Lee actually legendary beloved Tristan and Isolde. Isoldan and Tristan: Beautiful Story of Eternal Love

Lee actually legendary beloved Tristan and Isolde. Isoldan and Tristan: Beautiful Story of Eternal Love

Tristanthe main character Terestan and Isolde, the son of King Rivalena (in some versions of Meliacs, Kalenagres) and Princess Blanchefler (Beliabell, Blanchebil). T. T. dies in a fight with the enemy, and the mother is in the birth torps. Dying, she asks to call the newborn baby Tristan from French Triste, that is, "sad", for and conceived, and he was born in sadness and sadness. One day I go to the Norwegian ship and starts playing chess with merchants. Fasciating the game, T. does not notice how the ship sails, T. thus turns out to be in captivity. The merchants intend with the case of selling it, and until time, they enjoy them as a translator, as the navigator. The ship enters the terrible storm. It lasts a whole week. The storm subsides, and the merchants are planted by T. on an unfamiliar island. This island is posing by the ownership of King Mark, his brother Mother T.

Gradually it turns out that he is the nephew of the king. The king loves him as his son, and the barons are unhappy with this. Once on Cornweals, where Mark is ruled, the Giant Moroholt will attack, requiring annual Dani. T. - the only one who is solved to fight with Morhorold. In the fierce battle of T. wins the giant, but he remains a piece from the Mother of Morkolt, impregnated with the poisoned composition. No one can cure T. then Mark orders to put it in a boat without cheerful and sail and put into the will of the waves. Boat sticks to Ireland. T. T. cures the girl with gold hair (in some versions - her mother).

One day, the King Mark sees how two swallows with gold hair in the beak fly in the sky. He says he marries a girl who has such hair. No one knows where such a girl can be. T. remembers that I saw it in Ireland, and caused it to bring it to the corner of the brand. T. rides in Ireland and watches an isold for his uncle. In later versions, the tournament describes the knights of King Arthur, on which T. so well fought that the Irish king is the father of Isolde - he invited him to ask for everything he wants.

The image of T. has deep folklore origyons. He is associated with Celtic Dresstan (Drustan), so, the etymology of his name from the word Triste is nothing but a desire for the medieval consciousness to realize an unfamiliar name as a friend. T. Guess the features of a fabulous hero: he alone fights with a giant, almost a dragon (not by chance, the tribute that Morhorhat asks, is more suitable for Dani Snake), according to some versions, he fights in Ireland with a dragon for which the king and offers him Choose a reward. The journey in the boat of the dying T. is connected by the corresponding burial rites, and the stay on the island of Ireland may well be correlated with the stay in the afterlife of the kingdom and, accordingly, with the prey of the bride from the other world, that for the earthly person always ends badly. T. - Son Sestra Mark, that again refers us to the element of ancient phratrial relations (the same can be said about an attempt to take revenge on uncle, about the relationship between T. and Caerdin - his wife's brother).

At the same time, T. in all versions of the plot - the court knight. Its semi-magic abilities are explained not to wonderful origin, but unusually good education and education. He is a warrior, musician, poet, hunter, navigator, perfectly owns "family arts" and many languages. In addition, he is knowledgeable in the properties of herbs, can prepare grinding and infusions, changing not only the color of its skin, but also face features. He plays a great chess. T. All versions - a person who is finely feeling and experienced by the duality of his position: Love for Isolde is fighting in his soul with love (and vassal duty) to uncle. As for the hero of the knightly novel, love for T. Represents a life rod. She is tragic, but she defines his life. A love drink, drunk by T. and became the source of further events, is associated with the folklore and mythological idea of \u200b\u200blove as a witchcraft. Different versions of the plot differently determine the role of a love drink. So, in the novel of Tom, the duration of the drink is not limited, and in the revenue novel - is limited to three years, but after that, T. continues to love isold. Late versions, as already mentioned, seek to slightly reduce the role of drink: Their authors emphasize that love for Isolde appears in the heart of T. even before swimming. The love drink becomes a symbol of heroic love and serves as a certain excuse for their illegal relations.

