Young horse he is smart and very nice. Alexander Pushkin - Evgeny Onegin

Young horse he is smart and very nice. Alexander Pushkin - Evgeny Onegin

Test on Roman A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

1. Specify the temporary boundaries of the action that happens in the Roman A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin":

1. 1812-1824

2. 1819-1825

3. 1825- 1835


2. Determine who from the heroes of the novel corresponds to the characteristics:

1. "Young Half", "He is clever and very mil", "he could not Yamba from Chorea, as we did not beat to distinguish," "Russian Khandra took a little by little."

2. "Dick, sad, silent," "Soul was waiting for someone."

3. "Circle, red face she," "Coquette, windy child."

4. "His feather with love breathes", "Fans of Fame and Freedom".

5. "He was a simple and kind bar."






3. Agmensen notes rightly notice: "... Smart appearance." "He never it becomes over the direction of the government ... And it is never able to stand on the side of the people. "

1. Lensky

2. Onegin

3. A. Pushkin

4. D.Larin

4 . To whom from literature leaders belong the following characteristics:

1. "Onegin is an extra person in the environment in which he is, without possessing the necessary power of character to break out of it."

2. "The suffering Egoist", "Egoist inevitable".

3. "Always ... Glad to notice the difference between Onegin and me"

    A.S. Pushkin

    VG Belinka


    ON THE. Dobrolyubov

    N.G. Chernyshevsky

5. Determine the heroes of the novel in their reading circle:

1. "Opened Schiller candlelight."

2. "Branil Homer, Foocrita,

But read Adam Smith. "

3. "She loved Richardson,

Not because to read

Not because Grandinson

She preferred Lovsal. "

4. "There were no harm in the books;

He never read

They read them a blank toy. "

5. "Now ... idol or thoughtful vampire,

Or Melton, or Corsair,

Or a mysterious slaughter. "





    Mother Olga and Tatiana

6. Pushkin said about whom: "Anyone take and find, right, her portrait."

    Mother Olga and Tatiana



    Nanny Filippievna

7. Nature depicted in the novel is related to the mental experiences of the heroes. Determine who from the heroes corresponds to the description of Nature:

1. "Village, where I missed ... There was a wonderful corner."

2. "But here is the lunar ray // Syania goes out."

3. "Diffuling the storm, the color is beautiful // lied in the morning dawn, // Fur fire on the altar."




8. What is "Oneginskaya Strak":

1. Stanza from 14 poems of 4-stop jamb. 3 quatrasion and finishing 2 lines with a cross rhythm.

2. Stroof of 8 poems, where the first 6 rhymes are among themselves, and 2 are associated with steam rhyme.

3. Hexameter.

9. Culmination is:

1. The element of the composition in which the artistic conflict reaches the critical point of its development and requires compulsory immediate permission.

2. The element of the composition in which the artistic conflict arises.

3. The element of the composition in which permission or removal of the main conflict occurs.

10. The culmination of the novel is:

1. Duel Onegin and Lensky

2. Explanation of Tatiana in love Onegin

3. Bal in the house of Larina

4. Explanation of Onegin and Tatiana on the Ball in the house of Prince

Answers to Test


T. Larina




  1. Herzmen





    Mother Olga and Tatiana




  1. Onegin



Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

Eugene Onegin

Roman in verse

PE € Tri de Vanite € Il Avait Encore Plus de Cette Espe`ce d'Orgueil Qui Fait Avouer Avec La Me ^ Me Indiffe € Rence Les Bonnes Comme Les Mauvaises Actions, Suite D'Un Sentiment de Supe € Riorite €, Peut-e ^ Tre Imaginaire.

Tire € D'Une Lettre Particulie`re

He thought proud light amuse
Burning friendship attention,
I wish I imagine you
Pledge more than you,
More than a soul beautiful,
Holy filled dream
Poetry alive and clear
High doom and simplicity;
But so be - a blessing hand
Acceptance of the collected motley chapters
Half-smoked, semi-private,
Common, ideal,
The careless fruit of my fun,
Insomnitz, light inspirations,
Immature and faded years
Mind of cold observations
And the hearts of sorrowful notice.

