Loving the heart of Proster Merim. Curious facts from the biography of Proster Merim

Loving the heart of Proster Merim. Curious facts from the biography of Proster Merim
Loving the heart of Proster Merim. Curious facts from the biography of Proster Merim

Life and work of promrere Merim.
The talented creator of the novel, the famous writer and philologist Prospere Merim, born in Paris, at the end of September 1803. His father, Merim, Jean Francois Leonor, an outstanding scientist who studied chemistry. And he, and his wife, Anna Merim, the mother of Prosper, was seriously interested in painting. Due to the fact that Prosper grew in creative family, the desire to draw him appeared at a young age. Grandmother young artist For a long time lived in England, and in childhood Merim studied english And Latin. When prompted by the imperial (Napoleonic) lyceum, teachers noted not only his high intelligence, but also its excellent drawing abilities. After the interview, he was accepted externally in grade 7.
Brilliantly graduating from Lyceum, Prospere, at the insistence of the Father, who dreamed that the Son became a lawyer, comes to college in the specialty "jurisprudence". Staying in College, the young man understands that the bar is not interesting for him. Having received a diploma in 1823, Merim receives the post of inspector historical monumentsAnd proceeds to the study of literature and philology. The most first work of the Prosper, this is a small play, which he presents to his friends, among which the famous Henri Marie Beil, well-known in the pseudonym Standal, with whom they retained friendly relations Throughout life.
Merime is perfectly studying English, Spanish, Russian and greek. Still during college in college Merim with a classmate Jean-Jacques-Antoine ampere translated from English to french, Essay of the poet James MacPherson "Poem Ossean."
In the middle of the thirties from under the pen of Prosper comes out famous essay "Theater Clara Hasul", which he gives for the creation of an unknown Spanish poetess. Continuing the mystery of Merim writes the collection "Guzlo". He is seriously studying South slavic folklore, Introducing my works by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin himself, who takes them for folk.
At about the same time, the poet enters the environment of the writers who have already consisted, such as Viktor Hugo, Eugene Delacroix, Ferenz Leaf. Getting acquainted with the Russian writer, living in Paris, Ivan Turgenev. And from that moment on, Prosper begins to create a signing of the works by its name.
Such works such as "Jaccherya" appear, it describes the rebellion of the peasants of the 14th century, "Chronicle of the reign of Charles of the Ninth." The works are made in the form of memoirs. In writing these works, he invented and used new style Writing the genre of adventure. Against the background of reliable historical eventsHe came up with and entered the adventures of non-existent heroes. In consequence, this style will use the famous Alexander Duma. Prospere wrote " Matteo Falcone"Describing the fate of Corsicans," Taking a Reduta ", about the battles of Russian soldiers with the emperor Napoleon Third, and Tamango Exposure from the life of African slaves.
Having arrived in Spain in 1830, Prosper meets the Graph debe and his wife Maria Manuel. Eugene, their young daughter, since their acquaintance experienced warm feelings to the cap, so after her wedding with the emperor Napoleon, Prosper gets the title "Senator" and becomes approximate royal Court.
Work in the palace takes away from Merime free timeSo in the next 10 years he was able to write only 3 works. At the end of the thirties, Prosper is all devoted to the study of the history of France.
By the end of 1844, Prosper writes his most scandalous novel called "Arsen Giyo", describing the superiority in morality in the fallen woman over the hereditary aristocrat than causes a huge resonance of society.
Most famous work Prosper Novella "Carmen" written in 1845, in which the life of freedom-loving gypsies is described. In 1875, on the basis of this work, Georges Bizet puts the same opera.
Prospera believed that a solid approach was needed in the study of the country's history, otherwise it would be impossible to reliably translate and write works. Interest in Russia has manifested itself during translating french comedy. Nicholas Gogol "Auditor". Shortly after that, Turgenev stories were translated, and the works of A.S. Pushkin. Studying the Materials of the Board of Peter First, Prosper planned to describe in the novel by the episode of Russian history.
At the beginning of the 60s, Prospere Merima begins to hurt, and practically ceases to create artwork. All his time gives translations and writing works dedicated to N.V. Gogol and A.S. Pushkin. It was the transceiver Merim who introduced the French people with Russian culture and life. 1861 Merim in the world comes out about the peasants who rebels in Russia. Subsequently, books about Russian culture and life were written:
"Episode from Russian History",
"Ivan Turgenev",
"Nikolay Gogol".
The last work of Proster Merim becomes a terrible story "Lokis", written in 1869 a year before his death. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story is that the events occurring in life are not always a scientific explanation.
Unfortunately, the personal life of Proster Merim did not work out, he was never married and did not have children, but after his death, the details of his prehension in the company of his friend began to emerge. Former mistresses began to betray their relationship and correspondence. Longer than all B. love relationship Charlotte Marie Valentina Josephine Delesener, a spouse Gabriel Delesser, a famous banker consisted with Prosper.
The father of Prosper died in 1837, after that he began to live with his mother, who died in 1852. At about the same time, relations stopped with Valentina. Never back great poet I did not feel so lonely. The health of the promretary was getting worse, he was tormented by the suffocation and the limbs were told. Heart problems became increasingly. In 1867, exhausted, he decides to move to Cannes, where he continues to live until death. September 23, 1870 Life talented man broke out.