The origins of this myth-history are lost in the depths of centuries, and find them very difficult. Over time, the legend of Tristan has become one of the most common poetic legends medieval Europe. In the British Islands, in France, Germany, Spain, Norway, Denmark and Italy, it has become a source of inspiration for the authors of the stories and knightly novels. In the XI-XIII centuries. There were numerous literary versions of this legend. They became an integral part of the creativity of the knights and the troubadurov who chant the great romantic love at the time. One version of the legend of Tristan spent the other, the third; Each subsequent expanded the main plot, adding new parts and strokes to it; Some of them became independent literary worksrepresenting genuine works of art.
At first glance, in all these works, the main attention is attracted to the central topic tragic love and fate of heroes. But in this background, another, parallel plot, is much more important, is a kind of intimate heart of the legend. This is the story of the path of the fearless knight, through many dangers and the struggle that has come down to understanding the meaning of its existence. Having won the victories in all the trials that fate poses in front of him, he becomes a holistic, integral person and reaches the vertices in all respects: from perfection in battle to the ability to the Great Immortal Love.
The cult of romantic love for a lady and her knightly worship, barded, minstrels and troubadras, had a deep symbolism. The ministry of the lady also meant the ministry of its immortal soul, elevated and pure ideals of honor, loyalty and justice.
We meet the same idea in other myths, the origins of which are also not easy, as the origins of the myth of Tristan, for example, in a saga about the King Arthur and the search for Grail and in the Greek myth about the taste that Minotaur won thanks to the love of his heart ladies - Ariadnes. Comparing the symbolism of these two myths with symbols found in the legend of Tristan, we see that they are in many ways similar. Moreover, we are seeing how the main scene lines This similarity is becoming increasingly obvious.
Our research work makes it difficult that in these myths, elements of history, myth, legends, local and universal folklore are surprisingly intertwined, creating interesting, but very complex works in which it is difficult to deal with first glance.
Some suggest that the myth of Tristan dates back to the Celts, as it reflects the magical elements of ancient beliefs related to the period earlier than the XII century. Others, referring to the relationship of the symbols, indicate that the key to understanding the myth should be sought in astrology. The third see a certain "lunar deity" in Tristan, and the fourth believe that the story of his life symbolizes the sun path.
There are those who make an emphasis exclusively on the psychological content of the narration, on human dramaheroes live. The paradoxical appears the fact that despite the era, in which this story appears in the literature, her heroes do not have any religious feelings, say, repentance for their behavior; Moreover, lovers feel clean and innocent and even under the auspices of God and Nature. There is something strange and mysterious in the events of this myth, withdrawing its heroes beyond the "good" and "evil". Some researchers also indicate a possible eastern origin Some episodes or the whole work as a whole. In their opinion, this story was postponed from the east to West Arabs, who were settled on the Iberian Peninsula.
Other scientists emphasize the fact that this legend, in different versions, has repeatedly repeated over the entire Atlantic coast of Europe; It suggests them to the idea that her origin goes into the depths of history, to Ario-Atlantam, lived long before the Celts. Interestingly, regardless of the hypotheses about the origin and history of the myth about Tristan, almost all researchers come to the conclusion about the existence of a common source of inspiration, one initial ancient legend. It was she who served as the basis for all its numerous later options and knightly novels about Tristan. Each of these options more or less accurately reflects individual details and nuances of the initial history.


We tried to consider all the well-known versions of the myth about Tristan and, analyzing them, to identify the main story. Although it does not match all the details with the famous work of Richard Wagner, however, it helps it better understand the meaning of a number of characters that appear within the framework of the plot.

Tristan is a young prince living at the court of his uncle, King Cornwell Mark. In terrible battle, he defeats the Mosth of Irish, which Mark had to give 100 girls annually as a date. However, he himself is mortally injured by a poisoned arrow. Tristan leaves the yard and without cheerful, sails and steering wheel, taking only their lire, floats on the boat. It is miraculously reaches the shores of Ireland, where he meets an oscillage of gold-haired, which owns the art of magic and healing inherited from the mother. She hesitates his wound. Tristan gives himself a kind of tantrix, but the Morolt \u200b\u200bwinner will find out in it, comparing the jar on the sword of Tristan with a metal fragment, which she removed from the skull of the deceased Maltte.
Upon returning to the court of King, Mark Tristan is entrusted with a particularly important mission: on a gold hairs, a frown swallow, find a woman who would like to marry his uncle. Tristan learns the gold hair isold. After a variety of exploits, worthy of admiration, - as, for example, winning the battle with a terrible snipe-like monster, who ruined Ireland and thoroughly, even on the most bold knights, - he conquers a wonderful lady for his uncle.
On the road from Ireland, the Cornwell Maulus is randomly confusing magic drinks, which brought with him the princess. The blinded offense of Isolde offers Tristan a drink, carrying death, but due to the mistake of the maid, instead of poison, they both drink a magical love balm, which connects a young couple a great immortal feeling and insurmountable passion.
The wedding day of the isold and brand approaches. However, the young Queen and Tristan, torn apart by heart torment and longing each other, continue their hot lovelie, until the king exposes them. Further, each version of the legend about Tristan offers its own embarrassment of this story.
According to one of the versions, a certain knight of the king brand inflicts a fatal wound to Tristan, after which the hero is removed in the breast of the generic castle, waiting for the death or appearance of Isolde, which could reserve it again. And indeed, Isolde sails a boat. But she is pursued by the king Mark and his knights. The disconnection is bloody: everything, except for the King of Mark, the silent witness of the drama. Saying goodbye to life, Tristan and Isolde sing the anthem of the Great Immortal Love, permeated with a high feeling, triumphant over death and it turned out much stronger pain And suffering.
According to another version, immediately after the exposure of treason, the King Mark is expelled by lovers. They hide in the forest (or in the forest grotto), where they live in solitude. One day, Mark finds them with sleeping and sees that there is a sword of tristan between them as a symbol of purity, innocence and chastity. The king forgives his spouse and takes her with him. Tristan sends himself to the armoric, where he marries the daughter of the local Duke - Isolda by Beloruk. But the memory of her former great Love Does not allow the tristan to love his spouse, nor even touch her.
Protecting your friend, once Tristan turns out to be mortally wounded. He sends friends in search of Isolda Zolotovolosoy - the only one who is able to cure him. White sail on a boat that was sent to search for Isolde, had to mean that it was found, and black - that it was not possible to find it. The boat returning from the journey appears on the horizon under the white sail, but the spouse of Tristan, Isolde Beloruk, in the attack of jealousy, says to her husband that the sail is black. So dying last hope Tristan, and with her life leaves his body. Izold Zolotovolop appears, but late. Seeing his beloved dead, she lies next to him and dies.

