Restoration of reputation: how to conquer respect. Poor reputation

Restoration of reputation: how to conquer respect. Poor reputation
Restoration of reputation: how to conquer respect. Poor reputation

In May 2017, a manufacturing company was addressed to us, interested in managing a reputation on the Internet. At the first stage, the Zexler team conducted an audit of references to a company, which showed that the employer's reputation is in a terrible state - the entire search results for "brand + review about the employer" is filled with negatives. As later it turned out, this particular fact was the reason why the Customer addressed us.

Despite the fact that negative feedback on behalf of employees were posted in 2016, the manufacturer felt a shortage of qualified applicants for vacant positions.

Initially, the customer's representatives tried to independently correct the situation, but their attempts to post feedback feedback caused a new wave of negativity. Also, they were placed by the company's cards on response resources, but during the placement a number of errors were allowed, due to which the cards created did not affect the search issuance on brand and reputational requests. As a result, representatives of the company decided to seek help to us.

The first thing that I asked the Customer is to remove negatives. However, given that the budget declared to manage the reputation was limited, decided to launch positive activity on feedback sites and thematic forums. Prepared a commercial offer, the customer approved him. After signing the contract launched the project.

Through thorn to the stars or the search for truth

Before starting the accommodation of activities, our team has set itself the goal to study the HR strategy of the enterprise in detail. Immediately make a reservation, each detail is important to us, with specialists who restore the reputation should be honest as a doctor or a lawyer. The more accurate information we have, the more efficient the actions taken by us.

The top of the iceberg was the study of the staffing of the enterprise, the features of personnel work and working conditions. But by this we did not limit yourself. The customer filled out a brief concerning HR philosophy of the company, this was not enough for us and we began to come up to the reason for which the staff indulged in the network. After all, everyone understands, there is no smoke without fire. The reason was the banal - the dishonestness of the highest management managers. Sources of problems worked in the company for only a few months, but the firewood has grown up. As a result, the enemies were made for the company in the face of those dismissed by their employees, plus to this, could not accept their own dismissal. According to reviews it was seen that their authors are both dismissed employees and not established managers. Thus, the entire quarrel was brought out of the worship of the universal review in the brightest paints, which turned out the deficit of qualified applicants for vacant positions.

Strategy Development

After studying the sad story of the company, our Serm managers abandoned the strategy of "honey" reviews, and prepared texts with a real description of the situation: "Yes, it was, but passed", which, in principle, corresponded to reality. I can not say that the client immediately approved such an approach, but as a result we came to the general denominator. After a series of coordination, the client gave "good" to accommodate activities.

Clarification of the situation in the framework of the search for issuance

For a month, we smoothly placed activity at the review courts. It is important that for the content of each activity, its resource was chosen. For resources with a squall of negatives, reviews that explaining the situation were laid out. Also, from among those who were not included in the top sites without feedback about the employer, the most powerful sites were chosen to accommodate neutral reviews with an eye on the fact that they will come to the top in the current month. As a result, the new "clean" sites turned out the sites with negative sites.

Every day there was a deep monitoring of the company's HR requests. As a result, a number of sites were revealed on which the company's cards are placed, however, when they were completed, errors were made in details. We reported this to the client. Its representatives confirmed that this is their company, but the information is filled incorrectly. Serm managers have been launched process, to clarifying information on the identified pages. After making edits, these sites hit the top issuance.

Results of 30 day work

In just a month, the issuance of the requests of interest to us significantly changed:

  • the composition of the sites included in the top (5 sites with negatives, 5 "clean" sites with neutral feedback on the employer) has changed by 50%.
  • at all reviews containing negative promise to the employer, the most current review of the recommendation character.
  • all feedback, leveling negatives look natural (the goal for which we refused the ideal recommendations, was achieved);
  • persons have been made to 4 cards, these resources are within the top 20 search issuance.

You made some serious mistakes by performing important projects. You understand that they became the main candidate for dismissal. Experts give six tips, how to restore a business reputation and leave a place in the company.