French Prospere Merim is known to us as a writer. His books have long been translated into Russian. Based on its works, operas are written and movie casts. However, he was also a historian, an ethnographer, an archaeologist and a translator, academician and senator. If the reader wants to plunge into the past, described in detail before the smallest details, then the works of Merim - good way Make a journey over time.

Childhood and youth

The only son of rich parents was born in Paris on September 28, 1803. General hobbies Chemist Jean Francois Leonor Merima and his spouses, in the greatness of Anna Moro, there was painting. At the table in the living room, artists and writers, musicians and philosophers were gathered. Talking about art has formed the interests of the boy: he considered paintings with great attention and enthusiastically read the writings of Volnoduims of the XVIII century.

He freely owned Latin and spoke English from early childhood. Anglo Film was a tradition in the family. Prababato Proster, Marie Leprins de Bomon, lived in England seventeen. His Grandma Moro married in London. Young British granted in the house, who anti-Jean Francois Leonora private painting lessons.

For several years of early childhood, Prosper spent in Dalmatia, where his father consisted of Marshal Marmon. This detail of the biography of the writer explains the deep and emotional perception They have folk poetry, the motives of which Merim fell into creativity. At eight years, Prosper Exteronic entered the seventh class of the imperial lyceum, and after the release at the insistence of his father he studied the right in Sorbonne.

Father dreamed of a career career for a son, but the young man took this perspective without delight. After graduating from the university, young Merim was appointed secretary of Count D'Argu, one of the Ministers of the July monarchy. Later became the main inspector of the historical monuments of France. The study of art monuments and architecture stimulated the creative energy of the writer and served as a source of inspiration.


The path in the literature Prospere Merim began with a hoax. The author of the Piece Collection was named Spanish Clara Hasul, which did not exist in reality. Second book Merim - Serbian Collection folk songs "Guzl". As it turned out, the author of the texts did not collect them in Dalmatia, and simply composed. Merim's fake was so talented that even Mitskevich was misled and.

The historical drama "Jacceria" no longer put the tasks of introducing a deception reader, but painted the picture of the medieval peasant uprising in all unsightly details. The struggle for the power of feudal and clerics in the "Chronicle of the reign of Karl IX" is as detailed and realistic. the only novel Writer. World glory Merim's transcerer brought novels.

The most famous reader "Carmen". The story of the life of freedom-loving Spanish Gypsies was shifted for the scene, supplemented with music and colorful dancing, was shielded. Beautiful story The tragic love of gypsy and the Spaniard still worries readers and viewers. No less vividly discharged images in the other "folk" and "exotic" novels. For example, a runaway slave in Tamango.

Traveling in Europe, Merima subtly noticed characteristic national traits Peoples and endowed with characters. Corsicans inspired him to create "Matteo Falcone" and "Colomba". The plot "Venus Illyskaya" writer also conceived on the journey. The creation of a mystical atmosphere was not easy to create, but he coped with work brilliantly. This story Prospere Merime called his masterpiece.

Personal life

Prospere Merim was not married and all his life enjoyed the position of the bachelor. Many details love pregnancy The writer opened in the curious readers after his death. Friends and lovers published the preserved correspondence by opening the secrets, which, however, Prosper never hid. Funny adherents young Hang In the company CO created Merim bad reputation.

