure out some details about the child.

It is not known for certain, where she lived and worked, because the British Museum bought a mummy from the dealer back in 1888. However, the TjayaseTimu body is incredibly well preserved. In the 1970s, within the framework of the Restoration project were found hieroglyphs and drawings under the blackened oil bandages on the body.

Tools that may have enjoyed tjayasetimu

Thanks to the inscriptions managed to find out her name and position. The name of Tjayasetimu, which means "the goddess of Isida will win them," protects against evil spirits. Her work of the singer in the temple was considered very important for Amon's God.

Unknown and the reason for receiving the girl such a "post": her voice or family ties. It is only known that she was an important person, because the body was mummy infused with a gold mask on his face.

Scanning showed milk teeth girls

In 2013, computed tomography showed that her body, including face and hair, is still well preserved. Due to the lack of signs of long-term illness and injuries, she, as it relies, died from a short-time disease, such as cholera.

8. The mystery of the "sewer" babies

In the Roman Empire, the pedubideism was widely practiced to limit the size of the family, because the reliable methods of birth control did not exist. It helped preserve scarce resources and improve the lives of other family members.

For children under the age of 6 months in Roman society did not apply as to people.

In this well, burial was detected

Nevertheless, even knowing this fact, the researchers were still horrified when in 1988 in Ashkelon, on the southern coast of Israel, made a terrible discovery. Archaeologists have discovered in ancient sewage, which was under Roman baths, mass burial of almost 100 children.

The ruins of the Church in Ashkelon

Most of the bones found were intact, and, according to scientists, the children were thrown into the sewer immediately after death. Given the total age of kids and the lack of signs of diseases, the cause of death was almost certainly a detectivity.

According to these bones, experts determined that the dead were babies

Although Romans more preferences were given to the children of male, the researchers failed to find evidence that they intentionally killed more female babies. They failed to find this confirmation and in the study of this find.

Some experts note that the bath over the sewage has worked as a public house.They suggest that babies were undesirable children of women of the most ancient profession, which worked there.

Some female babies, perhaps life was preserved, so that they subsequently become curtains. Despite the fact that women and men were engaged in the Roman Empire, and men were also more sought after.

Ancient archaeological excavations

7. Unusual baby workers - metalworkers

About 4000 years ago, in prehistoric Britain, children received a task to decorate jewelry and weapons with gold, thin as human hair, threads. On some copies on one square centimeter of the tree, more than 1000 such threads were located.

Scientists have discovered this after in the 1800s in the area of \u200b\u200bKurgan Bush near Stonehenge, a richly decorated handle of a wooden dagger was found.

Founded at the same time in Bush daggers. Plain Salisbury. Were discovered in the richest and most important grave of the Bronze Age, among all ever found in Britain

The work is so jewelry that it is difficult to see all the details with the unarmed eye. After the studies conducted, the experts came to the conclusion that, most likely, teens and children under the age of 10 were authors of such emergency skill on the knob of the dagger.

Without a magnifying glass, an ordinary adult could not do this, because his vision does not have sufficient sharpness. After 21 years, the human vision gradually begins to deteriorate.

Although children used simple tools, they had a special understanding of design and geometry. However, for a beautiful manual work, they paid a high price. Their vision quickly spoiled myopathy overtook them at the age of 15, and by 20 years they were already partially blind.

It made them unsuitable for another work, so they were forced to rely on their communities.

6. Very good parents

Believing that the relationship from some scientists was not quite objective, the archaeologists from the University of York decided to rewrite the history of these prehistoric people. Until recently it was believed that neanderthal children lived a dangerous, difficult and short life.

However, the team of the above archaeologists came to other conclusions after he studied the social and cultural factors of the life of the first people on finding different times in different places throughout Europe.

"The opinion of Neanderthals is changing," says Penny Spikins, a leading researcher. "Partly due to the fact that they matered with us, and this already talks about our similarity. But the last findings were also important. There is a fundamental difference between harsh childhood and childhood conducted in harsh conditions. "

Neanderthal baby explores his reflection in the water. Neanderthal Museum in Kropin, Croatia

Spikeins believes that the Neanderthal children were very tied to their families, and families were cohesive. He also notes that children were trained to handle the tools. In two places of two different countries, the archaeologists team discovered stones that were well processed against the background of others who have chips.

They looked as if the children were trained in adults how to make tools.

Although there are no convincing evidence of this statement, Spykins believes that prehistoric kids "played in Pikabu", imitating adults, because people and big monkeys played in the same "game".

When studying the burials of Neanderthal babies and children, Spaykins concluded that parents betrayed their offspring with great care, since the remains of children were preserved before our days, and not adults.

The archaeological team also emphasizes that there are evidence confirming the fact of parental care for several years of their patients or injured children.

Ancient finds of archaeologists

5. Fight scouts of ancient Egypt

To find out how children lived in the city of oxirin in ancient Egypt, historians examined about 7,500 documents of the presumably sixth century. More than 25,000 people lived in the city, and he himself was considered the Roman administrative center of his area, in which the weaving industry of Egypt flourished.

