Classic Monopoly (Monopoly Classic). Rules Games Monopoly Desktop Classical

Classic Monopoly (Monopoly Classic). Rules Games Monopoly Desktop Classical
Classic Monopoly (Monopoly Classic). Rules Games Monopoly Desktop Classical

When choosing a desktop game, you should pay attention to the "monopoly". This game is implemented in the genre of economic strategy. It participates from two or more people. "Monopoly", the rules of which in various embodiments can differ slightly, is a playing field with certain squares for which players take turns. In order to determine how many squares should be moved by the player, cubes are used. In the game you can buy, sell or rent real estate, thereby receiving a certain income.

Quite difficult can be called the rules of the game "Monopoly". Desktop fun, despite this, was very popular in the XX century almost all over the world. Its main goal is to rationally use the capital obtained at the beginning, which is issued to all players equally, and lead to the bankruptcy of other participants.

Beginning of the game

The beginning of the game can be divided into the following steps:

  1. It should be accommodated in separate sectors hotels, documents, houses and money. This will significantly simplify the gameplay when the desired cards will be in the place specifically allocated for them. "Monopoly", the rules for placing the cards in which are presented in the form of a specific chart, has several types of them: some should be in an inverted state.
  2. Cards "Chance" must be shuffled and turned over before the game, so that the players do not see their meanings. It should also be done with the cards of public treasury.
  3. Next, each player chooses a chip and installs it on the initial cell.
  4. Each global monopoly, the rules of the game of which are classic, provides for the presence of a banker. If a large number of players participate in the game, then the banker, at his request, may not receive participation as a challenger to win. At the beginning of the game, he gives each player for 1,500,000 rubles by various bills.
  5. Banker also at the beginning of the game has all the documents of documents for ownership, hotels and houses. Also, the obligations of the banker enters the payment of wages, premiums, issuing a loan and challenge fines, taxes, interest on the loan and the principal debt to the bank.
  6. In some cases, the bank may not be money, but the rules of the game "Monopoly" allow the banker to issue debt receipts that are written on ordinary paper. The bank cannot become bankrupt.
  7. To determine the priority of the course, all players throw cubes: begins the one who has a longer number.

The most simple earnings

General rules of "Monopoly", for which it is possible to ensure constant earnings in the game, look like this:

  1. All the players' chips at the beginning of the game are located on the "forward" cell (it may be called somewhat different). After throwing cubes, you should move the chip on the board. The rules allow the player to purchase the field if it was not previously occupied by another player. The field under the conditions of the game originally belongs to the jar.
  2. If a player refuses to purchase a free field, then other participants can do it through auction. At the same time, the field gets to the one who will suggest the highest price for it. "Monopoly", the rules of which provide for the possibility of calculating the costs and payback from a perfect transaction, allows the players to enter into an economic struggle not even in their progress.
  3. After the acquisition of the cell, the player can take a certain rent from players if they were on this cell. In some cases, the rules of "monopoly" allow the construction of houses and hotels on acquired cells, which allows you to take a big rent.
  4. If necessary, you can take a loan from the bank to the construction of houses or hotels.

The value of the rent, the rules for providing a loan - everything is described in the instructions of the cards.

Stroke Game

When the game occurs, the cubes should be thrown and move the chip on a certain amount of cells that corresponds to the resulting number. The field on which the chip stops is determined by possible or mandatory actions. In the main variety called "Monopoly Classic" rules of the game are the same for all participants. They provide for the following possible actions:

  1. Get a plot for construction work or purchase real estate in the presence of the required amount.
  2. If the cell belongs to another participant, then you have to pay for rent.
  3. Using a chance card.
  4. Pay taxes.
  5. Relax on the free parking lot.
  6. Be in prison.
  7. Get wages in the prescribed size.

A special occasion in the "Monopoly" game, the rules of which include the use of two cubes, you can call the equal number of points on both. Such a situation allows you to make another move. If it repeats three times in a row, then the player enters the prison.

Stop on the "Forward" field, from where the game begins, allows you to get wages in the established amount.

Property ownership

When buying real estate, the player receives a card confirming property. After that, every player who stops on this field is forced to pay for rent. It is advantageous to own all real estate of the same group (the designation is carried out with color). If you own the whole group, you can build real estate on any acquired cage.

Stopping on someone else's real estate

When stopping on the cell, the real estate of which belongs to another player, will have to pay rental. It is important to take into account that the cell owner before the next progress of the player who stopped the player should require payment. The amount of rent depends on the specified minimum amount in the property document, as well as on the number of buildings. If the cell owner acquired the whole group, then it may require a rent in a double size on any undeveloped area.

Hotels or houses significantly increase rent. However, if the property has been laid, then rent can not be charged. At the same time, the rules of "Monopoly of the Classical" allow you to negotiate between the players about whether the rent will be held: the owner may not charge it if desired.


The game has the opportunity to purchase a communal enterprise if it does not belong to anyone. In order to purchase such real estate, you should pay the specified amount. Real estate is purchased from the bank. If the property belongs to another player, then lease should be made. The amount of rent is directly proportional to the number of points dropped in cubes. In this case, the following coefficients can be used, which increase the amount of rent:

  • If the owner has only one communal enterprise, then a fourfold rent should pay.
  • If the owner acquired both utilities, then multiply the amount of points dropped on cubes 10 times.

If the player enters a similar cell after using a chance card, you should throw cubes to determine the value of the rent. If the player refuses to acquire communal real estate, then the banker puts it on the auction.

Stations in the game

The "Monopoly - Millionaire" game, the rules of which provide for the victory of only one player, also has the cell cells. If the cell does not belong to anyone, then the player can make it purchase. If a player refuses such right during a stop on the cell, then the banker puts it on the auction. In the case when the station already has an owner, a player who fell on a cell is obliged to pay the amount specified on the document of ownership. The amount of payments may depend on how many stations still belong to the player.

Cards "Chance" and "Public Treasury"

Stopping on cells that provide for the use of "Chance" and "public treasury" cards, can oblige a player to perform the following steps:

  • Produce taxes.
  • Move the chip on the specified number of cells.
  • Go to jail.
  • Get a certain amount.

In most cases, the game "Monopoly - Empire", the rules of the game of which using such cards make the gameplay more diverse, requires immediate execution of these actions. At the same time, the player must fulfill them. Card "Free Frequent From Prison" is left by the player until the need to use it.

Tax field

The playing field can be scattered cells that provide for tax payments. If the player falls on a similar cell, it is obliged to pay the specified amount into the bank's treasury.

Free parking

The playing field "Monopoly" is saturated with various functional cells that require the execution of certain actions from the player. The only field that allows you to simply relax until the next progress without paying the fine, rental or taxes is free parking. At the same time, a player who fell on a similar cell can carry out any transactions: to lease, build buildings and so on.


The game "Monopoly" provides prison. It can be accessed for the following reasons:

  • Stop on the cage "Go to prison".
  • Raise the "Chance" or "public treasury" card with the designation "Go to Prison".
  • Loss of the same number on both cubes three times in a row.

If you get to prison, it is impossible to get a salary.

In order to get out of prison in a type of desktop entertainment called "Monopoly - Russia", the rules of the game describe the following features:

  1. You can pay a fine of 50 thousand rubles. You can continue the game from the following course.
  2. The use of the previously received card "free free from prison".
  3. It is necessary to stay in prison for the next three strokes and every time when the course is on the occurrence, cubes should throw. If you fall out of the same amount of points on both cubes, you can free yourself from prison and get the resulting number of cells.

During the stay in prison, you can receive a fee for renting acquired and non-induced real estate.

Houses in "Monopoly"

After purchasing all the real estate of the same group (in other words, one color) is the ability to build houses. This allows you to significantly increase the rent. It should be noted that construction should be carried out evenly: it is possible to cost two houses on one cell only if there are one home on each cell cell. The cost of construction work is indicated on the document. The maximum number of houses on one cell - 4. In addition, you can sell at home if the site is not laid.

Hotel in the game "Monopoly"

The game "Monopoly - Empire", the rules of which make it very exciting and diverse, also allows for the construction of hotels. They significantly increase the rent. You can only build a hotel if four houses have already been built on the acquired cage. For construction, you should pay the banker houses and pay the specified amount. On one cell can be located just one hotel.