Chapter first

And living in a hurry, and feel hurry.

Prince Vyazemsky

"My uncle of the most honest rules,
When not a joke,
He forced himself
And it was better not to invent.
His example is another science;
But, my God, what boredom
With sick sit and day and night,
Do not go away!
What a low cunning
Sexing to fun
He pillows to correct
Adopt the medicine
Suggest and thinking about yourself:
When damn take you! "

So thought a young horse
Flying in dust on postal,
Most High Will Zeus
Heir to all his relatives. -
Friends Lyudmila and Ruslana!
With the hero of my novel
Without prefaces, this hour
Let me introduce you to:
Onegin, good my friend,
Born on Brega Neva,
Where maybe you were born
Or shone my reader;
There is no time walked and me:
But the north is harmful to me.

Serving excellent and noble
His father lived on debts
Gave three bala annually
And finally dreamed.
The fate of Eugene kept:
First Madame. I went for him
Later Monsieur. It was changed;
The child was cut, but Mil.
Monsieur L'Abbe €, Frenchman
So as not to be angry with the child,
He taught him everything jokingly,
Did not bother morally strict
Branled slightly
And in the summer garden to walk drove.

When the rebellious youth
Came Evgeny time
It's time for hope and sadness gentle,
Monsieur. We drove from the yard.
Here is my Onegin at freedom;
Oxt of the last fashion;
how dandy London dressed -
And finally saw the light.
He is in French perfectly
Could express and wrote;
Easy Mazurka dance
And bowed at ease;
Why do you like more? The light decided
That he is smart and very nice.

We all studied little by little
Something and somehow
So raise, thank God,
We have no wonder shine.
Onegin was, in the end of many
(Judges decisive and strict),
Scientist small but pedant.
He had a happy talent
Without forced in conversation
Touch everything slightly
With a scientist view of a construct
Keep silence in an important dispute
And excite a smile ladies
Fire of unexpected epigram.

Latin from fashion came out now:
So, if the truth can tell you
He knew pretty Latin,
So that epigraphs disassemble
Celete about juvenile
At the end of the letter to put vale,
Yes remembered, even though not without sin,
From the aneida two verses.
He did not have a hunt
In chronological dust
Earth's life methods;
But the days of the past jokes,
From Romula to this day,
He kept him in his memory.

High passion without having
For sounds of life do not spare
He could not Yamba from Chorea,
As we fought, distinguish.
Branil Homer, Foocrita;
But read Adam Smith
And there was a deep economy,
That is, I knew how to judge
As a state rich,
And what lives, and why
Not need gold to him
When simple product It has.
Father could not understand him
And the land gave a deposit.

Everything that Eugene knew
Retell me underwitch;
But in what he was a true genius,
What he knew the harder of all sciences,
What was the izmlade for him
And work, and flour, and fade,
What occupied the whole day
His laziness, -
There was a science of passion gentle,
Which is chosen
For which he cumshots
His age brilliant and rebellious
In Moldova, in the wilderness of the steppes,
In the distance of Italy.


How soon he could hypocrite
Hide hope jealous
Default, make you believe
Seem gloomy, languish
Be proud and obedient
Attentive Ile indifferent!
How Tomno was silent,
How flamingly eloquently
In heart letters as careless!
One breathing, one loving
How he knew how to forget himself!
As his eyes were fast and gentle,
Shame and muster, and sometimes
Shone a disruptive tear!

How he knew how to seem new
Singing innocence amazing
Scare with despair ready
Pleasant flattery fun
Take a minute of dying
Innocent years prejudice
Mind and passion to win
Invalid caress to expect
Pray and demand recognized
Overhear the hearts first sound
Pursue love and suddenly
Get a secret date ...
And after her alone
Give lessons in silence!