Characters: names and characteristics

Tristan (sometimes Tristram, Tristant) is the name of Celtic origin. Tristan or Drytan is a diminutive form of the name of the choke (or a friend), which was carried by some Pictitory kings in the VII-IX centuries. This name is connected with the word "Tristeza", meaning sadness and hinting at the fact that his mother died in childbirth, shortly after the death of his father. Tristan was the son of Rivalena, King of Lonie (Loonosa), and Blancheflor, sisters Mark Cornwell.
Tristan is "the hero who does not have equal, the pride of the kingdoms and the refuge of glory." The name "Tantrics" Tristan enjoys every time, getting into Ireland: when for the first time fighting with Maltte, he gets a deadly wound and is given to the grace of fate in the boat without cheerful, sails and steering wheel and when it comes back to win the hand of Isolda-Issa and transfer it to his uncle Brand. In this case, this name is a special meaning.
It is symbolic not only that the names are changed in places, but also what all changes life values Tristan. He ceases to be a knight without fear and reproach and becomes like a person who is obsessed with a love tie leading to death, and is no longer able to control. He is no longer a fearless knight, but weak personOn the one hand, in need of the help of the magician of the ise, on the other hand, deceiving her love and trust, going to hand it with another man.
Isaout (eaten, Isaouth, Isolt, Isolde, Isotta) - Another Celtic name, possibly ascending to the Celtic Word "Essail", denoting a fir or to the German names of Ishild and Isvald.
Mario Roso de Moon in his studies goes even further and connects the name of the isold with such names as Izabel, Isida, Elsa, Eliza, Isabel, Isida Abel, leaning towards the fact that our heroine symbolizes the sacred image of Isides - a clean soul that gives life All people. Isolde - Daughter of Queen Ireland and Maltte's niece (for other versions - his bride or sister). She is a magician who owns the magical art of healing and resembling copper from the myth of Cason and Argonauts, as well as Ariadna from the myth about the bee.
Isolde Beloruk - Daughter Howell, King or Duke Armorika or Low Britain. This character most authors consider later; Most likely, he was simply added to the original storyline of myth.
Morolt \u200b\u200b(Marchhalt, Morkot, Armoldo, Morloto, Mortaldo) - Sign of the King of Ireland, a man of giant growth, annually going to Cornwell to take tribute to 100 girls. In the Wagner version of the Mofor Mallt - the Bridegroom, who died in a duel with Tristan; His body was thrown on an uninhabited island, and the head is hung in the lands of Ireland.
"MAZ" in Celtic means "the sea", but also "high", "big". This is the most famous monster who had to defeat not only Tristan, but also the Teskey in the Greek myth, symbolizing the old old, who has granted itself and dying in humanity. He is opposed to the power of youth Hero, the ability to make great feats, to work wonders and lead to new dala.
Mark (Maros, Mark, Marco, Mars, Marez) - King Cornwell, Uncle Tristan and Spouse of Izia. According to Roso de Moon, he symbolizes karma, or the law of fate. He alone survives after a dramatic junction. But all the events in myth are unfolded around him, it is he who causes all the consequences of this drama that is known to us.
Brangwain (Brangel, Brengan, Brangen, Branzhena) - the faithful maid of the ise, which, in different versions, intentionally or accidentally changes the drinks, intended for triban and more than a place. In the work of Wagner, Brangweene is asked to submit tristan and is of a magic drink, bringing death, but it is not from fear, it does not give them a magic drink that causes love. According to some sources, Brangwain replaces a beet of a wedding bed with Mark to hide the guilt of his Mrs..

Symbolic episodes

In the legend about Tristan, you can find many coincidences with the myth about the taste and minotaur. Like the Teskey, Tristan must defeat the monster - a giant Maltte, requiring tribute in the form of young beautiful maids, or a dragon, emptying Earth of Ireland. In some embodiments, the Myth, the Giant Mo-Rolly and Dragon differ clearly and are different characters, in others they are connected in one monstrous creature.
Walking in the footsteps of the Tereus, Tristan dismands out, but not for himself: Tesheus gives Ariadna Dionisus, and Tristan gives out of his uncle, the king of the brand.
At the end of the narrative, the ship under the white sail means the return of the Teasian (or the death of his father Egea) and the return of the ise, and under black - death for both lovers. Sometimes it says not about the sail, but about a special flag: In the work of Wagner, the boat Isolde is approaching the shore with the flag on the mast expressing "luminous joy, brighter of the very light ..."

Plots from the legend about King Arthur

At one time, Wagner wondered to unite the stories of Tristan and ParsiFhala: "I already made a sketch of three actions, in which I intended to use the entire plot of the" Tristan "entirely. Lastly I introduced the episode, which subsequently crossed out: Parsifal visits the dying tristan, Going in search of grail. The deadly wounded Tristan, still fighting and not emitting spirit, although his hour has already broken through, I was identified in my soul with amfortas, a character from a story about the graveyard ... "
Amfortas - the king, the keeper of the Grail - was injured by a magic spear, enchanted one of the famous black magicians, and sentenced to great suffering: as a result of the witchcraft, his wound never heal. Something like this happens with a tristan, which is twice (and even three times) death wounds are applied; Only isold can heal them. The factor of magic and witchcraft here is indisputable: Tristan is injured by the Morolt \u200b\u200bor Dragon, and only the smeliness owns magic artcapable of opposing the destructive effects of injury. The wounded trustist loses his qualities of the valiant knight and turns into a tantrix, because it becomes a victim of witchcraft, black magic, and only a wise smear knows what you need to do to remove the terrible spells who carry death from it. An unexpected turn in the plot reminds some fragments of legends about the ancient Atlantis. Seeing his dying lover, the smelt brings the last sacrifice, makes the last great healing. She is no longer looking for a means capable of returning life to Tristan, but chooses the path of death as the only way to save and transformation.
There is another similarity with the plot of legends about King Arthur: Mark finds lovers sleeping in more often, with a sword, laid between them. King Arthur watched the same scene when he found Gienevra and Lancelot, who fled to the forest, could no longer hide her love from each other. Moreover, in the Galician-Portuguese compilation of poems, it is noted that Tristan and iaza lived in the castle, which was granted to Lancelot. Then Tristan decides to take part in the search for a graveyard and, going on the road, in accordance with the tradition, which young people who, who were looking for adventures, take with them the harmon and the green shield described in the knight's novels of that time. Hence the names that he was assigned: the knight of the green sword or the knight of the green shield. The death of tristan in different authors is described in different ways. There are an episode with sails mentioned. There is an option according to which Tristan wounded the King Mark or one of the court knights, finding it with isa in palace gardens. There are other versions, including famous option Wagner. But most often, it is Mark that squeezes a deadly poisoned sword or a spear sent to the Morgan specifically in hand to destroy the knight.