Lovely a love relationship with Charlotte Marie Valentina Josephine Delesel was launched. Banker Gabriel Delesener's wife, the mother of two children, gave a prosperity of his favor since the beginning of the thirties until 1852. At the same time, a novel with Zhenya (Zhanna Franção) was developed with this connection, which became famous thanks to the publication of the writer's letters.

Tied the correspondence girl. Wanting to meet S. famous writerShe composed a letter on behalf of the fictional Lady Algernone Seymour, conceived illustrate the "Chronicle of the reign of Charles IX". Merime fell on the bait. Anticipating another intrigue, joined the correspondence with a stranger, along the way, in his English friends, trying to figure out her personality.

After several months of correspondence, December 29, 1832 Merim met with mysterious stranger In Buloni. Acquaintance from Nurse Daken Merim hid. Only close friends, Standal and Sutton Sharp, were informed. On the one hand, I did not want to compromise a decent girl from the bourgeois family, on the other - the "official" mistress he was already. The fleeting intrigue between Prosper and Female over time turned into a close friendship, which the death of the writer interrupted.

In the 50s, Merim was very lonely. After the death of his father, he lived together with his mother for fifteen years. In 1852, Anna Merim died. Relations with Valentina Deleselter ended in the final rupture. The kipache creative energy began to dry out. Old age came.


In the 60s, the health of Merim worsens. He is worried about the attacks of suffocation (asthma), legs swell, heartache. In 1867, due to progressive disease, the writer settled in Cannes, where he died in three years later - September 23, 1870. Gloomy premonitions overwhelmed him before death. On July 19, 1870, France declared War of Prussia, Merime was expected by the disaster and did not want to see her.

In Paris, burned his archive and the library, and the remaining things were torn and sold the servants. He was buried by Prospere Merim in the graveyard Grand Jas. After the death of the writer, a collection came out " Latest Novels", The best of which critics call the story" Blue room ". She became the property of readers and personal correspondence.



  • 1829 - "Chronicle of the reign of Karl IX"


  • 1829 - "Matteo Falcone"
  • 1829 - Tamango
  • 1829 - "Taking a Randut"
  • 1829 - "Federigo"
  • 1830 - "Batch in a thrill"
  • 1830 - "Etruscan Vase"
  • 1832 - "Letters from Spain"
  • 1833 - "Double Error"
  • 1834 - "Soul Purgatory"
  • 1837 - "Venus Illy"
  • 1840 - "Colomb"
  • 1844 - Arsen Giyo
  • 1844 - Abbot Oben
  • 1845 - "Carmen"
  • 1846 - "Lane Lesters Lucretia"
  • 1869 - "Lokis"
  • 1870 - "Juman"
  • 1871 - "Blue room"


  • 1825 - "Clara Gazul Theater"
  • 1828 - "Jacceria"
  • 1830 - "Unhappy"
  • 1832 - "Enchanted Rouge"
  • 1850 - "Two inheritance or Don Quixote"
  • 1853 - "Debut Aventurer"


  • 1827 - "Gusli"
  • 1829 - "Pearl Toledo"
  • 1832 - "Ban Croatia"
  • 1832 - "Dying Guyduk"
  • 1835 - "Jam on the south of France"
  • 1836 - "Tour notes in the west of France"
  • 1837 - "Etude about religious architecture"
  • 1838 - "Tour notes in Overl"
  • 1841 - "Tour notes on Corsica"
  • 1841 - "Experience about civil War»
  • 1845 - "Research on Roman History"
  • 1847 - "History of Don Pedro I, King Castile"
  • 1850 - "Henri Beil (Standal)"
  • 1851 - "Russian literature. Nikolay Gogol"
  • 1853 - "Episode from Russian history. Lhadmitry "
  • 1853 - "Mormons"
  • 1856 - "Letters to Panitzzi"
  • 1861 - "Rezind of Wall Razin"
  • 1863 - "Bogdan Khmelnitsky"
  • 1865 - "Cossacks of Ukraine and their latest Atamans"
  • 1868 - "Ivan Turgenev"
  • 1873 - "Letters to the Stranger"

Prospere Merim was born on September 28, 1803 in the family of an educated chemist and painter Jean Francois Leonor Merim. After graduating from the course of legal sciences in Paris, he was appointed secretary of Count D'Art, one of the ministers of the July monarchy, and then the main inspector of the historical monuments of France. In this post, he contributed a lot to preserving historical monuments. During his first trip to Spain in 1830, he became friends with the Count deba and his wife, the daughter of which was subsequently by the French Empress.