The case of lack of buildings

With a long-term game and large number of participants, it may happen that in the bank will not be the necessary number of houses of houses. In order to build a house, you should wait for anyone from players to sell and return the banker's card. If the number of buyers exceeds the number of cards, then the auction is carried out, and the card gets to the one who suggested a large price. For the starting price takes the cost of the house, which is indicated on the card.

Property For Sale

The game provides for the possibility of selling unresolved areas, utilities and railway stations. At the same time, the transaction amounts are determined by the arrangement between the players. According to the rules, sell the site on which at home, other participants can not be built. To begin, it is necessary to sell all the buildings under the condition of uniform development of the entire group and only after that the transaction may be made between the players. Houses and hotels are sold at a price of two times less than indicated in the card. Earlier players, real estate can be sold exclusively to other participants of the Monopoly, but not a bank.


In the absence of cash to pay taxes, you can put any real estate bank. To do this, sell all the buildings from the Cage Bank. The amount provided by the Bank as a collateral is equal to the one that is indicated on the card. When paying the collateral, the player must give the amount exceeding the bank issued by 10%. The security of real estate does not select your ownership rights, other players cannot purchase it from the bank.

The laid real estate does not bring the profits to the owner. However, all other buildings of this and other group do not have a similar limitation.

The owner of the laid real estate can sell it at the agreed price to another participant "Monopoly". After acquisition, in order to make a profit from real estate or carry out construction, the new owner must pay debt with the interest rate.

Bankruptcy in the game

Bankruptcy in the game means the disposal of one of the participants. The rules of the game "Monopoly" allow you to assign bankruptcy status to a player who should players or a bank of an amount exceeding its assets.

If, with a bankruptcy, the player must pay the bank, he assigns all the documents for ownership, and then can sell real estate through auction.

If the debt relates to other participants in the game, then at home and hotels are sold for half the bank, and lenders get all the right to real estate, money, cards for free liberation from prison. If the real estate was previously laid down, the new owner is obliged to pay 10% of the pledge immediately, and then it can decide whether to buy it immediately or then.

Thus, it is rather difficult to win, observing the rules of the game "Monopoly". Desktop fun develops the intelligence and economic grip. The winner is the one who can make bankrupt other participants.

Rules of a shortened game in monopoly

If you know a little rules of the game MonopolyNow now you can play it faster, using the rules of a quick game! In this game, the rules are exactly the same as in the classical monopoly, but there are three differences:

    In the initial stage of the game, the banker mixes cards for ownership. Then the player sitting on the left of the banker removes a deck, after which the players are twice distributed on one card for ownership. If the banker is simultaneously an ordinary player, then he distributes cards for ownership and herself. Players must immediately pay the indicated price for both received cards for ownership. Next, the game continues according to the standard rules.

    In a shortened game, you must build only three houses (instead of four) on each part of the color group before you can buy a hotel. Rent remains the same as in the standard game. When you sell the hotel, the revenue amount is half of the initial cost, i.e. One house is less than in the usual game.

    End of the game Monopoly. The first player who became bankrupt is dropped out of the game, as in the standard game. When the second player becomes bankrupt, the game ends. The player who became bankrupt, transfers to his creditor (bank or another player) everything that owns, including buildings and other property. Then each of the participants remaining in the game summarizes the following:

    Cash on hand.

    Player sections, utilities and railway

    Station at the price indicated on the game field.

    The owned property in the amount of half the price indicated on the playing field.

    Houses rated at the cost of purchase.

    Hotels rated by cost of purchase, including the cost of three houses that this hotel was exchanged.

Wins the richest player!

Time restriction game.

Before starting this version of the game, you need to agree on the end time of the game. The participant will win the richest at the time of the end of the game. Before the game, you need to mix a deck from cards for ownership and remove it. Then the banker distributes two cards to each player, one card at a time. Participants immediately contribute to the bank the cost of owned property and the game continues according to the standard regulationsm.

Stay the only unauthorized player.

The kit includes:

Game field, 28 cards - documents for ownership, 16 cards - public treasury, 16 cards - chance, 8 gold chips-suite, cash bank, 1 set of special money for monopolies, 32 wooden houses, 12 wooden hotels and 2 playing cubes, one rules of the game Monopoly.


    Place the houses of hotels, documents for ownership and money (at par) in separate sectors of the game field. The field has a diagram showing the correct placement of all game elements.

    Separate the cards of the chance, drag them and put the opposite side up on the tag of the game board.

    Separate the cards of the public treasury, drag them and put the opposite side to the gaming board tagging.

    Each of the players chooses a playing chip and puts it on the "forward" field.

    Banker and Bank: One of the players is chosen by the banker. If more than five players participate in the game, the banker may, at its discretion, to limit ourselves to this role in the game. The banker gives each of the players of 1500 thousand rubles in the following bills:

    Two bills of 500 thousand rubles

    Four bills of 100 thousand rubles

    One bill of 50 thousand rubles

    One bill of 20 thousand rubles

    Two bills of 10 thousand rubles

    One bill of 5 thousand rubles

    Five bills of 1 thousand rubles

In addition to money, the bank also has documents for ownership, at home and hotels until they are purchased by players. The bank also pays salary and award, gives loans on the security of real estate and collects all taxes, fines returned loans and interest on them. During the auction, the banker acts as auctioneer. The bank can never become bankrupt, but can issue the required amount of money in the form of debt receipts written on the usual paper sheet. 6. Players throw both cubes. He starts the game that one who had the greatest number of points. The next player walks to the left of him and so on.

When your turn came up, throw both cubes and move your chip forward on the board in the direction indicated by the arrow. The field on which you stop, determines that you need to do. On one field, several chips can be at the same time. Depending on what field you turned out, you will have:

    buy plots for construction or other real estate,

    pay rent if you are in the real estate owned by others

    pay taxes

    pull the card chance or public treasury

    find out in prison


    get a salary in the amount of 200 thousand rubles

Same number of points on both cubes

If you threw the cubes, and both fell the same number of points (double), move your chip and act in accordance with the requirements of the field on which you turned out. Then you have the right to quit cubes again. If you have the same number of points on both cubes three times in a row, you immediately go to prison.

Passage of the Field "Forward"

Whenever you stop or pass through the "forward" field, moving in the direction indicated by the arrow, the bank pays you 200 thousand rubles. You can get this amount twice for the same move, if, for example, you were on the chance of a chance or public treasury immediately after the "forward" field and pulled the card on which it is written "Go" on the "Forward" field.


If you stopped on the field, denoting unoccupied by other properties (i.e., on a construction site, to which neither one of the other players has no document for ownership), you will have the right of the first buyer on its purchase. If you decide to buy real estate, pay the bank money in the amount indicated on this game field. In exchange, you will receive a document on ownership of this property that you must put the text up in front of you. If you decide not to buy real estate, the banker must immediately put it on the auction and sell this from players who will offer the most greasy price for it, starting from any price that any of the players is willing. Even if you abandoned the purchase of real estate at the initial price, you can take part in the auction.

Property ownership

Property possession gives you the right to charge a rent from any tenants who stopped on the field denoting it. Very profitable to own the entire real estate of one color group - in other words, own a monopoly. If you own the entire color group, you can build houses on any real estate site of this color.

Stopping on someone else's real estate

If you stayed on someone else's real estate, which was previously purchased by another player, you may require rent for this stop. A player who owns this real estate should ask you to pay the rent before the next player will throw cubes. The amount payable is indicated in the document on ownership of this property, and may vary depending on the number of buildings built on it. If all the real estate of the same color group belongs to a single player, the rent charged with you for the stop on any undressed area of \u200b\u200breal estate of this group, doubles. However, if the owner of the entire color group has at least one site of real estate this group laid, it cannot charge you a double rent. If at home and hotels were built in the real estate sites, the rent increases, as it is written in the document on ownership of this property. For stopping on the laid real estate, the rent is not charged.

Stop on the field of the municipal enterprise

If you stop at one of these fields, you can buy this communal enterprise if it has not yet been bought by anyone. As with the purchase of another real estate, pay the bank to the amount specified on this field. If this property has already been purchased by another player, it may require rent with you in accordance with the number of points that fell on the cubes when you did the move that brought you to this field. If another player owns only one of the utilities, the rent will be a four-time number of points dropped on cubes. If he owns both communal enterprises, you will have to pay an amount equal to a tenfold amount of points. If you hit this field as a result of the instructions on the card you take a chance or public treasury, you must throw cubes to determine how much you have to pay. If you decide not to buy this property, the banker exhibits a communal enterprise to the auction and sells that from players who will offer the greatest price for him. You can also take part in the auction.