Question about drugs

Leaving without discussion the plot of the love drink, which Queen of Ireland prepared for his daughter's wedding, and the mistake, because of which he drank him and Isolde, looking for explanations of this story.
To understand the value greek myth About Tesse and Legends About Tristan, you can apply the same symbolic keys.
According to one of these approaches, Tristan symbolizes a person, and the iso is his soul. Then it is quite natural that they were united by the Uzami Love before they drank the drug. But in life it often happens that different circumstances force a person to forget about their soul, deny her existence or simply stop reckon with its needs and experiences. As a result, "alienation" occurs from each other, because of which both parties suffer. But the soul never gives up. Izel prefers death to her beloved, believing that it is better to die together than to live in separation: she offers Tristan to drink allegedly drink reconciliation, which actually turns out to be poison, that is, a drink leading to death. But maybe it was not the only solutionMaybe not only death is able to reconcile a person with his soul? There is a happy mistake: drinks are replaced and both drinking the drug love. They again together, they reconciled great Power love. Not in order to die, but in order to live and together to overcome all the vital difficulties. Here we consider the plot from the philosophical point of view. For a much concerning this myth, the philosophical views of the Great Plato can be applied.
Tristan is a man, crucified between the world of the feelings and the world of the Spirit, between the pleasures of earthly life and a burden for eternal beauty, to the eternal heavenly Lovewhich can be achieved only through the death of the shadow sides of his personality, only through the domination over them.
Tristan never feels guilty for her love, but it feels guilty of Gordini's sin, who amazes his heart: instead of fighting for his own immortality, he is inferior to the thirst for power and earthly glory. And if for this you need to give my soul, he, of course, sacrifice it without hesitation - so Tristan sacrifices Isolde, allowing her to marry the brand.
Tristan acquires immortality only at the price own deaththat becomes redeeming for him, liberation from all the dirt of earthly life. From this point on, his rebirth begins, its final and decisive transition from the kingdom of shadows and pain in the kingdom of light and happiness. Death is defeated by immortality. Troubadour's song is inferior to the Hymn of Resurrection, Lyra and Rosa Love turn into a shining sword of life and death. Tristan finds his Grail.
In this story, the great doctrine of twin souls was reflected, because our heroes gradually achieve perfection far exceeding the usual earthly passion. Their love turns into a complete mutual understanding, in a deep merger with each other, into the mystical unity of the souls, thanks to which each of them becomes an inseparable part of the other.

Instead of imprisonment

In this story, many characters and symbolic keys are intertwined. Tristan personifies all humanity - the young and heroic in spirit, capable of fighting, love and understand beauty. The wise of the isa is the image of a caring guardian angel of mankind embodied in the face of Tristan, the image, symbolizing the eternal sacraments of being, which always had two faces, contained two connecting opposites: mind and gender, life and death, love and war. The duality "Mind - Paul" originates in the ancient esoteric traditions telling about the turning point, the critical moment of history, passing through which a person received a spark of the mind. A man and a woman (in the court literature - a knight and lady) for the first time they had to experience the pain separation, in which at the same time there was something attractive. However, just the originating, the highest mind was not yet able to comprehend the meaning of what is happening. Since then, love has become perceived through the attraction of floors, as well as through pain and suffering, concomitant. But such perception is significantly different from the pure, strong, idealistic feeling of the Great, Eternal Heavenly Love, which can be completely experienced only thanks to the Higher Raughter awakened in man.
Other couples of opposites: "Life - Death", "Love - War" - we will try to explain on the basis of the philosophical teachings about the logos, which in their triple aspect affect the state of a person. Truste draws his experience from the highest mind - forms characteristic of the third logo. He is a knight possessing a mind that allows you to reap fame in the world of forms, the winner in many battles, but he still does not know the real war; He is a gallant cavalier and seducer beautiful ladiesbut he still does not know of real love; He is a troubadour and a sophisticated musician, but still does not know the real beauty. He feels the presence of ise, but still does not possess wisdom to learn his own soul in it.
It is death that leads him to the next step, it is death who opens the doors to him leading to the second Logos to him - to the energy-life, love-wisdom. The death of his bodily shell brings him to understanding the great sacrament of the energy of life, in which life juices that feed the entire universe, in which the cause of immortality lies: life is understood through death, and in death, ultimately, and love. His mind turns into wisdom. And from now on, he can win in the Great War, in great Battlewhich is described by a thousand-year Bhagavadgita, in the battle for finding his own soul, for finding himself.
It is at this moment that the musician and a lover is transformed into a man wise, now he knows that art and love are two parts of one eternal beauty, inseparable from each other.
One more step - and he lives in the ecstasy of death for love. This state gives him new vision, opens the eyes of the soul, brings an understanding:
Beautiful is the same as good and justice.
The mind is only victories and triumphs in the earthly world, far from the soul.
The form is the music of terrestrial sounds.
Energy is the life and knowledge of the death of the forms.
Love is wisdom, art and beauty, well-deserved in the war for finding themselves.
The law is beauty, kindness and justice.
Will is overcoming all the tests, the sublimation of desire.
Tristan personifies the perfect, the ideal model of the path called the neoplatonic dam "ascent to the truth."
Tristan is a lover and a musician, however, earthly passions turn his love into a red rose with bloody spikes, and his liru is in a sword that can be fatally injured. And suddenly he enters the world of ideas. The musician and the lover can already understand and see. He has already traveled, passing through dangerous water, defending his shield, following his soul. He has already reached the doors of the new person, new form Life.
That is the path of the present musician: from the forms to ideas, from the desire - to the will, from the warrior to a person.
The best thing outlined the essence of this path Richard Wagner, which described the experiences and experience of love, which always unites the fact that due to our ignorance it is subject to separation. His words show the whole path of Tristan and Isolde, immersed at the beginning of the unfortunate wave of desire, which, born from simple, timid confession, grows and acquires strength ... At first sighs alone, then hope, then enjoying and regret, joy and suffering .. . The wave grows, reaching his vertices, to a frantic pain, until the saving gap, through which all the great and strong hearts are strengthened to dissolve in the ocean of the infinite pleasure of true love: "Even such intoxication does not lead to anything. For the heart unable to resist, completely indulgence passion and, covered by unfulfilled desire, again deprives forces ... For it does not understand that every satisfied desire is only the seed of the new, even more greed ... that the vortex of passion, ultimately leads to the inevitable , full exhaustion of forces. And when everything ends, in the soul, the wishes exterpassed by the vortices, asking that she again remains empty, the premonition of another , higher enjoyment - the sweets of death and non-existence, the final redemption, achievable only in the wonderful kingdom, which the more from us is removed, the stronger we strive to penetrate there.
Is it possible to call this death? Or this is the innermost kingdom of Mystery, who gave love seeds from which grape vine and ivy, closely intertwined among themselves and whining the grave of Tristan and Isolde, how does the legend say? "

