Andrei Malakhov leaves the first channel: the cause of care, candidates for the role of leading and new work. Media: Andrei Malakhov leaves "Let them say where Malakhov from the program left let them talk

Andrei Malakhov leaves the first channel: the cause of care, candidates for the role of leading and new work. Media: Andrei Malakhov leaves
Andrei Malakhov leaves the first channel: the cause of care, candidates for the role of leading and new work. Media: Andrei Malakhov leaves "Let them say where Malakhov from the program left let them talk

All past week do not subside for rumors that the famous Russian TV host, Andrei Malakhov, leaves the first channel, with whom he began to work in the early 90s. What caused such a decision of the showman, Malakhov himself does not comment. But already in the media there was information that Malakhov's wife harded and the departure from the first channel was not at all rumors, but the trickful reality.

Also appeared versions of the causes of care. Moreover, more than ten candidates are already represented, who will be able to replace Malakhov, in the talk show "Let them say."

But the real experience as a lead, Andrei came to the "Style" program on the radio station, the author of which he himself was. But really recognizable, Malahova made the "Good Morning" transfer, which was leading, he became in 1996.

Also at this time, the young TV presenter voiced the material prepared by him for the weather on the planet. As well as studied at the Law Faculty of the Russian State Humanitarian University.

Great success and popularity to Malakhov came in 2001 with access to the current-show-show screens, which he was leading, called "Big Wash". Thanks to her professionalism and charisma, he was able to attract a big audience. And already in the same year, it became for the assessments of the viewers, the best TV presenter.

After that, the ranks of proposals were made not only in the talk show, but also as leading concerts and hit parades and even became the leading famous musical competition, Eurovision. After the "big wash" there was a talk show "Five evenings", and the port and combining, in itself these two programs, the talk show "Let them say", which had tremendous success. At the same time began combining with work on the project "Tonight."

Confirmation of his success, you can call the award that Andrei received in 2006 "For merits to the Fatherland"

Most recently, it became known that the TV presenter who loved to everyone decided to leave the first channel, and in particular the program "Let them speak." Immediately there was a lot of versions about the causes of his care. One of the most common is the version of the scandal between the Malakhov and Producer of the First Channel.

According to the media, Andrei does not suit the work of a new producer, and he demanded to return the previous one who worked with him for 10 years. Malakhov himself does not confirm such a version, she does not comment in any way comment on this situation.

But one of the Russian publications, the director, whom Malakhov's wife, informs the other version of the causes of this scandal. So, the publication claims that the reason for the scandal was the desire of the TV presenter to go on a maternity leave, but the producers flatly banned him to do it. Recall that Malakhov's wife is in position, and under the law, he has the full right to go on maternity leave instead of his wife. It is also rumored that Malakhov has intention to leave from the first channel to Russia1.


TV presenter Andrei Malakhov broke silence about his scandalous departure from the first channel, which is prohibited in Ukraine.

According to rumors, let the popular talk show "Let them say" Malakhov pushed his wife Natalia Shkuleva's pregnancy, - the presenter wanted to go on maternity leave, but the leadership refused him. According to another version, Malakhov left because of the conflict with the new producer of the show and the unwillingness to turn the transmission into political.

Rumors about the care of Malakhov appeared at the end of July, but then they were not particularly believed. However, the information rapidly spread, fading all new details.

We give two main versions. In both of the new producer "Let them say" Natalia Nikonova. She used to have already worked on the first channel, but then went to the competitor - the channel "Russia 1". There was a producer of the show "Direct Ether", which is very similar to "let them say." Returning to the first channel, Nikonova decided to add more politics to the Malakhov program. Andrei was categorically against. Conflict arose between the leading and producer. And Malakhov went on vacation, allegedly writing a letter of dismissal.

The new TV presenter show "Let them say" Dmitry Borisov said to whom he announced the proposal to lead the Eminny Transfer. According to him, Andrei Malakhov became this man, the ex-host, who immediately gave a few tips.

Borisov shared that it was Malakhov who became the first person who learned about the initiative of the "First Channel" representatives to lead this show. In a brief dialogue, the former lead was kind and wished good luck to his replacement. In addition, as Borisov emphasized, Andrei Malakhov insisted that he would urgently start thinking about the new image for his new work.

Annual Competition "On vacation with Andrei Malakhov", which is held for the fifth time of Starhit, again, again in the search for travelers.

Over the years, the winners of the competition rested in the company of the famous TV host in the resorts of Greece, the Arab Emirates, in Thailand, in Sardinia and Cyprus. Where the participants will go this year, while there is a mystery. But the glossy edition is slowly determined with the winners. This time, our Yugorcan Elena Lykosov was among the lucky ones, which has been successfully worked out by the nurse of the children's resuscitation department of the maternity hospital in the city hospital No. 1 of Megion.