Stop at the station

If you first stop at such a field, you will have the opportunity to buy this vaults. When reluctance, the Bank puts it to auction, even if you refused to buy at the initial price, you too can take part in the auction. If the station already has a master, which has had to pay the amount specified in the document on ownership. The amount payable depends on the number of other stations belonging to the player-owner of the station on which you stopped.

Stop on the field "Chance" and "Public Treasury"

Stop on such a field means you need to take the top card from the corresponding stack. These cards may require you:

    moved your chip

    paid money, such as taxes

    received money

    let's go to prison

    free freed from prison

You must immediately perform the instructions given on the card, and put the card down the corresponding stack. You are written "Free Fresh From Prison", you can leave it until it needs you, or you can sell it to another player, order.

Note: The card may indicate that you must move your chip to another field. If during the movement you will pass through the "Forward" field, get 200 thousand rubles. If you are poisoned into prison, you do not pass through the "forward" field.

Stop on the tax field

If you stop at such a field, you just need to pay the appropriate amount into the bank.

Free parking

If you stay on such a field, just relax until the next one. You are here for free and are not subject to any fines, you can, as usual, enter into transactions (for example, charge a rent, build buildings on real estate belonging, etc.).

You will be sent to prison if:

    You will stop on the "Go to Prison" field, or

    You took a chance card or public treasury on which it is written "Go Immediately to Prison" or

    you fell the same number of points on both cubes three times in a row in a row.

Your move ends when you are sent to prison. If you are in prison, the salary in the amount of 200 thousand rubles is not paid, wherever you have not been before. To get out of prison, you need:

    pay a fine of 50 thousand rubles and continue the game when it comes to turn, or

    buy a card "free free from prison" from another player on a mutually consistent price and use it in order to free like, or

    use the card "free free from prison" if you already have it, or

    stay here, passing three of their next moves, but every time it comes to you, throwing cubes, and if you have a double on both cubes in one of these moves, you can get out of prison and go through such a number of fields that will fall on Cubes.

After you missed three strokes, being in prison, you must get out of it and pay 50 thousand rubles, before you can move your chip on the number of fields in cubes. Being in prison, you have the right to receive rent for your property if it is not laid. If you were not "sent to jail", but just stopped on the "Prison" field during the game, you do not pay a fine, since you "just visited" her. The next move you can move on as usual.

After you have gathered all the real estate plots of one color group, you can buy at home to put them on any of your sites. It will increase the rent that you can charge tenants stopping on your real estate. The cost of the house is indicated on the relevant document on ownership. You can buy at home during your course or in a break between the strokes of other players, but you must build your sites evenly: you cannot build a second house on any of the sections of one color group until you have built one house on each From the sections of this color group, the third thing did not build two each, and so on. The maximum number of houses in one section is four. Selling houses also need evenly. You can buy or sell at home at any time, and as much as you consider you need, and how much allows your financial situation. It is impossible to build at home if at least one piece of this color group is laid. If you have all the real estate of one color group, and only on one of two sites built at home, you, however, can get a double rent from the player who has stopped at any of the unaccounted areas of real estate of the color group, as indicated on the cards.

Before you can buy hotels, you need to have four houses on each site completely owned by the color group. Hotels are bought as well as at home, but they cost four houses that return to the bank, plus the price, which is indicated in the document on ownership. Only one hotel can be built on each site.

Lack of buildings

If there are no homes in the bank, you will have to wait until anyone from other participants returns to him at home. Similarly, if you sell hotels, you cannot replace them with houses, in the absence of extra homes in the bank. If a limited number of houses or hotels remains in the bank, and two or more players want to buy more buildings than the bank, the banker places the building to the auction for sale from players who will offer a big price for them. At the same time, for the initial price, he takes the one that is indicated on the relevant document on ownership.

Property For Sale

You can sell unaked areas, railway stations and utilities to any player, concluding a private transaction with him for the amount agreed between you. If any buildings are standing on any of the sections of one color group, it is impossible to sell areas of this color. If you want to sell any part of the color group belonging to you, at the beginning you need to sell the bank all the buildings in the sections of this color group. At home should be uniformly, just as they bought (see above the "House"). Neither at home, no hotels cannot be sold to other players. They should be sold to the bank at a price, two times less than that indicated in the relevant document on ownership. Buildings can be sold at any time. When selling the hotel, the Bank pays you half the cost of the hotel plus half the cost of four houses that were given to the bank when buying a hotel. All hotels of one color group must be sold at the same time. If necessary, so that you can get money, hotels can be replaced again. To do this, you need to sell a jar hotel and get four houses in return plus half the cost of the hotel itself. The laid real estate can only be sold to other players, but not a bank.

If you do not have money left, but you need to pay debts, you can get money by laying some real estate. To do this, first sell the bank all the buildings on this site of real estate. In order to lay real estate, turn the document to the right appropriate property to face down and get the amount of the collateral specified on the back of the card in the bank. If you then want to repay your debt to the bank, you will need to pay this amount plus 10 percent from above. If you have any real estate, it still belongs to you. No other player in the right to buy it out instead of you from the bank. With the laid real estate, it is impossible to charge a rent, although the rent continues to come to you for other real estate objects of the same color group. You can sell the laid real estate to other players according to the price agreed with them. The buyer can then decide to pay off the debt taken on the security of this property, making the appropriate amount of the collateral plus 10 percent. It can also pay only 10 percent and leave property in pledge. In this case, with the final removal of collateral burdens, you will have to pay another 10 percent to the bank. The ability to buy houses at a regular price appears only after the redemption of all the sections of one color group without exception.


If you have to jar or other players more money than you can get according to your assets, you are declared bankrupt, and you are dropped out of the game. If you have to jar, the bank receives all your money and documents for ownership. Then the banker sells from the auction each of the real estate objects to the player who will offer the highest price. You must put cards "Free Frequently from Prison" down the corresponding stack. If you went bankrupt because of the debts to another player, your homes and hotels are sold to the bank at half of their initial cost, and your lender receives all the money, documents for ownership and card "Free Frequently from Prison" that you have. If you have any incorrect real estate, you should also transfer it to the lender, and he must immediately pay 10 percent on it, and then decide whether it is worth it to immediately redeem it or leave the launched.

Notes to the game

If you have to pay the rental amount greater than the amount of cash available you have, you can pay to your lender in part with money, and partly real estate (i.e. undeveloped plots for construction). In this case, the lender, seeking to obtain an additional opportunity for construction or wanting to prevent another player to establish its control over a certain group of sites, may agree to accept any real estate (even if it is laid) for the price, much superior indicated on the corresponding card. The obligation to collect a rental for real estate lies on its owner. Money can be given in the form of a loan to the player only by the bank and only on the security of real estate. None of the players can borrow money from another or leaving another player.


The last remaining participant in the game is the winner.

How to print money for a monopoly:

Covers at $ 1 - 5 sheets on both sides.
Covers at $ 5 - 2 sheets on both sides.
Covers at $ 10 - 2 sheets on both sides.
Covers at $ 20 - 2 sheets on both sides.
Covers at $ 50 - 2 sheets on both sides.
Covers at $ 100 - 4 sheets on both sides.
Covers at $ 500 - 3 sheets on both sides.

Additional accessories that will be needed for a monopoly:
- Colorful chip every player.
- Two ordinary playing kositis - cubes from 1 to 6.
- 32 chips "houses".
- 12 chips "hotels".

Rules of the game in Monopoly:

Beginning of the game:

1. Place at home, hotels, documents for ownership and money (at par) in separate sectors of the game field. The field has a diagram showing the correct placement of all game elements.

2. Separate the "Chance" cards, drag them, and put the backward side up on the corresponding sections of the game board.

3. Separate the "treasury" cards, drag them and put the backward side up on the corresponding sections of the game board.

4. Each of the players chooses a playing chip and puts it on the "Start" field.

Banker and bank

5. One of the players is selected by the banker. If more than 5 players participate in the game, the banker can, at its discretion, to confine only this role in the game. The banker issues each of the $ 1500 players in the following coupons:

- Two bills of $ 500

- four bills of $ 100

- one bill of $ 50

- one bill at $ 20

- Two bills of $ 10

- one bill of $ 5

- five bills of $ 1

In addition to money, the bank also has documents for ownership, at home and hotels until they are purchased by players. The bank also pays salary and premium, gives loans on the security of real estate and collects all taxes, fines, returns loans and interest to them. During the auction, the banker acts as auctioneer.

