Brief analysis of the fairy tales. Literary and artistic analysis of the Russian folk fairy tale "Gus-Swans

Brief analysis of the fairy tales. Literary and artistic analysis of the Russian folk fairy tale
Brief analysis of the fairy tales. Literary and artistic analysis of the Russian folk fairy tale "Gus-Swans

Find a person who is not hearing (at least the edge of the ear), which tells the "fisherman's fairy tale", will be very difficult. After all, almost everyone meets her in childhood. When parents, grandparents read this work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin to her beloved Chad for the night, so that he fell asleep.

But do you understand the plot of this fairy tale correctly, do you correctly confuse his morality? To deal with this will help the analysis of the "Fairy Tale of Fisherman and Fish".

The author of the work

Of course, the analysis of "Fairy Tales about Fisherman and Fish" is impossible to start without mentioning the author of this work, which is Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - a very popular Russian writer and poet. His creativity is equally loved by both adults and children. He has many fairy tales and children's stories, but also serious (designed for an adult audience) of works are no less.

Only "Eugene Onegin" - his legendary novel in verse what is worth! After all, this story is translated into many languages \u200b\u200bof the world. And two love letters From Tatiana to Onegin and his answer, the girl is considered among the most romantic and tragic recognition in the world.

Pushkin was born in 1789 in June, 6 numbers. And died in 1837, February 10th. Death literary genius It happened as a result of an unsuccessful duel, where Alexander Sergeevich was injured - mortally for that time.

For a brief (according to modern standards), the life of Pushkin was written current number poems, stories, articles, reflections, as well as many large works that still find a response in the hearts of people.

History of creation

Literary genius since childhood showed love for Russian folk art. This was especially facilitated by the famous Nanny Pushkin - Arina Rodionovna. She told her ward a fairy tale, and he, like any other child, listened to them with a special trembling in his eyes, which perhaps only in cleaned children.

When Alexander Sergeevich grew up, he began to study Russian folklore independently. Many researchers, Pushkinists believe that it was during this period that the writer had the first sketches of future fairy tales. And after some time, about the 30s of the XIX century, Pushkin began writing a fairy tale now known to us.

The first of them were the works of "Tale of Fisherman and Fish" (the analysis of which is presented in front of you), as well as the fairy tales "On the Pop and his Bald Worker" and "On the Golden Cockerel", etc.

Fairy tale plot

When writing a fairy tale about the Golden Fish, Pushkin put in front of him the task: to show the peoples of Russian literature. Therefore, this work is not only a light children's fiction with moral at the end. This is an example of life, traditions great Russia Those times, a demonstration of that, what then believed simple peasants and what they lived.

However, the analysis of the "Fairy Tale about Fisherman and Fish" will help you to figure out and understand that in fact the plot of this work is not based on Russian folklore. After all, the German brothers Grimm have a "tale of fisherman and his wife," which in its content very much resembles the Russian creation of Pushkin.

But the work of Alexander Sergeevich saw the light in 1833, and the tale of the Grimm brothers was presented to the court of readers in 1812.

Why Pushkin's tale is more suitable for children's audience

It's no secret that the original works of the Grimm brothers are designed more for an adult audience. This perfectly proves the original, still unadapped for children the content of a fairy tale about a red hat. After all, it is obvious erotic character! Such a story is completely unreasonable to read the baby for the night or at any other time, and therefore many stories of the Grimm brothers were redone to match age category readers.

Therefore, "the fairy tale about the fisherman and his wife will not be as interesting to children as the familiar plot of the" fairy tales of fisherman and fish "(psychological analysis of which is presented in the article).

Similar to the fairy tale of Pushkin and Brothers Grimm

The fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm begins almost as well, that's just catching the fisherman is not a gold fish, but Magic Cambalu. And it is she asks for her gorgeous house, a wonderful castle, after which the grumpling wife (by the familiar scenario) begins to demand that the fish makes her Queen, and then the Empress (in Pushkin's fairy tale - "Navy").

Up to this point, everything seems to be familiar and seems to be further events (and the demands of the fisherman's restless wife continue, unlike Pushkin interpretation) develop a little unexpected.

Fundamental difference of two fairy tales

The newly made empress in the fairy tale of the Grimm brothers after a while ceases to arrange new role. And she demands that the fish makes her Roman dad. Gold fish agree on this.

That's just this status also pleases the fisherman's insatiable wife at all long. Finally, she announced its last requirement, revealing the desire to become God.

Total ending and morality

Patience of fish comes to the limit, and it returns everything to the circles. And we are again familiar with the picture: the beggar fisherman with his insatiable wife is sitting in a broken hut and regret the past.

This work is also, as well as the "Tale of a fisherman and fish" (the analysis of the work of Pushkin is given in this article) ends morality. the main idea Both fairy tales enclosed in how important it is to learn to be content with what you have, and not demand too much.

main characters

Further analysis of the literary "fairy tales about fisherman and fish" is impossible without a study of direct participants of the narrative. In this fairy tale, their three:

  • old man;
  • old woman;
  • Gold fish.

The main characters seem to be a little. However, this does not interfere at all, but even, on the contrary, contributes to the best disclosure and the subsequent memorization of the plot and his instructive thought.

Many researchers believe that opposite images of the old man and the old women embody a single person. Only the old man is his spirit, and the old woman is the body.

Religious subtext fairy tales

Remember how old Jesus Christ lived on earth? How long has lived "Old man with his old woman near the blue sea"?

"Exactly thirty years and three years". What is the magic segment of time? And why exactly such a figure chose Pushkin for his story about a goldfish?

The Lord has passed such life Pathwho prepared him to a special outcome. This artistic analysis of the "Fairy Tales about Fisherman and Fish" shows that the old man that was why he lived so many years before the first time he met fish. After all, this meeting is a kind of verification that determines the further development of the life of the old man.