How soon he could disturb
Hearts of Notebooks!
When I wanted to destroy
His rivals of his
How he is ultra of gossip!
What networks prepared for them!
But you, blissful husbands,
You left you friends:
He caressed his spouse crap
Foblasa long-standing student
And an incredulous old man
And cuckold the magnificent
Always satisfied with itself,
With her lunch and wife.


It happened, he is still in bed:
The notes are carried to it.
What? Invited? Indeed,
Three houses for the evening name:
There will be a ball, there is a children's holiday.
Where will my pamper jump?
Who will he start? Does not matter:
Everywhere suggest nomouder.
Morning in the morning
Noodles wide bolivar,
Onegin rides the boulevard,
And there walks on the square,
As long as the undeading Bregar
He will not ring lunch.

Test for creativity A. S. Pushkin

Exercise 1

What is called lyrics:

1. The birth of literature, in which the artistic world of the literary work reflects the inner experiences of the lyrical hero.

2. Emotional perception by the narrator or lyrical hero of the described.

3. Not related to the plot narrative thinking of the author included in the work.

4. The nature of the literature, in the works of which the author's personality is eliminated formally to the limit, and the story is about events alleged in the past.

Task 2.

Determine the verse size of the reduced passage:

Be a little man

And think about the gran of nails.

What to argue with the century?

Custom despot between people.


2. Korea.

3. Dactyl.

4. Amphibery.

5. Anadist.

Task 3.

What is the name of a three-sided poetic size with an emphasis on the second syllable:

1. Dactyl.

2. Amphibrachius.

3. Anadist.

4. Jamb.

5. Korea.

Task 4.

Specify the temporal boundaries of the action that happens in the Roman A. S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin":

1. 1812-1824.

2. 1819-1825.

3. 1825-1835.

4. 1837-1840.

Task 5.

Determine who from the heroes of the novel in verses corresponds to these characteristics:

1. "Young Half", "He is a smart and very mil", "He could not Jamba from Khorora, as we were fighting, distinguished," "I could hypocrite," "as women, he left the books," The ancient lifestyle was lightly replaced, "Russian Handra was gradually mastered."

2. "Dick, sad, silent", "she soon liked the novels," "the soul was waiting for someone," she knew badly in Russian. "

3. "Round, red face she", "coquette, windy child."

4. "His feather with love breathes", "The fan of glory and freedoms", "he was loved ... he thought so".

5. "He was a simple and kind bar."


D. Larin




Task 6.

A. Herzzent notes about whom: "... smart unnecessaryness." "He never becomes the right of the government ... and never can stand on the side of the people."

1. Lensky.

2. Onegin.

3. A. Pushkin.

4. D. Larin.

Task 7.

Which of the literature leaders belong the following characteristics.

1. "Onegin is an extra person in the environment where he is located, without possessing the necessary force of character to break out of it."

2. "The suffering Egoist", "Egoist inevitable".

3. "Always ... I am glad to notice the difference between Onegin and me."

A. S. Pushkin

V. G. Belinsky

A. I. Herzzen.

N. A. Dobrolyubov

N. G. Chernyshevsky

Task 8.

Determine the heroes of the novel by their reading circle:

1. "At Schiller's candle opened ...".

"... I read eagerly Apulean, and Cicero did not read ...".

2. "Branil Homer, Foocrita,

But read Adam Smith ... "

3. "She loved Richardson,

Not because to read

Not because the grandison

She preferred to Lovlas ... "

4. "... in the books did not see harm;

He never read

They read the empty toy ... "

5. "Now ... idol or thoughtful vampire,

Or Melm: or Corsair, or

Mysterious slaughter. "

"... Lord Byron Pretty Successful envelope in sad romanticism."


D. Larin



Mother Olga and Tatiana

Task 9.

A question in the poem of M. Yu. Lermontov "Death of the poet" in the line: "The singer is unknown, but dear ...":

1. A. Pushkin.

2. E. Onegin.

3. V. Lensky.

4. T. Larina.

Task 10.

A. S. Pushkin said: "... any novel / take and find the right / her portrait ...":

1. Wife D. Larina.

2. Tatiana.

3. Olga.

4. Nanny Filipian.

Task 11.