The bank can never become bankrupt, but can give so much money as needed, in the form of debt receipts written on the usual piece of paper.

6. Players throw both cubes. He starts the game that one who had the greatest number of points. The next will be the player sitting on the left of him, then the next, and so on.

Game traffic:

When your turn came up, throw both cubes and move your chip forward on the board in the direction indicated by the arrow. The field on which you stop, determines that you need to do. On one field, several chips can be at the same time. Depending on what field you turned out, you will have:

- buy plots for construction or other real estate

- pay rent if you find yourself in the real estate owned by another

- pay taxes

- pull the chance or treasure card

- to be in prison

- relax on the free parking lot

- Get a salary of $ 200

Same number of points on both cubes

If you threw cubes, and on both the same number of points fell, move your chip and act in accordance with the field on which you turned out. Then you have the right to quit cubes once again. If you have fallen the same number of points on both cubes three times in a row, you immediately enter the prison

Passage "Start"

Whenever you stop or pass through the "Start" field, moving in the direction indicated by the arrow, the bank pays you $ 200. You can get this amount twice in the same way, if, for example, you were on the chance of chances or treasury, immediately after the "Start" field and pulled out the card on which it is written "go to the" Start "field.

If you stop on the field, denoting not occupied by other real estate (that is, on a plot for construction, to which none of the other players do not have a document on ownership), you will have the right to first choose to purchase it. If you decide to buy real estate, pay the bank money in the amount indicated on this game field. In exchange, you will receive a document on ownership of this property that you must put the text up in front of you. If you decide not to buy this property, the banker must immediately put it on the auction and sell this from players who will give it the greatest price, starting from any price that one of the players is willing. Even though you abandoned the purchase of real estate at the initial price, you can take part in the auction.

Property ownership

Property possession will give you the right to charge a rent from any "tenants" who stopped on the field indicating it. Very profitable to own the entire real estate of one color group - in other words, own a monopoly. If you own the entire color group, you can build houses on any real estate of this color.

Stopping on someone else's real estate

If you stop for real estate, which was previously purchased by another player, you may require rent for this stop. A player who owns this real estate should ask you to pay the rent before the next player will throw cubes. The amount payable is specified in the document on ownership of this property and may vary depending on the number of buildings built on it. If the entire real estate of the same color group belongs to a single player, the rent is charged with you for stopping on any undressed area of \u200b\u200breal estate of this group, and doubles. However, if the owner of the entire color group at least one site of this group has laid, it cannot charge you a double rent. If at home and hotels were built in the real estate sites, the rent increases, which will be shown in the document on ownership of this property. For stopping on the laid real estate, the rent is not charged.

Stop on the field of services

If you stopped at one of these fields (plumbing or electric company (, you can buy this enterprise if it has not yet been bought by anyone. As with the purchase of other real estate, pay the bank the amount specified in this field. If this property has already been acquired by another The player, he may require rent with you in accordance with the number of points that fell on the cubes when you made a move that brought you to this field. If another player owns only one of the utilities, the rent will be a four-fold number of points falling on Cubes. If he owns both enterprises, you must pay him an amount equal to a tenfold number of dropped points. If you fell to this field as a result of instructions on the card with your cards or public treasury, you must throw cubes to determine how much you have to pay. If you decide not to buy this property, the banker exhibits the enterprise services to the auction and sells it and With players who will give him the greatest amount. You can also take part in the auction.

Stop in the seaport

If you first stop at such a field, you will have the opportunity to buy this port. Otherwise, the bank exposes it to auction, even if you refused to buy it at the initial price, you too can take part in the auction. If the port already has a master when you find yourself in it, you need to pay the amount specified in the document on ownership. The amount payable depends on the number of other ports belonging to the port owner in which you stopped.

Stop on the "Chance" and "treasury" field

Stop on such a field means you need to take the top card from the corresponding stack. These cards may require you:

- moved your chip;

- paid money - for example taxes;

- received money;

- went to prison;

- Frequently freed from prison.

You must immediately perform the guidelines given on the card, and put the card down the corresponding stack. If you took the card on which it is written "Free Fresh from Prison", you can leave it for yourself until it needs you, or you can sell it to another player on a mutually consistent price.

Note: The card may indicate that you must move your chip to another field. If during the movement you will pass through the "Start" field, get $ 200. If you are sent to prison, you do not pass through the "Start" field.

Stop on the tax field

If you stop at such a field, you just need to pay the appropriate amount into the bank.

Free parking.

If you stay on such a field, just relax until the next one. You are here for free and are not subject to any fines, you can, as usual, to conclude transactions (for example, charge a rent, build buildings on real estate belonging to you, etc.).


You will be sent to prison if:

- You will stop on the field "You are arrested", or

- You took the chance of "chance" or "treasury" on which it is written "Go to jail", or

- You fell the same number of points on both cubes three times in a row in a row.

Your move ends when you are sent to prison. If you are in prison, you cannot receive a salary of $ 200, regardless of where you are on the playing field.

To get out of prison, you need:

- pay a fine in the amount of $ 50 and continue the game when it comes to the queue, or buy a card "Free Frequently from Prison" from another player on a mutually agreed price and use it in order to free like, or

- Use the Card "Free Frequently from Prison", if you already have it, or

- Stay here, passing the three of my next move, but every time you come to you, throwing cubes and, if one of these moves you will fall out the same number of points, you can get out of prison and go through such a number of fields that falls out On cubes.

After you missed three strokes, being in prison, you must get out of it and pay $ 50 before you can move your chip on such a number of fields that fell on cubes.

Being in prison, you can get rent for your property if it is not laid. If you were not "sent to prison", and just stopped on the "Prison" field during the game, you do not pay any fine, since you "just went on a while" in it. You can move next.

At home

When you have all the real estate plots of one color group, you can buy at home to put them on any of your sites available. It will increase the rent that you can charge tenants stopping on your real estate. The cost of the house (object) is shown in the relevant document on ownership. You can buy at home during your course or in a break between the strokes of other players, but you must build your sites evenly: you cannot build a second house on any of the sections of one color group until you have built one house on each From the plots of this color group, the third - until they built two each, and so on: the maximum number of houses on one site is four. Selling houses also need evenly. You can build your objects only immediately before your move, maximize - 3 houses (object) for 1 move. Without building at home (objects), you, however, can receive a double rent from any player who has stopped at any of the unaccounted areas of real estate your color group.


Before you can buy hotels, you need to have four houses on each site completely belonging to the color group. Hotels can also be bought as at home, but they cost four houses that return to the bank, plus the price, which is indicated in the document on ownership. Only one hotel can be built on each site.

Lack of buildings

If there are no homes in the bank, you will have to wait until anyone from other players returns to him at home. In the same way, if you sell hotels, you cannot replace them with houses if there are no extra homes in the bank.

If a limited number of houses or hotels remained in the bank, and two or more players want to buy more buildings than the bank, the banker places buildings to the auction for sale from players who will offer a big price for them, while he takes for the initial price The one that is specified on the relevant document on ownership.

Property For Sale

You can sell unaccustomed areas, ports and services of services to any player, concluding a private transaction with him for the amount agreed between you. However, it is impossible to sell a plot to another player if any buildings stand on any other site of the same color group. If you want to sell any area belonging to you the color group, first you need to sell the bank all the buildings in the sections of this color group. Home must be sold evenly, just as they bought. (See above "House").

Houses and hotels can not be sold to other players. They should be sold to the bank at a price, twice as smaller that is indicated in the relevant document on ownership. Buildings can be sold at any time.

When selling the hotel, the bank pays you half the cost of four houses that were given to the bank when buying a hotel. All hotels of one color group must be sold at the same time.

If necessary, so that you can get money, hotels can be replaced again. To do this, you need to sell a jar hotel and get four houses in return plus half the cost of the hotel itself.

The laid real estate can only be sold to other players, but not a bank.


If you do not have money left, but you need to pay debts, you can get money by laying some real estate. To do this, first sell any buildings in this area of \u200b\u200breal estate. In order to lay real estate, turn the document for ownership of it face down and get a deposit amount specified on the back of the card in the bank. If you then want to pay off your debt to the bank, you will need to pay it this amount plus 10% from above.

If you have any real estate, it still belongs to you. No other player can get it, paying the amount of collateral to the bank.