Image old man

Based on the name of the fairy tale, its main actor is an old man. In addition, the narrative of this work also begins with this character. Therefore, the analysis of the "Fairy Tales about Fisherman and Fish" should investigate it the first of all acting persons.

Religious teachings often say about the celebration of the Spirit over the flesh. Perhaps that is why the old man who caught the Golden Fish is given a choice: eat it or let it go. Thus, choose between the needs of the body and the celebration of the Spirit (spiritual development). And the old man makes the right choice.

In addition, he let go fish just like that, not asking anything in return. It also demonstrates that the spirit of the old man becomes stronger.

The image of the old woman

The further figure should be touched upon the psychological analysis of the "Fairy Tales of Fisherman and Fish", is the old woman.

As you remember, after the old man caught and re-let go fish, he returns home. Where the Spirit (old man) meets with his body (old woman). Figuratively means that the mind is moving into the background, giving way to emotions, for which the problems of pressing are greater importance. And then the process of rethinking the occurred, on the basis of which and the desires and requirements arise.

Celebration of flesh over body

Further literary analysis "Fairy tales about fisherman and fish" shows that the old woman (emotions, body) completely suppressed the old man (mind, spirit). That is why he runs out to the fish, asking for all the desires and demands of his restless wife. And the fish, which in this fairy tale emphasizes higher powerReady to come to the aid or pay deserves, performs everything that neither will ask the old woman.

Many researchers believe that in this way she continues to check the old man. It gives the opportunity to draw up and override the wishes of the body. But the old man does not even think about even the word to argue against the demands of the old woman.

So lasts until the wishes of the body (old women) concern exclusively material benefits. When they go to the spiritual sphere of life - the old woman wants the Gold Fish to make it the "Navy" (at Pushkin) or God (at the Grimm brothers), the test of the Spirit (old man) stop. And he returns to the beginning of his way.

A brief analysis of "Fairy Tales about Fisherman and Fish"

The most important thing that should be taken out of the result of any human activity (it is not so important that this is: work, film, music, painting, study, education of children, etc.) is its meaning.

And because brief analysis The fairy tale we disassembled in this article should relate directly to the meanings of this work, the influence it has had on people.

So, the article has already mentioned earlier that Pushkin wrote his works mainly for an adult audience. However, the kids immediately loved the fairy tales, which came out from under the feather Alexander Sergeevich. Although they understand them in their own way, to the children's way.

Analysis of the "Fairy Tale about Fisherman and Fish" shows that the morality that see junior generation readers, lies in the fact that every person:

    Do not be greedy.

    It is important to rejoice that there is.

    Thank fate for her gifts.

    It is possible to take everything yourself, because the gift received can at any time take away.

And adults, if you think about the contents of the tales analyzed in this article, will see that her true meaning Much is much greater:

    An example of an old man, which personifies the spirit of man, and the old women - the body, forms an important idea that people should live not only by feelings, emotions and desires, but also a mind.

    Unquestioned indulgence (the behavior of the old man - spirit, mind) own egoism (old woman - body, emotions), which is brightly demonstrated in this fairy tale, has a devastating impact on a person.

    The preferential in the meaning of a person should be his spirit, because only spiritual riches really mean something in the world. Materials are secondary, they are in most cases that are not able to make people happy. And their loss can in the literal sense to leave a person from a broken trough.

An analysis conducted in the article clearly proves how important it is to read Russian fairy tales. After all, they are a real bowset of wisdom!

Biographical reference

Ershov Peter Pavlovich - famous writer (1815 - 1869), a native of Siberia; Education received at St. Petersburg University; He was the director of the Tobolsk gymnasium. Printed the poem in the "Library for reading" Senkovsky and in the "contemporary" of the Pletnev. The fame delivered Eroshu a fairy tale "Konk-Gorbok", written by him on a student bench and first printed by a passage in 3 tons. "Libraries for reading" 1834 g with a commendable review of Senkovsky; The first four verses of the fairy tale sketched Pushkin, who read it in the manuscript. "Now this kind of essays can be left me," said Pushkin then. Great poet liked the ease of verse, with whom he said - Yershov "drawn as with his fortress man." Then she came out with a separate book and in the life of Ershov, 7 editions were withstanding; Starting from the 4th edition, in 1856 she went out with the restoration of those places that were replaced by points in the first editions. "Konk-Gorbok" - a work of people, almost a word for the word, according to the author himself, taken from the mouth of the narrator, from whom he heard him; Ershov only led him to a more slender look and entered the places.

Simple, sonorous and strong verse, purely people's humor, abundance of successful and art paintings (equestrian market, the Zemsky Court of Fish, Gingerbread) delivered this fairy tale wide distribution; It caused several imitations (for example, horse-hunch hill with gold bristle).

The first edition of the "horse-humpback" did not appear in full writing, part of the work was cut out by censorship, but after the release of the second edition, the work was already produced without censorship.

After the release of the fourth edition, Ershov wrote: "My horse rocked again throughout the Russian kingdom, happy his way." "Konon-Gorbok" was published not only in his homeland, but also abroad.

Analysis literary fairy tales "Konon-Gorboon" Pavel Petrovich Yershova.

1) History of creating a work:

Since the time of Pushkin, Russian literature acquired people's character. Pushkin undertaking immediately was picked up. The fairy tale "Konon - Gorboon" became one of the responses to the call of the Great Poet to turn Russian literature to the nationality.

Throughout the life, Yershov did not leave the idea to describe Siberia. He dreamed of creating a novel about his homeland like the novels of Phoenimor Cooper.

Duma about the people caused the birth of a fairy tale "Konon - Gorboon". Proximity to the people, knowledge of his life, habits, customs, tastes, goggles provided a fairy tale to the unprecedented success she was still in the manuscript.