Three years ago, artifacts of the time of the existence of oxirinha were found, after the analysis of which historians came to the conclusion that the youth group of boyCautov, known as "Gymnasium", was actively worked in ancient Egypt, where young people learned to become good citizens.

Boys on a camel. Mosaic of the period of late antiquity, the beginning of the 6th century.

Mosaic Museum of Great Palace in Istanbul, Turkey.

The training was taken by boys born in free Egyptian, Greek and Roman families. Despite the "rich" demographic, membership in the gymnasium was limited to 10-25 percent of the families of the city.

For boys who left applications for training in the gymnasium - it was the transition to adulthood. They became full-fledged adults when they married the age of "slightly for twenty." Girls who married in adolescence were preparing for their role, working in parental homes.

Boys from free families who did not fall into the gymnasium began to work, being children, under the contract for several years. Many contracts were to work in weaving production.

Roman boy with hairstyle in Egyptian style. The side strand of the hair is cut off and donated to the gods before the upcoming ceremony of adulthood. The first half of the second century of our era. Museum of the history of culture, Oslo.

Historians discovered one student contract concluded with the girl. But, as it turned out, her case was unique, because she was a orphanage and had to repay the debts of her deceased father.

Children of slaves could conclude the same work contracts as the boys born in free families. But unlike the latter, who lived with their families, the children of slaves could be sold. In this case, they lived with their owners. The discovered documents showed that some kids slaves were sold at the age of two years.

4. The mystery of the "elk" geoglyph

In this story, our opening of the past is caused by curiosity as to what will be in the future. The images obtained from space in 2011 were told about the existence of a giant geometric geometric geometric pattern (the geometric pattern) in the Ural Mountains, which is supposed to be preceded by a thousand years found in the Geoglyphs of the Millennial age found in Peru.

The type of masonry, known as "Stone Skol", suggests that this structure could be built at about 3000 - 4000. BC.

Geoglyphs of Naski.

The structure is about 275 meters in length with two horns, four legs and a long muzzle facing north. In prehistoric times, geoglyph could be seen from the neighboring ridge. He looked like a shiny white figure amid green grass. Today this place is covered with soil.

Archaeologists were amazed by the thoughtfulness of the design. "The moor's hoofs were made of small crushed stones and clay," explains Stanislav Grigoriev, a specialist of the Russian Academy of Sciences. "The walls were very low, as I suppose, and the passages between them are very narrow. Also, the situation was also in the area of \u200b\u200bthe muzzle: crushed stone and clay, four small wide walls and three passages."

"Loss" geoglyph

The researchers also found evidence of the presence of two places, in which the fires fastened once. They believe that these places were used to carry out important rituals.

However, many questions remained without answers, especially such as: who built this geoglyph and why. There are no archaeological evidence that culture at that time was so advanced so that people could build such a structure in this region.

But experts believe that the most interesting discovery concerns children. They managed to find more than 150 tools in place, 2-17 centimeters long. They believe that these tools belonged to children who worked side by side with adults within the framework of the public project.

That is, it was not slave labor, but joint efforts in the name of achieving an important goal.

Archeology: Nakhodka

3. Children clouds

In July 2013, in the high-rise region of the Amazonas region in Peru, archaeologists have discovered 35 sarcophages, each of which was no longer 70 centimeters long. Small coffins were brought off researchers to the idea that they belong to children of the chachapan mysterious culture, also known as the "Warriors of the Clouds", because they lived in the tropical forests of the mountains.

In the period between the 9th century and 1475, when their territories were conquered by Incas, Chachapoy founded villages and farms on steep mountain slopes, growing pigs and llamas there, and also fought among themselves.

Their culture, ultimately, was destroyed by diseases such as the OSAP, which brought with them European researchers.

About Chachapoy and their children know very little, because they did not leave any written language after themselves. However, according to the Spanish documents of the 1500s, they were fierce warriors.

Pedro Cieza de Leon (Pedro Cieza de Leon), who led the chronicle of the story of Peru, described their appearance: " They are the most white and most beautiful of all the people I have seen in India, and their wives are so beautiful that because of their softness, many of them deserve to be Inca's wives and live in the Sun Temple. "

But these warriors of the clouds still left something after themselves: mummified bodies in unusual and strange sarcophages, which were found at high ledges overlooking the valley. Clay coffins were located vertically and on the design were very reminded of decorating people: tunic, decorations and even trophy skulls.

But it is unknown to anyone why the children were buried on their own cemetery separately from adults. It is also incomprehensible why all the little sarcophages "watched" west, while adult coffins were located otherwise.

Mysterious archaeological finds

2. Gifts of the gods of lakes

The ancient villages of the Bronze Age spread their expanses around the Alpine lakes of Germany and Switzerland. When some of the villages were discovered during the excavations of the 1970s and 1980s, archaeologists could not rejoice because they found more than 160 houses with age 2600 - 3,300 years.

It was at home along the coastal strip of the lake, which were flooded. To protect against the rise of the water level, residents often moved to less dangerous territories, closer to land. When conditions improved, they returned again.