Analysis of the story "Stationander" Pushkin A.S.

Analysis of the story "Stationander" Pushkin A.S.

History of creation

Boldin Autumn in the work of A.S. Pushkin has become truly "golden", since many works are created at this time. Among them, "Tale of Belkin". In a letter to a friend P. Plentnev Pushkin wrote: "... I wrote 5 stories from which Baratynsky rzhet and beats." The chronology of creating these stakes is as follows: September 9, a "serve" was completed, on September 14 - "Stationander", September 20 - "Baryshnya-Peasantka", after almost a monthly break, two latter were written: "Shot" - October 14 and "Blizzard " - The 20th of October. The cycle of the "History of Belkin" was the first completed prosaic creation of Pushkin. Five stories were combined by the author's fictional face, which the publisher told in the preface. We learn that P.P. Belkin was born "from honest and noble parents in 1798 in the village of Goryukhino." "There was an average of medium, the eyes had gray, blond hair, the nose straight; The face was Bel and thin. " "Life was the most moderate, avoided all sorts of excesses; It never happened ... to see him suitable ..., he had a great tendency to the female floor, but there was a truly virgin in it. " In the fall of 1828, this cute character "Zalenor is witting a fever, and died ...".

At the end of October 1831, "the story of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin" was published. The preface was completed with the words: "Honor a duty to respect the author of our authors, we bring to him the deepest gratitude for the news delivered to us and hope that the public will appreciate their sincerity and good nature. A.P. ". The epigraph to all the stories taken from the Fonvizynskiy "cheap" (Ms. Prostakova: "That, my father, he still dies to the hunter's stories." Skalinin: "Mitrofan for me"), speaks of the nationality and simplicity of Ivan Petrovich. He gathered these "simple" stories, and he recorded them from different narratives ("Caidizer" told him to him by the titular adviser A.G. N., "Shot" by Lieutenkite, I.L. P., "Ublovers" by Customer B.V., "Blizzard" and "Baryshnya" Device K.I. T.), processing them in their ability and discretion. Thus, Pushkin, as a real author of the age, is hidden behind the double chain of sootimy narrator, and it gives him greater freedom The narration creates considerable opportunities for the Commission, satire and parody and at the same time allows you to express your attitude towards these stories.

With a complete designation name of the real author, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, they were published in 1834. Creating an unforgettable gallery of images living and acting in this cycle russian provincePushkin with a kind smile and humor talks about modern Russia. Working on the "Links of Belkin", Pushkin designated one of his main tasks: "Our tongue is needed to give more (of course, according to his spirit)." And when the author asked the author who was asked who this Belkin, Pushkin replied: "Whoever he was there, and it is necessary to write a story here: just, briefly and clear."

The story "Stationander" occupies a significant place in the work of A.S. Pushkin and has great importance For all Russian literature. In it almost first depicted life Nevzpects, pain and suffering of the one who is called a "little man." The topic of "humiliated and offended" begins in Russian literature, which will introduce good, quiet, suffering from heroes and will allow to see not only meekness, but also the greatness of their souls and hearts. The epigraph is taken from PA poem. The Vyazemsky Station ("College Registrar, / Postal Station Dictator"), Pushkin changed the quotation, calling the station caretaker "College Register" (the lowest civilian rank in pre-revolutionary Russia), not the "provincial registrar", as it was in the original, since this rank is higher.

Rod, genre, creative method

"The story of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin is consisting of 5 stories:" Shot "," Misel "," Coffin "," Stationander "," Baryshnya-peasant woman ". Each of the "History of Belkin" was so small in its size, which could be called her story. Pushkin calls them by stories. For a realistic writer, a reproducing life, the forms of the story and novel in prose were particularly suitable. They attracted Pushkin to their much greater than poems, absolutely beneficial circles. "Tale and novels are read by all and everywhere," he noted. Belkin's story "are essentially the beginning of Russian highly artistic realistic prose.

Pushkin took the most typical romantic storieswhich and in our time may well repeat. His heroes initially fall in a situation where the word "love" is present. They are already in love or just crave this feeling, but it is from here that the deployment and discharge of the plot begins. "Tale of Belkin" conceived by the author as a parody of the genre romantic literature. In the story "Shot" the main character Silvio came from the outgoing era of romanticism. This is a handsome strong brave person with a solid passionate character and exotic non-Russian name, resembling mysterious and fatal heroes of romantic poems of Bayron. The French novels and romantic ballads Zhukovsky. At the end of the story, the comic confusion with the grooms leads the heroine to the new, proldering happiness. In the story "The Ultimate" in which Adrian Prokhorov invites to visit the dead, the Opera Mozart and the terrible stories of romantics are paroded. The "Baryshnya-peasant woman" is a small elegant comedy of provisions with dressing up in French taste, unfolding in the Russian nobility manor. But she is good, ridiculous and witty parods the famous tragedy - "Romeo and Juliet" Shakespeare.

In the cycle of the "Love of Belkin", the center and the vertex - "Stationander". In the story laid the foundations of realism in Russian literature. In essence, in the plot of its, expressiveness, complex rapidly theme and shady composition, according to the characters itself, this is already a small, compressed novel that influenced the subsequent Russian prose and generated the tale of Gogol "Shinel". People here are simply depicted, and their story herself would be simple if different everyday circumstances intervened.


In the "Peters of Belkin", along with the traditional romantic topics from the noble-manor life, Pushkin reveals the theme of the happiness of a person in his broad sense. Lowish wisdom, the rules of consumer behavior, the generally accepted morality are fixed in catechisms, crushing, but the following is not all and does not always lead to luck. It is necessary that fate gives man happiness to successfully concern. In the "Peters of Belkin" it was shown that there are no hopeless provisions, for happiness it is necessary to fight, and it will, even if it is impossible.

The story "Stationander" is the saddest and most complex product of the cycle. This is the story of the silent fate of sculpt and the happy fate of his daughter. The author from the very beginning connects the modest history of Samson WINN with philosophical meaning Total cycle. After all, the station caretaker, who does not at all read books, has its own scheme of perception of life. It is reflected in the pictures "with decent German verses", which are shackled on the walls of his "humble, but neutral abode." The narrator describes in detail these pictures depicting a biblical legend about the prodigal son. Samson Vynein is looking through the prism of these pictures to all that happened to him and with his daughter. His life experience suggests that a misfortune will happen to her daughter, she will be deceived and thrown. He is a toy, a little man in his hands strong Mirawho turned money to the main measure.

Pushkin stated one of the main topics of the Russian xIX literature century - theme " little man" The significance of this topic for Pushkin was not in the presentation of the kits of his hero, and in the opening in the "small man" compassionate and sensitive soul, endowed with the gift of a response to someone else's misfortune and someone else's pain.

From now on, the topic of "little man" will sound in Russian classic literature constantly.