For the first time, the fairy tale was printed in the "Library for reading" in 1834, later published individual publications. The royal censor made its own adjustments - the fairy tale came out with bills. Pushkin injected Yershov in poetic circles. There is evidence that he himself edited a fairy tale and wrote accession to it.

The tale of Yershova took a seat next to Pushkin's fairy tales. So it was considered contemporaries. Official criticism reacted to her with the same disregard as to Pushkin's fairy tales: this is a light affection for idle people, not devoid, however, enraged.

2) Timeling features:

Different genre of fairy tales. Consider two points of view: V.P. Anikin considers the creativity of P.P. Ershova as a realistic and believes that the fairy tale "Konok - Gorboon" - the response of the poet on the process of formation in the literature realistic fairy tales. Non-seasoned look at the genre in studies about P.P. Ershov Professor V.N. Yevseeva: "Konon - Gorboon" - the work of the poet - Romance, "parody - folklore fairy tale", in which "sets the tone of the romantic irony of the author"; A beginner poet expressed ideas of "freedom as a great value of romantic consciousness." In the fairy tale you can find romantic poem (poetic shape, three-part structure, epigraphs to parts, lyrol-epic character of the narration, stroke of the plot, the extraordination of events and the main characters, the expressness of the style.

In the "Skate - Gorbunke" there are signs of the novel: a significant length of the history of life of Ivanushka Petrovich, the evolution of his character, the change of the functions of the actors, expanded the portraits, landscapes, the descriptions, dialogues, the interlacing of "fairy-tale rituals" with an abundance of realistic scenes and details, as if grateful From life, the latitude of social background.

In the first half of the 19th century, among the folk fairy tales of plots like "Skate - Gorbunka" was not found. Only after entering the light of fairy tales, folklorists began to find plots that arose under the influence of this fairy tale.

However, in a number of people's fairy tales, there are motifs, images and plot moves, present in the "Skate - Gorbunke": Fairy Tales of the Worn - Bird, Magic Kon Sivka - Bourca, about the mysterious fall on the paradise garden, about how old the old fool - the king delivered Young bride, etc.

Ershov talentedly connected the plots of these fairy tales by creating a magnificent, bright work with exciting events, wonderful adventures of the main character, his resourcefulness and life.

3) Themes, problems, idea. Features of their expression.

The meaning of the fairy tale is in irony, in a joke, in a straight Satire: Those who want to get rich, wealth does not go. And Ivan-Fool just reached, because it lived honestly, was generous and always remained faithful to his debt and the word.

4) The plot and composition:

Already the most inspired "horse-humpback" testifies to the deep interest of Yershov to genuine folk beed. Instead of the Idyllic "Pastovlays" existing in the literature, Ershov shows people living with labor interests. The fabulous plot is deployed on the everyday, prosaic background of real peasant life. Ershov shows the everyday prosaic expandment of a repeatedly idealized "rural life."

Fairy tale literary work It has a classic three-part form, a logical sequence in the development of events, individual parts are organically woven into a single integer. All actions performed by the heroes are justified by classical laws. magic fairy tales.

Compositionally fairy tale P.P. Shershova consists of three parts, each of the to-rye is preceded by an epigraph:

1. The fairy tale affects.

2. The tale is affected. Not soon the case is done.

3. Select Makar Garoda Kopal. And now Makar in the governor fell.

In these epigraphs, the pace and the pattern density, and the changing role of the main character, determined by the accuracy of the folk proverb, are guessed.

Each of the parts has its own dominant conflict:

1. Hevan and Konk-Gorbok - and the smeebley brothers. (Family space - state.)

2. Hevan and Konk-Gorboon - and the king with a servant. (The Space of the Kingdom, such a straightened Russian limits that resembles its breadth.)

3. Hevan and Konk-Gorboon - and Tsar-Maiden. (Space of the Universe.)

The plot of each is three pieces Represents the complete integer, consisting of rapid events. Time in them is sealed to the limit, and the space is limitless; In each part there is a central event, the most fully detecting characteristics of heroes and predetermines further events.

In the first part, this is the captive of the mare. She gives Ivan the foals, Ivan together with them gets to the service in the royal stable. The first part is completed brief story On the future events, until the final episode, as the main character, became the king, thereby preparing the reader to further events, intriguing him.

In the second part of the central are two events: Ivan with the help of a horse-humpback catches the fever and delivers Tsar-Maiden to the palace.

As in many folk fairy tales, Ivan performs the third, the most difficult, almost impossible task - miners the ring of the king maidens and is found with whale; At the same time he visited the sky, where he talked to the month of the month, Mother Tsar-Maiden, freed China from torment, for which he helped Ivan to get the ring. The third part is thus most saturated with events. It uses famous motives known in the folk fairy tale: the hero. Helps the oncoming, who, in turn, through the chain of actors, cuts out the hero himself, facilitating the fulfillment of the most difficult task.

The third part is most saturated with events. It is also used by the motives known in the folk fairy tale: the hero helps the oncoming, who, in turn, through the chain of the acting persons, helps the hero himself, helping the fulfillment of the most difficult task.

All three parts of the fairy tale are tightly interconnected by Ivan and His true friend Skate-Gorbunk.

The fairy tale characteristic of the folklore is completed: the victory of the main character and the beer on the whole world, on which the story was also present.

The plot engine is mainly the character of the main character, always located in the center of events. His courage, courage, independence, resourcefulness, honesty, the ability to appreciate the friendship, self-esteem helps to overcome "all obstacles and defeat.

One of the traditional art techniquesUsed by a fairy tale, is a doubling that receives a comprehensive character: the plot motives and fragments are doubled, the characters have their own twins and "twins", in the narrative structure there are many parallel syntactic designs with lexical repetitions. There is a doubling of the genre - a fairy tale in a fairy tale, doubles the "spheres of the Universe" (earthly and underwater, earthly and heavenly kingdom). Doubling function - the creation and destruction of fabulous reality; Satyricically described "Double - Brothers" "Danilo da Gavrilo".