In order to bring order in cases in a short time, you should figure out what exactly you can not cope. When it becomes clear, ask yourself a question: why is it going on? Most likely, the cause of failures either one and the same, or, if there are several reasons, they are common to all problems. Accordingly, removing them, you can return to a normal working rhythm.

Perhaps because of the recycling you have become too tired and for this reason began to be distracted from the current work. Add to this inability to organize my own time, the inability to focus on solving a specific task and action on the template, and you will understand why in a short time have broken the execution of several projects.

1. Go to the world

First, stop any conflicts with colleagues. Even if it seems to you that our actions only spoil all all, do not shout and do not prove with the foam of your mouth. Avoid non-constructive disputes and even more so swearing. If you want to chite colleague, it is better to do it in the form of a soft board. And do not be intrusive. So you will improve your reputation among colleagues, and will remain provisitive only to the head.

2. Do not try to prove that you are not a camel

The worst thing that can be done is to start a campaign under the slogan "I'm not like". No one would believe in that, since the current stereotypes are poorly corrected. What you really need to do is correct what else can be preserved your place.

The best strategy: "I have - what I am, there are many strengths." Talk to colleagues in the workplace too much? So you are contactable and you can easily build customer relationships, including potential. Ask to give you a small trial period - a week or two to demonstrate how you can be useful to the company.

3. Speak with the boss

Save the loss of work can conversation with a direct supervisor. An open dialogue is appreciated in this situation. Tell us about your plans to improve your own professional level, ask the leader, what knowledge and skills, in his opinion, you lack to take up more important and complex projects. Just convince the chief to give you another chance.

4. Use the remaining time

The problem is that the recovery process is not fast. It will take quite a lot of time so that people change their opinion about you and their attitude towards you. And your time is just not. Develop an efficiency improvement program with the header, a daily work plan and determine the deadline for the end of which an assessment will be conducted. If you know exactly what kind of knowledge you are missing, you can take training, most likely, at your own expense, because the company's crisis does not pay for even the most promising employees, what to say about the laggards. Sometimes a colleague can help with solving work tasks, but this is a one-time measure, as no one will constantly work for another.

5. Become a responsible person

After you convinced the boss in the fact that you still, take responsibility for the implementation of a small but important project. The main criterion of tasks is the ability to quickly show the result. When the work is successfully implemented, tell us about the success of colleagues and show how it can help them in work.

6. Look for ways to improve work

Take a habit once a week to improve your work in something one, and the result will not make yourself wait. Give the Word that you will start coming on time, perform tasks on time, to make five productive calls more and so on. The companies have a shortage of specialists who can do, and not just speak. Therefore, even if you cut your regular unit, there will always be a place in the neighboring department or department.

Honor, as they say, you need to take care of the smalod, but what to do, if suddenly it happened to be stupid? Restore the reputation is heavier than to sang. However, efforts spent on cleansing stacked honor will not be in vain.

The women's website "Beautiful and Successful" today will introduce his readers with possible ways to restore spoiled reputation.

And there are spots in the sun, or how to take your mistake

The first thing to do to restore reputation is - Stop engage in self-keeping due to a perfect error. The right to cool down every person. And the one who recognizes this automatically receives the right to correct its mistake.

Instead of changing the unpleasant moment again and again, you need to refer to the advice of psychologists.

  1. Before starting to restore the retained reputation, it is worth analyzing the situation. Surely in the process of revising everything that happened, it will be possible to find a lot of circumstances that justify the assumed error. For example, sometimes a person, scolding himself for ignorance towards others, forgets that his mood at one time was spoiled by even more gross behavior of others.
  2. After clarifying the reasons for the commission and rehabilitation of their honest name in their own eyes, you should think about how serious the same misses were. People tend to perceive their misconduct in a slightly exaggerated form. Site site assures: Sometimes it seems to us with something scary and irreparable to us, the surrounding do not even pay attention. In order to understand how surrounding perceive what happened, you can simply talk with them. Perhaps they will be able to suggest how best to rehabilitate. And even if no valuable information from this conversation can be obtained, efforts will not be in vain: the people will go to the people about what you repent and worry. This will already be a glimpse on the dark spot of your reputation.
  3. If, as a result of this, someone suffered someone, it is necessary to bring his apology to this person and be sure to somehow compensate for moral and material damage.