"None of the" Lovenkina "there is no idea. You read - cute, smoothly, smoothly: you read - everything is forgotten, there is nothing but adventure in mind. "Tale of Belkin" are read easily, for they do not make thinking "(" Northern Bee ", 1834, No. 192, August 27).
"True, these stories are entertaining, they cannot be read without pleasure: it comes from the adorable syllable, to tell art, but they are not artistic creatures, and just fairy tales and affection "(V.G. Belinsky).

"Have you reread Pushkin's prose? Make me friendship - Read all the "Tale of Belkin" first. They must be studied and learn to each writer. I did this other day and I can not transfer to that benefactor influence that this reading had been on me "(from the letter L.N. Tolstoy P.D. Golokhwast).

Such an ambiguous perception of the Pushkin cycle suggests that a certain mystery is in the "Perests of Belkin". In the "Stationander" she concluded in a small artistic details - Wall paintings telling about the prodigal son, which were in the 20-40s frequent stationery affiliation. The description of those pictures withdraws the story from the socially-domestic plan to philosophical, allows one to comprehend its content in correlation with human experience, interprets " eternal plot"About the prodigal son. The story is penetrated by Paphos compassion.

Character conflict

In the story "Stationander" - humiliated and sad hero, the final - equally and sorrowful and happy: death of the station caretaker, on the one hand, and happy life His daughters on the other. Tale is distinguished by special conflict: there is no negative heroeswho would be negative in everything; There is no direct evil - and at the same time, the mountain of a simple person, a stationary caretaker, does not become smaller.

A new type of hero and conflict entailed a different system of narration, the figure of the storytellor - the titular adviser A. G. N. He tells the story heard from others, from the very screen and from the "red and curve" of the boy. Duni Uzo Duni by Gusar - Tie the drama, followed by a chain of events. From the postal station, the action is thrown into St. Petersburg, from the house of the caretaker - on the grave behind the Occolic. The caretaker is unable to influence the course of events, but before being bent before fate, trying to reverse the story, save the man from what it seems to be the poor Father's death of his "catty". The hero comprehends what happened and, moreover, goes into the grave from the powerless consciousness of his own guilt and the irreparation of trouble.

"Little Man" is not only low rank, lack of high social status, but also a loss in life, fear before it, loss of interest and goals. Pushkin first drew the attention of readers to the fact that, despite its low origin, a person still remains a person and it is inherent in all the same feelings and passions as people of the highest society. The story "Stationander" teaches to respect and love a person, teaches the ability to sympathize, makes thinking about the fact that the world in which stationary caretakers live is not the best way.

Basic heroes

The storywriter sympathize with sympathetically about the "Fourteenth Class Martyrs", stationary looks accused of travelers in all sins. In fact, their life is a real Katorga: "All the annoyance accumulated during a boring ride, the traveler will take place on a caretaker. The weather is unspecified, the road is bad, the yamper is stubborn, the horses are not lucky - and the caretaker is to blame ... it can be easily guess that I have friends from the respectable caretaker. " In memory of one of them, this story is written.

The main character in the story "Stationander" is Samson scan, a person is about 50 years old. A caretaker was born in about 1766, in peasant family. End of XVIII. The century, when Zednina was 20-25 years old - this is the time of Suvorov wars and hikes. As is known from History, Suvorov developed at the subordinate initiative, encouraged the soldiers and non-officers, promoting them in service, bringing them a partnership in them, demanded literacy and intelligence. The man from the peasants under the team of Suvorov could reach the Unter-Officer, to get this title for the faithful service and personal courage. Samson Vyrin could be exactly such a person and served, most likely in the Izmailovsky regiment. The text states that, arriving in St. Petersburg in search of his daughter, he stops in the Izmailovsky regiment, in the house of the retired Unter-Officer, his old colleague.

It can be assumed that around 1880 he resigned and received the position of station caretaker and the rank of college registrar. This position gave a small but constant salary. He married, a daughter was born soon. But the wife died, and the daughter was a father joy and consolation.

He since childhood had to be taken on his fragile shoulders all female work. It is written, as it is represented at the beginning of the story, "fresh and cheerful", sociable and inconvented, despite the fact that undeserved insults have fallen on his head. In just a few years, driving along the same road, the author, who stopped at the night of Samson Võrina, did not recognize him: he turned into an abandoned, stunned senior, the only consolation that bottle was served. But the whole thing in his daughter: without having requesting parental consent, the Dunya is his life and hope, for whom he lived and worked, - Beshal with passion to Husar. Daughter's deed broke Samson, he could not move the fact that his cute child, his Dunya, which he could have protected from any dangers, was able to do this with him and, which is still terrible, with him, she became not his wife, and his mistress.

Pushkin sympathizes to her hero and deeply respects: the low-cost man who has grown in the need, with a hard work, did not forget what decency, conscience and honor. Moreover, these quality it puts above the material benefits. Poverty for Samson is nothing compared to the emptiness of the soul. The author is not in vain in the story such detail as pictures with the image of history prodigal Son. On the wall in the house of WINN. Like the father of the prodigal son, Samson was ready to forgive. That's just Dunya did not return. The suffering of the Father was aggravated by the fact that he knew well than it often ends similar stories: "Many of them in St. Petersburg, young fools, today in the atlasa, and velvet, and tomorrow, you will see, watch the street together with Gol Kabatskoy. As we think sometimes, that and the Dunya, maybe, immediately disappears, so they imagine will be sinned yes you wish her graves ... " An attempt to break the daughter in a huge St. Petersburg ended with nothing. Here, and the station caretaker surrendered - it was finally poisoned and after some time he died, without waiting for his daughter. Pushkin created a rapidly capacious, truthful image of a simple, little man and showed all his rights to the title and dignity of man and dignity of man.

Dunya in the story is shown by the craftswoman on all hands. No one better could cook her lunch, remove in the house, serve the carriage. And the Father, looking at her agility and beauty, could not rejoice. At the same time, it is a young coquette, who knows his strength, who comes into talking with a visit without timidity, "like a girl, seen the light." Belkin sees the guy for the first time when that fourteen years of agein which it is still early to think about fate. Dunya does not know anything about this intention of the arrival of Gusar Minsk. But, withdrawing from the Father, she chooses her female happiness, let him be short. She chooses another world, unknown, dangerous, but in it she will at least live. It is difficult to blame her in the fact that she chose life, not stagnation, she risked and won. Dunya and comes to the father only when everything came true, he could only dream about, although Pushkin does not mean a word about her marriage. But Sixo Horses, Three Children, Kormilitsa testify to the prosperous completion of history. Of course, the Dunya herself considers himself guilty of his father's death, but probably the reader will forgive her, as Ivan Petrovich Belkin forgives.

Dunya and Minsk, the inner motives of their actions, thoughts and experiences, all over the story of the story, the thing, the father, the red boy describe on the part. Maybe therefore, the images of the Duni and Minsk are somewhat schematically. Minsk is impressed and rich, served in the Caucasus, Chin Rothmistra is not small, and if he is in the guard, it is already big, equal to the army lieutenant colonel. Good and cheerful hussar loved to be an incentive caretaker.