Space in a fairy tale:

Domestic and fantastic intertwined in a fairy tale. The fabulous universe consists of three separate kingdoms - earthly, celestial and underwater. The main one, which has many characteristics and will take, most detailed:

Beyond the mountains, behind the forests, over wide fields ...

The brothers sowed wheat, but they drove into the Hard-capital: to know, the capital was not unpleasant from the village.

In addition to the "topography", the earth's kingdom has its weather, the signs of the royal and peasant life. This kingdom and the most populous: here and the peasants, and the Sagittarius, the beasts and birds, the king and his servants, merchants and the mysterious "Tsar Saltan". "I came from the earth from the earthlings, because of the country of Christ."

The heavenly kingdom looks like the earthly, only "Earth - that's blue", the same termes with Russian orthodox crosses, fence with goal, garden.

The underwater kingdom is contradictory: it is huge, but less terrestrial; His inhabitants are unusual, but subordinate to one another according to the laws of the earthly kingdom.

All three kingdoms, in their own, it seems, are not intended in fact, obey the same social laws - the laws of the royal officials of Russia, and in relation to geography, world order - according to the laws of the world's perception of the Russian - a Stepnyak, for which there is no and can not be More and immense than land with its fields, forests and mountains.

Surprise reader characters inhabiting the underwater and heavenly kingdom.

The image of the "Miracle-Yuda Fish Whale" - Otzvuk myths on the origin of the Earth (tver on three whales):

All the sides are exeted, the frequisites in the rib drive, on the tail cheese - the boron is noise, the village stands on the back ...

Village, Menzitskaya Peasant Rus. Keith "Podneval", "suffering", like Ivan, the last on the social staircase, in the plot of the fairy tale is experiencing transformation into an unimpressible tyrant.

Ershov, telling about unusual heavenly family - King - Maiden, her mother month a month and "brother" sun, focuses on the mythological representations of Siberian nationalities, similar to the Chinese mythological tradition, where the Sun is comprehended as "Yang" - male start, and the moon - "Yin" - female.

5) System of images and characteristics:

One side, character systemit consists of traditional images folklore fairy tale. This is Ivan-Fool, Ivan's brothers, an old king, king maiden, a wonderful horse - a magical assistant, a fire-bird.

On the other hand, fabulous world Yershova is a multisercy. It presents a lot of level gradation of the main and secondary heroes, supplemented by "doubles" - in the "mirror" reflection of the earth's kingdom underwater (King - Keith, Ivan - Ersh).

Positive hero The people's fabulous type of Ivan Fools were elected. Petrovich's Ivanushki Petrovich is the "ironic fool". As an ironic fool, it is extremely active in speech: the author depicted in this image a critical, ironic species, the removed attitude of the people's mind and the heart to any power, to any human temptation (the only temptation of Ivanushki - delighted his feather of the feather-birds).

Already at the first test, Ivan was the most honest and brave. If his brother Danilo immediately Strestil and "swapped under the Sennik", and the second - Gavrilo, instead of protecting wheat, "she walked around the neighbor under the fence all night," then Ivan was in good faith and without fear standing on the guard and caught the thief. He soberly applies to the surrounding, any miracle perceives as a natural phenomenon, and if necessary - comes with him to fight. Ivan is correctly assessed by the behavior of others and directly tells them about it despite the faces, whether it is the native brothers or the king himself.

At the same time, he leaving, is able to forgive other people's offenders. So, he forgave his brothers who stole his horses when they convinced him what was done from poverty.

In all cases, Ivan shows independence, it is not shy to express his opinion, does not lose its self-esteem. Seeing the tsar-maiden, directly says that she is not at all beautiful. "

If the "brothers" is embodied for Ershov, korestolyvy and other unattractive features, then Ivan is in his eyes a genuine personification of the best moral qualities of the people.

A natural, reasonable idea of \u200b\u200bthe need for humane relations of a person to a person underlies the image of Ivan. Hence the originality of his relationship with the king; "Fool" does not assign the need to respect for respectful tone; He speaks with the king, as with equal, he holds him - and not demonstratively, but simply because it does not understand the "indecent" of his tone.

An unusual image of an Ivan's assistant - the skate is "Toy" growth in three tops, the arral ears, which are comfortable to "clap with joy", and two humps.

Why is the rustle of the dugorb? Maybe this image came from childhood - Ershov lived in Petropavlovsk and Omsk - cities that are gates to the Earth Holly - India, Persia, Bukhara; There, he met in the bazaars. He was unprecedented for Siberia animals - dugorby camels and long donkeys. But, perhaps, this is too simplified analogy. The image of Ivanushki Ershov wrote from a female parsley - the pet of the Russian people. Petrushka was a noncain: nude, humpback. Do not "move" whether the horses from the back of parsley on the skate?

There is also a hypothesis: Konon is a distant "relative" of an ancient Cold horse, capable of tosing to the sun. The miniature Ershovsky skate wings "disappeared", but the "horses" remained, and with them the mighty force, able to deliver Ivanoska to the sky. Man always wanted to fly, so the image of the skate is attractive for the reader.

Ivan and Konk:

A pair of heroes as one protagonist is quite original (in comparison with folklore fabulous tradition) Show in this fairy tale.

These heroes are opposed, and are mapped: hero and his "horse". Curious, reckless, even the arrogant - hero - and reasonable, wise, compassionate his comrade on the merits of the two sides of the same "wide Russian nature."

With all this, they are surprisingly similar to each other: Ivan something fool, the youngest, "hero with a defect" with a generally accepted point of view; Konk-Gorboon - "Freak" in his world, he, too, the third, younger, so they are dialectically complementary and mutually exclusive heroes.