The original article is on the website of the magazine "New Acropolis".

Today is Valentine's Day, which means it is time to talk about the most famous beloved. The first place was rightfully given by Romeo and Juliet, but silver - at Tristan and Isolda, a couple of no less passionate.

First, the answer to the question from the title is actually such historical charactersAs Tristan and Isolde did not exist, and the tale of them is just a medieval knightly novel. But it is important, especially since the novel by itself, written in the XII century - an incredibly interesting artifact. True, some historians are still trying to find legendary beloved among real people, but about everything in order ...

History of Tristan and Isolde

Tristan, as writers believe, was Prince Lyoness, fabulous country From the legends about King Arthur. His mother died early, and his father married again on an evil woman. The young man, fleeing from the stepmother attack, left his homeland and headed to Tintagel (by the way, a really existing castle in the UK). There he began to live at the court of his uncle, King Mark, who had no children.

In Tintagle, the young man distinguished himself: he freed the kingdom from the evil monster of the Morch, who tried the country. True, the Morchult wounded the tristan hard, and the young prince was forced to leave in search of healing. I was helped by the Irish princess of Isolde, which was unusually beautiful: her blond curls glowed in the sun as if gold was glowing, and the eyes were more transparent of lakes. However, Tristan did not pay any attention to the girl and, defeating the disease, returned to the uncle.

In the meantime, the Corolnic Corona Mark called him to marry and provide the Heir to the state. Hearing Tristan's heard remembered Isolde and went to Ireland again, promising to bring the bride uncle. The mother of the girl gave her a love potion with her, so that she drank him with a future husband, but everything went, despite the plan: a magic drink was trying on the ship Tristan and Isolde. So the great love began.

What is uncle? He was offered the servant of Isolde, giving out the girl for the princess itself. So it lasted for quite a long time: the beloved arranged passionate dates, and the servant lived with the king.

One day everything was opened and the lovers had to run and live in the forest. King Mark, though he was angry, later still forgiven an outstand, ordered her to return, and the Tristan expelled from the country.

The young man leaves for Britain and marries there at Isolde, but only on the other. The fact is that King Britain had a daughter who was also called Isolde. One day, falling asleep in the palace, Tristan said in a dream the name of his beloved. This was handed over to the king, who decided that it was about his daughter. He orders to marry a high-ranking young man and Princess, and Tristan, without daring to offend the ruler with refusal, agrees.

But, family life Not asked: Tristan, longing in his beloved, does not touch his wife, and she jealines him and does not find himself.

Finally, a tragic junction has come. In one of the battles, Tristan was fatally injured, and the young man asked the servant to bring his beloved to him to look at her in last time. They agreed that if the servant succeeds to fulfill the planned, the sails of the ship will be white, and if not - black. Having learned about this, the jealous wife of Tristan deceived him, saying that the ship was seen on the horizon with a black sail. In fact, the beloved was already near ...

From Grief Tristan died, shouting the name of his beloved three times, and Izolded, who came ash and saw the lifeless body of her beloved, without handing out the shock, died after him.

Tristan and isold buried on two sides of the temple, and overnight a thrannitor, grew near the grave of Tristan, spread over the building and bent at the grave of Isolde. So ended the Great Earth Love.

Historical facts

Although it is a beautiful legend and fiction, historians are still inclined to believe that some characters There really existed. It is believed that the prototype of King Mark was Myrhion lean, the last king Related, an ancient Britty state, and his spouse - ECSILT Top Kilwied - the prototype of Isolda.

It is known that for the first time a legend originated in Ireland and Scotland, from where he came to Britain, and then to France, gradually faster than new details and details. In the tale there were features of the Greek epos (Morchult - Minotaur, black and white sails - the legend of theses).