Many actions of the heroes of the story are incomprehensible today, but for the contemporaries of Pushkin they were natural. So, Minsk, having loved the Dunya, did not marry her. He could do this not only because he was a hunch and frivolous man, but also for a number of objective reasons. First, to marry, the officer was required by the permission of the commander, often marriage meant resignation. Secondly, Minsk could depend on his parents who would hardly like to be like marriage and not a nobility of the Duni. The resolution of at least these two problems requires time. Although in the final Minsk was able to do it.

Plot and composition

Russian writers have repeatedly applied to the compositional construction of the "History of Belkin" consisting of five separate ages. He wrote a novel about his plan with a similar composition wrote in one of the letters F.M. Dostoevsky: "Tale is completely separate one of the other, so they can even be allowed to sell separately. I suppose Pushkin thought about the similar form of the novel: five stories (the number of "Lovenkina") coming on sale separately. Pushkin has a story really separate in all respects: there is no end-to-end character (as opposed to five "Hero of our time" Lermontov); No general content. But there is a general reception of secrets, "detective" lying on each story. Pushkin's story is combined, firstly, the figure of the narrator - Belkin; Secondly, the fact that they are all told. Tagging and was, guess artistic reception, for which the whole text is set. The tagging as common to all over behaience at the same time allowed their reading (and sale) separately. Pushkin thought about the work, which, being as a whole, would be intended in every part. I call such a form using the experience of subsequent Russian prose, a romance-cycle. "

The stories were written by Pushkin in one chronological order, he laid down them not by time writing, but on the basis of composite calculation, alternating a story with "disadvantaged" and "prosperous" ends. Such a composition reported to the entire cycle, despite the presence of deeply dramatic positions in it, the overall optimistic orientation.

Pushkin builds the story "Stationander" on the development of two fates and characters - father and daughter. Samson Stationery Caidizer - old well-deserved (three medals on polynyaya ribbons) Returning soldier, a good and honest person, but rude and simple, is at the very bottom of the rank table, at the lowest stage of the social staircase. He is not only a simple, but a small person who every passion nobleman can insult, shout, hit, although his lower chin of the 14th grade gave the right to a personal nobility. But all the guests met, calmrified and poured a beautiful and wiggy daughter of His Dunya. But this family idyll could not continue and ended, at first glance, bad, for the caretaker and his daughters were different fates. Passage young beauties-hussar Minsk fell in love with the Dunya, deftly played the disease, achieved a mutual feeling and took away, as he believed to Husar, weeping, but not a resisting girl on the top three to St. Petersburg.

The small person of the 14th grade did not reconcile with such a physical and loss, he went to St. Petersburg to save the daughter, which, as not without reason, he considered, the cunning seducer would soon throw, will drown on the street. And it itself was important for the further development of this story, for the fate of his Duni. But it turned out that the story is more difficult than the caretaker it imagined. Rothmist loved his daughter and, moreover, turned out to be a conscientious person, honest, he blushed from shame with an unexpected phenomenon of his father deceived by him. And the beauty of the Duny replied to the thief strong, sincere feeling. The old man gradually cut from grief, longing and loneliness, and despite the nourishing pictures about the prodigal son's daughter and did not come to visit him, disappeared, was not at the funeral of the Father. A rural cemetery visited a wonderful lady with three small barcats and a black pug on a luxurious carriage. She silently lay down on the grave of his father and "lying long." it folk custom The last farewell and commemoration, the last "sorry". This is the greatness of human suffering and repentance.

Artistic peculiarity

In the "Handes of Belkin", all features of Pushkin poetics and stylists revealed artistic prose. Pushkin performs in them as an excellent novelist, which is equally available and touching the story, and stress on the plot and the front mellows, and the realistic essay of the morals and life. Artistic requirements for prose, which were formulated by Pushkin at the beginning of the 20s., It is now implementing in his own creative practice. Nothing unnecessary, one necessary in the narration, accuracy in definitions, conciseness and compression of the syllable.

"Tale of Belkin" is distinguished by the utmost savings artistic means. From the very first string, Pushkin introduces the reader with his heroes, introduces it to the circle of events. Also a scoop and no less expressive outlines of character characters. The author almost does not give an external portrait of heroes, almost does not stop on their mental experiences. At the same time, the appearance of each of the characters appears with a wonderful relief and discouragement from his actions and speeches. "The writer must not cease to learn this treasure," the Lion Tolstoy advised about the "Perests of Belkin" a familiar writer.

The value of the work

In the development of Russian artistic prose, a huge role belongs to Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. He almost had no predecessor. For a much lower level, a prosaic literary language was also located compared to verses. Therefore, before Pushkin, a particularly important and very difficult task of processing the material of the given region of verbal art was inserted. "Stationander" had an exceptional importance for the further development of Russian literature. Very truthful, warmed by copyright sympathy The image of a caretaker opens the "poor people" the gallery created by the subsequent Russian writers, humiliated and offended by the striking public relations The then reality.

The first writer who opened the reader the world of "little people" * was N.M. Karamzin. The word Karamzin echoes the Pushkin and Lermontov. The biggest influence on the subsequent literature was the story of Karamzin " Poor Lisa" The author laid the beginning of a huge cycle of works about "small people", took the first step in this unknown to this topic. It was he who opened the way to such writers of the future as Gogol, Dostoevsky and others.

A.S. Pushkin was the following writer, whose creative attention began to include all huge Russia, its expanses, life villages, St. Petersburg and Moscow were already opening out not only from a luxurious entrance, but also through narrow doors of poor houses. For the first time, Russian literature is so shrill and clearly showed the identity distortion to her hostility. Art discovery Pushkin was directed into the future, it pierced the Russian literature into another unknown.

Topic: Image of a "Little Man" in the story of A.S. Pushkin "Stationander".

R.R. . Features of the analysis of the episode "Samson Vyrin from Minsk".


educational: to teach a deep understanding of the story, form the skills of work on the artistic detail; teach text analysis; help feel the tragedy of the situation in the "Little Man" society; Trace the universal theme of "prodigal" children on the example of the Duni image;

developing: analysis of behavioral situations of the heroes of the story, the development of critical thinking skills;

educational: education of moral concepts, raising the problems of fathers and children;

relieve a sense of responsibility for your actions.

Module move

WEI. Org. Moment

WEII. The word teacher

In the time of Pushkin, the movement was carried out on horseback. Traveling on postal tracts became for the contemporaries of Pushkin with a real event, the topic of the road can be found in N.M. Karamzin, A.S. Pushkin and M.Yu.Lermontov. A.S. Pushkin traveled a lot. And now we will travel today too. There were stations on which travelers changed tired horses

- What were the employees called who were responsible for this job? (stationary caretakers).

- It will be about the story of A. S. Pushkin "Stationander", which entered the "Tale of Belkin" cycle.

- What do you think to which direction in the literature is this work?

- What is called realism?