The antigumanistic beginning, hostile people, embodies the king in the Ershovsky fairy tale, presented by fierce and stupid nominor, is an image, an accusatory and not least than Pushkin Tsar Dadon. He is far from a good-natured and sincere king. "Poor", "I will put you on the wrong", "won, hob". The lexicist itself, typical of everyday frustration, testifies that in the face of Tsar Ershov gave a collective image of serfacetic Russia.

I will give you to the torment, I drove you, in the shallow parts to break ...

Continuing Pushkin traditions, Ershov all the arrows of sarcasm sends to the figure of the king - a pitiful, stupid, lazily so much from boredom of a self-director.

All the appearance of the king is accompanied by replicas like: "The king told him, yawning", "the king, shook the beard, shouted him for him."

The attitude towards the king and its courteous appear very well when P.P. Sershov describes orders and relationships in the maritime kingdom that is a mirror reflection of the world. It even requires a lot of "fish" even for execution. Ivan at P.P. Shershova does not respect the king, as King Croprizen, a cowardly and crazy, he reminds the spoiled child, and not a wise adult.

The king is depicted ridiculous and unpleasant, not only Ivan laughs over him, but also a month of Monthovich, that's how a month answered to learn that the king wants to marry the king maiden:

Hit that old fucking started: he wants to press where he did not sow! ...

By the end of the fairy tale, a contemptuous attitude towards the king is quite clear. His death in the boiler ("Buk in the boiler - / and there,") reserves the image of a negligible ruler.


But the king is only the main oppression of the people. The trouble is that with him hosted and his whole chely. Ershov draws bright picture Gathering people. It is oppressed not only peasants, but also yard people. No matter how people work, he still remains a beggar.

The appearance of the "Gradian detachment" headed by city testifies to police regime. With the people they turn as well as livestock: the watchman shouts, beats people on beach. The people, not protesting, silently.

Gingerbread, supervaders, equestrian detachments, "stirring people" - these are pictures of serfs, appealing through the game Ershovsky verse. The fun who broke out in the crowd was unmatched surprised by the authorities, he was unusual for people expressing emotions.

6) Features of the speech organization of the work:

A) the speech of the narrator:

But now we will leave them, again a fairy tale by Posaable Orthodox Christians, which made our Ivan ...

"Eh, listen, honest people! Lived - there were a husband with his wife ... "

As well as the story begins about any events from a particle "Well":

Well, so! Once Dano (on the holiday, I remember, it was) ...

Well, s, so rides our Ivan behind the ring on the ocean ...

And as a folk narrator interrupts the presentation, explaining something or incomprehensible to the listener:

Here, the selay in the casket, shouted (from impudent) ...

B) syntax and vocabulary:

Each verse is an independent semantic unit, the proposals are short, simple.

Language of fairy tales, by counting L.A. Ostrovsky, there are 700 verbs, which is 28 percent of the text. The verbs are theatrilizer fabulous action, create dynamism, the movements of the heroes are emphatically stated, comic: "Well done with a jumper ...", "from the clocks ...", "scatter a beard", "fast waving a fist." Sometimes there is a whole cascade of verbs.

The speech of the characters should be "boalan", colloquially spacious, rough-familiar. The versa form is approaching the folk, partly with a rapid (speaking) verse - with its steam rhyme, with a small number of syllables in this rhythmic unit of people's poems. The lexical "multi-chart", the "spoiled" syntax is not only appropriate, but necessary as signs of the free elements of the theater area playing and with the word. The scenicness "Skate-Gorbanka" explains why many theaters for centuries willingly raised performances on this work.

C) means of expressiveness (tale language):

The fairy tale is permeated with light humor, slyness, Icestari inherent in the Russian people and reflected in his oral artistic work.

Like Pushkin, Ershov does not abuse metaphors, epithets adorning words. Exceptions are ritual fabulous expressions: "The eyes of the yakhonte burned", "the tail flowed in golden", "horse rake", "Koni Bura, Siva." But convex, purely folk image he knows how to give big semantic load. As a hero, Ivan is represented in two plans, and every word, the phrase is ambiguous. In its descriptions, irony sounds often sounded.

Funny in a fairy tale create proverbs, sayings, promps, booms:

Ta-Ra-Ra-Lee, Ta-Ra! Hobs from the courtyard; Here, the peasants caught them yes she was tied ...

Sits raven on the oak, he plays a pipe ...

Fly Song sings: "What will give me for the news? Beats mother-in-law his daughter-in-law ... "

Compare: the mare was all as winter snow; Snake the head of the Sweeper and set up like an arrow; Ryzh is like a cat, and the eyes are that those plays; Greens here like a stone-emerald; As if the shaft on the ocean, the mountain rises; Gorboon flies like a wind.

Epitts: Night rainy, golden mane, diamond hoofs, wonderful light, summer rays, sweet speech.

Metonymy: You will go to gold.

Rhetorical questions, appeals, exclamations: What kind of evidence?

Outdated words : Sennik (Mattress with Sen), Malahai (Ripples), Rozhija (Fabric), Razhiy (strong, healthy), prizes (braid, ribbon), swabbolk (means for crushing for something), Chub (strand of hair, vihor) , Buceurman (incorrect, non-Christian), Balas (fun Rosskazni).

Phraseologist: did not hit the dirt face, go light, he does not lead to the mustache, even though his forehead, as if in the oil, the cheese ride, nor either dead, devils would whock!

7) Rhythmic-intonation system:

In general, the fairy tale is written by ring-four-stroke choree, it is distinguished by the musicality of the verse. Sometimes there is a violation of the rhythm.

Walking to verbal stretchs: "Heat - Birds", "a mile, a friend," "Mustly Miry with laughter", "Canneski will distinguish between" and others. All this is a consequence of a non-critical attitude towards folk creativity, inattention to the strict selection of language units, to Finishing verse.

There are many verb rhymes in the text, they almost always be ringing. The rhyme words bear the greatest semantic load. It helps the stronger to memorize the content.