According to the laid real estate, it is impossible to charge a rent, although the rent continues to come to you for other real estate objects of the same color group.

You can sell the laid real estate to other players according to the price agreed with them. The buyer can then decide to pay off the debt taken on the security of this property, making the corresponding amount of the collateral plus 10% to the bank. It can also pay only 10% and leave the property in pledge. In this case, with the final removal of mortgage burdensing, you will have to pay another 10% to the bank.

When none of the sections of one color group are no longer laid, the owner can start buying at home again at the cost.


If you have to jar or other players more money than you can get according to your assets, you are declared bankrupt, and you are dropped out of the game.

If you have to jar, the bank receives all your money and documents for ownership. Then the banker sells from the auction each of the real estate objects to the player who will offer the highest price.

You must put cards "Free Frequently from Prison" down the corresponding stack.

If you have become bankrupt due to the debts to another player, your homes and hotels are sold to the bank at half of their initial cost, and your lender receives all the money, documents for ownership and card "Free Frequently from Prison" that you have. If you have any incorrect real estate, you should also transfer it to this player, he must immediately pay 10% on it, and then decide whether he should immediately redeem it at full cost or leave it in pledge.

Notes to the game

If you have to pay the rental amount greater than the amount of cash you have, you can pay to your lender partially with money, and partly real estate (that is unauthorized sites for construction). In this case, the lender may agree to accept any object of real estate (even if it is laid) at a price, much superior to it specified on it, seeking to obtain an additional area for construction or prevent another player to establish its control over this real estate.

If you own any real estate, then the duty to collect rent lies with you.

Money can be given in the form of a loan only by the bank and only on the security of real estate.

None of the players can borrow money from another or leaving another player.

For use during your turn of another player, you must pay a fine of $ 50.

You must pay a $ 50 amount, with an extraordinary course when you went instead of another player.

You will also be forced to pay a $ 50 fine fine, if during your course the playing bones left the playing field (improvised, for example, a table or special flooring designated for a playing field


The last remaining participant in the game is the winner.

What to miss the TV, it is better to pass a quiet family evening for a developing and exciting economic strategy. The desktop game Monopoly is familiar to many since childhood and is suitable for the company even from two people, and simple instructions will help to explore the rules and acquire certain newcomers skills. Learn: Basic Rules and which varieties of strategy exist in the modern world.

What is a monopoly game

Board game in the genre of economic strategy. She won popularity in many countries of the world, including in Russia, where the manager or businessman is more famous. The classic monopoly was developed by Charles Darrow in 1934. The inventor showed its developments of Parker Brothers, but the project was rejected due to errors in design. Later, Darrow refined the strategy, and in 1936 it became the most-selling strategy in the United States.

The meaning of the monopoly game

In fact, the strategy consists of a gaming field, which is divided into squares. They are divided into enterprises or assets, events and prison, falling into which the participant misses the move. The queue to walk is determined by the cast of a cube - who has more that first. The number of flight fields corresponds to the total points on the cutting cubes. The essence of the monopoly game is to rationally using its capital for the purchase of real estate to bring opponents to absolute bankruptcy.

Rules of the game

Participants alternately throw a couple of bones and make the appropriate number of moves on the field. Taking a cage with real estate, the player can buy it, provided that the asset is free, or pay the tax on the price list for visiting this field to the one who owns the enterprise. If the participant took a cell with an event, he gets a special indication. Standard rules of the game in a monopoly contain the following list of instructions:

  • give part of your capital to the bank;
  • each of the players receives from you n sum of money;
  • move into several cells ago or forward;
  • go to prison;
  • make a deal to sell one city;
  • skip down;
  • get money from other participants.

How to play monopoly

In all versions of the strategy, there is a banker that assets belong initially. He can take part in the game if necessary. The banker issues each participant the starting capital in the amount of 1,500 bank cards and fills the marked places of game elements. Start the game due to the fact that rivals set their chips on the start field and the sequence of the stroke is determined using the bones.

Main Nuances Strategy:

  • If when throwing on cubes fell the same number, then the participant has the right to the second course. However, if the same number fell three times in a row, the opponent goes to prison.
  • After passing the "Start" cell, you every time you get wages set by the bank.
  • Staying on a free real estate cell, you can buy it. As a rule, at home with the same income painted in one color. By collecting all three houses, you can improve them to hotels, paying a certain amount of money to the bank.
  • Stopping on someone else's real estate implies lease payment, and the amount increases when building hotels. If a player has no money to pay for rent, he can sell his own homes or take a bank loan.
  • If you hit the cell with an event, pull the card and fully execute the instructions given in it.
  • If your costs or debts do not overlap the overall value of purchased real estate, you declare bankrupt. The game ends when only 1 participant remains on the field.

Types of the game Monopoly

There are more than one hundred species of the game in the world and this is not counting non-license strategies that are much more. On the store shelf you can find collectible editions dedicated to a specific event or date, road maps, regional and versions for children. All of them retain a single principle and rules, but differ in special design. The rating of the most popular strategies will help determine the choice.


This edition is produced in a traditional cardboard box with a classic design of game cards, cubes and chips. She teaches the basic principles of the economy: the purchase and sale of land, payment of fines, competition, problems with the authorities. The instruction of such a strategy contains all the necessary explanations. In the classic version of Hasbro, there are a number of accidents that give a little excitement to the game process:

  • Model name: Monopolist classic game.
  • Price: at a discount on Yandex Market 1719 rubles, the usual cost of 1978 p.
  • Characteristics: Field, 8 tokens, 28 ownership cards, 16 cards "Public Treasury" and "Chance", 32 Green. Houses, 12 hotels, 2 cubes.
  • Pros: understandable instruction in Russian, colorful decoration.
  • Cons: Too thin paper money.

Monopoly Millionaire

This variation has several significant differences. First, a completely new design. Secondly, another goal of the game. Here, to win, you need not to go bankrupt rivals, but to collect the first million:

  • Model name: Monopoly game "Millionaire".
  • Price: in Moscow and St. Petersburg with delivery by mail from 1949 rubles.
  • Features: 12 chips, 22 cards of owner and fortune, 2 cubes, 14 cards chance and life of a millionaire, 32 and 12 hotels, instructions.
  • Pros: a comfortable bank in the form of a tray.
  • Cons: By idea, when paying bills need to spend more money.

Monopoly Empire

Another option of the world-famous economic strategy. The rules and the gameplay itself remained unchanged, only the color of the field with chips (black and gold) and the name of the real estate - in this game you will become owners of world brands or owners of Coca-Cola brands, Reebok and others:

  • Model name: Board game Monopoly - Empire.
  • Price: on shares from 1785 rubles, cost without sales - 2719 p.
  • Features: 14 "Empire" cards and "chance", 4 skyscraper, 30 brands, 6 offices, cubes, paper money, field.
  • Pros: understandable rules in Russian.
  • Cons: With long batches from black, the eyes are quickly tired.

Road monopoly

For those who often goes on a business trip or does not know how to take themselves in the train, the developers came up with a new version - road. It has changed only appearance, the essence remains the same:

  • Model Name: MONOPOLY Road Version.
  • Price: 520 rubles.
  • Characteristics: There are cards, a field, chips to improve home and hotels, participant figures, detailed instructions.
  • Pros: The field is simultaneously a case.
  • Cons: Small inscriptions on the field, subtle banknotes.

My first monopoly

This addictive and easy version is ideal for fun with children. In it, the game continues until one of the participants end the money. Then the rivals count their capital, and he wins the one who will have more banknotes:

  • Model Name: Large Monopoly Hasbro Junior Yo-Kai Watch.
  • Price: from 2000 rubles.
  • Characteristics: The kit consists of 4 cards, 16 medals, bones, 24 potatoes "Chance" and paper banknotes.
  • Pros: Ideal for children from 6 years, game cards are made in the form of hours.
  • Cons: not revealed.

Monopoly with bank cards

Hasbro always keeps up with the times and tries to improve their games every year. In the updated version there is no longer a paper currency, the participants should be paid to bank cards. Otherwise, the essence remains the same - buy at home, build hotels, earn and win:

  • Model name: desktop monopoly with bank cards.
  • Price: from 3000 rubles.
  • Characteristics: The classic set additionally includes an electronic terminal.
  • Pros: new improved design, good performance - dense laminated cardboard.
  • Cons: no batteries included.