Perhaps one of the most difficult moments in restoring reputation at work or in society living near people is just a correction of the mistakes made. It is worth talking separately.

Work on errors, or how to restore a spoiled reputation

Honor is one of the most important values \u200b\u200bof any person, but many understand it is not entirely right. Often, people perceive their reputation as a beautiful bedspread, under which you can hide too noticeable flaws. Therefore, they make efforts not to be honest and worthy of confidence, but to seem like this. Such personalities should not read this article further.

But those who truly values \u200b\u200btheir good name should understand that the restoration of professional reputation, which was corrupted by their fault, will require, first of all, courage.

It is necessary to publicly recognize your guilt and. Make it is not easy, so this step is already a very significant measure of correcting errors. Loud to declare everything about your imperfection only the strongest are capable. If you make this step - you can already partially correct your guilt.

At the same time, it is not at all necessary to make a brave look and argue that apologies are easy. It is necessary to behave naturally, giving at the same time to understand others that the troubles delivered to them are the cause of your strong chagrin.

If, as a result of your mistake, someone was damaged, it is necessary to specify with the affected terms of compensation for this damage.

To restore spoiled reputation, it is also worth thinking a number of measures that will not allow what happened to repeat. These measures should be announced to their colleagues, customers, familiar, neighbors and other people, in the eyes of which you need to become a worthy person again.

It's not so difficult to restore a professional reputation as it may seem, especially if the performed fraud was insignificant.

It is only worth a girlfriend after an error in the calculations to begin to work hard without being distracted by foreign conversations, as a month later, its reputation will be crystal clear.

At the same time, returns a good name after the dance on the chair and hot hugs with all representatives of the male half of the office - the task is more complicated. But it really can be solved.

How to restore the reputation of a girl

To do not wear a label of the loose and half-sewing maid after the hottest party to the end of the life, you need to try to work on errors in several directions:

  1. To admit to the participants of the event in a deep sense of shame, which torments you with the memories of what happened.
  2. Show Modesty and restraint in everyday communication. Let others see that liberty at a party is not peculiar to behavior. It is noted that sometimes the most unlocked in pleasant events behave quite modest people in ordinary life. It is probably due to the reason that they have not been able to relax for a long time, so they simply lose control in an informal setting.
  3. Be sure to visit the next corporate party and there to control each step, forgetting about the desire to relax. In order to restore the reputation, it is important to get into the same circumstances once again, but at the same time behave completely differently.

After making a mistake, many people feel very blamed and try to bypass the outside of crowded places. But psychologists assure: so do not need to do.

On the contrary, communication with people will help to understand more quickly that there are no ideals that most errors can correct that the error is also valuable experience. Therefore, you do not need to get closed in yourself and even more so put the cross on yourself.

Carefully work on your mistakes, restore the reputation without false fears - and this work will be rewarded. Remember: Society is much more loyal in relation to the cooling people than themselves, with the exception of, of course, those who do not value with their honor, but only its visibility.

The spoiled reputation is not so easy to restore. That is why it is so important to protect it. It happens that the loss of reputation occurs not by your fault, but in other cases it is your error. Return a good name is not always easy, but still it can be done if you have patience, determination and perseverance.


Part 1

Get rid of bad reputation

    Please accept the fact that others may not forget your act. They can stop sharpen on this attention, but still remember. This does not mean that it is impossible to restore the reputation. Bad reputation in the long run is always temporary. After some time, people cease to disturb what you have done in the past.

    Talk about the current situation with people. Be frankly during solving issues related to the restoration of poor reputation. If you behave calmly, respectfully and sincerely concerned, in this case the surrounding people are likely to go to meet you. Not voicing the problem, you allow the imagination of others to get roaring, as well as give the soil for the free propagation of rumors.