Realism in literature - this direction, the main feature of which is the truthful image of reality and its typical features without any distortion and exaggerations. Representatives of realism B. domestic literature are A.S. Pushkin, N.V. Gogol, A. P. Chekhov, Goncharov, in foreign literature - Balzac and Standal, Tekcakery and Dickens, Jord Sand and Victor Hugo.

I got acquainted with such works and 5-6 classes: the story of Turgenev "Mumu", the story of Tolstoy " Prisoner of the Caucasus», verse-E Nekrasov "Peasant children." Since the emergence and formation of realism, its main problem has remained the problem of the relationship of man and society.

Theme of our lesson: "Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin" Stationery ". An image of a "little man", his position in society. "(Students are recorded in the notebook theme of the lesson).

WEIII. Goal.

Please note the topic of the lesson and tell me that we should find out during the review of the story, what questions answer?

(Who is the "little person"? Which of the heroes of the story embodied the image of a little man?)

To his story, A. S. Pushkin took the epigraph from the poem of P. A. Vyazemsky "Station", but changed the quotation, calling the station caretaker by the College Registrar, and this is the lowest civilian chin in pre-revolutionary Russia. Let's see what appear in the narrative image of station caretakers?

Expressive text reading.

Entries in Tetraj keywordscharacterizing caretakers : « jeahn martyr "," trembling caretaker "," People peaceful, helpful, inclined to the hostel "," modest in claims for honors "," not too soberly ".

- Will the image of the image matches these ideas?

- How did we see it for the first time?

- Find the other portrait of this hero in the story.

-What changed in this portrait?

-What were caused by these changes?

Records in notebooks, exit to the concept - antithesis.

- What qualities in the character scyrina did you like? What feelings do you have this person?

(Samson Vynein is a man, all degradable, but fulfilled a feeling of dignity. This causes respect for him, sympathy for him grief).

Teacher: The writer takes a grave work to show and explain the life ordinary personwhich in the literature is characterized by the concept of "little person." Small man representative Total people, and every writer presents it in its own way. The writer takes the job to showlife of a simple person with all its experiences, problems, troubles and small joys. The image of a "little man" is typical images In the Russian literature of the 19th century.

The teacher introduces the concept of a "small" person in the literature. Students write down the definition of the notebook.

Small man - This is a man of low social status and origin, not gifted by outstanding abilities, not characterized by the force of character, but at the same time, does not make evil, harmless to anyone. And Pushkin, and Gogol, creating an image of a little man, wanted to remind readers who are accustomed to admire romantic heroesthat is very ordinary person Also a person worthy of sympathy, attention, support.

- Is it possible to call "small" man?

The role of the artistic part:

The narrator, being in the house of the station caretaker, stops the look at the walls. Consider a description.

- What is the detail in the description of the room you should pay attention? (pictures) Remember this item.

-And did you have a question: why Pushkin gave his hero just such a name and surname? What do they mean?

- What does Samson name mean? The male name Samson has ancient European roots. Initially, it sounded like Shimshon and translated "Sunny", but currently you can find the erroneous meaning of this name "strong", which was formed as a result biblical legenda About Samson and Dalile.

Reading biblical parable about samsone

Biblical narration about samsone

Boy since childhood owned unusual force. When he matured, he decided to marry the Philistine. His parents did not resemble him that the law of Moshe (Moses) prohibits marrying idolatles, Samson replied that each rule had an exception, and married his chosen.

Once he went to the city where his wife lived. On the way, I met a young lion who wanted to rush on him, but Samson instantly grabbed the lion and ripped him with his hands like a goat.

During the wedding party, which lasted a few days, Samson faded the wedding guests a riddle. The rate was 30 shirts and 30 pairs of the outerwear, which were to pay those who would lose. Guests could not guess and threats forced Samson's wife to punish the correct answer. At night, in bed, she demanded from her husband to give a response to the riddle and in the morning informed him with his tribesmen. Samson did not have anything, how to pay losses. For this he went to , I arranged a fight with the 30th Philistries, killed them, took off the clothes and walked for losing. Was the seventh day of the wedding pyr. Father-in-law, not warning Samson, gave him his wife young guywho was a friend of Samson. And Samson answered them:

Now I will be right in front of the Philistines, if I will make evil

He began to take revenge on all of the Philistan People. Once he caught 300 foxes, tied to their tails burning torches and let the foxes on the Philistine fields during the harvest. All bread in the fields burned down. Samson himself disappeared in the mountains. Later, the Philistines, having learned about the cause of revenge, went to Samson's test and burned him together with her daughter. They counted that it would soften Samson's anger. But he stated that his revenge was directed against all the Philistines and this revenge just begins. Soon Samson "opened the hunt" on the residents of Ashkelon. All this proud city was afraid of one Samson, I was afraid that no one was decided to leave the city, the inhabitants were so scared, as if the city was besieged by a mighty army. Later, the Philistines, with the aim of stopping this terror, attacked the ownership of the neighboring Knee Judene.

One day, three thousand tribesmen came to Samson in his refuge in the mountains. The Jews began to roam Samson, saying that because of him they were surrounded by the Philistines, with whom they had no strength to fight.

Well, - said Samson, - Tie me a lot and give me to our enemies. So they will give you peace. Just promise that you will not kill me.

Samson tied the hands with strong ropes and brought out of the gorge where he was hiding. But when they approached the Philistines to take it, he strained his strength, ripped the ropes and ran away. Without having a weapon, he raised the jaw on the road and killed her to death met the Philistines:

He found a fresh donkey jaw and stretching his hand, took her, and killed her a thousand people.

Soon Samson snapped in the Philistan City of Gaza. Residents learned about it, locked the city gate and decided to catch the hero in early morning. But Samson, I'm getting at midnight and see that the gate was locked, threw them together with the pillars and constipation, carried them to the top of the mountain opposite Hebron.

Samson succumbed to passion to the cunning Philistine That promised to the Philistan rulers for remuneration to derive what SAMSON strength. After three unsuccessful attempts, she managed to find out the secret of his strength.

And his [Dalida] fell on his knees, and called on a man, and told him the slices of seven brands his head. And he began to weaken, and he retreated his power from him

Death Samson

Samson lost his power was captured by the Philistines, blinded, chained in the chain and was thrown into the dungeon.

A serious test led Samson to sincere repentance and bare. Soon the Philistines staged a holiday on which they thanked their deity - Dagon for giving them to Samson's hands, and then delivered Samson to the temple so that he was amused by them. Meanwhile, Samson's hair had time to grow, and the power began to return to him."And the Samson appeared to the Lord and said: Lord God! Remember me and strengthen me only now, oh god! " ( )

And Samson said: Melci, my soul, with the Philistines! And rested [all] strength, and the house fell on the owners and for the entire people, former in it. And it was the dead, which killed [Samson] when he was death, more than how much he killed in his life

The biblical narration about Samson is completed by the message about Samson's funeral in the family tomb between Toroi and Estal

Corresponds to Lie exterior appearance Samson named?

What does his last name mean?