Merime as an old friend of the Montio Countess family was during the second empire with a close man under the Tuilderian yard; Evgenia's Empress feeds heart attachment to him and treated as a father. In 1853, Merime was erected by Senator and enjoyed full trust and personal friendship Napoleon III. Career and politics played, however, secondary role In the life and activity of such an artist writer, however by the vocation was Merim. Stilling right in Paris, he became friends with Ampera and Albert Stafer. The latter introduced it to the house of his father, who was gathering a circle of people loyal to science and art. On it literary evenings There were not alone French, but also the British, Germans and even the Russians. The stapler Merime came together and became friends with a standal and delegation, head of criticism in Revue de Paris. Literary tastes and views of Merima were under the influence of the staples and the mug of the delegalz. He borrowed interest in the study of the literatures of other peoples. Universality literary Education Merime noticeably allocated him from the environment of other French writers of that time. Merime, one of the first in France, appreciated the dignity of Russian literature and mastered the Russian language to read the work of Pushkin and Gogol in the script. He was a great admirer Pushkin, in 1849 translated his "peak lady." In 1851, the "Revue des Deux Mondes" came out of his Etude about Gogol, and in 1853 - the translation of the "auditor". Merime was also interested in Russian history: he published several articles on the "History of Peter Great" N. G. Ustortylov and essays from the history of the Cossacks ("Les Cosaques d'autrefois"). The history of the troubled time is reflected in "Le Faux Demetrius" and dramatic scenes "Les Debuts d'Un Aventurier" (1852). Merim was a big admirer I. S. Turgenev and wrote the preface to the French translation of "fathers and children", published in Paris in 1864

On the literary field, Merime made his debut very early when he was only 20 years old. His first experience was historical drama "Cromwell". She deserved hot praises of standal as a bold retreat from classic Rules Unity of time and action. Despite the approval of a friend of friends, Merime remained dissatisfied with his first work, and it did not get into the seal. Subsequently he wrote several dramatic Pieces And printed them under the title "Theater Clara Hasul" (TH ?? Tre de Clara Gazul), stating in the preface that the author of the play is an unknown Spanish actress of the West Theater. The second publication of Merim, his famous "Gusli" (Guzla), a collection of folk songs, was also a very successful hoax.

In 1828-1829, the drama "Jacqueria" (Jacquerie) and Famille Carvajal are published, historical novel "Chronicle of Charles IX" (Chronique Du Temps de Charles IX) and Nameo Falcone (Mateo Falcone). Merime at this time was actively collaborated in Revue De Paris and National and consisted in the closest relationship with the editors of these publications. In Revue, his story "Taking a Randut" (Prise de la Redoute), Tamango Tale (Tamango) and Pearl Toledo, a story "Etruscan Vase" and a number of letters from Spain. In the journal "Artist" he printed articles about Madrid Museum, the story "jacqueline" and the story "Double Error" (Double M? Prise). In 1834, he moved to "Revue des Deux Mondes" and published here the story "Souls of Purgation" (Ames Du Purgatoire), testifying to the workshop of learning life and morals of Spain, and the story "Ille Venus" (V? Nus d'Ille). At the end of 1839, Merim took a trip to Corsica. The result of this trip was "Notes de Voyage EN CORSE" and the Tale of "Colomba" (Colomba). The life of large cities, centers of civilization was polished according to the general template, was opposed to Merim. It was always much more attracted wild, original morals, which preserved the peculiar and bright color of the old days.

One of of the most famous works Memella "Carmen" became Merim, where he was so good a description of the Gypsy morals, as well as the image of Gypsy Carmen. Novella is taken as the basis of the plot of the Opera of Georges Bizé, whose music is incredibly popular and in our time.

Yu. M. Lotman in one of his last articles, referring to the work of Merim, wrote:

Merime issued several essays on the history of Greece, Rome and Italy, based on the study of sources. His story of Don Pedro I, King Castilla, is essential even among specialists.