    • Talk first of all with a person who actively spreads rumors about your bad reputation.
    • Ask your friends about this.
    • Try not to justify.
  1. Find benefits. Perhaps your bad reputation is your hidden supersoul. Spend a little time and think about exactly your bad reputation can play your hand, and also try to rethink the perception of the situation. It is possible to act unclosable, thus showing its sexuality. You can become a heavy artillery in the team, if others believe that you are too aggressive in sports.

    Change the opinion of others. Sometimes you just enough to control the perception of other people. Perhaps they see the situation in the wrong light. You can help them in this.

    Speak of untold accusations. Sometimes you just need to say that rumors do not correspond to reality. If you lick about something, the correction of the situation may take some time. Be persistent, but not aggressive, and try to tell your version of what happened as soon as possible. Ask other people help in clarifying this situation. The longer your bad reputation exists, the harder it is to manage its consequences.

    • Observe with misunderstanding.
    • Be eloquent, struggling with a lie.

    Part 2

    Earn a good reputation
    1. Do good. Good deeds is the fastest way to improve your reputation. Act carefully, because if you really recently committed a bad act, then in the eyes of others it may seem desperate move or ordinary hypercompensation. This situation cannot be fixed instantly. You must consistently make good actions to earn a good reputation, otherwise it may seem insincere. It is very easy to destroy the reputation, but much more time and effort takes her recovery. The sequence of actions is of great importance to establish a strong reputation.

      • Having treat your coffee staff or offer to replace them for a while.
      • Offer your friends help, before they ask you about her themselves.
      • Change your behavior for some time if you have suspicions that something goes wrong.
    2. Take care of socially useful activities. There is a huge amount of options for how to spend your free time with the benefit of society. Care for elderly or people with limited physical abilities, public events and work in the church. Animal shelters also need help. Once upon a time in the service of others, you can improve your reputation.

      • If you are still a school student, find out which public works you can offer. Many state colleges and schools offer various options for volunteer activities for their students.
      • Some companies offer volunteer programs that improve qualifications. Talk to your supervisor or head of the department, which can provide a list of options.
    3. Use the current situation to learn something new. Be kind to other people with a bad reputation. You can make a positive impression, communicating and put in the situation of other people with a bad reputation based on your experience. Take advantage of the opportunity to see people around the people around you who may need your attention.

      Impressive surrounding. Go beyond. Do something unusual. Learn to play a musical instrument. Win a scholarship or a premium. Jump the marathon. Making unusual actions, you can improve the opinion of others about yourself. Respect for others will reduce the time of obtaining good reputation.

    Part 3.

    Change cardinally

      Change some aspects of your life. External factors, such as a circle of friends, habits and place of work, can be an integral part of the development of your reputation. Poisonous environment and communication with unfriendly people can become a source of your problems. Share some time considering the question of whether you need to make changes to the circle of your communication and visits to those places in which you usually visit.

      • If you have borrowed a bad reputation among friends, then in this case, it may be time to change the circle of communication. Perhaps your friends support rumors that make other people thinking about you badly.
      • At work, an unfairly configured team can encourage unreasonable expectations from a person. The working environment, which encourages the unhealthy balance of work and personal life, can imagine a hard-working person in a different light. Rate the working environment, it is probably because of it your reputation suffers. After that, you may have a desire to change jobs.
    1. Change yourself. This may be very difficult. Make changes if you look at yourself with the eyes of others, and you will not like what you saw. It is very difficult to change yourself, because character and certain habits are developing throughout life. However, noticing changes in your behavior, other people will start paying attention to you. This will change the view of others about you, and can make a change in your attitude to you, as a person.

      • Contact a professional for help, such as the therapist or psychiatrist.
      • Find the coach for individual growth or spiritual mentor who will be able to help you change yourself from the inside.
    2. Avoid superficial changes. Such changes differ from deep. There is very difficult to stick to the insincere behavior. People feel when you behave insincere. Actually change is very difficult, much more difficult than just to pretend.