Tale of "Konk-Gorbok" and her ideological and artistic advantages

The main advantage of the fairy tale is a pronounced nation. As if not one person, and the whole people collectively composed it and passed from generation to generation orally: it is inseparable from folk creativity. Meanwhile, this is a completely original work of a talented poet who came out of the subsoil of the people, not only the secrets of his oral-poetic creativity, but also managed to transfer his Spirit.

Among the innumerable set of folk fairy tales of such "skate-Gorbunka" was not found, and if with the second halves XIX. The centuries of folklorists and recorded the same plots, they arose under the influence of the Ershov fairy tale. At the same time, in a number of Russian folk fairy tales, there are similar motives, images and plot strokes that do in the "Skate-Gorbunke": there are fairy tales about the fire-bird, an extraordinary horse of Sivka-Bourke, about the mysterious plates to the garden, about how Gave the stroke king a young wife and others.

Ershov did not simply combine pieces of individual fairy tales, and created a completely new, solid and finished work. It attracts readers with bright events, wonderful adventures of the main character, its optimism and resourcefulness. Everything here is bright, alone and entertaining. The fairy tale is distinguished by an amazing severity, a logical sequence in the development of events, the sparesiness of individual parts into one. All that heroes perform is quite justified by the laws of the fairy tale.

Similar information.

Russian folk tale "Kolobok" - a tale of animals.

A fairy tale about how Baba at the request of the grandfather baked a bang and "put on the window to confuse." And the ball jumped from the window and rolled along the path. While he rolled he met various animals (bear, hare, wolf). All the animals wanted to eat a bun, but he sang a song and his animals were released. When he met a fox, a swarp sang her song, but she pretended to be deaf and asked Kolobka to sit down "on a sock, but to touch another time." Kolobok sat on the fox on his nose, she ate it.

The main characters of the fairy tale - a bun and fox. Kolobok - kind, simple, bold. Lisa is a tricky, affectionate.

Moral fairy tales: "Speak less, think more", "guessing is not worse than the mind," "WITHOUT INCLUDING, YES is crazy", "easily praises, easily and fall."

In the fairy tale there are repeats of phrases, such as "Kolobok, Kolobok I eat you", "do not eat me, I'll sleep a song." Also repeats the song Kolobka.

Children should explain such words as Sousse, Barn, to come together.

The fairy tale complies with the requirements for the content of works for children, i.e. available for children's understanding, interesting for children, small in volume, the language is simple, the plot develops quickly, a small amount of incomprehensible words.

This fairy tale is designed to read the children of junior and middle preschool age.


1 Anikin V.P. Russian folk fairy tale / V.P.Anikyn - M.: Enlightenment, 1977 - 430s.

2 Afanasyev A.N. People's Russian Fairy Tale / A.N. Afanasyev - M.: Enlightenment, 1980 - 111c.

3 Belinsky V.G. Full collection Works, T.4 / V.G. Belinsky - M.: Enlightenment, 1970 - 107c.

4 children's literature. Tutorial For pedagogical schools. Ed. E.E. Zubareva - M.: Education, 1989 -398c.

5 Nartov - Bachaver S. K. Folk fairy tale as a means of spontaneous psychotherapy. - M., 1996.-s. 3-14

6 Nikiforov A.I. Tale, her existence and carriers / A.I.Nikiforov - M.: Enlightenment, 1930 - 105С.

7 Ozhegov S.I., Swedov N.Yu. Dictionary Russian language / S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov - M.: Azbukovnik, 1997 - 944c.

8 Pasternak N. Tales need a child as air // Pre-school education. - No. 8-2008. -23-35С.

9 Popov L.K., Popov D.K., Cavelin J. Journey to the country of virtues. Benefit for parents for education. / L.K. Popov, D.K Popov, J. Cavelin - S.-P.: Neva, 1997 - 108c.

10 Propp V.Ya. Russian fairy tale / V.Ya.propp - L. Lenzdat, 1984 -263c.

11 Propp V.Ya. Historical roots of the magical fairy tale / V.Ya.propp - L. Lenzdat, 1986 - 415c.

12 Sukhomlinsky V.A. I give the heart to children / V.A.Sumlylinsky - MN: Folk Asveta, 1981 - 287c.

13 Statsenko R. Methodology of familiarization of children with artistic word // Pre-school education - No. 7 -1980-6-11c.

14 Weavsky I.L. Hurry to create benefit // Pioneer - 1990 - №5 - 55С.

15 Ushshinsky k.d. Collected Works. Child's world and Reader / K.D. Shushinsky - M.: Enlightenment, 1986 - 350c.

16 Franz von M.-L. Psychology fairy tales. Interpretation of magical fairy tales. - St. Petersburg, 1998.

17 Yudin Y. Fool, jester, thief and damn ( historical roots of the beer fairy tales). Ed.: Labyrinth-K, 2006-336c


Topic: "Artistic analysis of the work of P.P. Hershova" Cracker-Gorbok "

1. HISTORY OF LIFE P.P. Hershova

2. Analysis of artistic fairy tales.

3. References.


The fairy tale is a generalized concept. The presence of certain genre signs allows you to attribute one or another prose art To fairy tales. Life is a fairy tale is a continuous creative process. In each era, a partial or complete update of the fabulous plot occurs. And on the example of the fairy tale P.P. Shershov, you can trace the manifestation of folk traditions in the literary fairy tale.

Peter Pavlovich Ershov was born in 1815 on February 22, in the Siberian village of Bezruek, Topolo province. His father often moved on debt service. P.P. Ershov remembered for a lifetime long winter nights In Yaman stations and fairy tales that people told him. In 1824, Yershov, together with his brother, Nikolai was given to the gymnasium. He studied Ershov good, ahead of his brother. Something singing and inventing different non-residents so that boring lessons are more interesting, he graduated from the gymnasium. After the gymnasium, he left for St. Petersburg and entered the Filosional Faculty of Law of the St. Petersburg University.