If you think that healthy competition should always be present on the market, then this version is just for you. Its essence consists in confrontation between monopolist and a competitor. The first is slowly developing, but gaining an advantage in business at the end. The second is easier at the start, but if the monopolist is given to develop, it will easily break a competitor:

  • Model Name: Antimonopoly.
  • Price: 2490 rubles.
  • Characteristics: Field dimensions 48 * 48 cm, plastic chips, cardboard cards, instructions.
  • Pros: Large map size.
  • Cons: complex instructions for beginners.

Monopoly FC Barcelona

This version of the popular desktop strategy is ideal for football lovers and fans of the Barcelona Club. In this variation there are no cities or sections of real estate, here you will not buy at home, but you will begin to acquire players in the process of playing:

  • Model Name: Board game Monopoly FC Barcelona.
  • Price: from 2500 rubles.
  • CHARACTERISTICS: The material of the manufacture of chips - aluminum, the field is a dense cardboard, in a set of 3 cubes - 2 ordinary and 1 speed.
  • Pros: There is a comfortable plastic tray for money and cards.
  • Cons: not detected.

Monopoly Russia

This is different from the classic version the fact that here you will trade with the capitals of the world, but the cities of their homeland. A bright and colorful card will not leave a single amateur of economic strategies indifferent:

  • Model name: Monopoly Russia.
  • Price: from 2400 rubles.
  • Features: Metal chips for participants, a set of illustrated rules in Russian, set of cards, cubes.
  • Pros: Colorful design, understandable description.
  • Cons: no tray for monetary units.

World version here and now

This is a small guide to the whole world. If you were not in Paris or London, but you dream to visit these cities, here and now you will like it very much:

  • Model name: Monopoly here and now.
  • Price: from 1900 rubles.
  • Characteristics: Sizes - 40 * 27 * 5, plastic chips - 4 pcs., Plastic passports - 4 pcs., Paper money.
  • Pros: Instructions in Russian with a detailed description of the sights of cities.
  • Cons: not detected.

Monopoly Masha and Bear

This children's version of the classic desktop strategy is devoted to the favorite cartoon characters. On the map instead of streets Drawn Machines Friends, and the cards are replaced by adventures:

  • Model Name: Monopoly Masha and Bear.
  • Price: from 2100 rubles.
  • Features: The field is made of dense cardboard, there are plastic chips, cubes cards.
  • Pros: It will be interesting for adults and children, colorful design.
  • Cons: Thin paper banknotes, which over time loses appearance.

Monopoly City

If the classic version can only be built at home or hotels, here you can create an infrastructure at your discretion. Buy an inexpensive land plot and equip it with streets, quarters, residential arrays:

  • Model Name: Board Games Monopoly City.
  • Price: from 2200 rubles.
  • Characteristics: 80 volume plastic buildings and structures, metal chips for participants, plastic cubes, detailed user manual.
  • Pros: a new fascinating genre, absolutely not similar to previous versions.
  • Cons: not detected.

Monopoly Deluxe

The famous retro-design of the first version of the game was revived in the new version of the Monopoly Deluxe. The rules are complemented by an entertaining history of creating strategy and interesting details:

  • Model name: Monopoly Deluxe.
  • Price: from 2250 rubles.
  • Characteristics: Classic Design Chips, Gift Box, Wooden Chips for House-Hotels, Currency on Dense Cardboard.
  • Pros: chrome field.
  • Cons: no.

How to choose a monopoly game

In such a number of different options, the popular strategy is not difficult to get confused. As a rule, the classical monopoly remains the most sold, but in recent years, demand grows on other models of the strategy. By buying the game for home use, it is worth paying attention to your own preferences. For a variety Try Deluxe, Russia, here and now.


"Disney Monopoly"

General rules of the game "Monopoly" + Special rules for this publication

Disney magic world, full of funny characters and colorful landscapes, is connected to the most popular desktop game in the world "Monopoly". In this exciting publication "Monopoly Disney" you have to travel from one fabulous country to another.

For those who have never played in the classic game "Monopoly", the standard rules of the game are shown below in the instructions. People enjoy the game in the classic "monopoly" for over 70 years. After reading the standard rules, go to reading the specific rules of the game for this publication "Monopoly Disney".

What common?

Object and general principles of the game

Owner's cards are equivalent to title deeds in the classic version of the game. The cost of property objects is left unchanged.

Money for the game and Banker Tray (Banker) - Money has a changed view when saved

Preserved the structure of the game field

What's new?

8 chips in the form of features of characters from classic Disney works - Snow White ("Snow White"), Peter Pan ("Peter Peng"), Alice ("Alice"), Pinocchio ("Pinocchio"), Sleeping Beauty ("Sleeping Beauty") , Mowgli ("Mowgli"), Lady and The Tramp ("Lady and Tramp"), DUMBO ("Dambo")

Game field: All the actions of the players are left unchanged, but instead of the streets you have to buy episodes from Disney cartoons

SCROOGE McDuck's Tax (Scrooque McDake Tax) is similar to Income Tax (income tax) in the classic version of the game, and Prince John's Tax (Prince John's tax) is similar to Super Tax (supernalogue)

4 Stations (railway stations) Replaced with 4 types of transport: Aladdin's Flying Carpet (Aladdin's flying plane) from Aladdin's cartoon, Captain Hook's Pirate Ship (Pirate Captain Hook Cartoon) from Cartoon "Peter Peng", Cinderella's Coach (Cinderella) from a cartoon "Cinderella", Cruella de Vil's Car (Machine Cruella de Vil) from the cartoon "101 Dalmatian"

2 Utilities (utilities) Replaced 2 Special Powers (Magic Force) - Magic Wand (Magic Wand) and Pixie Dust (Magic Fairy Dust)

Instead of houses (houses) and Castles (locks), you need to build White Rabbit Cottages (White Rabbit Houses) and Sleeping Beauty Castles (Sleeping Castles) to increase the total cost of your value. In total, in the game 32 of the house of a white rabbit and 12 sleeping beauty castles. Maps "Community Crested" ("Common Treasury") Replaced with Magic Moments ("Majik Mound"), and "Chance" cards ("Chance") are replaced with "Show Time" cards ("Time Show")

One standard playing bone replaced 2 bright

The set of the game includes: game field, 28 cards of the owner, money for the game, banker tray, 8 chips in the form of features of characters from classic Disney works, 2 bright playing bones, 16 cards "Magic Moments", 16 cards "Show Time", 32 White rabbit houses, 12 sleeping beauty castles.

Brief description of the game

The participants of the monopoly game are bought, take a rent, rent or sell property, while getting profit and thereby increasing their capital. The player who managed to earn during the game the most money becomes the winner.

At the beginning of the game, the participants put their chips on the "Go" field ("forward"), and then move them along the game field depending on the amount of points dropped on cubes. If you fall on the field with property, which has not yet belongs to anyone, then you can buy this property in Bank (Bank). If you decide not to buy this property, the auction will be held, and it will get a player who has suggested the highest fee. The player receives a rent from participants stopping on the field with property belonging to him. During the construction of houses and hotels, the rent increases significantly, so you should maintain construction on as many SITES (possessions). If you need additional money, you can put your property in the bank belonging to you. During the game, you should always perform instructions written on the "General Treasury" and "Chance" cards. In some cases, you can land in Jail.

Purpose of the game

Wins the only remaining participant who did not become bankrupt.

Preparation for the game

1. Explore houses, hotels, owner cards and money (sorted at par) in separate cells of the banker tray.

2. Divide the "chance" and "common treasury" cards, mix them and put them face down into the appropriate places of the playing field.

3. Each participant chooses its game chip and puts it on the "Go" field.

4. banker and bank

One of the players is chosen on the role of a banker. If the number of players is less than five, the player selected by the banker continues to be at the same time to participate in the game as an ordinary player; If the number of players exceeds five, the banker in its choice may limit itself only to the implementation of this role and not participate in the game as a regular player.

The banker issues every player in the amount of 1500 units. next bills:

Two bills x 500 units. Two bills x 10 units.

Four bills x 100 units. One bill x 5

One bill x 50 Five bills x 1 unit.

One bill x 20

The banker holds not only money, but also the cards of the owner, at home and hotels as long as they are purchased by players. In addition, the banker pays the players of salary and award, issues money when drawing up mortgages and collects all taxes, fines, loans and interest. During the auctions, the banker takes on the role of the lead.

The bank can not go bankrupt. If all the money in the bank is over, then you can make the necessary amount of money from ordinary paper in the form of debt receipts.