Teacher: A.S. Pushkin traveled a lot, not less than 13 times the poet and the urine station. It is assumed that the name of the main character of the story "Stationander" Pushkin gave from the name of this station - the ancient Russian village of exp.

Russian surnames are formed from the name of animals. In the dictionary Vlad. Ivan. Daly

"Lying" is a bad hood, Klyach (in Razy. Province). We try to combine the concepts. "What is a station caretaker? Jewish martyr ... Fencing with its rank of Tokmo from beatings, and it is not always.

Maybe his surname does not happen at all. But, given the fact that Pushkin was orthodox ChristianHe wrote about the Russian man, troliness becomes a tradition in Russian literature.What is this trioity?

Pictures decorated with a humble abode - This is the first biblical element.Name Samson - The second element associated with religion, and where is the third?

Turn to the text:

"Ah, Dunya, Dunya! It happened who would emit, all praise, no one will condemn. There was a barin, whatever angry, with her subsides and mercifully talks to me if the sir believes: couriers, Feldegree with her half ancase spoken. She kept the house .... "

- Consent in a small family, grace look like that .. ????? Paradise, Earth

- Does the Dunya on ????? Angel. Even the room looks like a humble abode. Here are Christians in religion and Slavs by origin. In the ancient eastern Slavsexterior - Paradise, fabulous mysterious edge, warm .

- And how does the narrator depicts his daughter?

"Beauty struck her", and a little further appears the part - "Blue Eyes".

- What are your associations cause you blue eyes?

Clean, credulity, naivety.

- What can be said about Father's relationships with daughter?

Quotes ???

Acquaintance with the concept of parable. Record definition in notebook.

Parable - Long editing story in an allequorative form, which makes moral teaching. The content of the parable is close to the bass.

Expressive reading of the biblical "parable about the prodigal son."

Evangelskaya Parable

Some person had two sons; And the younger of the Father said: Father! Give me the next part of the estate. And the Father divided the estate. After a few days younger sonHaving gathered everything, went to the far side and there was spreading his estate, lively. When he lived everything, the great hunger came in the country, and he began to need; And I went, stuck to one of the residents of the country that, and he sent him to the field his mouth of pigs: And he was glad to fill the womb of his horns, who ate pigs, but no one gave him. Having come to my senses, said: how many mercenaries from the father of my father are exhausted by bread, and I die from hunger: I'll get up, I will go to my father and I will tell him: Father! I sinned against the sky and before you and already notifies you to be called your son; I accept me to your mercenaries. I got up and went to my father my. And when he was still far, he saw his father and clenched him; And, running, fell on his neck and kissed him. The son said to him: Father! I siggled against the sky and before you and already notifies you to be called your son. And the father told the slaves to his: bring the best clothes and dress it, and give a ring on his hand and shoes on your feet: and bring the fattening calf and scam; We will eat and have fun! For this son was dead and came to life, disappeared and found. And they started having fun. The eldest son was on the field; And, returning when approached the house, heard singing and babysitis: and, having called one of the servants, asked: what is it? He told him: Your brother came, and your father is broken with the fatal calf, because he accepted him healthy. He was skewed and did not want to enter. His father, coming out, called him. But he said in response to Father: Here I serve you so many years and never crime your orders, but you never gave me a goat to have fun with my friends; And when this son is yours, the spent the estate with the harlot, you came, you broof for him the fattening calf. He told him: my son! You are always with me, and everything is yours; And it was necessary to predicable and have fun that your brother was dead and came to life, disappeared and found.

- What is its meaning?

- At what point the caretaker understood that he was not returning to him his daughter?

Phrase "poor caretaker."

- Why did the Dunny faint at the sight of his father?

The reason in a casual sense of own guilt before her old lonely father abandoned by it ..

"Why didn't younger, seeing his daughter, surrounded by wealth and love, persistently tries to return her home?"

Because he understands her position in society.

- What is her position?

The content of a rich barina.

Minsk rides to visit the dun. "It is impossible, you can not, Avdoti Samsonovna guests!"


At that moment, when the hussar entered the house of the caretaker, demanding horses, the Dunya behind the partition she sewed her dress. Most likely it was a modest dress. When the caretaker saw the Dunya from Minsk, it was dressed with all the luxury of fashion. And what of this luxury belongs to her?

- What is Minsk?

It may not shout, offend and even beat the man's splek, he rustles pushing out. Dunya with a cry falls on the carpet, and Minsk does not run to her to cope with her health, and pushes scores ..

- How does the scan of, taking Minsk in his house?

Inferior to him his bed.

- How does Pushkin finishing his story?

The first arrival of the narrator: "The day was hot. In three versts, the station began to stick, and after a minute, pouring rain ... "

The last arrival: "It happened in the fall. Serious clouds covered the sky; Cold wind blew with united fields, having taken red and yellow from counterparts. "

Autumn is the time ?? Harvest.

- What is the role of the landscape in the story?

The style of the final stacking and deliver:

"She fell here and lay for a long time." And that's all.

On the foreground It is not screamed here, not Minsk, and Dunya: "Beautiful lady", such a "good lady", "Nice Baryna". But in the aspiration to acquire happiness, she showed egoism, became happy, as sometimes they speak at the expense of the third person.

Teacher: The theme of the prodigal son is relevant not only in Russian, but also by world culture.

View painting paintings depicting the history of the prodigal son.

Find in the story "Stationander" a quotation in which it is clearly referred to about a malicious person. ("Avos," the caretaker thought, "I will bring my lamb home").

- What are similar and what are the fate of the Duni and the fate of the hero of the biblical parable? (Both go out of the house against the will of the Father, but both the father forgives, the heroes repent. Dunya was happy, did not led a slit life, but the hero of parables is forgiven, and the Dunya did not take for forgiveness, and the ease of her tears).

"Beautiful lady" lying on the sand for a long time, mourned, apparently lost heaven, "Warmland" of childhood, love. Now, when a prodigal daughter returned, no one is waiting for her, no one reminds her about the time when she was good. Whether she replaced her "Caita in six horses" and the Black Pug Three pictures that decorated them with the father of peace, their paradise, their "warm country."

- So, summarize. How is Samson's story Wyrina and his daughter connected with the plot of the Gospel Proverbs?

Final "Stationander". A completely brilliant, truly Pushkin finale.

- Dunya married or not? Is it happy or not?

How did Dunya lived all these years, did Father remembered? Why did not come before? Ashamed? What was afraid? Or is Minsk not allowed?

If you even assume that the Dunya is now Minsk, whether it is about her happiness. Whatever may be marriage without parental blessing.

With such a heavy burden. SHININ last time I saw the Dunya lying in a fainting condition. During the separation from her father, her children were born, the grandchildren of Wyrina., Whom he not only did not nursing, but did not see, but he loved the children. He fumbled with rustic kids, treated them with nuts, and cut off his dulls.

- Is it normal, is it humanly, isn't it marriage?

Perhaps motherhood helped the Dunya to experience unknown feelings. However, these feelings did not enrich her life, but on the contrary aggravated her sense of guilt before his father.