Last story, published during the life of Merim, is "Lokis" (Lokis). After the death of Merim, "Latest Novels" (Derni? Res Novelles) between them best story "Blue room" (Chambre Bleue) and his letters. In 1875, published "Lettres? UNE autre inconnue.

Died in Cannes, where he was buried on the graveyard Grand Jas.


Tale and Novella

  • 1829 - Tamango (Tamango), Novella
  • 1829 - "Taking a Reduta" (L'ENL? VEMENT DE LA REDOUTE), story
  • 1829 - Matteo Falcone (Mateo Falcone), Novella
  • 1830 - "Etruscan Vase" (Le Vase? TRUSQUE), Novella
  • 1830 - "Partie in Trick-TRAC" (La Partie de Tric-Trac), Novella
  • 1833 - "Double Error" (La Double M? Prise), Novella
  • 1834 - "Purgatory Souls" (Les? Mes du Purgatoire), Novella
  • 1837 - Illy Venus (La V? Nus d'Ille), Novella
  • 1840 - "Colomba" (Colomba), story
  • 1844 - Arsen Gioo (ARS? Ne Guillot), Novella
  • 1845 - "Carmen" (CARMEN), story
  • 1869 - "Lokis" (Lokis), story
  • "Djuman" (Djouman), Novella
  • "Blue Room" (Chambre Bleue), Novella


  • 1825 - "Clara Gazul Theater" (TH ?? Tre de Clara Gazul), a collection of plays
  • 1828 - Jacqueria (La Jacquerie), historical drama chronicle
  • 1830 - "Dissatisfied" (Les m? Contents), Piece
  • 1850 - "Two inheritance or Don Quixote" (Les Deux H? Ritages Ou Don Quichotte), comedy


  • 1827 - "Gusli" (Guzla)
  • 1829 - "Chronicle of the Kingdom of Karl IX" (Chronique Du R? GNE de Charles IX)
  • 1835 - "Note on the south of France" (Notes d'Un Voyage Dans Le Midi de France)
  • 1837 - "Etude about religious architecture" (Essai Sur L'Architecture Religieuse)
  • 1863 - Essay "Bogdan Khmielnicki" (Bogdan Chmielnicki)

The first translations of the Merime on Russian:

  • "Illy Venus" ("Library for reading", 1837)
  • "SOLOMBA" (ibid, 1840)
  • "Double Error" ("Contemporary", 1847)
  • "Varfolomeev Night" ("Historical Bulletin", 1882)
  • "Carmen" ("Road Library", 1890).

Famous french writer, The author of the brilliant novel "Carmen" Prosper Merim died 143 years ago, five days before his next birthday aged 66 years. Under life, Russian literature was the favorite reading and subject of studying the French writer.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev wrote about Merime as one of the most intelligent and sophisticated masters of prose, admiring him with his heart fitness not only to Russian literature, but to the Russian people and the Russian language.

Very popular all over the world, the highly awesome work of Merim "Carmen", published in 1845. The love of the writer to Russia is not so widely known. However, during the life, the writer very tightly and saturatedly in contact with Slavic and Russian cultures. Here are some interesting details on this topic:

1. In 1827, Merima issues anonymously interesting collectionincluding songs southeast western Slavs.The French prose and assembled by him, allegedly, while traveling to the Balkans. The book "Gusli, or a collection of Illyrian songs recorded in Dalmatia, Bosnia, Croatia and Herzegovina" was called. Illaria in antiquity was called the West Balkan Peninsula.

In 1835, Pushkin took eleven ballad from this collection and outlined them in Russian in the poetic form in the form of a "Songs of Western Slavs" cycle. Pushkin used the word "Vurdalak" there, reinforcing the "Volkolak". Later, the word "Vurdalak" firmly rooted in Russian.

Subsequently, Merim admitted that he was not in the Balkans, though she was going there. All songs were written by them. Not only Pushkin, but also Adam Mitskevich was confident before folk origin Songs.

2. Researchers of the writer's creativity suggest that he wrote his famous novel "Carmen" under the influence of Pushkinsky "Roma".

3. In 1849, the writer seriously took up the study of the Russian language. Friends joked that he, as if emigrated to Russia. From 1849 to 1870, such works of Russian classics, as the "auditor" of Gogol, "Strange History" and "Ghosts" of Turgenev, "Shot" and "Shot" came out in his translation Peak lady"Pushkin. Merime spoke of himself that he was faithful to Pushkin Vassal.