5. To determine the participant who will go first, each player is throwing both cubes before starting the game. The player who has the greatest number of points, goes first, and then moves to the player sitting on the left of him.

Rules of the game

When the move comes to you, throw both cubes and move your chip on the playing field clockwise. The field to which you will fall will determine your further actions. Two or more chips can be on the same field at the same time. Depending on the field you are on, you can do one of the following:

§ buy ownership or other property

§ pay rent (if you hit the field, which is already owned by property)

§ pay taxes

§ Remove the Card "Chance" or "Total Treasury"

§ go to jail

§ to stay on the Field "Free Parking" ("Free Parking")

§ Get a salary in the amount of 200 units.

§ Go to jail only "as a visitor"

Dumping a double

If you have the same number of points on two cubes (double), then you must move your chip and perform a move as usual. Then throw the cubes again and make another additional move. If you drop three doubles in a row, you will go to jail.

Passing through the "go" field

Each time you stop on the "Go" field or pass by him in the direction of the arrow, the bank pays you a salary of 200 units. You can get twice 200 units. in one move. For example, this will happen if you fall on the "Chance" or "General Treasury" field immediately after the "Go" field and take a card on which the "Advance to Go" indicate ("Move on the GO field).

Buying property

If you hit the field with the property that does not belong to anyone (i.e., the property on which no one from the players have a card), you have the right to buy it. The game has three types of ownership - possession, utilities and railway station. If you decide to buy property, enter the amount of money specified on the field. For this you get the card of the owner. You must put this document in front of yourself face up. If you decide not to buy property, the banker must immediately put it on the auction and sell it to the player who will offer the highest price. Bidding starts with any start price that one or another player agrees. Even if you decide not to buy this property at the initial price specified on the field, you too can take part in the auction.

Property ownership

Property ownership gives you the right to charge a rent from all players whose chips were on the corresponding field. A big advantage over other players is the possession of all possessions of the same color, i.e. possession of monopoly. You can build on any possession that enters the group of a certain color belonging to you.

Stop on ownership

If you stopped at the possession, which was already bought by another player, you may be asked to make a rent for staying on this possession. The owner may require rent with you only before the next player will throw cubes. Rent for spending possession is indicated on the owner card, and it may vary depending on the number of buildings built on ownership. If all possessions of the same color belong to the same player, then the rent for staying on any of the possessions of this group on which the buildings have not yet been built, doubles.

However, if any possession is laid down, the owner of the entire group of possessions of one color cannot collect a double fee. If at home or hotel is built on the ownership, then the rent will be increased in accordance with the amount specified on the card of the owner to this ownership. For finding on the laid possessions, the fee is not charged.

Stopping on utilities

If you stayed on the field with a communal enterprise, which has not yet been bought by other players, you can buy it. As in the case of other types of ownership, you must pay the cost specified on the field of the municipal enterprise. If the communal enterprise is already the property of another player, you may be asked to make a rent. This board is determined by the amount of points dropping on a cube during a throw, as a result of which you hit the field with a utility company.

If the owner has only one communal enterprise, the fee will be four times the number of points falling on the cube. If both utility enterprises are the property of the same player, then you must pay ten times more than the number of points on the cube.

If you decide not to buy a communal enterprise, the banker will hold a auction, and the communal enterprise will get a player who has suggested the highest price. You can also take part in the auction.

Stopping at railway stations

If you hit the railway station first, then you have the opportunity to buy it. Otherwise, the banker organizes auction. Although you refused to buy a railway station at the initial price, you can participate in the auction along with the rest of the players. If the railway station you fell is already the property of another player, then you must pay him the amount specified in the owner's card. The size of the board is determined by how much other railway stations has the owner of the railway station to which you hit.

Stop on the Fields "Chance" or "Total Treasury"

If you hit one of these fields, then you must take the top card from the corresponding stack. In these cards, the following may be indicated:

§ Slide the chip

§ Pay money, for example, in the form of tax

§ Get money

§ Go to jail

§ Fresh prison for free

You must perform an action written on the card, and then put this card at the bottom of the stack. If you pulled out a "free exemption from prison" card, then you can leave it until you want to take advantage of it. You can also sell this card for the price, which arrange with other participants.

Note:On the card can be given instructions to move the chip to another field. If at the same time you pass the "go" field, then you get a sum of 200 units. If you are sent to prison or order to move the chip back, it is believed that you are not passing the "go" field.

Stop on the "Tax Spaces" field ("tax collection")

If you fell to such a field, then you must pay the relevant amount of money to the bank.

Stop on the Field "Free Parking" ("Free Parking")

If you hit this field, then you can stay on it until your next move. For finding on this field you do not need to pay anything, and you can produce any operations (collect rent, build buildings on your own possessions, etc.)


You will be sent to prison in the following cases:

§ If you stop on the "Go to Jail" field ("Go to jail")

§ If you take a "chance" or "common treasury" card, which will be written "Go Directly to Jail" ("Go directly to Prison")

§ If you drop three doubles in a row

When you are sent to prison, your course ends. You can also not get a salary of 200 units. Regardless of which field you stopped.

You can get out of prison as follows:

§ pay a fine of 50 units. and continue the game from the next move

§ Buy from another player "Get Out of Jail Free" card ("Leave a prison for free"), f.

§ Use your own card "Long leave prison for free", in case you have it

§ Stay in prison for three moves, throwing cubes every time in the hope of getting a double. If you have a double in your course, then you can get out of prison and make a move according to the score

After you spent three strokes in prison, you must get out of prison, paying a fine of 50 units. Before moving your chip in accordance with the scorched number of points.

While in prison, you can charge a rent from other players for using your property if it is not laid.

If you have not been sent to prison, but in the game the game stopped on the "Prison" field, it is believed that you just go to prison "as a visitor" and do not pay any penalties. When it comes to the next move, you can continue the game.

At home

After you scatter all possessions of the same color, you can buy at home and install them on any of these possessions. At the same time, the rent is increasing, which you charge with players who stay on the ownership belonging to you.

The price of the house is indicated in the appropriate card of the owner. You can buy a house to your turn or between other players. Remember that you have to build evenly, i.e. you cannot build a second home on any possession of one color group until you build at one home on each possession of this group. This rule acts for any number of houses to the highest possible: four houses on one possession. The sale of the house should also be performed evenly in accordance with the above rule.

You can buy and sell at home at any time and in any quantity how much it allows you to make your financial condition. You cannot build a house on ownership if any possession of the same color group is laid out. If you own all possessions of one color group, and you built a house only on one or two ownership, then you, however, can get a double fee from other players who stay on your possessions from this color group (even if nothing Not built).


Before you can buy a hotel, you must build four houses on each possession of this color group. The hotel is bought just like a house. For one hotel, you must pay four houses that return to the bank and the price specified in the owner's card for the hotel. On only one hotel can be built on only one hotel.

Lack of houses

If there are no more houses in the bank, then before you buy a house, you must wait until other players return their homes to the bank. Similarly, you can not get instead of the hotel at home if they are not left in the bank.

If a limited number of houses or hotels remained in the bank, and two or more players want to buy them more than left in the bank, the banker conducts auction, and these buildings go to the player who called the highest price.

The price indicated in the appropriate card of the owner is taken as the starting price at the auction.

Sale property

You can sell possession without buildings, a railway station and a communal enterprise to any player, receiving a pre-agreed amount of money from it. However, you cannot sell possession to another player, if at least one possession of the same color group is a building. If you want to sell possession included in a specific color group, then you must first sell the bank all the buildings on all possessions of this group.

At home you need to sell evenly, similarly to the purchase rule (see section "Houses"). You can not sell at home and hotel to other players. They must be sold to the bank in half the price specified in the appropriate card of the owner. You can sell a house or a hotel at any time.

For the hotel, the Bank will pay you half the cost of the hotel plus half the cost of houses that you have passed to the bank when buying this hotel. All hotels from one color group can be sold at the same time. If necessary, the hotel can be broken again at home. To do this, you need to sell the hotel to the bank and get four houses in return, as well as money for the hotel (i.e. half of their cost). The owned property you cannot sell the bank, but you can sell to other players.


If you have no money left, but you need to pay debts, then you can get a certain amount of money by laying property. If you have possession, you must first sell all the buildings to the bank. When laying property, turn over the owner's card face down, and get the amount of money specified on the back of the card in the bank. If you want to redeem your property, then you will need to pay this amount plus 10%.