The words of the caretaker about the fact that the Dunya may not come true somewhere, but the words of Minsk about the happiness of the Duni did not come true too, because there may be happiness in a person living with such a severity, like her.



UE3 lady In writing to answer the question: what do you think about what Duny cried.

29.06.2017 @ 10:16

Write, Analysis of the episode "Samson Vinin from Minsk, meeting with the Duni" ("Stationander" and from Pushkin)

  • Samson Vyrin is unhappy. First, because he does not believe in the strength of her random happiness, despite the assurances of Minsk in the fact that he will not leave the Dunya and fulfill his duty to her.
    Wrapped out :: Do not think that I could leave the Dunya: She will be happy, I give you a honest word, - Minsk kept his promise. The final episode of the story - the story of the boy about visiting the dunge of the grave of the Father - an indisputable evidence of this:

    Secondly, Vinin is unhappy not only because of the fear for the fate of his daughter, before us, the tragedy of deceived trust: Intringed too much in his love for his daughter. Now this love is predicted. Dunya left him, went through his will. She did not rush to him when he wanted her, but was horrified, he gave him to push him off, did not return it. And now these raised paper shame, and insult Minsk, and the lack of lonely life - all this is woven into one with insulted love, deceived trust, - and now begins a kind of quiet rebellion of a humble man. Screen can no longer heal the same life. He must sleep and die. Life has lost its meaning and taste for him.

College registrar,
Post station dictator.

Prince Vyazemsky.

Who did not curse the station caretakers, who did not scold with them? Who, per minute of anger, did not require a fatal book from them, in order to enter his useless complaint about oppression, rudeness and malfunction? Who does not honor their monsters of human kind, equal to the late attiation or at least Murom robber? We will, however, are fair, we will try to enter their position and, maybe we will judge them much more condescertain. What is a station caretaker? The fourteenth-class martyr, fenced with its rank of Tokmo from beatings, is not always (refer to the conscience of my readers). What is the position of this dictator, how does the prince of Vyazemsky call him? Is not a real cautious? Running neither afternoon nor at night. All the annoyance accumulated during the boring ride, the traveler will take place on a caretaker. The weather is bad, the road is bad, the yamper is stubborn, the horses are not lucky - and the caretaker is to blame. Entering his poor housing, passing looks at him as an enemy; Well, if he succeeds to him to get rid of the unborn guest; But if the horses do not happen? .. God! What kind of curses, what threats will fall on his head! In the rain and sludge is forced to run around the courtyards; In a storm, in the Epiphany frost, he leaves in Song, so that only a minute to rest from the screaming and the joy of irritated guest. General comes; The trembling caretaker gives him two last three, including the courier. The general goes, without saying thanks to him. Upon five minutes - the bell! .. And the Feldgerer throws him on the table his zealous! .. I breathe in all this well, and instead of indignation, our heart turns with sincere compassion. A few more words: For twenty years, I have sought it from Russia in all directions; Almost all postal paths are known to me; Several generations of yammchikov know me; I don't know a rare caretaker in my face, I didn't have things with rare; Curious stock of my observations I hope to publish in a short time; I will only say that the estational caretaker is submitted to the general opinion in the most false form. These are so slandered cautors in general, the essence of people peaceful, from nature helpful, inclined to the hostel, modest in attractions for honors and not too soberly. From their conversations (by koim, the gentlemen neglect the gentlemen) you can learn a lot of curious and instructive. As for me, I confess, I prefer their conversation speeches of any official of the 6th grade, following the treasury need. It can be easily guess that I have friends from the fertile estate of caretaker. In fact, the memory of one of them is precious. Circumstances once brought us closer, and I intend to talk with my kind readers now. In 1816, in May months, I happened to pass through *** Wheel province, on the tract, now destroyed. I was in my fine rank, I was driving on the crosses and paid runs for two horses. As a result, the caretakers did not ceremony with me, and I often piral with battle, what, in my opinion, should be rightfully. Being young and quick-tempered, I indignantly on the lowestness and the farewell of the caretaker, when this last gave me a three-wheelchair to the stroller of the official Barin. As long as I could not get used to the tears of the slap, I would like me with a dish at the governor dinner. Now it seems to me in the order of things. In fact, it would be with us if instead of a general rule: chin rank read, was used by another, for example, mind mind read? What a dispute would arise! And servants from whom would the Kushan come to serve? But I appeal to my story. The day was hot. In three versts from the station ***, it began to stick up, and after a minute, the torrential rain pulled me to the last thread. Upon arrival at the station, the first concern was needed to change clothes, the second to ask myself tea, "Hey, Dunya! - shouted the caretaker, - put samovar yes, go for cream. " While the words came out due to the partition, the girl of the age of fourteen and ran in the sen. Beauty struck me. "Is this your daughter?" I asked the caretaker. "Daughter-C," he answered with a view of a satisfied pride, "yes so reasonable, such a prompt, all the mother in the late man." Then he began to rewrite my zaeznaya, and I was engaged in the consideration of the pictures that were adorned by the humble, but neutral abode. They portrayed the history of the prodigal son: In the first, the eagle old man in the cap and Slaforka lets a restless young man who hurriedly takes his blessing and bag with money. In another bright features depicted depraved behavior young man: He sits at the table, surrounded by false friends and shameless women. Next, the well-trapped young man, in a rubbish and in a triangular hat, grabs pigs and divides me a meal; In his face depicted deep sadness and repentance. Finally, his return to his father is presented; A kind old man in the same cap and salafoot runs to him towards him: the prodigal son stands on his knees; In the future, the cook kills the still calf, and the elder brother promises servants about the reason for such joy. Under each picture I read decent German poems. All this donny has been preserved in my memory, as well as pots with a balsamine, and a bed with a motley curtain, and other subjects, I surrounded at that time. I see, as now, the host itself, a man of ages of fifty, fresh and vigorous, and his long green frocks with three medals on polynyaya ribbons. I did not have time to pay with the old my yammer, as Dunya returned with a samovar. Little coquette from the second look noticed the impression of it on me; She raised big blue eyes; I began to talk with her, she answered me without any timidity, like a girl who saw the light. I suggested a father her glass punch; I filed a cup of tea, and we threatened to talk to talk, as if the eyelids were familiar. Horses were ready for a long time, and I didn't want to part with the caretaker and his daughter. Finally I used to say goodbye to them; Father wished me bon VoyageAnd the daughter spent to cart. In the Seine I stopped and asked her permission to kiss her; Dunya agreed ... I can have a lot of kisses,

Since I do it,

But none left in me so long, such a pleasant memories.