4. Prospere Merim, together with Turgenev, published the translations of the Moscow Novel of the Russian Writer. In addition, he transferred to the French Poem Lermontov "MTSYRY". Following Merim it was prose art. With Turgenev Merime, he conducted a correspondence in Russian.

5. For ten years, from 1853 to 1863, Merim wrote several articles about Russian history. Among them, the "rebellion of razin", "Cossacks of the former times", "Lhadmitry - an episode from Russian history." He devoted to his publications to Russian writers - Gogol, Pushkin, Turgenev. At the end of his life, the writer was especially interested in the history of Peter I.

by Notes of wild mistress

Volnodutez, an atheist to the bone's brain, the hater of the whole reaction - and their own man in the family of Emperor Napoleon III, Senator of the second empire; secular dandy, feeling like a fish in water in aristocratic living rooms - both self-chained hard worker; a prolific author of the history, including Ukraine, the history of art, history of literature, archeology, ethnography, etc. - and the creator of only very few artistic works; Man, inquiry, and even hostile to the people's crowd, - and the artist, with a subtle and deep understanding reproducing inner world, the characters and fate of people from the people, - the whole of this controversial appearance of Prosper Merim, at first glance, mysterious, developed gradually, in conditions of a very difficult social reality, and, if you think about it, it is quite natural.


Born Prospere Merim on September 28, 1803 in Paris in the artist's family, follower Jacques-Louis DavidWhose classic strict, Lapidar style influenced the young man. His father Jean Francois Leonor Merim was an indispensable secretary of the Paris School of Fine Arts, was engaged in the invention of new, especially solid compositions oil colors, new ways of paper production, etc. In 1830, he published his book "On Painting Oil". Mother of the future writer, Anna Moro, divided artistic interests His husband and herself was a good drawing. FROM young years Prospere met with the ideas of French enlighteners of the XVIII century, which then made himself to know in his artistic works.

Merim, even as a child, who perceived the atheistic beliefs of his parents, and remained an atheist all his life. He learned soon, he was free, the critical attitude towards everything that the man does away, - to a religious dogma, to all sorts of types of hypocrisy, Pharisee and obochsia.

A healthy atmosphere that prevailed in the family had a beneficial effect on him. Already then the foundations of that extensive education were laid, thanks to which Merime was subsequently famous for his erudition. Already then they began to manifest themselves with rare ability and an inexhaustory thirst for all new and new knowledge.

The father of the future writer taught the drawing in the Lyuter of Napoleon (later renamed Henry IV's Lyceum). Prospera entered this lyceum externally in 1811 in the seventh class. He owned Latin well. And yet B. early childhood Lit in the house of English. The English was a tradition in the family of Merim, especially through the mother's line. Prababato Proster, Marie Leprins de Bomon, lived in England seventeen. His Grandma Moro married in London. Ms. Merim himself also had in England too. The House of Leonora was visited by many young English and Englishwomen who came to take painting lessons or drawing. Among these students - Emma and Fanny Lagden, with the parents of whom Ms. Merima is well acquainted and who many years later will be on duty at the bed of the dying prosper.


In such an environment, the young man did not have anything, how to learn how to draw and write with oil. Father doubted the abilities of his son to painting and was not mistaken. For Merime, it will forever remain entertainment, no more, but all his life he will throw drawings in albums, letters, writing watercolors.

Leonor Merim dreamed of seeing his son to a lawyer. Apparently, Prosper did not experience a lot of desire to fit into the lawsuit. However, in order not to recking the Father, he agrees to study the right, but in the future decides to act but its discretion. By enrolling in 1819 at the Faculty of Faculty of Sorbonne, he will receive the degree of licentia in 1823.

During these four years, continuing to dream of literature, he replenishes his knowledge, studying Greek, Spanish, philosophy, english literature, Get acquainted with occult sciences. This young man, with Middle, was considered, the abilities turned out to be surprisingly gifted. He is interested in all. Reads everything that comes at hand. From this spontaneous stream cultural values He will rise much due to its magnificent memory.