In the future, this love story served as inspiration for many poets, artists and musicians. Even astronomers did not remain indifferent, calling the Tristan and Isolderate Craters of the Saturn satellite.

Well, for us, Tristan and Isolde will forever remain a symbol eternal love.

Tristan and Isolde

"The legend of Tristan and Isolde, with the legend of the graveyard - the greatest myth, which only gave rise to the medieval western world, is the myth of the fatal love leading to death," Jean-Marie Fritz writes.

Although this legend has become a myth characteristic of the European imagination, its parallels are quite often found in the world folklore, then in the legend of Persian origin. Persian story about love Prison Vim and Vityaz Ramin reminds the history of the "Triangle" - Mark, Tristan, Isolde. But the initial essence of the legend, apparently, should be sought in Celtic culture, and through all Christian Europe, it spreads from the XII century. It must be said that, although Tristan and Isolde are the emblem heroes of the Middle Ages, the history of this couple remained a symbol of love and for the newest time and is not exhausted by the Epoch of the Middle Ages. If the Grail in this book is mentioned among medieval wonders and wonder only where this is speech about the heroes of knightly times, then for Tristan and Isolda, we allocated the whole chapter - because in this myth brighter than in any other, the medieval image of a woman, the image of a loving couple and the image of the feeling, which, along with the feudal duty of vassal loyalty, without doubts remain the largest and truly valuable heritage, which only the average century left western culture, - courteous love.

The myth consists of a series of texts, preserved mainly in fragments. The totality is two novels in verses, one written in England in the 1170-1173 years in British and is considered an option to courtie - no more than a quarter of the text has been preserved, - another, who became the poet of Norman origin on behalf of the Burul, is called a common version, and from him Only a fragment of 4485 poems remained. Three poems are adjointed here: two "madness of tristan" - they, depending on the locations where manuscripts were found, are called "Bernish madness" or "Oxford madness"; And the third story is LE Maria French "Honey". But this is not all - there is another Scandinavian saga about Tristan and Isolde, written by Brother Robert on the orders of King Norway Hakon IV (1226). "Tristan in Prose" - this created about 1230 by the alteration of the myth of Tristan and Isolde in the form of a canceled long novel, inspired by Lancelot in Prose: the action here turns along at the same time at the court of King Mark, her husband Isolda and Uncle Tristan, and at the court of King Arthur . Tristan becomes knights Round Table. and graveyard seeker. In all Christian Europe, the myth of Tristan and Isolde spread in very early years Middle Ages, and, in addition to the Allegandavanian Saga already mentioned, it should be said about the novel of Eilhart von Oberge, written in the last quarter of the XII century, and the variants on the meduneless language written between 1200 and 1210 by Gottfried Strasbourg and its successors, Ulrich from Tyurheim and Heinrich from Freiburg. About 1300, an anonymous author in England wrote on the Middle-Galian Siera Tristroma. In Florence, the Italian version in the prose was found in the Riccardian library, which can be dated the end of the XIII century, it was called "Tristan Riccardian".

Based on these texts, the content of the legend of tristan and isold can be briefly shaped as follows. The orphan Tristan is brought up by Uncle, the Cornish King Mark. During his trip to Ireland, he frees from the dental dragon (here it is found from both the legend of St. George, and the Knight's essence of the image of Tristan) is an outstand, the daughter of Queen Ireland, and seeks her hands for King Mark. However, during a long sailing on the sea, they drink a love drink with an outbreak of negligence, which mother of Isolde prepared for her daughter and King Mark. Empty to each other with indomitable passion, young people become lovers. The Kametka, guilty of mistake with a love drink, agrees to sacrifice his virginity and falls into the Barny night to the bed to the king brand instead of Isolda. It follows a series of nomanic peripetia, the essence of which is that Tristan and Isolde are trying to hide mutual love from suspecting a non-Ladan king Mark, his barons who are breeding dislike on a young couple, and vassals, which in a large extent influence the King of Mark. Finally, they are caught on the scene of the crime, they are sentenced to death by King Mark. They manage to run, and they hide in the forest of Morua, leading the life of rejected vagrants. Mark finds them there, but they keep with such a chastity that he decides to spare them, and they return to the yard. The ambiguous oath of loyalty washes off the accusation of married treason from Isolde, and Tristan takesnish \u200b\u200bhis enemies - baronam, but the King Mark sends him to exile. From now on, lovers see each other only from afar, exchangeing by secret views during the rare appearances of Tristan at the courtyard, where he comes in Pilgrim's clothes, then in the image of the juggler, and then in the rubble madness. He will marry Isolde by Beloruk, the daughter of King Carhise, but he keeps the loyalty to Isolde Blokuroy and does not make marriage with another isolde. Wounded by the poisoned boom, he calls for his headboard with a blond; But Isolde Belarusian from Jealousy speaks to the sick Tristan, instead of the White Sails, hearing about the arrival of Blond Isolda, sails the ship with a sail black, which means its absence on the ship. Desperate Tristan presents his death, and Izzold Belokura remains only to rush to his dead body and die of himself.

The myth of Tristan and Isolde put a deep imprint on the European imagination. The image of a loving couple and the idea of \u200b\u200blove is noted by its undoubted influence. The love drink has become a symbol of a sudden love passion and the fateful essence of a love feeling. The history of the triangle tied a love passion with the theme of Adumerter. Finally, in Western Imaginar, this myth has roasted the idea of \u200b\u200bthe fatal relationship of love and death. Already Gottfried Strasbourg in the XIII century wrote: "True, they are not dead, from the most expected times; Their charming names continue to live, and their death itself will be alive for a long time, forever, for the sake of all the best, what is in the world; Their death will not cease to be a lively and fresh for us. /.../ We will read about their lives, we will read about their death, and we will be this sweet bread of urgent. " There will be no unnoticed and definite chance and the famous brand's badness - king and husband. The story of Tristan and Isolde emphasizes the limitations of marriage bonds and monarchical power. The myth takes love a place in the area of \u200b\u200bmarginal, if not at all rebellion.