Several years have passed, and the circumstances led me to the very tract, in the very places. I remembered the daughter of the old caretaker and delighted with the thought that I would see her again. But I thought, the old caretaker, maybe already replaced; Probably the Dunya is already married. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe death of this or the other also flashed in my mind, and I approached the station *** with sad premonition. Horses have become a postal house. Included in the room, I immediately recognized pictures depicting the story of the prodigal son; The table and bed stood in former places; But there were no colors on the windows, and everything and negligence showed everything around. The caretaker slept under Tulup; my arrival woke it up; He brought ... It was precisely Samson Vyrin; But how he aged! Ponysta was going to rewrite my zaiga region, I looked at his gray, on the deep wrinkles of a long unsubstantiated face, on the ground-born back - and could not put aside how three or four years could turn a vigorous man in a brilliant old man. "Did you find me? - I asked him - we are with you old friends. " - "It may be," he answered sullenly, - here the road is big; I had a lot of passage. " - "Is your Dunya health?" - I continued. The old man frowned. "And God knows her," he answered. - "Is it so seen married?" - I said. The old man pretended, as if he did not hear my question, and continued to read my zaja. I stopped my questions and ordered to put the kettle. Curiosity began to disturb me, and I hoped that Punche would allow my old acquaintance language. I was not mistaken: the old man did not abandon the proposed glan. I noticed that Rus clarified his gloominess. In the second glass, he became talkative: I remembered or showed the look as if I remembered me, and I learned the story from him, which at that time I took and touched me. "So you knew my Dunya? - He began. - Who did not know her? Ah, Dunya, Dunya! What a girl was! It happened who would emit, all praise, no one will condemn. Baryni gave her, that tiled, that earrings. The gentlemen passage was deliberately stopped, as if dinner, al dinner, and in fact only to look at her anymore. Bearded Barin, whatever angry, with her subsides and mercifully talks to me. Believe it, sir: couriers, Feldgerer with her halfcase spoken. Her house was kept: what to get, what to cook, I had time for everything. And I, the old fool, I will not know, I happened, I do not think; I didn't love my Duni, I didn't cherish my childhood; Has her no live? Yes no, you will not let down from trouble; What is destined, not to be avoided. " Here he began to tell my grief in detail. - three years ago, one day, in the winter evening, when the caretaker loosen new book, And his daughter behind the partition she sewed his dress, the Troika arrived, and passing in the Circassian hat, in the military overhang, shrouded with a shawl, entered the room, demanding horses. Horses were all in acceleration. With ses of the news, the traveler elevated his voice and Nagayka; But the Danny, accustomed to such scenes, ran out due to the partition and gently turned to the carriage with the question: would it not please anyone to eat something? The appearance of the Duni made an ordinary effect. The anger of the passage passed; He agreed to wait for the horses and ordered his dinner. After removing the wet, the ridiculous hat, letting the shawl and holding over the sevel, the passage was young, slender hussar with black mustache. He is located near the caretaker, he began having fun talking to him and with his daughter. Sung dinner. Meanwhile, the horses came, and the caretaker ordered that immediately, not feed, harnessed them into a kibitka of the carriage; But returned, he found a young man almost without memory of the bed lying on the shop: he was mistaken badly, the head got sick, it was impossible to go ... how to be! The caretaker lost his bed to him, and it was necessary if the patient would not be easier, to send in from *** in the morning. The next day, Gusaru became worse. The man drove him riding in the city for the pit. Dunya knitted his head with a handkerchief, wetted by vinegar, and sat with her sewing from his bed. The patient with a chalk oh and did not speak almost a word, however, he drank two cups of coffee and I ordered my dinner. Dunya did not leave him. He remembered to drink, and Dunya brought him a mug of a harvested lemonade. The patient loomed the lips and every time, returning a mug, as a sign of gratitude weakly his hand shook his hand. Head came to dinner. He felt the patient's pulse, talked to him in German, and in Russian announced that he needed one tranquility and that two days he could go on the road. Gusar handed him twenty-five rubles for a visit, invited him to dine; The doctor agreed; Both ate with a big appetite, drank a bottle of wine and parted very satisfied with each other. He passed another day, and the hussar completely recovered. He was extremely cheerful, jumped up with a dune, then with a caretaker; Wastened songs, talked to the passage, fit into their rigorous in the postal book, and so fell in love with a good caretaker, that on the third morning it was a pity to part with his delicious guest. The day was Sunday; Dunya was going to dinner. Hussari filed a kibituka. He said goodbye to the caretaker, generously awarding him for the post and treat; I said goodbye to the Dnene and volunteered to take it to the church, which was on the edge of the village. Dunya stood in bewilderment ... "What are you afraid of? Said her father, "because his gradually, not a wolf and you will not eat you: ride to the church." Dunya sat down into a kibitka near Gusar, the servant jumped on the iris, the yamper whistled, and the horses rocked. The poor caretaker did not understand how he could afford his dune to go along with Husar, as loyalty found him, and that then was with his mind. It did not pass and half an hour, as a heart began to whine, whining, and anxiety took possession of it to such an extent that he did not lose and went himself to dinner. Approaching the church, he saw that the people had already diverged, but the Duni was not in a fence or in pellets. He hurriedly entered the church: the priest came out of the altar; Dyachie quenched the candles, the two old women prayed in the corner; But Duni in the church was not. The poor father of Nasil decided to ask Dyachka if she had a lunch. Dyacier answered that he did not happen. The caretaker went home nor alive, nor dead. One remained His hope: Dunya on the windy of young years did he think, maybe ride until the next station, where she lived godmother. In painful excitement, he expected the return of the troika on which he let her go. The bar did not return. Finally, in the evening he arrived alone and Hamlen, with a murderous news: "Dunya from that station went further with Gusar." The old man did not demolish his misfortune; He immediately run into the same bed where the young deceiver was lying on the day before. Now the caretaker, thinking all the circumstances, guessed that the disease was pretended. Poorly zalenor is strong hot; He was brought in from *** and on his place were determined for the time of another. The same doctor who came to Gusaru, treated him. He assured the caretaker that the young man was quite healthy and that then he also guessed him about his evil intention, but silent, fearing his nagikek. The truth was the German, or only wanted to boast a long-scale, but he did not comfort him a poor patient. As soon as it is rushing from the disease, the caretaker scored from from *** postmaster holidays for two months and, without saying any word about his intention, went on foot for his daughter. He knew from Zaporzhennaya that Rothmist Minsk was driving from Smolensk to St. Petersburg. The barber who was lucky, told that the whole path was crying, although it seemed to have been driving on her hunt. "Avos," the caretaker thought, "I'll give my home lamb home." He arrived in St. Petersburg with this thought, he stopped at the Izmailovsky regiment, in the house of the retired Unter-Officer, his old colleague, and began his searches. Soon he learned that the Rothmist Minsk in St. Petersburg and lives in the Derute restaurant. The caretaker decided to appear to him. Early in the morning he came to his front and asked him to report his gradually, that the old soldier asks to see him. Military lacquer, brushing boots on the block, announced