The fact that Elena will go on vacation with Andrei Malakhov for the Ugra, turned out to be a complete surprise. Especially for the 50th anniversary, her daughter Catherine, wanted to make a surprise to his mother and sent a touching letter to the editor. Malakhova was so impressed by this story that he decided to personally come to Megion and congratulate Elena Lykosov with this significant event.

Suddenly, Andrei Malakhov himself came to congratulate me on the anniversary and invited to go on vacation with him. I am insanely happy and grateful to my daughter for this surprise. I do not believe that it all happens to me. And from the trip I am waiting for new emotions and impressions, "Yugorkanka said.

The arrival of Malakhov himself became an unexpected and at the same time a joyful event for the entire Megion City Hospital. The team is very happy for his colleague and hope that this rest will be remembered for life.

On September 5, Dmitry Shepelev and Andrei Malakhov came on a broadcast with the programs dedicated to the actor Nikolai Karachentsov and his wife Lyudmila Porgina, reports REGNUM.

Recall, on February 27 of this year, Nikolai Karachentsov got into an accident, he was driving his spouse. An accident involving the artist occurred 12 years after the accident, as a result of which he received a hard cranial injury.

As the source specifies, Nikolai Karachentsov and his wife were invited to the program "First Channel" in the program "In fact". They talked about the accident in which they fell in winter. 45 minutes earlier in the program "Andrei Malakhov. Live Ether "Discussed the same topic, the guest of the Tok show became Karachentsov's wife.

According to the editor, who previously worked on both TV channels, it was done intentionally. The expert explained that in Russia 1 "initially planned another topic for a talk show, but they changed dramatically the concept, having learned about the ending shooting" in fact "with Karachentsov. Such an operation was carried out to increase ratings, but did not bring the right fruits: "In fact," 14.6 percent of the audience looked, while "direct ether" - only 10.6 percent.

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TV presenter Andrei Malakhov will leave from the first channel, having finished his era on the first button of the country. Many journalists have been distributed such information on the eve, but they could not reinforce this with real evidence.

They rummed that the journalist could move to the second channel. "VGTRK" already gave the official response that due to the lack of management, which is now resting, the transition of such a prominent specialist is hardly possible. Nevertheless, the source close to Malakhov assured that the TV preset program "Let them say" will cease to conduct a show and leave the "First Channel" to work for Russia 1. As it turned out, inside the lowered team, about which Malakhov loved so and loves, the crack happened.

So the source of RBC tells that the "first channel" returned to "let them say" the producer, who worked on the show nine years ago. Helds, as they assure, did not work with her then. Apparently, this was the reason for her departure from "let them say", which Malakhov leads since 2005. Andrei began to demand to return the old producer, saying that otherwise would leave the TV channel.

TV presenter Andrei Malakhov will leave from the first channel

It is reported that allegedly "Channel One" and Malakhov reached a compromise, as the other source of RBC assumes. However, close to TV people say that experts from the team "Let them say" massively go to "Russia", going to work on the "live broadcast" show, where Malakhov allegedly will replace Boris Korchevnikov.

Sources assure that for "let them say" are looking for new leading, namely two men. This kind of PR-move on the holiday period, and now, as Telemans say, they are on the air, the repeats "let them say", which corresponds to the time when the presenter is resting, in the West there are regularly. Thus, the stars are trying to increase their fees.

Recall that according to Forbes, Malakhov is located on the 30th place in the list of the richest domestic stars of show business, earning $ 1.2 million per year. Note, the state television channel "Russia" can hardly pay such money.

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Internet users did not make a joke with a new release of the program "Let them say", where they discussed Ukraine and kicked out one of the experts under the screaming "Shame!" People do not understand where the 12-year-old women are pregnant from the tractor driver, and literally pray for the previous leading program Andrei Malakhov to return and talk again about Diana shurgina as much as he wants.

The departure of the TV presenter Andrei Malakhov from the First Channel on the TV channel "Russia" is no longer the subject of rumors, and the leading fact: the lead itself confirmed his change, and the program "Let them say" is on the ether with Dmitry Borisov. The first few releases on the subject differed little from those who led Malakhov: on Wednesday, August 16, discussed the death of the actress of faith Veloleva, and the next day - the deplorable state in which the artist Yevgeny Osin was.

Members of social networks reacted pretty sluggishly to the new lead: someone did not like it, since Andrei Malakhov left the era, someone did not understand why someone is interested in this at all. But everything changed on Monday, August 21, when Maria Maksakova became the hero of the next release, the widow of the ex-deputy Denis Voronenkov, who escaped to Ukraine and killed there.