    • Give yourself a time to block the guilt. Very often we make mistakes, and then we want to fix them immediately. Unfortunately, it does not happen, so it is better to protect your reputation constantly, while at the same time a person with a good character.
    • Remember that it is very difficult to prove the opposite. When someone accuses you in certain actions, it is very difficult to prove the opposite, except that you have witnesses (who were with you at the moment when everything happened). Instead of attempts to "prove or refute" the current situation, simply declare about your innocence and forget about this case. In the future, be very careful, making any actions. So in people who will hear about you negative feedback, the first reaction will be: "It does not look like Sergey. It was supposed to happen something or there are good reasons for him to do that."
    • Restored reputation must be protected. Do not let others disseminate false rumors about you. Find the original source, instead of persuading the person who heard from someone. Look for until you understand who exactly spreads such rumors. Learn to resist this person; It is more efficient to just ask why he does it. "What did I do to earn your hatred? Why are you talking about me such things?" As soon as you find out the cause of what is happening, you will have a chance to put this end.


    • You will not be able to do everything right. To satisfy some people, apologies will not be enough. Instead, they will build a sacrifice from themselves and put on you the mask of the villain. In this case, you just need to not pay attention to them.

None of us is ideal, anyone sometimes makes mistakes. There is nothing wrong with that, but there are other situations. Some are mistaken very often, they spoil their reputation. Lose good reviews about yourself easily, but it's very difficult to return them.

A bad level of reputation spoils the relationship even with the most close people, not to mention simple acquaintances. If it came to collective communication at work, then this is a critical situation. Usually, such people threaten dismissal or lowering.

Reputation - a very fragile asset

A good reputation needs reliable protection. It affects the success of a person in a career growth and his self-esteem. Each of us wants to achieve maximum respect from others, becoming valuable for them. If it is only to dream about it, it is unlikely that the result will delight, you need to act.

Many years need to build a positive reputation, and it is possible to destroy it in a moment. A couple of mistakes will be forgiven almost always, but no one will not regularly close the eyes on them. There are 3 traits that create a reputation of a person, this is the behavior, the nature and perception of other people.

The first two can not be explained, but with the third point you need to deal with more. Most people are very difficult to look at themselves from the side. It seems that you did not do anything bad, but people continue to be offended at you and quarrel.

The second thing you will not be able to influence the rumors. A person can communicate with all the perfect way, but there is always the one who degrads him behind his back in front of other people. Such cases are also pretty spoiled reputation.

Do not lie to yourself

Study yourself from protective reactions and aspirations to accuse a person in what he did not. Evaluate everything that happens to a sober and calm look, not listening to emotions. Ask yourself a few questions:

What did I do and did not?

Is I really not guilty in many situations or just defend?

Why do people react poorly to your behavior?

No problem is solved without knowing the reason. The same with the restoration of reputation. For example, if the surrounding people consider you a liar, then try to understand what pushes you to such actions. Talk about it with the best friend. Yes, maybe it's not quite a pleasant conversation, but the effect of it is really good. By this you will give people to understand what you want to change. Some will even want to help you. We should say the following:


I recognize my mistakes.

Try to explain why you decided to do this.

Do not hide anything, be the most disclosed.


You need to invest all forces in eliminating the damage from an event that ruined your reputation. This could be guilty of an absolutely other person, but it's not worth thinking about it, people have already concluded. Work will have to work very well, but do not despair.

Put the target. Write on a piece of paper, what attitude to yourself you want from the side of everyone others and reread it every day. Each person from your friends and relatives should see with their own eyes as you change for the better. All these changes must be combined with your life priorities, otherwise nothing will work. It may be changed and will come out, but after a while you will return to the former behavior, because the new will be not comfortable.

You have to believe in yourself as nobody does it. Bad reputation greatly suppresses a person, which means you need to stock up the strength of the spirit. Replace all bad thoughts and actions are good.

Send everything to the past

It is impossible to return to your error when you want to block the guilt. Promise yourself never to repeat this, then it will change forever. Without a good reputation, it will not be successful in family life or career, so do it.

On the way to restoration of lost reputation You are waiting for many negative and obstacles, but it is worth it, it's a fact! Try to be the most resistant to stress and emotions, then return the reputation is much easier. Successful to you work on yourself!