that the barin is revealed and that before eleven hours does not accept anyone. The caretaker went and returned at the appointed time. Minsk came out to him in a bathrobe, in the Red Skuchery. "What, brother, is you needed?" He asked him. The heart of the old man boiled down, the tears felt in their eyes, and he said with a trembling voice only: "Your grazing vote! .. Make such a divine mercy! .." Minsk looked at him quickly, broke out, took him by the hand, led him to the office and locked him a door. "Your gradually! - continued the old man - what fell off, it was gone: give me at least poor my dunny. After all, you have come across it; Do not destroy her laughing. " - "What is done, he does not turnover," the young man said in extreme confusion, - to blame to you and glad to ask for forgiveness; But do not think that I could leave the Dunya: she will be happy, give you an honest word. Why do you need her? She loves Me; She looked away from the previous state. Neither you nor she - you will not forget what happened. " Then, having thrown into him something for the sleeve, he opened the door, and the caretaker, he himself did not remember how, found himself on the street. For a long time he stood motionless, finally saw a bunch of papers for a crust of his sleeve; He took them out and deployed several five and ten-membered crumpled assignments. Tears again felt in front of him, tears of indignation! He squeezed the papers in a lump, threw them to the ground, he poured it with a heel and went ... he had heard a few steps, he stopped, thought ... and turned back ... but no banknotes were already. A well-dressed young man, seeing him, ran up to the cabin, sat down hastily and shouted: "I went! .." The caretaker did not chase him. He decided to go home to his station, but before he wanted to even see his dinner at least once. For these days, he turned back to Minsk; But Military Lacius told him harshly that the barin does not accept anyone, the breasts pushed him out of the front and slapped the door to him under his breath. The caretaker stood, stood - and went. On this very day, in the evening, he walked along the foundry, after serving the prayer for all the grief. Suddenly they were rushed in front of him with shruzki, and the caretaker recognized the Minsk. The yeast stopped in front of the three-story house, at the entrance itself, and the hussar ran into the porch. Happy thought flashed in the head of the caretaker. He has grown and, having gone with Kucher: "Whose, brother, horse? He asked, - Does not Minsk? " - "Different way," Kucher answered, "and what are you?" "Yes, that's what: Your Barin ordered me to attribute a note to his dun, and I also forget where Dunya lives him." - "Yes, here, in the second floor. You were late, brother, with your note; Now he himself is. " "There is no need," the caretaker objected to the inexplicable movement of the heart, "Thank you for supervised, and I will do my job." And with this word he went on the stairs. The doors were locked; He called, passed a few seconds in his waiting for him. The key was drunk, he was discharged. "Does Avdota Samsonovna stand here?" - he asked. "Here," the young maid answered, "why should you need her?" The caretaker, not answering, entered the hall. "It is impossible, it is impossible! - screamed after his maid, - Avdoti Samsonovna guests. " But the caretaker, not listening, went next. The two first rooms were dark, there was a fire in the third. He approached the dissolved door and stopped. In the room, perfectly cleaned, Minsk sat in thought. Dunya, dressed with all the luxury of fashion, sat on the handle his chairs, like a rider in his English saddle. She looked at the Minsk with tenderness on Minsk, wining his black curls on his sparkling fingers. Poor caretaker! Never daughter did not seem to him so beautiful; He unwittingly admired her. "Who's there?" She asked, not rising heads. He was silent everything. Without receiving a response, Dunya raised his head ... And with a screaming fell on the carpet. The frightened Minsk rushed to raise her and, suddenly seeing the door of the old caretaker, left the Dunya and approached him, trembling with anger. "What is needed? - He told him, squeezing his teeth, - what are you standing for me everywhere like a robber? Or do you want to slaughter me? Go away!" - I. strong Hero., grabbing the old man per gate, pushed him on the stairs. The old man came to his apartment. The buddy advised him to complain; But the caretaker thought, waved his hand and decided to retreat. Two days later, he went from St. Petersburg back to his station and began again for his position. "For the third year already," he concluded, "as I live without the Duni and how neither a hearing or spirit about it. Lives whether, God does not know her. Everything happens. Not her first, not her last cleaned passage, and there he pulled and threw. Many of them in St. Petersburg, young fools today in the atlasa and velvet, and tomorrow, you will see, watch the street together with Gol Kabatskoy. How I think sometimes that the Dunya, maybe, immediately disappears, so impassing you will sin, but you wish her graves ... " That was the story of my friend of my, the old caretaker, the story, repeatedly interrupted by tears, who squeezed picturesquely he had his own body as a diligent terrentie in the beautiful ballad Dmitriev. Sears of this partly excited were the punch, which he pulled out five glasses in the continuation of his narration; But be that as it may, they strongly touched my heart. I stop with him, I could not forget the old caretaker for a long time, I thought about the poor man for a long time ... Recently, traveled through the place ***, I remembered about my friend; I learned that the station on which he bought was already destroyed. To my question: "Is the old caretaker live?" - No one could give me a satisfactory answer. I decided to visit the familiar side, took free horses and went to the village of N. It happened in the fall. Serious clouds covered the sky; Cold wind blended with fires, taking red and yellow leaves from counter trees. I arrived in the village at sunset and stopped at the postal house. In Songy (where the poor Dunya had once kissed me), a fat woman came out and my questions answered "that the old caretaker since the year as died that the brewer was settled in the house, and that she was a brewing wife. I felt a pity of my vain trips and seven rubles, reducible for nothing. "Why did he die?" I asked my wife's brewer. "Spark, father," she answered. "And where did you bury him?" - "For the Occolta, the deceased hostess of it." - "Is it possible to bring me to his grave?" - "Why can't you. Hey, Vanka! Fully you mess around with the cat. Conduct the Barin on the cemetery, but point him to the cloth grave. " While the words, a broken boy, a red and curve, ran out to me and immediately led me for the Occolic. - Did you know the dead man? I asked him dear. - How not to know! He learned me cutting me. It happened (the kingdom of heaven!) It goes from the Kabaka, and we are behind him: "Grandfather, grandfather! nuts! " - And he puts us on nuts. Everything happened to us. - And the passage remember him? - Yes, nonone little passage; Did the bureau won't finish, and not to the dead. In the summer he droveed the lady, so she asked about the old cavering and went to him on the grave. - What a lady? - I asked with curiosity. - Beautiful lady, - a boy answered; - she drove into a carriage of six horses, with three small barcats and with a cormal, and with a black Moskoy; And as she was told that the old caretaker died, so she was crying and told the children: "Sit to sleep, and I go to the cemetery." And I was volunteered to bring it. And the lady said: "I know the way myself." And he gave me a plot of silver - such a good lady! .. We came to the cemetery, a naked place, not fenced, littered with wooden crosses, not autonated with a single tree. The father did not see such a sad cemetery. "Here is the grave of an old caretaker," the boy told me, bothering his sand into his pile, into which the black cross was sworn with a copper way. - And the lady came here? - I asked. "Come," the Vanka answered, "I looked at her from afar." She lay here and lying long. And there the lady went to the village and called on the pop, gave him money and went, and I gave me a plot with silver - a glorious lady! And I gave the boy in Piglet and did not regret anything about the trip, nor about seven rubles, I was spent.