Once, Peter Alekseevich Pletnev came to the course, who taught Russian literature and read a fairy tale instead of a lecture. The first fairy tale P.P. Hershova "Konon-Gorbok". In the same year, the fairy tale was published in the magazine "Library for reading". It was not the only work of Ershov. In 1834, the first part of the "Siberian Cossack" was approved to the press, and then the second part of the "old one was". Also in 1834, Ershov graduated from the university. By this time, he remained alone with her mom, as Brother and Father died. Together with Mom, Ershov returned to his native Tobolsk, where he began to teach. But mine literary activities He did not throw. In 1835, Ershov created a play "Suvorov and stationery". Ershov left literary activity, he wrote a lot, stories, poems, but all these works had no such success as everyone's beloved and native "horse-humpback". The remaining life, after St. Petersburg, Ershov lived in Tobolsk where he was first the teacher, then Inspector, and then director, in 1857, in the same gymnasium in which he studied himself.

The first edition of the "horse-humpback" did not appear in full writing, part of the work was cut out by censorship, but after the release of the second edition, the work was already produced without censorship.

After the release of the fourth edition, Ershov wrote: "My horse rocked again throughout the Russian kingdom, happy his way." "Konon-Gorbok" was published not only in his homeland, but also abroad.

But now we will leave them,

Again the fairy tale is Posaable

Orthodox Christians

What made our Ivan, ...

"Eh, listen, honest people!

Lived - there were husband and wife

Husband then hurts for jokes

And my wife for additives, ....... "

As well as the story begins about any events from a particle "Well":

Well, so! Danilo times

(On holiday, remember, it was),

Stretched green drunk

He dragged in Balagan ....

Well, so rides our Ivan

Behind the ring on the ocean.

Gorboon flies like wind, ...

And as a folk narrator interrupts the presentation, explaining something or incomprehensible to the listener:

Here, the covelary of him in the casket,

Shouted (from impressive),

Confirming your extension

Fast swasham fist:

"Gay! Call me a fool! "... ..

In the fairy tale, the Yershova uses a lot of promotions, additives, proverbs, sayings:

Ta-Ra-Ra-Lee, Ta-Ra!

Hobs from the courtyard;

Here the peasants caught them

Yes, she was touching.

Sits raven on oak

He plays a pipe; ......

This acquisition is conducted,

The fairy tale after will start ....

Like our gate

Fly song sings:

"What will give me for the news?

Beats mother-in-law his daughter-in-law:

I planted for the sixth, ......... "

Epigraphs playing a big role in the fairy tale. Which reveal scene line reader. "Begins a fairy tale to tell". The first epigraph is a kind of prelude to further fabulous events. The author says the reader intrigues. "Soon the fairy tale affects, and not soon the case is done." The second epigraff, the author says to the reader that the chief hero still has a lot to overcome. He, as it were, predetermines the difficulties that will have to overcome the hero. Just before this epigraph P.P. Ershov lists everything that happens to the main character:

... how in the chassian he got,

How the pen has slept

How cunning caught a poultry

How kidnapped king maiden

How he traveled behind the ring

How was the ambassador to the sky

How he is the Solnese village

Whale screamed forgiveness;

Like, to the number of other clauses,

Saved him thirty ships;

How in the boilers he did not cook

As a handsome man was learned;

In short: our speech about

How he got a king.

"Delieleva Makor Naroda Kopal, and now Makar in the governor fell." This epigraph us p.p. Ershov says that the protagonist as a folk fairy tale will be the winner. On the victory of good over evil. Also through the relationship of Ivan to brothers and to the king, we can judge them. P.P. Ershov depicts them with irony, with humor, but if Ivan he depicts with a good humor, then the brothers Ivan and King with the courtiers he depicts with sarcasm:

Night rainy has come,

On him fear attacked

And with fears of our man

Skipped under the decented. ...

(about Danile)

Shiver on small attacked

He hit running

And all night walked a ward

At the neighbor under the fence.

(about Gavrile)

But as P.P. Sershov depicts the brothers when they came to watch horses:

Stumbled three times

Reaching both eyes

Rubbing here and there

Consider brothers for two horses.

The brothers are not just included as Ivan:

Here it is the field reaches

Hands in Boka supports

And with a snack like a pan

Bocames are included in Balagan.

The brothers fall, stumble. P.P. Sershov depicts them greedy, sleeves, cowardly and for comparison, Ivan, who does not lie, and composes, he is honest.

"Ashamed, brothers, steal!

Although Ivan you are smarter,

Yes, Ivan is more honest:

He has no horses with your horses "...

With the same Ironiya P.P. Sershov depicts the king and courtiers:

And messenger nobles

Ran through Ivan

But, facing everything in the corner,

Streamed on the floor.

King the same admired

And to the cologita laughed.

And nobles, seeing

What is funny for the king

True worked out

And in the head stretched.

The king of those so satisfied, ...

The attitude towards the king and its courteous appear very well when P.P. Sershov describes orders and relationships in the maritime kingdom that is a mirror reflection of the world. It even requires a lot of "fish" even for execution. Ivan at P.P. Shershova does not respect the king, as King Croprizen, a cowardly and crazy, he reminds the spoiled child, and not a wise adult.

Ivan, although they call the fool, but from the very beginning the fairy tale is busy business, he is the only one not sleeping in the dosor and catches the thief. He cleans, washes and cares for horses. He is not chasing money, glory or power. He gives the joy of ordinary everyday affairs.

The king on the contrary is depicted ridiculous and not pleasant over him laughs not only Ivan, but also a month Monthovich, that's how a month answered the learning that the king wants to marry the king-maiden:

You wish that old hell started:

Wants to press where it did not sow! ...