Nature depicted in the novel "Eugene Onegin" is related to the spiritual experiences of heroes. Determine who among the heroes correspond to the descriptions of Nature:

1. "... The village, where I missed ..., there was an adorable corner ...".

2. "But here is the lunar ray / shine goes out ..."

3. "Dailed the storm, the color is beautiful / hurt in the morning dawn, / the flood fire on the altar!"




Task 12.

Find comparisons and emphasize:

He thinks: "I will be a Savior

Will not fail to debooth

Fire and sigh and praise

Judge heart tempted.

So that the worm is despicable, poisonous

Sharpened the lilets of the stalk

To two-year-old flower

Having hooked another half. "

Task 13.

Find epithets and emphasize:

"Where, where did you retreave, / Spring of my devoted days? .."

Task 14.

Find metaphors and emphasize:

Instant cold

Onegin to the young man in a hurry,

Looks, calling him ... in vain:

His is not. Judging singer

Found a missing end!

Drove the storm, the color is beautiful

Faded in the morning dawn

Fur fire on the altar!

Task 15.

What is "Oneginskaya Strak":

1. Stanza from 14 poems of the 4-stop jamb: 3 quatrasion and final lines with cross rhyphous.

2. Stroof of 8 poems, where the first 6 rhymes are among themselves, and 2 are associated with steam rhyme.

3. Hexameter.

Task 16.

The culmination of Roman A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" is:

1. Duel Onegin and Lensky.

2. Explanation of Tatiana in Love Onegin.

3. Ball in Larina's house.

4. Explanation of Eugene and Tatiana in her Petersburg house.

Task 17.

Culmination is:

1. The element of the composition in which the artistic conflict reaches the critical point of its development and requires compulsory immediate permission.

2. The element of the composition in which the artistic conflict arises.

3. The element of the composition in which permission or removal of the main conflict occurs.

Task 18.

Lyrical digression is:

1. Emotional perceptions described by the narrator or lyrical hero expressed by artistic means.

3. Not related to the plot narrative thinking of the author included in the work of literature.

Task 19.

Motifs Lyrics A. S. Pushkin are diverse. Relate these poems of the poet and the motives (themes) of his lyrics:

1. "Prophet", "Poet", "Poet and Crow", "Echo", "Monument".

2. "Three keys", "Gift in vain, the gift of random ...", "Caucasus", "demons".

3. "I loved you ...", "Do not sing, Beauty, with me ...", "The last time your image is cute ...".

4. "Winter Road", "Memories", "Premonition", "Road Complaints".

5. "Andrey Shhenie", "Arion", "in Siberia", "Anchar", "Village".

Theme of the poet and poetry

Winnocheing lyrics

Love Lyrics

Theme of solitude

Philosophical Lyrics

Answers to Test

Quest Number


The book includes a novel in verses A.S. Pushkin (1799-1837) "Eugene Onegin", mandatory for reading and studying in secondary school.

The novel in verses "Eugene Onegin" became a central event in the literary life of Pushkin pore. And since then, the masterpiece A.S. Pushkin has not lost its popularity, still love and read the readers with millions.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.
Eugene Onegin
Roman in verse

Pétri De Vanité Il Avait Encore Plus de Cette Espèce d'Orgueil Qui Fait Avouer Avec La MêMe Indifférence Les Bonnes Comme Les Mauvaises Actions, Suite D'Un Sentiment de Supériorité, Peut-être Imaginaire.

He thought proud light amuse
Burning friendship attention,
I wish I imagine you
Pledge more than you,
More than a soul beautiful,
Holy filled dream
Poetry alive and clear
High doom and simplicity;
But so be - a blessing hand
Acceptance of the collected motley chapters
Half-smoked, semi-private,
Common, ideal,
The careless fruit of my fun,
Insomnitz, light inspirations,
Immature and faded years
Mind of cold observations
And the hearts of sorrowful notice.


And you, the beauty of the young,
Whom later sometimes
Clean shodki delets
In St. Petersburg pavement