Friendship with a stand (since the summer of 1822), acquaintance with his treatise "Rasin and Shakespeare" (1823-1825), visiting the literary mug of the Delekluza, where the cult of Shakespeare reigned, even more strengthened the worship of Merim before the great playwright. These years are formed political Views Writer. It was closely connected with the "doctrines" - a small, but influential party of the liberal sense who participated in the preparation of the July Revolution of 1830, which overturned the restoration regime. After the revolution receives posts in various ministries. In May 1831, he was awarded the Order of the Honorary Legion.

Life bends. Creation

His activity had the greatest importance as an inspector of historical monuments, the preservation of which he gave a lot of strength and energy. On November 17, 1843, Merim was elected to the Academy of Inscriptions and Elegant Literature. By this time his work was written "Experience about the Civil War" and "Conspiracy of Catalin". On March 14, 1844, Prosper Merime was elected to the French Academy.

During the revolution of 1848, the National Guardsman defended the "order" in Mundire. However, this was not the protection of "Ostiva", but only the prevention of inevitable with any rebellion of the excesses of cruelty and self-government. In the period of the July monarchy, the inconsistency of his views go deepened, because his attitude to workers are not devoid of sympathy.

The writer negatively reacted to the coup committed in 1851 Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, but was in a difficult position: Bonaparte, who proclaimed himself with Emperor Napoleon III, married his daughter's close to Girlfriend Merim. The mercy of the courtyard will fall on the writer, he receives the officer cross of the Honorary Legion, and in the summer of 1853 is appointed by the senator. Merime will play in the Senate the most modest role. For seventeen years he only three times took the floor there. In August 1860, he becomes the commandand of the Order of the Honorary Legion.

Yes, the writer visited secular salons and the imperial palace, but he hardly believed in the apertic masquerade of the second empire. There was no close relationship with Napoleon III. A completely different things were dealing with the Empress. After all, Merim knew her as a child and in an intimate setting he still called her just "Eugene". He infinited himself to take care of her happiness. Without a doubt, he is absolutely sincere, because it nourishes real tenderness to the one that was once of his "little friend."


In the 50s, Merim lived, in essence, very lonely. After the death of the Father, he lived together with his mother for more than fifteen years. In 1852, Anna Merim died. Prosper had no sisters nor brothers. He was not married. He kept the circle of his friends. Back in 1842, Merime buried the standal, with whom the whole twentieth year was connected with close friendship and the community of aesthetic beliefs.

Roman with Valentina Delivera, his wife, who lasted about twenty years, brings him more and more chagrins and suffering, and in 1852 Valentine finally dispersed with his beloved, inflicting a deep heart wound. Merime felt the upcoming old age, the energy, before such a kipache, began to dry quickly. His artistic creativity Dropped.

In the 60s, the health of Merime does not get better. It will later become clear that we are talking About asthma. Benefits appear on the legs, which indicates blood circulation disorder and, it became for heart failure. Casting attacks do not stop. Even Ms. Delesser inflicts him a visit.

Merim's alarm strengthens after France declares War of Prussia on July 19, 1870. He suffers from the disease, suffers from the fact that this war leads to a catastrophe, deeply sympathizes the Empress, which was proclaimed regent. Despite her bad well-being, Merima delivers a visit to Eugene. He is enthusiastic with courage and determination, with what it tolerates the adversity struck on it.

September 11, Merim comes to Cannes. He mad from grief. He told Dr. Moru: "France is dying, and I want to die with it." September 23, 1870 at nine in the evening, Prosper Merim suddenly dies. He was sixty-seven years old.

After the death of Merim, I. Turgenev will write: "Under the outer indifference and cold, he hid the most loving heart; his friends he was invariably devoted to the end; In misfortunes, he even stronger to them, even when this misfortune was not completely undeserved ... who knew him, he would never forget his witty, unnecessary, on ancient French way, elegant conversation. He possessed extensive and diverse information; In the literature, the truth was valued and sought to her, hated the affectation and phrase, but it was alien to the extremes of realism and demanded a choice, measures, ancient finishment of the form.

It forced him to fall into some dryness and misfortune of execution, and he himself confessed in those rare moments when he allowed himself to talk about her own works ... in it over the years, it was more and more developed, in essence, deeply humane lesion For life, which is characteristic of skeptical, but good minds, carefully and constantly studied human morals, their weaknesses and passions. He clearly understood what was not agreed with his convictions. And in politics, he was a skeptic ... "