The question remains whether the myth of Tristan grows and isold of the whole of the courtciance or partially deviates from it. It seems indisputable that even in the turmune version of the myth about Tristan and Isolde, the features are noticeable (we will encounter the same in the ideology of the troubadur). Christian Marcello-Nicia emphasized: in terms of relations between a man and a woman, the plot goes beyond the limits of the court ethics. "W.civil lady primarily a civilizational role; She introduces a young man into a feudal society, makes it makes it divide his values. /.../ The story of the same Tristan, quite on the contrary, manifests itself as a number of renunciations, as a progressive marginalization, leading to death. It is in this perspective that Tristan's dressing should be treated: in contrast to the court lady, which encourages military naval, Love that Tristan is experiencing to Isolde, encourages him not to the manifestation of military talents, but to the insidious tricks and sophistication of fictions. "

The myth of Tristan and Isolde was vividly worried about imaginar men and women of the XV and XVI centuries. In the middle of the XV century, the English poet Malory composes the Tristram Lyon, which has a great success. In the XVI century, Danish ballads are composed on this legend. The German Hans Sax writes in 1553 Tristan and Isolde. In 1580, Tristan and Isolde appears in Serbohorvatsky. After leaving the shadow during the XVII and XVIII centuries, the myth is again experiencing Renaissance, as usual - in the era of romanticism. A.V. Schlegel composes the incomplete "tristan" in 1800; Walter Scott publishes in 1804th "Sira of TriStrema"; Saga about the tristrane was published in 1831 in Icelandic.

The revival and dissemination of the myth about Tristan and Isolde in France is associated with active scientific activities Hih century. From 1835 to 1839, Francis Mishel publishes the bulk of the poetic novels about Tristan. In the 1900th Joseph Bedier publishes the text on modern language Recreation of the hull of the trial legends, called the "Roman about Tristan and Isolde", and he manages to a short-term reading public by he himself calls the "excellent story about love and death."

Meanwhile, Tristan and Isolde resurrect in English poetry - in the poem of 1852, written by Matthew Arnold, and in the "Tristrah Lyon" Suinbarne. But they are especially obliged by the new life of Richard Vagneru. Wagner back in 1854 for the first time he decided to write "Tristan and Isolde" and under the influence of Schopenhauer made focus on the tragic and hopeless side of the myth, and the libretto, like music, he, according to his usual, wrote himself. He graduated from "Tristan and Isolde" in 1859-1860; The first representation of the opera took place in 1865 at the Royal Munich Theater under the control of Hansa Background Bülov, and just at that time Wagner became the lover of his wife of Kozim, the Child's daughter, - a child, the girl, which they name Isoldeus will be born.

If in XIX century Tristan and Isolde was interested in Opera, then in the XX topic of tristan and isolded another masterpiece, breathed in the myth new life Under the fatal sign of love and death. This is the "Eternal Return", the film of Jean Deliannu on the script of Jean Cocteau, where the legendary lovers played Jean Mare and Madeleine Solon.

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Since ancient times, humanity challenged a high and bright sense of love. Famous History The love of Tristan and Isolde is built on the basis of Celtic material, some German and antique penetrated into it mythological motives. The most famous recorded versions of this legend became the Old Flash texts, which arose on the territory of the modern Wales ("Triads of the Island of Britain", "Test About Tristan", etc.). The plot of legends first developed Norman trumpets in the second floor. XII century In Henrich III of the Plantagenet (1154-1189), in the field of Western France, in the territory of the island of Great Britain and Eastern Ireland. That is why this novel reached us in two versions: English and French. Among its most significant manifestations should be called the poetic novels of the French juggler Berul and Norman Toma. Both works appeared at one time - somewhere around 1170. The small poem "Tristan Yurody" Anglo-Norman poetess Maria is preserved (the second floor. XII century).

Starting from the XII century, the legend spread throughout the European Region. The creation of the German poet of Gottfried Strasbourg Tristan and Isolde (1210), who did not complete the work, completed Ulrich von Turgail and Heinrich von Freborg. Further processing of the legends we find in Italian (Tristan, "end of the XIII century), Spanish (" Don Tristan from Leonis ", XIII century), Icelandic (" Ballad on Tristan ", XVII century) literature. Popular in the late Middle Ages " folk books"Thirdians and Isolde practically did not make anything fundamentally new to her plot, only a few adapted it to the requirements of time and national conditions.

The French writer of the misfortune made an attempt to reconstruct the plot scheme based on the comparison of all known versions and at the same time published its free prose treatment of the novel on Tristan and Isolde (1900). His tonality is tragic. The heroes were killed, but not from the blows of stronger and experienced opponents, and under the pressure of fate, flexing under the severity of fate. The topic of love was intertwined with the theme of death.