Ershov uses folklore motifs in her fairy tale, she is collected from several fairy tales here there is a friend of the main character. The horse helps Ivan in everything and does not throw him in trouble. As in Russian folk tales the main characters worries the embodiment and becomes husband beautiful princess And he himself becomes king. The main "villains" are defeated and punished.

Although reading this fairy tale for the modern reader causes certain difficulties (many words have already come out of the consideration and the meaning of these words, many people do not know), but the general meaning of the fairy tale and her humor remains still understandable.

This is a great work about which Pushkin A.S. Said after reading: "Now this kind of essays can be left me." This great work made P.P. Shersova famous when he was a student and forgotten at the end of life. When, in 1869, P.P. Ershov died. Many newspapers wrote that the author of the famous fairy tale "Konk-Gorbok" died. Some people of that time were very surprised to see they naively believed that the fairy tale "Konk-Gorboon" a folk tale. Others thought that the author of this fairy tale had long passed away. But despite this, she still pleases the reader and amazes his humor.


1. "Konk-Gorboon" Publisher "Raduga" Ministry of Press and Information of the Russian Federation 1993.

2. Wikipedia htt: //

Approximate analysis of folk fairy tales

"Fox, hare and rooster"

(Russian folk fairy tale for children 3 - 4 years old)

In a simple and fascinating form, the fairy tale cones to the child the idea of \u200b\u200bthe celebration of justice.

Bunny, splashes fox, let her go to the hut, she looked around and kicked the bunny from his house. He goes in the forest and cries bitterly. Sympathy of children on the side of an offended bunny. The beasts, whom he meets on the road, sympathize with him and seek to help - make an attempt to expel Fox.

The invader-fox fighters animals, they lack courage to resist her threats: dogs run away, bear. Only the rooster does not succumb to fraudulent intimidation. He himself threatens to demolish the fox head. Lisa was frightened and ran away, and the bunny began to live again in his hut.

For the idea of \u200b\u200ba fairy tale has become clear children, the narrator must create a faithful sound pattern of all events, actions of each character. Responsive bunny launched fox to warm up. When a fox kicked him out, "there is a bunny and cry bitterly." The fairy tale draws a weak, defenseless animal. The narrator appropriate intonations should show the character of the bunny, and its grief. Gorky sounds a bunny complaint of a meeting of animals-: "How don't I cry? .."

When the bunny sees that neither the dog nor the bear kicked out the fox, he says the cock: "No, you will not be expelled. Dogs driven - not kicked out, the bear was driven - did not drive, and you will not be expel! " In his words, hopelessness sounds.

Neisa is negative: it is an invader, insidious, cruel lizard. At the very beginning, the fairy tale draws her behavior. In the words of the narrator: "I was swaying out, and it was kicked out of the hill," the conviction of her act should sound. Then, the trick of the fox should be conveyed and the trick of the animals: "Ka-Ak jump out, ka-ak emphasize the shoes on the Zakolem!" She boldly and sadly scares beasts. Show this voice intonation is necessary. It is quite different that her words at the end "Tales:" Dress Up! .. I wear a fur coat! " Here she herself is frightened with a rooster and after the third persistent requirement quickly pops up from the hut.

Dogs, Bear, Cockerel sympathize with a bunny. Each of them sparse asks: "What a bunny, crying?" By appearance And the nature of the animals are different. For the correct transmission of their images, the narrator uses a different timbre and voice pace: a ripple, fast, ring voice, slow, at low notes. Bear speech, sonorous, singel voice Cockerel. For greater persuasiveness, it is good to use sound resistance: dogs must be worn, pick up the rooster.

The overall tilt of the whole fairy tale, despite the mountain bunny, cheerful, cheerful. It prevails good principle, the desire to help the comrade. At this cheerful background, the narrator draws deploying events.

At the heart of the composition of the fairy tale favorite fabulous reception - repetition of the action: three meetings of the bunny with animals. Each of them is a complete episode and must be separated from the other significant pause.

It is necessary to withstand the pause and at the end of the fairy tales to give the opportunity to feel a well-safe end.

"Snow Maiden"

(Russian folk fairy tale for children 5 - 6 years old)

Fairy Tale "Snow Maiden" Magic: There is a wonderful transformation of a snowy girl in alive. As in any magic fairy tale, the wonderful element is intertwined with the household realistic basis: the fairy tale draws life of childless old people, the pictures of their native nature at various times of the year, fun children.

This tale is somewhat different from other Russian folk fairy tales by the nature of the content. While most of our fairy tales are cheerful, cheerful, this fairy tale is lyric, with a shade of sadness caused by the death of Snow Maiden.

Reading carefully a fairy tale in the process of training, the narrator notes that it differs from others along the composition. It does not have a typical dynamic fairy tale, there is no conventional reception - three-time repetition of action. All attention is focused on the image of Snow Maiden, its behavior, experiences.

The image of the Snow Maiden created with large love. Hardworking, intelligent, friendly. Snow Maiden is good and externally: "No day, then everything becomes more painted. White itself, exactly snow, braza blond to the belt, only there is no Rumyanta. "

The image created with such love requires both the narrator of the corresponding lyrical intonations causing a sympathy for the Snow Maiden. In the voice of the narrator should be warmed warm, love looking, but without Sysyukanya, without excessive sentimentality.

The contrast of the joyful spring awakening of nature and growing sadness and sadness of the Snow Maiden is remarkably shown in a fairy tale. "Winter passed. Beginning to harvest spring sun. Separated herbal on Protalinka, Zavoki Zava. In the voice of the narrator, cheerful, wretched intonations, and then, after a small pause, he continues with a shade: "And the Snow Maiden suddenly seal."

The end of the fairy tale is expressive - the death of Snow Maiden. A miracle happens - the Snow Maiden melted, "turned into a white cloud." The narrator must draw and surprise, and anxious girlfriends, when they call her: "Ayu, Ay, Snow Maiden!"