If you have owned property, it remains in your possession. Other players cannot buy this property, paying the cost of the mortgage bank.

You can not receive a rent for laid out property. However, you can receive a fee for another property from the same color group. You can sell the owned property to other players at a predetermined price.

Then the player can redeem the mortgage, paying the bank the amount of the mortgage plus 10%. If this is not done, the player must pay a bank of 10% when buying this property, and later, when he decides to buy a mortgage, he will have to pay the Bank Cost

mortgage and additional 10%.

When all possessions of one color group are no longer laid, the owner can start buying at home again at the corresponding price.


If you owe a jar or another player an amount exceeding the total amount of funds you can get, selling your property, you declare bankrupt and leave the game.

If you owe the jar, then all your cash and all the owner cards receive the bank. Then the bank in parts is selling all this property at auction.

If you are declared bankrupt, you must return the cards "leave the prison for free", putting them down the corresponding stack.

If you have become bankrupt, owing another player, then your homes and hotels are sold to the bank for half of their initial cost, and this player receives you owned cash, owner cards and cards "Leave the prison for free." If you have any laid property, you should also transfer it to this player. At the same time, he must pay 10% of its cost, and then make a decision whether it wants to leave mortgages or redeem property.

Comments on the game

If you do not have enough cash to pay the lease, then you can pay your creditor part of the amount of cash and part of the amount belonging to you (while there should be no buildings on these possessions). In this case, the lender may take some property (even if it is laid) at a price that significantly exceeds the owner specified on the card, in order to obtain additional property or prevent another player to gain control over it.

Control over the rental fee must be carried out directly by the owner of the owner.

The player can get money in debt only in a bank and only on the guarantee of his property. Players can not give each other money in debt.


The last participant remaining in the game becomes the winner.

Rules of shortened game

The rules of the shortened game have three differences compared to the rules of the usual game:

1. During the preparation for the game, the banker makes the owner card. Then the player sitting on the left of the banker shoots a deck, and the latter turns twice in a circle to players on one card of the owner. If the banker is simultaneously an ordinary player, he distributes the owner cards and herself. Players who received the owner cards must immediately pay the bank of the specified price for both received cards of the owner.

2. In a shortened game, you must build only three houses (instead of four) on each possession of the color group before you can buy a hotel.

Rent remains the same as in the standard game.

When you sell a hotel, the revenue amount is half of the initial value, which is in this version of the game for one house less than in the usual game.

3. End of the game. The first player who became bankrupt is dropped out of the game, as in the standard game. When the second player becomes bankrupt, the game ends. The player who became bankrupt, transfers to his creditor (bank or another player) everything that owns, including buildings and other property.

Then each of the participants remaining in the game summarizes the following:

1. Cash on hand.

2. Available at player of ownership, utilities and railway stations at a price indicated on the game field.

3. Located ownership of half the price indicated on the game field.

4. Houses rated at the cost of purchase.

5. Hotels rated by purchases, including the cost of three homes that this hotel was exchanged.

Wins the richest player!

Time restriction game

Before starting this version of the game, you need to agree on the end time of the game. The participant will win the richest at the time of the end of the game. Before the game, you need to mix the deck from the cards of the owner and remove it. The banker then distributes two cards to each player, one card for a circle. Participants immediately contribute to the bank's value issued by their property, and the game continues according to the standard rules.

Cards "Show Time" (located in the alphabetic order of the first Latin letters of instructions on the card)

Article I. Show Time



Buy a new spaniel puppy.

Pay 150 units.

Show Time.

Cottage and Castle Repairs. Pay 40 per Cottage and 115 Per Castle.

Article II. Show Time.

You need to repair your cottages and castles. Pay 40 units. For each cottage and 115 units. For each castle

Show Time.

Dwarfs Strike Diamonds.


Dwarves found diamonds.

Get 150 units.

Show Time.

DUMBO'S Magic Feather Lets You Fly.


You can fly with

magic feather Dambo.

Get 150 units.

Show Time.

Fly to Capitain Hook's Pirate Ship. If You Pass Go, Collect 200.

Show Time.

Throw on the "Capitain Hook's Pirate Ship" field. When passing the field "Go" get 200 units.

Show Time.

Fly to Go with Peter Pan.


Throw on the "go" field with Peter Pan. Get 200 units.

Show Time.

Get Spotted WITH 101 Dalmatians.

Move Ahead To This Place.


You were discovered with 101 Dalmatians. Move on the "101 Dalmatians" field.

Show Time.

Go and Visit Dumbo.

If You Pass Go, Collect 200.


Apply Dambo's visit. Move on the DUMBO field. When passing the field "Go" get 200 units.

Show Time.

Lose Your Way in the Queen of Heart's Maze.

Move Back 3 Spaces .


You have lost in the Maze Queen Hendes. Go to 3 fields back.

Show Time.

Robbed by Foulfellow and Gideon.


Foolfelloou and Gideon robbed you.

Pay 15 units.

Show Time.

Robin Hood Helps You to Escape. Get Out Of Jail Free. This Card May Be Kept Until Needed Or Sold.


Leave the prison for free. Robin Hood helped you escape. You can store this card until you use or sell it.

Show Time.

Save Simba from the Stampede.


Save Simba from panic flight.

Pay 50 units.

Show Time.

Take a Plateful of Spaghetti to Lady and The Tramp.

If You Pass Go, Collect 200.


Bring a complete plate of spaghetti for ladies and vagabonds. Move on the "Lady and The Tramp" field. When passing the field "Go" get 200 units.

Show Time.

The Three Good Fairies Help You Clean Your Property. For Each Cottage Pay 25. For Each Castle Pay 100.


3 Good faces help you clean your property. Pay 25 units. For each cottage and 100 units. For each castle

Show Time.

You are Arrested by The Sheriff of Nottingham and Thrown in Jail. Don't Pass Go.

Don't Collect 200.


You are arrested by Sheriff Nottingham and thrown into prison. When passing the field "GO" you do not get 200 units.

Show Time.

You Tell a Lie To the Blue Fairy.

Pay Each Player 20.


You lay a blue fairy.

Pay 20 units. Each player.

Cards "Magic Moments" (located in the alphabetic order of the first Latin letters of instructions on the card)

Magic Moments.

Break Cinderella's Glass Slipper.


You broke a glass tower of Cinderella. Pay 50 units.

Magic Moments.

Caught by The Dog Catcher. Go to jail. Don't Pass Go. Don't Collect 200.


You are caught a catcher of dogs. Go to jail. When passing the field "GO" you do not get 200 units.

Magic Moments.

Get Lost in the jungle. Go Back to Tarzan. Don't Pass Go. Don't Collect 200.


You have lost in the jungle. Go to the "Tarzan" field. When passing the field "GO" you do not get 200 units.

Magic Moments.

Help Peter Pan Find His Shadow.


You helped Pieru Pan find his shadow.

Get 100 units.

Magic Moments.

IT's Your Unbirthday. Collect 10 From Each Player.


Today is your day of harvest. Get 10 units. from each player.

Magic Moments.

Join The Elephant's Jungle Patrol.


Join the ivory patrol jungle.

Get 10 units.

Magic Moments.

Pay A 10 Fine Or Take A Show Time Card


Pay penalty 10 units. Or pull one "Show Time" map

Magic Moments.

Rescue The Dalmatians from Hell Hall.


Save the Dalmatians from the Hell's Hall.

Get 20 units.

Magic Moments.

Take a Bite from Snow White's Poisoned Apple. Pay 50.


Bite the poisoned Snow White Apple.

Pay 50 units.

Magic Moments.



Stork brought you a child.

Get 25 units.

Magic Moments.

Tinker Bell Sets You Free. Get Out Of Jail Free. This Card May Be Kept Until Needed Or Sold.


Leave the prison for free. Tinker Bell relies you. You can store this card until you use or sell it.

Magic Moments.

Tinker Bell Transports You to Go.


Tinker Bell moved you on the "Go" field.

Get 200 units.

Magic Moments.

Wake Sleeping Beauty From Her Slumber.


Wake out the snowmall from her sleep.

Get 200 units.

Magic Moments.

You are hypnotized by kaa.


Kaa you hypnotized.

Pay 100 units.

Magic Moments.

You are the fairest of them all.


You are the most honest player.

Get 50 units.

Magic Moments.

Youdeat Maleficient.


You won the Malifisent.

Get 100 units.