Tristan and Isolde: summary

Tristan is the son of King Lonoua - still a baby remained orphan. His father died in battle, defending the land of King Mark, his wife's brother, from the Irish Baron Morgan. Mother died, learning about her husband's death. The young man got a beautiful knightly upbringing from the servants of the late father and, reaching a mature age, went to the court of uncle - King Mark to become his vassal. Here, he made his first feat - killed the cruel giant of Maltte, the brother of the Irish Queen, who annually came to Titresshel, the capital of the Kingdom of the Kingdom of Mark, for Dania (300 boys and girls annually). But Tristan was seriously injured in battle to a poisonous molded sword. No one could cure him. Then he asked him to be laid in a boat: where she would swim, there and need to look for happiness. Fate gave the brave meeting with the Irish princess of Isolde Blokuroy, who cured his magic potion. But she accidentally learned that Tristan - Morolt's killer, her uncle. Overcoming the desire of revenge, the princess did not tell anyone about his opening and let go of Tristan home.

He was met as a hero in Tentative, and Mark proclaimed him by the heir to the throne. This decision met the stubborn resistance of the barons, which, envy Tristan, hated it. After a long conflict, they convinced the brand need to marry and have a legal successor. But the king put forward an incredible condition: he agreed to marry only on the princess, which was supposed to have gold braids like that hairs that brought a swallow in the castle. And then Tristan announced that he would bring a stamp to Princess, because he immediately recognized the hairs of Isolde Blokuroy. Tresen again went to the way to align the brand of the bride and thus to take suspicion of the desire to take the throne belonging to the uncle. To win the arrangement of Isolde, Tristan struggled with a dragon-butter, freed the country from a terrible attack. Wounded in unequal battle poisoned by the fiery breath of monsters, he almost died. And again he saved Isolde and her nobility: the princess did not take revenge for the death of her uncle.

The Irish king suggested a knight to marry Isolde. Tristan, faithful to his word, asked her hands for Mark and received consent. The girl was to marry a person who did not even see. Happy this marriage was supposed to make a love drink. However, she accidentally drank this magic drink with a tristan during a maritime travel to the shores of the brand possessions. The servant of Branzhen during the insane heat, hurrying to break the thirst for his lady and Tristan, gave them instead of ordinary wines a magic drink intended for the marriage night. That is why the indestructible thirst for love broke out in their hearts. They became lovers here, on the ship. When Isolde arrived in Tutor, Branzhen, saving his mistress, lay instead of her marriage bed of the king, who did not notice the substitution in the dark.

Tristan and Isolde could not hide their flame passion. When Mark learned about everything, I sentenced lovers to burn at the fire. But Tristan managed to escape from custody. Meanwhile, the king changed the punishment for Isolde: he sacrificed a crowd of lepers. The knight saved his beloved and ran away to her. The royal forester was exposed - and Mark himself went to the hut in love to punish them. But seeing that they sleep dressed, and between them lies the sword, he was touched and forgiven the nephew and his wife. Mark demanded only the return of Isolda and departure Tristan from his kingdom.

Barons and now did not calm down, they wanted God's court for Isolda. She had to take into the hands of a chicken iron bar, while not damaging even the skin. Isolde withstood the test. And Tristan went to the distant land, where he found himself the faithful wit Caeerdin, the sister of which Isolde the dark-haired (Belarusian) fell in love with him and became his wife. The knight was conquered by her feeling and consonant names, at the same time he wanted to displace the love of Isolde Blokur from the heart. Over time, he realized that the hopes for the substitution of one isold the second were in vain. Tristan was unhappy in her marriage: his heart belonged to Isolde Belokura. The deadly wounded poisoned sword in a duel with the invaders, he asked for a friend to bring her beloved, because only she could heal it.

He waited for a ship with white sails (this is a sign of what was to arrive from Isolde). And now the servants reported that a sailboat appeared on the horizon. Tristan asked about the color of sails. "Black", "his wife deceived, embraced by jealousy and anger for his rejected feeling (she knew about the agreement between Tristan and Isoldue). And Tristan died. His breathless body saw an isold blonde. The death of his beloved killed her. People were amazed by the depth of love lovers who could not live with each other. Love won: two trees rose on the graves of lovers in one night, which were sprawled forever with their branches.

Tristan and Isolde: Analysis

Two layers can be distinguished in the novel. One of them lies on the surface - this is a conflict of love of tristan and isold with ethical and social norms of his time, and the love is illegal, since Tristan is a nephew and a brand, and Isolde is his wife. Therefore, there were four harsh law between them - feudal, marriage, blood and gratitude. The second layer is the fatality of one love capable of realizing only under the condition of constant splitting of the soul, the tensions of senses, its prohibition, illegality.

The author's attitude to the moral and public conflict affected by the moral and public conflict: on the one hand, he seems to recognize the righteous of the dominant morality, forcing Tristan to suffer because of the awareness of his guilt. The love of Tristan and Isolde, according to the author, is a misfortune caused by Elixir. On the other hand, he does not hide his sympathy in love, depicting in the positive colors of all who contributed to her, and expresses its satisfaction about the failures or death of enemies. The author glorifies the love that stronger deaththat does not want to be considered a hierarchy installed by feudal society or the law catholic church. Roman contains elements of criticism of the foundations of this society.

Tristan and Isolde belong to the "eternal images" of world culture. Modern french writer Michelle Tourny believed that everyone eternal image (Don Quixote, Prometheus, Hamlet, Faust) is the embodiment of the rebellion against the established order. He noted: "Don Juan - the embodiment of the Bunt of Freedom against loyalty, the Bunta of the Freedom of a Man, looking for pleasures, against sophisticated loyalty. The strange paradox of Tristan and Isolde is that they also rebel against marital loyalty, but they do this not for the sake of freedom, but in the name of loyalty to the deep, sustainable, is the fidelity of the fatal passion. "

Source (translated): Davydenko G.Y., Akuleko V.L. History foreign literature The Middle Ages and the Renaissance Epoch. - K.: Center for educational literature, 2007