The announcement of the transmission said that Maria Maksakova will finally respond completely, it is finally renounced from Russia and whether it communicates with his older children. Calm frank conversation in "Let them say" did not work out: Ether overgrown in a dispute about politics. Especially spoken by the participants of the TV show the topic of the death of the former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Irina Berezhnaya, who died on August 5 in the accident in Croatia.

The Ukrainian political scientist Dmitry Suvorov invited to the program stated that he did not regret and "God simply takes those who wish to evil Ukraine." The deputy was indeed in opposition to the existing authorities: skeptically expressed the introduction of a visa-free regime between Ukraine and the EU, opposed the heroization of Stepan Bandera.

After such words, the degree of discussion in the studio has begun on nowhere: the participants of the transfer began to crossed each other, thoroughly throwing insults. The leading Dmitry Borisov himself said that he was in one studio with Suvorov after such words he became unpleasant, and then he asked the political scientist to leave the hall that he did under the screams "Shame!"

In the comments to the video, which "let them say" laid out on its YouTube Channel, you could no longer hold your anger. Only now he was sent against Suvorov, but against "let them say." People did not like that the transfer left its usual topics and politicized.

Especially got from users a new leading - Dmitry Borisov. The network launched almost a whole flashmob called Malakhov to return. Users did not believe that they write, but recognized: in Malakhov was better.

They missed the leading even those who did not watch the transmission.

. But not so long ago, Malakhov gave an interview to the site here you can read what acute social problems were discussed in the transfer in the entire history of its existence - Victimyming, adoption issues, the life of single fathers.

Andrei Malakhov was one of the permanent showmen of the "Channel One", which worked since 2001. "Big Wash", "let them say", scandals, quarrels and labels - all this was collected by the audience in the prime time from the TV from year to year. An unknown graduate Zubforma is obliged to be its popularity to the "first", on which he became the star leading, which is now.

It would seem that nothing foreshadows problems, and the evening with Andrei Malakhov - this is an unshakable transmission, which Konstantin Ernst will not solve to remove from the ether. But everything has the end - and the program of the lead-scandalist did not exception. On July 31, there were reports that Malakhov leaves the "first" and passes to Russia.

And it goes not alone - and together with the whole team working on the talk show. The exact reasons are still unknown, the master itself is injected at the situation, stating only that "he has already decided." Let's try to consider all the versions of why we will not see the "first" new plots about the rape of Diana Shurygin and gatherings with the stars in the "tonight" with Andrei Malakhov.

Conflict with producers

Immediately after the news about the possible care of the showman began to appear information about the conflict with the producer of Natalia Nikonova. Sometime, this woman worked on this show, then changed the place of work, but in the end he returned to the first button. Rumor dissolves, as the media says, a certain anonymous editor "Let them say" with Andrei Malakhov. The source calls it by the dictator and argues that it strongly recommended the showman to move away from household themes towards the political sphere. The leading offer absolutely did not like it, which led to the care.

Conflict with Ernst

Other sources say that Andrei Malakhov leaves due to disagreements with Channel General Director by Konstantin Ernst. Allegedly showman asked for several years to make his programs to make his programs, which did not receive a positive response. Ernst noted that it was his leader to his star, and recommended that to do what it is necessary. Recently, the showman really tries to attract the attention of the public to the public from work on the "first" activity, so the version has the right to exist.

Maternity leave

The site of the ELLE magazine, referring to anonymous sources, shared his version. Care of care - maternity leave. Andrei Malakhov's wife, with whom he is now resting on Sardinia, is in a position, and this is what pushed him to such a radical act. Recall that she is a brand-director and publisher of the magazine in Russia.

In response to the decision of the lead to go on a child's care vacation, management responded sharply, stating that "let them say" - not nursery, and the showman should be chosen between the family and the transmission. He considered such a formulation of the issue of extremely cynical and contrary to the Russian Labor Code and decided to say goodbye to the "first".

What's next?

If you believe the RBC information, we will already see the scandalous lead on Russia 1, where he will lead the transfer of "direct ether". Together with him there are many people, so the "first" will appear open vacancies. While this is unconfirmed information, and some argue that the showman decided to go to free bread and become a blogger. Recall that last year the host was registered in Instagram and gathered a million subscribers there, and a few months ago got a private channel on YouTube, which can not boast of popularity.

In the meantime, you have a chance to watch the latest programs with Andrei Malakhov on the "first". It is assumed that his place will take Dmitry Borisov, leading evening news, with his show. The departure of the showman became a loud event - actor Stanislav Sadalsky wrote that in honor of Andrei Malakhov, a special edition of "Farewell, Andrei", which will soon appear on the air.